
Defines functions fpois.list fpois.matrix fpois.data.frame fpois.default fpois fevdProposalDefault fevdPriorDefault will.accept initializer.mle initializer.moms initializer.lmoments initializer shapePriorBetaOld shapePriorBeta oevdgen oevd setup.design.fevd setup.design.default setup.design check.constant plot.grlevdTracer grlevdTracer grlevd print.fevd summary.fevd.mle summary.fevd.bayesian summary.fevd.lmoments summary.fevd distill.fevd.mle distill.fevd.bayesian distill.fevd.lmoments distill.fevd parcov.fevd levd fevd

Documented in check.constant distill.fevd distill.fevd.bayesian distill.fevd.lmoments distill.fevd.mle fevd fevdPriorDefault fevdProposalDefault fpois fpois.data.frame fpois.default fpois.list fpois.matrix grlevd grlevdTracer initializer initializer.lmoments initializer.mle initializer.moms levd oevd oevdgen parcov.fevd plot.grlevdTracer print.fevd setup.design setup.design.default setup.design.fevd shapePriorBeta shapePriorBetaOld summary.fevd summary.fevd.bayesian summary.fevd.lmoments summary.fevd.mle will.accept

fevd <- function(x, data, threshold=NULL, threshold.fun=~1, location.fun=~1, scale.fun=~1, shape.fun=~1, use.phi=FALSE,
    type=c("GEV", "GP", "PP", "Gumbel", "Exponential"),
    method=c("MLE", "GMLE", "Bayesian", "Lmoments"), initial=NULL, span, units=NULL, time.units="days", period.basis="year",
    na.action=na.fail, optim.args=NULL, priorFun=NULL, priorParams=NULL, proposalFun=NULL, proposalParams=NULL, 
    iter=9999, weights=1, blocks=NULL, verbose=FALSE) {
    if(verbose) begin.tiid <- Sys.time()
    out <- list()

    inout <- list() # object to return initial parameter values with likelihood.

    out$call <- match.call()
    if(!missing(data)) {

        out$data.name <- c(deparse(substitute(x)), deparse(substitute(data)))
	# cov.pointer <- as.character(substitute(data))

    } else {

	out$data.name <- c(deparse(substitute(x)), "")
	# cov.pointer <- NULL


    # data.pointer <- as.character(substitute(x))
    # if( length(data.pointer) > 1) out$x <- x	
    # else out$data.pointer <- data.pointer
    # if(length(cov.pointer) > 1) out$cov.data <- data
    # else out$cov.pointer <- cov.pointer

    type <- match.arg(type)
    method <- match.arg(method)

    out$weights <- weights

    if(!missing(data)) {

        if(is.element(out$data.name[1], colnames(data))) {

            out$in.data <- TRUE
            wc <- out$data.name[1] == colnames(data)
            x <- c(data[,wc])
            x.fun <- ifelse(out$data.name[1] == "substitute(x)", deparse(x), out$data.name[1])
            x.fun <- formula(paste(x.fun, "~ 1"))
            out$x.fun <- x.fun

        } else if(is.formula(x)) {

            out$in.data <- TRUE
            x.fun <- x
            out$x.fun <- x.fun
            x <- model.response(model.frame(x.fun, data=data))

        } else out$in.data <- FALSE

        if(length(x) != nrow(data)) stop("fevd: data must have same number of rows as the length of x.")
        if(!identical(weights, 1) && length(x) != length(weights)) # CJP
          stop("fevd: weights should be the same length as x.") 

        out$missing.values <- is.na( x )

        tmp <- cbind(x, data)
        tmp <- na.action(tmp)
        x <- tmp[,1]
        data <- tmp[,-1, drop=FALSE]

    } else {

        out$missing.values <- is.na( x )

        if(is.formula(x)) stop("fevd: Must provide data argument if you supply a formula to the x argument.")
        x <- na.action(x)
        out$in.data <- FALSE


    if(!out$in.data) {
        data.pointer <- as.character(substitute(x))
        if(length(data.pointer) > 1) out$x <- x
        else out$data.pointer <- data.pointer

    if(!is.null(blocks)){  # CJP

      # test that blocks is of correct type
      if(type == "PP"){

        if(!is.element('nBlocks', names(blocks))){

          if(is.element('data', names(blocks))) {

            blocks$nBlocks <- nrow(blocks$data)

          } else stop("fevd: When supplying blocks, must provide 'blocks$nBlocks' if 'blocks$data' is  not provided.")


        if(!is.element('weights', names(blocks))) blocks$weights <- 1

        if(!is.element('proportionMissing', names(blocks))) blocks$proportionMissing <- 0

        if(!is.element('threshold', names(blocks)) && !is.null(threshold)) {

          if(length(threshold) == 1) {

            blocks$threshold <- threshold

          } else {

            stop("fevd: No blocks$threshold specified and threshold is not constant. User must supply the threshold for each block via blocks$threshold.")



      } else {

        warning("fevd: Blocks are used only for type 'PP'; ignoring blocks argument.")
        blocks <- NULL # code will now operate as if user did not supply 'blocks'



    out$x <- x
    if(!missing(data)) out$cov.data <- data
    if( method == "MLE" && !is.null(priorFun) ) method <- "GMLE"
    else if( method == "GMLE" && is.null(priorFun) ) {

	if(shape.fun != ~1) stop("fevd: must supply a prior function for GMLE method when shape parameter varies.")

	if(is.element(type, c("GEV","GP","PP"))) {

	    priorFun <- "shapePriorBeta"
	    if(is.null(priorParams)) priorParams <- list(q=6, p=9)

	} else {

	    warning("fevd: Using method MLE.  No default for specified arguments.")
	    method <- "MLE"


    } # end of if else method is GMLE but no prior function input stmts.

    if(method=="GMLE") {

	out$priorFun <- priorFun
	out$priorParams <- priorParams


    out$method <- method
    method <- tolower(method)

    out$type <- type
    type <- tolower(type)

    out$period.basis <- period.basis
    out$optim.args <- optim.args

    out$units <- units

    if(method=="bayesian" && missing(use.phi)) {
	use.phi <- TRUE
	if(verbose) cat("\n", "Setting use.phi argument to TRUE for greater stability in estimation (default with Bayesian method).  Use use.phi=FALSE if you prefer that.\n")

    # if(is.element(type, c("gp","pp","exponential","beta","pareto"))) out$npy <- npy 
    out$par.models <- list(threshold=threshold.fun, location=location.fun, scale=scale.fun, log.scale=use.phi, shape=shape.fun,
			    term.names=list(threshold=all.vars(threshold.fun), location=all.vars(location.fun),
			    scale=all.vars(scale.fun), shape=all.vars(shape.fun)))
    pars <- list()

    if(is.element(type, c("gp","pp","exponential","beta","pareto"))) {
	const.thresh <- check.constant(threshold.fun) & check.constant(threshold)
	out$const.thresh <- const.thresh
    if(is.element(type, c("gev","pp","gumbel","weibull","frechet"))) {
	const.loc <- check.constant(location.fun)
	out$const.loc <- const.loc
    const.scale <- check.constant(scale.fun)
    out$const.scale <- const.scale
    const.shape <- check.constant(shape.fun)
    out$const.shape <- const.shape
    if(is.element(type, c("pp", "gp", "exponential", "beta", "pareto"))) {
        if(missing(span)) {
          if(is.null(blocks)) {
            tiden <- attributes(x)$times
            n <- length(x)
            if(is.null(tiden)) {
              tiden <- 1:n
              start <- 1
              end <- n
              span <- end - start
            } else {
              start <- tiden[1]
              end <- tiden[n]
              span <- as.numeric(difftime(as.POSIXlt(tiden)[n], as.POSIXlt(tiden)[1], units=time.units))
          } else {
            span <- blocks$nBlocks
        } # end of if 'missing span' stmts.
        if(time.units=="days") npy <- 365.25
        else if(time.units=="months") npy <- 12
        else if(time.units=="years") npy <- 1
	else if(time.units == "hours") npy <- 24 * 365.25
	else if(time.units == "minutes") npy <- 60 * 24 * 365.25
	else if(time.units == "seconds") npy <- 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.25
        else {

            tmp.units <- unlist(strsplit(time.units, split="/")) 
            if(length(tmp.units) != 2) stop("fevd: invalid time.units argument.")
            numper <- as.numeric(tmp.units[1])
            if(is.na(numper)) stop("fevd: invalid time.units argument.")
            pertiid <- tmp.units[2]
            if(!is.element(pertiid, c("day","month","year","hour","minute","second"))) stop("fevd: invalid time.units argument.")
            if(pertiid=="year") npy <- numper
            else if(pertiid=="month") npy <- numper*12
            else if(pertiid=="day") npy <- numper*365.25
	    else if(pertiid == "hour") npy <- numper * 24 * 365.25
	    else if(pertiid == "minute") npy <- numper * 60 * 24 * 365.25
	    else if(pertiid == "second") npy <- numper * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.25

        } # end of if complicated time units stmts.

        if(!is.null(blocks)) span <- span*npy # CJP - so is on the same scale as span w/o blocks
        out$time.units <- time.units
        out$span <- span/npy
        out$npy <- npy
          cat("\n", "Data span ", span/npy, "years", "\n") 
      } else npy <- NULL # end of if 'type is of the POT variety' stmts.
#     if(!missing(data)) {
# 	if(is.element(out$data.name[1], colnames(data))) {
# 	    out$in.data <- TRUE
# 	    wc <- out$data.name[1] == colnames(data)
# 	    x <- c(data[,wc])
# 	    x.fun <- ifelse(out$data.name[1] == "substitute(x)", deparse(x), out$data.name[1])
# 	    x.fun <- formula(paste(x.fun, "~ 1"))
# 	    out$x.fun <- x.fun
# 	} else if(is.formula(x)) {
# 	    out$in.data <- TRUE
# 	    x.fun <- x
# 	    out$x.fun <- x.fun
# 	    x <- model.response(model.frame(x.fun, data=data))
#  	} else out$in.data <- FALSE
# 	if(length(x) != nrow(data)) stop("fevd: data must have same number of rows as the length of x.")
# 	tmp <- cbind(x, data)
# 	tmp <- na.action(tmp)
# 	x <- tmp[,1]
# 	data <- tmp[,-1]
#     } else {
# 	if(is.formula(x)) stop("fevd: Must provide data argument if you supply a formula to the x argument.")
# 	x <- na.action(x)
# 	out$in.data <- FALSE
#     }
#     if(!out$in.data) {
# 	data.pointer <- as.character(substitute(x))
# 	if(length(data.pointer) > 1) out$x <- x
# 	else out$data.pointer <- data.pointer
#     }

    n <- length(x)
    out$n <- n
    out$na.action <- deparse(substitute(na.action))

    if(!is.null(initial)) {
	if(!is.list(initial)) stop("fevd: initial must be NULL or a list object.")
	find.init <- FALSE
	if(is.null(initial$location) && is.element(type, c("gev","pp","gumbel","weibull","frechet"))) find.init <- TRUE
	if(use.phi && is.null(initial$log.scale)) find.init <- TRUE
	if(!use.phi && is.null(initial$scale)) find.init <- TRUE
	if(!is.element(type, c("gumbel","exponential")) && is.null(initial$shape)) find.init <- TRUE
    } else {
	initial <- list()
	find.init <- TRUE

    if(method != "lmoments") {
	if(verbose) cat("Setting up parameter model design matrices.\n")
	designs <- list()
	if(!missing(data)) {
	    if(is.element(type, c("gp", "pp", "exponential", "beta", "pareto"))) X.u <- setup.design(x=threshold.fun, data=data, n=n, dname="threshold.fun") 
	    if(is.element(type, c("gev", "pp", "gumbel", "weibull", "frechet"))) {
	 	X.loc <- setup.design(x=location.fun, data=data, n=n, const=const.loc, dname="location.fun")
		designs$X.loc <- X.loc
	    X.sc <- setup.design(x=scale.fun, data=data, n=n, const=const.scale, dname="scale.fun") 
	    designs$X.sc <- X.sc
	    if(!is.element(type,c("gumbel","exponential"))) {
		X.sh <- setup.design(x=shape.fun, data=data, n=n, const=const.shape, dname="shape.fun")
		designs$X.sh <- X.sh
	} else {
	    if(is.element(type, c("gp", "pp", "exponential", "beta", "pareto"))) X.u <- setup.design(x=threshold.fun, n=n, dname="threshold.fun")
            if(is.element(type, c("gev", "pp", "gumbel", "weibull", "frechet"))) {
	 	X.loc <- setup.design(x=location.fun, n=n, const=const.loc, dname="location.fun")
		designs$X.loc <- X.loc
            X.sc <- setup.design(x=scale.fun, n=n, const=const.scale, dname="scale.fun")
	    designs$X.sc <- X.sc
            if(!is.element(type,c("gumbel","exponential"))) {
		X.sh <- setup.design(x=shape.fun, n=n, const=const.shape, dname="shape.fun")
		designs$X.sh <- X.sh
	} # end of if else missing data stmts.

        if(!is.null(blocks)){  # CJP
          blocks$designs <- list()
          if(is.element('data', names(blocks))){
            blocks$X.u <- setup.design(x = threshold.fun, data=blocks$data, n=blocks$nBlocks, dname="threshold.fun")
            blocks$designs$X.loc <- setup.design(x=location.fun, data=blocks$data, n=blocks$nBlocks, const=const.loc, dname="location.fun")
       	    blocks$designs$X.sc <- setup.design(x=scale.fun, data=blocks$data, n=blocks$nBlocks, const=const.scale, dname="scale.fun") 
            blocks$designs$X.sh <- setup.design(x=shape.fun, data=blocks$data, n=blocks$nBlocks, const=const.shape, dname="shape.fun")
          } else {
	    blocks$X.u <- setup.design(x=threshold.fun, n=blocks$nBlocks, dname="threshold.fun")
            blocks$designs$X.loc <- setup.design(x=location.fun, n=blocks$nBlocks, const=const.loc, dname="location.fun")
            blocks$designs$X.sc <- setup.design(x=scale.fun, n=blocks$nBlocks, const=const.scale, dname="scale.fun")
            blocks$designs$X.sh <- setup.design(x=shape.fun, n=blocks$nBlocks, const=const.shape, dname="shape.fun")
	if(verbose) cat("Parameter model design matrices set up.\n")
    } # end of if method is not Lmoments to set up design matrices stmts.

    if(is.element(type, c("gp", "pp", "exponential", "beta", "pareto"))) {

	if(method != "lmoments") threshold <- rowSums(matrix(threshold, n, ncol(X.u), byrow=TRUE) * X.u)
        if(!is.null(blocks)) # CJP
          blocks$threshold <- rowSums(matrix(blocks$threshold, blocks$nBlocks, ncol(blocks$X.u), byrow=TRUE) * blocks$X.u)
	excess.id <- x > threshold
	if(all(threshold==threshold[1])) out$threshold <- threshold[1]
	else out$threshold <- threshold

	out$rate <- mean(excess.id)
    } # end of if '!missing(threshold)' stmts.

    out$blocks <- blocks # CJP

    if(method=="lmoments" || find.init) {
	if(method=="lmoments") {
	    if(verbose) cat("Beginning estimation procedure.\n")
	    is.constant <- unlist(lapply(list(u=threshold, loc=location.fun, scale=scale.fun, sh=shape.fun), check.constant))
	    if(!all(is.constant)) warning("fevd: For method Lmoments, this function does not handle covariates in the parameters.  Fitting w/o covariates.")
	    if(!is.element(type, c("gev","gp"))) stop("fevd: currently, Lmoments are only handled for estimation of GEV and GP distribution parameters.")
	xtemp <- x
	class(xtemp) <- "lmoments"
	ipars1 <- try(initializer(xtemp, model=type, threshold=threshold, npy=npy, blocks=blocks), silent = TRUE)
	if( !is( ipars1, "try-error" ) ) { # Eric -- 8/6/13
	    if(ipars1["scale"] <= 0) ipars1["scale"] <- 1e-8
	    if(method=="lmoments") {
	        out$results <- ipars1
	        class(out) <- "fevd"
	} else {

	    ipars1 <- NULL
	    if(method == "lmoments") stop("fevd: Sorry, could not find L-moments estimates.")

