
Defines functions fameStatusMessage fameWildlist fameWhats fameWhat fameRange fameDate fameYmd fameJul fameDateToTi fameWriteSeries fameWriteScalar putfame getfame isScalarOrTis fameIsScalar mightBeFameServer getFamePath fameDeleteObject fameDbClose fameConnKeyForDb fameDbOpen close.fameConnection print.fameConnection fameConnection fameModeInt fameStart fameCommand fameStop fameRunning fameSetState fameState

Documented in close.fameConnection fameCommand fameConnection fameDbClose fameDbOpen fameDeleteObject fameIsScalar fameRunning fameStart fameState fameStatusMessage fameStop fameWhat fameWhats fameWildlist fameWriteScalar fameWriteSeries getfame getFamePath print.fameConnection putfame

## In a given R session, you cannot restart the Fame HLI once it has died for
## any reason, even if you shut it down gracefully. Death of the R process
## also kills the child Fame SERVER process, and getfame(), at least, always
## closes the databases it opened before it returns.  

fameState <- function(){
  if(!exists(".fameState", envir = baseenv()))
  get(".fameState", pos = baseenv())

fameSetState <- function(value){
  if(!value %in% c("none", "starting", "running", "dead"))
    stop("Bad value for fameState")
  assign(".fameState", value, pos = baseenv())

fameRunning <- function(){
  ## are we already running a Fame Server process?
  fameState() == "running"

fameStop <- function(){
  if(fameState() %in% c("starting", "running")){
    fameCommand("exit", silent = TRUE)
    status <- .C("fameStop", status = integer(1), PACKAGE = "fame")$status
    if(status == 2) fameSetState("none") ## HLI was not initialized
    else            fameSetState("dead")
    if(status != 0)
  else warning("No fame process to stop")

fameCommand <- function(string, silent = TRUE, capture = FALSE){
    tfile <- paste(tempfile(), ".txt", sep = "")
    on.exit(file.remove(tfile), add = TRUE)
    fameCommand(paste('output <access overwrite> "',
                      tfile, '"', sep = ""), capture = FALSE)
    status <- fameCommand(string, silent = silent, capture = FALSE)
    fameCommand('output terminal', silent = TRUE, capture = FALSE)
    strings <- readLines(tfile)
    attr(strings, "status") <- status
  capture.output(boink <- .C("fameCommand", status = integer(1), command = string,
                             errorMsg = character(256), PACKAGE = "fame"))
    if(boink$status && string != "exit")
      cat(paste("\nERROR: fameCommand(\"", string, "\") failed\n", sep = ""))
    cat(fameStatusMessage(boink$status), "\n")
    if(boink$status > 512)
      cat(boink$errorMsg, "\n")

fameStart <- function(workingDB = TRUE){
  ## initialize Fame HLI and possibly open work database. Since the work database is
  ## the first one opened, its key is always 0.
  if(fameState() == "dead") stop("Cannot restart Fame HLI after it has been killed")
  if(fameState() == "running"){
    cat("Fame is already running\n")
  if(fameState() == "none"){ ## attempt to initialize HLI
      if(runningWindows()) stop("fame.dll has not been loaded")
      else                 stop("fame.so has not been loaded")
    if(runningLinux() && !is.loaded("fameInit"))
      stop("package built without HLI support")
    if(runningWindows() && !is.loaded("cfmini"))
      stop("HLI functions from chli.dll not found")
    status <- .C("fameInit", status = integer(1), PACKAGE = "fame")$status
    if(status == 3) fameSetState("dead")
    if(status != 0 && status != 1) stop(fameStatusMessage(status))
    status <- .C("fameOpenWorkDb",
                 status = integer(1), key = integer(1),
                 PACKAGE = "fame")$status
    if(status == 511){
      cat("cfmopwk (open work database) failed with code 511,",
          "indicating an HLI internal error. Retrying in 2 seconds...\n")
      status <- .C("fameOpenWorkDb",
                   status = integer(1), key = integer(1),
                   PACKAGE = "fame")$status
    if(status != 0){
      msg <- paste("cfmopwk (open work database) failed with code ",
                   status, ", which supposedly means ",
                   fameStatusMessage(status), sep = "")
  if(exists("fameLocalInit", mode = "function"))
    get("fameLocalInit", pos=1)()

fameModeInt <- function(string){
  modes <- c(read = 1, create = 2, overwrite = 3, update = 4,
             shared = 5, write = 6, direct = 7)
  if(is.na(modeNumber <- modes[string]))
    stop("Unknown access.mode")

fameConnection <- function(service = "", host = "", user = "",
                           password = "", stopOnFail = TRUE){
  ## make sure a Fame server session is running
  if(!fameRunning()) fameStart()
  z <- .C("fameOpenConnection",
          status   = integer(1),
          key      = integer(1),
          service  = as.character(service),
          host     = as.character(host),
          user     = as.character(user),
          password = as.character(password),
          PACKAGE  = "fame")
  if(z$status != 0){
    msg <- fameStatusMessage(z$status)
    if(stopOnFail) stop(msg)
  key <- z$key
  keyAtts <- z[c("service", "host", "user", "password")]
  attributes(key) <- keyAtts[unlist(keyAtts) != " "]
  class(key) = "fameConnection"

print.fameConnection <- function(x, ...){
  atts <- attributes(x)
  atts$class <- NULL
  atts$key <- unclass(x)
  print(noquote(cbind(fameConnection = unlist(atts))), ...)

