
Defines functions initial_ets_states report.ETS model_sum.ETS components.ETS tidy.ETS glance.ETS residuals.ETS hfitted.ETS fitted.ETS refit.ETS generate.ETS forecast.ETS ETS train_ets

Documented in components.ETS ETS fitted.ETS forecast.ETS generate.ETS glance.ETS refit.ETS report.ETS residuals.ETS tidy.ETS

train_ets <- function(.data, specials, opt_crit,
                      nmse, bounds, ic, restrict = TRUE, ...) {
  if (length(measured_vars(.data)) > 1) {
    abort("Only univariate responses are supported by ETS.")

  # Rebuild `ets` arguments
  ets_spec <- specials[c("error", "trend", "season")]
  map(ets_spec, function(.x) {
    if (length(.x) > 1) {
      abort("Only one special of each type is allowed for ETS.")
  ets_spec <- unlist(ets_spec, recursive = FALSE)

  # Get response
  y <- unclass(.data)[[measured_vars(.data)]]
  idx <- unclass(.data)[[index_var(.data)]]

  if (any(is.na(y))) {
    abort("ETS does not support missing values.")

  # Build possible models
  model_opts <- expand.grid(
    errortype = ets_spec$error$method,
    trendtype = ets_spec$trend$method,
    seasontype = ets_spec$season$method,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  model_opts$damped <- nchar(model_opts$trendtype) > 1
  model_opts$trendtype <- substr(model_opts$trendtype, 1, 1)

  # Remove bad models
  if (NROW(model_opts) > 1) {
    if (min(y) <= 0) {
      model_opts <- model_opts[model_opts$errortype != "M", ]
    if (restrict) {
      restricted <- with(
        (errortype == "A" & (trendtype == "M" | seasontype == "M")) | # AMM, AAM, AMA
          (errortype == "M" & trendtype == "M" & seasontype == "A")
      ) # MMA
      model_opts <- model_opts[!restricted, ]

  if (NROW(model_opts) == 0) {
    abort("No valid ETS models have been allowed. Consider allowing different (more stable) models, or enabling the restricted models with `restrict = FALSE`.")

  # Find best model
  best <- NULL
  last_error <- NULL
  compare_ets <- function(errortype, trendtype, seasontype, damped) {
    new <- safely(quietly(etsmodel))(
      y, m = ets_spec$season$period,
      errortype = errortype, trendtype = trendtype, seasontype = seasontype, damped = damped,
      alpha = ets_spec$trend$alpha, alpharange = ets_spec$trend$alpha_range,
      beta = ets_spec$trend$beta, betarange = ets_spec$trend$beta_range,
      phi = ets_spec$trend$phi, phirange = ets_spec$trend$phi_range,
      gamma = ets_spec$season$gamma, gammarange = ets_spec$season$gamma_range,
      opt.crit = opt_crit, nmse = nmse, bounds = bounds, ...)
    if (!is.null(new$error)) {
      last_error <<- new$error
    new <- new$result

    if ((new[[ic]] %||% Inf) < (best[[ic]] %||% Inf) && is.finite(new[[ic]]) || is.null(best)) {
      best <<- new
    new[[ic]] %||% Inf
  ic <- pmap_dbl(model_opts, compare_ets)

  if (is.null(best)) {

  best_spec <- model_opts[which.min(ic), ]
  best_spec$period <- ets_spec$season$period

      par = tibble(term = names(best$par) %||% chr(), estimate = unname(best$par) %||% dbl()),
      est = mutate(
        .fitted = best$fitted,
        .resid = best$residuals
      fit = tibble(
        sigma2 = sum(best$residuals^2, na.rm = TRUE) / (length(y) - length(best$par)),
        log_lik = best$loglik, AIC = best$aic, AICc = best$aicc, BIC = best$bic,
        MSE = best$mse, AMSE = best$amse, MAE = best$mae
      states = tsibble(
        !!!set_names(list(seq(idx[[1]] - default_time_units(interval(.data)),
          by = default_time_units(interval(.data)),
          length.out = NROW(best$states)
        )), index_var(.data)),
        !!!set_names(split(best$states, col(best$states)), colnames(best$states)),
        index = !!index(.data)
      spec = as_tibble(best_spec)
    class = "ETS"

