
Defines functions reshape_multivariate is_multivariate compute_clusinfo l2norm allocate_distmat get_nthreads validate_pairwise split_parallel `%op%` setnames_inplace call_pairs do_call call_rbind call_cbind quoted_call get_from_callers adjust_args subset_dots has_dots enlist different_lengths check_consistency

# ==================================================================================================
# Miscellaneous
# ==================================================================================================

check_consistency <- function(obj, case, ..., clus_type,
                              diff_lengths = FALSE, cent_missing, cent_char,
                              trace = FALSE, silent = TRUE)
    case <- match.arg(case, c("ts", "tslist", "vltslist", "window", "dist", "cent"))
    if (case == "ts") {
        if (!is.numeric(obj)) stop("The series must be numeric")
        if (length(obj) < 1L) stop("The series must have at least one point")
        if (anyNA(obj)) stop("There are missing values in the series")
    else if (case %in% c("tslist", "vltslist")) {
        if (!is.list(obj)) stop("Oops, data should already be a list by this point...") # nocov
        if (length(obj) < 1L) stop("Data is empty")
        if (case == "tslist" && different_lengths(obj)) stop("All series must have the same length")
        sapply(obj, check_consistency, case = "ts", ...)
    else if (case == "window") {
        if (is.null(obj)) stop("Please provide the 'window.size' parameter")
        if (any(obj < 0L)) stop("Window size must be non-negative")
    else if (case == "dist") {
        if (!is.character(obj) || !pr_DB$entry_exists(obj)) {
            if (silent)
                stop("Please provide the name of a valid distance function registered with the ",
                     "'proxy' package.")
        if (diff_lengths) {
            obj <- tolower(obj)
            if ((obj %in% distances_known) && !(obj %in% distances_difflength))
                stop("Only the following distances are supported for series with different length:\n\t",
                     paste(distances_difflength, collapse = "\t"))
            else if (!(obj %in% distances_known) && trace)
                message("Series have different lengths. ", # nocov start
                        "Please confirm that the provided distance function supports this.") # nocov end
        # valid registered distance
    else if (case == "cent") {
        cent_char <- switch(
            partitional = {
                if (is.character(obj)) {
                    cent_char <- match.arg(obj, centroids_nonfuzzy)
                    if (diff_lengths &&
                        cent_char %in% centroids_included &&
                        !(cent_char %in% centroids_difflength))
                        stop("Only the following centroids are supported for ",
                             "series with different lengths:\n\t",
                             paste(centroids_difflength, collapse = "\t"))
                else {
                # return partitional switch
            fuzzy = {
                if (is.character(obj)) {
                    cent_char <- match.arg(obj, centroids_fuzzy)
                    if (diff_lengths && cent_char == "fcm")
                        stop("Fuzzy c-means does not support series with different length.")
                else {
                # return fuzzy switch
            hierarchical =, tadpole = {
                if (is.function(obj))
                else if (!cent_missing)
                    warning("The 'centroid' argument was provided but it wasn't a function, ",
                            "so it was ignored.",
                            call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
                    cent_char <- paste("PAM",
                                              hierarchical = "(Hierarchical)",
                                              tadpole = "(TADPole)"))
                # return hierarchical/tadpole switch
        # cent case

# Check if list of series have different length
different_lengths <- function(x) { any(diff(lengths(x)) != 0L) }

# Enlist parameters for do.calls
#' @importFrom rlang !!!
#' @importFrom rlang list2
enlist <- function(..., dots = NULL) { rlang::list2(..., !!!dots) }

# Check if a function has the ellipsis in its formals
has_dots <- function(foo) { is.function(foo) && !is.null(formals(foo)$`...`) }

# Subset dots for do.calls of functions without ellipsis
subset_dots <- function(dots = list(), foo) {
    if (has_dots(foo))
    else if (length(dots) > 0L)
        dots[intersect(names(dots), names(formals(foo)))]

# Adjust args for tsclust() and TSClusters-class
adjust_args <- function(args, dots) {
    lapply(args, function(arg) {
        arg <- c(arg, dots)

