#' Function for fitting sequential sampling confidence models
#' Fits the parameters of different models of response time and confidence, including
#' the 2DSD model (Pleskac & Busemeyer, 2010), dynWEV, DDMConf, and various
#' flavors of race models (Hellmann et al., 2023). Which model to fit is
#' specified by the argument \code{model}.
#' Only a ML method is implemented.
#' See \code{\link{dWEV}}, \code{\link{d2DSD}}, and \code{\link{dRM}} for more
#' information about the parameters and Details for not-fitted parameters.
#' @param data a `data.frame` where each row is one trial, containing following
#' variables (column names can be changed by passing additional arguments of
#' the form \code{condition="contrast"}):
#' * \code{condition} (not necessary; for different levels of stimulus quality, will be transformed to a factor),
#' * \code{rating} (discrete confidence judgments, should be given as integer vector; otherwise will be transformed to integer),
#' * \code{rt} (giving the reaction times for the decision task),
#' * either 2 of the following (see details for more information about the accepted formats):
#' * \code{stimulus} (encoding the stimulus category in a binary choice task),
#' * \code{response} (encoding the decision response),
#' * \code{correct} (encoding whether the decision was correct; values in 0, 1)
#' * \code{sbj} or \code{participant} (optional; giving the subject ID; only relevant if `logging = TRUE`;
#' if unique the ID is used in saved files with interim results
#' and logging messages;
#' if non-unique or missing and `logging =TRUE`, 999 will be used then)
#' @param model character scalar. One of "dynWEV", "2DSD", "IRM", "PCRM", "IRMt", "PCRMt", or "DDMConf" for the model to be fit.
#' @param fixed list. List with parameter-value pairs for parameters that should not be fitted. See Details.
#' @param init_grid data.frame or `NULL`. Grid for the initial parameter search. Each row is one parameter constellation.
#' See details for more information. If \code{NULL} a default grid will be used.
#' @param grid_search logical. If `FALSE`, the grid search before the optimization
#' algorithm is omitted. The fitting is then started with a mean parameter set
#' from the default grid (if `init_grid=NULL`) or directly with the rows from
#' `init_grid`, if not `NULL`. (Default: `TRUE`)
#' @param data_names named list (e.g. `c(rating="confidence")`). Alternative
#' possibility of giving other column names for the variables in the data. By default
#' column names are identical to the ones given in the data argument description.
#' @param nRatings integer. Number of rating categories. If `NULL`, the maximum of
#' `rating` and `length(unique(rating))` is used. This argument is especially
#' important for data sets where not the whole range of rating categories is realized.
#' If given, ratings has to be given as factor or integer.
#' @param logging logical. If `TRUE`, a folder 'autosave/fit**model**' is created and
#' messages about the process are printed in a logging file and to console (depending
#' on OS). Additionally intermediate results are saved in a `.RData` file with the
#' participant ID in the name.
#' @param opts list. A list for more control options in the optimization routines
#' (depending on the `optim_method`). See details for more information.
#' @param optim_method character. Determines which optimization function is used for
#' the parameter estimation. Either `"bobyqa"` (default), `"L-BFGS-B"` or `"Nelder-Mead"`.
#' `"bobyqa"` uses a box-constrained optimization with quadratic interpolation.
#' (See \code{\link[minqa]{bobyqa}} for more information.) The first two use a
#' box-constraint optimization. For Nelder-Mead a transfinite function rescaling is used
#' (i.e. the constrained arguments are suitably transformed to the whole real line).
#' @param useparallel logical. If `TRUE` the grid search in the beginning is done with a
#' parallel back-end, using the \code{parallel} package.
#' @param n.cores integer or `NULL`. Number of cores used for parallelization. If `NULL`
#' (default) the number of available cores -1 is used.
#' @param restr_tau numerical or `Inf` or `"simult_conf"`. For 2DSD and dynWEV only.
#' Upper bound for tau. Fits will be in the interval (0,`restr_tau`). If FALSE tau will be unbound.
#' For `"simult_conf"`, see the documentation of \code{\link{d2DSD}} and \code{\link{dWEV}}
#' @param precision numerical scalar. For 2DSD and dynWEV only. Precision of calculation.