specials_ets <- new_specials(
  error = function(method = c("A", "M")) {
    if (!all(is.element(method, c("A", "M")))) {
      stop("Invalid error type")
    list(method = method)
  trend = function(method = c("N", "A", "Ad"),
                   alpha = NULL, alpha_range = c(1e-04, 0.9999),
                   beta = NULL, beta_range = c(1e-04, 0.9999),
                   phi = NULL, phi_range = c(0.8, 0.98)) {
    if (!all(is.element(method, c("N", "A", "Ad", "M", "Md")))) {
      stop("Invalid trend type")
    if (alpha_range[1] > alpha_range[2]) {
      abort("Lower alpha limits must be less than upper limits")
    if (beta_range[1] > beta_range[2]) {
      abort("Lower beta limits must be less than upper limits")
    if (phi_range[1] > phi_range[2]) {
      abort("Lower phi limits must be less than upper limits")
    if(!is.null(alpha)) alpha_range <- rep(alpha, 2)
    if(!is.null(beta)) beta_range <- rep(beta, 2)
    if(!is.null(phi)) phi_range <- rep(phi, 2)
      method = method,
      alpha = alpha, alpha_range = alpha_range,
      beta = beta, beta_range = beta_range,
      phi = phi, phi_range = phi_range
  season = function(method = c("N", "A", "M"), period = NULL,
                    gamma = NULL, gamma_range = c(1e-04, 0.9999)) {
    if (!all(is.element(method, c("N", "A", "M")))) {
      abort("Invalid season type")
    if (gamma_range[1] > gamma_range[2]) {
      abort("Lower gamma limits must be less than upper limits")
    if(!is.null(gamma)) gamma_range <- rep(gamma, 2)

    m <- get_frequencies(period, self$data, .auto = "smallest")
    if (m <= 1 || (NROW(self$data) <= m && self$stage %in% c("estimate", "refit"))) {
      method <- intersect("N", method)
    if (m > 24) {
      if (!is.element("N", method)) {
        abort("Seasonal periods (`period`) of length greather than 24 are not supported by ETS.")
      } else if (length(method) > 1) {
        warn("Seasonal periods (`period`) of length greather than 24 are not supported by ETS. Seasonality will be ignored.")
        method <- "N"
    if (is_empty(method)) {
      abort("A seasonal ETS model cannot be used for this data.")
    list(method = method, gamma = gamma, gamma_range = gamma_range, period = m)
  xreg = no_xreg,
  .required_specials = c("error", "trend", "season")

