
Defines functions plot.fANCOVA .var.default .var .aov.default .aov .L2.default .L2 loess.ancova loess.as wild.boot

Documented in loess.ancova loess.as plot.fANCOVA wild.boot

#' @importFrom stats coefficients density lm loess model.matrix optimize predict rbinom runif update
#' @importFrom graphics legend lines matplot persp plot points

## Wild Bootstrap
#' @export
wild.boot <- function(x, nboot=1){
  if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("argument 'x' must be numeric")
  x <- as.vector(x)
  nx <- length(x)
  if (nboot < 1) stop("'nboot' has to be greater than zero")
  if (nboot==1) {
    a <- rbinom(nx,1,prob=(5+sqrt(5))/10)
    w <- (1-sqrt(5))/2*a+(1+sqrt(5))/2*(1-a)
    x.wb <- w*x
  if (nboot >1 ){
    a0 <- as.matrix(rep(nx, times= nboot))
    a <- apply(a0, 1, function(x) {rbinom(x,1,prob=(5+sqrt(5))/10)})
    w <- (1-sqrt(5))/2*a+(1+sqrt(5))/2*(1-a)
    x.wb <- w*x

## loess with Automatic Smoothing Parameter Selection
#' @export
loess.as <-
  function(x, y, degree=1, criterion=c("aicc", "gcv"),
           family = c("gaussian", "symmetric"), user.span=NULL, plot=FALSE, ...)
    criterion <- match.arg(criterion)
    family <- match.arg(family)
    x <- as.matrix(x)

    if ((ncol(x) != 1) & (ncol(x) != 2)) stop("The predictor 'x' should be one or two dimensional!!")
    if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("argument 'x' must be numeric!")
    if (!is.numeric(y)) stop("argument 'y' must be numeric!")
    if (any(is.na(x))) stop("'x' contains missing values!")
    if (any(is.na(y))) stop("'y' contains missing values!")
    if (!is.null(user.span) && (length(user.span) != 1 || !is.numeric(user.span)))
      stop("argument 'user.span' must be a numerical number!")
    if(nrow(x) != length(y)) stop("'x' and 'y' have different lengths!")
    if(length(y) < 3) stop("not enough observations!")

    data.bind <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)
    if (ncol(x) == 1) {
      names(data.bind) <- c("x", "y")
    } else { names(data.bind) <- c("x1", "x2", "y") }

    opt.span <- function(model, criterion=c("aicc", "gcv"), span.range=c(.05, .95)){
      as.crit <- function (x) {
        span <- x$pars$span
        traceL <- x$trace.hat
        sigma2 <- sum(x$residuals^2 ) / (x$n-1)
        aicc <- log(sigma2) + 1 + 2* (2*(traceL+1)) / (x$n-traceL-2)
        gcv <- x$n*sigma2 / (x$n-traceL)^2
        result <- list(span=span, aicc=aicc, gcv=gcv)
      criterion <- match.arg(criterion)
      fn <- function(span) {
        mod <- update(model, span=span)
      result <- optimize(fn, span.range)
      return(list(span=result$minimum, criterion=result$objective))

    if (ncol(x)==1) {
      if (is.null(user.span)) {
        fit0 <- loess(y ~ x, degree=degree, family = family, data=data.bind, ...)
        span1 <- opt.span(fit0, criterion=criterion)$span
      } else {
        span1 <- user.span
      fit <- loess(y ~ x, degree=degree, span=span1, family = family, data=data.bind, ...)
    } else {
      if (is.null(user.span)) {
        fit0 <- loess(y ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree,family = family, data.bind, ...)
        span1 <- opt.span(fit0, criterion=criterion)$span
      } else {
        span1 <- user.span
      fit <- loess(y ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree, span=span1, family = family, data=data.bind,...)
    if (plot){
      if (ncol(x)==1) {
        m <- 100
        x.new <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out=m)
        fit.new <- predict(fit, data.frame(x = x.new))
        plot(x, y, col="lightgrey", xlab="x", ylab="m(x)", ...)
        lines(x.new,fit.new, lwd=1.5, ...)
      } else {
        m <- 50
        x1 <- seq(min(data.bind$x1), max(data.bind$x1), len=m)
        x2 <- seq(min(data.bind$x2), max(data.bind$x2), len=m)
        x.new <- expand.grid(x1=x1, x2=x2)
        fit.new <- matrix(predict(fit, x.new), m, m)
        persp(x1, x2, fit.new, theta=40, phi=30, ticktype="detailed", xlab="x1", ylab="x2", zlab="y", col="lightblue", expand=0.6)

## Fit a semiparametric ANCOVA model
#' @export
loess.ancova <-
  function(x, y, group, degree=2, criterion=c("aicc", "gcv"),
           family = c("gaussian", "symmetric"), method=c("Speckman", "Backfitting"), iter = 10, tol =0.01, user.span= NULL, plot = FALSE, data.points=FALSE, legend.position = "topright", ...)
    criterion <- match.arg(criterion)
    family <- match.arg(family)
    method <- match.arg(method)
    x <- as.matrix(x)

    if ((ncol(x) != 1) & (ncol(x) != 2)) stop("The predictor 'x' should be one or two dimensional!!")
    if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("argument 'x' must be numeric!")
    if (!is.numeric(y)) stop("argument 'y' must be numeric!")
    if (any(is.na(x))) stop("'x' contains missing values!")
    if (any(is.na(y))) stop("'y' contains missing values!")
    if (any(is.na(group))) stop("'group' contains missing values!")
    if(nrow(x) != length(y)) stop("'x' and 'y' have different lengths!")
    if(nrow(x) != length(y) | nrow(x) != length(group))
      stop("'x', 'y' and 'group' have different lengths!")

    g <- unique(group)
    gn <- length(g)
    ny <- length(y)
    if(gn > ny/3) stop("check if there is error in the 'group' variable!")
    if(ny < 3*gn) stop("not enough observations!")

