
### R code from vignette source 'dlnmExtended.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: dlnmExtended.Rnw:53-55
options(continue="  ")

### code chunk number 2: datadrug
head(drug, 3)

### code chunk number 3: datanested
head(nested, 4)

### code chunk number 4: Qdrug
Qdrug <- as.matrix(drug[,rep(7:4, each=7)])
colnames(Qdrug) <- paste("lag", 0:27, sep="")

### code chunk number 5: Qnest
Qnest <- t(apply(nested, 1, function(sub) exphist(rep(c(0,0,0,sub[5:14]), 
  each=5), sub["age"], lag=c(3,40))))
colnames(Qnest) <- paste("lag", 3:40, sep="")

### code chunk number 6: cbdrug
cbdrug <- crossbasis(Qdrug, lag=27, argvar=list("lin"),

### code chunk number 7: summarydrug

### code chunk number 8: pdrug
mdrug <- lm(out~cbdrug+sex, drug)
pdrug <- crosspred(cbdrug, mdrug, at=0:20*5)

### code chunk number 9: pdrugest1

### code chunk number 10: pdrugest2

### code chunk number 11: plotdrugnoeval (eval = FALSE)
## plot(pdrug, zlab="Effect", xlab="Dose", ylab="Lag (days)")
## plot(pdrug, var=60, ylab="Effect at dose 60", xlab="Lag (days)", ylim=c(-1,5))
## plot(pdrug, lag=10, ylab="Effect at lag 10", xlab="Dose", ylim=c(-1,5))

### code chunk number 12: plotdrug3d
plot(pdrug, zlab="Effect", xlab="Dose", ylab="Lag (days)")

### code chunk number 13: plotdruglag
plot(pdrug, var=60, ylab="Effect at dose 60", xlab="Lag (days)", ylim=c(-1,5))

### code chunk number 14: plotdrugvar
plot(pdrug, lag=10, ylab="Effect at lag 10", xlab="Dose",ylim=c(-1,5))

### code chunk number 15: cbnested
cbnest <- crossbasis(Qnest, lag=c(3,40), argvar=list("bs",degree=2,df=3),

### code chunk number 16: pnest
mnest <- clogit(case~cbnest+strata(riskset), nested)
pnest <- crosspred(cbnest, mnest, cen=0, at=0:20*5)

### code chunk number 17: plotnestnoeval (eval = FALSE)
## plot(pnest, zlab="OR", xlab="Exposure", ylab="Lag (years)")
## plot(pnest, var=50, ylab="OR for exposure 50", xlab="Lag (years)", xlim=c(0,40))
## plot(pnest, lag=5, ylab="OR at lag 5", xlab="Exposure", ylim=c(0.95,1.15))

### code chunk number 18: plotnest3d
plot(pnest, zlab="OR", xlab="Exposure", ylab="Lag (years)")

### code chunk number 19: plotnestlag
plot(pnest, var=50, ylab="OR for exposure 50", xlab="Lag (years)", xlim=c(0,40))

### code chunk number 20: plotnestvar
plot(pnest, lag=5, ylab="OR at lag 5", xlab="Exposure", ylim=c(0.95,1.15))

### code chunk number 21: hist
expnested <- rep(c(10,0,13), c(5,5,10))
hist <- exphist(expnested, time=length(expnested), lag=c(3,40))

### code chunk number 22: predhist
pnesthist <- crosspred(cbnest, mnest, cen=0, at=hist)
with(pnesthist, c(allRRfit,allRRlow,allRRhigh))

### code chunk number 23: exp
expdrug <- rep(c(10,50,0,20),c(2,1,1,2)*7)

### code chunk number 24: fexphist2
dynhist <- exphist(expdrug, lag=27)

### code chunk number 25: pdynnest
pdyndrug <- crosspred(cbdrug, mdrug, at=dynhist)

### code chunk number 26: plotdynnest
plot(pdyndrug,"overall", ylab="Effect", xlab="Time (days)", ylim=c(-10,27), 
  xlim=c(1,50), yaxt="n")
axis(2, at=-1:5*5)
plot(expdrug, type="h", xlim=c(1,50), ylim=c(0,300), axes=F, ann=F)
axis(4, at=0:6*10, cex.axis=0.8)
mtext("Dose", 4, line=-1.5, at=30, cex=0.8)

