
Defines functions print.declustered plot.declustered decluster.intervals decluster.runs decluster.data.frame decluster.default decluster print.extremalindex ci.extremalindex extremalindex relative.rank taildep.test taildep plot.atdf atdf

Documented in atdf ci.extremalindex decluster decluster.data.frame decluster.default decluster.intervals decluster.runs extremalindex plot.atdf plot.declustered print.declustered print.extremalindex relative.rank taildep taildep.test

atdf <- function(x, u, lag.max=NULL, type=c("all", "rho", "rhobar"), plot=TRUE, na.action=na.fail, ...) {
   out <- list()
   out$call <- match.call()
   if(!is.numeric(x)) stop("atdf: x must be numeric.")
   if(u <= 0 || u >= 1) stop("atdf: u must be between 0 and 1 (non-inclusive).")
   type <- match.arg(type)
   out$type <- type
   out$series <- deparse(substitute(x))
   x <- na.action(as.ts(x))
   n <- length(x)
   if(is.null(lag.max)) lag.max <- floor(10*(log10(n)))
   lag.max <- min(lag.max, n - 1)
   if(lag.max < 0) stop("atdf: lag.max must be at least 0.")
   lag <- 0:lag.max
   out$lag <- lag
   if(type=="all") {
	res <- matrix(NA, lag.max+1, 2)
	colnames(res) <- c("rho", "rhobar")
   } else res <- numeric(lag.max)+NA
   xun <- sort(x)[floor(n*u)]
   for(h in lag) {
	hold <- cbind(x[(1+h):n], x[1:(n - h)])
	hold <- apply(hold,1,min) > xun
	if(type=="all" || type=="rho") {
	   if(type=="all") res[h+1,1] <- sum(hold)/(n*(1-u))
	   else res[h+1] <- sum(hold)/(n*(1-u))
	if(type=="all" || type=="rhobar") {
	   if(type=="all") res[h+1,2] <- -1 + 2*log(1-u)/log(sum(hold)/n)
	   else res[h+1] <- -1 + 2*log(1-u)/log(sum(hold)/n)
   } # end of for 'h' loop.
   out$atdf <- res
   class(out) <- "atdf"
   if(plot) {
	plot(out, ...)
   } else return(out)
} # end of 'atdf' function.