    } # end of if 'Lmoments method or find them anyway as potential initial estimates' stmts.

    if((method != "lmoments") && find.init) {

	xtemp <- x
	class(xtemp) <- "moms"
	ipars2 <- try(initializer(xtemp, model=type, threshold=threshold, npy=npy, blocks=blocks), silent = TRUE)

	if( !is(ipars2, "try-error" ) ) {
	    if(ipars2["scale"] <= 0) ipars2["scale"] <- 1e-8
	} else ipars2 <- NULL

	if(!is.element(type, c("pp", "gp","exponential","beta","pareto","gumbel"))) {

	    if(!is.null(ipars1)) testLmoments <- levd(x, location=ipars1["location"], scale=ipars1["scale"], shape=ipars1["shape"], type=out$type, npy=npy)
	    else testLmoments <- Inf

	    if(!is.null(ipars2)) testMoments <- levd(x, location=ipars2["location"], scale=ipars2["scale"], shape=ipars2["shape"], type=out$type, npy=npy)
	    else testMoments <- Inf

	} else if(type=="pp") { # CJP

	if(!is.null(ipars1)) { # Eric -- 8/6/13

          if(!is.null(blocks)) {
            blocks$location=ipars1["location"]; blocks$scale=ipars1["scale"]; blocks$shape=ipars1["shape"]
          testLmoments <- levd(x, threshold=threshold, location=ipars1["location"], scale=ipars1["scale"], shape=ipars1["shape"], type=out$type, npy=npy, blocks=blocks)

	} else testLmoments <- Inf
	# end of if 'ipars1' not NULL stmts.

	if(!is.null(ipars2)) { # Eric -- 8/6/13

          if(!is.null(blocks))  {
            blocks$location=ipars2["location"]; blocks$scale=ipars2["scale"]; blocks$shape=ipars2["shape"]

          testMoments <- levd(x, threshold=threshold, location=ipars2["location"], scale=ipars2["scale"], shape=ipars2["shape"], type=out$type, npy=npy, blocks=blocks)

	} else testMoments <- Inf
        # end of if 'ipars2' not NULL stmts.

          if(!is.null(blocks)) # CJP
            blocks$location <- blocks$scale <- blocks$shape <- NULL

	} else if(!is.element(type, c("gumbel","exponential"))) {

	    if(!is.null(ipars1)) testLmoments <- levd(x, threshold=threshold, scale=ipars1["scale"], shape=ipars1["shape"], type=out$type, npy=npy)
	    else testLmoments <- Inf

            if(!is.null(ipars2)) testMoments <- levd(x, threshold=threshold, scale=ipars2["scale"], shape=ipars2["shape"], type=out$type, npy=npy)
	    else testMoments <- Inf

	} else if(type=="gumbel") {

	    if(!is.null(ipars1)) testLmoments <- levd(x, location=ipars1["location"], scale=ipars1["scale"], type=out$type, npy=npy)
	    else testLmoments <- Inf

            if(!is.null(ipars2)) testMoments <- levd(x, location=ipars2["location"], scale=ipars2["scale"], type=out$type, npy=npy)
	    else testMoments <- Inf

        } else if(type=="exponential") {

	    if(!is.null(ipars1)) testLmoments <- levd(x, threshold=threshold, scale=ipars1["scale"], shape=0, type=out$type, npy=npy)
	    else testLmoments <- Inf

	    if(!is.null(ipars2)) testMoments <- levd(x, threshold=threshold, scale=ipars2["scale"], shape=0, type=out$type, npy=npy)
	    else testMoments <- Inf


	if(is.finite(testLmoments) || is.finite(testMoments)) { # Eric -- 8/6/13 
	    if(testLmoments < testMoments) {

	        if(is.null(initial$location) && !is.element(type, c("gp","exponential","beta","pareto"))) initial$location <- ipars1["location"]

	        if(is.null(initial$log.scale) && use.phi) initial$log.scale <- log(ipars1["scale"])
	        else if(is.null(initial$scale)) initial$scale <- ipars1["scale"]

	        if(!is.element(type, c("gumbel","exponential")) && is.null(initial$shape)) initial$shape <- ipars1["shape"]

	        if(verbose) cat("Using Lmoments estimates as initial estimates.  Initial value =", testLmoments, "\n")

	    } else {

	        if(is.null(initial$location) && !is.element(type, c("gp","exponential","beta","pareto"))) initial$location <- ipars2["location"]

                if(is.null(initial$log.scale) && use.phi) initial$log.scale <- log(ipars2["scale"])
	        else if(is.null(initial$scale)) initial$scale <- ipars2["scale"]

                if(!is.element(type, c("gumbel","exponential")) && is.null(initial$shape)) initial$shape <- ipars2["shape"]

	        if(verbose) cat("Initial estimates found where necessary (not from Lmoments).  Initial value =", testMoments, "\n")

	} else { # Eric -- 8/6/13; if both L-moments and Moments fails, set initial values to mu = 0, sig = 1, xi = 0.01

	    if(is.null(initial$location) && !is.element(type, c("gp","exponential","beta","pareto"))) initial$location <- 0 

	    if(is.null(initial$log.scale) && use.phi) initial$log.scale <- 0
            else if(is.null(initial$scale)) initial$scale <- 1

	    if(!is.element(type, c("gumbel","exponential")) && is.null(initial$shape)) initial$shape <- 0.01

	    warning("fevd: L-moments and Moment initial parameter estimates could not be calculated.  Using arbitrary starting values.")

	inout <- list(Lmoments=list(pars=ipars1, likelihood=testLmoments), MOM=list(pars=ipars2, likelihood=testMoments))

    } # end of if 'method is not lmoments and need to find initial estimates' stmts.

    # Set up initial estimates.
    if(!is.null(initial$location)) {
	if(ncol(X.loc) != length(initial$location)) {
	    if((length(initial$location)==1) && ncol(X.loc) > 1) initial$location <- c(initial$location, rep(0, ncol(X.loc)-1))
	    else stop("fevd: initial parameter estimates must have length 1 or number of parameters present.  Incorrect number for location parameter.")
	if(length(initial$location)==1) names(initial$location) <- "location"
	else names(initial$location) <- paste("mu", 0:(ncol(X.loc)-1), sep="")

    if(use.phi && (ncol(X.sc) != length(initial$log.scale))) {
	if((length(initial$log.scale)==1) && ncol(X.sc) > 1) initial$log.scale <- c(initial$log.scale, rep(0, ncol(X.sc)-1))
	else stop("fevd: initial parameter estimates must have length 1 or number of parameters present.  Incorrect number for log(scale) parameter.")
    } else if(!use.phi && (ncol(X.sc) != length(initial$scale))) {
	if((length(initial$scale)==1) && ncol(X.sc) > 1) initial$scale <- c(initial$scale, rep(0, ncol(X.sc)-1))
        else stop("fevd: initial parameter estimates must have length 1 or number of parameters present.  Incorrect number for scale parameter.")

    if(use.phi) {
        if(length(initial$log.scale)==1) names(initial$log.scale) <- "log.scale"
        else names(initial$log.scale) <- paste("phi", 0:(ncol(X.sc)-1), sep="")
    } else {
	if(length(initial$scale)==1) names(initial$scale) <- "scale"
	else names(initial$scale) <- paste("sigma", 0:(ncol(X.sc)-1), sep="")

    if(!is.element(type, c("gumbel","exponential"))) {
        if(ncol(X.sh) != length(initial$shape)) {
	    if((length(initial$shape)==1) && ncol(X.sh) > 1) initial$shape <- c(initial$shape, rep(0, ncol(X.sh)-1))
            else stop("fevd: initial parameter estimates must have length 1 or number of parameters present.  Incorrect number for shape parameter.")
        if(length(initial$shape)==1) names(initial$shape) <- "shape"
        else names(initial$shape) <- paste("xi", 0:(ncol(X.sh)-1), sep="")
    } # end of if type is not light tailed stmts.

    if(is.element(method, c("mle","gmle"))) {

	if(use.phi) init.pars <- c(initial$location, initial$log.scale, initial$shape)
	else init.pars <- c(initial$location, initial$scale, initial$shape)

	if(type == "exponential" && const.scale) {

	    if( method == "gmle" ) warning( "Method MLE used." )

	    res <- list()
	    excess.id <- x > threshold
	    mle <- mean(x[excess.id] - threshold[excess.id])
	    names(mle) <- "scale"
	    res$par <- mle
	    k <- sum(excess.id)
	    res$n <- k
	    res$value <- k * ( log(mle) + 1 )

	} else {

	    if(!is.null(a <- optim.args)) {

	        anam <- names(a)
	        if(!is.element("gr",anam)) {

		    if(method=="mle") opt.gr <- grlevd
		    else opt.gr <- NULL

	        } else opt.gr <- a$gr

	        if(is.null(a$method) && use.phi) opt.method <- ifelse(is.element(type,c("gev","gp","pp", "gumbel")), "BFGS", "L-BFGS-B")
	        else opt.method <- a$method
	        if(is.element(type, c("weibull","beta","frechet","pareto"))) opt.method <- "L-BFGS-B"

		if(is.element(opt.method, c("L-BFGS-B","Brent"))) {
	            if(is.null(a$lower)) {
	                if(!is.element(type,c("frechet","pareto"))) opt.lower <- -Inf
	                else opt.lower <- c(rep(-Inf, length(init.pars)-1), 0)
	            } else {
	                    if(is.element(type,c("frechet","pareto"))) opt.lower <- c(a$lower[1:(length(init.pars)-1)], 0)
	                    else opt.lower <- a$lower
	            if(is.null(a$upper)) {
	               if(!is.element(type,c("weibull","beta"))) opt.upper <- Inf
	               else opt.upper <- c(rep(Inf, length(init.pars)-1), 0)
	            } else {
	               if(is.element(type,c("weibull","beta"))) opt.upper <- c(a$upper[1:(length(init.pars)-1)], 0)
	               else opt.upper <- a$upper
	        } else {
		    opt.lower <- -Inf
		    opt.upper <- Inf
		} # end of if 'optimization method allows bounds' stmts.

	        if(is.null(a$control)) opt.control <- list()
	        else opt.control <- a$control
	        anam <- names(a$control)
	        if(!is.element("trace", anam) && verbose) opt.control$trace <- 6

	       if(is.null(a$hessian)) opt.hessian <- TRUE
	       else opt.hessian <- a$hessian
	    } else {
	        if(method=="mle") opt.gr <- grlevd
		else opt.gr <- NULL
	        if(is.element(type, c("gev","gp","pp","gumbel"))) opt.method <- "BFGS"
	        else opt.method <- "L-BFGS-B"
	        if(!is.element(type,c("frechet","pareto"))) opt.lower <- -Inf
	        else opt.lower <- c(rep(-Inf, length(init.pars)-1), 0)
	        if(!is.element(type,c("weibull","beta"))) opt.upper <- Inf
	        else opt.upper <- c(rep(Inf, length(init.pars)-1), 0)
	        if(verbose) opt.control <- list(trace=6)
	        else opt.control <- list()
	        opt.hessian <- TRUE
	    } # end of if else 'optim.args' is passed stmts.

