# Skip on CRAN as this test takes quite some time.
verbose <- FALSE
# Create test parameters. This is actually a generator, which makes it easier to
# nest all the different combinations that should be checked.
generate_test_parameters <- coro::generator(function(
cluster_method = NULL,
cluster_linkage = NULL,
cluster_cut_method = NULL,
cluster_representation_method = NULL) {
for (n_numeric_features in n_numeric_features) {
if (is.null(cluster_method)) {
local_cluster_method <- familiar:::.get_available_cluster_methods()
} else {
local_cluster_method <- intersect(
for (current_cluster_method in local_cluster_method) {
if (is.null(cluster_linkage)) {
local_cluster_linkage <- familiar:::.get_available_linkage_methods(
cluster_method = current_cluster_method)
} else {
local_cluster_linkage <- intersect(
cluster_method = current_cluster_method))
for (current_cluster_linkage in local_cluster_linkage) {
if (is.null(cluster_cut_method)) {
local_cluster_cut_method <- familiar:::.get_available_cluster_cut_methods(
cluster_method = current_cluster_method)
} else {
local_cluster_cut_method <- intersect(
cluster_method = current_cluster_method))
for (current_cluster_cut_method in local_cluster_cut_method) {
if (is.null(cluster_representation_method)) {
local_cluster_representation_method <- familiar:::.get_available_cluster_representation_methods(
cluster_method = current_cluster_method)
} else {
local_cluster_representation_method <- intersect(
cluster_method = current_cluster_method))
for (current_cluster_representation_method in local_cluster_representation_method) {
# Set outcome type to avoid redundant tests where outcome type does
# not matter.
if (current_cluster_representation_method %in% c("best_predictor")) {
available_outcome_type <- c("survival", "binomial", "multinomial", "continuous", "count")
} else {
available_outcome_type <- c("binomial")
for (outcome_type in available_outcome_type) {
for (current_similarity_metric in similarity_metric) {
for (current_similarity_threshold in similarity_threshold) {
"outcome_type" = outcome_type,
"n_numeric" = n_numeric_features,
"cluster_method" = current_cluster_method,
"cluster_linkage" = current_cluster_linkage,
"cluster_cut_method" = current_cluster_cut_method,
"cluster_representation_method" = current_cluster_representation_method,
"similarity_metric" = current_similarity_metric,
"similarity_threshold" = current_similarity_threshold))
# Generic test -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Note: use of spearman or other correlation metrics causes failing tests
# because categorical variables are encoded for such metrics.
# Note: only test all-numeric, 1 mixed and all-categorical options to limit the
# number of tests that have to be performed.
generic_test <- generate_test_parameters(
similarity_metric = "mcfadden_r2",
similarity_threshold = 0.99,
n_numeric_features = c(4, 3, 0))
while (TRUE) {
# Generate parameters.
parameters <- generic_test()
if (coro::is_exhausted(parameters)) break
# Set cluster size
cluster_size <- c(2, 3, 3, 3)
# Create data,
data <- familiar:::test_create_synthetic_correlated_data(
outcome_type = parameters$outcome_type,
n_numeric = parameters$n_numeric,
cluster_size = cluster_size)
# Create a list of featureInfo objects.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::.get_feature_info_data(
data = data@data,
file_paths = NULL,
project_id = character(),
outcome_type = parameters$outcome_type
# Create cluster skeletons
feature_info_list <- familiar:::create_cluster_parameter_skeleton(
cluster_method = parameters$cluster_method,
cluster_linkage = parameters$cluster_linkage,
cluster_cut_method = parameters$cluster_cut_method,
cluster_similarity_threshold = parameters$similarity_threshold,
cluster_similarity_metric = parameters$similarity_metric,
cluster_representation_method = parameters$cluster_representation_method)
# Update feature info with cluster parameters.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::add_cluster_info(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
data = data,
verbose = verbose)
# Assume that the data are imputed.
data@preprocessing_level <- "imputation"
# Cluster features.
clustered_data <- familiar:::cluster_features(
data = data,
feature_info_list = feature_info_list)
# Create clustering table.
cluster_table <- familiar:::.create_clustering_table(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list)
# Create single-sample data.
one_sample_data <- familiar:::test_create_synthetic_correlated_one_sample_data(
outcome_type = parameters$outcome_type,
n_numeric = parameters$n_numeric,
cluster_size = cluster_size)
# Assume that data are imputed.
one_sample_data@preprocessing_level <- "imputation"
# Cluster features.
clustered_one_sample_data <- familiar:::cluster_features(
data = one_sample_data,
feature_info_list = feature_info_list)
# Perform tests
"Clustering works correctly for the ", parameters$cluster_method, " clustering method, ",
"with cluster cut method \"", parameters$cluster_cut_method, "\" and ",
"cluster representation method \"", parameters$cluster_representation_method, "\" for ",
"normal synthetic data with a ", parameters$outcome_type, " outcome."