close.fameConnection <- function(con, ...){
  ## Has to have argument named "con" because the generic function does
  status <- .C("fameCloseConnection", status = integer(1),
               key = as.integer(con), PACKAGE = "fame")$status
  if(status != 0 && status != 2)
    cat(fameStatusMessage(status), "\n")

fameDbOpen <- function(dbName, accessMode = "read", connection = NULL,
                       stopOnFail = TRUE){
    boink <- .C("fameOpenDatabase", 
                status = integer(1),
                key = integer(1),
                dbName = as.character(dbName),
                mode = fameModeInt(accessMode),
                PACKAGE = "fame")
  else {
    boink <- .C("fameOpenDatabaseOnConnection", 
                status = integer(1),
                key = integer(1),
                dbName = as.character(dbName),
                mode = fameModeInt(accessMode),
                conn = as.integer(connection),
                PACKAGE = "fame")
  key <- boink$key
  if(boink$status != 0){
    msg <- fameStatusMessage(boink$status)
    if(stopOnFail) stop(msg)
    else {
      attr(key, "status") <- boink$status
      attr(key, "statusMessage") <- msg
  attr(key, "path") <- as.character(dbName)
    attr(key, "connection") <- connection

fameConnKeyForDb <- function(dbKey){
  boink <- .C("fameConnForDbKey",
              status = integer(1),
              dbKey = as.integer(dbKey),
              connKey = integer(1),
              PACKAGE = "fame")
  if(boink$status == 103){
    ## "database is not open on a connection"
  else {
    if(boink$status != 0)
    else {
      key <- boink$connKey
      class(key) <- "fameConnection"

fameDbClose <- function(dbKey, closeConnection = FALSE){
  conn <- attr(dbKey, "connection")
  if(!is.null(conn) && closeConnection == TRUE)
    conn <- fameConnKeyForDb(dbKey)
    conn <- NULL
  status <- .C("fameCloseDatabase", status = integer(1),
               dbKey = as.integer(dbKey), PACKAGE = "fame")$status
  if(status != 0 && status != 2)
    cat(fameStatusMessage(status), "\n")
    if(!is.null(conn)) close(conn)

fameDeleteObject <- function(db, fname){
  if(length(db) == 1 && is.numeric(db)){
    ## db is presumably the key to an already-open database
    dbKey <- db
  else {
    dbPath <- getFamePath(db)
    ## make sure a Fame server session is running
    if(!fameRunning()) fameStart()
    ## open database
    dbKey <- as.integer(fameDbOpen(dbPath, accessMode = "shared"))
     status = integer(1),
     dbKey = as.integer(dbKey),
     fname = as.character(fname),
     PACKAGE = "fame")$status

getFamePath <- function(dbString, stopOnFail = TRUE){
  ## define fameLocalPath if you have a way to find the path to a database 
  ## return NULL if database corresponding to dbString could not be found
  if(exists("fameLocalPath", mode = "function"))
    path <- get("fameLocalPath", pos=1)(dbString)
    path <- dbString

  ## Now see if the path exists or may be a server path
  failed <- TRUE
  if(file.access(path, 0) == 0){ ## testing existence
    if(file.access(path, 4) == 0)
      failed <- FALSE
      msg <- paste("File", path, "exists, but is not readable.")
  else {  ## file doesn't exist
      failed <- FALSE
      cat("Assuming '", path, "' is a Fame Server path due to white space.\n", sep = "")
    else msg <- paste("Could not find ", path, ".")
    if(stopOnFail) stop(msg)
    else           cat(msg, "\n")
  attr(path, "status") <- as.numeric(failed)

mightBeFameServer <- function(path){
  ## check for at least one blank of some kind between nonblanks
  grepl("[^[:blank:]][[:blank:]]+[^[:blank:]]", path)

fameIsScalar <- function(x){
  !(is.tis(x) || is.ts(x)) && ((is.atomic(x) && length(x) == 1)|| is.character(x))

isScalarOrTis <- function(x){
  is.tis(x) || fameIsScalar(x)

getfame <- function(sernames, db, connection = NULL, save = FALSE,
                    envir = parent.frame(), start = NULL, end = NULL, getDoc = TRUE){
  ## If save = TRUE, the series found are saved in envir using rnames
  if(is.null(connection)) dbPath <- getFamePath(db)
  else                    dbPath <- db