    group <- as.factor(group)
    data.bind <- data.frame(x=x, y=y, group=group)
    if (ncol(x) == 1) {
      names(data.bind) <- c("x", "y", "group")
    } else { names(data.bind) <- c("x1", "x2", "y", "group") }

    opt.span <- function(model, criterion=c("aicc", "gcv"), span.range=c(.05, .95)){
      as.crit <- function (x) {
        span <- x$pars$span
        traceL <- x$trace.hat
        sigma2 <- sum(x$residuals^2 ) / (x$n-1)
        aicc <- log(sigma2) + 1 + 2* (2*(traceL+1)) / (x$n-traceL-2)
        gcv <- x$n*sigma2 / (x$n-traceL)^2
        result <- list(span=span, aicc=aicc, gcv=gcv)
      criterion <- match.arg(criterion)
      fn <- function(span) {
        mod <- update(model, span=span)
      result <- optimize(fn, span.range)
      return(list(span=result$minimum, criterion=result$objective))

    loc.hatmat1 <- function(x, ...){
      x <- as.matrix(x)
      y <- diag(nrow(x))
      ploess1 <- function(y, ...) predict(loess(y ~ x, ...))
      H.hat <- apply(y, 2, ploess1, ...)

    loc.hatmat2 <- function(x, ...){
      x <- as.matrix(x)
      y <- diag(nrow(x))
      ploess2 <- function(y, ...) predict(loess(y ~ x[,1] +x[,2], ...))
      H.hat <- apply(y, 2, ploess2, ...)

    if (method == "Speckman"){
      if (ncol(x)==1) {
        if (is.null(user.span)) {
          x.ord <- order(data.bind$x)
          data.bind2 <- data.bind[x.ord,]
          mod.lm <- lm(y~group, data=data.bind2)
          lm.hatMat <- model.matrix(mod.lm)
          mod.sm0 <- loess(mod.lm$res ~ data.bind2$x, degree=degree,family = family, ...)
          span1 <- opt.span(mod.sm0, criterion=criterion)$span
          sm.hatMat <- loc.hatmat1(data.bind2$x, degree=degree,family = family, span=span1, ...)
          N <- nrow(lm.hatMat)
          IS <- t(diag(N) - sm.hatMat)

          X.tilde <- IS %*% lm.hatMat
          y.tilde <- IS %*% data.bind2$y
          qx <- qr(X.tilde)
          lm.coeff <- solve(qx, y.tilde)
          #df <- nrow(X.tilde)-ncol(X.tilde)
          #sigma2 <- sum((y.tilde - X.tilde%*%lm.coeff)^2)/df
          #lm.se <- sqrt(diag(sigma2 * chol2inv(qx$qr)))
          lm.fit <- lm.hatMat %*% lm.coeff
          lm.fit2 <- lm.fit[order(x.ord),]
          lm.res <- y - lm.fit2
          mod.sm <- loess(lm.res ~ x, degree=degree, family = family, span=span1, ...)
        } else {
          x.ord <- order(data.bind$x)
          data.bind2 <- data.bind[x.ord,]
          mod.lm <- lm(y~group, data=data.bind2)
          lm.hatMat <- model.matrix(mod.lm)
          span1 <- user.span
          sm.hatMat <- loc.hatmat1(data.bind2$x, degree=degree,family = family, span=span1, ...)
          N <- nrow(lm.hatMat)
          IS <- t(diag(N) - sm.hatMat)

          X.tilde <- IS %*% lm.hatMat
          y.tilde <- IS %*% data.bind2$y
          qx <- qr(X.tilde)
          lm.coeff <- solve(qx, y.tilde)
          lm.fit <- lm.hatMat %*% lm.coeff
          lm.fit2 <- lm.fit[order(x.ord),]
          lm.res <- y - lm.fit2
          mod.sm <- loess(lm.res ~ x, degree=degree, family = family, span=span1, ...)
      } else {
        if (is.null(user.span)) {
          x.ord <- order(data.bind$x1)
          data.bind2 <- data.bind[x.ord,]
          mod.lm <- lm(y~group, data=data.bind2)
          lm.hatMat <- model.matrix(mod.lm)
          mod.sm0 <- loess(mod.lm$res ~ data.bind2$x1 + data.bind2$x2, degree=degree,family = family, ...)
          span1 <- opt.span(mod.sm0, criterion=criterion)$span
          sm.hatMat <- loc.hatmat2(cbind(data.bind2$x1, data.bind2$x2) , degree=degree,family = family, span=span1, ...)
          N <- nrow(lm.hatMat)
          IS <- t(diag(N) - sm.hatMat)

          X.tilde <- IS %*% lm.hatMat
          y.tilde <- IS %*% data.bind2$y
          qx <- qr(X.tilde)
          lm.coeff <- solve(qx, y.tilde)
          lm.fit <- lm.hatMat %*% lm.coeff
          lm.fit2 <- lm.fit[order(x.ord),]
          lm.res <- y - lm.fit2
          x1 <- data.bind$x1; x2 <- data.bind$x2
          mod.sm <- loess(lm.res ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree, family = family, span=span1, ...)
        } else {
          x.ord <- order(data.bind$x1)
          data.bind2 <- data.bind[x.ord,]
          mod.lm <- lm(y~group, data=data.bind2)
          lm.hatMat <- model.matrix(mod.lm)
          span1 <- user.span
          sm.hatMat <- loc.hatmat2(cbind(data.bind2$x1, data.bind2$x2) , degree=degree,family = family, span=span1, ...)
          N <- nrow(lm.hatMat)
          IS <- t(diag(N) - sm.hatMat)