), {
# Assert that the number of created clusters is correct.
if (parameters$cluster_cut_method == "none" ||
parameters$cluster_representation_method == "none") {
} else {
if (parameters$cluster_cut_method != "none" &&
parameters$cluster_representation_method != "none") {
# Assert that the individual clusters have their expected size.
for (ii in seq_along(cluster_size)) {
# Get the base feature name
base_feature_name <- paste0("feature_", ii)
# Compute the number of features in each cluster that start with the
# base feature name.
n_matching_features <- sapply(
split(cluster_table, by = "cluster_name"),
function(x, base_feature_name) {
pattern = base_feature_name,
x = x$feature_name))
base_feature_name = base_feature_name)
# Test that the number of features that start with the base feature name
# match the expected cluster size.
testthat::expect_equal(any(n_matching_features == cluster_size[ii]), TRUE)
# Check representative feature.
if (!parameters$cluster_representation_method %in% c("mean", "none")) {
for (ii in seq_along(cluster_size)) {
# Get the base feature name
base_feature_name <- paste0("feature_", ii)
# Get cluster corresponding to the base feature name.
x <- cluster_table[grepl(pattern = base_feature_name, x = cluster_name)]
# Check that only one required feature per cluster exists.
testthat::expect_equal(sum(x$feature_required), 1L)
# Create name for representative features and cluster name.
representative_feature <- x[feature_required == TRUE]$feature_name[1]
current_cluster_name <- paste0(representative_feature, "_cluster")
# Test that the weight for the representative feature is 1.0.
# Test that the cluster size is as advertised.
# Test again that the cluster size is correct, but now using x.
testthat::expect_equal(nrow(x), cluster_size[ii])
# Check weights.
if (!parameters$cluster_representation_method %in% c("none")) {
for (ii in seq_along(cluster_size)) {
# Get the base feature name
base_feature_name <- paste0("feature_", ii)
# Get cluster corresponding to the base feature name.
x <- cluster_table[grepl(pattern = base_feature_name, x = cluster_name)]
current_cluster_name <- x$cluster_name[1]
# Obtain weights from all features in the cluster.
cluster_features <- x$feature_name
feature_weights <- sapply(
function(x) (x@cluster_parameters@weight))
# Assert that the sum of the weights is 1.0.
testthat::expect_equal(sum(feature_weights), 1.0)
if (parameters$cluster_representation_method == "mean") {
if (any(sapply(feature_info_list[cluster_features], function(x) (x@feature_type)) == "factor")) {
# For clusters consisting of categorical or mixed features, there
# is one feature with non-zero weight. "mean" is not really
# definable for such feature sets.
testthat::expect_equal(nrow(x[feature_required == TRUE]), 1L)
} else {
# Assert that all weights are the same.
testthat::expect_equal(all(feature_weights == feature_weights[1]), TRUE)
# Check whether data is correctly presented.
for (x in split(cluster_table, by = "cluster_name")) {
# Do not check if more than feature is required.
if (sum(x$feature_required) > 1L) next
# Find the representative feature.
representative_feature <- x[feature_required == TRUE]$feature_name
current_cluster_name <- x$cluster_name[1]