#' (in the respective models) for the density functions (see \code{\link{dWEV}} for more information).
#' @param ... Possibility of giving alternative variable names in data frame
#' (in the form \code{condition = "SOA"}, or \code{response="pressedKey"}).
#' @return Gives a one-row data frame with columns for the different parameters as
#' fitted result as well as additional information about the fit (`negLogLik` (for
#' final parameters), `k` (number of parameters), `N` (number of data rows),
#' `BIC`, `AICc` and `AIC`) and the column `fixed`, which includes all information
#' about fixed and not fitted parameters.
#' @details The fitting involves a first grid search through computation of the
#' likelihood on an initial grid with possible sets of parameters to start the
#' optimization routine. Then the best \code{nAttempts} parameter sets are
#' chosen for an optimization, which is done with an algorithm, depending on the
#' argument \code{optim-method}. The Nelder-Mead algorithm uses the R function
#' \code{\link[stats]{optim}}. The optimization routine is restarted
#' \code{nRestarts} times with the starting parameter set equal to the
#' best parameters from the previous routine.
#' \strong{stimulus, response and correct}. Two of these columns must be given in
#' data. If all three are given, correct will have no effect (and will be not checked!).
#' stimulus can always be given in numerical format with values -1 and 1. response
#' can always be given as a character vector with "lower" and "upper" as values.
#' Correct must always be given as a 0-1-vector. If the stimulus column is given
#' together with a response column and they both do not match the above format,
#' they need to have the same values/levels (if `factor`).
#' In the case that only stimulus/response is given in any other format together with
#' correct, the unique values will be sorted increasingly and
#' the first value will be encoded as "lower"/-1 and the second as "upper"/+1.
#' \strong{fixed}. Parameters that should not be fitted but kept constant. These will
#' be dropped from the initial grid search
#' but will be present in the output, to keep all parameters for prediction in the result.
#' Includes the possibility for symmetric confidence thresholds for both alternative
#' (\code{sym_thetas}=logical). Other examples are
#' \code{z =.5}, \code{sv=0}, \code{st0=0}, \code{sz=0}. For race models, the possibility
#' of setting \code{a='b'} (or vice versa)
#' leads to identical upper bounds on the decision processes, which is the equivalence for
#' \code{z=.5} in a diffusion process.
#' \strong{Parameters not fitted}. The models get developed continuously and not
#' all changes are adopted in the fitting function instantly. Following parameters
#' are currently not included in the fitting routine:
#' - in race models: \code{sza}, \code{szb}, \code{smu1}, and \code{smu2}
#' \strong{`init_grid`}. Each row should be one parameter set to check. The column names
#' should include the parameters of the desired model, which are the following for 2DSD:
#' `a`, `vmin` and `vmax` (will be equidistantly spanned across conditions), `sv`, `z` (as the
#' relative starting point between 0 and `a`), `sz` (also in relative terms), `t0`, `st0`, `theta0`
#' (minimal threshold), `thetamax` (maximal threshold; the others will be equidistantly
#' spanned symmetrically for both decisions), and `tau`. For dynWEV,
#' additionally `w` , `svis`, and `sigvis` are required. For the race models the parameters
#' are: `vmin`, `vmax` (will be equidistantly
#' spanned across conditions), `a` and `b` (decision thresholds), `t0`, `st0`, `theta0`
#' (minimal threshold), `thetamax` (maximal threshold;
#' the others will be equidistantly spanned symmetrically for both decisions), and for
#' time-dependent confidence race models
#' additionally `wrt` and `wint` (as weights compared to `wx=1`).
#' \strong{opts}. A list with numerical values. Possible options are listed below
#' (together with the optimization method they are used for).
#' * \code{nAttempts} (all) number of best performing initial parameter sets used for
#' optimization; default 5, if `grid_search` is `TRUE`.
#' If `grid_search` is `FALSE` and `init_grid` is `NULL`, then `nAttempts` will be set to 1 (and
#' any input will be ignored).
#' If `grid_search` is `FALSE` and `init_grid` is not `NULL`, the rows of `init_grid` will be used
#' from top to bottom
#' (since no initial grid search is done) with not more than `nAttempts` rows used.
