
Defines functions check_response error_to_file get_bundle fhir_authenticate fhir_load fhir_save fhir_capability_statement fhir_recent_http_error fhir_current_request fhir_next_bundle_url fhir_search

Documented in fhir_authenticate fhir_capability_statement fhir_current_request fhir_load fhir_next_bundle_url fhir_recent_http_error fhir_save fhir_search

## This file contains all functions for downloading/loading/saving resources##
## Exported functions are on top, internal functions below ##

#' Download FHIR search result
#' @description Downloads all FHIR bundles of a FHIR search request from a FHIR server by iterating through the bundles. Search via GET
#' and POST is possible, see Details.
#' @details
#' ## Request type
#' `fhir_search` allows for two types of search request:
#' 1. FHIR search via GET:
#' This is the more common approach. All information on which resources to download is contained in the URL
#' that is send to the server (`request` argument). This encompasses the base url of the server, the resource type and possible
#' search parameters to further qualify the search (see [fhir_url()]). The search via GET is the default and performed whenever
#' the argument `body` is NULL.
#'  2. FHIR search via POST:
#'  This option should only be used when the parameters make the search URL so long the server might deny it
#'  because it exceeds the allowed length. In this case the search parameters (everything that would usually follow the resource type
#'  after the `?`) can be transferred to a body of type `"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"` and send via POST. If you provide a body in
#'  `fhir_search()`, the url in `request` should only contain the base URL and the resource type.
#'  The function will automatically amend it with `_search` and perform a POST.
#' ## Authentication
#' There are several ways of authentication implemented in `fhir_search()`. If you don't need any authentication,
#' just leave the arguments described in the following at their default values of `NULL`.
#' 1. Basic Authentication: Provide the `username` and the `password` for basic authentication in the respective arguments.
#' 2. Token Authentication: Provide a token in the argument `token`, either as a character vector of length one or as as an object of class
#' [httr::Token-class]. You can use the function [fhir_authenticate()] to create this object.
#' ## Additional headers
#' Per default, the underlying HTTP requests are equipped with *Accept* and *Authorization* headers. If you need to pass additional headers,
#' e.g. cookies for authentication or other custom headers, you can add these to the request as a named character vector using the
#' `add_headers` argument.
#' ## HTML removal
#' FHIR resources can contain a considerable amount of html code (e.g. in a [narrative](https://www.hl7.org/fhir/narrative.html#xhtml) object),
#' which is often created by the server for example to provide a human-readable summary of the resource.
#' This data is usually not the aim of structured statistical analysis, so in the default setting [fhir_search()] will remove the html
#' parts immediately after download to reduce memory usage (on a hapi server typically by around 30%, see [fhir_rm_div()]).
#' The memory gain is payed with a runtime increase of 10%-20%. The html removal can be disabled by setting `rm_tag = NULL`
#' to increase speed at the cost of increased memory usage.
#' @param request An object of class [fhir_url-class] or a character vector of length one containing the full FHIR search request. It is
#' recommended to explicitly create the request via [fhir_url()] as this will do some validity checks and format the url properly.
#' Defaults to [fhir_current_request()]
#' @param body A character vector of length one or object of class `fhir_body` with type `"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"`. A body should be provided
#' when the FHIR search request is too long and might exceed the maximal allowed length of the URL when send to the server. In this case
#' a search via POST (see https://www.hl7.org/fhir/search.html#Introduction) can be used. The body should contain all the parameters that
#' follow after the `?` in the FHIR search request. When a body is provided, the required `_search` is automatically added