  ## make sure a Fame server session is running
  if(!fameRunning()) fameStart()
  ## open database
  dbKey <- fameDbOpen(dbPath, connection = connection)
  n <- length(sernames)
  retList <- attList <- vector(n, mode = "list")
  if(is.null(rnames <- names(sernames)))
    rnames <- sernames
  names(retList) <- rnames
  ## get series attributes
  for(i in 1:n) attList[[i]] <- fameWhat(dbKey, sernames[i], getDoc)

  status <- lapply(attList, "[[", "status")
  class  <- lapply(attList, "[[", "class")

  dbName <- basename(gsub(".db", "", dbPath))

  if(any((status == 0) &
         ((class == fameClasses["formula"]) |
          (class == fameClasses["scalar"])))){
    openCmd <- paste('open <access read> "', dbPath, '" as ', dbName, sep = '')

      connCmd <- "connect"
      service  <- attr(connection, "service")
      host     <- attr(connection, "host")
      username <- attr(connection, "user")
      password <- attr(connection, "password")
      if(!is.null(service))  connCmd <- paste(connCmd, "to", service)
      if(!is.null(host))     connCmd <- paste(connCmd, "on", host)
      connCmd <- paste(connCmd, "as Rconn")
      if(!is.null(username)) connCmd <- paste(connCmd, "user", username)
      if(!is.null(password)) connCmd <- paste(connCmd, "password", password)
      fameCommand(connCmd, silent = TRUE)
      on.exit(fameCommand("disconnect Rconn"), add = TRUE)
      openCmd <- paste(openCmd, "on Rconn")
    fameCommand(openCmd, silent = TRUE)
    on.exit(fameCommand(paste('close', dbName), silent = TRUE), add = TRUE)
    fameCommand('image date value "<year><mz><dz>:<hhz>:<mmz>:<ssz>"')
    fameCommand('image boolean auto')
    fameCommand('decimal auto')
  for(i in 1:n){
    retItem <- list()
    atts <- attList[[i]]
    sername <- sernames[i]

    if(atts$status != 0){
      msg <- paste("ERROR -- Object:", sername, "database:", dbPath, "--",
      warning(msg, immediate. = TRUE)
    else {
      if(atts$class == fameClasses["scalar"]){
        retItem <- fameCommand(paste("type", sername), capture = TRUE)
        if(attr(retItem, "status") != 0){
          cat("Problem reading", sername, "\n")
          retItem <- list()
        else retItem <- as.vector(retItem)
        isTi <- between(atts$type, 8, 228)
        if(isTi || atts$type == fameTypes["date"]){
          retItem <- strptime(retItem, "%Y%m%d:%H:%M:%S")
            retItem <- ti(retItem, tif = fameToTif(atts$type))
        if(atts$type %in% fameTypes[c("boolean", "numeric", "precision")]){
          if(retItem == "NC"){
            if(atts$type == fameTypes["boolean"]) retItem <- NA
            else                                  retItem <- NaN
            if(retItem %in% c("ND", "NA")) retItem <- NA
            else                           retItem <- eval(parse(text = retItem))

          description(retItem)   <- atts$des
          documentation(retItem) <- atts$doc
      else {
        if(atts$class == fameClasses["formula"]){
          fameCommand(paste("-/", sername, " = ", dbName, "'", sername, sep = ""),
                      silent = TRUE)
          ## dbKey for work database is always 0
          fAtts <- atts
          atts <- fameWhat(0, sernames[i], getDoc)
            if(any(fAtts$des != "")) atts$des <- fAtts$des
            if(any(fAtts$doc != "")) atts$doc <- fAtts$doc

        if(atts$status != 0){
          cat(paste("ERROR retrieving", sername,
                    fameStatusMessage(atts$status)), "\n")
        else {
          if(atts$freq == 232){
            ## a CASE series, we'll read the whole thing
            if(between(atts$type, 8, 228)){ ## a CASE series of FAME dates
              fameFreq <- atts$type
              atts$type <- 6
            range <- atts$range
            obs <- range[3] - range[2] + 1
          else {
            tif <- fameToTif(atts$freq)
            ## set date ranges
            dbStart <- ti(c(atts$fyear, atts$fprd), tif)
            dbEnd   <- dbStart + atts$obs - 1
            if(is.null(start)) desiredStart <- dbStart
            else               desiredStart <- ti(start, tif = tif)
            if(is.null(end))   desiredEnd   <- dbEnd
            else               desiredEnd   <- ti(end, tif = tif)
            actualStart <- max(dbStart, desiredStart)
            actualEnd   <- min(dbEnd,   desiredEnd)
            startYear   <- as.integer(year(actualStart))
            startPeriod <- as.integer(cycle(actualStart))
            obs         <- as.integer(actualEnd - actualStart + 1)
            if(obs < 1) next
            range <- fameRange(freq = atts$freq,
                               startYear = startYear, startPeriod = startPeriod,
                               obs = obs)$range
          z <- switch(as.character(atts$type),
                      "1" = {
                           status      = integer(1),
                           dbKey       = atts$dbKey,
                           name        = atts$name,
                           range       = as.integer(range),
                           data        = double(obs),
                           PACKAGE = "fame")
                      "5" = {
                           status      = integer(1),
                           dbKey       = atts$dbKey,
                           name        = atts$name,
                           range       = as.integer(range),
                           data        = double(obs),
                           PACKAGE = "fame")
                      "3" = {
                           status      = integer(1),
                           dbKey       = atts$dbKey,
                           name        = atts$name,
                           range       = as.integer(range),
                           data        = logical(obs),
                           PACKAGE = "fame")
                      "6" = {  ## fame dates
                           status      = integer(1),
                           dbKey       = atts$dbKey,
                           name        = atts$name,
                           range       = as.integer(range),
                           data        = integer(obs),
                           PACKAGE = "fame")
                      "4" = { ## strings
                        zz <- .C("fameGetStringLengths",
                                 status      = integer(1),
                                 dbKey       = atts$dbKey,
                                 name        = atts$name,
                                 range       = as.integer(range),
                                 lengths     = integer(obs),
                                 PACKAGE = "fame")
                        if(zz$status != 0){
                        maxlen <- max(3, max(zz$lengths) + 1)
                        zzz <- .C("fameReadStringSeries",
                                  status      = integer(1),
                                  dbKey       = atts$dbKey,
                                  name        = atts$name,
                                  range       = as.integer(range),
                                  data        = rep(blanks(maxlen), obs),
                                  strlength   = as.integer(maxlen),
                                  PACKAGE = "fame")
                        zzz$data <- stripBlanks(zzz$data)
                      { ## default -- crap out
                        list(status = 16)
          if(z$status == 0){
            if(atts$freq == 232){
              if(atts$type == 6)
                retItem <- fameDateToTi(z$data, fameFreq)
                retItem <- z$data