#' * \code{nRestarts} (all) number of successive `optim` routines for each of the starting parameter sets; default 5,
#' * \code{maxfun} (\code{'bobyqa'}) maximum number of function evaluations; default: 5000,
#' * \code{maxit} (\code{'Nelder-Mead' and 'L-BFGS-B'}) maximum iterations; default: 2000,
#' * \code{reltol} (\code{'Nelder-Mead'}) relative tolerance; default: 1e-6),
#' * \code{factr} (\code{'L-BFGS-B'}) tolerance in terms of reduction factor of the objective, default: 1e-10)
#' @md
#' @references Hellmann, S., Zehetleitner, M., & Rausch, M. (2023). Simultaneous modeling of choice, confidence and response time in visual perception. \emph{Psychological Review} 2023 Mar 13. doi: 10.1037/rev0000411. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36913292.
#' <>
#' <>
#' @author Sebastian Hellmann.
#' @name fitRTConf
#' @importFrom stats setNames aggregate optim qnorm pnorm optimize quantile
#' @importFrom minqa bobyqa
#' @importFrom dplyr if_else rename
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @import parallel
# @importFrom pracma integral
#' @aliases fitSeqSampConf fitConfModel fitConf fitConfRT
#' @examples
#' # We use one of the implemented models, "dynWEV"
#' # 1. Generate data
#' # data with positive drift (stimulus = "upper")
#' data <- rWEV(20, a=2,v=0.5,t0=0.2,z=0.5, sz=0.1,sv=0.1, st0=0, tau=4, s=1, w=0.3)
#' data$stimulus <- "upper"
#' # data with negtive drift (stimulus = "lower") but same intensity
#' data2 <- rWEV(100, a=2,v=-0.5,t0=0.2,z=0.5,sz=0.1,sv=0.1, st0=0, tau=4, s=1, w=0.3)
#' data2$stimulus <- "lower"
#' data <- rbind(data, data2)
#' # Transfer response column and add dummy condition column
#' data$response <- ifelse(data$response==1, "upper", "lower")
#' data$condition <- 1
#' # Take some confidence thresholds for discrete ratings
#' threshs <- c(-Inf, 1, 2, Inf)
#' data$rating <- as.numeric(cut(data$conf, breaks = threshs, include.lowest = TRUE))
#' head(data)
#' # 2. Use fitting function
#' # Fitting the model with these opts results in a pretty bad fit
#' # (especially because of omitting the grid_search)
#' \donttest{
#' fitRTConf(data, "dynWEV", fixed=list(sym_thetas=TRUE, z=0.5, st0=0),
#' grid_search = FALSE, logging=FALSE,
#' opts = list(nAttempts=1, nRestarts=2, maxfun=2000))
#' }
#' @rdname fitRTConf
#' @export
fitRTConf <- function(data, model = "dynWEV",
fixed = list(sym_thetas = FALSE),
init_grid = NULL, grid_search = TRUE,
data_names = list(), nRatings = NULL, restr_tau =Inf,
precision=1e-5,logging=FALSE, opts=list(), optim_method = "bobyqa",
useparallel = FALSE, n.cores=NULL, ...){ # ?ToDO: vary_sv=FALSE, RRT=NULL, vary_tau=FALSE
# Check if package 'logger' is installed, if logging is wished
if (logging && !requireNamespace("logger", quietly = TRUE)) {
warning("Package 'logger' is not installed but needed to log fitting progress.
Process continues withouth logging.
Interrupt and install 'logger' if logging is needed.", immediate.=TRUE)
logging <- FALSE
#### Check argument types ###
if (!is.logical(grid_search)) stop(paste("grid_search must be logical, but is ", typeof(grid_search), sep=""))
if (length(grid_search)!=1) stop(paste("grid_search must be of length 1, it's ", length(grid_search), sep=""))
# colrenames <- c(...)
# colrenames <- colrenames[colrenames %in% names(data)]
# data <- rename(data, colrenames)
tryCatch(data <- rename(data, ...),
error = function(e) stop("Error renaming data columns. Probably a column name does not exist.\nCheck whether an argument was misspelled and data name pairs are given in the form expected_name = true_name."))
