#' @name schema
#' @aliases schema
#' @title Schema diagram for group identifiers
#' @description Create schema diagrams for \code{\link[=number_line-class]{number_line}}, \code{\link[=epid-class]{epid}}, \code{\link[=pid-class]{pid}} and \code{\link[=pane-class]{pane}} objects.
#' @param x \code{[\link[=number_line-class]{number_line}|\link[=epid-class]{epid}|\link[=pid-class]{pid}|\link[=pane-class]{pane}]}
#' @param title \code{[character]}. Plot title.
#' @param show_skipped \code{[logical]}. Show/hide \code{"Skipped"} records.
#' @param show_non_finite \code{[logical]}. Show/hide records with non-finite \code{date} values.
#' @param show_labels \code{[logical|character]}. Show/hide certain parts of the schema. See \code{Details}.
#' @param theme \code{[character]}. Options are \code{"dark"} or \code{"light"}.
#' @param orientation \code{[character]}. Show each record of a \code{pid} object within its group id (\code{"by_pid"}) or its \code{pid_cri} (\code{"by_pid_cri"})
#' @param seed \code{[integer]}. See \code{set.seed}. Used to get a consistent arrangement of items in the plot.
#' @param custom_label \code{[character]}. Custom label for each record of the identifier.
#' @param ... Other arguments.
#' @return \code{ggplot} objects
#' @details
#' A visual aid to describe the data linkage (\code{\link{links}}), episode tracking (\code{\link{episodes}}) or partitioning process (\code{\link{partitions}}).
#' \bold{\code{show_labels} options (multi-select)}
#' \itemize{
#' \item schema.epid - \bold{TRUE}, \bold{FALSE}, "sn", "epid", "date", "case_nm", "wind_nm", "length", "length_arrow", "case_overlap_methods" or "recurrence_overlap_methods"
#' \item schema.pane - \bold{TRUE}, \bold{FALSE}, "sn", "pane", "date", "case_nm" or "window_label"
#' \item - \bold{TRUE}, \bold{FALSE}, "sn" or "pid"
#' }
#' @examples
#' schema(number_line(c(1, 2), c(2, 1)))
#' schema(episodes(1:10, 2))
#' schema(partitions(1:10, by = 2, separate = TRUE))
#' schema(links(list(c(1, 1, NA, NA), c(NA, 1, 1, NA))))
#' @export
schema <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("schema")
#' @rdname schema
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
schema.number_line <- function(x, show_labels = c("date", "case_overlap_methods"), ...){
if("case_overlap_methods" %in% show_labels){
x <- episodes(date = x,
case_length = index_window(x))
x <- episodes(date = x,
case_length = index_window(x),
strata = seq_len(length(x)))
f <- schema.epid(x, show_labels = c("date", "case_overlap_methods"), ...)
#' @rdname schema
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
schema.epid <- function(x, title = NULL, show_labels = c("length_arrow"),
show_skipped = TRUE, show_non_finite = FALSE,
theme = "dark", seed = NULL, custom_label = NULL, ...){
. <- NULL
# Validations
errs <- err_schema_epid_0(x = x,
date = x@options$date,
case_length = x@options$case_length,
recurrence_length = x@options$recurrence_length,
episode_unit = as.vector(decode(x@options$episode_unit)),
from_last = x@options$from_last,
title = title,
show_labels = show_labels,
show_skipped = show_skipped,
show_non_finite = show_non_finite,
theme = theme)
if(!isFALSE(errs)) stop(errs, call. = FALSE)
if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
# Standardise inputs
# `date`
int <- as.number_line(x@options$date)
is_dt <- ifelse(!any(class(int@start) %in% c("Date","POSIXct","POSIXt","POSIXlt")), F, T)
int <- number_line(
l = as.POSIXct(int@start),
r = as.POSIXct(right_point(int))
# `episode_unit`
episode_unit <- x@options$episode_unit
episode_unit[!is_dt] <- 1
# `case_length`
case_length <- x@options$case_length
case_length <- lapply(case_length, function(x){
if(length(x) == 1){
rep(x, length(int))
ep_l <- length_to_range(lengths = case_length,
date = int,
from_last = x@options$from_last,
episode_unit = as.vector(episode_unit))$range
any_rolling <- any(sapply(x@wind_nm, function(x) any(x == 1)))
recurrence_length <- x@options$recurrence_length
# `recurrence_length`
recurrence_length <- lapply(recurrence_length, function(x){
if(length(x) == 1){
rep(x, length(int))
rc_l <- length_to_range(lengths = recurrence_length,
date = int,
from_last = x@options$from_last,
episode_unit = as.vector(episode_unit))$range
rc_l <- NULL
# `epid` data
plt_df <-
plt_df$custom_label <- custom_label
plt_df$wind_id <- x@wind_id[[1]]
plt_df$wind_nm <- x@wind_nm[[1]]
# Show skipped records
lgk <- plt_df$case_nm != -1
int <- int[lgk]
plt_df <- plt_df[plt_df$case_nm != -1,]
ep_l <- lapply(ep_l, function(x) x[lgk])
rc_l <- lapply(rc_l, function(x) x[lgk])
plt_df$start <- left_point(int)
plt_df$end <- right_point(int)
plt_df$start_l <- left_point(as.number_line(x@options$date))
plt_df$end_l <- right_point(as.number_line(x@options$date))
plt_df$epid <- as.character(plt_df$epid)