              names(retItem) <- range[2]:range[3]
            else {
              retItem <- tis(z$data, start = actualStart)
              if(atts$basis > 0) 
                attr(retItem, "basis") <- c("daily", "business")[atts$basis]
              if(atts$observ > 0) 
                attr(retItem, "observed") <-
                  c("beginnin", "ending", "averaged", "summed", "annualized",
                    "formula", "high", "low")[atts$observ]
              description(retItem)    <- atts$des
              documentation(retItem) <- atts$doc
            retItem <- list()
    retList[[i]] <- retItem
  retLengths <- lapply(retList, length)
  zz <- retList[retLengths > 0]

    for(name in names(zz)){
      assign(name, zz[[name]], envir = envir)
  else return(zz)

putfame <- function(serlist, db,
                    access = "shared",
                    update = TRUE,
                    checkBasisAndObserved = FALSE,
                    envir = parent.frame()){
  dbPath <- getFamePath(db, stopOnFail = FALSE)
  if(access == "append"){
    ## for compatibility with old ffi version of putfame
    access <- "shared"
      access <- "shared"
      access <- "create"
      cat(paste("NOTE: Database", dbPath, "not found, will be created.\n"))
  ## make sure a Fame server session is running
  if(!fameRunning()) fameStart()

  ## create z, a list of univariate tis series to be written to Fame
    zz <- vector("list", length(serlist))
    if(is.null(names(serlist))) names(zz) <- serlist
    else                        names(zz) <- names(serlist)
    for(i in 1:length(serlist)){
      rname <- serlist[i]
      if(exists(rname, envir = envir))
        obj <- get(rname, envir = envir)
      else stop(paste(rname, "not found"))
        stop(paste(rname, "is not a fame scalar or a tis series"))
      zz[[i]] <- obj
  else {
      zz <- serlist
    else {
      zz <- list(serlist)
      names(zz) <- deparse(substitute(serlist))
  if(!all(sapply(zz, isScalarOrTis)))
    stop("non-scalar, non-tis argument")

  nser <- length(zz)
  if(is.null(fameNames <- names(zz)))
    fameNames <- character(nser)
  nz <- sum(sapply(zz, NCOL))
  z <- vector("list", nz)
  znames <- character(nz)
  i.z <- 0
  for(i.sl in seq(zz)){
    ser <- zz[[i.sl]]
    sercols <- NCOL(ser)

    i.z <- max(i.z) + 1:sercols

      if(length(colnames(ser)) == sercols)
		znames[i.z] <- colnames(ser)
      else if(sercols == 1) znames[i.z] <- fameNames[i.sl]

      for(i in 1:sercols)
		z[[i.z[i]]] <- ser[,i]
    else {
      znames[i.z] <- fameNames[i.sl]
      z[[i.z]] <- ser
    if(any(nchar(znames[i.z]) == 0))
      stop("unnamed scalar or series")

  ## find scalar and series elements in z 
  scalar <- sapply(z, fameIsScalar)
  scalarIndex <- (1:length(z))[scalar]
  seriesIndex <- (1:length(z))[!scalar]
  dbKey <- fameDbOpen(dbPath, accessMode = access)
  ## We may have to open and close the database multiple times (don't ask why,
  ## just know that FAME sucks).  To prevent reopening from doing something
  ## horrible, like wiping out the database (which reopening in "overwrite"
  ## would do) or throwing an error (which reopening in "create" would do),
  ## we open the database once in the desired access mode, then immediately
  ## close it and change the access mode to "shared" for future openings.
  if(access %in% c("create", "overwrite")) access <- "shared"
  if(any(scalar)){ ## write the scalars out first
    fameCommand(paste('open <access ', access, '> "', dbPath,
                      '" as targetdb', sep = ''), silent = TRUE)
    for(i in scalarIndex)
      fameWriteScalar(dbPath, znames[i], z[[i]], update = update)
    fameCommand('close targetdb')
  if(any(!scalar)){ ## now write out the tis series
    dbKey <- fameDbOpen(dbPath, accessMode = access)
    for(i in seriesIndex){
      fameWriteSeries(dbKey, znames[i], z[[i]], update = update,
                      checkBasisAndObserved = checkBasisAndObserved)

