
Defines functions define_label plot.direct plot.emdi

Documented in plot.direct plot.emdi

#' Plots for an emdi Object
#' Diagnostic plots of the underlying model in the EBP (see also
#' \code{\link{ebp}}) or Fay-Herriot (see also \code{\link{fh}}) approaches are
#' obtained. These include Q-Q plots and density plots of residuals and random
#' effects from the nested error linear regression model/
#' the Fay-Herriot model, a Cook's distance plot for detecting outliers and the
#' log-likelihood of the estimation of the optimal parameter in Box-Cox
#' transformations (the latter two only for ebp). The return depends on the
#' transformation such that a plot for the optimal parameter is
#' only returned in case a transformation with transformation parameter is
#' chosen. The range of the x-axis is optional but necessary to change if there
#' are convergence problems. All plots are obtained by
#' \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}}.
#' @param x an object of type "emdi", either "ebp" or "fh", representing point
#' and, if chosen, MSE estimates obtained by the EBP or Fay-Herriot approach
#' (see also \code{\link{ebp}} and \code{\link{fh}}).
#' @param label argument that enables to customize title and axis labels. There
#' are three instant options to label the diagnostic plot: (i) original labels
#' ("orig"), (ii) axis labels but no title ("no_title"), (iii) neither axis
#' labels nor title ("blank").
#' (iv) individual labels by a list that needs to
#' have below structure. Six elements can be defined called
#' \code{qq_res, qq_ran, d_res, d_ran, cooks} and \code{opt_lambda} for the six
#' different plots and these list elements need to have three elements each
#' called \code{title, y_lab and x_lab}. Only the labels for the plots that
#' should be different to the original need to be specified. Please see the
#' details section for an example with the default labels.
#' @param color a character vector with two elements. The first element defines
#' the color for the line in the QQ-plots, for the Cook's Distance plot and for
#' the Box-Cox plot. The second element defines the color for the densities.
#' @param gg_theme \code{\link[ggplot2]{theme}} list from package \pkg{ggplot2}.
#' For using this argument, package \pkg{ggplot2} must be loaded via
#' \code{library(ggplot2)}. See also Example 4.
#' @param cooks if \code{TRUE}, a Cook's distance plot is returned when the ebp
#' function is used. The used method \code{mdffits.default} from the package
#' \pkg{HLMdiag} struggles when data sets get large. In these cases,
#' \code{cooks} should be set to \code{FALSE}. It defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param range optional sequence determining the range of the x-axis for plots
#' of the optimal transformation parameter that defaults to \code{NULL}. In
#' that case a range of the default interval is used for the plots of the
#' optimal parameter. This leads in some cases to convergence problems such
#' that it should be changed to e.g. the selected \code{interval}. The default
#' value depends on the chosen data driven transformation and equals the
#' default interval for the estimation of the optimal parameter.
#' @param ... optional arguments passed to generic function.
#' @return Two Q-Q plots in one grid, two density plots, a Cook's distance plot
#' and a likelihood plot for the optimal parameter of transformations with
#' transformation parameter obtained by \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}}. The
#' latter two plots are only provided for ebp object.
#' @details The default settings of the \code{label} argument are as follows
#' (please note that the title for opt_lambda depends on the chosen
#' transformation, for the example Box-Cox is shown):\cr
##' \describe{
##' \item{list(}{}
