
Defines functions semipar.eCAR.Leroux semipar.eCAR

Documented in semipar.eCAR.Leroux

# TO DO : let the user select the type of resolution varying coef model
# rvc.model = c('pspline', 'rw2'); where rw2 applies the method by lindgren
# I guess rw2 must be less comp expansive than pspline
# cause we do not need to create the bspline basis and the stack goes away

semipar.eCAR <- function(y, x, W, E, C=NULL,
                         eCAR.model="besag", # or "bym"
                         rw.ord="rw1",  # or "rw2"
                         pcprior.sd=c(0.1,1), s2=10,
                         method = "spectral",
                         num.threads.inla = 1,
                         verbose=FALSE, ...){

  if (!requireNamespace("INLA", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"INLA\" is needed for this function to work. To install it, please go to http://www.r-inla.org/download.",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (!requireNamespace("Matrix", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"Matrix\" is needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (!requireNamespace("splines", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"splines\" is needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(num.threads.inla)) INLA::inla.setOption(num.threads = num.threads.inla)

  n <- length(y)
  M <- rowSums(W)
  R <- diag(M)-W

  # compute spectral decomposition of the structure matrix 'R' (we do it also for the 'naive')
  Eigdec <- eigen(R)
  G <- Eigdec$vec
  omega <- Eigdec$val

  if (method=="spectral"){

    # create the b-spline basis (P-spline method, Eilers 1996)
    bspline <- function(x, xl=min(x), xr=max(x), ndx, bdeg) {
      dx <- (xr - xl) / ndx
      knots <- seq(xl - bdeg * dx, xr + bdeg * dx, by = dx)
      B <- splines::spline.des(knots, x, bdeg + 1, 0 * x, outer.ok = TRUE)$design

    rescale.row <- function(A,vec){
      t(apply(A, 1, function(x, vec) x*vec, vec=vec))

    # deal with the covariate matrix 'C'
    if (is.null(C)) {
      X.cov <- data.frame(intercept=rep(1,n))
      form.cov <- paste(" -1 + ", " intercept ")
      form1 <- stats::as.formula(paste("y", form.cov, sep=" ~" ))
      # NOTE: if we want to pass a formula as an input we need to do work here in 'form1'
    } else {
      X.cov <- data.frame(intercept=1, C)
      colnames(X.cov) <- c("intercept", paste("cov",1:ncol(C), sep = ""))
      if (!is.null(names.covariates) & length(names.covariates)==ncol(C)) colnames(X.cov) <- c("intercept", names.covariates)
      form.cov <- paste(" -1 + ", paste(colnames(X.cov), collapse = " + "))
      form1 <- stats::as.formula(paste("y", form.cov, sep=" ~" ))
      # NOTE: if we want to pass a formula as an input we need to do work here in 'form1'

    # compute cubic b-spline basis (Eilers basis):
    B <- bspline(x=omega, ndx=L-3, bdeg=3)
    B.pred <- bspline(x=seq(min(omega),max(omega),length.out=1000), ndx=L-3, bdeg=3)

    ### Gaussian case ###
    if (model=="Gaussian") {

      stop("model='Gaussian' not available yet", call. = FALSE)

    } else {

      ### non Gaussian cases (Binomial, Negative Binomial, Poisson) ###

      Z.tilde <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = L)
      for(i in 1:L){
        Z.tilde[,i] <-  rescale.row(G, B[,i]) %*% (t(G) %*% x)

      stk <- INLA::inla.stack(data=list(y=y, E = E),
                              A=list(1, Z.tilde, diag(n)),
                                           id.z = 1:n))

      if (eCAR.model=="besag"){

        form2 <- y ~ . +
            model = rw.ord,
            scale.model = TRUE, constr=FALSE,
            hyper = list(prec=list(
              param=c(pcprior.sd[1]/0.31, 0.01)))) +
          f(id.z, model = "besag",
            graph =  INLA::inla.as.sparse(R),
            scale.model = TRUE, constr = TRUE,
            hyper = list(prec=list(
              param=c(pcprior.sd[2]/0.31, 0.01))))