	    parnames <- names(init.pars)
	    out$parnames <- parnames
	    if(verbose && (method != "lmoments")) {
                cat("Initial estimates are:\n")
                cat("Beginning estimation procedure.\n")

	    if(type=="pp" && find.init) {

	 	# Yet a third attempt to find good starting values--this time using the MLE for the GP parameters.
	 	if(verbose) cat("\n", "First fitting a GP-Poisson model in order to try to get a good initial estimate as PP likelihoods can be very unstable.\n")
	 	look <- out
	 	look$type <- "GP"
		des2 <- designs
		des2$X.loc <- NULL
 	 	if(!missing(data)) resGP <- optim(init.pars[-(1:ncol(X.loc))], oevd, gr=opt.gr, o=look, des=des2, x=x, data=data, u=threshold, npy=npy, phi=use.phi, method=opt.method, lower=opt.lower, upper=opt.upper, control=opt.control, hessian=opt.hessian)
                 else resGP <- optim(init.pars[-(1:ncol(X.loc))], oevd, gr=opt.gr, o=look, des=des2, x=x, u=threshold, npy=npy, phi=use.phi, method=opt.method, lower=opt.lower, upper=opt.upper, control=opt.control, hessian=opt.hessian)
	 	tmpi <- resGP$par
                if(is.null(blocks)) { # CJP
                  lrate <- npy * mean(x > threshold)
                } else {
                  lrate <- sum(x > threshold)/(blocks$nBlocks * mean(blocks$weights))
	 	xi3 <- tmpi[(ncol(X.sc)+1):length(tmpi)]
	 	if(!use.phi) sigma3 <- exp(tmpi[1:ncol(X.sc)] + xi3*log(lrate))
		else sigma3 <- tmpi[1:ncol(X.sc)] + xi3*log(lrate)
	 	lp <- lrate^(-xi3) - 1
	 	if(all(is.finite(lp))) mu3 <- mean(threshold) - (sigma3/xi3)*lp # CJP fixed bug - "mean(threshold)" not "threshold"
	 	else mu3 <- mean(x) # CJP: caution here as mean(x) will differ when only exceedances supplied... 
		nloc <- ncol(X.loc)
		if(length(mu3) < nloc) mu3 <- c(mu3, rep(0, nloc-length(mu3)))
		else mu3 <- mu3[1]

                if(!is.null(blocks)) { # CJP
                  blocks$location <- rowSums(matrix(mu3, blocks$nBlocks, nloc)*blocks$designs$X.loc)
                  blocks$scale=rowSums(matrix(sigma3, blocks$nBlocks, ncol(blocks$designs$X.sc))*blocks$designs$X.sc)
                  blocks$shape=rowSums(matrix(xi3, blocks$nBlocks, ncol(blocks$designs$X.sh))*blocks$designs$X.sh)

		if(all(is.finite(c(mu3, sigma3, xi3)))) {

		    testGPmle <- try(levd(x=x, threshold=threshold, location=rowSums(matrix(mu3, n, nloc)*X.loc),
				    scale=rowSums(matrix(sigma3, n, ncol(X.sc))*X.sc),
				    shape=rowSums(matrix(xi3, n, ncol(X.sh))*X.sh), type="PP", npy=npy, blocks=blocks), silent = TRUE)

		    if( is(testGPmle, "try-error" ) ) testGPmle <- Inf

		} else testGPmle <- Inf

                if(!is.null(blocks)) # CJP
                  blocks$location <- blocks$scale <- blocks$shape <- NULL

		if(is.finite(testLmoments) || is.finite(testMoments) || is.finite(testGPmle)) {
		    if((testGPmle < testLmoments) && (testGPmle < testMoments)) {
		        if(verbose) cat("\n", "Changing initial estimates to those based on GP MLEs.  They are: \n") 
		        if(use.phi) init.pars <- c(mu3, log(sigma3), xi3)
		        else init.pars <- c(mu3, sigma3, xi3)
		        names(init.pars) <- parnames
		        if(verbose) print(init.pars)
		    } else if(verbose) cat("\n", "Sticking with originally chosen initial estimates.\n")
		} # end of if any one of the three initial estimate attempts was successfull stmts.

		inout$PoissonGP <- list(pars=c(mu3, sigma3, xi3), likelihood=testGPmle)

	    } # end of if 'type is PP, then try to improve initial estimates' stmts.

	    if(method=="mle") {

	        if(!missing(data)) {

		    res <- optim(init.pars, oevd, gr=opt.gr, o=out, des=designs, x=x, data=data, u=threshold,
			span=span/npy, npy=npy, phi=use.phi, blocks=blocks, method=opt.method, lower=opt.lower,
			upper=opt.upper, control=opt.control, hessian=opt.hessian)  # CJP

	        } else {

		    res <- optim(init.pars, oevd, gr=opt.gr, o=out, des=designs, x=x, u=threshold,
			span=span/npy, npy=npy, phi=use.phi, blocks=blocks, method=opt.method, lower=opt.lower,
			upper=opt.upper, control=opt.control, hessian=opt.hessian)


	    } else if(method == "gmle") {

		if(!missing(data)) {

		    res <- optim(init.pars, oevdgen, gr = opt.gr, o = out, des = designs, x = x, data = data,
			u = threshold, span = span / npy, npy = npy, phi = use.phi, blocks = blocks,
			priorFun = priorFun, priorParams = priorParams, method = opt.method, lower = opt.lower,
			upper = opt.upper, control = opt.control, hessian = opt.hessian)

                } else {

		    res <- optim(init.pars, oevdgen, gr = opt.gr, o = out, des = designs, x = x, u = threshold,
			span = span / npy, npy = npy, phi = use.phi, blocks = blocks, priorFun = priorFun,
			priorParams = priorParams, method = opt.method, lower = opt.lower, upper = opt.upper,
			control = opt.control, hessian = opt.hessian)


	    } # end of if method is GMLE stmts.

	} # end of if else type is exponential.

    if(is.element("shape", names(res$par))) {
        if(is.element(type, c("frechet","pareto"))) {
	    res$par["shape"] <- abs(res$par["shape"])
	    if(res$par["shape"] == 0) {
		warning("fevd: shape parameter estimated to be zero.  Re-setting to be 1e16.")
		res$par["shape"] <- 1e16
	} else {
	    if(is.element(type, c("weibull","beta"))) res$par["shape"] <- -abs(res$par["shape"])
	    if(res$par["shape"] == 0) {
                warning("fevd: shape parameter estimated to be zero.  Re-setting to be -1e16.")
                res$par["shape"] <- -1e16
    res$num.pars <- list(location=ncol(designs$X.loc), scale=ncol(designs$X.sc), shape=ncol(designs$X.sh))
    out$results <- res
    } else if(method=="bayesian") {
	if(is.element(type, c("gev","gumbel","weibull","frechet","pp"))) {
	    nloc <- ncol(X.loc)
	    loc.names <- names(initial$location)
	} else {
	    nloc <- 0
	    loc.names <- NULL

	nsc <- ncol(X.sc)
	if(use.phi && is.null(initial$log.scale)) {
	    initial$log.scale <- log(initial$scale)
	    if(nsc == 1) names(initial$log.scale) <- "log.scale"
	    else names(initial$log.scale) <- paste("phi", 0:(nsc-1), sep="")
	sc.names <- names(initial$log.scale)

	if(!is.element(type, c("gumbel","exponential"))) {
	    nsh <- ncol(X.sh)
	    sh.names <- names(initial$shape)
	} else {
	    nsh <- 0
	    sh.names <- NULL

	np <- nloc + nsc + nsh

	find.priorParams <- FALSE
	if(is.null(priorFun) && is.null(priorParams)) find.priorParams <- TRUE
	else if(is.null(priorFun) && (is.null(priorParams$m) || is.null(priorParams$v))) find.priorParams <- TRUE
	else if(!is.null(priorFun)) {
	    if(priorFun == "fevdPriorDefault") {
		if(is.null(priorParams)) find.priorParams <- TRUE
		else if(is.null(priorParams$m) || is.null(priorParams$v)) find.priorParams <- TRUE

	if(is.null(priorFun) || find.priorParams) {

	    if(is.null(priorFun)) priorFun <- "fevdPriorDefault"

	    if(find.priorParams) {

		xtemp <- x
		class(xtemp) <- "mle"
		if(verbose) cat("\n", "Finding MLE to obtain prior means and variances.\n")
		if(missing(data)) {

		    if(missing(span)) hold <- initializer(xtemp, u=threshold, use.phi=use.phi, type=out$type, time.units=time.units, period.basis=period.basis, blocks=blocks)
		    else hold <- initializer(xtemp, u=threshold, use.phi=use.phi, type=out$type, span=span, time.units=time.units, period.basis=period.basis, blocks=blocks)

		} else {

		    if(missing(span)) hold <- initializer(xtemp, data=data, u=threshold, u.fun=threshold.fun, loc.fun=location.fun, sc.fun=scale.fun, sh.fun=shape.fun,
					    use.phi=use.phi, type=out$type, time.units=time.units, period.basis=period.basis, blocks=blocks)
		    else hold <- initializer(xtemp, data=data, u=threshold, u.fun=threshold.fun, loc.fun=location.fun, sc.fun=scale.fun, sh.fun=shape.fun,
                                            use.phi=use.phi, type=out$type, span=span, time.units=time.units, period.basis=period.basis, blocks=blocks)


		if(is.null(priorParams)) priorParams <- list(m=hold[1:np], v=rep(10,np))
		else if(is.null(priorParams$m)) priorParams$m <- hold[1:np]
		else if(is.null(priorParams$v)) priorParams$v <- rep(10, np)

	    } # end of if 'priorParams' is not provided by user.

	} # end of if 'priorFun' is not provided by user.

	out$priorFun <- priorFun
	out$priorParams <- priorParams

	if(is.null(proposalFun)) {

	    proposalFun <- "fevdProposalDefault"
	    if(is.null(proposalParams)) proposalParams <- list(sd=rep(0.1,np))

	} # end of if 'proposalFun' not supplied by user stmts.

	out$proposalFun <- proposalFun
	out$proposalParams <- proposalParams

	# Eric 05/30/14
	chain.info <- matrix(NA, iter, np + 2)
	colnames(chain.info) <- c(loc.names, sc.names, sh.names, "loglik", "prior")
	chain.info[2:iter, 1:np] <- 0

	res <- matrix(NA, iter, np+1)
	res[,np+1] <- 0
	colnames(res) <- c(loc.names, sc.names, sh.names, "new")

	if(nloc > 0) res[1,1:nloc] <- initial$location

	if(use.phi) res[1,(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)] <- initial$log.scale
	else res[1,(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)] <- initial$scale

	if( type != "Gumbel" ) res[1,(nloc+nsc+1):np] <- initial$shape

	theta.i <- res[1,1:np]

	if(verbose) {
	    cat("\n", "Finding log-Likelihood of initial parameter values:\n")
	if(!missing(data)) ll.i <- -oevd(p=res[1,], o=out, des=designs, x=x, data=data, u=threshold, span=span, npy=npy, phi=use.phi, blocks=blocks) # CJP
	else ll.i <- -oevd(p=res[1,], o=out, des=designs, x=x, u=threshold, span=span, npy=npy, phi=use.phi, blocks=blocks)

	if(verbose) cat("\n", "Finding prior df value of initial parameter values.\n")
	p.i <- do.call(priorFun, c(list(theta=theta.i), priorParams))

	chain.info[1, np + 1] <- ll.i
	chain.info[1, np + 2] <- p.i

	if(verbose) cat("\n", "Beginning the MCMC iterations (", iter, " total iterations)\n")
	for(i in 2:iter) {

	    if(verbose && i <= 10) cat(i, " ")
	    if(verbose && i %% 100 == 0) cat(i, " ")
	    ord <- sample(1:np, np)
	    theta.star <- theta.i
	    acc <- 0

	    for(j in ord) {

		# par.star <- do.call(proposalFun, c(list(p=theta.i[j], ind=j), proposalParams))

		# theta.star[j] <- par.star

		par.star <- do.call(proposalFun, c(list(p=theta.i, ind=j), proposalParams))
		theta.star[j] <- par.star[j]

		if(!missing(data)) ll.star <- -oevd(p=theta.star, o=out, des=designs, x=x, data=data, u=threshold, span=span, npy=npy, phi=use.phi, blocks=blocks) # CJP
        	else ll.star <- -oevd(p=theta.star, o=out, des=designs, x=x, u=threshold, span=span, npy=npy, phi=use.phi, blocks=blocks)

		prior.star <- do.call(priorFun, c(list(theta=theta.star), priorParams))

		look <- will.accept(ll.i=ll.i, prior.i=p.i, ll.star=ll.star, prior.star=prior.star, log=TRUE)

		if(look$accept) {

		    p.i <- prior.star
		    ll.i <- ll.star
		    theta.i <- theta.star
		    acc <- acc+1
		    chain.info[i, j] <- 1


	    } # end of inner 'j' loop.

	    res[i,] <- c(theta.i, acc)
	    chain.info[i, (np+1):(np+2)] <- c(ll.i, p.i)

	} # end of for 'i' loop.

	if(verbose) cat("\n", "Finished MCMC iterations.\n")
	out$results <- res
	out$chain.info <- chain.info

    } else stop("fevd: invalid method argument.")

    out$initial.results <- inout

    # if( method %in% c( "MLE", "GMLE" ) && results$convergence != 0 ) warning( print( results$convergence ) )

    if(verbose) print(Sys.time() - begin.tiid)
    if( method == "GMLE" ) cl <- "mle"
    else cl <- tolower( method )
    # class(out) <- c( "fevd", paste( "fevd.", cl ) )
    class( out ) <- "fevd"


} # end of 'fevd' function.

levd <- function(x, threshold, location, scale, shape,
                type=c("GEV", "GP", "PP", "Gumbel", "Weibull", "Frechet", "Exponential", "Beta", "Pareto"),
                log=TRUE, negative=TRUE, span, npy=365.25, infval=Inf, weights=1, blocks=NULL) {

# CJP added blocks argument
    type <- match.arg(type)
    type <- tolower(type)
    n <- length(x)

    w <- weights   
    if(length(w) == 1) w <- rep(w, n)
    # if(type=="pp") {
# 	if(!missing(span)) {
# 	    if((length(threshold)==1) && (length(location)==1) && (length(scale)==1)) shortcut <- TRUE
# 	    else shortcut <- FALSE
 #        } else shortcut <- FALSE
  #   }
    # CJP: if we do implement 'shortcut', can't we check the const.thresh, const.location, etc. variables? I guess the issue is that we need to pass them in to levd()
    shortcut <- FALSE

    if(!missing(threshold)) if(length(threshold)==1) threshold <- rep(threshold, n)
    if(missing(threshold) && missing(location)) stop("levd: must supply one of threshold or location.")