# Data points without finite coordinates.
plt_df$finite <- !$start) & !$end)
windows_dy <- sort(plt_df$wind_id)
windows_dy <- rle(windows_dy)
plt_df$wind_total <- windows_dy$length[match(plt_df$wind_id, windows_dy$values)]
lgk <- which(plt_df$epid_total != 1)
dts_a <- lapply(split(as.numeric(plt_df$start[lgk]), plt_df$epid[lgk]), min)
dts_z <- lapply(split(as.numeric(plt_df$end[lgk]), plt_df$epid[lgk]), max)
plt_df$epid_dts_a <- as.numeric(plt_df$start)
plt_df$epid_dts_z <- as.numeric(plt_df$end)
plt_df$epid_dts_a[lgk] <- as.numeric(dts_a)[match(plt_df$epid[lgk], names(dts_a))]
plt_df$epid_dts_z[lgk] <- as.numeric(dts_z)[match(plt_df$epid[lgk], names(dts_z))]
plt_df$di_pid <- episodes(date = number_line(plt_df$epid_dts_a, plt_df$epid_dts_z),
case_length = index_window(number_line(plt_df$epid_dts_a, plt_df$epid_dts_z)),
display = "none")
bd_id <- split(plt_df$epid, as.numeric(plt_df$di_pid))
bd_id_sn <- split(plt_df$sn, as.numeric(plt_df$di_pid))
bd_id <- lapply(bd_id, function(x){
match(x, x[!duplicated(x)])
bd_id_sn <- unlist(bd_id_sn, use.names = FALSE)
bd_id <- unlist(bd_id, use.names = FALSE)
plt_df$bd_id <- bd_id[match(plt_df$sn, bd_id_sn)]
# Alternating boundaries for separate `windows`
unq_bd_id <- plt_df$bd_id[!duplicated(plt_df$bd_id)]
bds <- number_line_sequence(number_line(0, 2), length.out = length(unq_bd_id))
# Alternating boundaries (y-axis) for each window
wind_br_a <- bds@start + (bds@.Data/32)
wind_br_z <- right_point(bds) - (bds@.Data/32)
winds_sn <- split(plt_df$sn, plt_df$bd_id)
# Random `y` coordinates within each window's boundary (above)
cord_y <- lapply(seq_len(length(wind_br_a)), function(i){
if(length(winds_sn[[i]]) > 1){
sample(seq(wind_br_a[i], wind_br_z[i], length.out = length(winds_sn[[i]])),
winds_sn <- unlist(winds_sn, use.names = FALSE)
cord_y <- unlist(cord_y, use.names = FALSE)
plt_df$y <- cord_y[match(plt_df$sn, winds_sn)]
winds_cord_y <- split(plt_df$y, plt_df$bd_id)
# Midpoint of each window's boundaries (y-axis)
mid_y <- lapply(winds_cord_y, function(x){
rep(mean(x), length(x))
mid_y <- unlist(mid_y, use.names = FALSE)
plt_df$mid_y <- mid_y[match(plt_df$sn, winds_sn)]
# `dates`
plt_df$start <- as.numeric(plt_df$start)
plt_df$end <- as.numeric(plt_df$end)
# `episode_unit` used
plt_df$episode_unit <- episode_unit
# Information to show in the plot
show_labels <- c("sn", "epid", "date", "case_nm", "wind_nm", "length",
"length_arrow", "case_overlap_methods","recurrence_overlap_methods")
# Case length arrows
case_l_ar <- lapply(seq_len(length(x@wind_id)), function(i){
plt_df$wind_id <- plt_df[[paste0("wind_id",i)]]
plt_df$wind_nm <- as.vector(plt_df[[paste0("wind_nm",i)]])
l_ar(ep_l, plt_df, c("Case", "Case for Recurrence"), is_dt)
case_l_ar <- unlist(case_l_ar, recursive = FALSE)
case_l_ar <- case_l_ar[!duplicated(case_l_ar)]
if(any_rolling == T){
# Recurrence length arrows
rc_l_ar <- lapply(seq_len(length(x@wind_id)), function(i){
plt_df$wind_id <- plt_df[[paste0("wind_id",i)]]
plt_df$wind_nm <- as.vector(plt_df[[paste0("wind_nm",i)]])
l_ar(rc_l, plt_df, "Recurrence", is_dt)
rc_l_ar <- unlist(rc_l_ar, recursive = FALSE)
rc_l_ar <- rc_l_ar[!duplicated(rc_l_ar)]
case_l_ar <- c(case_l_ar, rc_l_ar)
case_l_ar <-"rbind", case_l_ar)
case_l_ar$mid_x <- (case_l_ar$start + case_l_ar$end)/2L
any_finite <- length(plt_df$start[plt_df$finite]) > 0
breaks <- seq(min(as.numeric(plt_df$start[plt_df$finite])), max(as.numeric(plt_df$start[plt_df$finite])), length.out = 10)
labels <- seq(min(plt_df$start[plt_df$finite]), max(plt_df$start[plt_df$finite]), length.out = 10)
if(is_dt == TRUE){