##' \item{qq_res =}{c(title="Error term",
##'                 y_lab="Quantiles of pearson residuals",
##'                 x_lab="Theoretical quantiles"),}
##' \item{qq_ran =}{c(title="Random effect",
##'                 y_lab="Quantiles of random effects",
##'                 x_lab="Theoretical quantiles"),}
##' \item{d_res =}{c(title="Density - Pearson residuals",
##'                y_lab="Density",
##'                x_lab="Pearson residuals"),}
##' \item{d_ran =}{c(title="Density - Standardized random effects",
##'                y_lab="Density",
##'                x_lab="Standardized random effects"),}
##' \item{cooks =}{c(title="Cook's Distance Plot",
##'                y_lab="Cook's Distance",
##'                x_lab="Index"),}
##' \item{opt_lambda =}{c(title="Box-Cox - REML",
##'                y_lab="Log-Likelihood",
##'                x_lab="expression(lambda)"))}
##' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{emdiObject}}, \code{\link{ebp}}, \code{\link{fh}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Examples for models of type ebp
#' # Loading data - population and sample data
#' data("eusilcA_pop")
#' data("eusilcA_smp")
#' # With default setting but na.rm = TRUE; with Box-Cox transformation
#' emdi_model <- ebp(
#'   fixed = eqIncome ~ gender + eqsize + cash + self_empl +
#'     unempl_ben + age_ben + surv_ben + sick_ben + dis_ben + rent + fam_allow +
#'     house_allow + cap_inv + tax_adj, pop_data = eusilcA_pop,
#'   pop_domains = "district", smp_data = eusilcA_smp, smp_domains = "district",
#'   na.rm = TRUE
#' )
#' # Example 1: Creation of default diagnostic plots
#' plot(emdi_model)
#' # Example 2: Creation of diagnostic plots without labels and titles,
#' # different colors and without Cook's distance plot.
#' plot(emdi_model,
#'   label = "no_title", color = c("red", "yellow"),
#'   cooks = FALSE
#' )
#' # Example 3: Creation of diagnostic plots where labels and title differs for
#' # residual plot
#' plot(emdi_model,
#'   label = list(qq_res = c(
#'     title = "Pearson resid.",
#'     y_lab = "Quant.", x_lab = "Theo. Quant."
#'   )), color = c("red", "yellow"),
#'   cooks = FALSE
#' )
#' # Example 4: Usage of theme from ggplot2 within plot.emdi
#' library(ggplot2)
#' plot(emdi_model, gg_theme = theme(
#'   panel.background =
#'     element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "white"),
#'   plot.title = element_text(face = "bold"),
#'   title = element_text(color = "navy")
#' ))
#' # Example for models of type fh
#' # Loading data - population and sample data
#' data("eusilcA_popAgg")
#' data("eusilcA_smpAgg")
#' # Combine sample and population data
#' combined_data <- combine_data(
#'   pop_data = eusilcA_popAgg,
#'   pop_domains = "Domain",
#'   smp_data = eusilcA_smpAgg,
#'   smp_domains = "Domain"
#' )
#' # Generation of the emdi object
#' fh_std <- fh(
#'   fixed = Mean ~ cash + self_empl, vardir = "Var_Mean",
#'   combined_data = combined_data, domains = "Domain",
#'   method = "ml", MSE = TRUE
#' )
#' # Example 5: Creation of default diagnostic plots for Fay-Herriot model
#' plot(fh_std)
#' }
#' @export
#' @method plot emdi
#' @importFrom ggplot2 qplot geom_abline ggtitle ylab xlab ggplot stat_qq
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes geom_point geom_smooth coord_fixed geom_line
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_color_manual scale_fill_manual geom_segment
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_linetype_discrete geom_density geom_text
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_line geom_vline stat_function geom_qq
#' @importFrom nlme ranef random.effects
#' @importFrom gridExtra arrangeGrob grid.arrange
#' @importFrom stats shapiro.test logLik cooks.distance
#' @importFrom HLMdiag mdffits
#' @importFrom stringr str_to_title
#' @name plot.emdi
#' @order 1

