
Defines functions subscript2integer unsort.ahi unsort.hi unsort poslength.hi maxindex.hi length.hi as.character.hi as.logical.hi as.matrix.hi as.which.hi as.integer.hi as.hi.character as.hi.double as.hi.logical as.hi.matrix as.hi.which as.hi.integer as.hi.call as.hi.name as.hi.hi as.hi.NULL hiparse str.hi print.hi

Documented in as.character.hi as.hi.call as.hi.character as.hi.double as.hi.hi as.hi.integer as.hi.logical as.hi.matrix as.hi.name as.hi.NULL as.hi.which as.integer.hi as.logical.hi as.matrix.hi as.which.hi hiparse length.hi maxindex.hi poslength.hi print.hi str.hi subscript2integer unsort unsort.ahi unsort.hi

# hybrid index packing with run length encoding
# (c) 2007 Jens Oehlschägel
# Licence: GPL2
# Provided 'as is', use at your own risk
# Created: 2007-08-24
# Last changed: 2007-10-25

# source("d:/mwp/eanalysis/ff/R/hi.R")

# -- creating a hi object directly ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#! \name{hi}
#! \alias{hi}
#! \alias{print.hi}
#! \alias{str.hi}
#! \title{ Hybrid index class }
#! \description{
#!   Class for hybrid index representation, plain and rle-packed
#! }
#! \usage{
#! hi(from, to, by = 1L, maxindex = NA, vw = NULL, pack = TRUE, NAs = NULL)
#! \method{print}{hi}(x, \dots)
#! \method{str}{hi}(object, nest.lev=0, \dots)
#! }
#! \arguments{
#!   \item{from}{ integer vector of lower sequence bounds }
#!   \item{to}{ integer vector of upper sequence bounds }
#!   \item{by}{ integer of stepsizes }
#!   \item{maxindex}{ maximum indep position (needed for negative indices) }
#!   \item{vw}{ virtual window information, see \code{\link{vw}} }
#!   \item{pack}{ FALSE to suppress rle-packing }
#!   \item{NAs}{ a vector of NA positions (not yet used) }
#!   \item{x}{ an object of class 'hi' to be printed }
#!   \item{object}{ an object of class 'hi' to be str'ed }
#!   \item{nest.lev}{ current nesting level in the recursive calls to str }
#!   \item{\dots}{ further arguments passed to the next method }
#! }
#! \details{
#!   Class \code{hi} will represent index data either as a plain positive or negative index vector or as an rle-packed version thereof.
#!   The current implementation switches from plain index positions \code{i} to rle-packed storage of \code{diff(i)} as soon as the compression ratio is 3 or higher.
#!   Note that sequences shorter than 2 must never be packed (could cause C-side crash).
#!   Furthermore hybrid indices are guaranteed to be sorted ascending, which helps \code{\link{ff}s} access method avoiding to swap repeatedly over the same memory pages (or file positions).
#! }
#! \value{
#!   A list of class 'hi' with components
#!   \item{ x      }{ directly accessed by the C-code: the sorted index of class 'rlepack' as returned by \code{\link{rlepack}} }
#!   \item{ ix     }{ NULL or positions to restore original order }
#!   \item{ re     }{ logical scalar indicating if sequence was reversed from descending to ascending (in this case \code{is.null(ix)}) }
#!   \item{ minindex  }{ directly accessed by the C-code: represents the lowest positive subscript to be enumerated in case of negative subscripts }
#!   \item{ maxindex  }{ directly accessed by the C-code: represents the highest positive subscript to be enumerated in case of negative subscripts }
#!   \item{ length    }{ number of subscripts, whether negative or positive, not the number of selected elements }
#!   \item{ dim      }{ NULL or dim -- used by \code{\link{as.matrix.hi}} }
#!   \item{ dimorder  }{ NULL or \code{\link{dimorder}} }
#!   \item{ symmetric }{ logical scalar indicating whether we have a symmetric matrix }
#!   \item{ fixdiag   }{ logical scalar indicating whether we have a fixed diagonal (can only be true for symmetric matrices) }
#!   \item{ vw     }{ virtual window information \code{\link{vw}} }
#!   \item{ NAs      }{ NULL or NA positions as returned by \code{\link{rlepack}} }
#! }
#! \author{ Jens Oehlschlägel }
#! \note{ \command{hi} defines the class structure, however usually \code{\link{as.hi}} is used to acturally Hybrid Index Preprocessing for \code{\link{ff}} }
#! \seealso{ \code{\link{as.hi}} for coercion, \code{\link{rlepack}}, \code{\link{intrle}}, \code{\link{maxindex}}, \code{\link{poslength}} }
#! \examples{
#!   hi(c(1, 11, 29), c(9, 19, 21), c(1,1,-2))
#!   as.integer(hi(c(1, 11, 29), c(9, 19, 21), c(1,1,-2)))
#! }
#! \keyword{ IO }
#! \keyword{ data }

hi <- function (from, to, by = 1L, maxindex = NA, vw=NULL, pack = TRUE, NAs = NULL)
    minindex <- 1L
    maxindex <- as.integer(maxindex)
    if (is.null(vw)){
      vw.convert <- FALSE
      if (is.matrix(vw))
        stop("matrix vw not allowed in hi, use as.hi")
      storage.mode(vw) <- "integer"
      vw.convert <- TRUE
    nspec <- length(from)
    if (nspec > 0) {
        from <- as.integer(from)
        to <- rep(as.integer(to), length.out = nspec)
        by <- rep(as.integer(by), length.out = nspec)
        d <- to - from
        N <- d%/%by
        if (any(d != 0 & sign(d) != sign(by)) || any(N * by != d))
            stop("illegal input to hi")
        l <- as.vector(rbind(rep(1L, nspec), N))[-1]
        v <- as.vector(rbind(c(0L, from[-1] - to[-nspec]), by))[-1]
        v <- v[l > 0]
        l <- l[l > 0]
        from <- from[1]
        to <- to[nspec]
        nl <- length(l)
        r <- list(lengths = l, values = v)
        n <- sum(r$lengths) + 1L
        tab <- tabulate(sign(r$values) + 2, 3)
        s <- !tab[1] || !tab[3]
        if (s) {  # sorted
            #if (nl) {
            #    if (pack)
            #      pack <- 2 * nl < n
            #  pack <- FALSE
            #if (pack){
                class(r) <- "rle"
            #    r <- as.integer(cumsum(c(from, rep(r$values, r$lengths))))
            x <- list(first = from, dat = r, last = to)
            class(x) <- "rlepack"
            ix <- NULL
            re <- tab[1] > 0
            if (re)
                x <- rev(x)  # rev.rlepack
            re <- FALSE
            x <- as.integer(cumsum(c(from, rep(r$values, r$lengths))))
            x <- sort.int(x, index.return = TRUE, method = "quick")
            ix <- x$ix
            x <- rlepack(x$x, pack = pack)
            #ix <- seq_len(n)
            #radixorder(x, ix)
            #x <- rlepack(x[ix], pack = pack)