# Sensible labels for time points. Based on `episode_unit`
if(min(episode_unit[[1]]) >= 4){
labels <- as.Date(as.POSIXct(labels, "GMT", origin = as.POSIXct("1970-01-01", "GMT")))
plt_df$event_nm <- number_line(as.Date(as.POSIXct(plt_df$start, "GMT", origin = as.POSIXct("1970-01-01", "GMT"))),
as.Date(as.POSIXct(plt_df$end, "GMT", origin = as.POSIXct("1970-01-01", "GMT"))))
labels <- as.POSIXct(labels, "GMT", origin = as.POSIXct("1970-01-01", "GMT"))
plt_df$event_nm <- number_line(as.POSIXct(plt_df$start, "GMT", origin = as.POSIXct("1970-01-01", "GMT")),
as.POSIXct(plt_df$end, "GMT", origin = as.POSIXct("1970-01-01", "GMT")))
plt_df$event_nm <- number_line(plt_df$start,
breaks <- 0
labels <- "Unknown"
if(length(!duplicated(breaks)) == 1){
int <- 0
int <- (breaks[2]-breaks[1])
# Labels to plot
plt_df$event_type <- ""
plt_df$event_nm <- ""
# Show `epid_id` if requested
if("epid" %in% show_labels){
plt_df$event_type <- paste0("E.", plt_df$epid)
# Show `case_nm` if requested
if("case_nm" %in% show_labels){
plt_df$event_type <- paste0(plt_df$event_type, ifelse(plt_df$event_type == "", "", "\n"),
ifelse(plt_df$sn %in% case_l_ar$pt_sn & plt_df$case_nm != -1,
# Show `date` if requested
if("date" %in% show_labels){
plt_df$event_nm <- number_line(plt_df$start_l, plt_df$end_l)
plt_df$event_nm <- ifelse(left_point(plt_df$event_nm) == right_point(plt_df$event_nm),
# Show record `custom_label` if requested
plt_df$event_nm <- paste0(plt_df$custom_label, " ", plt_df$event_nm)
# Show record `sn` if requested
if("sn" %in% show_labels){
plt_df$event_nm <- paste0("SN ", plt_df$sn, "; ", plt_df$event_nm)
# Show non-finite dates if requested
# Add non-finite `dates` to plot.
plt_df$start[!plt_df$finite] <- sample(seq(max(breaks) + (int * 1),
max(breaks) + (int * 3),
length.out = length(plt_df$start[!plt_df$finite])),
plt_df$end[!plt_df$finite] <- plt_df$start[!plt_df$finite]
breaks2 <- seq(max(breaks), int, length.out = 3)
labels2 <- rep("", 3)
labels2[floor(mean(seq_len(length(labels2))))] <- "Unknown"
breaks2 <- breaks[0]
labels2 <- labels[0]
x <- x[plt_df$finite]
plt_df <- plt_df[plt_df$finite,]
# Mid point of `date` to show links
plt_df$mid_x <- (as.numeric(plt_df$start) + as.numeric( plt_df$end))/2
dev.orientation <- FALSE
# Link between records and their index
plt_df <- lapply(1:length(x@wind_id), function(i){
sw <- which(plt_df$wind_id != plt_df[[paste0("wind_id",i)]] &
plt_df$wind_id[sw] <- x@wind_id[[i]][sw]
link_sn <- plt_df[plt_df$sn %in% plt_df$wind_id, c("sn", "mid_x", "y")]
indx <- match(plt_df$wind_id, link_sn$sn)
plt_df$x_lead <- link_sn$mid_x[indx]
plt_df$y_lead <- link_sn$y[indx]
plt_df$sn_lead <- link_sn$sn[indx]
indx <- match(plt_df$wind_id, case_l_ar$pt_sn)
plt_df$x_lead <- case_l_ar$mid_x[indx]
plt_df$y_lead <- case_l_ar$y[indx]
plt_df$sn_lead <- case_l_ar$pt_sn[indx]
df_cols <- c("sn", "start", "end", "y", "epid", "y_lead", "x_lead", "mid_x","sn_lead", "finite")
if(!isFALSE(show_labels) | !is.null(custom_label)) {
df_cols <- c(df_cols, "event_nm", "event_type")
plt_df <- plt_df[df_cols]
plt_df$wind_nm <- plt_df[[paste0("wind_nm",i)]]
if(i > 1){
plt_df <- plt_df[sw,]
plt_df <-"rbind", plt_df)
if(nrow(case_l_ar) > 0){
case_l_ar$start <- as.numeric(case_l_ar$start)
case_l_ar$end <- as.numeric(case_l_ar$end)
pl_x_e <- max(plt_df$end, plt_df$start)
pl_x_s <- min(plt_df$start, plt_df$end)
lgk <- ((case_l_ar$end > pl_x_e & case_l_ar$end > case_l_ar$start))
case_l_ar$end[lgk] <- pl_x_e
lgk <- ((case_l_ar$end < pl_x_s & case_l_ar$end < case_l_ar$start))
case_l_ar$end[lgk] <- pl_x_s
lgk <- ((case_l_ar$start < pl_x_s & case_l_ar$end > case_l_ar$start))
