
Defines functions gen_stream

Documented in gen_stream

#' Generates a two dimensional data stream containing events of two classes.
#' This function generates a two-dimensional data stream containing events of two classes. The data stream can be saved as separate files with images by specifying the argument \code{folder}.
#' @param n The number of files to generate. Each file consists of a 350x250 data matrix.
#' @param folder If this is set to a local folder, the data matrices are saved in \code{folder/data}, the images are saved in \code{folder/pics} and the event details are saved in \code{folder/summary}.  The event details are needed to obtain the class labels of events, when event extraction is done.
#' @param sd This specifies the seed.
#' @param vis If \code{TRUE}, the images are plotted.
#' @param muAB The starting event pixels of class A and B events are normally distributed with mean values specified by \code{muAB}. The default is \code{c(4,3)}.
#' @param sdAB The starting standard deviations of class A and B events. Default set to \code{c(2,3)}. 
#' @details
#' There are events of two classes in the data matrices : A and B.  Events of class A have only one shape while events of class B have three different shapes, including class A's shape. This was motivated from a real world example. The details of events of each class are given below.
#' \tabular{lrr}{
#' Feature \tab class A   \tab class B \cr
#' Starting cell/pixel values \tab \code{N(4,2)} \tab \code{N(3,3)} \cr
#' Ending cell/pixel values  \tab \code{N(8,2)}  \tab \code{N(5,3)} \cr
#' Maximum age of event - shape 1 \tab \code{U(20,30)} \tab \code{U(20,30)} \cr
#' Maximum age of event - shape 2  \tab \code{NA}  \tab \code{U(100,150)} \cr
#' Maximum age of event - shape 3  \tab \code{NA} \tab \code{U(100,150)} \cr
#' Maximum width of event - shape 1 \tab \code{U(20,26)} \tab \code{U(20,26)} \cr
#' Maximum width of event - shape 2  \tab \code{NA}  \tab \code{U(30,38)} \cr
#' Maximum width of event - shape 3  \tab \code{NA} \tab \code{U(50,58)} \cr
#' }
#'A list with following components:
#'   \item{\code{data}}{The data stream returned as a data frame.}
#'   \item{\code{details}}{A data frame containing the details of the events: their positions, class labels, etc.. .  This is needed for identifying class labels of events during event extraction.}
#'   \item{\code{eventlabs}}{A matrix with 1 at event locations and 0 elsewhere. }
#' @examples
#' out <- gen_stream(1, sd=15)
#' zz <- as.matrix(out$data)
#' image(1:nrow(zz), 1:ncol(zz),zz, xlab="Time", ylab="Location")
#'@seealso \code{\link{stream_from_files}}.

gen_stream <- function(n,  folder=NULL, sd=1, vis=FALSE, muAB= c(4,3), sdAB=c(2,3)){

    last_char <- substr(folder, nchar(folder), nchar(folder))
      folder <- substr(folder, 1, nchar(folder)-1)
      stop("Invalid directory!")

    files_list <- list.files(folder)
      data_true <- sum(files_list %in% "data")
      pic_true <- sum(files_list %in% "pic")
      sum_true <- sum(files_list %in% "summary")
      if( data_true + pic_true+ sum_true > 0){
        stop("Directory contains similar sub-directories. Please give a suitable directory.")


    data_folder <- folder
    dir.create(paste(folder, "/data", sep=""))
    dir.create(paste(folder, "/summary", sep="") )
    dir.create(paste(folder, "/pic", sep="") )

    save_pic <- TRUE

    data_folder <- paste(folder, "/data/", sep="")
    summary_folder <- paste(folder, "/summary/", sep="")
    pics_folder <- paste(folder, "/pic/", sep="")

    save_pic <- FALSE


  ll <- 1 # this index is for the data frame which has everything
  All.details <- data.frame(filename=as.character(), class=as.character(), subclass=numeric(), length=numeric(), width=numeric(),  file_x=numeric(), file_y=numeric(),stream_x=double(), stream_y=double() ,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  out <- list()

  ll <- 1 # this index is for the data frame which has all.details
  for(kk in 1:n){
    details <- set_parameters()
    xobj <- create_picture(details, vis, muAB, sdAB)
    x <- xobj$x

    pp <- 100 +kk
    filename <- paste("Gen_",pp,".jpg", sep="")
      jpeg(paste(pics_folder, filename, sep="" ))
      image(1:nrow(x), 1:ncol(x),x, xlab="Time", ylab="Location")


    details$file_x <- details$x
    details$file_y <- details$y

    details$stream_x <- (kk-1)*350 + details$x
    details$stream_y <- details$y

    pp <- 100 +kk
      filename <- paste("Gen_",pp,".csv", sep="")
      write.csv(x,paste(data_folder,filename, sep=""), row.names = FALSE)

      xx <- x
      eventlabs <- xobj$eventlabs
      xx <- rbind.data.frame(xx, x)
      eventlabs <- rbind.data.frame(eventlabs, xobj$eventlabs)

    for(i in 1:length(details$class)){
      All.details[ll,1:2] <- c(filename,details$class[i])
      All.details[ll,3:9] <- cbind.data.frame(details$subClass[i], details$length[i], details$width[i], details$file_x[i],details$file_y[i],details$stream_x[i],details$stream_y[i] )
      ll <- ll +1

    write.csv(All.details, paste(summary_folder,"Details_Of_Events_In_Take_2_Folder_3.csv", sep=""),row.names=FALSE)

  out$data <- xx
  out$details <- All.details
  out$eventlabs <- eventlabs

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eventstream documentation built on May 16, 2022, 9:06 a.m.