fameWriteScalar <- function(dbName, fname, scalar, update = TRUE,
                            type = c("date", "precision", "boolean", "string", "namelist")){
  ## if update is FALSE or there is no existing object named 'fname', put
  ## overwrite on to force creation of a new object along with any documentation
  ## and description attributes.
  ## Note that the database being written to is 'targetdb'.  This should be
  ## the same database as specified by 'dbName', but 'dbName' is used only
  ## when searching, as the CHLI only allows searches on databases via the
  ## dbkey, and it provides no way of getting the dbkey for a database opened
  ## via the cfmfame() function employed by fameCommand()
    if(is.ti(scalar))              type <- "date"
    else if(is.numeric(scalar))    type <- "precision"
    else if(is.logical(scalar))    type <- "boolean"
    else if(is.character(scalar)){
      if(length(scalar) <= 1) type <- "string"
      else type <- "namelist"
    else stop("scalar must be ti, numeric, logical or character type")
  else type <- match.arg(type)
  wl <- fameWildlist(db = dbName, wildString = fname, nMax = 2)
  nFound <- length(wl[[1]])
  if(nFound > 1) stop("found multiple objects with same name")
  if(update && nFound > 0){
    dbType <- tolower(wl$type[1])
    if(dbType != type) stop("dbType must match scalar type when update = T")
    cmd <- paste("update !targetdb'", fname, " =", sep = "")
  else {
    overwriteState <- fameCommand("type @overwrite", capture = TRUE)
    fameCommand("overwrite TRUE")
    on.exit(fameCommand(paste("overwrite", overwriteState)), add = TRUE)
    cmd <- paste("scalar !targetdb'", fname, ":", type, " =", sep = "") 

  if(length(scalar) == 0){
    if(!update) fameCommand(gsub(" =", "", cmd))
  else {
           date = {
             fameCommand(paste("frequency", tifToFameName(scalar)))
             fameCommand(paste(cmd, fameDateString(scalar)))
           precision = {
             fameCommand(paste(cmd, format(scalar, digits =14)))
           boolean = {
             fameCommand(paste(cmd, scalar))
           string = {
             fameCommand(paste(cmd, dQuote(scalar)))
           namelist = {
             string <- paste("{", paste(scalar, collapse = ", "), "}", sep = "")
             fameCommand(paste(cmd, " ", string, sep = ""))
  if(nFound == 0 || update == FALSE){
    if(!is.null(desc <- description(scalar)))
      fameCommand(paste("description(", fname, ") = \"", desc, "\"", sep = ""))
    if(!is.null(doc <- documentation(scalar)))
      fameCommand(paste("documentation(", fname, ") = \"", doc, "\"", sep = ""))

fameWriteSeries <- function(dbKey, fname, ser, update = FALSE,
                            checkBasisAndObserved = FALSE){
  ## Write the tis (TimeIndexedSeries) ser as fname in the database given by dbKey.
  ## If an object named fname already exists in the database and update == TRUE,
  ## the frequency, observed, and basis attributes of ser are checked for
  ## consistency with the existing object, then the range covered by ser is
  ## written to the database.  If update == FALSE, any existing series called fname
  ## will be deleted before writing ser to the database.
  if(!inherits(ser, "tis")) stop("not a time indexed series")
  if(!is.null(nc <- ncol(ser)) && !is.na(nc) && nc != 1)
    stop("not a univariate series")
  ## see if ser is already in the database and get info about it
  wl <- fameWildlist(dbKey, wildString = fname, nMax = 2, charMode = FALSE)
  nFound <- length(wl[[1]])
  if(nFound > 1) stop("found multiple objects with same name")

  if(update && nFound > 0) type <- wl$type[1]
  else {
    if(mode(ser) == "logical") type <- fameTypes["boolean"]
    else                       type <- fameTypes["precision"]
  storage.mode(ser) <- "double"
  ## basis
  if(is.null(basis <- basis(ser)))
    basis <- 0     ## let the C code assign a basis attribute
    basis <- c(day=1, daily=1, business=2)[basis]
  ## observ
  if(is.null(observ <- observed(ser)))
    observ <- 0    ## let the C code assign an observed attribute
    observ <- fameObserveds[observ]