plot.atdf <- function(x, type=NULL, ...) {
   if(is.null(type)) type <- x$type
   if(type=="all") {
	if(x$type != "all") stop("plot.atdf: invalid type argument.")
	x1 <- x$atdf[,1]
	x2 <- x$atdf[,2]
	par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(4.1, 4.1, 2.1, 1.1))
   } else if(x$type=="all") {
	if(type=="rho") x1 <- x2 <- x$atdf[,1]
	else x1 <- x2 <- x$atdf[,2]
   } else x1 <- x2 <- x$atdf
   args <- list(...)
   if(is.null(args$main)) {
      if(is.null(args$ylab) && is.null(args$xlab)) {
         if(type=="all" ) plot(x$lag, x1, type="h", ylim=c(0,1), main=paste("auto-tail dependence function\n", x$series, sep=""), ylab="rho", xlab="", ...)
	 else if(type=="chi") plot(x$lag, x1, type="h", ylim=c(0,1), main=paste("auto-tail dependence function", x$series, sep=""), ylab="rho", xlab="lag", ...)
         if(type=="all") plot(x$lag, x2, type="h", ylim=c(-1,1), ylab="rhobar", xlab="lag", ...)
         else if(type=="rhobar") plot(x$lag, x2, type="h", ylim=c(-1,1), main=paste("auto-tail dependence function", x$series, sep=""), ylab="rhobar", xlab="lag", ...)
      } else if(is.null(args$ylab)) {
         if(type=="all" || type=="rho") plot(x$lag, x1, type="h", ylim=c(0,1), main=paste("auto-tail dependence function", x$series, sep=""), ylab="rho", ...)
         if(type=="all") plot(x$lag, x2, type="h", ylim=c(-1,1), ylab="rhobar", ...)
	 else if(type=="rhobar") plot(x$lag, x2, type="h", ylim=c(-1,1), main=paste("auto-tail dependence function", x$series, sep=""), ylab="rhobar", ...)
      } else if(is.null(args$xlab)) {
         if(type=="all") plot(x$lag, x1, type="h", main=paste("auto-tail dependence function", x$series, sep=""), ylim=c(0,1), xlab="", ...)
	 else if(type=="rho") plot(x$lag, x1, type="h", main=paste("auto-tail dependence function", x$series, sep=""), ylim=c(0,1), xlab="lag", ...)
         if(type=="all") plot(x$lag, x2, type="h", ylim=c(-1,1), xlab="lag", ...)
	 else if(type=="rhobar") plot(x$lag, x2, type="h", ylim=c(-1,1), main=paste("auto-tail dependence function", x$series, sep=""), xlab="lag", ...)
      } else {
         if(type=="all" || type=="rho") plot(x$lag, x1, type="h", ylim=c(0,1), main=paste("auto-tail dependence function", x$series, sep=""), ...)
         if(type=="all" || type=="rhobar") plot(x$lag, x2, type="h", ylim=c(-1,1), main=paste("auto-tail dependence function", x$series, sep=""), ...)
   } else {
      if(is.null(args$ylab) && is.null(args$xlab)) {
         if(type=="all") plot(x$lag, x1, type="h", ylim=c(0,1), ylab="rho", xlab="", ...)
	 else if(type=="rho") plot(x$lag, x1, type="h", ylim=c(0,1), ylab="rho", xlab="lag", ...)
         if(type=="all") plot(x$lag, x2, type="h", ylim=c(-1,1), ylab="rhobar", xlab="lag", ...)
         else if(type=="rhobar") plot(x$lag, x2, type="h", ylim=c(-1,1), ylab="rhobar", xlab="lag", ...)
      } else if(is.null(args$ylab)) {
         if(type=="all" || type=="rho") plot(x$lag, x1, type="h", ylim=c(0,1), ylab="rho", ...)
         if(type=="all" || type=="rhobar") plot(x$lag, x2, type="h", ylim=c(-1,1), ylab="rhobar", ...)
      } else if(is.null(args$xlab)) {
         if(type=="all") plot(x$lag, x1, type="h", ylim=c(0,1), xlab="", ...)
	 else if(type=="rho") plot(x$lag, x1, type="h", ylim=c(0,1), xlab="lag", ...)
         if(type=="all" || type=="rhobar") plot(x$lag, x2, type="h", ylim=c(-1,1), xlab="lag", ...)
      } else {
         if(type=="all" || type=="rho") plot(x$lag, x1, type="h", ylim=c(0,1), ...)
         if(type=="all" || type=="rhobar") plot(x$lag, x2, type="h", ylim=c(-1,1), ...)
   } # end of if else 'main' stmts.
} # end of 'plot.atdf' function.

taildep <- function(x, y, u, type=c("all", "chi", "chibar"), na.rm=FALSE) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if(missing(y)) {
	if((is.matrix(x) || is.data.frame(x) || is.matrix(x)) && dim(x)[2] == 2) y <- x[,2]
	else stop("taildep: must supply y or else x must be a two column matrix or data frame object.")
	x <- x[,1]
    n <- length(x)
    if(n != length(y)) stop("taildep: y must have same length as x.")
    if(na.rm) {
	good <- !is.na(x) & !is.na(y)
	x <- x[good]
	y <- y[good]
	n <- length(x)
    xun <- sort(x)[floor(n*u)]
    yun <- sort(y)[floor(n*u)]
    id <- (x > xun) & (y > yun)
    if(type=="all" || type=="chi") chi <- sum(id, na.rm=TRUE)/(n*(1-u))
    if(type=="all" || type=="chibar") chibar <- 2*log(1 - u)/log(mean(id)) - 1
    if(type=="all") {
	res <- c(chi, chibar)
	names(res) <- c("chi", "chibar")
    } else if(type=="chi") {
	res <- chi
	names(res) <- "chi"
    } else {
	res <- chibar
	names(res) <- "chibar"
} # end of 'taildep' function.