          X.tilde <- IS %*% lm.hatMat
          y.tilde <- IS %*% data.bind2$y
          qx <- qr(X.tilde)
          lm.coeff <- solve(qx, y.tilde)
          lm.fit <- lm.hatMat %*% lm.coeff
          lm.fit2 <- lm.fit[order(x.ord),]
          lm.res <- y - lm.fit2
          x1 <- data.bind$x1; x2 <- data.bind$x2
          mod.sm <- loess(lm.res ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree, family = family, span=span1, ...)
    } else {
      if (ncol(x)==1) {
        if (is.null(user.span)) {
          mod.lm <- lm(y~group)
          mod.sm0 <- loess(mod.lm$res ~ x, degree=degree,family = family, ...)
          span1 <- opt.span(mod.sm0, criterion=criterion)$span
          mod.sm <- loess(mod.lm$res ~ x, degree=degree,family = family, span=span1, ...)

          for (i in 1:iter){
            lm.temp <- mod.lm
            mod.lm <- lm((y-mod.sm$fit)~group)
            mod.sm0 <- loess(mod.lm$res ~ x, degree=degree,family = family, ...)
            span1 <- opt.span(mod.sm0, criterion=criterion)$span
            mod.sm <- loess(mod.lm$res ~ x, degree=degree,family = family, span=span1, ...)
            diff <- min(abs(coefficients(mod.lm)- coefficients(lm.temp)))
            if (diff< tol) break
          lm.coeff <- coefficients(mod.lm)
        } else {
          span1 <- user.span
          mod.lm <- lm(y~group)
          mod.sm <- loess(mod.lm$res ~ x, degree=degree,family = family, span=span1, ...)

          for (i in 1:iter){
            lm.temp <- mod.lm
            mod.lm <- lm((y-mod.sm$fit)~group)
            mod.sm <- loess(mod.lm$res ~ x, degree=degree,family = family, span=span1, ...)
            diff <- min(abs(coefficients(mod.lm)- coefficients(lm.temp)))
            if (diff< tol) break
          lm.coeff <- coefficients(mod.lm)
      } else {
        if (is.null(user.span)) {
          mod.lm <- lm(y~group)
          x1 <- data.bind$x1; x2 <- data.bind$x2
          mod.sm0 <- loess(mod.lm$res ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree,family = family, ...)
          span1 <- opt.span(mod.sm0, criterion=criterion)$span
          mod.sm <- loess(mod.lm$res ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree,family = family, span=span1, ...)

          for (i in 1:iter){
            lm.temp <- mod.lm
            mod.lm <- lm((y-mod.sm$fit)~group)
            mod.sm0 <- loess(mod.lm$res ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree,family = family, ...)
            span1 <- opt.span(mod.sm0, criterion=criterion)$span
            mod.sm <- loess(mod.lm$res ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree,family = family, span=span1, ...)
            diff <- min(abs(coefficients(mod.lm)- coefficients(lm.temp)))
            if (diff< tol) break
          lm.coeff <- coefficients(mod.lm)
        } else {
          span1 <- user.span
          mod.lm <- lm(y~group)
          x1 <- data.bind$x1; x2 <- data.bind$x2
          mod.sm <- loess(mod.lm$res ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree,family = family, span=span1, ...)

          for (i in 1:iter){
            lm.temp <- mod.lm
            mod.lm <- lm((y-mod.sm$fit)~group)
            mod.sm <- loess(mod.lm$res ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree,family = family, span=span1, ...)
            diff <- min(abs(coefficients(mod.lm)- coefficients(lm.temp)))
            if (diff< tol) break
          lm.coeff <- coefficients(mod.lm)

    if (plot){
      if (ncol(x)==1) {
        u.min <- max(tapply(x, group, min))
        u.max <- min(tapply(x, group, max))
        m <- 100
        u <- seq(from=u.min, to=u.max, length.out=m)
        fit.new <- predict(mod.sm, data.frame(x = u))
        coef.lm <- lm.coeff
        coef.lm0 <- rep(lm.coeff[1], time=length(coef.lm))
        coef.lm0[1] <- 0
        lm.est <- matrix(rep(coef.lm+coef.lm0, each=m), ncol=gn)
        sm.est <- matrix(rep(fit.new, times=gn), ncol=gn)

        est <- lm.est + sm.est
        matplot(u, est, lty=1:gn, col=1:gn, type="l", lwd=1.5, xlab="x", ylab="m(x)", xlim=c(min(x), max(x)), ylim=c(min(y), max(y)))
        if (data.points) points(x,y, col="lightgray")
        text <- paste("group", 1:gn, sep="")
        legend(x = legend.position, legend = text, lty=1:gn, col=1:gn, lwd=1.5)
      } else {
        u1.min <- max(tapply(x[,1], group, min))
        u1.max <- min(tapply(x[,1], group, max))
        u2.min <- max(tapply(x[,2], group, min))
        u2.max <- min(tapply(x[,2], group, max))
        m <- 50
        u1 <- seq(u1.min, u1.max, len=m)
        u2 <- seq(u2.min, u2.max, len=m)
        u.new <- expand.grid(x1=u1, x2=u2)
        fit.new <- matrix(predict(mod.sm, u.new), m, m)
        persp(u1, u2, fit.new, theta=40, phi=30, ticktype="detailed", xlab="x1", ylab="x2", zlab="y", col="lightblue", expand=0.6)
    return(list(linear.fit=lm.coeff, smooth.fit=mod.sm))

## Test the equality of curves based on L2 distance

#' @export
T.L2 <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("T.L2")

#' @export
T.L2.default <-
  function(x, y, group, B=200, degree=1, criterion=c("aicc", "gcv"),
           family = c("gaussian", "symmetric"), m=225, user.span=NULL, ...)
    criterion <- match.arg(criterion)
    family <- match.arg(family)
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    if (ncol(x) == 1) {
      method <- "Test the equality of curves based on L2 distance"
    } else {
      if(ncol(x) == 2) {
        method <- "Test the equality of surfaces based on L2 distance"
      } else stop("The predictor 'x' should be one or two dimensional!!")