plot.emdi <- function(x,
                      label = "orig",
                      color = c("blue", "lightblue3"),
                      gg_theme = NULL,
                      cooks = TRUE,
                      range = NULL, ...) {
  plot_check(x = x, label = label, color = color, cooks = cooks, range = range)
  Residuals <- Random <- index <- lambda <- log_likelihood <- cooksdist <- NULL

  plotList <- vector(mode = "list", length = 5)
  plotList <- lapply(plotList, function(x) NA)
  names(plotList) <- c(
    "qq_plots", "density_res", "density_ran",
    "cooks_distance", "likelihood"
  extra_args <- list(...)
  residuals <- extra_args[["residuals"]]
  srand.eff <- extra_args[["srand.eff"]]
  tmp <- extra_args[["tmp"]]
  cook_df <- extra_args[["cook_df"]]
  indexer <- extra_args[["indexer"]]
  likelihoods <- extra_args[["likelihoods"]]
  opt_lambda <- extra_args[["opt_lambda"]]

  label <- define_label(x = x, label = label)

  ## QQ Plots
  # Residuals
  res <- qplot(sample = residuals) +
    geom_abline(colour = color[1]) +
    ggtitle(label$qq_res["title"]) + ylab(label$qq_res["y_lab"]) +
    xlab(label$qq_res["x_lab"]) + gg_theme

  # Random effects
  ran <- ggplot(data.frame(tmp), aes(sample = tmp)) +
    stat_qq(distribution = qnorm, dparams = list(
      mean = mean(tmp),
      sd = sd(tmp)
    )) +
    geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, na.rm = TRUE, col = color[1]) +
    ggtitle(label$qq_ran["title"]) +
    ylab(label$qq_ran["y_lab"]) +
    xlab(label$qq_ran["x_lab"]) +

  plotList[[1]] <- arrangeGrob(res, ran, ncol = 2)
  cat("Press [enter] to continue")
  line <- readline()

  print((plotList[[2]] <- ggplot(data.frame(Residuals = residuals),
    aes(x = Residuals),
    fill = color[2], color = color[2]
  ) +
      fill = color[2], color = color[2],
      alpha = 0.4
    ) +
    stat_function(fun = dnorm) +
    ylab(label$d_res["y_lab"]) +
    xlab(label$d_res["x_lab"]) +
    ggtitle(label$d_res["title"]) +
  cat("Press [enter] to continue")
  line <- readline()
  print((plotList[[3]] <- ggplot(data.frame(Random = srand.eff),
    aes(x = Random),
    fill = color[2], color = color[2]
  ) +
      fill = color[2], color = color[2],
      alpha = 0.4
    ) +
    stat_function(fun = dnorm) +
    ylab(label$d_ran["y_lab"]) +
    xlab(label$d_ran["x_lab"]) +
    ggtitle(label$d_ran["title"]) +

  if (cooks == TRUE) {
    cat("Press [enter] to continue")
    line <- readline()
    print((plotList[[4]] <- ggplot(data = cook_df, aes(
      x = index,
      y = cooksdist
    )) +
        x = index, y = 0, xend = index,
        yend = cooksdist
      colour = color[1]
      ) +
      xlab("Index") +
      geom_text(label = indexer[, 1], data = indexer) +
      ggtitle(label$cooks["title"]) +

  if (opt_lambda == TRUE) {
    cat("Press [enter] to continue")
    line <- readline()

    if (any(label$opt_lambda["x_lab"] == "expression(lambda)") ||
      any(label$opt_lambda["x_lab"] == "expression(Lambda)")) {
      x_lab <- expression(lambda)
    } else {
      x_lab <- label$opt_lambda["x_lab"]
    if (any(is.na(likelihoods))) {
      warning(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                      "For some lambda in the chosen range, the
                      likelihood does not converge. For these lambdas,
                      no likelihood is plotted. Choose a different range
                      to avoid this behaviour"
    print((plotList[[5]] <- ggplot(
        lambda = range,
        log_likelihood = likelihoods
      aes(x = lambda, y = log_likelihood)
    ) +
      geom_line() +
      xlab(x_lab) +
      ylab(label$opt_lambda["y_lab"]) +
      # geom_vline(xintercept = range[which.max(likelihoods)],
      #  colour = color[1]) + ggtitle(label$opt_lambda["title"]) +
        xintercept = x$transform_param$optimal_lambda,
        colour = color[1]
      ) +
      ggtitle(label$opt_lambda["title"]) +

#' @rdname plot.emdi
#' @export
plot.direct <- function(x, ...) {
  message(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                  "For emdi objects obtained by direct estimation diagnostic
                  plots are not reasonable."))