        x <- unique(x) # unique.rlepack

        # this ifelse section copied 1L to as.hi.call
        if (x$last < 0) {
          if (is.na(maxindex))
              stop("maxindex is required with negative subscripts")
          if ( -x$first > maxindex )
              stop("negative subscripts out of range")

          re <- FALSE
          ix <- NULL

          if (vw.convert){
            x$first <- x$first - vw[1]
            x$last <- x$last - vw[1]
            if (inherits(x$dat, "rle")){
              n <- sum(x$dat$lengths) + 1L
              x$dat <- x$dat - vw[1]
              n <- length(x$dat)
            if (inherits(x$dat, "rle")){
              n <- sum(x$dat$lengths) + 1L
              n <- length(x$dat)
        }else if (x$first > 0){
          if (!is.na(maxindex) && x$last > maxindex )
              stop("positive subscripts out of range")
          if (vw.convert){
            x$first <- vw[1] + x$first
            x$last <- vw[1] + x$last
            if (inherits(x$dat, "rle")){
              n <- sum(x$dat$lengths) + 1L
              x$dat <- vw[1] + x$dat
              n <- length(x$dat)
            if (inherits(x$dat, "rle")){
              n <- sum(x$dat$lengths) + 1L
              n <- length(x$dat)
            stop("0s and mixed positive/negative subscripts not allowed")
        x <- list(first = NA_integer_, dat = integer(), last = NA_integer_)
        re <- FALSE
        ix <- NULL
        n <- 0L
        minindex <- 1L
        maxindex <- as.integer(maxindex)
    if (!is.null(NAs))
        NAs <- rlepack(as.integer(NAs), pack = pack)

    if (!is.null(vw)){
      minindex <- vw[1] + 1L
      maxindex <- vw[1] + vw[2]
    ret <- list(
      x = x                # directly accessed by the C-code: hybrid index, i.e. either raw or rle
    , ix = ix              # NULL or positions for re-ordering
    , re = re              # logical indicating whether sequence was reversed from descending to ascending
    , minindex = minindex  # directly accessed by the C-code: represents the lowest positive subscript to be enumerated in case of negative subscripts
    , maxindex = maxindex  # directly accessed by the C-code: represents the highest positive subscript to be enumerated in case of negative subscripts
    , length = n           # number of subscripts, whether negative or positive
    , dim = NULL           # NULL or dim
    , dimorder = NULL      # NULL or dimorder
    , symmetric = FALSE    # logical indicating whether we have a symmetric matrix
    , fixdiag = NULL       # logical indicating whether we have a fixed diagonal (can only be true for symmetric matrices)
    , vw = vw            # NULL or OffsetWindowRest definition
    , NAs = NAs            # NULL or positive positions of NAs
    class(ret) <- "hi"

print.hi <- function(x, ...){
  cat("hybrid index (hi) from ", x$x$first, " to ", x$x$last, " over ", if (inherits(x$x$dat, "rle")) "<rle position diffs>" else "<plain positions>", " re=", x$re, " ix=", if(is.null(x$ix)) "NULL" else "<reverse sort info>", "\n", sep="")
  cat("minindex=", x$minindex, " maxindex=", x$maxindex, " length=", x$length, " poslength=", poslength(x), "\n", sep="")
  if (!is.null(x$dim)){
    cat("dim=c(", paste(x$dim, collapse=","), "), dimorder=c(", paste(x$dimorder, collapse=","), ")\n", sep="")
  if (!is.null(x$vw)){
    print(x$vw, ...)

str.hi <- function(object, nest.lev=0, ...){
  nest.str <- paste(rep(" ..", nest.lev), collapse="")
  str(unclass(object), nest.lev=nest.lev, ...)
  cat(nest.str, ' - attr(*, "class") = ', sep="")
  str(class(object), nest.lev=nest.lev, ...)

# -- coerce to hi object ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#! \name{hiparse}
#! \alias{hiparse}
#! \title{ Hybrid Index, parsing }
#! \description{
#!   \command{hiparse} implements the parsing done in Hybrid Index Preprocessing in order to avoid RAM for expanding index expressions.
#!   \emph{Not to be called directly}
#! }
#! \usage{
#! hiparse(x, envir, first = NA_integer_, last = NA_integer_)
#! }
#! \arguments{
#!   \item{x}{ an index expression, precisely: \code{\link{call}} }
#!   \item{envir}{ the environemtn in which to evaluate components of the index expression }
#!   \item{first}{ first index position found so far }
#!   \item{last}{ last index position found so far }
#! }
#! \details{
#!   This primitive parser recognises the following tokens: numbers like 1, symbols like x, the colon sequence operator \code{\link{:}} and the concat operator \code{\link{c}}.
#!   \code{hiparse} will \code{\link{Recall}} until the index expression is parsed or an unknown token is found.
#!   If an unknown token is found, \code{hiparse} evluates it, inspects it and either accepts it or throws an error, catched by \code{\link{as.hi.call}},
#!   which falls back to evaluating the index expression and dispatching (again) an appropriate \code{\link{as.hi}} method.
#!   Reasons for suspending the parsing: if the inspected token is of class 'hi', 'ri', 'bit', 'bitwhich', 'is.logical', 'is.character', 'is.matrix' or has length>16.
#! }
#! \value{
#!   undefined (and redefined as needed by \code{\link{as.hi.call}})
#! }
#! \author{ Jens Oehlschlägel }
#! \seealso{ \code{\link{hi}}, \code{\link{as.hi.call}} }
#! \keyword{ IO }
#! \keyword{ data }