    if(missing(location) && !missing(threshold) && is.element(type, c("gev", "weibull", "gumbel", "frechet", "pp"))) location <- threshold
    if(!missing(location)) if(length(location)==1) location <- rep(location, n)

    if(missing(scale)) stop("levd: must supply a scale argument.")
    else if(length(scale)==1) scale <- rep(scale, n)

    if(!missing(shape)) {
	if(length(shape)==1) shape <- rep(shape, n)
	if(any(is.na(shape))) {
	    if(!negative) return(-infval)
            else return(infval)
	zero.shape <- shape==0
    	if(all(zero.shape) && !is.element(type, c("gumbel", "exponential"))) {
	    if(type=="gev") type <- "gumbel"
	    else if(type=="gp") type <- "exponential"
	if(any(zero.shape) && any(!zero.shape)) {
            warning("levd: some shape parameters are zero, and some not.  Re-setting those that are to -1e-10.")
            shape[zero.shape] <- -1e-10
    } else shape <- 0
    # end of if '!missing(shape)' stmts.

    if(!is.null(blocks)){ # CJP
      if(any(is.na(blocks$shape))) {
        if(!negative) return(-infval)
        else return(infval)
      blocks$zero.shape <- blocks$shape==0
      if(any(blocks$zero.shape) && any(!blocks$zero.shape)) {
        warning("levd: some shape parameters are zero, and some not.  Re-setting those that are to -1e-10.")
        blocks$shape[blocks$zero.shape] <- -1e-10

    if(any(scale <= 0)) {
	if(!negative) return(-infval)
	else return(infval)

    if(!is.null(blocks) && any(blocks$scale <= 0)) {  # CJP
	if(!negative) return(-infval)
	else return(infval)
# stop("levd: invalid scale parameter.  Must be positively valued.")
    if(is.element(type, c("gp","exponential","beta","pareto"))) {
	excess.id <- x > threshold
	threshold <- threshold[excess.id]
	scale <- scale[excess.id]
	shape <- shape[excess.id]
	y <- (x[excess.id] - threshold)/scale
	m <- length(y)
    if(type=="gumbel") {
	y <- (x - location)/scale
	res <- sum(colSums(w * cbind(log(scale), y, exp(-y))))
    } else if(is.element(type, c("gev","weibull","frechet"))) {
	y <- (x - location)/scale
	y <- 1 + shape*y
	if(any(y <= 0)) {
	    if(!negative) return(-infval)
	    else return(infval)
	if(type=="frechet") shape <- abs(shape)
	else if(type=="weibull") shape <- -abs(shape)
	res <- sum(w * cbind(log(scale), y^(-1/shape), log(y) * (1/shape + 1))) # CJP removed colSums() here
    } else if(type=="exponential") res <- sum(w[excess.id] * cbind(log(scale), y)) # CJP removed colSums() here
    else if(is.element(type,c("gp","beta","pareto"))) {
	y <- 1 + shape*y
	if(any(y <= 0)) {
	    if(!negative) return(-infval)
            else return(infval)
	if(type=="pareto") shape <- abs(shape)
	else if(type=="beta") shape <- -abs(shape)
	res <- sum(w[excess.id] * cbind(log(scale), log(y) * (1/shape + 1))) # CJP removed colSums()
    } else if(type=="pp") {
	if(any(zero.shape)) {
	    warning("levd: some shape parameters are zero.  Re-setting them to -1e-10.")
	    shape[zero.shape] <- -1e-10
        if(!is.null(blocks) && any(blocks$zero.shape)) { # CJP
          warning("levd: some shape parameters are zero.  Re-setting them to -1e-10.")
          blocks$shape[blocks$zero.shape] <- -1e-10

	excess.id <- x > threshold
	y <- (x - location)/scale
	y <- 1 + shape * y

	if(!shortcut) z <- 1 + ((shape*(threshold - location))/scale) # CJP made this produce a vector not a matrix
	else z <- 1 + ((shape[1]*(threshold[1] - location[1]))/scale[1])

	if(any(y[excess.id] <= 0) || any(z < 0)) {
                if(!negative) return(-infval)
                else return(infval)

        if(!is.null(blocks)){  # CJP
          blocks$z <- 1 + ((blocks$shape*(blocks$threshold - blocks$location))/blocks$scale)
          if(any(blocks$z < 0)) {
            if(!negative) return(-infval)
            else return(infval)

	th.u <- threshold[excess.id]
	sc.u <- scale[excess.id]
	sh.u <- shape[excess.id]
	y.u <- y[excess.id]

        if(is.null(blocks)) {  # CJP: sum(w*vec1 + w*vec2) may be faster than cbind
          if(!shortcut) res <- sum(w[excess.id] * cbind(log(sc.u), log(y.u) * (1/sh.u + 1))) + sum(w * z^(-1/shape))/npy # CJP removed colSums
          else res <- sum(w[excess.id] * cbind(log(sc.u), log(y.u) * (1/sh.u + 1))) + span * z^(-1/shape[1]) # CJP removed colSums
        } else {
          res <- sum(w[excess.id] * cbind(log(sc.u), log(y.u) * (1/sh.u + 1))) # pp density of exceedances
          res <- res + blocks$nBlocks * mean(blocks$weights * (1 - blocks$proportionMissing) * blocks$z^(-1/blocks$shape)) # this works either if stationary and each element is a scalar or if one or more vectors, though at the moment, I think $z and $shape will always be passed in as vectors
    } # end of which type stmts.
    if(!negative) res <- -res
    if(!log) res <- exp(res)
    if(is.na(res)) {
	if(!negative) return(-infval)
	else return(infval)
} # end of 'levd' function.

parcov.fevd <- function(x) {
    cov.theta <- NULL
    theta.hat <- x$results$par
    theta.names <- names(theta.hat)
    if(is.element("log.scale",theta.names)) {
        theta.hat[theta.names=="log.scale"] <- exp(theta.hat[theta.names=="log.scale"])
        theta.names[theta.names=="log.scale"] <- "scale"
        names(theta.hat) <- theta.names
        phiU <- FALSE
    } else phiU <- x$par.models$log.scale
    y <- datagrabber(x)
    if(x$data.name[2] != "") {
	xdat <- y[,1]
	data <- y[,-1]
    } else {
	xdat <- y[,1]
	data <- NULL
    designs <- setup.design(x)
    if(x$method != "GMLE") {

    hold <- try(suppressWarnings(optimHess(theta.hat, oevd, gr=grlevd, o=x, des=designs, x=xdat, data=data, u=x$threshold, npy=x$npy, phi=phiU, blocks=x$blocks)), silent=TRUE) # CJP

        if( !is(hold, "try-error" ) && all( !is.na(hold) ) ) {

            cov.theta <- try(suppressWarnings(solve(hold)), silent=TRUE)
	    if(any(diag(cov.theta) <= 0)) re.do <- TRUE
	    else re.do <- FALSE 

        } else re.do <- TRUE

    } else re.do <- TRUE

    if(re.do) {

       hold <- try(optimHess(theta.hat, oevd, o=x, des=designs, x=xdat, data=data, u=x$threshold, npy=x$npy, phi=phiU, blocks=x$blocks), silent=TRUE) # CJP
       if( !is(hold, "try-error" ) && all(!is.na(hold)) ) {

           cov.theta <- try(solve(hold), silent=TRUE)
	   if( is(cov.theta, "try-error" ) || any(diag(cov.theta) <= 0) ) cov.theta <- NULL


    } # end of if 're.do' stmts.


} # end of 'parcov.fevd' function.

distill.fevd <- function(x, ...) {

    if( x$method=="GMLE" ) newcl <- "mle"
    else newcl <- tolower( x$method )
    # class(x) <- c( paste("fevd.", newcl, sep=""), class( x ) )
    # UseMethod("distill",x)
    res <- get( paste( "distill.fevd.", tolower( x$method ), sep = "" ) )( x = x, ... )
    return( res )

} # end of 'distill.fevd' function.

distill.fevd.lmoments <- function(x, ...) {


} # end of 'distill.fevd.lmoments' function.

distill.fevd.bayesian <- function(x, cov=TRUE, FUN="mean", burn.in=499, ...) {

    f <- match.fun(FUN)
    p <- x$results
    np <- dim(p)[2] - 1
    p <- p[,-(np + 1)]
    pnames <- colnames(p)

    if(is.element("log.scale", pnames)) {

	id <- pnames == "log.scale"
	p[,"log.scale"] <- exp(p[,"log.scale"])
	pnames[id] <- "scale"
	colnames(p) <- pnames


    if(burn.in != 0) {

	n <- dim(p)[1] 
	if(missing(burn.in)) if(burn.in <= 2 * n - 1) burn.in <- floor(n/4)
	else if(burn.in <= n - 1) stop("distill: number of MCMC iterations too small compared to burn.in")
	p <- p[-(1:burn.in),]


    if(FUN == "mean") out <- colMeans(p, na.rm = TRUE)
    else if(FUN == "postmode" || FUN == "mode") out <- postmode(x, burn.in = burn.in, ...)
    else out <- apply(p, 2, f, ...)

    if(cov) {

	cov.theta <- cov(p)
	out <- c(out, c(cov.theta))
	names(out) <- c(pnames, paste(pnames[rep(1:np,np)], pnames[rep(1:np,each=np)], sep="."))



} # end of 'distill.fevd.bayesian' function.

distill.fevd.mle <- function(x, cov=TRUE, ...) {
    theta.hat <- x$results$par
    theta.names <- names(theta.hat)
    np <- length(theta.hat)

    if(is.element("log.scale",theta.names)) {
         theta.hat[theta.names=="log.scale"] <- exp(theta.hat[theta.names=="log.scale"])
         theta.names[theta.names=="log.scale"] <- "scale"
         names(theta.hat) <- theta.names

    out <- c(theta.hat, x$results$value)
    if(cov) {
	cov.theta <- parcov.fevd(x)

        if(!is.null(cov.theta)) {
            out <- c(out, cov.theta)
            names(out) <- c(theta.names, "nllh", paste(theta.names[rep(1:np,np)], theta.names[rep(1:np,each=np)], sep="."))
        } else names(out) <- c(theta.names, "nllh")
    } else names(out) <- c(theta.names, "nllh")

} # end of 'distill.fevd.mle' function.

summary.fevd <- function(object, ...) {

    if(object$method == "GMLE") newcl <- "mle"
    else newcl <- tolower( object$method )
    # class(object) <- c( paste("fevd.", newcl, sep=""), class( object ) )
    # UseMethod("summary", object)
    get( paste( "summary.fevd.", newcl, sep = "" ) )( object = object, ... )

} # end of 'summary.fevd' function.

summary.fevd.lmoments <- function(object, ...) {
    x <- object
    a <- list(...)
    if(!is.null(a$silent)) silent <- a$silent
    else silent <- FALSE

    theta.hat <- x$results

    if(!silent) {
	if(x$data.name[2]=="") print(paste(x$type, " Fitted to ", x$data.name[1], " using L-moments estimation."))
	else  print(paste(x$type, " Fitted to ", all.vars(x$x.fun), " of ", x$data.name[2], "data frame, using L-moments estimation."))
} # end of 'summary.fevd.lmoments' function.

summary.fevd.bayesian <- function(object, FUN="mean", burn.in=499, ...) {

    x <- object
    a <- list(...)
    if(!is.null(a$silent)) silent <- a$silent
    else silent <- FALSE

    np <- dim(x$results)[2] - 1

    if(!is.na(burn.in) && !is.null(burn.in) && burn.in > 0) {

	ll <- x$chain.info[-(1:burn.in), np + 1]
	mth <- colMeans(x$results[-(1:burn.in), -(np + 1)], na.rm = TRUE)

    } else {

	ll <- x$chain.info[, np + 1]
	mth <- colMeans(x$results[, -(np + 1)], na.rm = TRUE)

    } # end of if else 'burn.in' stmts.

    const <- is.fixedfevd(x)

    if(!silent) {
        print(paste("Estimation Method used: ", x$method, sep=""))

    out <- list()
    out$par <- ci(x, type="parameter", FUN=FUN, burn.in=burn.in)
    # if(const) out$rl <- ci(x, return.period=c(2,20,100), FUN=FUN, burn.in=burn.in)
    pdim <- dim(x$results)
    # out$acceptance.rate <- colMeans(x$results[2:pdim[1], -pdim[2]] != x$results[1:(pdim[1] - 1), -pdim[2] ])
    out$acceptance.rate <- colMeans(x$chain.info[, 2:(pdim[2] - 1), drop = FALSE ], na.rm = TRUE)

    if(!silent) {
	cat("\n", "Acceptance Rates:\n")
	# if(const) print(out$rl)

    cov.theta <- distill(x, FUN=FUN, burn.in=burn.in)
    cov.theta <- matrix(cov.theta[(np + 1):length(cov.theta)], np, np)
    colnames(cov.theta) <- rownames(cov.theta) <- colnames(x$results)[1:np]
    if(!silent) {
	cat("\n", "Estimated parameter covariance matrix.\n")
    out$cov.theta <- cov.theta

    out$se.theta <- sqrt(diag(cov.theta))

    designs <- setup.design(x)
    y <- c(datagrabber(x, cov.data=FALSE))
    if(x$data.name[2] == "") data <- NULL
    else data <- datagrabber(x, response=FALSE)

    if(is.element(x$type, c("GEV", "Gumbel", "Weibull", "Frechet"))) n <- x$n
    else n <- sum(y > x$threshold)

    nllh <- oevd(p=out$par, o=x, des=designs, x=y, data=data, u=x$threshold, span=x$span, npy=x$npy, phi=x$par.models$log.scale, blocks=x$blocks)  # CJP
    out$nllh <- nllh
    # out$AIC <- 2 * nllh + 2 * np
    if(FUN == "postmode" || FUN == "mode") out$BIC <- 2 * nllh + np * log(n)
    Dev <- -2 * ll
    Dbar <- mean(Dev, na.rm = TRUE)
    Dmth <- -2 * oevd(p=mth, o=x, des=designs, x=y, data=data, u=x$threshold, span=x$span, npy=x$npy, phi=x$par.models$log.scale, blocks=x$blocks)

    pd <- Dbar - Dmth

    out$DIC <- Dmth + 2 * pd

    if(!silent) {

# 	cat("\n", "AIC =", out$AIC, "\n")
 #        cat("\n", "BIC =", out$BIC, "\n")
	cat("\n", "DIC = ", out$DIC, "\n")



} # end of 'summary.fevd.bayesian' function.

summary.fevd.mle <- function(object, ...) {
    x <- object
    a <- list(...)