# Like dynGet() I assume, but that one is supposed to be experimental...
get_from_callers <- function(obj_name, mode = "any") {
    ret <- get0(obj_name, mode = mode, inherits = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(ret)) return(ret)
    for (env in sys.frames()) {
        ret <- get0(obj_name, env, mode = mode, inherits = FALSE)
        if (!is.null(ret)) return(ret)
    stop("Could not find object '", obj_name, "' of mode '", mode, "'") # nocov

#' @importFrom rlang as_environment
#' @importFrom rlang as_string
#' @importFrom rlang enexpr
#' @importFrom rlang is_call
quoted_call <- function(fun, ..., dots = NULL) {
    fun_expr <- rlang::enexpr(fun)
    fun_name <- if (rlang::is_call(fun_expr)) {
        fn <- as.character(fun_expr)
        paste0(fn[2L], fn[1L], fn[3L], collapse = "")
    } else {
    fun_name <- gsub("[@$:]", "_", fun_name)

    l <- list(match.fun(fun))
    names(l) <- fun_name
    parent <- rlang::as_environment(l, parent = parent.frame())
    do_call(fun_name, enlist(..., dots = dots), parent = parent)

#' @importFrom rlang as_environment
#' @importFrom rlang syms
call_cbind <- function(args) {
    original_names <- names(args)
    names(args) <- paste0(".arg", seq_along(args))
    ans <- do.call("cbind", rlang::syms(names(args)), envir = rlang::as_environment(args, .GlobalEnv))

    if (!is.null(original_names) && ncol(ans) == length(original_names)) {
        colnames(ans) <- original_names
    else {
        ans <- unname(ans)


#' @importFrom rlang as_environment
#' @importFrom rlang syms
call_rbind <- function(args) {
    names(args) <- paste0(".arg", seq_along(args))
    ans <- do.call("rbind", rlang::syms(names(args)), envir = rlang::as_environment(args, .GlobalEnv))
    rownames(ans) <- NULL

#' @importFrom rlang as_environment
#' @importFrom rlang syms
do_call <- function(f, args, parent = parent.frame()) {
    original_names <- tmp_names <- names(args)
    unnamed <- tmp_names == ""

    if (is.null(original_names)) {
        tmp_names <- paste0(".arg", seq_along(args))
        names(args) <- tmp_names
    else if (any(unnamed)) {
        tmp_names[unnamed] <- paste0(".arg", seq_len(sum(unnamed)))
        names(args) <- tmp_names
        names(tmp_names) <- original_names
    else {
        names(tmp_names) <- original_names

    envir <- rlang::as_environment(args, parent)
    do.call(f, rlang::syms(tmp_names), envir = envir)

# ==================================================================================================
# Helper C/C++ functions
# ==================================================================================================

# Create combinations of all possible pairs
call_pairs <- function(n = 2L) {
    n <- as.integer(n)
    if (n < 2L) stop("At least two elements are needed to create pairs.") # nocov
    .Call(C_pairs, n, PACKAGE = "dtwclust")

# Modify names in place
setnames_inplace <- function(vec, names) {
    if (!is.vector(vec) || !is.vector(names)) stop("Both 'vec' and 'names' must be vectors.")
    if (length(vec) != length(names)) stop("Length mismatch when changing names in place.")
    if (!is.character(names)) stop("Trying to set names in place with non-character names.") # nocov
    invisible(.Call(C_setnames_inplace, vec, names, PACKAGE = "dtwclust"))

# ==================================================================================================
# Parallel helper functions
# ==================================================================================================