hiparse <- function(x, envir, first=NA_integer_, last=NA_integer_){
  if (length(x)>1){
    if (x[[1]]=='c'){
      values <- integer()
      lengths <- integer()
      n <- length(x)
      i <- 1
        i <- i + 1
        r <- Recall(x[[i]], envir, first=first, last=last)
        first <- r$first
        last <- r$last
        values <- c(values, r$values)
        lengths <- c(lengths, r$lengths)
      return(list(first=first, lengths=lengths, values=values, last=last))
    }else if (x[[1]]==':'){
      from <- eval(x[[2]], envir=envir)
      to <- eval(x[[3]], envir=envir)
      if (is.logical(from) || is.logical(to))
        stop("as.hi.default:hiparse logicals encountered")
      if (length(from)!=1 || length(to)!=1)
        stop("as.hi.default:hiparse: arguments of : have length!=1")
      from <- as.integer(from)
      to <- as.integer(to)
      if ( is.na(from) || is.na(to) || from==0 || to==0 )
        stop("as.hi.default:hiparse NAs or 0s encountered")
      if (is.na(first))
        first <- from
      if (is.na(last)){
        if (from>to)
          return(list(first=first, lengths=from-to, values=as.integer(-1), last=to))
          return(list(first=first, lengths=to-from, values=as.integer(1), last=to))
        if (from>to)
          return(list(first=first, lengths=c(as.integer(1), from-to), values=c(from-last, as.integer(-1)), last=to))
          return(list(first=first, lengths=c(as.integer(1), to-from), values=c(from-last, as.integer(1)), last=to))
  x <- eval(x, envir=envir)
  if (inherits(x,"hi"))
    stop("DEBUGINFO visible when try(..., silent=FALSE) in as.hi.call: as.hi.default:hiparse found hi")
  if (inherits(x,"ri"))
    stop("DEBUGINFO visible when try(..., silent=FALSE) in as.hi.call: as.hi.default:hiparse found ri")
  if (inherits(x,"bit"))
    stop("DEBUGINFO visible when try(..., silent=FALSE) in as.hi.call: as.hi.default:hiparse found bit")
  if (inherits(x,"bitwhich"))
    stop("DEBUGINFO visible when try(..., silent=FALSE) in as.hi.call: as.hi.default:hiparse found bitwhich")
  if (is.logical(x))
    stop("DEBUGINFO visible when try(..., silent=FALSE) in as.hi.call: as.hi.default:hiparse found logical")
  if (is.character(x))
    stop("DEBUGINFO visible when try(..., silent=FALSE) in as.hi.call: as.hi.default:hiparse found character")
  if (is.matrix(x))
    stop("DEBUGINFO visible when try(..., silent=FALSE) in as.hi.call: as.hi.default:hiparse found matrix")
  n <- length(x)
  if (n>16)
    stop("DEBUGINFO visible when try(..., silent=FALSE) in as.hi.call: as.hi.default:hiparse found length>16")
  if (n){
    x <- as.integer(x)
    if (is.na(first))
      first <- x[1]
    if (is.na(last)){
      r <- rle(diff(x))           # using standard rle here because x is small and we always need a result
      r <- rle(diff(c(last, x)))  # using standard rle here because x is small and we always need a result
    if (is.na(intisasc(r$values)))
      stop("as.hi.default:hiparse found NAs")
    last <- x[n]
    return(list(first=first, lengths=r$lengths, values=r$values, last=last))
    return(list(first=first, lengths=integer(), values=integer(), last=last))