    out <- list()

    cov.theta <- se.theta <- NULL
    if(!is.null(a$silent)) silent <- a$silent
    else silent <- FALSE

    if(!silent) {
        print(paste("Estimation Method used: ", x$method, sep=""))

    if(!silent) cat("\n", "Negative Log-Likelihood Value: ", x$results$value, "\n\n")
    theta.hat <- x$results$par
    theta.names <- names(theta.hat)
    if(is.element("log.scale",theta.names)) {
	theta.hat[theta.names=="log.scale"] <- exp(theta.hat[theta.names=="log.scale"])
	theta.names[theta.names=="log.scale"] <- "scale"
	names(theta.hat) <- theta.names
	phiU <- FALSE
    } else phiU <- x$par.models$log.scale

    out$par <- theta.hat
    np <- length(theta.hat)

    designs <- setup.design(x)

    if(!is.null(x$data.pointer)) xdat <- get(x$data.pointer)
    else xdat <- x$x

    cov.theta <- parcov.fevd(x)
    out$cov.theta <- cov.theta
    if(!is.null(cov.theta)) {
	se.theta <- sqrt(diag(cov.theta))
	names(se.theta) <- theta.names
	out$se.theta <- se.theta

    if(!silent) {
	cat("\n", "Estimated parameters:\n")

    if(!is.null(se.theta)) {
	if(!silent) {
	    cat("\n", "Standard Error Estimates:\n")
	theta.hat <- rbind(theta.hat, se.theta)
	if(is.matrix(theta.hat) && dim(theta.hat)[1]==2) rownames(theta.hat) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error")
	if(is.matrix(theta.hat)) colnames(theta.hat) <- theta.names
	else names(theta.hat) <- theta.names
	if(!silent && !is.null(cov.theta)) {
	    cat("\n", "Estimated parameter covariance matrix.\n")

    nllh <- x$results$value
    out$nllh <- nllh

    if(is.element(x$type, c("GEV","Gumbel","Weibull","Frechet"))) n <- x$n
    else {
	y <- c(datagrabber(x, cov.data=FALSE))
	n <- sum(y > x$threshold)
    out$AIC <- 2 * nllh + 2 * np
    out$BIC <- 2 * nllh + np * log(n)

    if(!silent) {
	cat("\n", "AIC =", out$AIC, "\n")
	cat("\n", "BIC =", out$BIC, "\n")

} # end of 'summary.fevd.mle' function.

print.fevd <- function(x, ...) {
} # end of 'print.fevd' function.

grlevd <- function(p, o, des, x, data, u=NULL, span, npy, phi=FALSE, blocks=NULL) {
    ## Function to estimate the likelihood
    ## parameter gradients.
    npar <- length(p)
    type <- o$type
    n <- length(x)

    w <- o$weights
    if(is.null(w)) w <- 1
    if(length(w) == 1) w <- rep(w, n)

    shortcut <- FALSE
    dpar <- matrix(NA, n, npar)

    if(!is.null(blocks)) # CJP
      blocks$dpar <- matrix(NA, blocks$nBlocks, npar)

    if(is.element(type, c("PP","GEV","Gumbel","Weibull","Frechet"))) {
	X.loc <- des$X.loc
	nloc <- ncol(X.loc)
	loc <- rowSums(matrix(p[1:nloc], n, nloc, byrow=TRUE)*X.loc)
	dpar[,1:nloc] <- X.loc

        if(!is.null(blocks)) {  # CJP
          blocks$loc <- rowSums(matrix(p[1:nloc], blocks$nBlocks, nloc, byrow=TRUE)*blocks$designs$X.loc)
          blocks$dpar[,1:nloc] <- blocks$designs$X.loc
    } else {
	nloc <- 0
	loc <- NULL
        if(!is.null(blocks)) # CJP
          blocks$loc <- NULL

    X.sc <- des$X.sc
    nsc <- ncol(X.sc)
    if(phi) scale <- exp(rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], n, nsc, byrow=TRUE)*X.sc))
    else scale <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], n, nsc, byrow=TRUE)*X.sc)

    dpar[,(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)] <- X.sc
    if(phi) phi.gradTerm <- scale else phi.gradTerm <- 1 # CJP2

    if(!is.null(blocks)) { # CJP
      if(phi) {
        blocks$scale <- exp(rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], blocks$nBlocks, nsc, byrow=TRUE)*blocks$designs$X.sc))
        blocks$phi.gradTerm <- blocks$scale
      } else {
        blocks$scale <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], blocks$nBlocks, nsc, byrow=TRUE)*blocks$designs$X.sc)
        blocks$phi.gradTerm <- 1
      blocks$dpar[,(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)] <- blocks$designs$X.sc

    if(!is.element(type, c("Gumbel","Exponential"))) {
	X.sh <- des$X.sh
	nsh <- ncol(X.sh)
	shape <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+nsc+1):(nloc+nsc+nsh)], n, nsh, byrow=TRUE)*X.sh)
	dpar[,(nloc+nsc+1):(nloc+nsc+nsh)] <- X.sh

        if(!is.null(blocks)) {  # CJP
          blocks$shape <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+nsc+1):(nloc+nsc+nsh)], blocks$nBlocks, nsh, byrow=TRUE)*blocks$designs$X.sh)
          blocks$dpar[,(nloc+nsc+1):(nloc+nsc+nsh)] <- blocks$designs$X.sh
    } else {
	nsh <- 0
	shape <- NULL
        if(!is.null(blocks))  # CJP
          blocks$shape <- NULL

    if(is.element(type, c("Frechet","Pareto"))) shape <- abs(shape)
    else if(is.element(type, c("Weibull","Beta"))) shape <- -abs(shape)

    res <- p+NA
    if(is.element(type, c("GEV","Weibull","Frechet"))) {

        sh.sc <- shape/scale
        sh.1 <- 1/shape + 1
        x.fmu <- x - loc
        z <- 1 + sh.sc*x.fmu

        for(i in 1:npar) {  # CJP: don't need colSums and sum(w*vec1 + w*vec2 + w*vec3) may be faster than cbind
            if(i <= nloc) res[i] <- sum(colSums(w * cbind(-sh.1 * (sh.sc) * dpar[,i]/z, (dpar[,i]/scale)*z^(-sh.1))))
            else if(i <= nloc + nsc) res[i] <- sum(colSums(w * cbind(phi.gradTerm*dpar[,i]/scale, -phi.gradTerm * sh.1 * (shape/(scale^2))*x.fmu*dpar[,i]/z, (z^(-sh.1)/(scale^2)) * dpar[,i] * x.fmu * phi.gradTerm)))  # CJP2
            else res[i] <- sum(colSums(w * cbind(sh.1 * (dpar[,i]/scale) * x.fmu/z, -dpar[,i]/(shape^2)*log(z),
                                    z^(-1/shape) * ((dpar[,i]/(shape^2))*log(z) - (dpar[,i]/scale)*x.fmu/(z*shape)))))
        } # end of for 'i' loop.

    } else if(type == "Gumbel") {
        x.fmu <- x - loc
        z <- x.fmu/scale
        for(i in 1:npar) {
          if(i <= nloc) res[i] <- sum(colSums(w * cbind(-dpar[,i]/scale, (dpar[,i]/scale)*exp(-z))))
          else res[i] <- sum(colSums(w * cbind(phi.gradTerm*dpar[,i]/scale, -((x.fmu/(scale^2))*dpar[,i])*phi.gradTerm, phi.gradTerm*(dpar[,i]/(scale^2))*x.fmu*exp(-z))))  # CJP2 - Eric, please check this
       } # end of for 'i' loop.
   } else if(is.element(type, c("GP","Beta","Pareto"))) {
       excess.id <- x > u
       x <- x[excess.id]
       scale <- scale[excess.id]
       shape <- shape[excess.id]
       u <- u[excess.id]
       dparu <- dpar[excess.id,]
       x.fu <- x - u
       z <- 1 + (shape/scale)*x.fu
       sh.1 <- 1/shape + 1
       if(phi) phi.gradTermExc <- scale else phi.gradTermExc <- 1   # CJP2
       for(i in 1:npar) {
           if(i <= nsc) res[i] <- sum(colSums(w[excess.id] * cbind(phi.gradTermExc * dparu[,i]/scale, - ((phi.gradTermExc*sh.1*dparu[,i]*shape*x.fu/(scale^2))/z)))) # CJP2 - Eric, please check this
           else res[i] <- sum(colSums(w[excess.id] * cbind((-dparu[,i]/(shape^2))*log(z), sh.1*((dparu[,i]/scale)*x.fu)/z)))
       } # end of for 'i' loop.
   } else if(type=="Exponential") {
       excess.id <- x > u
       if(!is.matrix(dpar)) dpar <- cbind(dpar)
       dparu <- dpar[excess.id,]
       if(!is.matrix(dparu)) dparu <- cbind(dparu)
       scale <- scale[excess.id]
       xu <- x[excess.id] - u[excess.id]
       if(phi) phi.gradTermExc <- scale else phi.gradTermExc <- 1   # CJP2
       for(i in 1:npar) res[i] <- sum(colSums(w[excess.id] * cbind(phi.gradTermExc*dparu[,i]/scale, - phi.gradTermExc * xu * dparu[,i]/(scale^2)))) # CJP2 - Eric, please check this
   } else if(type=="PP") {
       excess.id <- x > u
       mu <- loc[excess.id]
       sc <- scale[excess.id]
       sh <- shape[excess.id]
       shu.scu <- sh/sc
       uu <- u[excess.id]
       xu <- x[excess.id]
       dparu <- dpar[excess.id,]
       x.fmu <- xu - mu
       if(!shortcut) u.l <- u - loc
       else u.l <- u[1] - loc[1]
       zu <- 1 + shu.scu*x.fmu
       if(!shortcut) Z <- matrix(1 + (shape/scale)*u.l, ncol=1)
       else Z <- 1 + (shape[1]/scale[1])*u.l
       shu.1 <- 1/sh + 1
       if(!shortcut) sh.1 <- 1/shape + 1
       else sh.1 <- 1/shape[1] + 1
       zpsh1 <- Z^(-sh.1)
       if(phi) phi.gradTermExc <- sc else phi.gradTermExc <- 1   # CJP2

       if(!is.null(blocks)) {
         blocks$u.l <- blocks$threshold - blocks$loc         
         blocks$Z <- 1 + (blocks$shape/blocks$scale)*blocks$u.l
         blocks$sh.1 <- 1/blocks$shape + 1
         blocks$zpsh1 <- blocks$Z^(-blocks$sh.1)
       for(i in 1:npar) { # CJP: I changed sum(colSums(...)) here to sum()
	    if(!shortcut) { # CJP: same comment about sum(w*vec1 + w*vec2)
              if(is.null(blocks)) { # CJP
                if(i <= nloc) res[i] <- sum(w[excess.id] * cbind(-shu.1*dparu[,i]*shu.scu/zu)) + colSums(w * zpsh1 * dpar[,i]/scale)/npy # CJP: I think this can be sum not colSums
                else if(i <= nloc + nsc) res[i] <- sum(w[excess.id] * cbind(phi.gradTermExc * dparu[,i]/sc, -(shu.1*dparu[,i]*sh*x.fmu/(zu*sc^2))*phi.gradTermExc)) + colSums(w * phi.gradTerm * dpar[,i]*u.l*zpsh1/(scale^2))/npy  # CJP: I think this can be sum not colSums; CJP2 - added phi.gradTerm
                else res[i] <- sum(w[excess.id] * cbind(-(dparu[,i]/(sh^2))*log(zu), (shu.1*(dparu[,i]/sc)*x.fmu)/zu)) +
                                            colSums(w * (exp(-log(Z)/shape)*((dpar[,i]/(shape^2))*log(Z) - (dpar[,i]/(shape*scale)*u.l)/Z)))/npy
              } else {  # w/ blocks
                if(i <= nloc) res[i] <- sum(w[excess.id] * cbind(-shu.1*dparu[,i]*shu.scu/zu)) +
                  blocks$nBlocks * mean(blocks$weights * (1 - blocks$proportionMissing) * blocks$zpsh1 * blocks$dpar[,i]/blocks$scale)
                else if(i <= nloc + nsc) res[i] <- sum(w[excess.id] * cbind(phi.gradTermExc*dparu[,i]/sc, -(shu.1*dparu[,i]*sh*x.fmu/(zu*sc^2))*phi.gradTermExc)) +
                  blocks$nBlocks * mean(blocks$weights * (1 - blocks$proportionMissing) * blocks$phi.gradTerm * blocks$dpar[,i]*blocks$u.l*blocks$zpsh1/(blocks$scale^2)) # CJP2: added blocks$phi.gradTerm
                else res[i] <- sum(w[excess.id] * cbind(-(dparu[,i]/(sh^2))*log(zu), (shu.1*(dparu[,i]/sc)*x.fmu)/zu)) +
                  blocks$nBlocks * mean(blocks$weights * (1 - blocks$proportionMissing) * (exp(-log(blocks$Z)/blocks$shape)*((blocks$dpar[,i]/(blocks$shape^2))*log(blocks$Z) - (blocks$dpar[,i]/(blocks$shape*blocks$scale)*blocks$u.l)/blocks$Z)))
	    } else {
	        if(i <= nloc) res[i] <- -sum(w[excess.id] * cbind(shu.1*dparu[,i]*shu.scu/zu)) + span * (zpsh1*dpar[1,i]/scale[1])
                else if(i <= nloc + nsc) res[i] <- sum(w[excess.id] * cbind(phi.gradTermExc*dparu[,i]/sc, -(shu.1*dparu[,i]*sh*x.fmu/(zu*sc^2))*phi.gradTermExc)) + span * (phi.gradTerm*dpar[1,i]*u.l*zpsh1/(scale[1]^2)) # CJP2: added phi.gradTerm
                else res[i] <- sum(w[excess.id] * cbind(-(dparu[,i]/(sh^2))*log(zu), shu.1*(dparu[,i]/sc)*x.fmu/zu)) +
                                            span * (exp(-log(Z)/shape[1])*((dpar[1,i]/(shape[1]^2))*log(Z) - (dpar[1,i]/(shape[1]*scale[1])*u.l)/Z))
       } # end of for 'i' loop.
    } # end of which gradient likelihood to use stmts.
} # end of 'grlevd' function.