#' Exponential smoothing state space model
#' Returns ETS model specified by the formula.
#' Based on the classification of methods as described in Hyndman et al (2008).
#' The methodology is fully automatic. The model is chosen automatically if not
#' specified. This methodology performed extremely well on the M3-competition
#' data. (See Hyndman, et al, 2002, below.)
#' @aliases report.ETS
#' @param formula Model specification (see "Specials" section).
#' @param opt_crit The optimization criterion. Defaults to the log-likelihood
#' `"lik"`, but can also be set to `"mse"` (Mean Square Error), `"amse"`
#' (Average MSE over first `nmse` forecast horizons), `"sigma"` (Standard
#' deviation of residuals), or `"mae"` (Mean Absolute Error).
#' @param nmse If `opt_crit == "amse"`, `nmse` provides the number of steps for
#' average multistep MSE (`1<=nmse<=30`).
#' @param bounds Type of parameter space to impose: `"usual"` indicates
#' all parameters must lie between specified lower and upper bounds;
#' `"admissible"` indicates parameters must lie in the admissible space;
#' `"both"` (default) takes the intersection of these regions.
#' @param ic The information criterion used in selecting the model.
#' @param restrict If TRUE (default), the models with infinite variance will not
#' be allowed. These restricted model components are AMM, AAM, AMA, and MMA.
#' @param ... Other arguments
#' @section Specials:
#' The _specials_ define the methods and parameters for the components (error, trend, and seasonality) of an ETS model. If more than one method is specified, `ETS` will consider all combinations of the specified models and select the model which best fits the data (minimising `ic`). The method argument for each specials have reasonable defaults, so if a component is not specified an appropriate method will be chosen automatically.
#' There are a couple of limitations to note about ETS models:
#' - It does not support exogenous regressors.
#' - It does not support missing values. You can complete missing values in the data with imputed values (e.g. with [tidyr::fill()], or by fitting a different model type and then calling [fabletools::interpolate()]) before fitting the model.
#' \subsection{error}{
#' The `error` special is used to specify the form of the error term.
#' \preformatted{
#' error(method = c("A", "M"))
#' }
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'   `method`     \tab The form of the error term: either additive ("A") or multiplicative ("M"). If the error is multiplicative, the data must be non-negative. All specified methods are tested on the data, and the one that gives the best fit (lowest `ic`) will be kept.
#' }
#' }
#' \subsection{trend}{
#' The `trend` special is used to specify the form of the trend term and associated parameters.
#' \preformatted{
#' trend(method = c("N", "A", "Ad"),
#'       alpha = NULL, alpha_range = c(1e-04, 0.9999),
#'       beta = NULL, beta_range = c(1e-04, 0.9999),
#'       phi = NULL, phi_range = c(0.8, 0.98))
#' }
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'   `method`     \tab The form of the trend term: either none ("N"), additive ("A"), multiplicative ("M") or damped variants ("Ad", "Md"). All specified methods are tested on the data, and the one that gives the best fit (lowest `ic`) will be kept.\cr
#'   `alpha`      \tab The value of the smoothing parameter for the level. If `alpha = 0`, the level will not change over time. Conversely, if `alpha = 1` the level will update similarly to a random walk process. \cr
#'   `alpha_range` \tab If `alpha=NULL`, `alpha_range` provides bounds for the optimised value of `alpha`.\cr
#'   `beta`       \tab The value of the smoothing parameter for the slope. If `beta = 0`, the slope will not change over time. Conversely, if `beta = 1` the slope will have no memory of past slopes. \cr
#'   `beta_range`  \tab If `beta=NULL`, `beta_range` provides bounds for the optimised value of `beta`.\cr
#'   `phi`        \tab The value of the dampening parameter for the slope. If `phi = 0`, the slope will be dampened immediately (no slope). Conversely, if `phi = 1` the slope will not be dampened. \cr
#'   `phi_range`   \tab If `phi=NULL`, `phi_range` provides bounds for the optimised value of `phi`.
#' }
#' }
#' \subsection{season}{
#' The `season` special is used to specify the form of the seasonal term and associated parameters. To specify a nonseasonal model you would include `season(method = "N")`.
#' \preformatted{
#' season(method = c("N", "A", "M"), period = NULL,
#'        gamma = NULL, gamma_range = c(1e-04, 0.9999))
#' }
#' \tabular{ll}{
#'   `method`     \tab The form of the seasonal term: either none ("N"), additive ("A") or multiplicative ("M"). All specified methods are tested on the data, and the one that gives the best fit (lowest `ic`) will be kept.\cr
#'   `period`     \tab The periodic nature of the seasonality. This can be either a number indicating the number of observations in each seasonal period, or text to indicate the duration of the seasonal window (for example, annual seasonality would be "1 year").  \cr
#'   `gamma`      \tab The value of the smoothing parameter for the seasonal pattern. If `gamma = 0`, the seasonal pattern will not change over time. Conversely, if `gamma = 1` the seasonality will have no memory of past seasonal periods. \cr
#'   `gamma_range` \tab If `gamma=NULL`, `gamma_range` provides bounds for the optimised value of `gamma`.
#' }
#' }
#' @return A model specification.
#' @examples
#' as_tsibble(USAccDeaths) %>%
#'   model(ETS(log(value) ~ season("A")))
#' @seealso
#' [Forecasting: Principles and Practices, Exponential smoothing (chapter 8)](https://otexts.com/fpp3/expsmooth.html)
#' @references Hyndman, R.J., Koehler, A.B., Snyder, R.D., and Grose, S. (2002)
#' "A state space framework for automatic forecasting using exponential
#' smoothing methods", \emph{International J. Forecasting}, \bold{18}(3),
#' 439--454.
#' Hyndman, R.J., Akram, Md., and Archibald, B. (2008) "The admissible
#' parameter space for exponential smoothing models". \emph{Annals of
#' Statistical Mathematics}, \bold{60}(2), 407--426.
#' Hyndman, R.J., Koehler, A.B., Ord, J.K., and Snyder, R.D. (2008)
#' \emph{Forecasting with exponential smoothing: the state space approach},
#' Springer-Verlag. \url{http://www.exponentialsmoothing.net}.
#' @export
ETS <- function(formula, opt_crit = c("lik", "amse", "mse", "sigma", "mae"),
                nmse = 3, bounds = c("both", "usual", "admissible"),
                ic = c("aicc", "aic", "bic"), restrict = TRUE, ...) {
  opt_crit <- match.arg(opt_crit)
  bounds <- match.arg(bounds)
  ic <- match.arg(ic)