# Definition of the labels

define_label <- function(x, label) {
  if (!inherits(label, "list")) {
    if (label == "orig") {
      if (inherits(x, "ebp")) {
        label <- list(
          qq_res = c(
            title = "Error term",
            y_lab = "Quantiles of pearson residuals",
            x_lab = "Theoretical quantiles"
          qq_ran = c(
            title = "Random effect",
            y_lab = "Quantiles of random effects",
            x_lab = "Theoretical quantiles"
          d_res = c(
            title = "Density - Pearson residuals",
            y_lab = "Density",
            x_lab = "Pearson residuals"
          d_ran = c(
            title = "Density - Standardized random effects",
            y_lab = "Density",
            x_lab = "Standardized random effects"
          cooks = c(
            title = "Cook's Distance Plot",
            y_lab = "Cook's Distance",
            x_lab = "Index"
          opt_lambda = c(
            title =
                    "\\.", "-",
                ), " - REML"
            y_lab = "Log-Likelihood",
            x_lab = "expression(lambda)"
      } else if (inherits(x, "fh")) {
        label <- list(
          qq_res = c(
            title = "Realized residuals",
            y_lab = "Quantiles of std. residuals/sqrt(direct var.)",
            x_lab = "Theoretical quantiles"
          qq_ran = c(
            title = "Random effect",
            y_lab = "Quantiles of std. random effects",
            x_lab = "Theoretical quantiles"
          d_res = c(
            title = "Density - Std. residuals/sqrt(direct var.)",
            y_lab = "Density",
            x_lab = "Std. real. residuals"
          d_ran = c(
            title = "Density - Random effects",
            y_lab = "Density",
            x_lab = "Std. random effects"
          cooks = c(
            title = "",
            y_lab = "",
            x_lab = ""
          opt_lambda = c(
            title = "",
            y_lab = "",
            x_lab = ""
    } else if (label == "blank") {
      label <- list(
        qq_res = c(
          title = "",
          y_lab = "",
          x_lab = ""
        qq_ran = c(
          title = "",
          y_lab = "",
          x_lab = ""
        d_res = c(
          title = "",
          y_lab = "",
          x_lab = ""
        d_ran = c(
          title = "",
          y_lab = "",
          x_lab = ""
        cooks = c(
          title = "",
          y_lab = "",
          x_lab = ""
        opt_lambda = c(
          title = "",
          y_lab = "",
          x_lab = ""
    } else if (label == "no_title") {
      if (inherits(x, "ebp")) {
        label <- list(
          qq_res = c(
            title = "",
            y_lab = "Quantiles of pearson residuals",
            x_lab = "Theoretical quantiles"
          qq_ran = c(
            title = "",
            y_lab = "Quantiles of random effects",
            x_lab = "Theoretical quantiles"
          d_res = c(
            title = "",
            y_lab = "Density",
            x_lab = "Pearson residuals"
          d_ran = c(
            title = "",
            y_lab = "Density",
            x_lab = "Standardized random effects"
          cooks = c(
            title = "",
            y_lab = "Cook's Distance",
            x_lab = "Index"
          opt_lambda = c(
            title = "",
            y_lab = "Log-Likelihood",
            x_lab = "expression(lambda)"
      } else if (inherits(x, "fh")) {
        label <-
            qq_res = c(
              title = "",
              y_lab = "Quantiles of std. residuals/sqrt(direct var.)",
              x_lab = "Theoretical quantiles"
            qq_ran = c(
              title = "",
              y_lab = "Quantiles of std. random effects",
              x_lab = "Theoretical quantiles"
            d_res = c(
              title = "",
              y_lab = "Density",
              x_lab = "Std. real. residuals"
            d_ran = c(
              title = "",
              y_lab = "Density",
              x_lab = "Std. random effects"
            cooks = c(
              title = "",
              y_lab = "",
              x_lab = ""
            opt_lambda = c(
              title = "",
              y_lab = "",
              x_lab = ""
  } else if (inherits(label, "list")) {
    if (any(names(label) == "box_cox")) {
      warning(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                      "In following versions of package emdi, the list element
                      box_cox will be renamed into opt_lambda."))