    ## CheckValidity
    if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("argument 'x' must be numeric!")
    if (!is.numeric(y)) stop("argument 'y' must be numeric!")
    if (any(is.na(x))) stop("'x' contains missing values!")
    if (any(is.na(y))) stop("'y' contains missing values!")
    if (any(is.na(group))) stop("'group' contains missing values!")
    if (!is.null(user.span) && (length(user.span) != 1 || !is.numeric(user.span))) stop("argument 'user.span' must be a numerical number!")
    if(nrow(x) != length(y) | nrow(x) != length(group))
      stop("'x', 'y' and 'group' have different lengths!")

    g <- unique(group)
    gn <- length(g)
    ny <- length(y)
    if(gn > ny/3) stop("check if there is error in the 'group' variable!")
    if(ny < 3*gn) stop("not enough observations!")

    data.bind <- data.frame(x=x, y=y, group=group)
    if (ncol(x) == 1) {
      names(data.bind) <- c("x", "y", "group")
    } else { names(data.bind) <- c("x1", "x2", "y", "group") }

    opt.span <- function(model, criterion=c("aicc", "gcv"), span.range=c(.05, .95)){
      as.crit <- function (x) {
        span <- x$pars$span
        traceL <- x$trace.hat
        sigma2 <- sum(x$residuals^2 ) / (x$n-1)
        aicc <- log(sigma2) + 1 + 2* (2*(traceL+1)) / (x$n-traceL-2)
        gcv <- x$n*sigma2 / (x$n-traceL)^2
        result <- list(span=span, aicc=aicc, gcv=gcv)
      criterion <- match.arg(criterion)
      fn <- function(span) {
        mod <- update(model, span=span)
      result <- optimize(fn, span.range)
      return(list(span=result$minimum, criterion=result$objective))

    loc.fit.sub <- function(g, data, dim=c("one", "two"), degree=1, criterion=c("aicc", "gcv"), family = c("gaussian", "symmetric"), user.span=NULL, ...){
      dim <- match.arg(dim)
      opt.span.sub <- function(model, criterion=c("aicc", "gcv"), span.range=c(.05, .95)){
        as.crit <- function (x) {
          span <- x$pars$span
          traceL <- x$trace.hat
          sigma2 <- sum(x$residuals^2 ) / (x$n-1)
          aicc <- log(sigma2) + 1 + 2* (2*(traceL+1)) / (x$n-traceL-2)
          gcv <- x$n*sigma2 / (x$n-traceL)^2
          result <- list(span=span, aicc=aicc, gcv=gcv)
        criterion <- match.arg(criterion)
        fn <- function(span) {
          mod <- update(model, span=span)
        result <- optimize(fn, span.range)
        return(list(span=result$minimum, criterion=result$objective))

      subdata <- subset(data, group==g)

      if (dim=="one") {
        if (is.null(user.span)) {
          loc0 <- loess(y ~ x, degree=degree,family = family, data=subdata)
          span1 <- opt.span.sub(loc0, criterion=criterion)$span
        } else {
          span1 <- user.span
        loc1 <- loess(y ~ x, degree=degree, span=span1, family = family, data=subdata,...)
      } else {
        if (is.null(user.span)) {
          loc0 <- loess(y ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree,family = family, data=subdata)
          span1 <- opt.span.sub(loc0, criterion=criterion)$span
        } else {
          span1 <- user.span
        loc1 <- loess(y ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree, span=span1, family = family, data=subdata,...)

    ## Fit the curves or surfaces
    if (ncol(x)==1) {
      if (is.null(user.span)) {
        fit0 <- loess(y ~ x, degree=degree, family = family, data=data.bind, ...)
        span1 <- opt.span(fit0, criterion=criterion)$span
        fit <- loess(y ~ x, degree=degree, span=span1, family = family, data=data.bind, ...)
        fit.sub <- lapply(g, loc.fit.sub, data=data.bind, dim="one", degree=degree, criterion=criterion, family = family, ...)
      } else {
        span1 <- user.span
        fit <- loess(y ~ x, degree=degree, span=span1, family = family, data=data.bind, ...)
        fit.sub <- lapply(g, loc.fit.sub, data=data.bind, dim="one", degree=degree, criterion=criterion, family = family, user.span=span1, ...)
    } else {
      if (is.null(user.span)) {
        fit0 <- loess(y ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree,family = family, data.bind, ...)
        span1 <- opt.span(fit0, criterion=criterion)$span
        fit <- loess(y ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree, span=span1, family = family, data=data.bind,...)
        fit.sub <- lapply(g, loc.fit.sub, data=data.bind, dim="two", degree=degree, criterion=criterion, family = family, ...)
      } else {
        span1 <- user.span
        fit <- loess(y ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree, span=span1, family = family, data=data.bind,...)
        fit.sub <- lapply(g, loc.fit.sub, data=data.bind, dim="two", degree=degree, criterion=criterion, family = family, user.span=span1, ...)

    ## Wild Bootstrap
    y.boot <- matrix(rep(fit$fitted,B),fit$n) + wild.boot(fit$res, nboot=B)
    if (ncol(x)==1) {
      x.boot <- matrix(rep(fit$x,B),fit$n)
    } else {x.boot <- matrix(rep(fit$x,B), 2*fit$n)}
    group.boot <- matrix(rep(data.bind$group,B),fit$n)
    data.bind.boot <- rbind(x.boot, y.boot, group.boot)

    ## pairwise difference
    pwdiff <- function(i, mat) {
      z <- mat[, i-1] - mat[, i:ncol(mat), drop = FALSE]
      colnames(z) <- paste(colnames(mat)[i-1], colnames(z), sep = "-")