#! \name{as.hi}
#! \alias{as.hi}
#! \alias{as.hi.NULL}
#! \alias{as.hi.hi}
#! \alias{as.hi.ri}
#! \alias{as.hi.bit}
#! \alias{as.hi.bitwhich}
#! \alias{as.hi.call}
#! \alias{as.hi.name}
#! \alias{as.hi.(}
#! \alias{as.hi.integer}
#! \alias{as.hi.which}
#! \alias{as.hi.double}
#! \alias{as.hi.logical}
#! \alias{as.hi.character}
#! \alias{as.hi.matrix}
#! \title{ Hybrid Index, coercion to }
#! \description{
#!   The generic \command{as.hi} and its methods are the main (internal) means for preprocessing index information into the hybrid index class \code{\link{hi}}.
#!   Usually \command{as.hi} is called transparently from \code{\link{[.ff}}. However, you can explicitely do the index-preprocessing,
#!   store the Hybrid Index \code{\link{hi}}, and use the \code{hi} for subscripting.
#! }
#! \usage{
#! as.hi(x, \dots)
#! \method{as.hi}{NULL}(x, \dots)
#! \method{as.hi}{hi}(x, \dots)
#! \method{as.hi}{ri}(x, maxindex = length(x), \dots)
#! \method{as.hi}{bit}(x, range = NULL, maxindex = length(x), vw = NULL
#! , dim = NULL, dimorder = NULL, pack = TRUE, \dots)
#! \method{as.hi}{bitwhich}(x, maxindex = length(x), pack = FALSE, \dots)
#! \method{as.hi}{call}(x, maxindex = NA, dim = NULL, dimorder = NULL, vw = NULL
#! , vw.convert = TRUE, pack = TRUE, envir = parent.frame(), \dots)
#! \method{as.hi}{name}(x, envir = parent.frame(), \dots)
#! %\method{as.hi}{(}(x, envir = parent.frame(), \dots)
#! \method{as.hi}{integer}(x, maxindex = NA, dim = NULL, dimorder = NULL
#! , symmetric = FALSE, fixdiag = NULL, vw = NULL, vw.convert = TRUE
#! , dimorder.convert  = TRUE, pack = TRUE, NAs = NULL, \dots)
#! \method{as.hi}{which}(x, \dots)
#! \method{as.hi}{double}(x, \dots)
#! \method{as.hi}{logical}(x, maxindex = NA, dim = NULL, vw = NULL, pack = TRUE, \dots)
#! \method{as.hi}{character}(x, names, vw = NULL, vw.convert = TRUE, \dots)
#! \method{as.hi}{matrix}(x, dim, dimorder = NULL, symmetric = FALSE, fixdiag = NULL
#! , vw = NULL, pack = TRUE, \dots)
#! }
#! \arguments{
#!   \item{x}{ an appropriate object of the class for which we dispatched }
#!   \item{envir}{ the environment in which to evaluate components of the index expression }
#!   \item{maxindex}{ maximum positive indexposition \code{maxindex}, is needed with negative indices, if vw or dim is given, maxindex is calculated automatically }
#!   \item{names}{ the \code{\link[=names.ff]{names}} of the indexed vector for character indexing }
#!   \item{dim}{ the \code{\link[=dim.ff]{dim}} of the indexed matrix to be stored within the \code{\link{hi}} object }
#!   \item{dimorder}{ the \code{\link{dimorder}} of the indexed matrix to be stored within the \code{\link{hi}} object, may convert interpretation of \code{x} }
#!   \item{symmetric}{ the \code{\link{symmetric}} of the indexed matrix to be stored within the \code{\link{hi}} object }
#!   \item{fixdiag}{ the \code{\link{fixdiag}} of the indexed matrix to be stored within the \code{\link{hi}} object }
#!   \item{vw}{ the virtual window \code{\link{vw}} of the indexed vector or matrix to be stored within the \code{\link{hi}} object, see details }
#!   \item{vw.convert}{ FALSE to prevent doubly virtual window conversion, this is needed for some internal calls that have done the virtual window conversion already, see details }
#!   \item{dimorder.convert}{ FALSE to prevent doubly dimorder conversion, this is needed for some internal calls that have done the dimorder conversion already, see details }
#!   \item{NAs}{ a vector of NA positions to be stored \code{\link{rlepack}ed}, not fully supported yet }
#!   \item{pack}{ FALSE to prevent \code{\link{rlepack}ing}, note that this is a hint rather than a guarantee, \code{as.hi.bit} might ignore this }
#!   \item{range}{ NULL or a vector with two elements indicating first and last position to be converted from 'bit' to 'hi' }
#!   \item{\dots}{ further argument passed from generic to method or from wrapper method to \code{as.hi.integer} }
#! }
#! \details{
#!   The generic dispatches appropriately, \code{as.hi.hi} returns an \code{\link{hi}} object unchanged,
#!   \code{as.hi.call} tries to \code{\link{hiparse}} instead of evaluate its input in order to save RAM.
#!   If parsing is successfull \code{as.hi.call} will ignore its argument \code{pack} and always pack unless the subscript is too small to do so.
#!   If parsing fails it evaluates the index expression and dispatches again to one of the other methods.
#!   \code{as.hi.name} and \code{as.hi.(} are wrappers to \code{as.hi.call}.
#!   \code{as.hi.integer} is the workhorse for coercing evaluated expressions
#!   and \code{as.hi.which} is a wrapper removing the \code{which} class attribute.
#!   \code{as.hi.double}, \code{as.hi.logical} and \code{as.hi.character} are also wrappers to \code{as.hi.integer},
#!   but note that \code{as.hi.logical} is not memory efficient because it expands \emph{all} positions and then applies logical subscripting.
#!   \cr
#!   \code{as.hi.matrix} calls \code{\link{arrayIndex2vectorIndex}} and then \code{as.hi.integer} to interpret and preprocess matrix indices.
#!   \cr
#!   If the \code{dim} and \code{dimorder} parameter indicate a non-standard dimorder (\code{\link{dimorderStandard}}), the index information in \code{x} is converted from a standard dimorder interpretation to the requested \code{\link{dimorder}}.
#!   \cr
#!   If the \code{vw} parameter is used, the index information in \code{x} is interpreted relative to the virtual window but stored relative to the abolute origin.
#!   Back-coercion via \code{\link{as.integer.hi}} and friends will again return the index information relative to the virtual window, thus retaining symmetry and transparency of the viurtual window to the user.
#!   \cr
#!   You can use \code{\link[=length.hi]{length}} to query the index length (possibly length of negative subscripts),
#!   \code{\link[=length.hi]{poslength}} to query the number of selected elements (even with negative subscripts),
#!   and \code{\link[=length.hi]{maxindex}} to query the largest possible index position (within virtual window, if present)
#!   \cr
#!   Duplicated negative indices are removed and will not be recovered by \code{\link{as.integer.hi}}.
#! }
#! \value{
#!   an object of class \code{\link{hi}}
#! }
#! \author{ Jens Oehlschlägel }
#! \note{ Avoid changing the Hybrid Index representation, this might crash the \code{\link{[.ff}} subscripting. }
#! \seealso{ \code{\link{hi}} for the Hybrid Index class, \code{\link{hiparse}} for parsing details, \code{\link{as.integer.hi}} for back-coercion, \code{\link{[.ff}} for ff subscripting }
#! \examples{
#!   message("integer indexing with and without rel-packing")
#!   as.hi(1:12)
#!   as.hi(1:12, pack=FALSE)
#!   message("if index is double, the wrapper method just converts to integer")
#!   as.hi(as.double(1:12))
#!   message("if index is character, the wrapper method just converts to integer")
#!   as.hi(c("a","b","c"), names=letters)
#!   message("negative index must use maxindex (or vw)")
#!   as.hi(-(1:3), maxindex=12)
#!   message("logical index can use maxindex")
#!   as.hi(c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE))
#!   as.hi(c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE), maxindex=12)
#!   message("matrix index")
#!   x <- matrix(1:12, 6)
#!   as.hi(rbind(c(1,1), c(1,2), c(2,1)), dim=dim(x))
#!   message("first ten positions within virtual window")
#!   i <- as.hi(1:10, vw=c(10, 80, 10))
#!   i
#!   message("back-coerce relativ to virtual window")
#!   as.integer(i)
#!   message("back-coerce relativ to absolute origin")
#!   as.integer(i, vw.convert=FALSE)
#!   message("parsed index expressions save index RAM")
#!     as.hi(quote(1:1000000000))
#! \dontrun{
#!   message("compare to RAM requirement when the index experssion is evaluated")
#!     as.hi(1:1000000000)
#! }
#! message("example of parsable index expression")
#!   a <- seq(100, 200, 20)
#!   as.hi(substitute(c(1:5, 4:9, a)))
#!   hi(c(1,4, 100),c(5,9, 200), by=c(1,1,20))
#! message("two examples of index expression temporarily expanded to full length due to 
#! non-supported use of brackets '(' and mathematical operators '+' accepting token")
#! message("example1: accepted token but aborted parsing because length>16")
#!   as.hi(quote(1+(1:16)))
#! message("example1: rejected token and aborted parsing because length>16")
#!   as.hi(quote(1+(1:17)))
#! }
#! \keyword{ IO }
#! \keyword{ data }

as.hi.NULL <- function(x, ...){
  structure(list(x = structure(list(first = NA_integer_, dat = integer(0), 
                                    last = NA_integer_), .Names = c("first", "dat", "last"), class = "rlepack"), 
                 ix = NULL, re = FALSE, minindex = 1L, maxindex = 0L, 
                 length = 0L, dim = NULL, dimorder = NULL, symmetric = FALSE, 
                 fixdiag = NULL, vw = NULL, NAs = NULL), .Names = c("x", "ix", 
                                                                    "re", "minindex", "maxindex", "length", "dim", "dimorder", "symmetric", 
                                                                    "fixdiag", "vw", "NAs"), class = "hi")

# xx temporary compatibility function setting the rlepack class
as.hi.hi <- function(x, ...){
  if (!inherits(x$x, "rlepack"))
    class(x$x) <- "rlepack"

as.hi.name <- function(x, envir=parent.frame(), ...){
  as.hi(eval(x, envir=envir), ...)

"as.hi.(" <- function(x, envir=parent.frame(), ...){
  as.hi.call(x[[2]], envir=envir, ...)

as.hi.call <- function(
, maxindex    = NA_integer_
, dim         = NULL
, dimorder    = NULL
, vw          = NULL
, vw.convert  = TRUE
, pack        = TRUE
, envir       = parent.frame()
, ...

  if ((!is.null(dim) && !dimorderStandard(dimorder)) || !is.null(dim(vw)))
    return(as.hi(eval(x, envir=envir), maxindex=maxindex, dim=dim, dimorder=dimorder, vw=vw, vw.convert=vw.convert, pack=pack, ...))