### code chunk number 27: mylog
mylog <- function(x) log(x+1)

### code chunk number 28: cbnest2
cbnest2 <- crossbasis(Qnest, lag=c(3,40), argvar=list("mylog"),

### code chunk number 29: pnest2
mnest2 <- clogit(case~cbnest2+strata(riskset), nested)
pnest2 <- crosspred(cbnest2, mnest2, cen=0, at=0:20*5)
plot(pnest2, zlab="OR", xlab="Exposure", ylab="Lag (years)")
plot(pnest2, var=50, ylab="OR for exposure 50", xlab="Lag (years)", xlim=c(0,40))
lines(pnest, var=50, lty=2)
plot(pnest2, lag=5, ylab="OR at lag 5", xlab="Exposure", ylim=c(0.95,1.15))
lines(pnest, lag=5, lty=2)

### code chunk number 30: plotnest3d2
plot(pnest2, zlab="OR", xlab="Exposure", ylab="Lag (years)")

### code chunk number 31: plotnestlag2
plot(pnest2, var=50, ylab="OR for exposure 50", xlab="Lag (years)", xlim=c(0,40))
lines(pnest, var=50, lty=2)

### code chunk number 32: plotnestvar2
plot(pnest2, lag=5, ylab="OR at lag 5", xlab="Exposure", ylim=c(0.95,1.15))
lines(pnest, lag=5, lty=2)

### code chunk number 33: fdecay
fdecay <- function(x,scale=5) {
  basis <- exp(-x/scale)
  attributes(basis)$scale <- scale

### code chunk number 34: cbdrug2
cbdrug2 <- crossbasis(Qdrug, lag=27, argvar=list("lin"),

### code chunk number 35: pdrug2
mdrug2 <- lm(out~cbdrug2+sex, drug)
pdrug2 <- crosspred(cbdrug2, mdrug2, at=0:20*5)
plot(pdrug2, zlab="Effect", xlab="Dose", ylab="Lag (days)")
plot(pdrug2, var=60, ylab="Effect at dose 60", xlab="Lag (days)", ylim=c(-1,5))
lines(pdrug, var=60, lty=2)
plot(pdrug2, lag=10, ylab="Effect at lag 10", xlab="Dose", ylim=c(-1,5))
lines(pdrug, lag=10, lty=2)

### code chunk number 36: plotdrug3d2
plot(pdrug2, zlab="Effect", xlab="Dose", ylab="Lag (days)")

### code chunk number 37: plotdruglag2
plot(pdrug2, var=60, ylab="Effect at dose 60", xlab="Lag (days)", ylim=c(-1,5))
lines(pdrug, var=60, lty=2)

### code chunk number 38: plotdrugvar2
plot(pdrug2, lag=10, ylab="Effect at lag 10", xlab="Dose",ylim=c(-1,5))
lines(pdrug, lag=10, lty=2)

### code chunk number 39: onewomen
oneheight <- onebasis(women$height, "ns", df=5)
mwomen <- lm(weight ~ oneheight, data=women)

### code chunk number 40: plotwomen
pwomen <- crosspred(oneheight, mwomen, cen=65, at=58:72)
with(pwomen, cbind(allfit, alllow, allhigh)["70",])
plot(pwomen, ci="l", ylab="Weight (lb) difference", xlab="Height (in)", col=4)

### code chunk number 41: gamsim
dat <- gamSim(1,n=200,dist="poisson",scale=.1)
b2 <- gam(y ~ s(x0,bs="cr") + s(x1,bs="cr") + s(x2,bs="cr") + s(x3,bs="cr"),
  family=poisson, data=dat, method="REML")
plot(b2, select=3)

### code chunk number 42: plotgam
plot(b2, select=3)

### code chunk number 43: plotgam2
pgam <- crosspred("x2", b2, cen=0, at=0:100/100)
with(pgam, cbind(allRRfit, allRRlow, allRRhigh)["0.7",])
plot(pgam, ylim=c(0,3), ylab="RR", xlab="x2", col=2)

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dlnm documentation built on Oct. 7, 2021, 5:09 p.m.