case_l_ar$start[lgk] <- pl_x_s
lgk <- ((case_l_ar$start > pl_x_e & case_l_ar$end < case_l_ar$start))
case_l_ar$start[lgk] <- pl_x_e
case_l_ar$bck_dir <- abs(case_l_ar$nl_s) > abs(case_l_ar$nl_e)
rev_len <- reverse_number_line(number_line(case_l_ar$start[case_l_ar$bck_dir], case_l_ar$end[case_l_ar$bck_dir]), direction = "both")
case_l_ar$start[case_l_ar$bck_dir] <- rev_len@start
case_l_ar$end[case_l_ar$bck_dir] <- right_point(rev_len)
case_l_ar$lab_y[case_l_ar$no_ar] <- case_l_ar$y[case_l_ar$no_ar]
case_l_ar$nl_t <- case_l_ar$wind_nm_l
case_l_ar$nl_l <- paste0("\n",
format(number_line(case_l_ar$nl_s, case_l_ar$nl_e)),
" ", ifelse(is_dt, gsub("s$", "-", names(diyar::episode_unit)[case_l_ar$episode_unit]), "unit-"),
case_l_ar$no_ar <- logical()
case_l_ar$nl_t <- case_l_ar$nl_l <- character()
plot_pts <- nrow(plt_df)
min_x <- min(c(plt_df$start, plt_df$end, case_l_ar$start, case_l_ar$end))
if(theme == "dark"){
bg_col <- "black"
txt_col <- "white"
bg_col <- "white"
txt_col <- "black"
plt_df$overlap_method <- ""
if(nrow(case_l_ar) > 0 & ("case_overlap_methods" %in% show_labels | "recurrence_overlap_methods" %in% show_labels)){
rep_lgk <- match(plt_df$sn_lead, case_l_ar$pt_sn)
plt_df$lead_dt_a <- case_l_ar$start_rl[rep_lgk]
plt_df$lead_dt_z <- case_l_ar$end_rl[rep_lgk]
if("case_overlap_methods" %in% show_labels){
rep_lgk <- which(plt_df$sn != plt_df$sn_lead & plt_df$wind_nm == "Case")
if(length(rep_lgk) > 0){
plt_df$overlap_method[rep_lgk] <- overlap_method(number_line(plt_df$start[rep_lgk],
if("recurrence_overlap_methods" %in% show_labels){
rep_lgk <- which(plt_df$sn != plt_df$sn_lead & plt_df$wind_nm == "Recurrence")
if(length(rep_lgk) > 0){
plt_df$overlap_method[rep_lgk] <- overlap_method(number_line(plt_df$start[rep_lgk],
f <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = plt_df) +
ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$start, xend = .data$end, y = .data$y, yend = .data$y, colour = .data$epid), size = scale_size(c(.1,1), 500, plot_pts), alpha= .7) +
ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$start, y = .data$y, colour = .data$epid), size = scale_size(c(1,3), 500, plot_pts), alpha= .7) +
ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$end, y = .data$y, colour = .data$epid), size = scale_size(c(1,3), 500, plot_pts), alpha= .7) +
ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x_lead, y = .data$y_lead, colour = .data$epid, xend = .data$mid_x, yend = .data$y), alpha = .4)
if(!isFALSE(show_labels) | !is.null(custom_label)){
if(("case_overlap_methods" %in% show_labels | "recurrence_overlap_methods" %in% show_labels)){
f <- f + ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = (as.numeric(.data$x_lead) + as.numeric(.data$mid_x))/2, y = (as.numeric(.data$y) + as.numeric(.data$y_lead))/2, label = .data$overlap_method, colour = .data$epid), nudge_y = scale_size(c(.01, .02), 500, plot_pts), size = scale_size(c(2,4), 500, plot_pts), vjust = "bottom", alpha= .7)
if("length_arrow" %in% show_labels){
f <- f + ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$start, y = .data$y, xend = .data$end, yend = .data$y), linetype = "solid", color = txt_col, alpha= .9, data = case_l_ar[case_l_ar$wind_nm_l != "`Recurrence`-length" & case_l_ar$epid_total > 1 & case_l_ar$nl_s != case_l_ar$nl_e,], arrow = ggplot2::arrow(length = ggplot2::unit(scale_size(c(.5,.2), 500, plot_pts),"cm"), ends = "last", type = "open")) +
ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$start, y = .data$y, xend = .data$end, yend = .data$y), linetype = "dashed", color = txt_col, alpha= .9, data = case_l_ar[case_l_ar$wind_nm_l == "`Recurrence`-length" & case_l_ar$epid_total > 1 & case_l_ar$nl_s != case_l_ar$nl_e,], arrow = ggplot2::arrow(length = ggplot2::unit(scale_size(c(.5,.2), 500, plot_pts),"cm"), ends = "last", type = "open")) +
ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$pt_end, y = .data$y, xend = .data$start, yend = .data$y), linetype = "dotted", color = txt_col, alpha= .9, data = case_l_ar[case_l_ar$epid_total > 1 & case_l_ar$start != 0 & case_l_ar$end != 0,])
f <- f + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$mid_x, y = .data$y), color = "white", size = scale_size(c(1,2), 500, plot_pts), alpha= .7, data = case_l_ar[case_l_ar$epid_total > 1 & case_l_ar$nl_s != case_l_ar$nl_e,])
if("wind_nm" %in% show_labels){
case_l_ar$nl_l <- paste0(case_l_ar$nl_t, case_l_ar$nl_l)
if("length" %in% show_labels){
f <- f + ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = (as.numeric(.data$start) + as.numeric(.data$end))/2, y= .data$y, label = .data$nl_l), data = case_l_ar[case_l_ar$nl_nm == "len" & case_l_ar$epid_total > 1,], nudge_y = scale_size(c(.02, .06), 500, plot_pts), size = scale_size(c(2,4), 500, plot_pts), color = txt_col, alpha= .9, vjust = "bottom")
f <- f +
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = (as.numeric(.data$start) + as.numeric(.data$end))/2, y = .data$y, colour = .data$epid, label = .data$event_nm), nudge_y = scale_size(c(.01, .02), 500, plot_pts), size = scale_size(c(2,4), 500, plot_pts), vjust = "bottom", alpha= .7) +
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = (as.numeric(.data$start) + as.numeric(.data$end))/2, y = .data$y, colour = .data$epid, label = .data$event_type), nudge_y = -scale_size(c(0, .01), 500, plot_pts), size = scale_size(c(2,4), 500, plot_pts), vjust = "top", alpha= .7)
f <- f + ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = min_x, y= 2.15, label = title), colour = txt_col, size = 5)
t1 <- plt_df[!plt_df$finite,]
x1 <- min(t1$x); x2 <- max(t1$x)
f <- f +
ggplot2::geom_vline(ggplot2::aes(xintercept = x1), alpha = 1, color = txt_col, linetype = 3) +
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = (as.numeric(x1) + as.numeric(x2))/2, y = 1), color = txt_col, label = "Non-finite\nevents)", size = scale_size(c(2,5), 500, plot_pts), alpha= .9, hjust = "middle")
f <- f + ggplot2::theme(
legend.position = "none",
legend.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = bg_col),
legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(colour = txt_col),
plot.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = bg_col),
panel.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = bg_col),
panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.line = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.text = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.title = ggplot2::element_blank()
#' @rdname schema
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
schema.pane <- function(x, title = NULL, show_labels = c("window_label"),
theme = "dark", seed = NULL, custom_label = NULL, ...) {
. <- NULL
# Validations
errs <- err_schema_pane_0(x = x,
date = x@options$date,
title = title,
show_labels = show_labels,
theme = theme)
if(!isFALSE(errs)) stop(errs, call. = FALSE)
if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
# `Pane` data
panes <- x
plt_df <-
plt_df$custom_label <- custom_label
plt_df$start <- as.number_line(x@options$date)@start
plt_df$end <- right_point(as.number_line(x@options$date))
plt_df$epid <- as.character(panes@.Data)
plt_df$pane_id <- panes@.Data
plt_df$case_nm <- decode(panes@case_nm)