      } else if (eCAR.model=="bym"){

        form2 <- y ~ . +
            model = rw.ord,
            scale.model = TRUE,
            hyper = list(prec=list(
              param=c(pcprior.sd[1]/0.31, 0.01)))) +
          f(id.z, model = "bym2",
            graph =  INLA::inla.as.sparse(R),
            scale.model = TRUE, constr = TRUE,
              phi = list(
                prior = "pc",
                param = c(0.5, 2/3), initial = -3),
              # this 'param' may be set by the user
              prec = list(
                prior = "pc.prec",
                param = c(pcprior.sd[2]/0.31, 0.01), initial = 5)))

      } else stop("invalid eCAR.model specification; it can either be 'besag' or 'bym' ", call. = FALSE)

      #  likelihood Negative Binomial
      if (model=="Negative Binomial"){
        res <- INLA::inla(stats::update.formula(form1,form2),
                          data = INLA::inla.stack.data(stk),
                          family='nbinomial', E=E,
                          control.family = list(
                            hyper=list(theta= list(
                              prior="normal", param=c(0,1/s2)))),
                          control.predictor = list(A = INLA::inla.stack.A(stk),
                          control.compute = list(dic=TRUE, config=TRUE),
                          verbose=verbose, ...)

      #  likelihood Binomial
      if (model=="Binomial"){
        res <- INLA::inla(stats::update.formula(form1,form2),
                          data = INLA::inla.stack.data(stk),
                          family='binomial', Ntrials=E,
                          control.predictor = list(A = INLA::inla.stack.A(stk),
                          control.compute = list(dic=TRUE, config=TRUE),
                          verbose=verbose, ...)

      # likelihood 'Poisson'
      if (model=="Poisson"){
        res <- INLA::inla(stats::update.formula(form1,form2),
                          data = INLA::inla.stack.data(stk),
                          family='poisson', E=E,
                          control.predictor = list(A = INLA::inla.stack.A(stk),
                          control.compute = list(dic=TRUE, config=TRUE),
                          verbose=verbose, ...)

    # sample from the posterior and compute beta_omega
    L.supported = sum(colSums(B) != 0)
    sample.tmp <- INLA::inla.posterior.sample(1000,res)
    splinecoefs <- matrix(nrow=L.supported, ncol=1000)
    # prec.beta <- matrix(nrow=1, ncol=1000)
    # prec.z <- matrix(nrow=1, ncol=1000)
    # lambda.z <- matrix(nrow=1, ncol=1000)
    ind.beta <- c(paste("id.beta:",1:L.supported, sep=""))
    for(j in 1:1000){
      splinecoefs[,j] <- (sample.tmp[[j]]$latent)[ind.beta,]
      # prec.beta[1,j] <- sample.tmp[[j]]$hyperpar["Precision for id.beta"]
      # prec.z[1,j] <- sample.tmp[[j]]$hyperpar["Precision for id.z"]
      # lambda.z[1,j] <- sample.tmp[[j]]$hyperpar["Beta for id.z"]

    # ARRANGE OUTPUT, MAKE THE TWO CASES: exp(beta_omega); beta_omega
    # default for non-Gaussian case: exp(beta_omega)
    if (model=="Gaussian") {
      #### do a check of this below, when you implement model='Gaussian'
      # beta.mn <- apply(B.pred[,which(colSums(B) != 0)]%*%splinecoefs, 1, base::mean)
      # beta.q025 <- apply(B.pred[,which(colSums(B) != 0)]%*%splinecoefs, 1, stats::quantile, 0.025)
      # beta.q975 <- apply(B.pred[,which(colSums(B) != 0)]%*%splinecoefs, 1, stats::quantile, 0.975)