  ets_model <- new_model_class("ETS",
    train = train_ets, specials = specials_ets,
    check = all_tsbl_checks
  new_model_definition(ets_model, !!enquo(formula),
    opt_crit = opt_crit, nmse = nmse,
    bounds = bounds, ic = ic, restrict = restrict, ...

#' @inherit forecast.ARIMA
#' @param simulate If `TRUE`, prediction intervals are produced by simulation rather than using analytic formulae.
#' @param times The number of sample paths to use in estimating the forecast distribution if simulated intervals are used.
#' @examples
#' as_tsibble(USAccDeaths) %>%
#'   model(ets = ETS(log(value) ~ season("A"))) %>%
#'   forecast()
#' @export
forecast.ETS <- function(object, new_data, specials = NULL, simulate = FALSE, bootstrap = FALSE, times = 5000, ...) {
  errortype <- object$spec$errortype
  trendtype <- object$spec$trendtype
  seasontype <- object$spec$seasontype
  damped <- object$spec$damped
  laststate <- as.numeric(object$states[NROW(object$states), measured_vars(object$states)])

  fc_class <- if (errortype == "A" && trendtype %in% c("A", "N") && seasontype %in% c("N", "A")) {
  } else if (errortype == "M" && trendtype %in% c("A", "N") && seasontype %in% c("N", "A")) {
  } else if (errortype == "M" && trendtype != "M" && seasontype == "M") {
  } else {
    simulate <- TRUE
  if (simulate || bootstrap) {
    sim <- map(seq_len(times), function(x) generate(object, new_data, times = times, bootstrap = bootstrap)[[".sim"]]) %>%
      transpose() %>%

  else {
    fc <- fc_class(
      h = NROW(new_data),
      last.state = laststate,
      trendtype, seasontype, damped, object$spec$period, object$fit$sigma2,
      set_names(object$par$estimate, object$par$term)
    distributional::dist_normal(fc$mu, sqrt(fc$var))

#' Generate new data from a fable model
#' Simulates future paths from a dataset using a fitted model. Innovations are
#' sampled by the model's assumed error distribution. If `bootstrap` is `TRUE`,
#' innovations will be sampled from the model's residuals. If `new_data`
#' contains the `.innov` column, those values will be treated as innovations.
#' @inheritParams forecast.ETS
#' @param x A fitted model.
#' @examples
#' as_tsibble(USAccDeaths) %>%
#'   model(ETS(log(value) ~ season("A"))) %>%
#'   generate(times = 100)
#' @seealso [`fabletools::generate.mdl_df`]
#' @export
generate.ETS <- function(x, new_data, specials, bootstrap = FALSE, ...) {
  if (!is_regular(new_data)) {
    abort("Simulation new_data must be regularly spaced")

  start_idx <- min(new_data[[index_var(new_data)]])
  start_pos <- match(start_idx - default_time_units(interval(new_data)), x$states[[index_var(x$states)]])

  if (is.na(start_pos)) {
    abort("The first observation index of simulation data must be within the model's training set.")