    ## Compute test statistics
    # find the range to calcaulate the integration
    if (ncol(x) == 1){
      u.min <- max(unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) min(x$x))))
      u.max <- min(unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) max(x$x))))
      u <- runif(m, min=u.min, max=u.max)
      fit.sub.u <- matrix(unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) predict(x, data.frame(x = u)))),nrow=m)
      fit.sub.u.diff <- do.call("cbind", sapply(2:ncol(fit.sub.u), pwdiff, fit.sub.u))
      T.L2 <- sum(apply(fit.sub.u.diff^2, 2, mean))
    } else {
      u1.min <- max(unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) min(x$x[,1]))))
      u1.max <- min(unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) max(x$x[,1]))))
      u1 <- runif(m, min=u1.min, max=u1.max)
      u2.min <- max(unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) min(x$x[,2]))))
      u2.max <- min(unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) max(x$x[,2]))))
      u2 <- runif(m, min=u2.min, max=u2.max)
      fit.sub.u <- matrix(unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) predict(x, data.frame(x1 = u1, x2 = u2)))),nrow=m)
      fit.sub.u.diff <- do.call("cbind", sapply(2:ncol(fit.sub.u), pwdiff, fit.sub.u))
      T.L2 <- sum(apply(fit.sub.u.diff^2, 2, mean))

    span0 <- fit$pars$span
    span.sub <- unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x)  x$pars$span))
    g.span0 <- cbind(g,span.sub)

    T.L2.boot1 <- function(data, span, g.span, u, nvar=3, degree=1, family = c("gaussian", "symmetric")){
      data1 <- matrix(data, ncol=nvar)
      data1 <- data.frame(data1)

      loc.fit.sub0 <- function(g.span, data, degree=degree, family = family, ...){
        loc1 <- loess(y ~ x, degree=degree, span=g.span[2], subset=(group==g.span[1]), family = family, data=data, ...)
      fit.sub <- apply(g.span, 1, loc.fit.sub0, data=data1, degree=degree, family=family, ...)
      fit.sub.u <- matrix(unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) predict(x, data.frame(x = u)))),nrow=length(u))
      fit.sub.u.diff <- do.call("cbind", sapply(2:ncol(fit.sub.u), pwdiff, fit.sub.u))

      T.L2 <- sum(apply(fit.sub.u.diff^2, 2, mean))

    T.L2.boot2 <- function(data, span, g.span, u1, u2, nvar=4, degree=1, family = c("gaussian", "symmetric")){
      data1 <- matrix(data, ncol=nvar)
      data1 <- data.frame(data1)
      colnames(data1)=c('x1', 'x2', 'y','group')

      loc.fit.sub0 <- function(g.span, data, degree=degree, family = family, ...){
        loc1 <- loess(y ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree, span=g.span[2], subset=(group==g.span[1]), family = family, data=data, ...)
      fit.sub <- apply(g.span, 1, loc.fit.sub0, data=data1, degree=degree, family=family, ...)
      fit.sub.u <- matrix(unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) predict(x, data.frame(x1 = u1, x2 = u2)))), nrow=length(u1))
      fit.sub.u.diff <- do.call("cbind", sapply(2:ncol(fit.sub.u), pwdiff, fit.sub.u))

      T.L2 <- sum(apply(fit.sub.u.diff^2, 2, mean))

    if (ncol(x)==1) {
      T.L2.boot <- apply(data.bind.boot, 2, T.L2.boot1, span=span0, g.span=g.span0, u=u, degree=degree, family=family, ...)
    } else { T.L2.boot <- apply(data.bind.boot, 2, T.L2.boot2, span=span0, g.span=g.span0, u1=u1, u2=u2, degree=degree, family=family, ...)}

    pval <- (1+sum(T.L2.boot>T.L2))/(1+B)

    output <- list(statistic=T.L2, T.boot=T.L2.boot, p.value = pval, group=gn, fit=fit.sub, spans=span.sub, degree=degree, criterion=criterion, family = family, data=data.bind, method=method)
    class(output) <- "fANCOVA"

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Test the equality of curves based on an ANOVA-type statistic

#' @export
T.aov <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("T.aov")

#' @export
T.aov.default <-
  function(x, y, group, B=200, degree=1, criterion=c("aicc", "gcv"),
           family = c("gaussian", "symmetric"), tstat= c("DN", "YB"), user.span=NULL, ...)
    criterion <- match.arg(criterion)
    family <- match.arg(family)
    tstat <- match.arg(tstat)
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    if (ncol(x) == 1) {
      method <- "Test the equality of curves based on an ANOVA-type statistic"
    } else {
      if(ncol(x) == 2) {
        method <- "Test the equality of surfaces based on an ANOVA-type statistic"
      } else stop("The predictor 'x' should be one or two dimensional!!")

    ## CheckValidity
    if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("argument 'x' must be numeric!")
    if (!is.numeric(y)) stop("argument 'y' must be numeric!")
    if (any(is.na(x))) stop("'x' contains missing values!")
    if (any(is.na(y))) stop("'y' contains missing values!")
    if (any(is.na(group))) stop("'group' contains missing values!")
    if (!is.null(user.span) && (length(user.span) != 1 || !is.numeric(user.span))) stop("argument 'user.span' must be a numerical number!")
    if(nrow(x) != length(y) | nrow(x) != length(group))
      stop("'x', 'y' and 'group' have different lengths!")

    g <- unique(group)
    gn <- length(g)
    ny <- length(y)
    if(gn > ny/3) stop("check if there is error in the 'group' variable!")
    if(ny < 3*gn) stop("not enough observations!")

    data.bind <- data.frame(x=x, y=y, group=group)
    if (ncol(x) == 1) {
      names(data.bind) <- c("x", "y", "group")
    } else { names(data.bind) <- c("x1", "x2", "y", "group") }

    opt.span <- function(model, criterion=c("aicc", "gcv"), span.range=c(.05, .95)){
      as.crit <- function (x) {
        span <- x$pars$span
        traceL <- x$trace.hat
        sigma2 <- sum(x$residuals^2 ) / (x$n-1)
        aicc <- log(sigma2) + 1 + 2* (2*(traceL+1)) / (x$n-traceL-2)
        gcv <- x$n*sigma2 / (x$n-traceL)^2
        result <- list(span=span, aicc=aicc, gcv=gcv)
      criterion <- match.arg(criterion)
      fn <- function(span) {
        mod <- update(model, span=span)
      result <- optimize(fn, span.range)
      return(list(span=result$minimum, criterion=result$objective))