    } else {

      beta.mn <- apply(exp(B.pred[,which(colSums(B) != 0)]%*%splinecoefs), 1, base::mean)
      beta.q025 <- apply(exp(B.pred[,which(colSums(B) != 0)]%*%splinecoefs), 1, stats::quantile, 0.025)
      beta.q975 <- apply(exp(B.pred[,which(colSums(B) != 0)]%*%splinecoefs), 1, stats::quantile, 0.975)
      causal.beta <- c(exp(B.pred[1000,which(colSums(B) != 0)]%*%splinecoefs) )


    if (model=="Gaussian") {

      #### do a check of this below, when you implement model='Gaussian'
      # fixed <- res$summary.fixed[,c("mean", "sd", "0.025quant", "0.975quant")]
      # rownames(fixed) <- colnames(X.cov)

    } else {

      fixed.list <- lapply(res$marginals.fixed, FUN=function(x) INLA::inla.zmarginal(INLA::inla.tmarginal(function(a) exp(a), x), silent=TRUE))
      fixed.tmp <- matrix(unlist(lapply(fixed.list, data.frame)), nrow=length(fixed.list), ncol=7, byrow=TRUE)
      colnames(fixed.tmp) <- c("mean_exp", "sd", "0.025quant", "0.25quant", "0.5quant", "0.75quant", "0.975quant")
      rownames(fixed.tmp) <- colnames(X.cov)#c("intercept", paste("exp", names(fixed.list)[-1], sep="_"))
      fixed.tmp["intercept",] <- unlist(res$summary.fixed["intercept",])
      fixed <- fixed.tmp[, c("mean_exp", "sd", "0.025quant", "0.975quant")]


    # produce 'out'
    out <- eCAR.out(data_model = model,
                    beta_omega = data.frame(beta.mn = beta.mn,
                                            beta.q025 = beta.q025,
                                            beta.q975 = beta.q975,
                                            omega = seq(min(omega),max(omega),length.out=1000)),
                    posterior_draws = list(postsample.beta=splinecoefs,
                                           # postsample.prec.beta=as.numeric(prec.beta),
                                           # postsample.prec.z=as.numeric(prec.z),
                                           # postsample.lambda.z=as.numeric(lambda.z),
                                           B.pred = B.pred),
                    regrcoef = as.data.frame(fixed))
  } else {

    # method == "naive"
    stop("method='naive' not available yet", call. = FALSE)


#### Leroux case (OBSOLETE!!! this was used in the spectral paper)
# E: offset
# e.g. with NegBin likelihood E=E (e.g. scale(pop,center=F))
#      with Bin likelihood Ntrials=E
# y: data vector (possibly including NA) of length n
# x: exposure data vector of length n
# W: matrix n x n with 1 if i~j otherwise 0
# C: matrix with confounders, nrow(conf)=n; NOT CURRENTLY WORKING PROPERLY...
# TO DO: include random effects? doable using the inla formula extension...
# recall this even if not strictly needed; conf = tapply(C,rep(1:ncol(C),each=nrow(C)),function(i) i)

semipar.eCAR.Leroux <- function(y, x, W, E, C=NULL,
                                L=10, pcprior.sd=c(0.1,1), s2=10,
                                method = "spectral",
                                num.threads.inla = NULL,
                                verbose=FALSE, ...){
  if (!requireNamespace("INLA", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"INLA\" is needed for this function to work. To install it, please go to http://www.r-inla.org/download.",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (!requireNamespace("Matrix", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"Matrix\" is needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (!requireNamespace("splines", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package \"splines\" is needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(num.threads.inla)) INLA::inla.setOption(num.threads = num.threads.inla)

  n <- length(y)
  M <- rowSums(W)
  R <- diag(M)-W
  # compute spectral decomposition of the structure matrix 'R' (we do it also for the 'naive')
  Eigdec <- eigen(R)
  G <- Eigdec$vec
  omega <- Eigdec$val

  if (method=="spectral"){

    # define 3 utilities functions: bsplines(), rescale.row(), myrgeneric.eigenLEROUX()
    # may this be doine outside semipar.eCAR.Leroux?

