
Defines functions corr.rwl.seg

Documented in corr.rwl.seg

corr.rwl.seg <- function(rwl, seg.length = 50, bin.floor = 100, n = NULL,
                         prewhiten = TRUE, pcrit=0.05, biweight = TRUE,
                         method = c("spearman", "pearson", "kendall"),
                         make.plot = TRUE, label.cex=1,
                         floor.plus1 = FALSE, master = NULL,
                         master.yrs = as.numeric(if (is.null(dim(master))) {
                         } else {
                         ...) {
  method2 <- match.arg(method)
  ## run error checks
  qa.xdate(rwl, seg.length, n, bin.floor)
  ## turn off warnings for this function
  ## The sig test for spearman's rho often produces warnings.
  w <- options(warn = -1)
  nseries <- length(rwl)
  if (is.null(master) && nseries < 2) {
    stop("At least 2 series are needed in 'rwl'")
  } else if (nseries < 1) {
    stop("At least 1 series is needed in 'rwl'")
  cnames <- names(rwl)
  yrs <- as.numeric(row.names(rwl))
  min.yr <- min(yrs)
  max.yr <- max(yrs)
  rwl2 <- rwl
  ## Ensure that rwl has consecutive years in increasing order
  if (!all(diff(yrs) == 1)) {
    yrs <- min.yr : max.yr
    rwl2 <- matrix(NA_real_,
                   nrow = max.yr - min.yr + 1,
                   ncol = nseries,
                   dimnames = list(as.character(yrs), cnames))
    rwl2[row.names(rwl), ] <- as.matrix(rwl)
    rwl2 <- as.data.frame(rwl2)
  ## Pad rwl and master (if present) to same number of years
  if (!is.null(master)) {
    master.dim <- dim(master)
    min.master.yr <- min(master.yrs)
    max.master.yr <- max(master.yrs)
    if (!is.null(master.dim) && length(master.dim) == 2 &&
        master.dim[2] > 1) {
      ## A. master is a data.frame or a matrix.  Normalize and
      ## compute master chronology as a mean of series
      ## (columns).
      ## Ensure that master has consecutive years in increasing order
      if (!all(diff(master.yrs) == 1)) {
        char.yrs <- as.character(min.master.yr : max.master.yr)
        master.inc <- matrix(NA_real_,
                             nrow = max.master.yr - min.master.yr + 1,
                             ncol = master.dim[2],
                             dimnames = list(char.yrs,
        master.inc[rownames(master), ] <- as.matrix(master)
      } else {
        master.inc <- master
      ## normalize all series (columns in master matrix)
      tmp <- normalize1(master.inc, n, prewhiten)
      master.norm <- tmp$rwi.mat[, tmp$idx.good, drop=FALSE]
      ## compute master series by normal mean or robust mean
      if (!biweight) {
        master2 <- apply(master.norm, 1, exactmean)
      } else {
        master2 <- apply(master.norm, 1, tbrm, C=9)
    } else {
      ## B. master is a vector
      master2 <- rep(NA_real_, max.master.yr - min.master.yr + 1)
      names(master2) <- as.character(min.master.yr : max.master.yr)
      master2[as.character(master.yrs)] <- master
    if (min.master.yr < min.yr) {
      n.pad <- min.yr - min.master.yr
      padding <- matrix(NA_real_, n.pad, nseries)
      colnames(padding) <- cnames
      rownames(padding) <- min.master.yr : (min.yr - 1)
      rwl2 <- rbind(padding, rwl2)
      min.yr <- min.master.yr
    } else if (min.master.yr > min.yr) {
      n.pad <- min.master.yr - min.yr
      padding <- rep(NA_real_, n.pad)
      names(padding) <- min.yr : (min.master.yr - 1)
      master2 <- c(padding, master2)
    if (max.master.yr < max.yr) {
      n.pad <- max.yr - max.master.yr
      padding <- rep(NA_real_, n.pad)