    loc.fit.sub <- function(g, data, dim=c("one", "two"), degree=1, criterion=c("aicc", "gcv"), family = c("gaussian", "symmetric"), user.span=NULL, ...){
      dim <- match.arg(dim)
      opt.span.sub <- function(model, criterion=c("aicc", "gcv"), span.range=c(.05, .95)){
        as.crit <- function (x) {
          span <- x$pars$span
          traceL <- x$trace.hat
          sigma2 <- sum(x$residuals^2 ) / (x$n-1)
          aicc <- log(sigma2) + 1 + 2* (2*(traceL+1)) / (x$n-traceL-2)
          gcv <- x$n*sigma2 / (x$n-traceL)^2
          result <- list(span=span, aicc=aicc, gcv=gcv)
        criterion <- match.arg(criterion)
        fn <- function(span) {
          mod <- update(model, span=span)
        result <- optimize(fn, span.range)
        return(list(span=result$minimum, criterion=result$objective))

      subdata <- subset(data, group==g)

      if (dim=="one") {
        if (is.null(user.span)) {
          loc0 <- loess(y ~ x, degree=degree,family = family, data=subdata)
          span1 <- opt.span.sub(loc0, criterion=criterion)$span
        } else {
          span1 <- user.span
        loc1 <- loess(y ~ x, degree=degree, span=span1, family = family, data=subdata,...)
      } else {
        if (is.null(user.span)) {
          loc0 <- loess(y ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree,family = family, data=subdata)
          span1 <- opt.span.sub(loc0, criterion=criterion)$span
        } else {
          span1 <- user.span
        loc1 <- loess(y ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree, span=span1, family = family, data=subdata,...)

    ## Fit the curves or surfaces
    if (ncol(x)==1) {
      if (is.null(user.span)) {
        fit0 <- loess(y ~ x, degree=degree, family = family, data=data.bind, ...)
        span1 <- opt.span(fit0, criterion=criterion)$span
        fit <- loess(y ~ x, degree=degree, span=span1, family = family, data=data.bind, ...)
        fit.sub <- lapply(g, loc.fit.sub, data=data.bind, dim="one", degree=degree, criterion=criterion, family = family, ...)
      } else {
        span1 <- user.span
        fit <- loess(y ~ x, degree=degree, span=span1, family = family, data=data.bind, ...)
        fit.sub <- lapply(g, loc.fit.sub, data=data.bind, dim="one", degree=degree, criterion=criterion, family = family, user.span=span1, ...)
    } else {
      if (is.null(user.span)) {
        fit0 <- loess(y ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree,family = family, data.bind, ...)
        span1 <- opt.span(fit0, criterion=criterion)$span
        fit <- loess(y ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree, span=span1, family = family, data=data.bind,...)
        fit.sub <- lapply(g, loc.fit.sub, data=data.bind, dim="two", degree=degree, criterion=criterion, family = family, ...)
      } else {
        span1 <- user.span
        fit <- loess(y ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree, span=span1, family = family, data=data.bind,...)
        fit.sub <- lapply(g, loc.fit.sub, data=data.bind, dim="two", degree=degree, criterion=criterion, family = family, user.span=span1, ...)

    ## Wild Bootstrap
    y.boot <- matrix(rep(fit$fitted,B),fit$n) + wild.boot(fit$res, nboot=B)
    if (ncol(x)==1) {
      x.boot <- matrix(rep(fit$x,B),fit$n)
    } else {x.boot <- matrix(rep(fit$x,B), 2*fit$n)}
    group.boot <- matrix(rep(data.bind$group,B),fit$n)
    data.bind.boot <- rbind(x.boot, y.boot, group.boot)

    ## Compute test statistics
    if (tstat=="DN"){
      T.aov <- mean((fit$fitted - unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) {x$fitted})))^2)
      sigma2 <- sum(unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) {sum((diff(x$y, lag=1))^2)})))/(2*(fit$n-gn))
      T.aov <- sum((fit$fitted - unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) {x$fitted})))^2)/sigma2

    span0 <- fit$pars$span
    span.sub <- unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x)  x$pars$span))
    g.span0 <- cbind(g,span.sub)

    T.aov.boot1 <- function(data, span, g.span, nvar=3, degree=1, family = c("gaussian", "symmetric"), tstat =c("DN", "YB"), ...){
      data1 <- matrix(data, ncol=nvar)
      data1 <- data.frame(data1)

      fit <- loess(y ~ x, degree=degree, span=span, family = family, data=data1, ...)

      loc.fit.sub0 <- function(g.span, data, degree=degree, family = family, ...){
        loc1 <- loess(y ~ x, degree=degree, span=g.span[2], subset=(group==g.span[1]), family = family, data=data, ...)
      fit.sub <- apply(g.span, 1, loc.fit.sub0, data=data1, degree=degree, family=family, ...)

      tstat <- match.arg(tstat)
      if (tstat=="DN"){
        T.aov <- mean((fit$fitted - unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) {x$fitted})))^2)
        sigma2 <- sum(unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) {sum((diff(x$y, lag=1))^2)})))/(2*(fit$n-gn))
        T.aov <- sum((fit$fitted - unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) {x$fitted})))^2)/sigma2

    T.aov.boot2 <- function(data, span, g.span, nvar=4, degree=1, family = c("gaussian", "symmetric"), tstat =c("DN", "YB"), ...){
      data1 <- matrix(data, ncol=nvar)
      data1 <- data.frame(data1)
      colnames(data1)=c('x1', 'x2', 'y','group')

      fit <- loess(y ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree, span=span, family = family, data=data1, ...)

      loc.fit.sub0 <- function(g.span, data, degree=degree, family = family, ...){
        loc1 <- loess(y ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree, span=g.span[2], subset=(group==g.span[1]), family = family, data=data, ...)
      fit.sub <- apply(g.span, 1, loc.fit.sub0, data=data1, degree=degree, family=family, ...)