    # create the b-spline basis (P-spline method, Eilers 1996)
    bspline <- function(x, xl=min(x), xr=max(x), ndx, bdeg) {
      dx <- (xr - xl) / ndx
      knots <- seq(xl - bdeg * dx, xr + bdeg * dx, by = dx)
      B <- splines::spline.des(knots, x, bdeg + 1, 0 * x, outer.ok = TRUE)$design

    rescale.row <- function(A,vec){
      t(apply(A, 1, function(x, vec) x*vec, vec=vec))

    # 'rgeneric' model for the Gaussian case (eq 25, sec 4.3 overleaf paper)
    eigenLEROUX <- function (cmd = c("graph",
                             theta = NULL) {
      interpret.theta <- function() {
        return(list(prec = exp(theta[1L]),
                    r = exp(theta[2L])/(1+exp(theta[2L])),
                    lam = exp(theta[3L])/(1+exp(theta[3L]))))
      graph <- function() {
      Q <- function() {
        prec <- interpret.theta()$prec
        r <- interpret.theta()$r
        lam <- interpret.theta()$lam
        Q <- INLA::inla.as.sparse(diag((r/(prec*(1 - lam + lam*omega)) + (1-r)/prec )^(-1)))
      mu <- function() {
      log.norm.const <- function() {
        prec <- interpret.theta()$prec
        r <- interpret.theta()$r
        lam <- interpret.theta()$lam
        a <- (r/(prec*(1 - lam + lam*omega)) + (1 - r) / prec)^(-1)
        val <- -0.5*n * log(2*pi) + 0.5*sum(log(a))
      log.prior <- function() {
        prec <- interpret.theta()$prec
        val <- INLA::inla.pc.dprec(prec, pcprior.sd[2]/0.31, 0.01, log=T) + theta[1L] +
          theta[2L] - 2*log(exp(theta[2L]) + 1) +  # unif
          theta[3L] - 2*log(exp(theta[3L]) + 1)    # unif
      initial <- function() {
      quit <- function() {
      if (is.null(theta)) theta <- initial()
      val <- do.call(match.arg(cmd), args = list())

    # deal with the covariate matrix 'C'
    if (is.null(C)) {
      X.cov <- data.frame(intercept=rep(1,n))
      form.cov <- paste(" -1 + ", " intercept ")
      form1 <- stats::as.formula(paste("y", form.cov, sep=" ~" ))
      # NOTE: if we want to pass a formula as an input we need to do work here in 'form1'
    } else {
      X.cov <- data.frame(intercept=1, C)
      colnames(X.cov) <- c("intercept", paste("cov",1:ncol(C), sep = ""))
      if (!is.null(names.covariates) & length(names.covariates)==ncol(C)) colnames(X.cov) <- c("intercept", names.covariates)
      form.cov <- paste(" -1 + ", paste(colnames(X.cov), collapse = " + "))
      form1 <- stats::as.formula(paste("y", form.cov, sep=" ~" ))
      # NOTE: if we want to pass a formula as an input we need to do work here in 'form1'

    # compute cubic b-spline basis (Eilers basis):
    B <- bspline(x=omega, ndx=L-3, bdeg=3)
    B.pred <- bspline(x=seq(min(omega),max(omega),length.out=1000), ndx=L-3, bdeg=3)

    ### Gaussian case ###
    if (model=="Gaussian") {
      # xstar <- as.vector(t(G)%*%x)
      # ystar <- as.vector(t(G)%*%y)
      xstar <- as.vector(crossprod(G,x))
      ystar <- as.vector(crossprod(G[!is.na(y),],y))
      BXstar <- sweep(B,1, xstar,"*")

      # inla call for method=="spectral" ; Gaussian case
      stk <- INLA::inla.stack(data=list(y=ystar),
                                           id.beta = 1:L,
                                           id.z = 1:n))
      form2 <- y ~ . +
          model = "rw1",
          scale.model = TRUE,
          hyper = list(prec=list(
              0.01)))) +
        f(id.z, model=INLA::inla.rgeneric.define(
      res <- INLA::inla(stats::update.formula(form1,form2),
                data = INLA::inla.stack.data(stk),
                control.family = list(hyper=list(prec=list(initial=12, fixed=TRUE))),
                control.predictor = list(A = INLA::inla.stack.A(stk), compute=TRUE),
                control.compute = list(config=TRUE, dic=TRUE),
                verbose=verbose, ...)