  ## desc and doc 
  ## Note that doc and desc attributes are ignored when updating existing series
  if(is.null(desc <- description(ser)  )) desc <- ""
  if(is.null(doc  <- documentation(ser))) doc  <- ""
  z <- .C("fameWriteRange",
          status      = integer(1),
          dbKey       = as.integer(dbKey),
          fname       = as.character(fname),
          freq        = as.integer(tifToFame(tif(ser))),
          type        = as.integer(type),
          basis       = as.integer(basis),
          observ      = as.integer(observ),
          startYear   = as.integer(year(start(ser))),
          startPeriod = as.integer(cycle(start(ser))),
          len         = as.integer(length(ser)),
          desc        = as.character(desc),
          doc         = as.character(doc),
          data        = as.numeric(ser),
          update      = as.integer(update),
          checkBasisAndObserved = as.integer(checkBasisAndObserved),  
          NAOK = TRUE,
          PACKAGE = "fame")
  status <- z$status
  if(status != 0) cat(fameStatusMessage(status))
  if(status != 0) stop()

fameDateToTi <- function(fameDates, freq = tifToFame("daily")){
  retVec <- as.integer(fameDates) + NA
  okSpots <- !is.na(fameDates)
    fameDates <- fameDates[okSpots]
    if(!(is.numeric(freq) && freq < 999))
      freq <- tifToFame(freq)
    firstJul <- fameJul(fameDates[1], freq)
    firstTi <- ti(firstJul, tif = fameToTif(freq))
    retVec[okSpots] <- firstTi + (fameDates - fameDates[1])

fameJul <- function(fameDate, fameFreq = tifToFame("daily")){
  ## make sure a Fame server session is running
  if(!fameRunning()) fameStart()
  z <- .C("ymdhmsFromFameDate",
          status   = integer(1),
          freq     = as.integer(fameFreq),
          fameDate = as.integer(fameDate),
          year     = integer(1),
          month    = integer(1),
          day      = integer(1),
          hour     = integer(1),
          minute   = integer(1),
          second   = integer(1),
          PACKAGE  = "fame")
  if(z$status != 0){
  jul(10000*z$year + 100*z$month + z$day) +
    (3600*z$hour + 60*z$minute + z$second)/86400

fameYmd <- function(fameDate, fameFreq = tifToFame("daily")){
  ## make sure a Fame server session is running
  if(!fameRunning()) fameStart()
  z <- .C("yearMonthDayFromFameDate",
          status   = integer(1),
          freq     = as.integer(fameFreq),
          fameDate = as.integer(fameDate),
          year     = integer(1),
          month    = integer(1),
          day      = integer(1),
          PACKAGE  = "fame")
  if(z$status != 0){
  10000*z$year + 100*z$month + z$day

fameDate <- function(inDate = today(), tif = "daily"){
  if(missing(tif) && is.ti(inDate)) tif <- tif(inDate)
  tiDate <- ti(inDate, tif = tif)
  ## make sure a Fame server session is running
  if(!fameRunning()) fameStart()
  z <- .C("fameDateFromYearMonthDay",
          status   = integer(1),
          freq     = as.integer(tifToFame(tif)),
          fameDate = integer(1),
          year     = as.integer(year(tiDate)),
          month    = as.integer(month(tiDate)),
          day      = as.integer(day(tiDate)),
          PACKAGE  = "fame")
  if(z$status != 0){

fameRange <- function(freq, startYear = -1, startPeriod = -1,
                      endYear = -1, endPeriod = -1,
                      obs = -1){
  ## make sure a Fame server session is running
  if(!fameRunning()) fameStart()
  z <- .C("fameSetRange",
          status = integer(1),
          freq  = as.integer(freq),
          fyear = as.integer(startYear),
          fprd  = as.integer(startPeriod),
          lyear = as.integer(endYear),
          lprd  = as.integer(endPeriod),
          obs   = as.integer(obs),
          range = integer(3),
          PACKAGE = "fame")
  if(z$status != 0){

fameWhat <- function(dbKey, fname, getDoc = FALSE){
  getDoc <- as.integer(as.logical(getDoc))
  ## read low-level information about an object in a Fame database
  z <- .C("fameWhat",
          status = integer(1),
          dbKey  = as.integer(dbKey),
          name   = as.character(fname),
          class  = integer(1),
          type   = integer(1),
          freq   = integer(1),
          basis  = integer(1),
          observ = integer(1),
          fyear  = integer(1),
          fprd   = integer(1),
          lyear  = integer(1),
          lprd   = integer(1),
          obs    = as.integer(-1),
          range  = integer(3),
          getDoc = getDoc,
          des    = blanks(256*getDoc),
          doc    = blanks(256*getDoc),
          PACKAGE = "fame")
    z$des <- stripBlanks(z$des)
    z$doc <- stripBlanks(z$doc)
    deslen <- nchar(z$des)
    doclen <- nchar(z$doc)
    if((deslen > 250 || doclen > 250) && !is.null(db <- attr(dbKey, "path"))){
      if(deslen > 250)
        z$des <- as.vector(unlist(fameAttribute("description",   fname, db)))
      if(doclen > 250)
        z$doc <- as.vector(unlist(fameAttribute("documentation", fname, db)))
  else z$des <- z$doc <- character(0)