#### Check for opts given ####
opts_missing <- !(c("nAttempts", "nRestarts", "maxfun", "maxit", "reltol", "factr") %in% names(opts))
opts <- c(opts,
setNames(as.list(c(5, 5, 8000, 2*1e+3,1e-6, 1e-10)[opts_missing]),
c("nAttempts", "nRestarts","maxfun", "maxit", "reltol", "factr")[opts_missing]))
optim_method <- match.arg(optim_method, c("bobyqa", "L-BFGS-B", "Nelder-Mead"))
if (!is.null(init_grid)) {
if (nrow(init_grid)< opts$nAttempts) {
opts$nAttempts <- nrow(init_grid)
if (!opts_missing[1]) {
message("opts$nAttempts is reduced to nrow(init_grid).")
if (!grid_search && is.null(init_grid) && opts_missing[1] ) {
opts$nAttempts <- 1
message("opts$nAttempts is reduced to 1, since grid_search was omitted.")
#### Check for column names given ####
names_missing <- !(c("condition","response","stimulus","rating", "rt", "sbj", "correct") %in% names(data_names))
data_names <- c(data_names,
setNames(as.list(c("condition","response","stimulus","rating", "rt", "sbj", "correct")[names_missing]),
c("condition","response","stimulus","rating", "rt", "sbj", "correct")[names_missing]))
#### Process data input ####
### extract columns and check right formatting:
cols <- names(data)
condition <- data[[data_names$condition]]
if(!is.factor(condition)) {
condition <- factor(condition, levels=sort(unique(condition)))
if (data_names$stimulus %in% cols) {
stimulus <- data[[data_names$stimulus]]
if (data_names$response %in% cols) {
response <- data[[data_names$response]]
if (!exists("stimulus")) {
if (!(data_names$correct %in% cols)) {stop("Column names in data must contain 2 of following 3: stimulus, response, correct or must be specified with the data_names argument.")}
correct <- data[[data_names$correct]]
stim_levels <- sort(unique(response))
if (length(stim_levels) != 2) {stop(paste("Response must have exactly two unique values! Values are: ", paste(stim_levels, collapse = ", ")))}
response <- if_else(response==stim_levels[1],-1,1)
stimulus <- c(-1,1)[(1+as.numeric(response==1))]*(-1)^(1-correct)
} else {
if (!exists("response")) {
if (!("correct" %in% cols)) {stop("Column names in data must contain 2 of following 3: stimulus, response, correct or must be specified with the data_names argument.")}
correct <- data[[data_names$correct]]
stim_levels <- sort(unique(stimulus))
if (length(stim_levels) != 2) {stop(paste("Stimulus must have exactly two unique values! Values are: ", paste(stim_levels, collapse = ", ")))}
stimulus <- if_else(stimulus==stim_levels[1],-1,1)
response <- if_else(stimulus*(-1)^correct==1, -1, 1)
} else {
if (all(response %in% c(-1,1))) {
if (!(all(stimulus %in% c(-1,1)))) {
stim_levels <- sort(unique(stimulus))
stimulus <- if_else(stimulus==stim_levels[1],-1,1)
} else {
stim_levels <- sort(unique(response))
response <- if_else(response==stim_levels[1],-1,1)
if (!(all(stimulus %in% c(-1,1)))) {
if (!(all(stimulus %in% stim_levels))) { stop("Values in stimulus must either be in c(-1,1) or same values as in response")}
stimulus <- if_else(stimulus==stim_levels[1],-1,1)
if (grepl("RM", model)) { # If Race Models are used, re-code lower(-1) and upper(+1) boundary to first(1) and second(2) accumulator
stimulus <- (stimulus/2 +1.5) # Diffusion-based models (dynWEV; 2DSD): -1 1
response <- (response/2 +1.5) # Race-based models (IRM(t), PCRM(t)): 1 2
rt <- data[[data_names$rt]]
rating <- data[[data_names$rating]]
if (!is.numeric(rating)){
rating <- as.integer(as.factor(rating))
if (!is.integer(rating)){
rating <- as.integer(rating)
if (is.integer(rating)) {
if (is.null(nRatings)) {
nRatings <- max(rating)
if (max(length(unique(rating)), max(rating)+1-min(rating))>nRatings && any(rating==0)) {