grlevdTracer <- function(x, p=c(0,1,0), which.vary=1, p1.range, p2.range=NULL, threshold=NULL,
			    threshold.fun=~1, location.fun=~1, scale.fun=~1, shape.fun=~1, data, phi=FALSE,
			    nint=100, npy=365.25, weights = 1, blocks=NULL, na.action=na.fail, par1.name="", par2.name="", zl.lh=NULL, 
			    plot=TRUE, ...) {
# CJP note: this function now assumes that blocks contains the blocks data and design matrices already constructed within fevd and passed out as the $blocks element of the output from fevd - I didn't want to repeat all of that code here  

  # CJP2 : changed 'u' to 'threshold' and 'threshold' to 'threshold.fun'
  type <- match.arg(type)
    id <- which.vary
    data.name <- c(deparse(substitute(x)), deparse(substitute(data)))

    if(!is.function(na.action)) na.action <- get(na.action)

    if(!missing(data)) {
        if(length(x) != nrow(data)) stop("fevd: data must have same number of rows as the length of x.")
        tmp <- cbind(x, data)
        tmp <- na.action(tmp)
        x <- tmp[,1]
        data <- tmp[,-1]
	n <- length(x)
    } else {
	x <- na.action(x)
	n <- length(x)

    w <- weights
    if(length(w) == 1) w <- rep(w, n)

    if(!is.null(threshold)) {
	const.thresh <- check.constant(threshold.fun)
	if(!missing(data)) X.u <- setup.design(x=threshold.fun, data=data, n=n, const=const.thresh, dname="threshold")
	else X.u <- setup.design(x=threshold.fun, n=n, const=const.thresh, dname="threshold")
	threshold <- rowSums(threshold*X.u)

    } # end of if 'threshold (u)' stmts.

    p1 <- seq(p1.range[1],p1.range[2],,nint)
    if(!is.null(p2.range)) p2 <- seq(p2.range[1],p2.range[2],,nint)

    loc.exists <- is.element(type, c("GEV","PP","Gumbel","Weibull","Frechet"))
    sh.exists <- !is.element(type, c("Gumbel","Exponential"))

    designs <- list()
    if(loc.exists) {
	const.loc <- check.constant(location.fun)
	if(!missing(data)) X.loc <- setup.design(x=location.fun, data=data, n=n, const=const.loc, dname="location.fun")
	else X.loc <- setup.design(x=location.fun, n=n, const=const.loc, dname="location")
	designs$X.loc <- X.loc
	nloc <- ncol(X.loc)
      } else {
	nloc <- 0
	const.loc <- NULL

    const.scale <- check.constant(scale.fun)
    if(!missing(data)) X.sc <- setup.design(x=scale.fun, data=data, n=n, const=const.scale, dname="scale.fun")
    else X.sc <- setup.design(x=scale.fun, n=n, const=const.scale, dname="scale.fun")
    designs$X.sc <- X.sc
    nsc <- ncol(X.sc)

    if(sh.exists) {
        const.shape <- check.constant(shape.fun)
	if(!missing(data)) X.sh <- setup.design(x=shape.fun, data=data, n=n, const=const.shape, dname="shape.fun")
        else X.sh <- setup.design(x=shape.fun, n=n, const=const.shape, dname="shape")
	designs$X.sh <- X.sh
	nsh <- ncol(X.sh)
	if(is.element(type, c("Frechet","Pareto"))) shape <- abs(shape)
	else if(is.element(type, c("Weibull","Beta"))) shape <- -abs(shape)

    } else {
	nsh <- 0
	const.shape <- NULL
	shape <- 0
    } # end of 'shape.range' stmts.

    obj <- list(type=type, const.loc=const.loc, const.scale=const.scale, const.shape=const.shape,
		par.models=list(location=location.fun, scale=scale.fun, shape=shape.fun, phi=phi, weights=w,
		term.names=list(location=all.vars(location.fun), scale=all.vars(scale.fun), shape=all.vars(shape.fun))))

    num.vary <- length(id)
    if(num.vary==1) {
	lh <- lhgr <- numeric(nint)+NA
	for(i in 1:nint) {
            p[id] <- p1[i]
	    p.tmp <- p
	    scale <- rowSums(matrix(p.tmp[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], n, nsc, byrow=TRUE)*X.sc)
	    if(phi) scale <- exp(scale)

            if(!is.null(blocks)) {
              blocks$location <- rowSums(matrix(p[1:nloc], blocks$nBlocks, nloc, byrow=TRUE)*blocks$designs$X.loc)
              blocks$scale <- rowSums(matrix(p.tmp[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], blocks$nBlocks, nsc, byrow=TRUE)*blocks$designs$X.sc)
              if(phi) blocks$scale <- exp(blocks$scale)
              blocks$shape=rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+nsc+1):(nloc+nsc+nsh)], blocks$nBlocks, nsh, byrow=TRUE)*blocks$designs$X.sh)
            if(loc.exists && sh.exists) lh[i] <- levd(x=x, threshold=threshold, location=rowSums(matrix(p[1:nloc], n, nloc, byrow=TRUE)*X.loc),
						    scale=scale, shape=rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+nsc+1):(nloc+nsc+nsh)], n, nsh, byrow=TRUE)*X.sh),
						    type=type, npy=npy, weights=w, blocks=blocks)
            else if(loc.exists) lh[i] <- levd(x=x, threshold=threshold, location=rowSums(matrix(p[1:nloc], n, nloc, byrow=TRUE)*X.loc),
						    scale=scale, type=type, npy=npy, weights=w, blocks=blocks)
            else if(sh.exists) lh[i] <- levd(x=x, threshold=threshold, scale=scale, shape=rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+nsc+1):(nloc+nsc+nsh)], n, nsh, byrow=TRUE)*X.sh),
						    type=type, npy=npy, weights=w)
	    else lh[i] <- levd(x=x, threshold=threshold, scale=scale, type=type, npy=npy, weights=w, blocks=blocks)
            if(!missing(data)) lhgr[i] <- grlevd(p=p.tmp, o=obj, des=designs, x=x, data=data, u=threshold, npy=npy, phi=phi, blocks=blocks)[id]
            else lhgr[i] <- grlevd(p=p.tmp, o=obj, des=designs, x=x, u=threshold, npy=npy, phi=phi, blocks=blocks)[id]
        } # end of for 'i' loop.
	res <- cbind(p1, lh, lhgr)
	colnames(res) <- c("par.values","nllh","nllh.gr")
	attributes(res)$data.name <- data.name
	attributes(res)$par.name <- par1.name
	attributes(res)$model.name <- type
    } else if(num.vary==2) {
	lh <- lhgr1 <- lhgr2 <- matrix(NA, nint, nint)
	for(i in 1:nint) {
	    p[id[1]] <- p1[i]
	    p.tmp <- p
	    if(const.scale && phi) p.tmp[nloc+1] <- exp(p.tmp[nloc+1])
	    for(j in 1:nint) {

	        p[id[2]] <- p2[j]

		p.tmp <- p
		scale <- rowSums(matrix(p.tmp[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], n, nsc, byrow=TRUE)*X.sc)
                if(phi) scale <- exp(scale)

                if(!is.null(blocks)) {
                  blocks$location <- rowSums(matrix(p[1:nloc], blocks$nBlocks, nloc, byrow=TRUE)*blocks$designs$X.loc)
                  blocks$scale <- rowSums(matrix(p.tmp[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], blocks$nBlocks, nsc, byrow=TRUE)*blocks$designs$X.sc)  # fixed by CJP2 6/11/13 (was 'blocks$X.sc')
                  if(phi) blocks$scale <- exp(blocks$scale)
                  blocks$shape=rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+nsc+1):(nloc+nsc+nsh)], blocks$nBlocks, nsh, byrow=TRUE)*blocks$designs$X.sh)

		if(loc.exists && sh.exists) lh[i,j] <- levd(x=x, threshold=threshold, location=rowSums(matrix(p[1:nloc], n, nloc, byrow=TRUE)*X.loc),
							    scale=scale, shape=rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+nsc+1):(nloc+nsc+nsh)], n, nsh, byrow=TRUE)*X.sh),
							    type=type, npy=npy, weights=w, blocks=blocks)
                else if(loc.exists) lh[i,j] <- levd(x=x, threshold=threshold, location=rowSums(matrix(p[1:nloc], n, nloc, byrow=TRUE)*X.loc),
							    scale=scale, type=type, npy=npy, weights=w, blocks=blocks)
                else if(sh.exists) lh[i,j] <- levd(x=x, threshold=threshold, scale=scale, shape=rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+nsc+1):(nloc+nsc+nsh)], n, nsh, byrow=TRUE)*X.sh),
							    type=type, npy=npy, weights=w)
		else lh[i,j] <- levd(x=x, threshold=threshold, scale=scale, type=type, npy=npy, weights=w, blocks=blocks)

                if(!missing(data)) hold <- grlevd(p=p.tmp, o=obj, des=designs, x=x, data=data, u=threshold, npy=npy, blocks=blocks)[id]
                else hold <- grlevd(p=p.tmp, o=obj, des=designs, x=x, u=threshold, npy=npy, blocks=blocks)[id]
		lhgr1[i,j] <- hold[1]
		lhgr2[i,j] <- hold[2]
	    } # end of for 'j' loop.
	} # end of for 'i' loop.
	par.values <- list(p1,p2)
	names(par.values) <- c(paste("gr1.", par1.name, sep=""), paste("gr2.", par2.name, sep=""))
	res <- list(nllh=lh, nllh.gr1=lhgr1, nllh.gr2=lhgr2, p1=p1, p2=p2, call=match.call(), data.name=data.name, par.name=c(par1.name, par2.name), model=type)
	parvar <- cbind(rep(p1, nint), rep(p2, each=nint))
    } # end of 1 or two varied parameters stmts.
    class(res) <- "grlevdTracer"
    if(plot) plot(res, type="both", which.gr=1:2, ...)
} # end of 'grlevdTracer' function.

plot.grlevdTracer <- function(x, type=c("likelihood", "gradient", "both"), which.gr=1, log=TRUE, negative=TRUE, ...) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    a <- list(...)

    if(is.element(type, c("likelihood","both")) && is.null(a$ylab)) {
	if(log && negative) nllh.ylab <- "Negative Log-Likelihood"
	else if(log) nllh.ylab <- "Log-Likelihood"
	else if(!negative) nllh.ylab <- "Likelihood"
	else nllh.ylab <- "Negative Likelihood"
    if(is.element(type, c("gradient", "both"))) gr.ylab <- "Negative Log-Likelihood Gradient"

    if(is.matrix(x)) {

	tmp <- attributes(x)
	dname <- tmp$data.name[1]
	pname <- tmp$par.name
	mname <- tmp$model.name

	if(is.element(type, c("likelihood","both"))) {
	    X <- x[,"nllh"]
	    if(!any(is.finite(X))) {
		skip <- TRUE
	    } else {
		skip <- FALSE
	        if(!log && !negative) X <- exp(-X)
	        else if(!negative) X <- -X
	        else if(!log) X <- -exp(-X)

        if(is.null(a$ylim)) {
	    if(is.element(type, c("likelihood","both"))) yl <- range(X, finite=TRUE)
	    if(type=="both") par(mfrow=c(2,1))
	    if(is.element(type, c("likelihood","both"))) {
		if(skip) plot(1:length(X), rep(0, length(X)), type="n", yaxt="n", main="No finite negative log-likelihood values for this range")
		else {
		    if(is.null(a$ylab) && is.null(a$main)) {
		        if((type == "both") && is.null(a$xlab)) plot(x[,"par.values"], X, type="l", xlab="", ylab=nllh.ylab, main=paste(mname, dname, sep="\n"), ylim=yl, ...)
		        else if(type == "likelihood" && is.null(a$xlab)) plot(x[,"par.values"], X, type="l", xlab=pname, ylab=nllh.ylab, main=paste(mname, dname, sep="\n"), ylim=yl, ...)
		        else plot(x[,"par.values"], X, type="l", ylab=nllh.ylab, main=paste(mname, dname, sep="\n"), ylim=yl, ...)
		    } else if(is.null(a$ylab)) {
		        if((type == "both") && is.null(a$xlab)) plot(x[,"par.values"], X, type="l", xlab="", ylab=nllh.ylab, ylim=yl, ...)
		        else if(type == "likelihood" && is.null(a$xlab)) plot(x[,"par.values"], X, type="l", xlab=pname, ylab=nllh.ylab, ylim=yl, ...)
                        else plot(x[,"par.values"], X, type="l", ylab=nllh.ylab, ylim=yl, ...)
	            } else if(is.null(a$main)) {
		        if((type == "both") && is.null(a$xlab)) plot(x[,"par.values"], X, type="l", xlab="", main=paste(mname, dname, sep="\n"), ylim=yl, ...)
                        else if(type == "likelihood" && is.null(a$xlab)) plot(x[,"par.values"], X, type="l", xlab=pname, main=paste(mname, dname, sep="\n"), ylim=yl, ...)
                        else plot(x[,"par.values"], X, type="l", ylim=yl, main=paste(mname, dname, sep="\n"), ...)
		    } else {
		        if((type == "both") && is.null(a$xlab)) plot(x[,"par.values"], X, type="l", xlab="", ylim=yl, ...)
                        else if(type == "likelihood" && is.null(a$xlab)) plot(x[,"par.values"], X, type="l", xlab=pname, ylim=yl, ...)
                        else plot(x[,"par.values"], X, type="l", ylim=yl, ...)
	        } # end of if else skip stmts.
	    } # end of if type is likelihood or both stmts.

            if(is.element(type, c("gradient", "both"))) {
		if(!any(is.finite(x[,"nllh.gr"]))) {
		    plot(1:length(x[,"nllh.gr"]), rep(0, length(x[,"nllh.gr"])), type="n", yaxt="n", main="No finite negative log-likelihood gradient values for this range")
		} else {

	            if(is.null(a$main) && type=="both") m1 <- ""
	            else if(is.null(a$main)) m1 <- paste(mname, dname, sep="\n")

	            if(is.null(a$ylab) && is.null(a$main)) {
	        	# gr.ylab <- paste(gr.ylab, " wrt ", pname, sep="")
	        	if(is.null(a$xlab)) plot(x[,"par.values"], x[,"nllh.gr"], type="l", xlab=pname, ylab=gr.ylab, main=m1, ...)
	        	else plot(x[,"par.values"], x[,"nllh.gr"], type="l", ylab=gr.ylab, main=m1, ...)
	            } else if(is.null(a$ylab)) {
		        # gr.ylab <- paste(gr.ylab, " wrt ", pname, sep="")
                        if(is.null(a$xlab)) plot(x[,"par.values"], x[,"nllh.gr"], type="l", xlab=pname, ylab=gr.ylab, ...)
                        else plot(x[,"par.values"], x[,"nllh.gr"], type="l", ylab=gr.ylab, ...)
	            } else if(is.null(a$main)) {
	        	if(is.null(a$xlab)) plot(x[,"par.values"], x[,"nllh.gr"], type="l", xlab=pname, main=m1, ...)
                        else plot(x[,"par.values"], x[,"nllh.gr"], type="l", main=m1, ...)
	            } else {
	        	if(is.null(a$xlab)) plot(x[,"par.values"], x[,"nllh.gr"], type="l", xlab=pname, ...)
                        else plot(x[,"par.values"], x[,"nllh.gr"], type="l", ...)
	            } # end of if ylab and main supplied or not stmts.
		    abline(h=0, lty=2)
	        } # end of if else no finite gradient values stmts.
	    } # end of if type is gradient or both stmts.