    } else {

      ### non Gaussian cases (Binomial, Negative Binomial, Poisson) ###

      Z.tilde <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = L)
      for(i in 1:L){
        Z.tilde[,i] <-  rescale.row(G, B[,i]) %*% (t(G) %*% x)

      # inla call for method=="spectral" ; non Gaussian cases
      stk <- INLA::inla.stack(data=list(y=y, E = E),
                              A=list(1, Z.tilde, diag(n)),
                                           id.z = 1:n))
      form2 <- y ~ . +
          model = "rw1",
          scale.model = TRUE,
          hyper = list(prec=list(
            param=c(pcprior.sd[1]/0.31, 0.01)))) +
        f(id.z, model = "generic1",
          Cmatrix = Matrix::Diagonal(x=1, n=n)-INLA::inla.as.sparse(R),
          hyper = list(prec=list(
            param=c(pcprior.sd[2]/0.31, 0.01))))

      #  likelihood Negative Binomial
      if (model=="Negative Binomial"){
        res <- INLA::inla(stats::update.formula(form1,form2),
                  data = INLA::inla.stack.data(stk),
                  family='nbinomial', E=E,
                  control.family = list(
                    hyper=list(theta= list(
                      prior="normal", param=c(0,1/s2)))),
                  control.predictor = list(A = INLA::inla.stack.A(stk),
                  control.compute = list(dic=TRUE, config=TRUE),
                  verbose=verbose, ...)

      #  likelihood Binomial
      if (model=="Binomial"){
        res <- INLA::inla(stats::update.formula(form1,form2),
                  data = INLA::inla.stack.data(stk),
                  family='binomial', Ntrials=E,
                  control.predictor = list(A = INLA::inla.stack.A(stk),
                  control.compute = list(dic=TRUE, config=TRUE),
                  verbose=verbose, ...)

      # likelihood 'Poisson'
      if (model=="Poisson"){
        res <- INLA::inla(stats::update.formula(form1,form2),
                  data = INLA::inla.stack.data(stk),
                  family='poisson', E=E,
                  control.predictor = list(A = INLA::inla.stack.A(stk),
                  control.compute = list(dic=TRUE, config=TRUE),
                  verbose=verbose, ...)

    # sample from the posterior and compute beta_omega
    L.supported = sum(colSums(B) != 0)
    sample.tmp <- INLA::inla.posterior.sample(1000,res)
    splinecoefs <- matrix(nrow=L.supported, ncol=1000)
    prec.beta <- matrix(nrow=1, ncol=1000)
    prec.z <- matrix(nrow=1, ncol=1000)
    lambda.z <- matrix(nrow=1, ncol=1000)
    ind.beta <- c(paste("id.beta:",1:L.supported, sep=""))
    for(j in 1:1000){
      splinecoefs[,j] <- (sample.tmp[[j]]$latent)[ind.beta,]
      prec.beta[1,j] <- sample.tmp[[j]]$hyperpar["Precision for id.beta"]
      prec.z[1,j] <- sample.tmp[[j]]$hyperpar["Precision for id.z"]
      lambda.z[1,j] <- sample.tmp[[j]]$hyperpar["Beta for id.z"]

    # ARRANGE OUTPUT, MAKE THE TWO CASES: exp(beta_omega); beta_omega
    # default for non-Gaussian case: exp(beta_omega)
    if (model=="Gaussian") {
      beta.mn <- apply(B.pred[,which(colSums(B) != 0)]%*%splinecoefs, 1, base::mean)
      beta.q025 <- apply(B.pred[,which(colSums(B) != 0)]%*%splinecoefs, 1, stats::quantile, 0.025)
      beta.q975 <- apply(B.pred[,which(colSums(B) != 0)]%*%splinecoefs, 1, stats::quantile, 0.975)
    } else {
      beta.mn <- apply(exp(B.pred[,which(colSums(B) != 0)]%*%splinecoefs), 1, base::mean)
      beta.q025 <- apply(exp(B.pred[,which(colSums(B) != 0)]%*%splinecoefs), 1, stats::quantile, 0.025)
      beta.q975 <- apply(exp(B.pred[,which(colSums(B) != 0)]%*%splinecoefs), 1, stats::quantile, 0.975)