taildep.test <- function(x, y, cthresh=-0.5, trans="relative.rank", na.action=na.fail, ...) {
    out <- list()
    out$call <- match.call()
    out$data.name <- c(deparse(substitute(x)),deparse(substitute(y)))
    out$method <- "Reiss-Thomas (13.35)"
    out$transformation <- trans
    PARAMETER <- c(cthresh, NA, NA, NA)
    names(PARAMETER) <- c("threshold", "m", "n", "exceedance rate (%)")
    if(missing(y)) {
        if((is.matrix(x) || is.data.frame(x)) && dim(x)[2] == 2) y <- x[,2]
        else stop("taildep.test: must supply y or else x must be a two column matrix or data frame object.")
        x <- x[,1]
    tmp <- cbind(x,y)
    tmp <- na.action(tmp)
    n <- dim(tmp)[1]
    x <- tmp[,1]
    y <- tmp[,2]
    out$trans.args <- list(...)
    u <- do.call(trans, c(list(x=x), list(...)))
    v <- do.call(trans, c(list(x=y), list(...)))
    u <- u - 1
    v <- v - 1
    ci <- (u + v)
    out$c.full <- ci
    ci <- ci[ci > cthresh]
    m <- length(ci)
    PARAMETER[2:4] <- c(m, n, round(m/n, digits=3)*100)
    ci <- log(ci/cthresh)
    STATISTIC <- -(sum(ci,na.rm=TRUE) + m)/sqrt(m)
    names(STATISTIC) <- "statistic"
    out$statistic <- STATISTIC
    out$alternative <- "less"
    PVAL <- pnorm(STATISTIC, lower.tail=TRUE)
    out$parameter <- PARAMETER
    out$p.value <- PVAL
    class(out) <- "htest"
} # end of 'taildep.test' function.

relative.rank <- function(x, div="n", ...) {
    if(div=="n") n <- length(x)
    else if(is.element(div, c("n+1","n + 1", "n+ 1", "n +1"))) n <- length(x)+1
    else stop("relative.rank: div must be one of n or n+1.")
    x <- (rank(x, ...)/n)
} # end of 'relative.rank' funciton.

extremalindex <- function(x, threshold, method=c("intervals","runs"), run.length=1, na.action=na.fail, ...) {

    method <- tolower(method)
    method <- match.arg(method)

    xout <- x

    data.name <- deparse(substitute(x))
    dname <- as.character(substitute(x))
    if(length(dname) > 1) dname <- c(dname[2], dname[length(dname)])
    else dname <- data.name

    u <- threshold

    x <- na.action(x)
    n <- length(x)

    eid <- x > u
    N.u <- sum(eid)

    if(sum(eid)==0) {
	res <- numeric(0)
	attr(res, "theta.msg") <- "extremalindex: No values of x exceed the threshold."
	attr(res, "method") <- "none"
	class(res) <- "extremalindex"

    if(method=="intervals") {

	T.u <- diff((1:n)[eid])

	if(!any(T.u > 2)) {
            hold <- colSums(cbind(T.u, T.u^2))
	    theta.type <- "theta.hat"
	} else {
	    hold <- colSums(cbind(T.u - 1, (T.u - 1) * (T.u - 2)))
	    theta.type <- "theta.tilde"

	theta <- 2 * (hold[1])^2/((N.u - 1) * hold[2])

	if(theta > 1) {
	    theta <- 1
	    theta.msg <- "Extremal index estimate > 1.  Re-set to 1."
	} else theta.msg <- "Valid extremal index estimated"

	K <- ifelse(round(theta * N.u, digits=0) != theta * N.u, ceiling(theta * N.u), theta * N.u)

	o <- order(T.u, na.last=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE)
	oT.u <- T.u[o]
	r <- oT.u[K]