rating <- rating + 1L
nRatings <- nRatings + 1
if (length(unique(rating))< nRatings) {
# If some rating categories are not used, we fit less thresholds numerically and fill up the
# rest by the obvious best-fitting thresholds (e.g. +/- Inf for the lowest/highest...) in the end.
# Therefore, save the true rating-vector for later recovery of which thresholds are indeed fitted and
# reduce the vector for the fitting process to a integer vector without gaps
### ToDo: For sym_thetas==FALSE, use different nRatings for lower and upper responses in fitting
used_cats <- sort(unique(rating))
actual_nRatings <- nRatings
rating <- as.integer(as.factor(rating))
nRatings <- length(unique(rating))
} else {
used_cats <- NULL
actual_nRatings <- NULL
if ( nRatings < 2) {
stop("There has to be at least two rating levels")
nConds <- length(levels(condition))
if (nConds ==0) {
condition = 1
nConds = 1
df = data.frame(rating, stimulus, response, condition,rt)
df$n = 1
df = aggregate(n~rating+stimulus+response+condition+rt, df, sum)
#### Initialize logger, if logging is wished ####
if (logging==TRUE) {
## get participant ID for logging
if (data_names$sbj %in% cols){
sbjcol <- data_names$sbj
} else if ("participant" %in% cols) {
sbjcol <- "participant"
if (!exists("sbjcol")) {
participant <- 999
} else {
if (length(unique(c(t(data[,sbjcol]))))==1) {
participant <- as.numeric(data[1,sbjcol])
} else {
participant <- 999
## set logger and logging file
dir.create("autosave", showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create(paste("autosave/fit", model, sep=""), showWarnings = FALSE)
filename = paste("autosave/fit", model,"/part_", participant,".RDATA", sep = "")
logger <- logger::layout_glue_generator(format = paste('{level} [{time}] on process {pid} {fn} for participant ',participant,' and model ', model,': {msg}', sep=""))
logger::log_appender(logger::appender_file(file=paste("autosave/fit", model,"/logging_", model, ".txt", sep="")), index=2)
logger::log_threshold(logger::DEBUG, index=2)
logger::log_layout(logger, index=2)
### Adapt arguments for individual settings
if (!is.list(fixed)) fixed <- as.list(fixed)
if (!("sym_thetas" %in% names(fixed))) fixed["sym_thetas"] <- FALSE
sym_thetas <- as.logical(fixed['sym_thetas'])
fixed <- fixed[names(fixed)!="sym_thetas"]
### Now, call the specific fitting functions:
if (grepl("2DSD", model)) {
if (model=="2DSD") fixed$lambda <- 0
res <- fitting2DSD(df, nConds, nRatings, fixed, sym_thetas,
grid_search, init_grid, optim_method, opts,
logging, filename,
useparallel, n.cores,
restr_tau, precision,
used_cats, actual_nRatings)
if (grepl("dynWEV|dynaViTE",model)) {
if (model=="dynWEV") fixed$lambda <- 0
res <- fittingdynWEV(df, nConds, nRatings, fixed, sym_thetas,
grid_search, init_grid, optim_method, opts,
logging, filename,
useparallel, n.cores,
restr_tau, precision,
used_cats, actual_nRatings)
if (grepl("IRM", model)) res <- fittingIRM(df, nConds, nRatings, fixed,
sym_thetas, grepl("t", model),
grid_search, init_grid, optim_method, opts,
logging, filename,
useparallel, n.cores,
used_cats, actual_nRatings)
if (grepl("PCRM", model)) res <- fittingPCRM(df, nConds, nRatings, fixed ,
sym_thetas, grepl("t", model),
grid_search, init_grid, optim_method, opts,
logging, filename,
useparallel, n.cores,
used_cats, actual_nRatings)
if (model == "DDMConf") res <- fittingDDMConf(df, nConds, nRatings, fixed, sym_thetas,
grid_search, init_grid, opts,
logging, filename,
useparallel, n.cores,
used_cats, actual_nRatings, precision)
if (!exists("res")) stop("Model is unknown.
model must contain one of: 'dynaViTE', 'dynWEV',
'2DSD', '2DSDT', 'IRM', 'IMRt', 'PCRM', 'PCRMt', or 'DDMConf'")
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