    # # regr coef estimates
    # if (model=="Gaussian") {
    #   fixed <- res$summary.fixed
    #   colnames(fixed) <- c("mean", "sd", "quant0.025", "quant0.25", "quant0.5", "quant0.75", "quant0.975")
    #   rownames(fixed) <- colnames(X.cov)
    # } else {
    #   fixed.list <- lapply(res$marginals.fixed, FUN=function(x) INLA::inla.zmarginal(INLA::inla.tmarginal(function(a) exp(a), x), silent=TRUE))
    #   fixed <- matrix(unlist(lapply(fixed.list, data.frame)), ncol(X.cov), 7, byrow=TRUE)
    #   colnames(fixed) <- c("mean", "sd", "quant0.025", "quant0.25", "quant0.5", "quant0.75", "quant0.975")
    #   rownames(fixed) <- c("intercept", paste("exp", names(fixed.list)[-1], sep="_"))
    #   fixed["intercept",] <- unlist(res$summary.fixed["intercept",])
    # }
    # regr coef est
    if (model=="Gaussian") {
      fixed <- res$summary.fixed[,c("mean", "sd", "0.025quant", "0.975quant")]
      rownames(fixed) <- colnames(X.cov)
    } else {
      fixed.list <- lapply(res$marginals.fixed, FUN=function(x) INLA::inla.zmarginal(INLA::inla.tmarginal(function(a) exp(a), x), silent=TRUE))
      fixed.tmp <- matrix(unlist(lapply(fixed.list, data.frame)), nrow=length(fixed.list), ncol=7, byrow=TRUE)
      colnames(fixed.tmp) <- c("mean_exp", "sd", "0.025quant", "0.25quant", "0.5quant", "0.75quant", "0.975quant")
      rownames(fixed.tmp) <- colnames(X.cov)#c("intercept", paste("exp", names(fixed.list)[-1], sep="_"))
      fixed.tmp["intercept",] <- unlist(res$summary.fixed["intercept",])
      fixed <- fixed.tmp[, c("mean_exp", "sd", "0.025quant", "0.975quant")]

    # produce 'out'
    out <- eCAR.out(data_model = model,
                    beta_omega = data.frame(beta.mn = beta.mn,
                                            beta.q025 = beta.q025,
                                            beta.q975 = beta.q975,
                                            omega = seq(min(omega),max(omega),length.out=1000)),
                    posterior_draws = list(postsample.beta=splinecoefs,
                                           B.pred = B.pred),
                    regrcoef = as.data.frame(fixed))
  } else {
    # method == "naive"

    # deal with the covariate matrix 'C'
    if (is.null(C)) {
      X.cov <- data.frame(intercept=1, x=x)
      form.cov <- paste(" -1 + ", " intercept + ", " x ")
      form1 <- stats::as.formula(paste("y", form.cov, sep=" ~" ))
      # NOTE: if we want to pass a formula as an input we need to do add it here in 'form1'
    } else {
      X.cov <- data.frame(intercept=1, x=x)
      X.cov <- cbind(X.cov, C)
      colnames(X.cov) <- c("intercept", "x", paste("cov",1:ncol(C), sep = ""))
      if (!is.null(names.covariates) & length(names.covariates)==ncol(C)) colnames(X.cov) <- c("intercept", "x", names.covariates)
      form.cov <- paste(" -1 + ", paste(colnames(X.cov), collapse = " + "))
      form1 <- stats::as.formula(paste("y", form.cov, sep=" ~" ))
      # NOTE: if we want to pass a formula as an input we need to add it here in 'form1'

    if (model=="Gaussian") {
      stk = INLA::inla.stack(
        A=list(1, diag(n)),