# Check that the representative feature has weight 1.0.
# Test that the cluster data for the data and clustered_data data sets are
# the same.
# Test that the cluster data for the one-sample dataset and the clustered
# data are the same.
# One feature dataset ----------------------------------------------------------
generic_test <- generate_test_parameters(
similarity_metric = "mcfadden_r2",
similarity_threshold = 0.99,
n_numeric_features = c(4, 0))
while (TRUE) {
# Generate parameters.
parameters <- generic_test()
if (coro::is_exhausted(parameters)) break
# Set cluster size.
cluster_size <- c(1, 1, 1, 1)
# Create data,
data <- familiar:::test_create_synthetic_correlated_data(
outcome_type = parameters$outcome_type,
n_numeric = parameters$n_numeric,
cluster_size = cluster_size)
# Select only first feature.
data <- familiar:::select_features(
data = data,
features = "feature_1")
# Create a list of featureInfo objects.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::.get_feature_info_data(
data = data@data,
file_paths = NULL,
project_id = character(),
outcome_type = parameters$outcome_type
# Create cluster skeletons
feature_info_list <- familiar:::create_cluster_parameter_skeleton(
cluster_method = parameters$cluster_method,
cluster_linkage = parameters$cluster_linkage,
cluster_cut_method = parameters$cluster_cut_method,
cluster_similarity_threshold = parameters$similarity_threshold,
cluster_similarity_metric = parameters$similarity_metric,
cluster_representation_method = parameters$cluster_representation_method)
# Update feature info with cluster parameters.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::add_cluster_info(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
data = data,
verbose = verbose)
# Assume that the data is imputed.
data@preprocessing_level <- "imputation"
# Cluster features.
clustered_data <- familiar:::cluster_features(
data = data,
feature_info_list = feature_info_list)
# Create clustering table.
cluster_table <- familiar:::.create_clustering_table(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list)
# Perform tests
"Clustering works correctly for the ", parameters$cluster_method, " clustering method, ",
"with cluster cut method \"", parameters$cluster_cut_method, "\" and ",
"cluster representation method \"", parameters$cluster_representation_method, "\" for ",
"normal synthetic data with a single feature column and a ", parameters$outcome_type, " outcome."
), {
# Test that exactly one cluster is formed.
testthat::expect_equal(familiar:::get_n_features(clustered_data), 1L)
# Check that the cluster is formed by one feature.
testthat::expect_equal(nrow(cluster_table), 1L)
# Check that the representative feature has weight 1.0.
# Test that the cluster data for the data and clustered_data data sets are
# the same.
# Two-feature dataset (uncorrelated) -------------------------------------------
generic_test <- generate_test_parameters(
similarity_metric = "mcfadden_r2",
similarity_threshold = 0.99,
n_numeric_features = c(4, 3, 0))
while (TRUE) {
# Generate parameters.
parameters <- generic_test()
if (coro::is_exhausted(parameters)) break
# Set cluster size.
cluster_size <- c(1, 1, 1, 1)
# Create data,
data <- familiar:::test_create_synthetic_correlated_data(
outcome_type = parameters$outcome_type,
n_numeric = parameters$n_numeric,
cluster_size = cluster_size)
# Select the first two features.
data <- familiar:::select_features(
data = data,
features = c("feature_1", "feature_2"))
# Create a list of featureInfo objects.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::.get_feature_info_data(
data = data@data,
file_paths = NULL,
project_id = character(),
outcome_type = parameters$outcome_type
# Create cluster skeletons
feature_info_list <- familiar:::create_cluster_parameter_skeleton(
cluster_method = parameters$cluster_method,
cluster_linkage = parameters$cluster_linkage,
cluster_cut_method = parameters$cluster_cut_method,
cluster_similarity_threshold = parameters$similarity_threshold,
cluster_similarity_metric = parameters$similarity_metric,
cluster_representation_method = parameters$cluster_representation_method)
# Update feature info with cluster parameters.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::add_cluster_info(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
data = data,
verbose = verbose)
# Assume that the data is imputed.
data@preprocessing_level <- "imputation"
# Cluster features.
clustered_data <- familiar:::cluster_features(
data = data,
feature_info_list = feature_info_list)
# Create clustering table.
cluster_table <- familiar:::.create_clustering_table(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list)
# Perform tests
"Clustering works correctly for the ", parameters$cluster_method, " clustering method, ",
"with cluster cut method \"", parameters$cluster_cut_method, "\" and ",
"cluster representation method \"", parameters$cluster_representation_method, "\" for ",
"normal synthetic data with two uncorrelated feature columns and a ", parameters$outcome_type, " outcome."
