
Defines functions makefastcmhdata fixSeparator insertSignifSubseq genSignifInt getCaseP fillWithNoise isCovariance checkdir makeSampleFilteringData doesOverlapIntervals doAnyOverlap

Documented in makefastcmhdata

#' Create sample data for fastcmh
#' This function creates sample data for use with the \code{runfastcmh} method.
#' @param folder The folder in which the data will be saved. Default is 
#' current directory \code{"./"}.
#' @param xfilename The name of the data file. Default is \code{"data.txt"}
#' @param yfilename The name of the label file. Default is \code{"label.txt"}
#' @param covfilename The name of the file containing the covariate categories
#' . This file actually just contains \code{K} numbers, where \code{K} is the
#' number of covariates. Default is \code{"cov.txt"}
#' @param K The number of covariates (a positive integer). Default is 
#' \code{K=2}.
#' @param L The number of features (length of each sequence). Default is 
#' \code{L=1000}.
#' @param n The number of samples (cases and controls combined). Default is 
#' \code{n=200}, i.e. 100 cases and 100 controls.
#' @param noiseP The background noise in the data (as a probability of 0/1 
#' being flipped). Default is \code{noiseP=0.3}
#' @param corruptP The probability of data corruption: each bit has 
#' probability \code{corruptP} of being flipped. Default is 
#' \code{corruptP=0.05}.
#' @param rho The strength of the confounding in the confounded interval (as 
#' a probability). Default is \code{rho=0.8} (i.e. a very strong signal).
#' @param tau1 The location of the significant interval (starting point). 
#' Default value is \code{tau1=100}.
#' @param taulength1 The length of the significant interval. Default value is 
#' \code{taulength1=4}, so default significant interval is \code{[100, 103]}.
#' @param tau2 The location of the confounded significant interval (starting 
#' point). Default value is \code{tau2=200}.
#' @param taulength2 The length of the confounded significant interval. 
#' Default value is \code{taulength2=4}, so default significant interval is 
#' \code{[200, 203]}.
#' @param seednum The seed used for generating the data. Default value is 
#' \code{seednum=2}.
#' @param truetaufilename The file where the location of the true significant
#' intervals are saved (as opposed to the detected significant intervals). 
#' Default is \code{"truetau.txt"}.
#' @param showOutput Flag to decide whether or not to show output, where files
#' are created, their names, etc. Default is \code{FALSE}, so will save to 
#' \code{folder} by default. However, all of the examples use 
#' \code{saveToList=TRUE} in order to avoid writing to file. The list will 
#' consist of \code{data}, \code{label} and \code{cov} data frames, when 
#' \code{saveToList=TRUE}.
#' @param saveToList Flag to decide whether or not to save data to the folder,
#' or to return (output) the data as a list. By default, 
#' \code{saveToList=FALSE}.
#' @section See Also:
#' \code{\link{runfastcmh}}
#' @examples
#' #make a small sample data set, using the default parameters
#' mylist <- makefastcmhdata(showOutput=TRUE, saveToList=TRUE)
#' #make a very small sample data set
#' mylist <- makefastcmhdata(n=20, L=10, tau1=2, taulength1=2, 
#'        tau2=6, taulength2=2, saveToList=TRUE)
#' @export
makefastcmhdata <- function(folder="./", xfilename="data.txt", yfilename="label.txt", covfilename="cov.txt", K=2, L=1000, n=200, noiseP=0.3, corruptP=0.05, rho=0.8, tau1=100, taulength1=4, tau2=200, taulength2=4, seednum=2, truetaufilename="truetau.txt", showOutput=FALSE, saveToList=FALSE){

    #check that bindata is installed
    if (!requireNamespace("bindata", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("Package 'bindata' needed for this function to work. Please install it.", call. = FALSE)


    #bindata is installed; can start to make sample data
    if (seednum > 0){

    if (showOutput){
        if (seednum > 0){
                cat("setting seed: ", seednum, "\n")
        } else{
            cat("not setting seed\n")
    #now need to normalise path for windows
    folder <- fixSeparator(folder)

    #make sure folder has "/" at end:
    folder <- checkdir(folder)