	} else {
            if(type=="both") par(mfrow=c(2,1))
            if(is.element(type, c("likelihood","both"))) {
                if(is.null(a$ylab) && is.null(a$main)) {
                    if((type == "both") && is.null(a$xlab)) plot(x[,"par.values"], X, type="l", xlab="", ylab=nllh.ylab, main=paste(mname, dname, sep="\n"), ...)
                    else if(type == "likelihood" && is.null(a$xlab)) plot(x[,"par.values"], X, type="l", xlab=pname, ylab=nllh.ylab, main=paste(mname, dname, sep="\n"), ...)
                    else plot(x[,"par.values"], X, type="l", ylab=nllh.ylab, main=paste(mname, dname, sep="\n"), ...)
                } else if(is.null(a$ylab)) {
                    if((type == "both") && is.null(a$xlab)) plot(x[,"par.values"], X, type="l", xlab="", ylab=nllh.ylab, ...)
                    else if(type == "likelihood" && is.null(a$xlab)) plot(x[,"par.values"], X, type="l", xlab=pname, ylab=nllh.ylab, ...)
                    else plot(x[,"par.values"], X, type="l", ylab=nllh.ylab, ...)
                } else {
                    if((type == "both") && is.null(a$xlab)) plot(x[,"par.values"], X, type="l", xlab="", ...)
                    else if(type == "likelihood" && is.null(a$xlab)) plot(x[,"par.values"], X, type="l", xlab=pname, ...)
                    else plot(x[,"par.values"], X, type="l", ...)
            } # end of if type is likelihood or both stmts.

            if(is.element(type, c("gradient", "both"))) {
                if(is.null(a$main) && type=="both") m1 <- ""
                else if(is.null(a$main)) m1 <- paste(mname, dname, sep="\n")
                if(is.null(a$ylab) && is.null(a$main)) {
                    gr.ylab <- paste(gr.ylab, " wrt ", pname, sep="")
                    if(is.null(a$xlab)) plot(x[,"par.values"], x[,"nllh.gr"], type="l", xlab=pname, ylab=gr.ylab, main=m1, ...)
                    else plot(x[,"par.values"], x[,"nllh.gr"], type="l", ylab=gr.ylab, main=m1, ...)
                } else if(is.null(a$ylab)) {
                    gr.ylab <- paste(gr.ylab, " wrt ", pname, sep="")
                    if(is.null(a$xlab)) plot(x[,"par.values"], x[,"nllh.gr"], type="l", xlab=pname, ylab=gr.ylab, ...)
                    else plot(x[,"par.values"], x[,"nllh.gr"], type="l", ylab=gr.ylab, ...)
                } else if(is.null(a$main)) {
                    if(is.null(a$xlab)) plot(x[,"par.values"], x[,"nllh.gr"], type="l", xlab=pname, main=m1, ...)
                    else plot(x[,"par.values"], x[,"nllh.gr"], type="l", main=m1, ...)
                } else {
                    if(is.null(a$xlab)) plot(x[,"par.values"], x[,"nllh.gr"], type="l", xlab=pname, ...)
                    else plot(x[,"par.values"], x[,"nllh.gr"], type="l", ...)
                } # end of if ylab and main supplied or not stmts.
		abline(h=0, lty=2)
            } # end of if type is gradient or both stmts.
	} # end of if ylim is passed or not stmts.

    } else {
	dname <- x$data.name[1]
        p1name <- x$par.name[1]
        p2name <- x$par.name[2]
        p1 <- x$p1
        p2 <- x$p2
	nint <- length(p1)
	if(is.element(type, c("likelihood","both"))) {
	    X <- x$nllh
	    if(!log && !negative) X <- exp(-X)
            else if(!negative) X <- -X
            else if(!log) X <- -exp(-X)
	    minloc <- cbind(rep(p1, nint), rep(p2, each=nint))[which.min(c(X)),]

	if(!(which.gr[1]==1 || which.gr[1]==2 || all(which.gr==1:2))) stop("plot.grlevdTracer: invalid which.gr argument.  Must be 1, 2 or 1:2.")

	if(is.null(a$xlab)) xl <- p1name
	else xl <- a$xlab
	if(is.null(a$ylab)) yl <- p2name
	else yl <- a$ylab

	if(!is.null(a$zlim)) zl.lh <- zl.gr1 <- zl.gr2 <- a$zlim
        else {
            zl.lh <- range(c(X), finite=TRUE)
            zl.gr1 <- range(c(x$nllh.gr1), finite=TRUE)
            zl.gr2 <- range(c(x$nllh.gr2), finite=TRUE)

	# if(is.null(a$col)) zcol <- tim.colors(64)
	# else zcol <- a$col

	if(is.null(a$horizontal)) hz <- TRUE
	else hz <- a$horizontal

	if(is.null(a$legend.mar)) legmar <- ifelse(hz, 3.1, 5.1)
	else legmar <- a$legend.mar

	if(type=="both") {
	    if(length(which.gr)==1) par(mfrow=c(1,2))
	    else par(mfrow=c(1,3))

	if(is.null(a$main)) {
	    if(is.element(type, c("likelihood","both"))) m1 <- paste(nllh.ylab, "\n", x$model, ": ", x$data.name[1], sep="")
	    else m1 <- ""
	    if(length(which.gr)==1) m2 <- m3 <- paste(x$model, ": Negative Log-Likelihood\nGradient wrt ", x$par.name[which.gr], " (", x$data.name[1], ")", sep="")
            else {
	        m2 <- paste(x$model, ": Negative Log-Likelihood\nGradient wrt ", p1name, " (", x$data.name[1], ")", sep="")
                m3 <- paste(x$model, ": Negative Log-Likelihood\nGradient wrt ", p2name, " (", x$data.name[1], ")", sep="")
        } else m1 <- m2 <- m3 <- a$main

	if(is.element(type,c("likelihood","both"))) {
	    image(p1, p2, X, main=m1, xlab=xl, ylab=yl, zlim=zl.lh)
	    points(minloc[1], minloc[2], pch="x", col="darkorange")
	    # image.plot(p1, p2, X, zlim=zl.lh, horizontal=hz, legend.only=TRUE, legend.mar=legmar)
	} # end of if likelihood or both stmts.

	if(is.element(type, c("gradient","both"))) {
	    if(is.element(1, which.gr)) {
		image(p1, p2, x$nllh.gr1, main=m2, xlab=xl, ylab=yl, zlim=zl.gr1)
		# image.plot(p1, p2, x$nllh.gr1,  zlim=zl.gr1, horizontal=hz, legend.only=TRUE, legend.mar=legmar)

	    if(is.element(2, which.gr)) {
                image(p1, p2, x$nllh.gr2, main=m3, xlab=xl, ylab=yl, zlim=zl.gr2)
                # image.plot(p1, p2, x$nllh.gr2,  zlim=zl.gr2, horizontal=hz, legend.only=TRUE, legend.mar=legmar)

	} # end of if type is gradient or both stmts.

    }# end of if one or two parameters varied stmts.
} # end of 'plot.grlevdTracer' function.

check.constant <- function(x) {
    # internal function to determine whether a parameter is to be modeled
    # as constant (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
    if(is.formula(x)) {
        if(length(as.character(x))==2 && as.character(x)[2] == "1") return(TRUE)
        else return(FALSE)
    } else {
        if(length(x)==1) return(TRUE)
        else if(all(x == x[1])) return(TRUE)
        else return(FALSE)
} # end of 'check.constant' function.

setup.design <- function(x, ...) {
    UseMethod("setup.design", x)
} # end of 'setup.design' function.

setup.design.default <- function(x, ..., data, n, const, dname) {
    if(missing(data)) data <- NULL
    if(missing(const)) const <- check.constant(x)
    if(const || is.vector(x)) return(matrix(1, n, 1))
    else if(is.formula(x)) {
        if(is.null(data)) return(model.matrix(x))
        else return(model.matrix(x, data))
    } else stop(paste("setup.design: invalid ", dname, " parameter.", sep=""))
} # end of 'setup.design' function.

setup.design.fevd <- function(x, ...) {
    out <- list()
    n <- x$n
    mods <- x$par.models
    dname <- x$data.name[2]
    data <- datagrabber(x, response=FALSE)

    out$X.u <- setup.design(mods$threshold, data=data, n=n, dname="threshold")
    out$X.loc <- setup.design(mods$location, data=data, n=n, dname="location")
    out$X.sc <- setup.design(mods$scale, data=data, n=n, dname="scale")
    out$X.sh <- setup.design(mods$shape, data=data, n=n, dname="shape")
} # end of 'setup.design.fevd' function.

oevd <- function(p, o, des, x, data=NULL, u=NULL, span, npy, phi=FALSE, blocks=NULL) {
    ## Function to be optimized by 'optim'.
    ## Takes the parameter design matrices and
    ## calculates the resulting vector of parameters,
    ## then calls 'levd' to get the negative log-likelihood.
    type <- o$type
    n <- length(x)

    w <- o$weights
    if(length(w) == 1) w <- rep(w, n)

    if(!is.element(type, c("GP","Beta","Pareto","Exponential"))) {
        X.loc <- des$X.loc
        nloc <- ncol(X.loc)
        loc <- rowSums(matrix(p[1:nloc], n, nloc, byrow=TRUE)*X.loc)
    } else {
        nloc <- 0
        loc <- 0

    X.sc <- des$X.sc
    nsc <- ncol(X.sc)
    if(phi) scale <- exp(rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], n, nsc, byrow=TRUE)*X.sc))
    else scale <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], n, nsc, byrow=TRUE)*X.sc)

    if(!is.element(o$type, c("Gumbel","Exponential"))) {
        X.sh <- des$X.sh
        nsh <- ncol(X.sh)
        shape <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+nsc+1):(nloc+nsc+nsh)], n, nsh, byrow=TRUE)*X.sh)
    } else {
        nsh <- 0
        shape <- 0

    if(!is.null(blocks)) {  # could check for const.loc, etc. and just do sum(p[1:nloc]*blocks$designs$X.param[1,])
      if(is.element(type, c("PP"))) {
        blocks$location <- rowSums(matrix(p[1:nloc], blocks$nBlocks, nloc, byrow=TRUE)*blocks$designs$X.loc)
      if(phi) blocks$scale <- exp(rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], blocks$nBlocks, nsc, byrow=TRUE)*blocks$designs$X.sc))
      else blocks$scale <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], blocks$nBlocks, nsc, byrow=TRUE)*blocks$designs$X.sc)
      blocks$shape <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+nsc+1):(nloc+nsc+nsh)], blocks$nBlocks, nsh, byrow=TRUE)*blocks$designs$X.sh)

    if(missing(span)) res <- levd(x=x, threshold=u, location=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, type=type, npy=npy, infval=1e10, weights=w, blocks=blocks)
    else res <- levd(x=x, threshold=u, location=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, type=type, span=span, npy=npy, infval=1e10, weights=w, blocks=blocks)

} # end of 'oevd' function.

oevdgen <- function(p, o, des, x, data = NULL, u = NULL, span, npy, phi = FALSE, priorFun, priorParams = NULL, blocks = NULL) {

    ## Function to be optimized by 'optim'.
    ## Takes the parameter design matrices and
    ## calculates the resulting vector of parameters,
    ## then calls 'levd' to get the negative log-likelihood.

    type <- o$type
    n <- length(x)

    w <- o$weights
    if(length(w) == 1) w <- rep(w, n)

    if(!is.element(type, c("GP","Beta","Pareto","Exponential"))) {

        X.loc <- des$X.loc
        nloc <- ncol(X.loc)
        loc <- rowSums(matrix(p[1:nloc], n, nloc, byrow=TRUE) * X.loc)
	if(nloc == 1) lname <- "location"
	else lname <- paste("mu", 0:(nloc - 1), sep = "")

    } else {

        nloc <- 0
        loc <- 0
	lname <- NULL


    X.sc <- des$X.sc
    nsc <- ncol(X.sc)
    if(phi) scale <- exp(rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], n, nsc, byrow=TRUE) * X.sc))
    else scale <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], n, nsc, byrow=TRUE) * X.sc)
    if(nsc == 1) scname <- "scale"
    else scname <- paste("phi", 0:(nsc - 1), sep="")

    if(!is.null(des$X.sh)) {

        X.sh <- des$X.sh
        nsh <- ncol(X.sh)
        shape <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+nsc+1):(nloc+nsc+nsh)], n, nsh, byrow=TRUE) * X.sh)
	if(nsh == 1) shname <- "shape"
	else shname <- paste("xi", 0:(nsh - 1), sep = "")

    } else {

        nsh <- 0
        shape <- 0
	shname <- NULL


    if(!is.null(blocks)) {

      blocks$location <- rowSums(matrix(p[1:nloc], blocks$nBlocks, nloc, byrow=TRUE) * blocks$designs$X.loc)
      if(phi) blocks$scale <- exp(rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], blocks$nBlocks, nsc, byrow=TRUE) * blocks$designs$X.sc))
      else blocks$scale <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+1):(nloc+nsc)], blocks$nBlocks, nsc, byrow=TRUE) * blocks$designs$X.sc)
      blocks$shape <- rowSums(matrix(p[(nloc+nsc+1):(nloc+nsc+nsh)], blocks$nBlocks, nsh, byrow=TRUE) * blocks$designs$X.sh)

    if(missing(span)) res <- levd(x=x, threshold=u, location=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, type=type, npy=npy, infval=1e10, weights=w, blocks=blocks)
    else res <- levd(x=x, threshold=u, location=loc, scale=scale, shape=shape, type=type, span=span, npy=npy, infval=1e10, weights=w, blocks=blocks)

    # newp <- cbind(loc, scale, shape)
    # colnames(newp) <- c(lname, scname, shname)

    # res2 <- do.call(priorFun, c(list(x = newp), priorParams))
    res2 <- do.call(priorFun, c(list(x = p), priorParams))

    return(res + res2)

} # end of 'oevdgen' function.

shapePriorBeta <- function( x, p, q ) {

    xi <- x[ length(x) ]
    if( xi >= -0.5 & xi <= 0.5 ) {

        -( 0.5 + xi )^( q-1 ) * ( 0.5 - xi )^( p-1 ) / beta(q,p)

    } else {


    } # end of if else 'xi between -0.5 and 0.5' stmts.