	## Handle ties
	T.u2 <- c(diff(oT.u), 0)
	ind0 <- T.u2 == 0
	ind1 <- !ind0
	if((K > 1) && (T.u2[K - 1] == 0)) {
	    ind2.0 <- (1:(N.u - 1))[ind0]
	    ind2.1 <- (1:(N.u - 1))[ind1]
	    ind3 <- (ind2.0 < K) & (ind2.0 > max(ind2.1[ind2.1 < K]))
	    K <- min(ind2.0[ind3])
	    r <- oT.u[K]

	res <- c(theta, K, r)
	attr(res, "theta.type") <- theta.type

    } else if(method == "runs") {

	tmp <- decluster(x=x, threshold=threshold, method="runs", r=run.length, ...)
	nc <- length(unique(attributes(tmp)$clusters))
	N.r <- sum(c(tmp) > threshold)
	res <- c(N.r/N.u, nc, run.length)
	attr(res, "cluster") <- attributes(tmp)$cluster

    } else stop("extremalindex: sorry, currently only methods runs and intervals available.")

    names(res) <- c("extremal.index", "number.of.clusters", "run.length")

    attr(res, "data") <- xout
    attr(res, "method") <- method
    attr(res, "data.name") <- dname
    attr(res, "data.call") <- data.name
    attr(res, "call") <- match.call()
    attr(res, "na.action") <- na.action
    attr(res, "threshold") <- u
    class(res) <- "extremalindex"


} # end of 'extremalindex' function.

ci.extremalindex <- function(x, alpha=0.05, R=502, return.samples=FALSE, ...) {

    tmp <- attributes(x)

    r <- x["run.length"]
    nc <- x["number.of.clusters"]

    y <- datagrabber(x)
    n <- length(y)
    u <- tmp$threshold
    eid <- y > u
    Nu <- sum(eid)
    s <- (1:n)[eid]
    Tu <- diff(s)

    if(tmp$method=="runs") cluster <- tmp$cluster
    else if(tmp$method=="intervals") {
	cluster <- rep(1, Nu)
        if(Nu > 1) cluster[2:Nu] <- 1 + cumsum(Tu > r)

    # Set of intercluster times.
    # ict <- c(unlist(aggregate(c(Tu,NA), by=list(cluster), function(x) return(x[1]))$x))
    # ict <- ict[!is.na(ict)]

    # Data by cluster.
    csizes <- tabulate(cluster)
    csizes <- csizes[!is.na(csizes)]
    csizes <- csizes[csizes != 0]
    mcs <- max(csizes)
    Y <- Thold <- numeric(mcs * nc) + NA

    ind <- unlist(c(apply(cbind(csizes, 0:(nc - 1)), 1, function(x, sz) 1:x[1] + x[2] * sz, sz=mcs)))
    Y[ind] <- y[eid]
    Y <- matrix(Y, mcs, nc)
    Thold[ind] <- c(1, Tu)
    Thold <- matrix(Thold, mcs, nc)

    sam <- matrix(NA, R, 3)

    for(i in 1:R) {

	ic <- sample(1:nc, replace=TRUE)
	Tub <- Thold[,ic]
	if(nc > 1) Tub[1,2:nc] <- sample(Thold[1, 2:nc], replace=TRUE)
	# if(nc > 1) Tub[1,2:nc] <- sample(ict, replace=TRUE)

	Tub <- Tub[!is.na(Tub)]
	sb <- cumsum(Tub)

	Yb.star <- Y[,ic]
	Yb <- rep(u, max(sb))
	Yb[sb] <- c(Yb.star[!is.na(Yb.star)])

	sam[i,] <- extremalindex(x=Yb, threshold=u, method=tmp$method, run.length=r)

    } # end of for 'i' loop.