# Custom binary operator for %dopar% to avoid unnecessary warnings and adjust available threads
`%op%` <- function(obj, ex) {
    # check to see if the workers have specified how many threads to use
    num_workers <- foreach::getDoParWorkers()
    backend_name <- foreach::getDoParName()
    if (num_workers > 1L) {
        reset_workers <- foreach::foreach(
            i = 1L:num_workers,
            .combine = c,
            .multicombine = TRUE,
            .inorder = FALSE,
            .packages = "dtwclust"
        ) %dopar% {
            reset <- TRUE
            if (nzchar(Sys.getenv("RCPP_PARALLEL_NUM_THREADS")))
                reset <- FALSE # nocov
    # check the RNGkind of the workers
    if (backend_name != "doSEQ") {
        rng_kind <- foreach::foreach(
            i = 1L:num_workers,
            .combine = c,
            .multicombine = TRUE,
            .inorder = FALSE
        ) %dopar% {
    # do not load dtwclust in sequential cases
    if (backend_name == "doSEQ" || (backend_name == "doFuture" && num_workers == 1L)) {
        obj$packages <- setdiff(obj$packages, "dtwclust")
    # evaluate expression
        ret <- tryCatch(eval.parent(substitute(obj %dopar% ex)), error = function(e) { e })
    warning = function(w) {
        if (grepl("package:dtwclust", w$message, ignore.case = TRUE))
            invokeRestart("muffleWarning") # nocov
    # reset parallel workers if needed
    if (num_workers > 1L && any(reset_workers)) {
            i = 1L:num_workers,
            .combine = c,
            .multicombine = TRUE,
            .inorder = FALSE,
            .packages = "dtwclust"
        ) %dopar% {
    # reset RNGkind if needed
    if (backend_name != "doSEQ" && any(rng_kind != dtwclust_rngkind)) {
            rng_kind = rng_kind,
            .combine = c,
            .multicombine = TRUE,
            .inorder = FALSE
        ) %dopar% {
    if (inherits(ret, "error") && obj$errorHandling != "pass") stop(ret)
    # return

# Split a given object into chunks for parallel workers
#' @importFrom parallel splitIndices
split_parallel <- function(obj, margin = NULL) {
    num_workers <- foreach::getDoParWorkers()
    if (num_workers == 1L) return(list(obj))

    num_tasks <- if (is.null(margin)) length(obj) else dim(obj)[margin]
    if (!is.integer(num_tasks))
        stop("Invalid attempt to split an object into parallel tasks") # nocov

    num_tasks <- parallel::splitIndices(num_tasks, num_workers)
    num_tasks <- num_tasks[lengths(num_tasks, use.names = FALSE) > 0L]

    if (is.null(margin))
        ret <- lapply(num_tasks, function(id) obj[id])
        ret <- switch(EXPR = margin,
                      lapply(num_tasks, function(id) obj[id, , drop = FALSE]),
                      lapply(num_tasks, function(id) obj[ , id, drop = FALSE]))
    # return

# This only works if it's used after split_parallel()
validate_pairwise <- function(x, y) {
    if (!identical(lengths(x, use.names = FALSE), lengths(y, use.names = FALSE)))
        stop("Pairwise distances require the same amount of series in 'x' and 'y'.") # nocov


# Number of configured/available threads according to RcppParallel
#' @importFrom RcppParallel defaultNumThreads
get_nthreads <- function() {
    as.integer(Sys.getenv("RCPP_PARALLEL_NUM_THREADS", RcppParallel::defaultNumThreads()))

# ==================================================================================================
# Helper distance-related
# ==================================================================================================

# allocate distance matrix for custom proxy loops
allocate_distmat <- function(x_len, y_len, pairwise, symmetric, diagonal) {
    if (pairwise) {
        matrix(0, x_len, 1L)
    } else if (symmetric) {
        diagonal_factor <- if (diagonal) 1L else -1L
        matrix(0, x_len * (x_len + diagonal_factor) / 2L, 1L)
    } else {
        matrix(0, x_len, y_len)

# Euclidean norm
l2norm <- function(x) { sqrt(sum(x * x)) }

# Get the clusinfo slot for TSClusters
compute_clusinfo <- function(k, cluster, cldist) {
    cluster <- factor(cluster, levels = 1L:k)
    # return
        size = as.integer(table(cluster)),
        av_dist = as.numeric(tapply(cldist[, 1L], list(cluster), mean, default = 0))

# ==================================================================================================
# Multivariate helpers
# ==================================================================================================

is_multivariate <- function(x) {
    if (length(x) == 0L) stop("Empty list of series received.") # nocov
    ncols <- sapply(x, NCOL)
    if (any(diff(ncols) != 0L)) stop("Inconsistent dimensions across series.")
    any(ncols > 1L)

reshape_multivariate <- function(series, cent) {
    ncols <- ncol(series[[1L]])
    series <- lapply(1L:ncols, function(idc) {
        lapply(series, function(s) { s[ , idc, drop = TRUE] })
    cent <- lapply(1L:ncols, function(idc) {
        if (is.null(cent))
            cent[ , idc, drop = TRUE]
    list(series = series, cent = cent)

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dtwclust documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 9:07 p.m.