#' to the url in `request`. See examples and `?fhir_body`.
#' @param username A character vector of length one containing the username for basic authentication.
#' @param password A character vector of length one containing the password for basic authentication.
#' @param token A character vector of length one or object of class [httr::Token-class], for bearer token authentication (e.g. OAuth2). See [fhir_authenticate()]
#' for how to create this.
#' @param add_headers A named character vector of custom headers to add to the HTTP request, e.g. `c(myHeader = "somevalue")` or
#' `c(firstHeader = "value1", secondHeader = "value2")`.
#' @param max_bundles Maximal number of bundles to get. Defaults to Inf meaning all available bundles are downloaded.
#' @param verbose An integer vector of length one. If 0, nothing is printed, if 1, only finishing message is printed, if > 1,
#' downloading progress will be printed. Defaults to 1.
#' @param max_attempts `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` The number of maximal attempts is now determined by the length of `delay_between_attempts`
#' @param delay_between_attempts A numeric vector specifying the delay in seconds between attempts of reaching the server
#' that `fhir_search()` will make. The length of this vector determines the number of attempts that will be made before stopping with an error.
#' Defaults to `c(1,3,9,27,81)`.
#' @param log_errors Either `NULL` or a character vector of length one indicating the name of a file in which to save the http errors.
#' `NULL` means no error logging. When a file name is provided, the errors are saved in the specified file. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' Regardless of the value of `log_errors` the most recent http error message within the current R session is saved internally and can
#' be accessed with [fhir_recent_http_error()].
#' @param save_to_disc Either `NULL` or a character vector of length one indicating the name of a directory in which to save the bundles.
#' If a directory name is provided, the bundles are saved as numerated xml-files into the directory specified
#' and not returned as a bundle list in the R session. This is useful when a lot of bundles are to be downloaded and keeping them all
#' in one R session might overburden working memory. When the download is complete, the bundles can be loaded into R using [fhir_load()].
#' Defaults to `NULL`, i.e. bundles are returned as a list within the R session.
#' @param delay_between_bundles A numeric scalar specifying a time in seconds to wait between pages of the search result,
#' i.e. between downloading the current bundle and the next bundle. This can be used to avoid choking a weak server with
#' too many requests to quickly. Defaults to zero.
#' @param rm_tag Character vector of length 1 defining an xml tag of elements that will removed from the bundle automatically.
#' Defaults to `"div"`,leading to the removal of all html parts (see Details). Set to `NULL` to keep the bundles untouched.
#' See [fhir_rm_div()] and [fhir_rm_tag()] for more info.
#' @return A [fhir_bundle_list-class] when `save_to_disc = NULL` (the default),  else `NULL`.
#' @export
#' @seealso
#' - Creating a FHIR search request: [fhir_url()] and [fhir_body()] (for POST based search)
#' - OAuth2 Authentication: [fhir_authenticate()]
#' - Saving/reading bundles from disc: [fhir_save()] and [fhir_load()]
#' - Flattening the bundles: [fhir_crack()]
#' @importFrom lifecycle deprecated
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' #the try({}, silent = TRUE) statement is only there to catch errors when the server is down
#' #you can skip it when the server is reachable
#' try({
#' ### Search with GET
#' #create fhir search url
#' request <- fhir_url(url = "https://server.fire.ly",
#'                     resource = "Patient",
#'                     parameters = c(gender="female"))
#' #download bundles
#' bundles <- fhir_search(request, max_bundles = 5)
#' ### Search with POST (should actually be used for longer requests)
#' request <- fhir_url(url = "https://server.fire.ly",
#'                     resource = "Patient")
#' body <- fhir_body(content = list(gender = "female"))
#' bundles <- fhir_search(request = request,
#'                        body = body,
#'                        max_bundles = 5)
#'  }, silent = TRUE)
#'  }

