
Defines functions make.communal

Documented in make.communal

#' Put communals in "fixed" data frame
#' Given an ordinary data frame suitable for survival analysis, and a data
#' frame with "communal" time series, this function includes the communal
#' covariates as fixed, by the "cutting spells" method.
#' The main purpose of this function is to prepare a data file for use with
#' \code{\link{coxreg}}, \code{\link{aftreg}}, and
#' \code{\link[survival]{coxph}}.
#' @param dat A data frame containing interval specified survival data and
#' covariates, of which one must give a "birth date", the connection between
#' duration and calendar time
#' @param com.dat Data frame with communal covariates. They must have the same
#' start year and periodicity, given by \code{start} and \code{lag}.
#' @param communal Boolean; if TRUE, then it is a true communal (default),
#' otherwise a fixed. The first component is the first year (start date in
#' decimal form), and the second component is the period length. The third is
#' \code{lag} and the fourth is \code{scale}.
#' @param start Start date in decimal form.
#' @param period Period length. Defaults to one.
#' @param lag The lag of the effect. Defaults to zero.
#' @param surv Character vector of length 4 giving the names of interval start,
#' interval end, event indicator, birth date, in that order. These names must
#' correspond to names in \code{dat}
#' @param tol Largest length of an interval considered to be of zero length.
#' The cutting sometimes produces zero length intervals, which we want to
#' discard.
#' @param fortran If \code{TRUE}, then a Fortran implementation of the function
#' is used. This is the default. This possibility is only for debugging
#' purposes. You should of course get identical results with the two methods.
#' @return The return value is a data frame with the same variables as in the
#' combination of \code{dat} and \code{com.dat}. Therefore it is an error to
#' have common name(s) in the two data frames.
#' @note Not very vigorously tested.
#' @author Göran Broström
#' @seealso \code{\link{coxreg}}, \code{\link{aftreg}},
#' \code{\link[survival]{coxph}}, \code{\link{cal.window}}
#' @keywords survival
#' @examples
#' dat <- data.frame(enter = 0, exit = 5.731, event = 1,
#' birthdate = 1962.505, x = 2)
#' ## Birth date: July 2, 1962 (approximately).
#' com.dat <- data.frame(price = c(12, 3, -5, 6, -8, -9, 1, 7))
#' dat.com <- make.communal(dat, com.dat, start = 1962.000) 
#' @export make.communal
make.communal <-
    function(dat, com.dat, communal = TRUE, start, period = 1, lag = 0, 
             surv = c("enter", "exit", "event", "birthdate"), tol = 1e-04, 
             fortran = TRUE) 
    if (!is.data.frame(dat)) 
        stop("dat must be a data frame")
    if (!is.data.frame(com.dat)) 
        stop("com.dat must be a data frame")
    if (length(surv) != 4) 
        stop("surv must have length 4")
    fixed.names <- names(dat)
    surv.indices <- match(surv, fixed.names)
    if (length(which(is.na(surv.indices)))) {
        x <- which(is.na(surv.indices))
        stop(paste(surv[x], " is not a name in the fixed data frame."))
    com.names <- names(com.dat)
    if (length(x <- which(!is.na(match(com.names, c(surv, fixed.names)))))) 
        stop(paste(com.names[x], "are names in fixed data frame."))
    nn <- nrow(dat)
    n.years <- nrow(com.dat)
    n.com <- NCOL(com.dat)
    ##if (n.com > 1)      # Outcommented in 
      ##  stop("Only one communal covariate at a time!")
    cuts <- start + c(0, (1:n.years) * period) - lag
    beg.per <- cuts[1]
    end.per <- cuts[n.years + 1]
    ##cat("beg.per = ", beg.per, "end.per = ", end.per, "\n")
    iv.length <- period
    if (communal){ ## Added 26 March 2004 ##
        spell.tot <- sum(dat[[surv.indices[2]]] - dat[[surv.indices[1]]])
        dat <- cal.window(dat, c(beg.per, end.per), surv)
        if (sum(dat[[surv.indices[2]]] - dat[[surv.indices[1]]]) < 
            warning("Spells are cut")
    nn <- nrow(dat)