      form2 <- y ~ . +  f(id.z, model = "generic1",
                          Cmatrix = Matrix::Diagonal(x=1, n=n) - INLA::inla.as.sparse(R),
                          hyper = list(prec=list(
                            param=c(pcprior.sd[2]/0.31, 0.01))))

      res <- INLA::inla(stats::update.formula(form1, form2),
                        data = INLA::inla.stack.data(stk),
                        control.family = list(hyper=list(prec=list(initial=12, fixed=TRUE))),
                        control.predictor = list(A = INLA::inla.stack.A(stk), compute=TRUE),
                        control.compute = list(dic=TRUE, config=TRUE),
                        verbose=TRUE, ...)
    } else {
      stk = INLA::inla.stack(
        data=list(y=y, E=E),
        A=list(1, diag(n)),

      form2 <- y ~ . +  f(id.z, model = "generic1",
                          Cmatrix = Matrix::Diagonal(x=1, n=n) - INLA::inla.as.sparse(R),
                          hyper = list(prec=list(
                            param=c(pcprior.sd[2]/0.31, 0.01))))

      if (model=="Poisson"){
        res <- INLA::inla(stats::update.formula(form1,form2),
                          data = INLA::inla.stack.data(stk),
                          family='poisson', E=E,
                          control.predictor = list(A = INLA::inla.stack.A(stk), compute=TRUE),
                          control.compute = list(dic=TRUE, config=TRUE),
                          verbose=verbose, ...)
      if (model=="Binomial"){
        res <- INLA::inla(stats::update.formula(form1,form2),
                          data = INLA::inla.stack.data(stk),
                          family='binomial', Ntrials=E,
                          control.predictor = list(A = INLA::inla.stack.A(stk), compute=TRUE),
                          control.compute = list(dic=TRUE, config=TRUE),
                          verbose=verbose, ...)
      if (model=="Negative Binomial"){
        res <- INLA::inla(stats::update.formula(form1, form2),
                          data = INLA::inla.stack.data(stk),
                          family='nbinomial', E=E,
                          control.family = list(variant=0,
                                                    prior="normal", param=c(0,1/s2)))),
                          control.predictor = list(A = INLA::inla.stack.A(stk), compute=TRUE),
                          control.compute = list(dic=TRUE, config=TRUE),
                          verbose=verbose, ...)

    # regr coef est
    if (model=="Gaussian") {
      fixed <- res$summary.fixed[,c("mean", "sd", "0.025quant", "0.975quant")]
      rownames(fixed) <- colnames(X.cov)
    } else {
      fixed.list <- lapply(res$marginals.fixed, FUN=function(x) INLA::inla.zmarginal(INLA::inla.tmarginal(function(a) exp(a), x), silent=TRUE))
      fixed.tmp <- matrix(unlist(lapply(fixed.list, data.frame)), nrow=ncol(X.cov), ncol=7, byrow=TRUE)
      colnames(fixed.tmp) <- c("mean_exp(beta)", "sd", "0.025quant", "0.25quant", "0.5quant", "0.75quant", "0.975quant")
      rownames(fixed.tmp) <- colnames(X.cov)#c("intercept", paste("exp", names(fixed.list)[-1], sep="_"))
      fixed.tmp["intercept",] <- unlist(res$summary.fixed["intercept",])
      fixed <- fixed.tmp[, c("mean_exp(beta)", "sd", "0.025quant", "0.975quant")]

    # produce 'out'
    out <- eCAR.out(data_model = model,
                    beta_omega = data.frame(beta.mn = rep(fixed["x",1], 1000),
                                            beta.q025 = rep(fixed["x",3], 1000),
                                            beta.q975 = rep(fixed["x",4], 1000),
                                            omega = seq(min(omega),max(omega),length.out=1000)),
                    posterior_draws = list(postsample.beta=NULL,
                                           B.pred = NULL),
                    regrcoef = as.data.frame(fixed))

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eCAR documentation built on April 5, 2023, 5:09 p.m.