    #need to preappend folder:
    xfilename = paste0(folder, xfilename)
    yfilename = paste0(folder, yfilename)
    covfilename = paste0(folder, covfilename)
    truetaufilename = paste0(folder, truetaufilename)

    eachCov <- trunc(n/2)

    truetau <- rbind( c(tau1, tau1+taulength1-1))

    ####second method
    ##marginal probs
    p1 <- 0.5
    p2 <- 0.5
    p3 <- 0.5
    marg <- c(p1, p2, p3)
#    epsval <- 0.05
    epsval <- corruptP

    sigma <- cbind(c(1,0,rho/2),c(0,1,rho/2),c(rho/2,rho/2,1))
    #using bindata package
    x <- bindata::rmvbin(n,margprob=marg,bincorr=sigma)
    ylabels <- x[, 3]
    covlabels <- x[, 2]
    isSignif1 <- x[, 1]
    epsvec <- rbinom(n, size=1, prob=epsval)
    isSignif2 <- 1*xor(covlabels, epsvec)

    #create the matrix..
    mat <- fillWithNoise(n, L, noiseP)
    mat <- insertSignifSubseq(mat, tau1, taulength1, isSignif1)
    mat <- insertSignifSubseq(mat, tau2, taulength2, isSignif2)

    if (showOutput){
        trueSeqStr <- paste0("[", tau1, ", ", tau1+taulength1-1, "]")
        confoundedSeqStr <- paste0("[", tau2, ", ", tau2+taulength2-1, "]")
        cat("data has TRUE siginificant subsequence:       ", trueSeqStr, "\n", sep="")
        cat("data has CONFOUNDED siginificant subsequence: ", confoundedSeqStr, "\n", sep="")
    ##no need to sort - fine in this format
    #now do ordering
    covorder <- order(covlabels, decreasing=TRUE)
    covlabels <- covlabels[covorder]
    ylabels <- ylabels[covorder]
    mat <- mat[covorder, ]
    #need to take the transpose
    xdata <- t(mat)

    numCov1 <- sum(covlabels)
    numCov0 <- length(covlabels) - numCov1
    covlabelsShort <- c(numCov0, numCov1)

    if (saveToList==FALSE){
        if (showOutput){
            cat("saving sample data in folder: ", folder, sep="", "\n")
        write.table(xdata, file=xfilename, sep=" ", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)

        if (showOutput){
            cat("writing x (data) to: ", xfilename, "\n")
        write.table(ylabels, file=yfilename, sep=" ", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)

        if (showOutput){
            cat("writing y (phenotype labels) to: ", yfilename, "\n")

        #writing the short version...
        write.table(covlabelsShort, file=covfilename, sep=" ", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)

        if (showOutput){
            cat("writing c (covariate labels) to: ", covfilename, "\n")

        write.table(truetau, file=truetaufilename, sep=" ", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
#    cat("writing true tau's (but not needed for runfastcmh) to: ", truetaufilename, "\n")

        if (showOutput){
            cat("writing true tau's to: ", truetaufilename, "\n")
    } else {
        if (showOutput){
        mylist <- list(data=xdata, label=ylabels, cov=covlabelsShort)


fixSeparator <- function(path){
    mysep <- .Platform$file.sep
    if (mysep=="/"){
        path <- gsub("\\", mysep, path, fixed=TRUE)
    if (mysep=="\\"){
        path <- gsub("/", mysep, path, fixed=TRUE)

#insert a significant subsequence into the data
insertSignifSubseq <- function(mat, tau, taulength, isSignif){
    taustart <- tau
    tauend <- tau+taulength-1
    for (i in 1:length(isSignif)){
        y <- isSignif[i]
            ##do nothing; make zeros
            mat[i, taustart:tauend] <- rep(0, taulength)
        } else {
            ##add significant interval
            mat[i, taustart:tauend] <- genSignifInt(taulength)

#generate a significant interval of length taulength
#an interval of zeros with one 1, e.g.
#[0 0 0 1 0]
genSignifInt <- function(taulength){
    index <- sample.int(taulength, size=1)
    vec <- rep(0, taulength)
    vec[index] <- 1
    return (vec)

