Defines functions sbd_proxy SBD

Documented in SBD

#' Shape-based distance
#' Distance based on coefficient-normalized cross-correlation as proposed by Paparrizos and Gravano
#' (2015) for the k-Shape clustering algorithm.
#' @export
#' @param x,y Univariate time series.
#' @param znorm Logical. Should each series be z-normalized before calculating the distance?
#' @param error.check `r roxygen_error_check_param()`
#' @param return.shifted Logical. Should the shifted version of `y` be returned? See details.
#' @details
#' This distance works best if the series are *z-normalized*. If not, at least they should have
#' appropriate amplitudes, since the values of the signals **do** affect the outcome.
#' If `x` and `y` do **not** have the same length, it would be best if the longer sequence is
#' provided in `y`, because it will be shifted to match `x`. After matching, the series may have to
#' be truncated or extended and padded with zeros if needed.
#' The output values lie between 0 and 2, with 0 indicating perfect similarity.
#' @return For `return.shifted = FALSE`, the numeric distance value, otherwise a list with:
#' - `dist`: The shape-based distance between `x` and `y`.
#' - `yshift`: A shifted version of `y` so that it optimally matches `x` (based on [NCCc()]).
#' @section `r roxygen_proxy_section()`
#' `r roxygen_proxy_symmetric()`
#'   In some situations, e.g. for relatively small distance matrices, the overhead introduced by the
#'   logic that computes only half the distance matrix can be bigger than just calculating the whole
#'   matrix.
#' @note
#' If you wish to calculate the distance between several time series, it would be better to use the
#' version registered with the `proxy` package, since it includes some small optimizations. See the
#' examples.
#' This distance is calculated with help of the Fast Fourier Transform, so it can be sensitive to
#' numerical precision. Thus, this function (and the functions that depend on it) might return
#' different values in 32 bit installations compared to 64 bit ones.
#' @references
#' Paparrizos J and Gravano L (2015). ``k-Shape: Efficient and Accurate Clustering of Time Series.''
#' In *Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data*, series
#' SIGMOD '15, pp. 1855-1870. ISBN 978-1-4503-2758-9, \doi{10.1145/2723372.2737793}.
#' @seealso
#' [NCCc()], [shape_extraction()]
#' @examples
#' # load data
#' data(uciCT)
#' # distance between series of different lengths
#' sbd <- SBD(CharTraj[[1]], CharTraj[[100]], znorm = TRUE)$dist
#' # cross-distance matrix for series subset (notice the two-list input)
#' sbD <- proxy::dist(CharTraj[1:10], CharTraj[1:10], method = "SBD", znorm = TRUE)
SBD <- function(x, y, znorm = FALSE, error.check = TRUE, return.shifted = TRUE) {
    if (is_multivariate(list(x, y))) stop("SBD does not support multivariate series.")
    if (error.check) {
        check_consistency(x, "ts")
        check_consistency(y, "ts")
        x <- as.numeric(x)
        y <- as.numeric(y)
    nx <- length(x)
    ny <- length(y)

    if (nx > ny) {
        # The order in which I provide the arguments to NCCc affects 'shift'
        swap <- x
        x <- y
        y <- swap
    else {
        swap <- NULL

    if (znorm)
        CCseq <- NCCc(zscore(x, error.check = FALSE),
                      zscore(y, error.check = FALSE),
                      error.check = FALSE)
        CCseq <- NCCc(x, y, error.check = FALSE)

    m <- max(CCseq)
    if (!return.shifted) return(1 - m) # nocov
    shift <- which.max(CCseq) - max(nx, ny)

    if (is.null(swap)) {
        if (shift < 0L)
            yshift <- y[(-shift + 1L):ny]
            yshift <- c( rep(0, shift), y )
    else {
        # Remember, if I swapped them, then I have to shift what is now saved in 'x'
        if (shift < 0L)
            yshift <- c( rep(0, -shift), x )
            yshift <- x[(shift + 1L):ny]

    nys <- length(yshift)
    if (nys < nx)
        yshift <- c( yshift, rep(0, nx-nys) )
        yshift <- yshift[1L:nx]
    # return
    list(dist = 1 - m, yshift = yshift)

#' @rdname SBD
#' @export
sbd <- SBD

# ==================================================================================================
# Wrapper for proxy::dist
# ==================================================================================================

#' @importFrom stats fft
#' @importFrom stats nextn
sbd_proxy <- function(x, y = NULL, znorm = FALSE, ..., error.check = TRUE, pairwise = FALSE) {
    x <- tslist(x)

    if (error.check) check_consistency(x, "vltslist")
    if (znorm) x <- zscore(x, ..., error.check = FALSE) # nocov

    if (is.null(y)) {
        symmetric <- TRUE
        y <- x

        # Precompute FFTs, padding with zeros as necessary, which will be compensated later
        L <- max(lengths(x)) * 2L - 1L
        fftlen <- stats::nextn(L, 2L)
        fftx <- lapply(x, function(u) { stats::fft(c(u, rep(0, fftlen - length(u)))) })
        ffty <- lapply(fftx, Conj)
    else {
        symmetric <- FALSE
        y <- tslist(y)
        if (error.check) check_consistency(y, "vltslist")
        if (znorm) y <- zscore(y, ..., error.check = FALSE) # nocov

        # Precompute FFTs, padding with zeros as necessary, which will be compensated later
        L <- max(lengths(x)) + max(lengths(y)) - 1L
        fftlen <- stats::nextn(L, 2L)
        fftx <- lapply(x, function(u) { stats::fft(c(u, rep(0, fftlen - length(u)))) })
        ffty <- lapply(y, function(v) { Conj(stats::fft(c(v, rep(0, fftlen - length(v))))) })

    if (is_multivariate(c(x,y))) stop("SBD does not support multivariate series.") # nocov

    fill_type <- mat_type <- dim_names <- NULL # avoid warning about undefined globals
    eval(prepare_expr) # UTILS-expressions.R

    # calculate distance matrix
    distance <- "SBD" # read in C++, can't be temporary!
    distargs <- list(
        fftlen = fftlen,
        fftx = fftx,
        ffty = ffty
    num_threads <- get_nthreads()
          D, x, y, distance, distargs, fill_type, mat_type, num_threads,
          PACKAGE = "dtwclust")

    # adjust D's attributes
    if (pairwise) {
        dim(D) <- NULL
        class(D) <- "pairdist"
    else if (symmetric) {
        dim(D) <- NULL
        class(D) <- "dist"
        attr(D, "Size") <- length(x)
        attr(D, "Labels") <- names(x)
    else {
        dimnames(D) <- dim_names
        class(D) <- "crossdist"

    attr(D, "method") <- "SBD"

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dtwclust documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:07 p.m.