    if (!any(names(label) %in% c(
      "qq_res", "qq_ran",
      "d_res", "d_ran",
      "cooks", "opt_lambda"
    )) ||
      !any(names(label) %in% c(
        "qq_res", "qq_ran",
        "d_res", "d_ran",
        "cooks", "box_cox"
      ))) {
      stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                   "List elements must have following names even though not
                   all must be included: qq_res, qq_ran, d_res, d_ran, cooks,
                   opt_lambda. Every list element must have the elements title,
                   y_lab and x_lab. See also help(plot.emdi)."))
    for (i in names(label)) {
      if (!all(names(label[[i]]) == c("title", "y_lab", "x_lab"))) {
        stop(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                     "Every list element must have the elements title, y_lab
                     and x_lab in this order. See also help(plot.emdi)."))

    orig_label <- list(
      qq_res = c(
        title = "Error term",
        y_lab = "Quantiles of pearson residuals",
        x_lab = "Theoretical quantiles"
      qq_ran = c(
        title = "Random effect",
        y_lab = "Quantiles of random effects",
        x_lab = "Theoretical quantiles"
      d_res = c(
        title = "Density - Pearson residuals",
        y_lab = "Density",
        x_lab = "Pearson residuals"
      d_ran = c(
        title = "Density - Standardized random effects",
        y_lab = "Density",
        x_lab = "Standardized random effects"
      cooks = c(
        title = "Cook's Distance Plot",
        y_lab = "Cook's Distance",
        x_lab = "Index"
      opt_lambda = c(
        title = paste0(
            "\\.", "-",
          )), " - REML"
        y_lab = "Log-Likelihood",
        x_lab = "expression(lambda)"

    if (any(names(label) == "qq_res")) {
      label$qq_res <- label$qq_res
    } else {
      label$qq_res <- orig_label$qq_res
    if (any(names(label) == "qq_ran")) {
      label$qq_ran <- label$qq_ran
    } else {
      label$qq_ran <- orig_label$qq_ran
    if (any(names(label) == "d_res")) {
      label$d_res <- label$d_res
    } else {
      label$d_res <- orig_label$d_res
    if (any(names(label) == "d_ran")) {
      label$d_ran <- label$d_ran
    } else {
      label$d_ran <- orig_label$d_ran
    if (any(names(label) == "cooks")) {
      label$cooks <- label$cooks
    } else {
      label$cooks <- orig_label$cooks
    if (any(names(label) == "opt_lambda") || any(names(label) == "box_cox")) {
      if (any(names(label) == "opt_lambda")) {
        label$opt_lambda <- label$opt_lambda
      } else if (any(names(label) == "box_cox")) {
        label$opt_lambda <- label$box_cox
    } else {
      label$opt_lambda <- orig_label$opt_lambda

  if (any(!(names(label) %in% c(
    "qq_res", "qq_ran",
    "d_res", "d_ran",
    "cooks", "opt_lambda", "box_cox"
  )))) {
    warning(strwrap(prefix = " ", initial = "",
                    "One or more list elements are not called qq_res, qq_ran,
                    d_res, d_ran, cooks or opt_lambda. The changes are for
                    this/these element(s) is/are not done. Instead the original
                    labels are used."))


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emdi documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 5:07 p.m.