#probability of a significant interval
getCaseP <- function(p, n){
    return (  1 - (1.0-p)^(1.0/n)  )

#fill a data matrix with background noise
fillWithNoise <- function(rows, cols, p){
    #rows is samples, cols is number of snps
    mat <- matrix(0, ncol=cols, nrow=rows)
    for (i in 1:rows){
        mat[i, ] <- rbinom(cols, size=1, prob=p)

#check if a matrix is a covariance matrix
isCovariance <- function(mat){
    eig1 <- eigen(mat)
    val <- eig1$values
    allpos <- all(val > 0)

#make sure it is a directory (last character is "/")
#also, if folder does not exist, create it.
checkdir <- function(str, showOutput=FALSE){
    returnString <- str
    #make platform independent
    mysep <- .Platform$file.sep

    if( substr(str, nchar(str), nchar(str)) == mysep ){
        #do nothing
    } else{
        returnString <- paste0(returnString, mysep)

    #now check if folder exists; if not, create it
#    if (dir.exists(returnString)==FALSE){
    if (file.exists(returnString)==FALSE){
        if (showOutput){
            cat("folder ", returnString, " does not exist. Creating folder now...\n", sep="")
#        dir.create(returnString, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE)
        dir.create(returnString, recursive=TRUE)

#make some sample data - only for a quick test of filtering function
#two significant intervals:
#[9,10] 1e-5
#[40,42] 1e-6
makeSampleFilteringData <- function(folder="./", sigIntFilename="sampleSigInts.csv"){
    #sort out filename
    folder <- checkdir(folder)
    filename = paste0(folder, sigIntFilename)

    # columns l, tau, a, x, P.value
    # length, tau, count a, count x (a <= x), p-value double
    l <- c(3, 2, 1, 3, 3, 4, 3)
    tau <- c(10, 9, 10, 11, 40, 38, 41)
    a <- c(2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3)
    x <- c(3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4)
    P.values <- c(1e-4, 1e-5, 1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-6, 1e-3, 1e-4)
    #df <- data.frame(l, tau, a, x, P.values)
    #df should not have a and x
    df <- data.frame("l"=l, "tau"=tau,  "Pvalues"=P.values)

    #rearrange rows
    n <- nrow(df)
    perm <- sample(x=n, size=n, replace=FALSE)
    df <- df[perm, ]

#    print(df)
    write.table(df, file=filename, quote=FALSE, sep=",", col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)
    cat("saved sample data to ", filename, "\n")

#does one interval overlap with another?
#doesOverlap <- function(foundStart, foundEnd, intervalTau, intervalL){

#x1 <= y2 && y1 <= x2
# [x1, x2] and [y1, y2]
# (x1 <= y1 && y1 <= x2) || (y1 <= x1 && x1 <= y2)
# (A && B) || (C && D) = 
    #(A || C) && (A || D) && (B || C) && (B || D)
# (x1 <= y1 || y1 <= x1) && (x1 <= y1 || x1 <= y2) 
#   && (y1 <= x2 || y1 <= x1) && (y1 <= x2 || x1 <= y2)
# = (ALL) && (x1 <= y2) && (y1 <= x2) && (y1 <= x2 || x1 <= y2)
# = D && B && (B || D)
# = (D & B & B) || (D & B & D) 
# = (D & B) || (D & B)
# = D & B
# (x1 <= y2) && (y1 <= x2)

doesOverlapIntervals <- function(x1, x2, y1, y2){
    overlapBool <- FALSE
    if ( (x1 <= y2) && (y1 <= x2) ){
        overlapBool <- TRUE

#runs through df and checks that none of the filtered intervals overlap
doAnyOverlap <- function(df){
    anyOverlap <- FALSE
    N <- nrow(df)
    for ( i in 1:(N-1) ){
        start1 <- df$start[i]
        end1 <- df$end[i]
        for (j in (i+1):N){
            start2 <- df$start[j]
            end2 <- df$end[j]
            if (doesOverlapIntervals(start1, end1, start2, end2)){
                anyOverlap <- TRUE
            } # end if
        } #end for j
    } #end for i

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fastcmh documentation built on May 2, 2019, 10:13 a.m.