  initstate <- as.numeric(x$states[start_pos, measured_vars(x$states)])

  if (!(".innov" %in% names(new_data))) {
    if (bootstrap) {
      new_data$.innov <- sample(stats::na.omit(residuals(x) - mean(residuals(x), na.rm = TRUE)),
        replace = TRUE
    else {
      new_data$.innov <- stats::rnorm(NROW(new_data), sd = sqrt(x$fit$sigma2))

  if (x$spec$errortype == "M") {
    new_data[[".innov"]] <- pmax(-1, new_data[[".innov"]])

  get_par <- function(par) {
    x$par$estimate[x$par$term == par]
  result <- transmute(
    ".sim" := .C(
      as.integer(switch(x$spec$errortype, "A" = 1, "M" = 2)),
      as.integer(switch(x$spec$trendtype, "N" = 0, "A" = 1, "M" = 2)),
      as.integer(switch(x$spec$seasontype, "N" = 0, "A" = 1, "M" = 2)),
      as.double(ifelse(x$spec$trendtype == "N", 0, get_par("beta"))),
      as.double(ifelse(x$spec$seasontype == "N", 0, get_par("gamma"))),
      as.double(ifelse(!x$spec$damped, 1, get_par("phi"))),
      PACKAGE = "fable"
  if (is.na(result[[".sim"]][1])) {
    stop("Problem with multiplicative damped trend")


#' Refit an ETS model
#' Applies a fitted ETS model to a new dataset.
#' @inheritParams refit.ARIMA
#' @param reinitialise If TRUE, the initial parameters will be re-estimated to suit the new data.
#' @examples
#' lung_deaths_male <- as_tsibble(mdeaths)
#' lung_deaths_female <- as_tsibble(fdeaths)
#' fit <- lung_deaths_male %>%
#'   model(ETS(value))
#' report(fit)
#' fit %>%
#'   refit(lung_deaths_female, reinitialise = TRUE) %>%
#'   report()
#' @importFrom stats formula residuals
#' @export
refit.ETS <- function(object, new_data, specials = NULL, reestimate = FALSE, reinitialise = TRUE, ...) {
  est_par <- function(par) {
    if (any(pos <- object$par$term == par) && !reestimate) {
    } else {

  y <- transmute(new_data, !!parse_expr(measured_vars(object$est)[1]))
  idx <- unclass(y)[[index_var(y)]]
  y <- unclass(y)[[measured_vars(y)]]

  best <- if (reinitialise) {
      m = object$spec$period,
      errortype = object$spec$errortype, trendtype = object$spec$trendtype,
      seasontype = object$spec$seasontype, damped = object$spec$damped,
      alpha = est_par("alpha"), beta = est_par("beta"), phi = est_par("phi"), gamma = est_par("gamma"),
      alpharange = c(1e-04, 0.9999), betarange = c(1e-04, 0.9999),
      gammarange = c(1e-04, 0.9999), phirange = c(0.8, 0.98),
      opt.crit = "lik", nmse = 3, bounds = "both"
  else {
    init.par <- set_names(object$par$estimate, object$par$term)
      m = object$spec$period,
      init.state = init.par[setdiff(names(init.par), c("alpha", "beta", "gamma", "phi"))],
      errortype = object$spec$errortype, trendtype = object$spec$trendtype,
      seasontype = object$spec$seasontype, damped = object$spec$damped,
      alpha = est_par("alpha"), beta = est_par("beta"), phi = est_par("phi"), gamma = est_par("gamma"),
      nmse = 3, np = NROW(object$par)