fameWhats <- function(db, fname, connection = NULL, getDoc = TRUE){
  if(length(db) == 1 && is.numeric(db)){
    ## db is presumably the key to an already-open database
    dbKey <- db
  else {
    if(is.null(connection)) dbPath <- getFamePath(db)
    else                    dbPath <- db
    ## make sure a Fame server session is running
    if(!fameRunning()) fameStart()
    ## open database
    dbKey <- as.integer(fameDbOpen(dbPath, connection = connection))
  ## higher level (and slower) version of fameWhat()
  z <- fameWhat(dbKey, fname, getDoc)
  if(z$status != 0){

  zz <- list(name     = tolower(z$name),
             class    = names(fameClasses[  match(z$class,  fameClasses)]),
             type     = names(fameTypes[match(z$type, fameTypes)]))
  if(!is.na(cTif <- tifName(fameToTif(z$type)))){
    zz$tif <- cTif
  if(zz$class == "series"){
    zz <- c(zz, 
            basis    = names(fameBasiss[   match(z$basis,  fameBasiss)]),
            observed = names(fameObserveds[match(z$observ, fameObserveds)]),
            length   = z$obs)
    zz$start <- ti(c(z$fyear, z$fprd), tif = fameToTif(z$freq))
    zz$des <- z$des
    zz$doc <- z$doc

fameWildlist <- function(db, wildString = "?", connection = NULL, nMax = 1000, charMode = TRUE){
  ## returns a list giving the name, class, type, and frequency of the objects
  ## in db with names that match wildString
  if(length(db) == 1 && is.numeric(db)){
    ## db is presumably the key to an already-open database
    dbKey <- db
  else {
    if(is.null(connection)) dbPath <- getFamePath(db)
    else                    dbPath <- db
    ## make sure a Fame server session is running
    if(!fameRunning()) fameStart()
    ## open database
    dbKey <- as.integer(fameDbOpen(dbPath, connection = connection))

  ## internal functions
  initWildcard <- function(dbKey, wildString = "?"){
    status <- .C("fameInitializeWildcard",
                 status = integer(1),
                 dbKey  = as.integer(dbKey),
                 wilnam = as.character(wildString),
                 PACKAGE = "fame")$status
    if(status != 0) cat(fameStatusMessage(status), "\n")
  blankString <- blanks(255) ## create this only once
  getNextMatch <- function(dbKey){
       status = integer(1),
       dbKey  = as.integer(dbKey),
       name   = blankString,
       class  = integer(1),
       type   = integer(1),
       freq   = integer(1),
       PACKAGE = "fame")
  ## end of internal functions
  status <- initWildcard(dbKey, wildString)
  if(status != 0) stop(fameStatusMessage(status))
  zName <- character(nMax)
  zClass <- zType <- zFreq  <- numeric(nMax)
  nFound <- 0
  while(nFound < nMax){
    nextMatch <- getNextMatch(dbKey)
    status <- nextMatch$status
    if(nextMatch$status == 0){
      nFound <- nFound + 1
      zName[nFound]  <- nextMatch$name
      zClass[nFound] <- nextMatch$class
      zType[nFound]  <- nextMatch$type
      zFreq[nFound]  <- nextMatch$freq
    else break
  if(status == 0) cat("Number of matches exceeded nMax =", nMax, "\n")
  else if(status != 13) stop(fameStatusMessage(status))

  if(nFound == 0)
    return(list(name = character(0),
                class = numeric(0),
                type = numeric(0),
                freq  = numeric(0)))
  z <- list(name = tolower(zName[1:nFound]),
            class = zClass[1:nFound],
            type = zType[1:nFound],
            freq  = zFreq[1:nFound])
  if(nFound > 0 && charMode){
    z$class <- names(fameClasses)[z$class]
    types <- z$type
    z$type <- names(fameTypes)[types + 1]
    isDateType <- between(types, 8, 228)
    z$type[isDateType] <- "date"
    z$freq[isDateType] <- types[isDateType]
    isCaseSeries <- z$freq == 232
    isNamelist <- z$type == "namelist"
    z$freq[!isNamelist]  <- tifName(fameToTif(z$freq[!isNamelist]))
    z$freq[isCaseSeries] <- "case"