    if(is.null(colnames(sam))) colnames(sam) <- c("extremal.index", "number.of.clusters", "run.length")
    if(tmp$method=="runs") sam <- sam[,-3]

    if(return.samples) return(sam)

    bds <- t(apply(sam, 2, quantile, probs=c(alpha/2, 1 - alpha/2)))

    conf.level <- paste((1 - alpha) * 100, "%", sep="")
    if(tmp$method=="runs") out <- cbind(bds[,1], x[1:2], bds[,2])
    else out <- cbind(bds[,1], x, bds[,2])
    colnames(out) <- c(paste(conf.level, " lower CI", sep=""), "Estimate", paste(conf.level, " upper CI", sep=""))

    attr(out, "data.name") <- tmp$call
    attr(out, "method") <- "Ferro-Segers Bootstrap"
    attr(out, "ei.method") <- tmp$method
    if(tmp$method=="runs") {
	names(r) <- "run.length"
	attr(out, "parameter") <- r
    attr(out, "conf.level") <- conf.level
    class(out) <- "ci"
} # end of 'ci.extremalindex' function.

print.extremalindex <- function(x, ...) {
    tmp <- attributes(x)
    if(tmp$method=="intervals") {
	cat("\n", "Intervals Method Estimator for the Extremal Index\n")
	if(tmp$theta.type=="theta.hat") cat("\n", "theta.hat used because there are no inter-exceedance times > 2.\n") 
	else if(tmp$theta.type=="theta.tilde") cat("\n", "theta.tilde used because there exist inter-exceedance times > 2.\n")
    } else if(tmp$method=="runs") {
	cat("\n", "Runs Estimator for the Extremal Index\n")
    } else if(tmp$method=="none") {
    } else stop("print: sorry, currently no print method for anything but intervals or runs estimation methods.")
    y <- x
    attributes(y) <- NULL
    names(y) <- tmp$names
} # end of 'print.extremalindex' function.

decluster <- function(x, threshold, ...) {
    UseMethod("decluster", x)
} # end of 'decluster' function.

# decluster.formula <- function(x, threshold, ..., method=c("runs","intervals"), clusterfun="max") {
#    method <- tolower(method)
#    method <- match.arg(method)
#    class(x) <- c(method, class(x))
#    UseMethod("decluster", x)
# }

decluster.default <- function(x, threshold, ..., method=c("runs","intervals"), clusterfun="max") {

    method <- tolower(method)
    method <- match.arg(method)
    class(x) <- c(method, class(x))
    UseMethod("decluster", x)

} # end of 'decluster.default' function.

decluster.data.frame <- function(x, threshold, ..., which.cols, method=c("runs","intervals"), clusterfun="max") {

    if(missing(which.cols)) stop("decluster: Must provide a which.cols argument for data frames.")
    if(!is.element(length(which.cols), 1:2)) stop("decluster: which.cols must have length one or two.")

    y <- x[,which.cols[1]]
    if(length(which.cols) == 2) groups <- x[,which.cols[2]]
    else groups <- NULL

    out <- decluster(x=y, threshold=threshold, method=method, clusterfun=clusterfun, groups=groups, ...)
    attr(out, "data.name") <- c(deparse(substitute(x)), which.cols)
    if(is.null(groups)) attr(out, "groups") <- "NULL"


} # end of 'decluster.data.frame' function.

decluster.runs <- function(x, threshold, ..., data, r=1, clusterfun="max", groups=NULL, replace.with, na.action=na.fail) {

    clusterfun <- match.fun(clusterfun)
    if(missing(replace.with)) replace.with <- threshold

    xout <- x

    dname <- deparse(substitute(x))
    thname <- deparse(substitute(threshold))