  #message("DEBUGINFO: trying hiparse")
  r <- try(hiparse(x, envir=envir), silent=TRUE)
  if (inherits(r,"try-error")){
    #message("DEBUGINFO: hiparse failed, evaluating the index expression and dispatching again")
    return(as.hi(eval(x, envir=envir), maxindex=maxindex, dim=dim, dimorder=dimorder, vw=vw, vw.convert=vw.convert, pack=pack, ...))

  if (is.null(vw))
    vw.convert <- FALSE
    storage.mode(vw) <- "integer"

  minindex <- 1L
  if (is.na(maxindex)){
      maxindex <- maxindex(x)
      maxindex <- as.integer(prod(dim))
    maxindex <- as.integer(maxindex)

  if (is.na(r$first)){
    x <- rlepack(integer())
    ix <- NULL
    re <- FALSE
    n <- 0L
    nl <- length(r$lengths)
    n <- sum(r$lengths) + 1L
    # test for sorted
    tab <- tabulate(sign(r$values)+2, 3)
    if (tab[1] && tab[3]){ # unsorted in both directions
      re <- FALSE
      x <- as.integer(cumsum(c(r$first, rep(r$values, r$lengths))))
      x <- sort.int(x, index.return=TRUE, method="quick")
      ix <- x$ix
      x <- rlepack(x$x, pack=pack)
      #ix <- seq_len(n)
      #radixorder(x, ix)
      #x <- rlepack(x[ix], pack = pack)

      if (nl){
        pack <- 2*length(r$lengths)<n
        pack <- FALSE
      if (pack){
        dat <- list(lengths=r$lengths, values=r$values)
        class(dat) <- "rle"
        dat <- as.integer(cumsum(c(r$first, rep(r$values, r$lengths))))
      x <- list(first=r$first, dat=dat, last=r$last)
      class(x) <- "rlepack"
      ix <- NULL
      if (tab[1]){  # sorted descending
        re <- TRUE
        x <- rev(x)  # rev.rlepack
      }else{        # sorted ascending
        re <- FALSE
    # xx this ifelse section copied 1L from hi
    if (x$last < 0) {
      if (is.na(maxindex))
          stop("maxindex is required with negative subscripts")
      if ( -x$first > maxindex )
          stop("negative subscripts out of range")

      re <- FALSE
      ix <- NULL

      if (vw.convert){
        x$first <- x$first - vw[1]
        x$last <- x$last - vw[1]
        if (inherits(x$dat, "rle")){
          n <- sum(x$dat$lengths) + 1L
          x$dat <- x$dat - vw[1]
          n <- length(x$dat)
        if (inherits(x$dat, "rle")){
          n <- sum(x$dat$lengths) + 1L
          n <- length(x$dat)
    }else if (x$first > 0){
      if (!is.na(maxindex) && x$last > maxindex )
          stop("positive subscripts out of range")
      if (vw.convert){
        x$first <- vw[1] + x$first
        x$last <- vw[1] + x$last
        if (inherits(x$dat, "rle")){
          n <- sum(x$dat$lengths) + 1L
          x$dat <- vw[1] + x$dat
          n <- length(x$dat)
        if (inherits(x$dat, "rle")){
          n <- sum(x$dat$lengths) + 1L
          n <- length(x$dat)
        stop("0s and mixed positive/negative subscripts not allowed")

  if (!is.null(vw)){
    if (is.null(dim)){
      # minindex..maxindex represents the window of allowed values (used by the C-code in case of negative subscripts for enumerating all positive subscripts)
      minindex <- vw[1] + 1L
      maxindex <- vw[1] + vw[2]
      # NOTE that negative subscripts cannot be handled in a (vw && dim)-context (enumerating all positive subscripts is not simply minindex..maxindex)
      minindex <- 1L
      maxindex <- as.integer(prod(colSums(vw)))
  ret <- list(
    x         = x
  , ix        = ix
  , re        = re
  , minindex  = minindex
  , maxindex  = maxindex
  , length    = n
  , dim       = NULL
  , dimorder  = NULL
  , symmetric = FALSE
  , fixdiag   = NULL
  , vw        = vw
  , NAs       =  NULL
  class(ret) <- "hi"

as.hi.integer <- function(
, maxindex    = NA_integer_
, dim         = NULL
, dimorder    = NULL
, symmetric   = FALSE
, fixdiag     = NULL
, vw          = NULL
, vw.convert  = TRUE        # as.hi.matrix sets this to false in order to avoid applying vw twice
, dimorder.convert  = TRUE  # as.hi.matrix sets this to false in order to avoid dimorder conversion twice
, pack        = TRUE
, NAs         = NULL
, ... # dummy to keep R CMD check quiet
  n <- length(x)

  if (is.null(vw))
    vw.convert <- FALSE
    storage.mode(vw) <- "integer"
    if (is.null(dim) && !is.null(dim(vw)))
      dim <- vw[2,]

  # these are still the limits to be checked from user perspective
  minindex <- 1L
  if (is.na(maxindex)){
      maxindex <- maxindex(x)
      maxindex <- as.integer(prod(dim))
    maxindex <- as.integer(maxindex)

  if (n){
    if (is.null(dim) || dimorderStandard(dimorder))
      dimorder.convert <- FALSE
    prechecked <- dimorder.convert || (vw.convert && !( is.null(dim) || dimorderStandard(dimorder) ))
    if (prechecked){
      # need dimorder conversion, i.e., sorting pre-conversion != sorting post-conversion
      # since we have no sorting pre-conversion, we cannot simply check the most extreme value, we have to check all values
      # therefor we check all values pre-conversion
      if (all(x<0, na.rm=TRUE)){
        if (any(x < -maxindex, na.rm=TRUE))
          stop("negative subscripts out of range")
        x <- seq_len(maxindex)[x]  # convert to positive indexes because we cannot enumerate
      }else if (all(x>0, na.rm=TRUE)){
        if (any(x > maxindex, na.rm=TRUE))
          stop("positive subscripts out of range")
        stop("0s and mixed positive/negative subscripts not allowed")
      x <- arrayIndex2vectorIndex(vectorIndex2arrayIndex(x, dim=dim), dim=dim, dimorder=dimorder, vw=vw)
      vw.convert <- FALSE
      # these are already the final limits from file perspective (make sure the converted values pass the (redundant) test further down)
      if (is.null(vw))
        maxindex <- prod(dim)
        maxindex <- prod(colSums(vw))

    isasc <- intisasc(x)
    if (is.na(isasc))
      stop("NAs in as.hi.integer")
    if (isasc){
      ix <- NULL
      re <- FALSE
      if (intisdesc(x)){
        x <- rev(x)
        ix <- NULL
        re <- TRUE
        x <- sort.int(x, index.return=TRUE, method="quick")
        ix <- x$ix
        x <- x$x
        #ix <- seq_len(n)
        #radixorder(x, ix)
        #x <- x[ix]
        re <- FALSE