      names(padding) <- (max.master.yr + 1) : max.yr
      master2 <- c(master2, padding)
    } else if (max.master.yr > max.yr) {
      n.pad <- max.master.yr - max.yr
      padding <- matrix(NA_real_, n.pad, nseries)
      colnames(padding) <- cnames
      rownames(padding) <- (max.yr + 1) : max.master.yr
      rwl2 <- rbind(rwl2, padding)
      max.yr <- max.master.yr
    yrs <- min.yr : max.yr
  seg.lag <- seg.length / 2
  nyrs <- length(yrs)
  if (is.null(bin.floor) || bin.floor == 0) {
    min.bin <- min.yr
  } else if (floor.plus1) {
    min.bin <- ceiling((min.yr - 1) / bin.floor) * bin.floor + 1
  } else {
    min.bin <- ceiling(min.yr / bin.floor) * bin.floor
  max.bin <- max.yr - seg.length + 1
  if (max.bin < min.bin) {
    stop("shorten 'seg.length' or adjust 'bin.floor'")
  bins <- seq(from=min.bin, to=max.bin, by=seg.lag)
  bins <- cbind(bins, bins + (seg.length - 1), deparse.level=0)
  nbins <- nrow(bins)
  bin.names <- paste0(bins[, 1], ".", bins[, 2])
  ## structures for results
  res.cor <- matrix(NA, nseries, nbins)
  rownames(res.cor) <- cnames
  colnames(res.cor) <- bin.names
  res.pval <- matrix(NA, nseries, nbins)
  rownames(res.pval) <- cnames
  colnames(res.pval) <- bin.names
  overall.cor <- matrix(NA, nseries, 2)
  rownames(overall.cor) <- cnames
  colnames(overall.cor) <- c("rho", "p-val")
  ## normalize all series
  norm.one <- normalize1(rwl2, n, prewhiten)
  ## rwi for segments altered by normalizing
  rwi <- norm.one$rwi.mat # is a matrix
  idx.good <- norm.one$idx.good
  ## loop through series
  seq.series <- seq_len(nseries)
  for (i in seq.series) {
    if (is.null(master)) {
      idx.noti <- rep(TRUE, nseries)
      idx.noti[i] <- FALSE
      master.norm <- rwi[, idx.good & idx.noti, drop=FALSE]
      ## compute master series by normal mean or robust mean
      if (!biweight) {
        master2 <- apply(master.norm, 1, exactmean)
      } else {
        master2 <- apply(master.norm, 1, tbrm, C=9)
    series <- rwi[, i]
    ## loop through bins
    for (j in seq_len(nbins)) {
      mask <- yrs %in% seq(from=bins[j, 1], to=bins[j, 2])
      ## cor is NA if there is not complete overlap
      if (!any(mask) ||
          any(is.na(series[mask])) ||
          any(is.na(master2[mask]))) {
        bin.cor <- NA
        bin.pval <- NA
      } else {
        tmp <- cor.test(series[mask], master2[mask],
                        method = method2, alternative = "greater")
        bin.cor <- tmp$estimate
        bin.pval <- tmp$p.val
      res.cor[i, j] <- bin.cor
      res.pval[i, j] <- bin.pval
    ## overall correlation
    tmp <- cor.test(series, master2,
                    method = method2, alternative = "greater")
    overall.cor[i, 1] <- tmp$estimate
    overall.cor[i, 2] <- tmp$p.val
  ## avg seg correlation
  segavg.cor <- colMeans(res.cor, na.rm=TRUE)
  ## make a list of problem segments
  seg.flags <- rep(NA, nseries)
  names(seg.flags) <- cnames
  flag.logical <- res.pval >= pcrit
  flag.logical[is.na(flag.logical)] <- FALSE
  for (i in seq_along(seg.flags)) {
    seg.flags[i] <- paste(bin.names[flag.logical[i, ]], collapse = ", ")
  seg.flags <- seg.flags[seg.flags != ""]
  res <- list(spearman.rho = res.cor, p.val = res.pval, overall = overall.cor,
              avg.seg.rho = segavg.cor, flags = seg.flags, bins = bins, 
              rwi = rwi, seg.lag = seg.lag, seg.length = seg.length, 
              pcrit = pcrit, label.cex = label.cex)
  class(res) <- c("list","crs")
  ## plot
  if (make.plot) {

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