fhir_search <- function(
	request                = fhir_current_request(),
	body                   = NULL,
	username               = NULL,
	password               = NULL,
	token                  = NULL,
	add_headers 	       = NULL,
	max_bundles            = Inf,
	verbose                = 1,
	delay_between_attempts = c(1, 3, 9, 27, 81),
	log_errors             = NULL,
	save_to_disc           = NULL,
	delay_between_bundles  = 0,
	rm_tag                 = "div",
	max_attempts           = deprecated()
) {
	if(lifecycle::is_present(max_attempts)) {
			when = "2.0.0",
			what = "fhir_search(max_attempts)",
			details = "The number of maximal attempts is now controlled by the length of the argument delay_between_attempts."

	if(is.null(request)) {
			"You have not provided a FHIR search request and there is no ",
			"current search request fhir_search() can fall back to. See documentation ",
			"for fhir_current_request()"

	#Extract base URL
	base <- stringr::str_match(request, ".*?:\\/\\/.*?\\/")

	#preparation for POST vs. GET
	if(!is.null(body)) {
		if(grepl("\\?", request)) {#if there are any params in the URL, move them to body
			params <- stringr::str_match(request, "(?<=\\?).+")[1]
			request <- stringr::str_remove(request,"\\?.*")
			body@content <- paste(body@content, params, sep = "&")
			# stop(
			# 	"The url in argument request should only consist of base url and resource type. ",
			# 	"The one you provided has a `?` which indicates the presence of parameters. ",
			# 	"If your request just ends with a `?`, please remove it to remove this error.\n",
			# 	"If you want to perform search via GET, please set body to NULL."
			# )
		if(!grepl("_search", request)) {request <- paste(request, "_search", sep = "/")}

		#convert body to appropriate class
		if(is.character(body)) {
			body <- fhir_body(content = body, type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
		} else if(is(body, "fhir_body")) {
			if(body@type != "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") {
				stop("The (content) type of the body for a search via POST must be `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`")
		} else {
			stop("The body must be either of type character or of class fhir_body")

		#startup message
		if(0 < verbose) {
				"Initializing search via POST from FHIR base URL ",
	} else if(0 < verbose) {
			"Starting download of ",
			if(max_bundles < Inf) {max_bundles} else {"all"},
			" bundles of resource type ",
			stringr::str_extract(request, "(?<=/)([^/\\?]*)(?=\\?|$)"),
			" from FHIR base URL ",
		if(9 < max_bundles) {message("This may take a while...")}

	bundles <- list()
	addr <- fhir_url(url = request)

	#download bundles
	cnt <- 0
	repeat {
		cnt <- cnt + 1
		if(1 < verbose) {message("bundle[", cnt, "]", appendLF = FALSE)}

		bundle <- get_bundle(
			request = addr,
			body = body,
			username = username,
			password = password,
			token = token,
			add_headers = add_headers,
			verbose = verbose,
			max_attempts = max_attempts,
			delay_between_attempts = delay_between_attempts,
			log_errors = log_errors,
			rm_tag = rm_tag

		if(is.null(bundle)) {
			if(0 < verbose) {
				message("Download interrupted.")

		if(!is.null(save_to_disc)) {
			if (!dir.exists(save_to_disc)) {
				dir.create(path = save_to_disc, recursive = TRUE)
				x    = bundle,
				file = pastep(save_to_disc, cnt, ext = ".xml")
		} else {
			bundles[[length(bundles) + 1]] <- bundle
		if(cnt == max_bundles) { #stop because max_bundles is reached
			if(0 < verbose) {
				if(0 < length(bundle@next_link)) {
						"\nDownload completed. Number of downloaded bundles was limited to ",
						" bundles, this is less than the total number of bundles available."
					assign(x = "last_next_link", value = bundle@next_link, envir = fhircrackr_env)
				} else {
					message("\nDownload completed. All available bundles were downloaded.")
		} else { #finished because there are no more bundles
			assign(x = "last_next_link", value = new("fhir_url"), envir = fhircrackr_env)

		if(length(bundle@next_link) == 0) {
			if(0 < verbose) {
				message("\nDownload completed. All available bundles were downloaded.")

		if(grepl("^/", bundle@next_link)){#when next links are relative
			addr <- paste0(base,
						   stringr::str_sub(bundle@next_link, start = 2))
			addr <- bundle@next_link

		if(0 < delay_between_bundles) {

	fhircrackr_env$current_request <- request

	if(is.null(save_to_disc)) {fhir_bundle_list(bundles)} else {NULL} #brauchts eigentlich auch nicht