), {
# Test that exactly two clusters are formed.
testthat::expect_equal(familiar:::get_n_features(clustered_data), 2L)
# Check whether data is correctly presented.
for (x in split(cluster_table, by = "cluster_name")) {
# Find the representative feature.
representative_feature <- x[feature_required == TRUE]$feature_name
current_cluster_name <- x$cluster_name[1]
# Check that the clusters are singular.
testthat::expect_equal(nrow(x), 1L)
# Check that the representative feature has weight 1.0.
# Test that the cluster data for the data and
# clustered_data data sets are the same.
# Two-feature dataset (correlated) ---------------------------------------------
generic_test <- generate_test_parameters(
similarity_metric = "mcfadden_r2",
similarity_threshold = 0.99,
n_numeric_features = c(4, 0))
while (TRUE) {
# Generate parameters.
parameters <- generic_test()
if (coro::is_exhausted(parameters)) break
# Set cluster size.
cluster_size <- c(2, 1, 1, 1)
# Create data,
data <- familiar:::test_create_synthetic_correlated_data(
outcome_type = parameters$outcome_type,
n_numeric = parameters$n_numeric,
cluster_size = cluster_size)
# Select only first two feature.
data <- familiar:::select_features(
data = data,
features = c("feature_1_A", "feature_1_B"))
# Create a list of featureInfo objects.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::.get_feature_info_data(
data = data@data,
file_paths = NULL,
project_id = character(),
outcome_type = parameters$outcome_type
# Create cluster skeletons
feature_info_list <- familiar:::create_cluster_parameter_skeleton(
cluster_method = parameters$cluster_method,
cluster_linkage = parameters$cluster_linkage,
cluster_cut_method = parameters$cluster_cut_method,
cluster_similarity_threshold = parameters$similarity_threshold,
cluster_similarity_metric = parameters$similarity_metric,
cluster_representation_method = parameters$cluster_representation_method)
# Update feature info with cluster parameters.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::add_cluster_info(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
data = data,
verbose = verbose)
# Assume that the data is imputed.
data@preprocessing_level <- "imputation"
# Cluster features.
clustered_data <- familiar:::cluster_features(
data = data,
feature_info_list = feature_info_list)
# Create clustering table.
cluster_table <- familiar:::.create_clustering_table(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list)
# Perform tests
"Clustering works correctly for the ", parameters$cluster_method, " clustering method, ",
"with cluster cut method \"", parameters$cluster_cut_method, "\" and ",
"cluster representation method \"", parameters$cluster_representation_method, "\" for ",
"normal synthetic data with two correlated feature columns and a ", parameters$outcome_type, " outcome."
), {
if (parameters$cluster_method %in% c("none") ||
parameters$cluster_cut_method == "none" ||
parameters$cluster_representation_method == "none") {
# Test that exactly two clusters of single features are formed.
testthat::expect_equal(familiar:::get_n_features(clustered_data), 2L)
} else {
# Test that exactly one cluster of two features is formed.
testthat::expect_equal(familiar:::get_n_features(clustered_data), 1L)
# Dataset with signature features ----------------------------------------------
generic_test <- generate_test_parameters(
similarity_metric = "mcfadden_r2",
similarity_threshold = 0.99,
n_numeric_features = c(4, 0))
while (TRUE) {
# Generate parameters.
parameters <- generic_test()
if (coro::is_exhausted(parameters)) break
# Set cluster size.
cluster_size <- c(2, 2, 2, 2)
# Create data,
data <- familiar:::test_create_synthetic_correlated_data(
outcome_type = parameters$outcome_type,
n_numeric = parameters$n_numeric,
cluster_size = cluster_size)
# Create a list of featureInfo objects.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::.get_feature_info_data(
data = data@data,
file_paths = NULL,
project_id = character(),
outcome_type = parameters$outcome_type
# Set signature features
feature_info_list <- familiar:::add_signature_info(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
signature = c("feature_1_A", "feature_1_B"))
# Create cluster skeletons
feature_info_list <- familiar:::create_cluster_parameter_skeleton(
cluster_method = parameters$cluster_method,
cluster_linkage = parameters$cluster_linkage,
cluster_cut_method = parameters$cluster_cut_method,
cluster_similarity_threshold = parameters$similarity_threshold,
cluster_similarity_metric = parameters$similarity_metric,
cluster_representation_method = parameters$cluster_representation_method)
# Update feature info with cluster parameters.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::add_cluster_info(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
data = data,
verbose = verbose)
# Assume that the data is imputed.
data@preprocessing_level <- "imputation"
# Cluster features.
clustered_data <- familiar:::cluster_features(
data = data,
feature_info_list = feature_info_list)
# Create clustering table.
cluster_table <- familiar:::.create_clustering_table(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list)
# Perform tests
"Clustering works correctly for the ", parameters$cluster_method, " clustering method, ",
"with cluster cut method \"", parameters$cluster_cut_method, "\" and ",
"cluster representation method \"", parameters$cluster_representation_method, "\" for ",
"normal synthetic data with two signature features and a ", parameters$outcome_type, " outcome."