    # after sorting the range-checks can be done on the extremes only
    if (x[n]<0){  # not possible after prechecked
      if (is.na(maxindex)){
        if (vw.convert && is.null(dim))
          maxindex <- vw[[2]]
          stop("maxindex is required with negative subscripts")
      if ( -x[1] > maxindex )
        stop("negative subscripts out of range")

      ix <- NULL
      re <- FALSE

      x <- unique(x)
      n <- length(x)
      if (vw.convert){
        # convert window positions to absolute positions
        if (is.null(dim)){
          x <- x - vw[1]
          # (vw && dim)-context: convert negative indices to positive ones
          x <- seq_len(maxindex)[x]
          n <- length(x)
          if (n)
            x <- arrayIndex2vectorIndex(vectorIndex2arrayIndex(x, dim=dim, dimorder=dimorder), dimorder=dimorder, vw=vw)
    }else if (x[1]>0){
      if ( !is.na(maxindex) && x[n] > maxindex )
        stop("positive subscripts out of range")
      if (vw.convert){
        # convert window positions to absolute positions
        if (is.null(dim)){
          x <- vw[1] + x
          x <- arrayIndex2vectorIndex(vectorIndex2arrayIndex(x, dim=dim, dimorder=dimorder), dimorder=dimorder, vw=vw)
      stop("0s and mixed positive/negative subscripts not allowed")

    x <- rlepack(x, pack=pack)
    #We could restrict compression to the case where we spent time and RAM on sorting anyhow
    #x <- rlepack(x, pack=if (is.null(ix)) FALSE else pack)

  }else{ # no data
    x  <- rlepack(integer())
    ix <- NULL
    re <- FALSE

  # fix the final limits
  if (!is.null(vw)){
    if (is.null(dim)){
      # minindex..maxindex represents the window of allowed values (used by the C-code in case of negative subscripts for enumerating all positive subscripts)
      minindex <- vw[1] + 1L
      maxindex <- vw[1] + vw[2]
      # NOTE that negative subscripts cannot be handled in a (vw && dim)-context or in a non-standard dimorder-context (enumerating all positive subscripts is not simply minindex..maxindex)
      maxindex <- as.integer(prod(colSums(vw)))

  r <- list(
    x         = x
  , ix        = ix
  , re        = re
  , minindex  = minindex
  , maxindex  = maxindex
  , length    = n
  , dim       = dim
  , dimorder  = dimorder
  , symmetric = symmetric
  , fixdiag   = fixdiag
  , vw        = vw
  , NAs       = NAs
  class(r) <- "hi"

# xx TODO as.hi.which should be leading, not as.hi.integer
# and as.hi.integer is too complicated, remove the vw stuff
as.hi.which <-  function(x, ...){
  ret <- as.hi.integer(unclass(x), ...)
  ret$maxindex <- maxindex(x)

if (FALSE){
  dim <- 3:4
  dimorder <- 1:2
  vw <- rbind(c(1,1), dim, c(1,1))
  i <- seq_len(prod(dim))
  m <- vectorIndex2arrayIndex(i, dim=dim)
  p <- arrayIndex2vectorIndex(m, dim=dim, dimorder=dimorder, vw=vw)

  vectorIndex2arrayIndex(p, dim=dim, dimorder=dimorder, vw=vw)

  h <- as.hi(m, dim=dim, dimorder=dimorder, vw=vw)



as.hi.matrix <- function(x, dim, dimorder=NULL, symmetric=FALSE, fixdiag=NULL, vw=NULL, pack=TRUE
, ... # dummy to keep R CMD check quiet
  if (is.null(vw)){
    maxindex <- as.integer(prod(dim))
    maxindex <- as.integer(prod(colSums(vw)))
  if (nrow(x)){
    if (x[1]<0)
      stop("matrix subscripts must be positive")
    if (symmetric){
      i <- symmIndex2vectorIndex(x, dim=dim, fixdiag=fixdiag)
      if (is.null(fixdiag)){
        ret <- as.hi.integer(i, maxindex=maxindex, dim=dim, symmetric=symmetric, fixdiag=fixdiag, vw=vw, pack=pack)
        isna <- is.na(i)
        NAs <- (seq_along(i))[isna]
        if (length(NAs))
          ret <- as.hi.integer(i[!isna], maxindex=maxindex, dim=dim, symmetric=symmetric, fixdiag=fixdiag, vw=vw, pack=pack, NAs=rlepack(NAs))
          ret <- as.hi.integer(i, maxindex=maxindex, dim=dim, symmetric=symmetric, fixdiag=fixdiag, vw=vw, pack=pack)
      ret <- as.hi.integer(
        arrayIndex2vectorIndex(x, dim=dim, dimorder=dimorder, vw=vw)
      , maxindex=maxindex
      , dim=dim
      , dimorder=dimorder
      , symmetric=symmetric
      , fixdiag=fixdiag
      , vw=vw
      , vw.convert=FALSE
      , dimorder.convert=FALSE
      , pack=pack
    ret <- as.hi.integer(integer(), maxindex=maxindex, dim=dim, dimorder=dimorder, symmetric=symmetric, fixdiag=fixdiag, vw=vw, pack=pack)

as.hi.logical <- function(
, maxindex  = NA
, dim       = NULL
, vw        = NULL
, pack      = TRUE
, ... # dummy to keep R CMD check quiet
    if (is.na(maxindex))
      maxindex <- length(x)
      maxindex <- as.integer(maxindex)
    maxindex <- as.integer(prod(dim))
  if (length(x)>maxindex)
    stop("as.hi.logical longer than maxindex")
  if (maxindex>0){
    x <- seq_len(maxindex)[rep(x, length=maxindex)]
    x <- integer()
  , maxindex  = maxindex  # if !is.null(vw) maxindex is wrong, thus we rely on as.hi.integer ignoring maxindex in this case !!
  , dim       = dim
  , vw        = vw
  , pack      = pack

as.hi.double <- function(x, ...){
  #silent as usually, thus not: warning("converting doubles to integer in as.hi")
  as.hi.integer(as.integer(x), ...)

# used for character subsetting
# needs names:
as.hi.character <- function(x
, names           # either character vector or some object of class that has "[" defined and returns integer positions (such as a named integer vector or class index)
, vw = NULL
, vw.convert=TRUE   # if names refers to the vw-window, the default vw.convert=TRUE is fine, if names refers to the total object, set vw.convert = FALSE
, ...
  #if (inherits(names, "fffc"))
  #  as.hi.integer(match.fffc(x, names), vw=vw, vw.convert=vw.convert, ...)
  if (is.atomic(names) && is.character(names))
    as.hi.integer(match(x, names), vw=vw, vw.convert=vw.convert, ...)
    as.hi.integer(names[x], vw=vw, vw.convert=vw.convert, ...)