#' Next Bundle's URL
#' @description fhir_next_bundle_url() gives the link to the next available bundle, either of the bundle
#' you provided in the argument `bundle` or of the last call to [fhir_search()], if `bundle=NULL` (the default).
#' This function is useful when you don't have a lot of memory available or when a download of bundles was
#' interrupted for some reason. In case of small memory, you can use `fhir_next_bundle_url` together with the
#' `max_bundle` argument from [fhir_search()] to download bundles in smaller batches in a loop.
#' See details in the example.
#' @param bundle The bundle from which you wish to extract the next link. If this is `NULL` (the default), the function will
#' extract the next link from the last bundle that was downloaded in the most recent call to [fhir_search()].
#' @return A [fhir_url-class] object referencing next bundle available on the FHIR server.
#' Empty [fhir_url-class] / character vector, if no further bundle is available.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' #' #the try({}, silent = TRUE) statement is only there to catch errors when the server is down
#' #you can skip it when the server is reachable
#' try({
#' # workflow for small memory environments, downloading small batches of bundles
#' # for really small memory environments consider also using the `_count` option in
#' # your FHIR search request.
#' # You can iteratively download, crack and save the bundles until all bundles are processed or the
#' # desired number of bundles is reached.
#' url <- fhir_url("https://server.fire.ly/Patient")
#' count <- 0
#' obs <- fhir_table_description(resource = "Patient")
#' design <- fhir_design(obs)
#' while(length(url)>0 && count < 5){
#' 	 bundles <- fhir_search(url, max_bundles = 2)
#' 	 tables <- fhir_crack(bundles, design)
#'   save(tables, file = paste0(tempdir(),"/table_", count, ".RData"))
#'   count <- count + 1
#'   url <- fhir_next_bundle_url()
#' }
#' #you can see the saved tables here:
#' dir(tempdir())
#' }, silent = TRUE)
fhir_next_bundle_url <- function(bundle = NULL) {

	if(!is.null(bundle)) {

		if(!is(bundle, "fhir_bundle")) {
			stop("bundle must be an object of type fhir_bundle")

		if(is(bundle, "fhir_bundle_xml")) {
		} else {
			b <- fhir_unserialize(b)

	} else {

#' Return FHIR search request used in last call to [fhir_search()] or [fhir_url()]
#' @return An object of class [fhir_url()]
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' #the try({}, silent = TRUE) statement is only there to catch errors when the server is down
#' #you can skip it when the server is reachable
#' try({
#' request <- fhir_url(url = "https://server.fire.ly", resource = "Patient")
#' fhir_current_request()
#' fhir_search("https://server.fire.ly/Medication", max_bundles = 1)
#' fhir_current_request()
#' },silent = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export

fhir_current_request <- function() {

#' Return most recent http error from [fhir_search()]
#' Whenever a call to [fhir_search()] produces any http error, the error information is saved internally
#' until the next http error occurs (or the R session ends). The error information can be accessed with `fhir_recent_http_error`.
#' If you want to log that information outside of your R session, set the argument `log_errors` of [fhir_search()] .
#' @return A string containing the error message
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' fhir_search("https://server.fire.ly/Medicatio", max_bundles = 1)
#' cat(fhir_recent_http_error())
#' }
#' @seealso [fhir_search()]
#' @export

fhir_recent_http_error <- function() {

#' Get capability statement
#' @description Get the capability statement of a FHIR server.
#' This function downloads a capability statement and creates three data.frames from it:
#' - `Meta` contains general information on the server
#' - `Rest` contains information on the Rest operations the server supports
#' - `Resources` contains information on the supported resource types
#' When there is more than one piece of information regarding a variable in these data.frames,
#' they are divided by the string specified in `sep`. If `brackets` is not NULL, those entries
#' will also be assigned indices so you can melt them using [fhir_melt()].
#' @param url The base URL of the FHIR server.
#' @param username A character vector of length one containing the username for basic authentication. Defaults to NULL, meaning no authentication.
#' @param password A character vector of length one containing the password for basic authentication. Defaults to NULL, meaning no authentication.
#' @param token A character vector of length one or object of class [httr::Token-class], for bearer token authentication (e.g. OAuth2). See [fhir_authenticate()]
#' for how to create this.
#' @param add_headers A named character vector of custom headers to add to the HTTP request, e.g. `c(myHeader = "somevalue")` or
#' `c(firstHeader = "value1", secondHeader = "value2")`.
#' @param sep A character vector of length one to separate pasted multiple entries
#' @param brackets A character vector of length two defining the brackets surrounding indices for multiple entries, e.g. `c( "[", "]")`. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' If `NULL`, no indices will be added to multiple entries.
#' @param log_errors Either `NULL` or a character vector of length one indicating the name of a file in which to save the http errors.
#' `NULL` means no error logging. When a file name is provided, the errors are saved in the specified file. Defaults to `NULL`
#' @param verbose `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#' @return A list of data frames containing the information from the statement
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #without indices
#' cap <- fhir_capability_statement(url = "https://server.fire.ly")
#' #with indices
#' cap <- fhir_capability_statement(url = "https://server.fire.ly",
#'                                  brackets = c("[","]"),
#'                                  sep = " || ")
#' #melt searchInclude variable
#' resources <- fhir_melt(cap$Resources,
#'                        columns = "searchInclude",
#'                        brackets = c("[", "]"),
#'                        sep = " || ",
#'                        all_columns = FALSE)
#' #remove indices
#' resources <- fhir_rm_indices(resources, brackets = c("[", "]"))
#' head(resources)