#     if(!missing(data)) {
# 	# if(missing(data)) stop("decluster: must supply data argument if x is a formula.")
# 	datc <- colnames(data)
# 	if(is.element(dname, datc)) {
# 	    id <- dname == datc
# 	    x.fun <- ifelse(dname == "substitute(x)", deparse(x), dname)
# 	    x <- c(data[,id])
#             x.fun <- formula(paste(x.fun, "~ 1"))
# 	} else if(is.formula(x)) {
# 	    x.fun <- x
# 	    x.str <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(x.fun), split="~"))
# 	    x.str <- x.str[x.str != ""]
# 	    ns <- length(x.str)
# 	    if(x.str[ns] != 1) stop("decluster: invalid x argument.")
# 	    x <- eval(parse(text=x.str[1]), envir=data)
#         } else x.fun <- NULL
# 	if(is.element(thname, datc)) {
# 	    id <- thname == datc
# 	    th.fun <- ifelse(thname == "substitute(theshold)", deparse(threshold), thname)
# 	    threshold <- c(data[,id])
# 	    th.fun <- formula(paste(th.fun, "~ 1"))
# 	} else if(is.formula(threshold)) {
# 	    th.fun <- threshold
# 	    th.str <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(th.fun), split="~"))
# 	    th.str <- th.str[th.str != ""]
# 	    ns <- length(th.str)
# 	    if(th.str[ns] != 1) stop("decluster: invalid threshold argument.")
# 	    threshold <- eval(parse(text=th.str[1]), envir=data)
#         }
#     } else {
# 	if(is.formula(x) || is.formula(threshold)) stop("decluster: data argument missing.")
# 	x.fun <- th.fun <- NULL
#     }

    if(length(threshold==1)) x <- na.action(x)
    else {
	look <- na.action(cbind(x, threshold))
	x <- look[,1]
	threshold <- look[,2]
    n <- length(x)

    eid <- x > threshold
    xu <- x[eid]

    Nu <- sum(eid)
    s <- (1:n)[eid]
    cluster <- rep(1, Nu)

    if(is.null(groups)) {

	res <- numeric(n) + replace.with
	res[!eid] <- x[!eid]

	T.u <- diff(s)
	if(Nu > 1) {

	    cluster[2:Nu] <- 1 + cumsum(T.u > r)

	    # For some unknown reason, the next command didn't work, but the subsequent one does.
	    # cres <- c(aggregate(xu, by=list(cluster), clusterfun, ...)$x)[cluster]
	    cres <- c(aggregate(xu, by=list(cluster), clusterfun)$x)[cluster]
	    cf.id <- xu == cres

	    posfun <- function(ind) {
	        m <- length(ind)
	        res <- logical(m)
	        if(any(ind)) {
	        	ind2 <- min((1:m)[ind])
	        	res[ind2] <- TRUE
	        } else res[1] <- TRUE
	    } # end of internal 'posfun' function.
	    pos <- ((1:n)[eid])[unlist(c(t(aggregate(cf.id, by=list(cluster), posfun)$x)))]
	    res[pos] <- x[pos]
	} else if(any(eid)) res[eid] <- x[eid]
    } else {

	b <- groups
	if(length(threshold) == 1) {

	    res <- aggregate(x, by=list(b), FUN=decluster, threshold=threshold, method="runs", r=r, clusterfun=clusterfun, groups=NULL)
	    res <- unlist(c(t(res$x)))

	} else {

	    dcfun <- function(dat, r, clusterfun) {
		xdat <- dat[,1]
		th <- dat[,2]
		return(decluster(x=xdat, threshold=th, method="runs", r=r, clusterfun=clusterfun))
	    } # end of internal 'dcfun' function.

	    hold <- list()
	    ub <- unique(b)
	    nb <- length(ub)
	    for(i in 1:nb) hold[[i]] <- cbind(x[b==ub[i]], threshold[b==ub[i]])
	    res <- lapply(hold, FUN=dcfun, r=r, clusterfun=cluster)
	    res <- c(unlist(res))
	} # end of if else 'threshold' is constant or not stmts.