# Data points without finite coordinates.
plt_df$finite <- !$start) & !$end)
windows_dy <- sort(plt_df$pane_id)
windows_dy <- rle(windows_dy)
plt_df$wind_total <- windows_dy$length[match(plt_df$pane_id, windows_dy$values)]
# Colour code for each window
plt_df$pane_n <- as.character(plt_df$window_matched)
plt_df$pane_n <- "1"
# Same colour for non-matches
plt_df$pane_n[plt_df$window_matched == 0] <- -seq_len(length(plt_df$pane_n[plt_df$window_matched == 0]))
plt_df$pane_n <- as.character(plt_df$pane_n)
# `windows`
splits_windows <- x@window_list
splits_windows <- splits_windows[!duplicated(splits_windows)]
border <-, lapply(splits_windows, function(x){
x <-
x$pane_n <- as.character(seq_len(nrow(x)))
border$pane_n <- "1"
border$y2 <- 2.05
border$y1 <- 0.00
# Information to show in the plot
show_labels <- c("sn", "pane", "date", "case_nm", "window_label")
# If show `window_label` is requested
if("window_label" %in% show_labels){
border$win_l <- format(number_line(border$start, border$end))
border$win_l <- ""
# Identify points that will overlap on the plot
lgk <- which(plt_df$pane_total != 1)
dts_a <- lapply(split(as.numeric(plt_df$start[lgk]), plt_df$epid[lgk]), min)
dts_z <- lapply(split(as.numeric(plt_df$end[lgk]), plt_df$epid[lgk]), max)
plt_df$epid_dts_a <- as.numeric(plt_df$start)
plt_df$epid_dts_z <- as.numeric(plt_df$end)
plt_df$epid_dts_a[lgk] <- as.numeric(dts_a)[match(plt_df$epid[lgk], names(dts_a))]
plt_df$epid_dts_z[lgk] <- as.numeric(dts_z)[match(plt_df$epid[lgk], names(dts_z))]
plt_df$di_pid <- episodes(date = number_line(plt_df$epid_dts_a, plt_df$epid_dts_z),
strata = plt_df$pane_n,
case_length = index_window(number_line(plt_df$epid_dts_a, plt_df$epid_dts_z)),
display = "none")
bd_id <- split(plt_df$epid, as.numeric(plt_df$di_pid))
bd_id_sn <- split(plt_df$sn, as.numeric(plt_df$di_pid))
bd_id <- lapply(bd_id, function(x){
match(x, x[!duplicated(x)])
bd_id_sn <- unlist(bd_id_sn, use.names = FALSE)
bd_id <- unlist(bd_id, use.names = FALSE)
plt_df$bd_id <- bd_id[match(plt_df$sn, bd_id_sn)]
# Set alternating boundaries for separate `windows`
unq_bd_id <- plt_df$bd_id[!duplicated(plt_df$bd_id)]
bds <- number_line_sequence(number_line(0, 2), length.out = length(unq_bd_id))
wind_br_a <- bds@start + (bds@.Data/32)
wind_br_z <- right_point(bds) - (bds@.Data/32)
winds_sn <- split(plt_df$sn, plt_df$bd_id)
# Random `y` coordinates within each window's boundary (above)
cord_y <- lapply(seq_len(length(wind_br_a)), function(i){
if(length(winds_sn[[i]]) > 1){
sample(seq(wind_br_a[i], wind_br_z[i], length.out = length(winds_sn[[i]])),
winds_sn <- unlist(winds_sn, use.names = FALSE)
cord_y <- unlist(cord_y, use.names = FALSE)
plt_df$y <- cord_y[match(plt_df$sn, winds_sn)]
# Mid point of date` to show links
plt_df$mid_x <- (as.numeric(plt_df$start) + as.numeric(plt_df$end))/2
# Link between records and their index
link_sn <- plt_df[plt_df$sn %in% plt_df$pane_id, c("sn", "mid_x", "y")]
plt_df$x_lead <- link_sn$mid_x[match(plt_df$pane_id, link_sn$sn)]
plt_df$y_lead <- link_sn$y[match(plt_df$pane_id, link_sn$sn)]
plt_df$event_type <- ""
plt_df$event_nm <- ""
# Show `pane_id` if requested
if("pane" %in% show_labels){
plt_df$event_type <- paste0("PN.", plt_df$epid)
# Show `case_nm` if requested
if("case_nm" %in% show_labels){
plt_df$event_type <- paste0(plt_df$event_type, ifelse(plt_df$event_type == "", "", "\n"),
ifelse(plt_df$sn %in% plt_df$pane_id & plt_df$case_nm != -1,
# Show record `date` if requested
if("date" %in% show_labels){
plt_df$event_nm <- number_line(plt_df$start,
plt_df$event_nm <- ifelse(left_point(plt_df$event_nm) == right_point(plt_df$event_nm),
# Show record `custom_label` if requested
plt_df$event_nm <- paste0(plt_df$custom_label, " ",
# Show record `sn` if requested
if("sn" %in% show_labels){
plt_df$event_nm <- paste0("SN ", plt_df$sn, "; ",
# Can't plot `Inf'/`-Inf`, so close infinite `window`
r_lim <- c(border$end, plt_df$end)
r_lim <- r_lim[!is.infinite(r_lim)]
l_lim <- c(border$start, plt_df$start)
l_lim <- l_lim[!is.infinite(l_lim)]
border$end[is.infinite(border$end)] <- max(r_lim)
border$start[is.infinite(border$start)] <- min(l_lim)
# Can't plot records with missing `dates`
plt_df <- plt_df[plt_df$finite,]
plt_df$start <- as.numeric(plt_df$start)
plt_df$end <- as.numeric(plt_df$end)