fameStatusMessage <- function(code){
	 "0"   = "Success.",
	 "1"   = "HLI has already been initialized.",
	 "2"   = "HLI has not been initialized.",
	 "3"   = paste("HLI has already been finished and cannot be", 
	     "reinitialized in the same session."),
	 "4"   = "A bad file name was given.",
	 "5"   = paste("A bad or unauthorized file access mode was given", 
	     "or the given data base is not open for the requested access."),
	 "6"   = "A bad data base key was given.",
	 "8"   = "A bad starting year or period was given for a range.",
	 "9"   = "A bad ending year or period was given for a range.",
	 "10"  = "A bad number of observations was given for a range.",
	 "13"  = "The given object does not exist.",
	 "14"  = "A bad range was given.",
	 "15"  = "The target object already exists.",
	 "16"  = paste("A bad object type was given or the given object", 
	     "has the wrong type."),
	 "17"  = paste("A bad frequency was given or the given object has", 
	     "the wrong frequency."),
	 "18"  = "The oldest data has been truncated.",
	 "20"  = "The data base has not been posted or closed.",
	 "21"  = "The file is already in use.",
	 "22"  = "The file is not a FAME data base.",
	 "23"  = "Trying to read or update a file that does not exist.",
	 "24"  = "Trying to create a file that already exists.",
	 "25"  = paste("The name given is not a legal FAME name or is", 
	     "a FAME reserved word."),
	 "26"  = paste("A bad object class was given or the given object", 
	     "has the wrong class."),
	 "27"  = "A bad OBSERVED attribute was given.",
	 "28"  = "A bad BASIS attribute was given.",
	 "29"  = "The data object already exists.",
	 "30"  = "A bad month was given.",
	 "31"  = "A bad fiscal year label was given.",
	 "32"  = "A bad missing value type was given.",
	 "33"  = "A bad value index was given.",
	 "34"  = paste("Wildcarding has not been initialized for the data", 
	     "base or has since been invalidated."),
	 "35"  = "A bad number of characters was given.",
	 "36"  = "A bad growth factor was given.",
	 "37"  = "Maximum num of files already open or no disk space is available.",
	 "38"  = "Can't update or share an old data base.",
	 "39"  = "The data base must be posted.",
	 "40"  = "Can't write to a special data base.",
	 "41"  = "A bad flag was given.",
	 "42"  = "Can't perform operation on packed data base",
	 "43"  = "The data base is not empty",
	 "44"  = "A bad attribute name was given.",
	 "45"  = "A duplicate was ignored.",
	 "46"  = "A bad year was given.",
	 "47"  = "A bad period was given.",
	 "48"  = "A bad day was given.",
	 "49"  = "A bad date was given.",
	 "50"  = "A bad date selector was given.",
	 "51"  = "A bad date relation value was given.",
	 "52"  = "A bad hour, minute or second was given.",
	 "53"  = "Unauthorized CPU ID or hardware type",
	 "54"  = "Expired dead date.",
	 "55"  = "Unauthorized product.",
	 "56"  = "A bad number of units was given",
	 "57"  = "This operation not allowed in current context",
	 "58"  = "This object is locked by the FAME session",
	 "59"  = paste("Could not connect to specified host to open the", 
	     "data base.  Possible reasons include: Bad host name, user or", 
	     "password.  Server not running on specified host.", 
	     " Also used for lost connection."),
	 "60"  = "FAME process has terminated",
	 "61"  = paste("Data base server process on other machine terminated", 
	 "62"  = paste("Access to a remote data base has been temporarily", 
	     "suspended. Try again later."),
	 "63"  = "The requested FRDB protocol is not supported by the server.", 
	 "64"  = "Database server hard client limit exceeded.",
	 "65"  = paste("Bad user name or password in file spec for remote", 
	     "host, or client not authorized to use remote host"),
	 "66"  = "Could not start server process on remote host",
	 "67"  = "Bad option",
	 "68"  = "Bad value for this option",
	 "69"  = "Operation not supported on this data base",
	 "70"  = "A bad length was given.",
	 "71"  = "A NULL ptr was given.", 
	 "72"  = "Invalid for read only hli",
	 "73"  = paste("Data base contains new features unknown to this", 
	     "older HLI release.  Link with a newer version of the HLI."),
	 "74"  = paste("An invalid name was specified for a GLNAME or", 
	     "GLFORMULA.  Check the %k prefix of the name and the", 
	     "dimension of the data base.  For %1 names, the rest of the", 
	     "name must also be a valid name.  Also used for invalid", 
	     "aliase of a GLNAME or GLFORMULA."),
	 "75"  = paste("A fatal I/O error or termination of server has", 
	     "caused the channel to be closed."),
	 "76"  = paste("Call to cfmopre by a client that already has a", 
	     "dbKey for a KIND REMOTE channel to the mcadbs server"),
	 "77"  = "cfmopwk called when a work data base is already open",
	 "78"  = "FRDB user license cannot be accquired.",
     "90"  = "FRDB server soft client limit exceeded.",
     "91"  = "FRDB server data base client limit exceeded.",
     "92"  = "FRDB server system file table full",
     "93"  = "FRDB server process has too many open files.",
     "95"  = "FRDB server did not respond within the time limit.",
     "101" = "A bad connection key was given.",
     "102" = "Pending unit of work aborted.",
     "103" = "Specified database key is not open on a connection.",
     "110" = "The write server for the database is not running on this host.",
	 "511" = "HLI internal failure.",
	 "513" = paste("Error from a FAME-like server. Call cfmferr for the", 
	     "text of the message HFAMER is > 512 for compatiblity with",
	     "cfmfame in earlier releases."),
	 "Unknown status code")

fameClasses   <- c(series = 1, scalar = 2, formula = 3)
fameTypes     <- c(undefined = 0, numeric = 1, namelist = 2,
                   boolean = 3, string = 4, precision = 5, date = 6)
fameBasiss    <- c(undefined = 0, daily = 1, business = 2)
fameObserveds <- c(undefined = 0, beginning = 1, ending = 2, averaged = 3,
                   summed = 4, annualized = 5, formula = 6, high = 7, low = 8)

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

fame documentation built on Nov. 6, 2021, 1:06 a.m.