      tstat <- match.arg(tstat)
      if (tstat=="DN"){
        T.aov <- mean((fit$fitted - unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) {x$fitted})))^2)
        sigma2 <- sum(unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) {sum((diff(x$y, lag=1))^2)})))/(2*(fit$n-gn))
        T.aov <- sum((fit$fitted - unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) {x$fitted})))^2)/sigma2

    if (ncol(x)==1) {
      T.aov.boot <- apply(data.bind.boot, 2, T.aov.boot1, span=span0, g.span=g.span0 , degree=degree, family=family, tstat=tstat, ...)
    } else { T.aov.boot <- apply(data.bind.boot, 2, T.aov.boot2, span=span0, g.span=g.span0, degree=degree, family=family, tstat=tstat, ...)}

    pval <- (1+sum(T.aov.boot>T.aov))/(1+B)

    output <- list(statistic=T.aov, T.boot=T.aov.boot, p.value = pval, group=gn, fit=fit.sub, spans=span.sub, degree=degree, criterion=criterion, family = family, data=data.bind, method=method)
    class(output) <- "fANCOVA"

## Test the equality of curves based on variance estimators

#' @export
T.var <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("T.var")

#' @export
T.var.default <-
  function(x, y, group, B=200, degree=1, criterion=c("aicc", "gcv"),
           family = c("gaussian", "symmetric"), user.span=NULL, ...)
    criterion <- match.arg(criterion)
    family <- match.arg(family)
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    if (ncol(x) == 1) {
      method <- "Test the equality of curves based on variance estimators"
    } else {
      if(ncol(x) == 2) {
        method <- "Test the equality of surfaces based on variance estimators"
      } else stop("The predictor 'x' should be one or two dimensional!!")

    ## CheckValidity
    if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("argument 'x' must be numeric!")
    if (!is.numeric(y)) stop("argument 'y' must be numeric!")
    if (any(is.na(x))) stop("'x' contains missing values!")
    if (any(is.na(y))) stop("'y' contains missing values!")
    if (any(is.na(group))) stop("'group' contains missing values!")
    if (!is.null(user.span) && (length(user.span) != 1 || !is.numeric(user.span))) stop("argument 'user.span' must be a numerical number!")
    if(nrow(x) != length(y) | nrow(x) != length(group))
      stop("'x', 'y' and 'group' have different lengths!")

    g <- unique(group)
    gn <- length(g)
    ny <- length(y)
    if(gn > ny/3) stop("check if there is error in the 'group' variable!")
    if(ny < 3*gn) stop("not enough observations!")

    data.bind <- data.frame(x=x, y=y, group=group)
    if (ncol(x) == 1) {
      names(data.bind) <- c("x", "y", "group")
    } else { names(data.bind) <- c("x1", "x2", "y", "group") }

    opt.span <- function(model, criterion=c("aicc", "gcv"), span.range=c(.05, .95)){
      as.crit <- function (x) {
        span <- x$pars$span
        traceL <- x$trace.hat
        sigma2 <- sum(x$residuals^2 ) / (x$n-1)
        aicc <- log(sigma2) + 1 + 2* (2*(traceL+1)) / (x$n-traceL-2)
        gcv <- x$n*sigma2 / (x$n-traceL)^2
        result <- list(span=span, aicc=aicc, gcv=gcv)
      criterion <- match.arg(criterion)
      fn <- function(span) {
        mod <- update(model, span=span)
      result <- optimize(fn, span.range)
      return(list(span=result$minimum, criterion=result$objective))

    loc.fit.sub <- function(g, data, dim=c("one", "two"), degree=1, criterion=c("aicc", "gcv"), family = c("gaussian", "symmetric"), user.span=NULL, ...){
      dim <- match.arg(dim)
      opt.span.sub <- function(model, criterion=c("aicc", "gcv"), span.range=c(.05, .95)){
        as.crit <- function (x) {
          span <- x$pars$span
          traceL <- x$trace.hat
          sigma2 <- sum(x$residuals^2 ) / (x$n-1)
          aicc <- log(sigma2) + 1 + 2* (2*(traceL+1)) / (x$n-traceL-2)
          gcv <- x$n*sigma2 / (x$n-traceL)^2
          result <- list(span=span, aicc=aicc, gcv=gcv)
        criterion <- match.arg(criterion)
        fn <- function(span) {
          mod <- update(model, span=span)
        result <- optimize(fn, span.range)
        return(list(span=result$minimum, criterion=result$objective))

      subdata <- subset(data, group==g)

      if (dim=="one") {
        if (is.null(user.span)) {
          loc0 <- loess(y ~ x, degree=degree,family = family, data=subdata)
          span1 <- opt.span.sub(loc0, criterion=criterion)$span
        } else {
          span1 <- user.span
        loc1 <- loess(y ~ x, degree=degree, span=span1, family = family, data=subdata,...)
      } else {
        if (is.null(user.span)) {
          loc0 <- loess(y ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree,family = family, data=subdata)
          span1 <- opt.span.sub(loc0, criterion=criterion)$span
        } else {
          span1 <- user.span
        loc1 <- loess(y ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree, span=span1, family = family, data=subdata,...)

    ## Fit the curves or surfaces
    if (ncol(x)==1) {
      if (is.null(user.span)) {
        fit0 <- loess(y ~ x, degree=degree, family = family, data=data.bind, ...)
        span1 <- opt.span(fit0, criterion=criterion)$span
        fit <- loess(y ~ x, degree=degree, span=span1, family = family, data=data.bind, ...)
        fit.sub <- lapply(g, loc.fit.sub, data=data.bind, dim="one", degree=degree, criterion=criterion, family = family, ...)
      } else {
        span1 <- user.span
        fit <- loess(y ~ x, degree=degree, span=span1, family = family, data=data.bind, ...)
        fit.sub <- lapply(g, loc.fit.sub, data=data.bind, dim="one", degree=degree, criterion=criterion, family = family, user.span=span1, ...)
    } else {
      if (is.null(user.span)) {
        fit0 <- loess(y ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree,family = family, data.bind, ...)
        span1 <- opt.span(fit0, criterion=criterion)$span
        fit <- loess(y ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree, span=span1, family = family, data=data.bind,...)
        fit.sub <- lapply(g, loc.fit.sub, data=data.bind, dim="two", degree=degree, criterion=criterion, family = family, ...)
      } else {
        span1 <- user.span
        fit <- loess(y ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree, span=span1, family = family, data=data.bind,...)
        fit.sub <- lapply(g, loc.fit.sub, data=data.bind, dim="two", degree=degree, criterion=criterion, family = family, user.span=span1, ...)