plot_pts <- nrow(plt_df)
min_x <- min(c(plt_df$start, border$start))
if(theme == "dark"){
bg_col <- "black"
txt_col <- "white"
bg_col <- "white"
txt_col <- "black"
plt_df$epid <- match(plt_df$epid, plt_df$epid[!duplicated(plt_df$epid)])
plt_df$epid <- formatC(plt_df$epid, width = nchar(max(plt_df$epid)), flag = 0, format = "fg")
q <- border$pane_n[!duplicated(border$pane_n)]
border$pane_n <- match(border$pane_n, sample(q, length(q)))
border$pane_n <- formatC(border$pane_n, width = nchar(max(border$pane_n)), flag = 0, format = "fg")
border$start <- as.numeric(border$start)
border$end <- as.numeric(border$end)
f <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = plt_df) +
ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$start, xend = .data$end, y = .data$y, yend = .data$y, colour = .data$epid), size = scale_size(c(.1,1), 500, plot_pts), alpha = .7) +
ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$start, y = .data$y, color = .data$epid), size = scale_size(c(1,3), 500, plot_pts), alpha = .7) +
ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$end, y = .data$y, color = .data$epid), size = scale_size(c(1,3), 500, plot_pts), alpha = .7) +
ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$mid_x, y= .data$y, colour = .data$epid, xend = .data$x_lead, yend = .data$y_lead), alpha = .4) +
ggplot2::geom_rect(ggplot2::aes(xmin = .data$start, xmax = .data$end, ymin = .data$y1, ymax = .data$y2, fill = .data$pane_n), data = border, alpha = .2) +
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = (as.numeric(.data$start) + as.numeric(.data$end))/2, y= .data$y2, label = .data$win_l), color = txt_col, data = border, nudge_y = .05, size = 5)
if(!isFALSE(show_labels) | !is.null(custom_label)){
f <- f +
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = (as.numeric(.data$start) + as.numeric(.data$end))/2, y= .data$y, colour = .data$epid, label = .data$event_nm), nudge_y = scale_size(c(.01, .02), 500, plot_pts), size = scale_size(c(2,4), 500, plot_pts), vjust = "bottom", alpha = .7) +
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = (as.numeric(.data$start) + as.numeric(.data$end))/2, y= .data$y, colour = .data$epid, label = .data$event_type), nudge_y = -scale_size(c(0, .01), 500, plot_pts), size = scale_size(c(2,4), 500, plot_pts), vjust = "top", alpha = .7)
f <- f + ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = min_x, y = 2.2, label = title), colour = txt_col, size = 5)
f <- f +
legend.position = "none",
plot.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = bg_col),
panel.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = bg_col),
panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.line = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.text = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_blank()
#' @rdname schema
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export <- function(x, title = NULL, show_labels = TRUE,
theme = "dark", orientation = "by_pid",
seed = NULL, custom_label = NULL, ...){
. <- NULL
# Validations
errs <- err_schema_pid_0(x = x,
title = title,
show_labels = show_labels,
theme = theme,
orientation = orientation)
if(!isFALSE(errs)) stop(errs, call. = FALSE)
if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
# `Data to plot`pid` data
pl_dt <-
pl_dt$link_id <- x@link_id[[1]]
pl_dt$custom_label <- custom_label
if(orientation == "by_pid_cri"){
pl_dt$link_col <- paste0("P. ", pl_dt$pid)
pl_dt$pid_box_cri <- ifelse(pl_dt$pid_cri == 0, "No Hits", ifelse(pl_dt$pid_cri == -1, "Skipped", paste0("CRI ", pl_dt$pid_cri)))
}else if(orientation == "by_pid"){
pl_dt$pid_box_cri <- ifelse(pl_dt$pid_cri == 0, "No Hits", ifelse(pl_dt$pid_cri == -1, "Skipped", paste0("P. ", pl_dt$pid)))
pl_dt$link_col <- ifelse(pl_dt$pid_cri %in% -1:0, "", paste0("CRI ", pl_dt$pid_cri))
}else if(orientation == "by_iteration"){
pl_dt$link_col <- paste0("P. ", pl_dt$pid)
pl_dt$pid_box_cri <- pl_dt$iteration
cris <- pl_dt$pid_box_cri
cris <- cris[!duplicated(cris)]
cris <- length(cris)
# N-cycle of pid_cri boxes
order <- ceiling(cris / 8)
# pid_cri boxes
boxes_w <- 10
border <- lapply(seq_len(order), function(x) box_ring(order = x, boxes_w = boxes_w))
border <-, c(list(box(boxes_w)), border))
border <- head(border, cris)
mx <- boxes_w * order