} # end of 'shapePriorBeta' function.

shapePriorBetaOld <- function(x, p, q) {
    ## Function to calculate the GMLE prior for the shape parameter.

    # if(!is.element("shape", colnames(x))) stop("shapePriorBeta: invalid model for this prior penalty function.") 
    # xi <- 0.5 + x[,"shape"]

    xi <- x[ length(x) ]

    # res <- -sum(dbeta(x=xi, shape1=q, shape2=p, log=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE)

    res <- - dbeta(x = xi, shape1 = q, shape2 = p, log = TRUE)
    if(!is.finite(res)) res <- sign(res) * 1e16


} # end of 'shapePriorBetaOld' function.

initializer <- function(x, model, threshold, ...) {

    UseMethod("initializer", x)

} # end of 'initializer' function.

initializer.lmoments <- function(x, model, threshold, ..., npy, blocks=NULL) {

    if(is.element(model, c("gev", "weibull", "frechet", "gumbel"))) {

	lambda <- Lmoments(x)
	tau3 <- lambda[3] / lambda[2]
        co <- 2 / (3 + tau3) - log(2) / log(3)
        kappa <- 7.8590 * co + 2.9554 * co^2
        g <- gamma(1 + kappa)
        sigma <- (lambda[2] * kappa)/((1 - 2^(-kappa)) * g)
        mu <- lambda[1] - (sigma / kappa) * (1 - g)
        xi <- -kappa
	res <- c(mu, sigma, xi)
	names(res) <- c("location", "scale", "shape")

    } else if(is.element(model, c("gp", "exponential", "beta", "pareto", "pp"))) {

	n <- length(x)
	u <- threshold
	if(length(u)==1) u <- rep(u, n)
	id <- x > u
	lambda <- Lmoments(x[id] - u[id])
        tau2 <- lambda[2] / lambda[1]
        sigma <- lambda[1] * (1 / tau2 - 1)
        kappa <- 1 / tau2 - 2
        xi <- -kappa

        if(model=="pp") {

          if(is.null(blocks)) {

            rate <- npy * sum(id)/n

          } else {

            rate <- sum(id)/(blocks$nBlocks * mean(blocks$weights))


          sigma <- exp(log(sigma) + xi*log(rate))
          mu <- mean(threshold) - (sigma/xi)*(rate^(-xi) - 1)
          res <- c(mu, sigma, xi, rate)
          names(res) <- c("location", "scale", "shape", "rate")

        } else if(model != "exponential") {

	    res <- c(sigma, xi)
	    names(res) <- c("scale", "shape")

	} else {

	    res <- sigma
	    names(res) <- c("scale")


    } # end of 'which models to estimate' stmts.


} # end of 'initializer.lmoments' function.

initializer.moms <- function(x, model, threshold, ..., npy, blocks=NULL) {
    if(is.element(model, c("gev","gumbel","frechet","weibull"))) {
	m <- mean(x)
	s <- sqrt(6*var(x))/pi
	mu <- m - 0.57722*s
	sigma <- log(s)
	if(model=="weibull") xi <- -1e-8
	else if(is.element(model,c("gev","frechet"))) xi <- 1e-8
	else xi <- 0
	res <- c(mu, sigma, xi)
	names(res) <- c("location", "scale", "shape")
    } else if(is.element(model, c("pp", "gp", "exponential", "beta", "pareto"))) {
	n <- length(x)
	u <- threshold
	if(length(u)==1) u <- rep(u,n)
	id <- x > u
	x.u <- x[id] - u[id]
	m <- mean(x.u)
	sigma <- sqrt(var(x.u))
	if(model=="beta") xi <- -1e-8
	else if(is.element(model, c("pp","gp","beta"))) xi <- 1e-8
	else xi <- 0
	if(model=="pp") {
          if(is.null(blocks)) {
	    rate <- npy * sum(id)/n
          } else {
            rate <- sum(id)/(blocks$nBlocks * mean(blocks$weights))
          sigma <- exp(log(sigma) + xi*rate)
          mu <- mean(u) - (sigma/xi)*(rate^(-xi) - 1)
          res <- c(mu, sigma, xi)
          names(res) <- c("location", "scale", "shape")
	} else if(model != "exponential") {
	    res <- c(sigma, xi)
	    names(res) <- c("scale", "shape")
	} else {
	    res <- sigma
	    names(res) <- "scale"
    } else stop("initializer: invalid model argument.")
} # end of 'initializer.moms' function.

initializer.mle <- function(x, model, threshold, ..., data=NULL, u, u.fun, loc.fun, sc.fun, sh.fun, use.phi, type, span, time.units, period.basis, blocks=NULL) {

    attributes(x) <- NULL

    if(is.null(data)) {
	if(missing(span)) res <- fevd(x=x, threshold=u, use.phi=use.phi, type=type, time.units=time.units, period.basis=period.basis, blocks=blocks)
	else res <- fevd(x=x, threshold=u, use.phi=use.phi, type=type, span=span, time.units=time.units, period.basis=period.basis, blocks=blocks)
    } else {
	if(missing(span)) res <- fevd(x=x, data=data, threshold=u, threshold.fun=u.fun, location.fun=loc.fun, scale.fun=sc.fun, shape.fun=sh.fun,
				    use.phi=use.phi, type=type, time.units=time.units, period.basis=period.basis, blocks=blocks)
        else res <- fevd(x=x, data=data, threshold=u, threshold.fun=u.fun, location.fun=loc.fun, scale.fun=sc.fun, shape.fun=sh.fun,
				    use.phi=use.phi, type=type, span=span, time.units=time.units, period.basis=period.basis, blocks=blocks)
} # end of 'initializer.bayesian' function.

will.accept <- function( ll.i, prior.i, ll.star, prior.star, log=TRUE) {
    ## Function to determine whether to accept a proposed parameter value or not.
    ## Arguments:
    ## 'll.i' numeric giving the log-likelihood value for the i-th step parameter combination.
    ## 'prior.i' numeric giving the (log) prior probability for the i-th step parameter combination.
    ## 'll.star', 'prior.star' are the log-likelihood and (log) prior values for the proposed parameter vector.
    ## Details: Calculates the ratio R=(L(theta*;data)p(theta*))/(L(theta.i;data)p(theta.i)), and determines
    ##   whether to accept or reject the proposed parameters with probability alpha = min(1, R).
    ## Value: list with components:
    ## 'accept' a logical saying whether to accept the proposed parameters (if TRUE) or not (if FALSE),
    ## 'ratio' numeric giving the value of R (see Details above),
    ## 'alpha' numeric giving the value of 'alpha' (see Details above),
    ## 'll.star' numeric giving the log-likelihood of the proposed parameter combination,
    ## 'prior.star' the prior probability for the proposed parameter combination.
    out <- list()
    ratio <- (ll.star + prior.star) - (ll.i + prior.i)
    if(!log) ratio <- exp( ratio)
    if( is.na( ratio)) {
         out$accept <- FALSE
         out$ratio <- out$alpha <- NA
         return( out)

    if(!log) alpha <- min( 1, ratio)
    else alpha <- min(0, ratio)

    if(!log) {
 	if( runif( 1) < alpha) accept <- TRUE
 	else accept <- FALSE
    } else {
 	if(log(runif(1)) < alpha) accept <- TRUE
	else accept <- FALSE
    out$accept <- accept
    out$ratio <- ratio
    out$alpha <- alpha
    return( out)
} # end of 'will.accept' function.

fevdPriorDefault <- function(theta, m, v, log=TRUE) {

    np <- length(theta)
    dfun <- function(th) dnorm(th[1], mean=th[2], sd=th[3], log=log)

    if(length(m)==1) m <- rep(m, np)
    else if(length(m) != np) stop("fevdPriorDefault: m must have length 1 or same as number of parameters.")

    if(length(v)==1) v <- rep(v, np)
    else if(length(v) != np) stop("fevdPriorDefault: v must have length 1 or same as number of parameters.")

    th <- cbind(theta, m, v)
    res <- apply(th, 1, dfun)
    if(log) return(sum(res))
    else return(prod(res))

} # end of 'fevdPriorDefault' function.

fevdProposalDefault <- function(p, ind, ...) {

    a <- list(...)

    if(!is.null(a$mean)) {

	#if(length(a$mean) > 1) m <- a$mean[ind]
	#else m <- a$mean
	m <- a$mean

    } else m <- 0

    if(!is.null(a$sd)) {

	# if(length(a$sd) > 1) s <- a$sd[ind]
	# else s <- a$sd 
	s <- a$sd

    } else s <- 0.1
    return(p + rnorm(length(p), mean=m, sd=s))

} # end of 'fevdProposalDefault' function.

fpois <- function(x, na.action = na.fail, ...) {

    UseMethod("fpois", x)

} # end of 'fpois' function.

fpois.default <- function(x, na.action = na.fail, ...) {

    theCall <- match.call()
    dname <- deparse(substitute(x))

    x <- na.action(x)

    n <- length(x)
    m <- mean(x)
    v <- var(x)

    PARAMETER <- c(m, v, n - 1)
    names(PARAMETER) <- c("mean", "variance", "degrees of freedom")

    CRITVAL <- (n - 1) * v / m
    names(CRITVAL) <- "Chi-square(n - 1)"
    PVAL <- pchisq(CRITVAL, df = n - 1, lower.tail = FALSE)

    structure(list(statistic = CRITVAL, parameter = PARAMETER, 
        alternative = "greater", p.value = PVAL, method = "Test for Equality of (Poisson) Mean and Variance", 
        data.name = dname, call = theCall), class = "htest")

} # end of 'fpois.default' function.

fpois.data.frame <- function(x, na.action = na.fail, ..., which.col = 1) {

    theCall <- match.call()
    dname <- deparse(substitute(x))

    if(length(which.col) > 1) stop("fpois: invalid which.col argument.  Length must be one.  To include covariates, use glm with poisson() family link.")
    x <- x[, which.col]
    x <- na.action(x)

    n <- length(x)
    m <- mean(x)
    v <- var(x)

    PARAMETER <- c(m, v, n - 1)
    names(PARAMETER) <- c("mean", "variance", "degrees of freedom")

    CRITVAL <- (n - 1) * v / m
    names(CRITVAL) <- "Chi-square(n - 1)"
    PVAL <- pchisq(CRITVAL, df = n - 1, lower.tail = FALSE)

    structure(list(statistic = CRITVAL, parameter = PARAMETER,
        alternative = "greater", p.value = PVAL, method = "Test for Equality of (Poisson) Mean and Variance",
        data.name = dname, call = theCall), class = "htest")

} # end of 'fpois.data.frame' function.

fpois.matrix <- function(x, na.action = na.fail, ..., which.col = 1) {

    theCall <- match.call()
    dname <- deparse(substitute(x))

    if(length(which.col) > 1) stop("fpois: invalid which.col argument.  Length must be one.  To include covariates, use glm with poisson() family link.")
    x <- x[, which.col]
    x <- na.action(x)

    n <- length(x)
    m <- mean(x)
    v <- var(x)

    PARAMETER <- c(m, v, n - 1)
    names(PARAMETER) <- c("mean", "variance", "degrees of freedom")

    CRITVAL <- (n - 1) * v / m
    names(CRITVAL) <- "Chi-square(n - 1)"
    PVAL <- pchisq(CRITVAL, df = n - 1, lower.tail = FALSE)

    structure(list(statistic = CRITVAL, parameter = PARAMETER,
        alternative = "greater", p.value = PVAL, method = "Test for Equality of (Poisson) Mean and Variance",
        data.name = dname, call = theCall), class = "htest")

} # end of 'fpois.matrix' function.

fpois.list <- function(x, na.action = na.fail, ..., which.component = 1) {

    theCall <- match.call()
    dname <- deparse(substitute(x))

    if(length(which.component) > 1) stop("fpois: invalid which.component argument.  Length must be one.  To include covariates, use glm with poisson() family link.")
    x <- x[[which.component]]
    x <- na.action(x)

    n <- length(x)
    m <- mean(x)
    v <- var(x)

    PARAMETER <- c(m, v, n - 1)
    names(PARAMETER) <- c("mean", "variance", "degrees of freedom")

    CRITVAL <- (n - 1) * v / m
    names(CRITVAL) <- "Chi-square(n - 1)"
    PVAL <- pchisq(CRITVAL, df = n - 1, lower.tail = FALSE)

    structure(list(statistic = CRITVAL, parameter = PARAMETER,
        alternative = "greater", p.value = PVAL, method = "Test for Equality of (Poisson) Mean and Variance",
        data.name = dname, call = theCall), class = "htest")

} # end of 'fpois.list' function.

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