# -- reverting hi to original (as far as possible) -----------------------------------------------------------

#! \name{as.integer.hi}
#! \alias{as.which.hi}
#! \alias{as.bitwhich.hi}
#! \alias{as.bit.hi}
#! \alias{as.integer.hi}
#! \alias{as.logical.hi}
#! \alias{as.character.hi}
#! \alias{as.matrix.hi}
#! \title{ Hybrid Index, coercing from }
#! \description{
#!   Functions that (back-)convert an \code{\link{hi}} object to the respective subscripting information.
#! }
#! \usage{
#! \method{as.which}{hi}(x, \dots)
#! \method{as.bitwhich}{hi}(x, \dots)
#! \method{as.bit}{hi}(x, \dots)
#! \method{as.integer}{hi}(x, vw.convert = TRUE, \dots)
#! \method{as.logical}{hi}(x, maxindex = NULL, \dots)
#! \method{as.character}{hi}(x, names, vw.convert = TRUE, \dots)
#! \method{as.matrix}{hi}(x, dim = x$dim, dimorder = x$dimorder
#! , vw = x$vw, symmetric = x$symmetric, fixdiag = x$fixdiag, \dots)
#! }
#! \arguments{
#!   \item{x}{ an object of class \code{\link{hi}} }
#!   \item{maxindex}{ the \code{\link{length}} of the subscripted object (needed for logical output) }
#!   \item{names}{ the \code{\link{names}} vector of the subscripted object }
#!   \item{dim}{ the \code{\link{dim}} of the subscripted object }
#!   \item{dimorder}{ the \code{\link{dimorder}} of the subscripted object }
#!   \item{vw}{ the virtual window \code{\link{vw}} of the subscripted object }
#!   \item{vw.convert}{ \code{vw.convert} }
#!   \item{symmetric}{ TRUE if the subscripted matrix is \code{\link{symmetric}} }
#!   \item{fixdiag}{ TRUE if the subscripted matrix has \code{\link{fixdiag}} }
#!   \item{\dots}{ further arguments passed }
#! }
#! \value{
#!   \command{as.integer.hi} returns an integer vector, see \code{\link{as.hi.integer}}.
#!   \command{as.logical.hi} returns an logical vector, see \code{\link{as.hi.logical}}.
#!   \command{as.character.hi} returns a character vector, see \code{\link{as.hi.character}}.
#!   \command{as.matrix.hi} returns a matrix index, see \code{\link{as.hi.matrix}}.
#! }
#! \author{ Jens Oehlschlägel }
#! \seealso{ \code{\link{hi}}, \code{\link{as.hi}} }
#! \examples{
#!   x <- 1:6
#!   names(x) <- letters[1:6]
#!   as.integer(as.hi(c(1:3)))
#!   as.logical(as.hi(c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE)))
#!   as.character(as.hi(letters[1:3], names=names(x)), names=names(x))
#!   x <- matrix(1:12, 6)
#!   as.matrix(as.hi(rbind(c(1,1), c(1,2), c(2,1)), dim=dim(x)), dim=dim(x))
#! }
#! \keyword{ IO }
#! \keyword{ data }

# note that the result may be changed for negative subscripts (sorted ascending, duplicates removed)
# original order of subscripts NEED NOT be restored and MUST NOT be restored in order to not create long hi$ix component
as.integer.hi <- function(
, vw.convert=TRUE   # set to FALSE when called from as.matrix.hi in order to avoid double conversion
, ... # dummy to keep R CMD check quiet
  if (x$length){
    ret <- unsort.hi(rleunpack(x$x), x)
    if (is.null(x$dim)){
      if (!is.null(x$vw) && vw.convert){
        if (ret[1]<0){
          ret <- ret + x$vw[1]
          ret <- ret - x$vw[1]
      if (!is.null(x$vw) && vw.convert){
        # we know that subscripts must be positive in this case
          ret <- arrayIndex2vectorIndex(vectorIndex2arrayIndex(ret, dimorder=x$dimorder, vw=x$vw), dim=x$vw[2,])
        if (!dimorderStandard(x$dimorder))
          ret <- arrayIndex2vectorIndex(vectorIndex2arrayIndex(ret, dim=x$dim, dimorder=x$dimorder), dim=x$dim)
    ret <- integer()

as.which.hi <- function(x, ...){
  i <- as.integer(x, ...)
  if (length(i) && i[[1]]<0){
    i <- seq_len(maxindex(x))[i]
    setattributes(i, list(maxindex = maxindex(x), class = c("booltype", "which")))
    attributes(i) <- list(maxindex = maxindex(x), class = c("booltype", "which"))

as.matrix.hi <- function(
, dim       = x$dim
, dimorder  = x$dimorder
, vw       = x$vw
, symmetric = x$symmetric
, fixdiag   = x$fixdiag
, ... # dummy to keep R CMD check quiet
  if (x$length){
    if (is.null(dim))
      stop("need dim to return matrix subscripts")
    if (x$x$first<0)
      stop("matrix subscripts must be positive")
    if (symmetric){
      if (is.null(fixdiag)){
        stop("not yet implemented for symmetric matices with fixdiag")
        stop("not yet implemented for symmetric matices without fixdiag (redundant diagonal)")
      ret <- unsort.hi(rleunpack(x$x), x)
      ret <- vectorIndex2arrayIndex(ret, dim=dim, dimorder=dimorder, vw=vw)
    matrix(integer(), 0, length(x$dim))

# note that result may be longer due to recycling
as.logical.hi <- function(
, maxindex=NULL
, ... # dummy to keep R CMD check quiet
  if (is.null(maxindex))
    maxindex <- maxindex(x)
  if (is.na(maxindex))
    stop("can't make logical without knowing vector length")
  ret <- rep(FALSE, maxindex)
  ret[seq_len(maxindex)[as.integer.hi(x)]] <- TRUE

as.character.hi <- function(
, names
, vw.convert=TRUE  # set to FALSE if the names do not correspond to window but to total object
, ... # dummy to keep R CMD check quiet
  names[as.integer.hi(x, vw.convert=vw.convert)]

# -- querying the 'length' of a hi object ----------------------------------------------

#! \name{length.hi}
#! \alias{length.hi}
#! \alias{poslength.hi}
#! \alias{maxindex.hi}
#! \title{ Hybrid Index, querying }
#! \description{
#!   Functions to query some index attributes
#! }
#! \usage{
#! \method{length}{hi}(x)
#! \method{maxindex}{hi}(x, \dots)
#! \method{poslength}{hi}(x, \dots)
#! }
#! \arguments{
#!   \item{x}{ an object of class \code{\link{hi}} }
#!   \item{\dots}{ further arguments (not used) }
#! }
#! \details{
#!   \command{length.hi} returns the number of the subsript elements in the index (even if they are negative).
#!   By contrast \code{\link{poslength}} returns the number of selected elements (which for negative indices is \code{maxindex(x) - length(unique(x))}).
#!   \code{\link{maxindex}} returns the highest possible index position.
#! }
#! \value{
#!   an integer scalar
#! }
#! \author{ Jens Oehlschlägel }
#! \note{ duplicated negative indices are removed }
#! \seealso{ \code{\link{hi}}, \code{\link{as.hi}}, \code{\link{length.ff}}, \code{\link{length}}, \code{\link{poslength}}, \code{\link{maxindex}} }
#! \examples{
#!   length(as.hi(-1, maxindex=12))
#!   poslength(as.hi(-1, maxindex=12))
#!   maxindex(as.hi(-1, maxindex=12))
#!   message("note that")
#!   length(as.hi(c(-1, -1), maxindex=12))
#!   length(as.hi(c(1,1), maxindex=12))
#! }
#! \keyword{ IO }
#! \keyword{ data }