border$pid_box <- seq_len(nrow(border))
pl_dt$pid_box <- match(pl_dt$pid_box_cri, pl_dt$pid_box_cri[!duplicated(pl_dt$pid_box_cri)] )
# Boundaries for pid_cri boxes
pl_dt$x1 <- border$x1[match(pl_dt$pid_box, border$pid_box)]
pl_dt$x2 <- border$x2[match(pl_dt$pid_box, border$pid_box)]
pl_dt$y1 <- border$y1[match(pl_dt$pid_box, border$pid_box)]
pl_dt$y2 <- border$y2[match(pl_dt$pid_box, border$pid_box)]
# Random x & y coordinates
cords <- function(cord, dt = pl_dt, bw = boxes_w){
pts <- split(reverse_number_line(number_line(dt[[paste0(cord,"1")]], dt[[paste0(cord,"2")]]), direction = "decreasing"), dt$pid_box)
pts <- unlist(lapply(pts, function(x){
y <- unique(x)
wd <- y@.Data
y <- seq(left_point(y), right_point(y), length.out = length(x))
y[1] <- y[1] + (wd * .1)
if(length(y) > 1){
y[length(y)] <- y[length(y)] + (wd * -.1)
y <- sample(y, length(y))
}), use.names = F)
sn <- unlist(split(seq_len(nrow(dt)), dt$pid_box), use.names = F)
pts <- pts[order(sn)]
pl_dt$x <- cords("x")
pl_dt$y <- cords("y")
refs.n <- length(x@link_id)
pl_dt <- lapply(seq_len(refs.n), function(i){
if(i > 1){
pl_dt <- pl_dt[![[paste0("link_id",i)]]),]
pl_dt <- pl_dt[pl_dt[[paste0("link_id",i)]] != pl_dt$sn,]
if(nrow(pl_dt) > 0){
pl_dt$link_id <- pl_dt[[paste0("link_id",i)]]
pl_dt <-"rbind", pl_dt)
# Link between records and their index
link_sn <- pl_dt[pl_dt$sn %in% pl_dt$link_id, c("sn", "x", "y")]
pl_dt$x_lead <- link_sn$x[match(pl_dt$link_id, link_sn$sn)]
pl_dt$y_lead <- link_sn$y[match(pl_dt$link_id, link_sn$sn)]
pl_dt$pid <- as.character(pl_dt$pid)
show_labels <- c("sn", "pid")
# Labels to plot
pl_dt$event_nm <- ""
pl_dt$pid_l <- ""
# Show record `custom_label` if requested
pl_dt$event_nm <- paste0(pl_dt$custom_label, " ", pl_dt$event_nm)
# Show record `sn` is requested
if("sn" %in% show_labels){
pl_dt$event_nm <- paste0("SN ", pl_dt$sn, "; ", pl_dt$event_nm)
# Show record `pid` is requested
if("pid" %in% show_labels){
pl_dt$pid_l <- pl_dt$link_col
border$pid_box_cri <- pl_dt$pid_box_cri[match(border$pid_box, pl_dt$pid_box)]
tx_l <- min(pl_dt$x1)
tx_h <- max(pl_dt$y2)
boxes_n <- nrow(border)
if(theme == "dark"){
bg_col <- "black"
txt_col <- "white"
bg_col <- "white"
txt_col <- "black"
f <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = pl_dt) +
ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y, colour = .data$link_col), size = scale_size(c(1,3), 125, boxes_n), alpha = .7 + ifelse(theme != "dark", .1, 0)) +
ggplot2::geom_segment(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y, colour = .data$link_col, xend = .data$x_lead, yend = .data$y_lead), alpha = .4 + ifelse(theme != "dark", .1, 0)) +
ggplot2::geom_rect(ggplot2::aes(xmin = .data$x1, xmax = .data$x2, ymin = .data$y1, ymax = .data$y2, fill = .data$pid_box_cri), data = border, alpha = .1 + ifelse(theme != "dark", .1, 0)) +
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = (.data$x1 + .data$x2)/2, y = (.data$y1 + .data$y2)/2, label = .data$pid_box_cri), size = scale_size(c(9, 30), 125, boxes_n), color = txt_col, alpha = scale_size(c(.1, .2), 125, boxes_n, decreasing = FALSE), data = border)
if(!isFALSE(show_labels) | !is.null(custom_label)){
f <- f +
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y, colour = .data$link_col, label = .data$event_nm), nudge_y = scale_size(c(.12, .3), 125, boxes_n, decreasing = FALSE), vjust = "bottom", size = scale_size(c(2,4), 125, boxes_n), alpha = .7) +
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y, colour = .data$link_col, label = .data$pid_l), nudge_y = -scale_size(c(.12, .3), 125, boxes_n, decreasing = FALSE), vjust = "top", size = scale_size(c(2,4), 125, boxes_n), alpha = .7)
txt_y <- max(c(border$y1, border$y2)) + 2
txt_x <- min(c(border$x1, border$x2))
f <- f + ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(x = txt_x, y = txt_y), colour = txt_col, label = title, size = 5)
f <- f +
legend.position = "none",
plot.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = bg_col),
panel.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = bg_col),
panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.line = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.text = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.title = ggplot2::element_blank()
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