      par = tibble(term = names(best$par) %||% chr(), estimate = unname(best$par) %||% dbl()),
      est = mutate(
        .fitted = best$fitted,
        .resid = best$residuals
      fit = tibble(
        sigma2 = sum(best$residuals^2, na.rm = TRUE) / (length(y) - length(best$par)),
        log_lik = best$loglik, AIC = best$aic, AICc = best$aicc, BIC = best$bic,
        MSE = best$mse, AMSE = best$amse, MAE = best$mae
      states = tsibble(
        !!!set_names(list(seq(idx[[1]] - default_time_units(interval(new_data)),
          by = default_time_units(interval(new_data)),
          length.out = NROW(best$states)
        )), index_var(new_data)),
        !!!set_names(split(best$states, col(best$states)), colnames(best$states)),
        index = !!index(new_data)
      spec = object$spec
    class = "ETS"

#' @inherit fitted.ARIMA
#' @examples
#' as_tsibble(USAccDeaths) %>%
#'   model(ets = ETS(log(value) ~ season("A"))) %>%
#'   fitted()
#' @export
fitted.ETS <- function(object, ...) {

#' @export
hfitted.ETS <- function(object, h, ...) {
  errortype <- object$spec$errortype
  trendtype <- object$spec$trendtype
  seasontype <- object$spec$seasontype
  damped <- object$spec$damped
  fc_class <- if (errortype == "A" && trendtype %in% c("A", "N") && seasontype %in% c("N", "A")) {
  } else if (errortype == "M" && trendtype %in% c("A", "N") && seasontype %in% c("N", "A")) {
  } else if (errortype == "M" && trendtype != "M" && seasontype == "M") {
  } else {
    abort(sprintf("Multi-step fits for %s%s%s%s ETS models is not supported."),
          errortype, trendtype, if(damped) "d" else "", seasontype)
  n <- nrow(object$states)-1
  fits <- rep_len(NA_real_, n)
  for(i in seq_len(n-h+1)) {
    fits[i + h - 1] <- fc_class(
      h = h,
      last.state = as.numeric(object$states[i, measured_vars(object$states)]),
      trendtype, seasontype, damped, object$spec$period, object$fit$sigma2,
      set_names(object$par$estimate, object$par$term)

#' @inherit residuals.ARIMA
#' @examples
#' as_tsibble(USAccDeaths) %>%
#'   model(ets = ETS(log(value) ~ season("A"))) %>%
#'   residuals()
#' @export
residuals.ETS <- function(object, ...) {

#' Glance an ETS model
#' Construct a single row summary of the ETS model.
#' Contains the variance of residuals (`sigma2`), the log-likelihood (`log_lik`),
#' and information criterion (`AIC`, `AICc`, `BIC`).
#' @inheritParams generics::glance
#' @return A one row tibble summarising the model's fit.
#' @examples
#' as_tsibble(USAccDeaths) %>%
#'   model(ets = ETS(log(value) ~ season("A"))) %>%
#'   glance()
#' @export
glance.ETS <- function(x, ...) {

#' @inherit tidy.ARIMA
#' @examples
#' as_tsibble(USAccDeaths) %>%
#'   model(ets = ETS(log(value) ~ season("A"))) %>%
#'   tidy()
#' @export
tidy.ETS <- function(x, ...) {
  init <- initial_ets_states(x)
  n_coef <- nrow(x$par) - (ncol(init)-(x$spec$seasontype!="N"))
    tidyr::pivot_longer(init, seq_along(init), names_to = "term", values_to = "estimate")