), {
if (parameters$cluster_method %in% c("none") ||
parameters$cluster_cut_method == "none" ||
parameters$cluster_representation_method == "none") {
# Test that exactly eight clusters of single features are formed when
# clustering is disabled.
testthat::expect_equal(familiar:::get_n_features(clustered_data), 8L)
} else {
# Test that exactly fives clusters are formed.
testthat::expect_equal(familiar:::get_n_features(clustered_data), 5L)
# Test that feature_1_A and feature_1_B appear in separate, singular
# clusters.
for (x in split(cluster_table, by = "cluster_name")) {
if ("feature_1_A" %in% x$feature_name) {
testthat::expect_equal(nrow(x), 1L)
# Check that the signature feature values remain unaltered.
} else if ("feature_1_B" %in% x$feature_name) {
testthat::expect_equal(nrow(x), 1L)
# Check that the signature feature values remain unaltered.
} else {
# Assert that clusters are formed by two features with the same base
# name.
base_feature_name <- substr(x$feature_name[1], 1, 9)
testthat::expect_equal(nrow(x), 2L)
sum(grepl(pattern = base_feature_name, x = x$feature_name)),
# Dataset with one invariant feature -------------------------------------------
generic_test <- generate_test_parameters(
similarity_metric = "mcfadden_r2",
similarity_threshold = 0.99,
n_numeric_features = c(4, 0))
while (TRUE) {
# Generate parameters.
parameters <- generic_test()
if (coro::is_exhausted(parameters)) break
# Set cluster size. Note that the second feature is made invariant.
cluster_size <- c(2, 1, 2, 2)
# Create data,
data <- familiar:::test_create_synthetic_correlated_one_feature_invariant_data(
outcome_type = parameters$outcome_type,
n_numeric = parameters$n_numeric,
cluster_size = cluster_size)
# Create a list of featureInfo objects.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::.get_feature_info_data(
data = data@data,
file_paths = NULL,
project_id = character(),
outcome_type = parameters$outcome_type
# Create cluster skeletons
feature_info_list <- familiar:::create_cluster_parameter_skeleton(
cluster_method = parameters$cluster_method,
cluster_linkage = parameters$cluster_linkage,
cluster_cut_method = parameters$cluster_cut_method,
cluster_similarity_threshold = parameters$similarity_threshold,
cluster_similarity_metric = parameters$similarity_metric,
cluster_representation_method = parameters$cluster_representation_method)
# Update feature info with cluster parameters.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::add_cluster_info(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
data = data,
verbose = verbose)
# Assume that the data is imputed.
data@preprocessing_level <- "imputation"
# Cluster features.
clustered_data <- familiar:::cluster_features(
data = data,
feature_info_list = feature_info_list)
# Create clustering table.
cluster_table <- familiar:::.create_clustering_table(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list)
# Perform tests
"Clustering works correctly for the ", parameters$cluster_method, " clustering method, ",
"with cluster cut method \"", parameters$cluster_cut_method, "\" and ",
"cluster representation method \"", parameters$cluster_representation_method, "\" for ",
"a synthetic dataset with an invariant feature and a ", parameters$outcome_type, " outcome."
), {
# The expectation is that clustering functions normally.
if (parameters$cluster_method %in% c("none") ||
parameters$cluster_cut_method == "none" ||
parameters$cluster_representation_method == "none") {
# Test that exactly eight clusters of single features are formed when
# clustering is disabled.
} else {
# Test that the correct number of clusters is formed.
for (x in split(cluster_table, by = "cluster_name")) {
if ("feature_2" %in% x$feature_name) {
# Test that feature_2 appears in a separate, singular cluster.
testthat::expect_equal(nrow(x), 1L)
