
Defines functions .rglpk.CVAR .cvarRglpkArguments solveRglpk.CVAR

Documented in solveRglpk.CVAR

# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
# Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
# Free Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
# MA 02111-1307 USA

# FUNCTION:                    DESCRIPTION:
#  solveRglpk.CVAR              Portfolio interface to solver Rglpk
#  .cvarRglpkArguments          Returns CVAR arguments for solver
# FUNCTION:                    DESCRIPTION:
#  .rglpk.CVAR                  Wrapper to solver function

solveRglpk.CVAR <-
    function(data, spec, constraints)
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz
    # Description:
    #   Portfolio interface to solver Rglpk


    # Settings:
    Data <- portfolioData(data, spec)
    data <- getSeries(Data)
    nAssets <- getNAssets(Data)
    type <- getType(spec)

    # Compile Arguments for Solver:
    args <- .cvarRglpkArguments(Data, spec, constraints)

    # Solve Multiassets Portfolio:
    ans <- .rglpk.CVAR(
        obj = args$obj,
        mat = args$mat,
        dir = args$dir,
        rhs = args$rhs,
        types = args$types,
        max = args$max,
        bounds = args$bounds,
        verbose = args$verbose,
        nScenarios = args$nScenarios,
        nAssets = args$nAssets,
        targetReturn = args$targetReturn,
        Alpha = args$Alpha,
        Type = args$Type)
    ans$solver <- "solveRglpk.CVAR"

    # Return Value:
    class(ans) = c("solver", "list")


.cvarRglpkArguments <-
    function(data, spec, constraints)
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz
    # Description:
    #   Returns glpk conform CVaR arguments for the solver

    # Details:
    #       max/min:                   obj %*% x
    #       subject to:
    #                            mat %*% x ?=  rhs
    #                                  dir  =  "?="
    #                               upper/lower bounds
    #   .Rglpk_solve_LP(obj, mat, dir, rhs, types = NULL, max = FALSE,
    #       bounds = NULL, verbose = FALSE)


    # Settings:
    Data <- portfolioData(data, spec)
    data <- getSeries(Data)
    nAssets <- ncol(data)
    nScenarios <- nrow(data)
    targetReturn <- getTargetReturn(spec)
    Alpha <- getAlpha(spec)
    Type <- getType(spec)

    # Objective Function:
    objNames <- c("VaR", paste("e", 1:nScenarios, sep = ""), colnames(data))
    obj <- c(1, -rep(1/(Alpha*nScenarios), nScenarios), rep(0, nAssets))
    names(obj) <- objNames

    # The A_equal Equation Constraints: A_eq %*% x == a_eq
    eqsumW <- eqsumWConstraints(Data, spec, constraints)
    Aeq <- cbind(
        matrix(0, ncol=1+nScenarios, nrow=nrow(eqsumW)), 
        matrix(eqsumW[, -1], ncol=nAssets) )   
    aeq <- eqsumW[, 1]
    deq <- rep("==", nrow(eqsumW))

    # The VaR Equation Constraints:
    #   (-1 + diag + Returns) %*% (VaR, es, W)  >= 0
    Avar <- cbind(
        matrix(rep(-1, nScenarios), ncol = 1),
        getDataPart(getSeries(Data)) )
    avar <- rep(0, nrow(Avar))
    dvar <- rep(">=", nrow(Avar))

    # The e_s > = 0 Equation Constraints:
    Aes <- cbind(
        matrix(rep(0, nScenarios), ncol = 1),
        matrix(0, nrow = nScenarios, ncol = nAssets) )
    aes <- rep(0, nrow(Aes))
    des <- rep(">=", nrow(Aes))

    # Group Constraints: A W >= a
    minsumW <- minsumWConstraints(Data, spec, constraints)
    if (is.null(minsumW)){
        Aminsum <- aminsum <- dminsum <- NULL
    } else {
        Aminsum <- cbind(
            matrix(0, nrow = nrow(minsumW), ncol = 1+nScenarios),
            minsumW[, -1, drop = FALSE] )
        aminsum <- minsumW[, 1]
        dminsum <- rep(">=", nrow(minsumW))

    # Group Constraints: A W <= b
    maxsumW <- maxsumWConstraints(Data, spec, constraints)
    if (is.null(maxsumW)){
        Amaxsum <- amaxsum <- dmaxsum <- NULL
    } else {
        Amaxsum <- cbind(
            matrix(0, nrow = nrow(maxsumW), ncol = 1+nScenarios),
            maxsumW[, -1, drop = FALSE] )
        amaxsum <- maxsumW[, 1]
        dmaxsum <- rep("<=", nrow(maxsumW))

    # Putting all together:
    mat <- rbind(Aeq, Avar, Aes, Aminsum, Amaxsum)
    rhs <- c(aeq, avar, aes, aminsum, amaxsum)
    dir <- c(deq, dvar, des, dminsum, dmaxsum)

    # Box Constraints: Upper and Lower Bounds as listn required ...
    minW <- minWConstraints(Data, spec, constraints)
    maxW <- maxWConstraints(Data, spec, constraints)
    nInd <- 1:(1+nScenarios+nAssets)
    bounds <- list(
        lower = list(ind = nInd, val = c(rep(-Inf, 1+nScenarios), minW)),
        upper = list(ind = nInd, val = c(rep( Inf, 1+nScenarios), maxW)) )

    # What variable Types, All Continuous:
    types <- NULL

    # Should I minimize or maximize ?
    max <- TRUE

    # Return Value:
        obj = obj, mat = mat, dir = dir, rhs = rhs,
        types = types, max = max, bounds = bounds, verbose = FALSE,
        nScenarios = nScenarios, nAssets = nAssets,
        targetReturn = targetReturn, Alpha = Alpha, Type = Type)


.rglpk.CVAR <-
    function(obj, mat, dir, rhs, types, max, bounds, verbose,
    nScenarios, nAssets, targetReturn, Alpha, Type)
    # A function implemented by Diethelm Wuertz
    # Description:
    #   Rglpk CVAR Solver


    # Solve - use Rglpk_solve_LP:
    optim <- Rglpk::Rglpk_solve_LP(
        obj = obj,
        mat = mat,
        dir = dir,
        rhs = rhs,
        types = types,
        max = max,
        bounds = bounds,
        verbose = verbose)

    # Extract Weights:
    weights <- .checkWeights(rev(rev(optim$solution)[1:nAssets]))
    attr(weights, "invest") = sum(weights)

    # Result:
    ans <- list(
        type = Type,
        solver = "Rglpk.CVAR",
        optim = optim,
        weights = weights,
        solution = weights,
        targetReturn = targetReturn,
        targetRisk = -optim$optimum,
        objective = -optim$optimum,
        status = optim$status[[1]],
        message = "NA")

    # Return Value:


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fPortfolio documentation built on April 25, 2023, 9:11 a.m.