#' Extract estimated states from an ETS model.
#' @param object An estimated model.
#' @param ... Unused.
#' @return A [fabletools::dable()] containing estimated states.
#' @examples
#' as_tsibble(USAccDeaths) %>%
#'   model(ets = ETS(log(value) ~ season("A"))) %>%
#'   components()
#' @export
components.ETS <- function(object, ...) {
  spec <- object$spec
  m <- spec$period
  idx <- index(object$states)
  response <- measured_vars(object$est)[[1]]

  cmp <- match(c(expr_text(idx), "l", "b", "s1"), colnames(object$states))
  out <- object$states[, stats::na.exclude(cmp)]
  colnames(out) <- c(index_var(object$states), "level", "slope", "season")[!is.na(cmp)]
  if (spec$seasontype != "N") {
    seasonal_init <- tsibble(
      !!expr_text(idx) := object$states[[index_var(object$states)]][[1]] - rev(seq_len(m - 1)) * default_time_units(interval(object$states)),
      season = rev(as.numeric(object$states[1, paste0("s", seq_len(m - 1) + 1)])),
      index = !!idx
    out <- dplyr::bind_rows(seasonal_init, out)
    seasonalities <- list(season = list(period = m, base = NA_real_))
  else {
    seasonalities <- list()

  est_vars <- transmute(
    remainder = !!sym(".resid")

  out <- left_join(out, est_vars, by = index_var(object$states))
  out <- select(out, intersect(c(expr_text(idx), response, "level", "slope", "season", "remainder"), colnames(out)))

  eqn <- expr(lag(!!sym("level"), 1))
  if (spec$trendtype == "A") {
    if (spec$damped) {
      phi <- object$par$estimate[object$par$term == "phi"]
      eqn <- expr(!!eqn + !!phi * lag(!!sym("slope"), 1))
    else {
      eqn <- expr(!!eqn + lag(!!sym("slope"), 1))
  } else if (spec$trendtype == "M") {
    if (spec$damped) {
      phi <- object$par$estimate[object$par$term == "phi"]
      eqn <- expr(!!eqn * lag(!!sym("slope"), 1)^!!phi)
    else {
      eqn <- expr(!!eqn * lag(!!sym("slope"), 1))
  if (spec$seasontype == "A") {
    eqn <- expr(!!eqn + lag(!!sym("season"), !!m))
  } else if (spec$seasontype == "M") {
    eqn <- expr((!!eqn) * lag(!!sym("season"), !!m))
  if (spec$errortype == "A") {
    eqn <- expr(!!eqn + !!sym("remainder"))
  } else {
    eqn <- expr((!!eqn) * (1 + !!sym("remainder")))

    resp = !!sym(response), method = model_sum(object),
    seasons = seasonalities, aliases = list2(!!response := eqn)

#' @export
model_sum.ETS <- function(x) {
  with(x$spec, paste("ETS(", errortype, ",", trendtype, ifelse(damped, "d", ""), ",", seasontype, ")", sep = ""))

#' @export
report.ETS <- function(object, ...) {
  ncoef <- length(measured_vars(object$states))

  get_par <- function(par) {
    object$par$estimate[object$par$term == par]

  cat("  Smoothing parameters:\n")
  cat(paste("    alpha =", format(get_par("alpha")), "\n"))
  if (object$spec$trendtype != "N") {
    cat(paste("    beta  =", format(get_par("beta")), "\n"))
  if (object$spec$seasontype != "N") {
    cat(paste("    gamma =", format(get_par("gamma")), "\n"))
  if (object$spec$damped) {
    cat(paste("    phi   =", format(get_par("phi")), "\n"))

  cat("\n  Initial states:\n")
  print.data.frame(initial_ets_states(object), row.names = FALSE)

  cat("\n  sigma^2:  ")
  cat(round(object$fit$sigma2, 4))
  if (!is.null(object$fit$AIC)) {
    stats <- c(AIC = object$fit$AIC, AICc = object$fit$AICc, BIC = object$fit$BIC)

initial_ets_states <- function(object) {
  states_init <- object$states[1, measured_vars(object$states)]
  states_type <- substring(colnames(states_init), 1, 1)
  states_names <- lapply(
    split(states_type, states_type),
    function(x) paste0(x, "[", seq(0, by = -1, along = x), "]")
  colnames(states_init) <- unsplit(states_names, states_type)

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fable documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:25 a.m.