	T.u <- diff(s)
	k <- c(aggregate(groups, by=list(groups), length)$x)
	bl <- rep(1:length(unique(groups)), k)[eid] - 1
        if(Nu > 1) cluster[2:Nu] <- 1 + cumsum(T.u > r) + bl[2:Nu]

    } # end of if else 'groups' are NULL stmts.

    attr(res, "call") <- match.call()
    # attr(res, "x.fun") <- x.fun
    # attr(res, "th.fun") <- th.fun
    attr(res, "data") <- xout
    attr(res, "data.name") <- dname
    attr(res, "decluster.function") <- clusterfun
    attr(res, "method") <- "runs"
    attr(res, "threshold") <- threshold
    attr(res, "groups.name") <- deparse(substitute(groups))
    attr(res, "groups") <- groups
    attr(res, "run.length") <- r
    attr(res, "na.action") <- na.action
    attr(res, "clusters") <- cluster
    class(res) <- "declustered" 


} # end of 'decluster.runs' function.

decluster.intervals <- function(x, threshold, ..., clusterfun="max", groups=NULL, replace.with, na.action=na.fail) {

    xout <- x

#     if(is.formula(x)) {
#         if(missing(data)) stop("decluster: must supply data argument if x is a formula.")
#         x.fun <- x
# 	x.fun <- ifelse(deparse(substitute(x)) == "substitute(x)", deparse(x), deparse(substitute(x)))
#         # x.fun <- formula(paste(x.fun, "~ 1"))
#         x <- model.response(model.matrix(x.fun, data=data))
#     } else x.fun <- NULL
#     if(is.formula(threshold)) {
#         if(missing(data)) stop("decluster: must supply data argument if threshold is a formula.")
#         th.fun <- threshold
# 	th.fun <- ifelse(deparse(substitute(threshold)) == "substitute(threshold)", deparse(threshold), deparse(substitute(threshold)))
#         # th.fun <- formula(paste(th.fun, "~ 1"))
#         threshold <- model.response(model.matrix(th.fun, data=data))
#     } else th.fun <- NULL

    th <- extremalindex(x=x, threshold=threshold, na.action=na.action)
    if(th[1] >= 1) r <- 0
    else r <- th[3]

    if(missing(replace.with)) tmp <- decluster(x=x, threshold=threshold, clusterfun=clusterfun, groups=groups, na.action=na.action)
    else tmp <- decluster(x=x, threshold=threshold, clusterfun=clusterfun, groups=groups, replace.with=replace.with, na.action=na.action)

    hold <- attributes(tmp)
    res <- c(tmp)

    attr(res, "call") <- match.call()
    # attr(res, "x.fun") <- x.fun
    # attr(res, "th.fun") <- th.fun
    attr(res, "data") <- xout
    attr(res, "data.name") <- deparse(substitute(x))
    attr(res, "decluster.function") <- clusterfun
    attr(res, "method") <- "intervals"
    attr(res, "threshold") <- threshold
    attr(res, "groups.name") <- deparse(substitute(groups))
    attr(res, "groups") <- groups
    attr(res, "run.length") <- r
    attr(res, "na.action") <- na.action
    attr(res, "clusters") <- hold$clusters
    class(res) <- "declustered"


} # end of 'decluster.intervals' function.

plot.declustered <- function(x, which.plot=c("scatter", "atdf"), qu=0.85, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, main=NULL, col="gray", ...) {

    which.plot <- tolower(which.plot)
    which.plot <- match.arg(which.plot)

    tmp <- attributes(x)
     if(length(tmp$data.name) == 1) {
 	# x0 <- try(get(tmp$data.name), silent=TRUE)
 	# if(class(x0) == "try-error") x0 <- NULL
	x0 <- tmp$data
     } else x0 <- datagrabber(x)

    if(!is.null(x0)) {
        if(is.data.frame(x0) || is.matrix(x0)) {
	    bl <- x0[,2]
	    x0 <- x0[,1]
        } else bl <- NULL
    } else bl <- NULL

    x <- c(x)
    # if(tmp$data.name == "x") warning("plot.declustered: attempt to plot original data failed because original data has same name (x) as declustered argument.")
    # x0 <- tmp$na.action(x0)
    if(!is.null(x0)) n <- length(x0)
    else n <- length(x)
    m <- length(x)
    if(is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "index"
    if(is.null(ylab)) {
	ylab <- tmp$data.name
	if(length(ylab) == 3) ylab <- paste(ylab[1], ": ", ylab[2], " grouped by ", ylab[3], sep="")
	else if(length(ylab) == 2) ylab <- paste(ylab[1], ": ", ylab[2], sep="")
    if(is.null(main) && which.plot == "scatter") main <- deparse(tmp$call)
    else main <- ""