# be aware that this is is the length of the pos/neg integer index, not necessarily the length of an original logical (no FALSEs, recycled) or negative (no duplicates)
length.hi <- function(x){

# this give the length of the object to be subscripted (if known)
# must always be known after as.hi.logical
maxindex.hi <- function(
, ... # dummy to keep R CMD check quiet
  if (is.null(x$vw))
    if (is.null(x$dim))
poslength.hi <- function(
, ... # dummy to keep R CMD check quiet
  if (is.na(x$x$first))
  else if (x$x$first<0){
    if (is.na(x$maxindex))
      stop("poslength.hi requires maxindex")
    maxindex.hi(x) - x$length

#! \name{unsort}
#! \alias{unsort}
#! \alias{unsort.hi}
#! \alias{unsort.ahi}
#! \alias{subscript2integer}
#! \title{ Hybrid Index, internal utilities }
#! \description{
#!   Non-documented internal utilities that might change
#! }
#! \usage{
#! unsort(x, ix)
#! unsort.hi(x, index)
#! unsort.ahi(x, index, ixre = any(sapply(index, function(i) {
#!     if (is.null(i$ix)) {
#!         if (i$re) TRUE else FALSE
#!     } else {
#!         TRUE
#!     }
#! })), ix = lapply(index, function(i) {
#!     if (is.null(i$ix)) {
#!         if (i$re)
#!             orig <- rev(seq_len(poslength(i)))
#!         else orig <- seq_len(poslength(i))
#!     }
#!     else {
#!         orig <- i$ix
#!     }
#!     orig
#! }))
#! subscript2integer(x, maxindex = NULL, names = NULL)
#! }
#! \arguments{
#!   \item{x}{ \code{x} }
#!   \item{ix}{ \code{ix} }
#!   \item{ixre}{ \code{ixre} }
#!   \item{index}{ \code{index} }
#!   \item{maxindex}{ \code{maxindex} }
#!   \item{names}{ \code{names} }
#! }
#! \details{
#!   These are utility functions for restoring original order after sorting.
#!   For now we 'mimic' the intuitive but wrong argument order of match()
#!   which should rather have the 'table' argument as its first argument,
#!   then one could properly method-dispatch on the type of table.
#!   xx We might change to proper 'unsort' generic, but then we have to change argument order.
#! }
#! \value{
#!  undefined
#! }
#! \author{ Jens Oehlschlägel }
#! \seealso{ \code{\link{hi}}, \code{\link{as.hi}} }
#! \keyword{ IO }
#! \keyword{ data }

# not actually used
unsort <- function(
  x   # sorted values
, ix  # needed to restore orig order
  orig <- vector(mode=storage.mode(x), length=length(x))
  orig[ix] <- x

unsort.hi <- function(
  x       # a vector of values in hi sorting
, index   # a hi object
  if (is.null(index$ix)){
    if (index$re)
      orig <- rev(x)
      orig <- x
    orig <- vector(mode=storage.mode(x), length=length(x))
    orig[index$ix] <- x

unsort.ahi <- function(
  x       # an m-array of values in multi-hi sorting
, index   # a list of m hi indices
, ixre = any(sapply(index, function(i){
    if (is.null(i$ix)){
      if (i$re)
, ix = lapply(index, function(i){
      if (is.null(i$ix)){
        if (i$re)
          orig <- rev(seq_len(poslength(i)))
          orig <- seq_len(poslength(i))
        orig <- i$ix
  if (ixre){
    x <- do.call("[<-", c(list(x=x), ix, list(value=x)))

# used in subset.ff_dist
# does not handle matrix subscripts
subscript2integer <- function(
, maxindex=NULL
, names=NULL
    stop("NAs not allowed in ff subscripting")
  if (is.character(x)){
    if (is.null(names))
      stop("need names")
    match(x, names)
  }else if(is.logical(x)){
    if (is.null(maxindex))
      stop("need maxindex with logical subscripts")
    if (is.double(x))
      x <- as.integer(x)
    tab <- tabulate(sign(x)+2, 3)
    if (tab[[2]])
      stop("no zeros allowed in ff subscripts")
    if (tab[[1]] && tab[[2]])
      stop("mixing negative and positive subscripts is not alllowed")
    if (tab[[1]]){
    if (is.null(maxindex))
      stop("need maxindex with negative subscripts")

# Example
if (FALSE){
  a <- seq(100, 200, 20)
  as.hi(substitute(c(1:5, 4:9, a)))
  hi(c(1,4, 100),c(5,9, 200), by=c(1,1,20))

  as.hi(c(1:5, 4:9, a))
  x <- c(1:5, 4:9, a)

  as.logical(as.hi(x, maxindex=200))
  poslength(as.hi(x, maxindex=200))

  # parsing has some overhead ...
  timefactor(as.hi(substitute(c(1:4, 5:9, a))),  hi(c(1,5,100),c(4,9, 200), by=c(1,1,20)), 1000, 1000)
  # ... but with long sequences
  timefactor(as.hi(substitute(c(1:4, a, 500:999999))),  as.hi(c(1:4, a, 500:999999)), 100, 1)

  s1 <- hi(c(1,4, 200),c(5,9, 100), by=c(1,1,-20))
  s2 <- as.hi(substitute(c(1:5, 4:9, a)))
  s3 <- as.hi(c(1:5, 4:9, a))
  identical(s1, s2)
  identical(s3, s2)
  identical(as.integer(c(1:5, 4:9, a)), as.integer(s1))
  identical(as.integer(c(1:5, 4:9, a)), as.integer(s2))
  identical(as.integer(c(1:5, 4:9, a)), as.integer(s3))

  n <- 10000000
  a <- ff(0L, length=n)
  #i <- c(1,n:2)
  #i <- sample(n)
  #save(i, file="c:/tmp/i.RData")

  j <- rlepack(i) # x10

  j <- as.hi.integer(i)

  system.time(j <- as.hi(quote(i)))

  x <- 20:29
  as.hi(quote((c(1, 3:10, x))))

  # C-coded with 33% trick
  system.time(j <- intrle(i))

  # minus structure() = 7x RAM incl. input/output
  rle <-
  function (x)
      if (!is.vector(x) && !is.list(x))
          stop("'x' must be an atomic vector")
      n <- length(x)
      if (n == 0)
          return(list(lengths = integer(0), values = x))
      y <- x[-1] != x[-n]
      i <- c(which(y | is.na(y)), n)
      ret <- list(lengths = diff(c(0L, i)), values = x[i])
      class(ret) = "rle"
  j <- rle(i)

  # original = 9x RAM incl. input/output
  j <- rle(i)


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