# Check that the signature feature values remain unaltered.
} else {
# Assert that clusters are formed by two features
# with the same base name.
base_feature_name <- substr(x$feature_name[1], 1, 9)
testthat::expect_equal(nrow(x), 2L)
sum(grepl(pattern = base_feature_name, x = x$feature_name)),
#### One-sample dataset --------------------------------------------------------
generic_test <- generate_test_parameters(
similarity_metric = "mcfadden_r2",
similarity_threshold = 0.99,
n_numeric_features = c(4, 0))
while (TRUE) {
# Generate parameters.
parameters <- generic_test()
if (coro::is_exhausted(parameters)) break
# Set cluster size.
cluster_size <- c(2, 2, 2, 2)
# Create data,
data <- familiar:::test_create_synthetic_correlated_one_sample_data(
outcome_type = parameters$outcome_type,
n_numeric = parameters$n_numeric,
cluster_size = cluster_size)
# Create a list of featureInfo objects.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::.get_feature_info_data(
data = data@data,
file_paths = NULL,
project_id = character(),
outcome_type = parameters$outcome_type
# Create cluster skeletons
feature_info_list <- familiar:::create_cluster_parameter_skeleton(feature_info_list,
cluster_method = parameters$cluster_method,
cluster_linkage = parameters$cluster_linkage,
cluster_cut_method = parameters$cluster_cut_method,
cluster_similarity_threshold = parameters$similarity_threshold,
cluster_similarity_metric = parameters$similarity_metric,
cluster_representation_method = parameters$cluster_representation_method)
# Update feature info with cluster parameters.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::add_cluster_info(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
data = data,
verbose = verbose)
# Assume that the data is imputed.
data@preprocessing_level <- "imputation"
# Cluster features.
clustered_data <- familiar:::cluster_features(
data = data,
feature_info_list = feature_info_list)
# Create clustering table.
cluster_table <- familiar:::.create_clustering_table(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list)
# Perform tests
"Clustering works correctly for the ", parameters$cluster_method, " clustering method, ",
"with cluster cut method \"", parameters$cluster_cut_method, "\" and ",
"cluster representation method \"", parameters$cluster_representation_method, "\" for ",
"a single-sample synthetic dataset with a ", parameters$outcome_type, " outcome."
), {
# The expectation is that clustering is skipped because one cannot really
# determine similarity if there is only a single value present.
# Assert that the correct number of clusters is formed.
# Invariant outcome dataset ----------------------------------------------------
generic_test <- generate_test_parameters(
similarity_metric = "mcfadden_r2",
similarity_threshold = 0.99,
n_numeric_features = c(4, 0))
while (TRUE) {
# Generate parameters.
parameters <- generic_test()
if (coro::is_exhausted(parameters)) break
# Set cluster size.
cluster_size <- c(2, 2, 2, 2)
# Create data,
data <- familiar:::test_create_synthetic_correlated_one_outcome_data(
outcome_type = parameters$outcome_type,
n_numeric = parameters$n_numeric,
cluster_size = cluster_size)
# Create a list of featureInfo objects.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::.get_feature_info_data(
data = data@data,
file_paths = NULL,
project_id = character(),
outcome_type = parameters$outcome_type
# Create cluster skeletons
feature_info_list <- familiar:::create_cluster_parameter_skeleton(
cluster_method = parameters$cluster_method,
cluster_linkage = parameters$cluster_linkage,
cluster_cut_method = parameters$cluster_cut_method,
cluster_similarity_threshold = parameters$similarity_threshold,
cluster_similarity_metric = parameters$similarity_metric,
cluster_representation_method = parameters$cluster_representation_method)
# Update feature info with cluster parameters.
feature_info_list <- familiar:::add_cluster_info(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list,
data = data,
verbose = verbose)
# Assume that the data is imputed.
data@preprocessing_level <- "imputation"
# Cluster features.
clustered_data <- familiar:::cluster_features(
data = data,
feature_info_list = feature_info_list)
# Create clustering table.
cluster_table <- familiar:::.create_clustering_table(
feature_info_list = feature_info_list)
# Perform tests
"Clustering works correctly for the ", parameters$cluster_method, " clustering method, ",
"with cluster cut method \"", parameters$cluster_cut_method, "\" and ",
"cluster representation method \"", parameters$cluster_representation_method, "\" for ",
"a synthetic dataset with an invariant ", parameters$outcome_type, " outcome."
), {
# The expectation is that clustering functions normally.
if (parameters$cluster_method %in% c("none") ||
parameters$cluster_cut_method == "none" ||
parameters$cluster_representation_method == "none") {
# Test that exactly eight clusters of single features are formed when
# clustering is disabled.
} else {
# Test that the correct number of clusters is formed.
for (x in split(cluster_table, by = "cluster_name")) {
# Assert that clusters are formed by two features
# with the same base name.
base_feature_name <- substr(x$feature_name[1], 1, 9)
testthat::expect_equal(nrow(x), 2L)
sum(grepl(pattern = base_feature_name, x = x$feature_name)),
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