    ## Wild Bootstrap
    y.boot <- matrix(rep(fit$fitted,B),fit$n) + wild.boot(fit$res, nboot=B)
    if (ncol(x)==1) {
      x.boot <- matrix(rep(fit$x,B),fit$n)
    } else {x.boot <- matrix(rep(fit$x,B), 2*fit$n)}
    group.boot <- matrix(rep(data.bind$group,B),fit$n)
    data.bind.boot <- rbind(x.boot, y.boot, group.boot)

    ## Compute test statistics
    T.var <- sum(fit$res^2)/fit$n - sum(unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) {sum(x$res^2)})))/fit$n
    span0 <- fit$pars$span
    span.sub <- unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x)  x$pars$span))
    g.span0 <- cbind(g,span.sub)

    T.var.boot1 <- function(data, span, g.span, nvar=3, degree=1, family = c("gaussian", "symmetric"), ...){
      data1 <- matrix(data, ncol=nvar)
      data1 <- data.frame(data1)

      fit <- loess(y ~ x, degree=degree, span=span, family = family, data=data1, ...)

      loc.fit.sub0 <- function(g.span, data, degree=degree, family = family, ...){
        loc1 <- loess(y ~ x, degree=degree, span=g.span[2], subset=(group==g.span[1]), family = family, data=data, ...)
      fit.sub <- apply(g.span, 1, loc.fit.sub0, data=data1, degree=degree, family=family, ...)

      T.var <- sum(fit$res^2)/fit$n - sum(unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) {sum(x$res^2)})))/fit$n

    T.var.boot2 <- function(data, span, g.span, nvar=4, degree=1, family = c("gaussian", "symmetric"), ...){
      data1 <- matrix(data, ncol=nvar)
      data1 <- data.frame(data1)
      colnames(data1)=c('x1', 'x2', 'y','group')

      fit <- loess(y ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree, span=span, family = family, data=data1, ...)

      loc.fit.sub0 <- function(g.span, data, degree=degree, family = family, ...){
        loc1 <- loess(y ~ x1 + x2, degree=degree, span=g.span[2], subset=(group==g.span[1]), family = family, data=data, ...)
      fit.sub <- apply(g.span, 1, loc.fit.sub0, data=data1, degree=degree, family=family, ...)

      T.var <- sum(fit$res^2)/fit$n - sum(unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) {sum(x$res^2)})))/fit$n

    if (ncol(x)==1) {
      T.var.boot <- apply(data.bind.boot, 2, T.var.boot1, span=span0, g.span=g.span0 , degree=degree, family=family, ...)
    } else { T.var.boot <- apply(data.bind.boot, 2, T.var.boot2, span=span0, g.span=g.span0, degree=degree, family=family, ...)}

    pval <- (1+sum(T.var.boot>T.var))/(1+B)

    output <- list(statistic=T.var, T.boot=T.var.boot, p.value = pval, group=gn, criterion=criterion, fit.summary=fit.sub, spans=span.sub, data=data.bind, method=method)
    output <- list(statistic=T.var, T.boot=T.var.boot, p.value = pval, group=gn, fit=fit.sub, spans=span.sub, degree=degree, criterion=criterion, family = family, data=data.bind, method=method)
    class(output) <- "fANCOVA"

#' @export
print.fANCOVA <- function (x, digits = 4, ...){
  if (ncol(x$data) == 3)
  {curve.surface <- "curves"; curve.surface2 <- "curve"} else {curve.surface <- "surfaces"; curve.surface2 <- "surface"}
  cat(strwrap(x$method, prefix = "\t"), sep="\n")
  cat("Comparing", x$group, "nonparametric regression", curve.surface, "\n")
  cat("Local polynomial regression with automatic smoothing parameter selection via", toupper(x$criterion), "is used for", curve.surface2, "fitting.", "\n")
  cat("Wide-bootstrap algorithm is applied to obtain the null distribution.", "\n")
  cat("Null hypothesis: there is no difference between the ", x$group, " ", curve.surface, sep="", ".\n")
  cat("T = ", formatC(x$statistic, digits = digits), "   ", "p-value = ", formatC(x$p.value, digits = digits), "\n")

#' @export
plot.fANCOVA <- function(x, test.statistic=TRUE, main="", n=256, legend.position="topright", ...)

  if (test.statistic) {
    plot(density(x$T.boot, ...), type = "l", lwd=1.5, main=main, xlab="Test Statistic", ylab="Density",...)
    text <- paste(" T = ", formatC(x$statistic, digits = 4),"\n","p-value = ", formatC(x$p.value, digits = 4))
    legend(x = legend.position, legend = text)
  } else {
    if (ncol(x$data)==3) {
      fit.sub <- x$fit
      u.min <- max(unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) min(x$x))))
      u.max <- min(unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) max(x$x))))
      u <- seq(from=u.min, to=u.max, length.out=n)

      fit.sub.u <- matrix(unlist(lapply(fit.sub, function(x) predict(x, data.frame(x=u)))), nrow=n)
      matplot(u, fit.sub.u, lty=1:x$group, col=1:x$group, type="l", lwd=1.5, xlab="x", ylab="m(x)")
      text <- paste("group", 1:x$group, sep="")
      legend(x = legend.position, legend = text, lty=1:x$group, col=1:x$group, lwd=1.5)
    } else {
      text <- "The fitted surfaces are displayed by groups using the function!"

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fANCOVA documentation built on Nov. 13, 2020, 5:07 p.m.