
"ursa" <- function(
fixed = rep(NA, 7), names = c("b1", "b2", "c", "d", "e1", "e1", "f"), ssfct = NULL)
    ## Checking arguments
    numParm <- 7
    if (!is.character(names) | !(length(names) == numParm)) {stop("Not correct 'names' argument")}
    if (!(length(fixed) == numParm)) {stop("Not correct 'fixed' argument")}    

    notFixed <- is.na(fixed)
    parmVec <- rep(0, numParm)
    parmVec[!notFixed] <- fixed[!notFixed]
    parmVec1 <- parmVec
    parmVec2 <- parmVec
    bisec <- function(fu, fuLow, fuHigh)
	      for(k in 1:25) 
	          fuMiddle <- 0.5 * (fuLow + fuHigh)
		        if (fu(fuMiddle) > 0) 
			          fuHigh <- fuMiddle
      		  } else {
			          fuLow <- fuMiddle
        list(root = fuMiddle)
    ## Defining the nonlinear model function
    fct <- function(dose, parm) 
        parmMat <- matrix(parmVec, nrow(parm), numParm, byrow = TRUE)
        parmMat[, notFixed] <- parm

        parmMat[, 5] <- parmMat[, 5] / dose[, 1]
        parmMat[, 6] <- parmMat[, 6] / dose[, 2]

        applyImplicitFct <- function(parmVec)
#            print(parmVec)
            if ((!is.finite(parmVec[5])) && (!is.finite(parmVec[6])))
            } else {

                implicitFct <- function(e)
                    scaledEffect <- (e - parmVec[3]) / (parmVec[4] - e)
                    recSlope1 <- 1 / parmVec[1]
                    recSlope2 <- 1 / parmVec[2] 
                    1/(parmVec[5] * (scaledEffect^recSlope1)) + 1/(parmVec[6] * (scaledEffect^recSlope2)) + 
                    parmVec[7]/(parmVec[5] * parmVec[6] * (scaledEffect^(recSlope1/2 + recSlope2/2))) - 1
#                print(c(implicitFct(parmVec[3]*1.01), implicitFct(parmVec[4]*0.99), parmVec[4]*0.99))
#                reducFactor0 <- max(c((1/parmVec[5])^parmVec[1] + 1, (1/parmVec[6])^parmVec[2] + 1))
#                reducFactor <- max(c(0.99, reducFactor0 / (1 + reducFactor0)))
#                print(c((1/parmVec[5])^parmVec[1], (1/parmVec[6])^parmVec[2], reducFactor0, reducFactor))
#                bisection <- try(uniroot(implicitFct, c(parmVec[3] * (2 - reducFactor), parmVec[4] * reducFactor)), silent = FALSE)                        
#                bisection <- try(uniroot(implicitFct, c(parmVec[3]*1.01, parmVec[4]*0.99)), silent = FALSE)
                bisection <- try(bisec(implicitFct, parmVec[3], parmVec[4]), silent = TRUE)
                if (inherits(bisection, "try-error")) 
                } else {

#        print(apply(parmMat, 1, applyImplicitFct))                  
        apply(parmMat, 1, applyImplicitFct)

    if (!is.null(ssfct))
        ssfct <- ssfct
    } else {
        ssfct <- function(dframe)
#            initval <- c((llogistic()$ssfct(dframe))[c(1, 1:4, 4)], 0.5) * c(-1, -1, rep(1, 5))
            startLL.d1 <- as.vector(coef(drm(dframe[, c(3,1)], fct = LL.4())))
            startLL.d2 <- as.vector(coef(drm(dframe[, c(3,2)], fct = LL.4())))

            if (startLL.d1[1] < 0)  # condition in terms of standard "drc" parameter "b"
                initVal <- c(startLL.d1, startLL.d2, 0)[c(1, 5, 3, 2, 4, 8, 9)]          
            } else {
                initVal <- c(startLL.d1, startLL.d2, 0)[c(1, 5, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9)] * c(-1, -1, rep(1, 5))           
    ## Defining names
    names <- names[notFixed]

    ## Defining derivatives
    deriv1 <- NULL
    deriv2 <- NULL

    ## Defining the ED function
    edfct <- NULL

    ## Defining the SI function
    sifct <- NULL

    ## Scale function
#    scaleFct <- function(doseScaling, respScaling)
#    {        
#        c(1, 1, respScaling, respScaling, doseScaling, doseScaling, 1)[notFixed]
#    }

    returnList <- 
    list(fct = fct, ssfct = ssfct, names = names, deriv1 = deriv1, deriv2 = deriv2, 
    edfct = edfct, sifct = sifct,  # scaleFct = scaleFct,
    name = "ursa",
    text = "URSA", 
    noParm = sum(is.na(fixed)))
    class(returnList) <- "ursa"

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drc documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:43 p.m.