    if (!communal) {
        get.per <- function(dates){
            pmin(pmax(1, ceiling((dates - beg.per)/iv.length)), n.years)
        dates <- dat[[surv.indices[4]]]
        ppp <- get.per(dates)
        yy <- matrix(0, ncol = n.com, nrow = nn)
        for (i in 1:n.com) {
        ##yy[, i] <- com.dat[ppp, i]
	    yy[, i] <- com.dat[[i]][ppp] # Changed 25 Sep 2017
        ## Added 26 March 2004: ##
        yy <- ifelse((dat[[surv.indices[4]]] <= beg.per) |
                     (dat[[surv.indices[4]]] > end.per),
                     NA, yy)
        yy <- as.data.frame(yy)
        names(yy) <- com.names
        yy <- cbind(dat, yy)
        get.iv <- function(dates){
            cbind(pmin(pmax(1, floor((dates[, 1, drop = FALSE] - beg.per) /
                                     iv.length) + 1), n.years), 
                  pmin(pmax(1, ceiling((dates[, 2, drop = FALSE] - 
                                        beg.per)/iv.length)), n.years))
        event.boolean <- is.logical(dat[[surv.indices[3]]])
        xx <- cbind(dat[, surv.indices, drop = FALSE], 1:nn)
        xx[, 3] <- as.numeric(xx[, 3])
        xx <- as.matrix(xx)
        if (!is.numeric(xx)) 
            stop("Internal error in [make.communal]: xx not numeric")
        ind.date <- cbind(xx[, 1, drop = FALSE] + xx[, 4, drop = FALSE], 
            xx[, 2, drop = FALSE] + xx[, 4, drop = FALSE])
        cases <- ((ind.date[, 1] < end.per) & (ind.date[, 2] > 
        xx <- xx[cases, , drop = FALSE]
        ind.date <- ind.date[cases, , drop = FALSE]
        ind.iv <- get.iv(ind.date)
        nn <- nrow(xx)
        nn.out <- sum(ind.iv[, 2] - ind.iv[, 1] + 1)
        yy <- matrix(0, nrow = nn.out, ncol = ncol(xx) + 1)
        nn.out <- ind.iv[, 2] - ind.iv[, 1] + 1
        cur.row <- 0
        com.dat <- as.matrix(com.dat)
        split <- function(i) {
            n.rows <- nn.out[i]
            if (n.rows == 1) {
                return(list(c(xx[i, ], ind.iv[i, 1])))
            else {
                x.i <- xx[i, ]
                out <- matrix(0, nrow = n.rows, ncol = ncol(yy))
                out[n.rows, 3] <- x.i[3]
                out[, 4] <- x.i[4]
                out[, 5] <- x.i[5]
                out[1, 1] <- x.i[1]
                out[1, 2] <- cuts[ind.iv[i, 1] + 1] - x.i[4]
                out[1, 6] <- ind.iv[i, 1]
                out[n.rows, 1] <- cuts[ind.iv[i, 2]] - x.i[4]
                out[n.rows, 2] <- x.i[2]
                out[n.rows, 6] <- ind.iv[i, 2]
                if (n.rows > 2) {
                  for (j in 2:(n.rows - 1)) {
                    out[j, 1] <- out[j - 1, 2]
                    out[j, 2] <- out[j - 1, 2] + iv.length
                    out[j, 6] <- ind.iv[i, 1] + j - 1
        beg.row <- end.row <- 0
        if (!fortran) {
            for (j in 1:nn) {
                beg.row <- end.row + 1
                end.row <- end.row + nn.out[j]
                yy[beg.row:end.row, ] <- split(j)
                if (j%/%100 * 100 == j) 
                  cat("j = ", j, "\n")
        if (fortran) {
            yy <- .Fortran("split",
                           yy = as.double(yy),
                           ## DUP = FALSE,
                           PACKAGE = "eha")$yy
            yy <- matrix(yy, ncol = ncol(xx) + 1)
        yy <- cbind(yy[, 1:4, drop = FALSE], dat[yy[, 5], -surv.indices, 
            drop = FALSE], com.dat[yy[, 6], , drop = FALSE])
        names(yy)[1:4] <- surv
        all.names <- c(surv, fixed.names[-surv.indices], com.names)
        row.names(yy) <- as.character(1:nrow(yy))
        yy <- as.data.frame(yy)
        names(yy) <- all.names
        if (event.boolean) 
            yy[, 3] <- as.logical(yy[, 3])
    ## Addition in
    adda <- yy[[surv[1]]] > yy[[surv[2]]] - tol & 
        as.integer(yy[[surv[3]]]) == 1
    yy[[surv[2]]][adda] <- yy[[surv[1]]][adda] + tol
    yy <- yy[yy[[surv[2]]] >= yy[[surv[1]]] + tol / 2, ]
    ## End addition. "No zero-length intervals!"

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