    # if(which.plot == "primary") par(mfrow=c(5,1), oma=c(0,0,2,0), mar=c(5.1, 4, 0.1, 2.1))
    # else
    if(which.plot == "atdf") {
	if(!is.null(x0)) par(mfrow=c(2,2), oma=c(0,0,2,0), mar=c(4.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1))
	else par(mfrow=c(2,1), oma=c(0,0,2,0), mar=c(4.1, 4.1, 2.1, 2.1))

    if(is.element(which.plot, c("primary", "scatter"))) {
        if(!is.null(x0)) plot(x0, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, col=col, ...)
	else plot(x, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, col=col, ...)
        u <- tmp$threshold
        if(length(u) == 1 || all(u == u[1])) {
	    u <- u[1]
	    abline(h=u, lty=2)
        } else if(length(u) == n) lines(1:n, u, lty=2)
        else lines(1:length(u), u, lty=2)
        if(tmp$groups.name != "NULL") {
	    if(is.null(bl)) bl <- tmp$groups
	    if( !is(bl, "try-error" ) ) # warning("plot.declustered: unable to get groups for clusters.")
		m2 <- length(unique(bl))
	        m3 <- length(bl)
	        k <- c(aggregate(bl, by=list(bl), length)$x)
	        bl <- rep(1:m2, k)
	        bl2 <- (1:m3)[diff(bl) == 1]
	        abline(v=bl2, col="blue")
        points(1:m, x)

    if(is.element(which.plot, c("primary", "atdf"))) {
	if(!is.null(x0)) hold0 <- atdf(x0, u=qu, plot=FALSE, na.action=tmp$na.action)
	hold1 <- atdf(x, u=qu, plot=FALSE, na.action=tmp$na.action)
	if(which.plot=="atdf") {
	    if(!is.null(x0)) plot(hold0, type="rho", ylab="rho (original data)", xlab="", main=paste(ylab[1], " (original)\n", "auto-tail dependence function", sep=""))
	    plot(hold1, type="rho", ylab="rho (declustered data)", xlab="", main=paste(ylab[1], " (declustered)\n", "auto-tail dependence function", sep=""))
 	} else {
	    if(!is.null(x0)) plot(hold0, type="rho", ylab="rho (original data)", xlab="", main="")
            plot(hold1, type="rho", ylab="rho (declustered data)", xlab="", main="")
	if(which.plot == "primary" && !is.null(x0)) plot(hold0, type="rhobar", ylab="rhobar (original data)", xlab="", main="")
	else if(!is.null(x0)) plot(hold0, type="rhobar", ylab="rhobar (original data)", main="")
	plot(hold1, type="rhobar", ylab="rhobar (declustered data)", main="")

    if(is.element(which.plot, c("primary","atdf"))) mtext(tmp$call, line=0.5, outer=TRUE)
} # end of 'plot.declustered' function.

print.declustered <- function(x, ...) {
    tmp <- attributes(x)
    cat("\n", tmp$data.name, " declustered via", tmp$method, " declustering.\n")
    hold <- extremalindex(x, threshold=tmp$threshold)
    cat("\n", "Estimated extremal index (intervals estimate) = ", hold[1], "\n")
    cat("\n", "Number of clusters = ", length(unique(tmp$clusters)), "\n")
    cat("\n", "Run length = ", tmp$run.length, "\n")
} # end of 'print.declustered' function.

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