fhir_capability_statement <- function(
	url = "https://hapi.fhir.org/baseR4",
	username = NULL,
	password = NULL,
	token = NULL,
	add_headers = NULL,
	brackets = NULL,
	sep = " ::: ",
	log_errors = NULL,
	verbose = deprecated()) {

		lifecycle::deprecate_warn(when = "2.0.0", what = "fhir_capability_statement(verbose)")

	resource <- NULL #To stop "no visible binding" NOTE in check()

	use_indices <- FALSE
	if(!is.null(brackets)) {
		bra <- brackets[1]
		ket <- brackets[2]
		use_indices <- TRUE

	auth <- auth_helper(username = username, password = password, token = token)

	response <- try(httr::GET(
		url = pastep(url, "metadata?"),
		config = httr::add_headers(
			Accept = "application/fhir+xml",
			Authorization = auth$token,
			.headers = add_headers
	), silent = TRUE)

	#check for http errors
	check_response(response = response, log_errors = log_errors)

	#extract payload
	payload <- httr::content(x = response, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
	xml <- xml2::read_xml(x = payload)
	xml <- fhir_ns_strip(xml)

	xml_meta <- xml2::xml_new_root(.value = xml, .copy = TRUE)
	xml2::xml_remove(.x = xml2::xml_find_all(x = xml_meta, xpath = "/CapabilityStatement/rest"))

	xml_rest <- xml2::xml_new_root(.value = xml, .copy = TRUE)
	xml2::xml_remove(.x = xml2::xml_find_all(x = xml_rest, xpath = "/CapabilityStatement/rest/resource"))

	#### META ####
	META <- data.table(
		node   = xml2::xml_find_all(
	(META[, path     := xml2::xml_path(node) |> busg('/CapabilityStatement/', '')|> busg('([^]])/', '\\1[1]/')] # add missing indices
		[, value    := xml2::xml_text(node)] # get value
		[, path     := path |> busg('@.*', '')] # remove attribute from path
		#[, spath    := path |> busg('^[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/]+/','')] # remove 'Bundle/entry/resource' from paths
		[, xpath    := path |> busg('\\[[0-9]+]*/', '/') |> busg('\\/$', '')]
		[, column   := xpath |> busg('/', '.')]
	if(use_indices) {
		META <- (META[, id := path |> busg('[^0-9]+', '.') |> busg('(^\\.)|(\\.$)', '')][, paste0(bra, id, ket, value, collapse = sep), by='column'] |>
				 	 data.table::transpose(make.names = 'column'))
	} else {
		META <- (META[, paste0(value, collapse = sep), by='column'] |> data.table::transpose(make.names = 'column'))

	#### REST ####
	REST <- data.table(
		node   = xml2::xml_find_all(
	(REST[, path     := xml2::xml_path(node) |> busg('/CapabilityStatement/', '')|> busg('([^]])/', '\\1[1]/')] # add missing indices
		[, value    := xml2::xml_text(node)] # get value
		[, path     := path |> busg('@.*', '')] # remove attribute from path
		[, spath    := path |> busg('^[^/]+/','')] # remove 'rest' from paths
		[, xpath    := spath |> busg('\\[[0-9]+]*/', '/') |> busg('\\/$', '')]
		[, column   := xpath |> busg('/', '.')]
	if(use_indices) {
		REST<- (REST[, id := spath |> busg('[^0-9]+', '.') |> busg('(^\\.)|(\\.$)', '')][, paste0(bra, id, ket, value, collapse = sep), by='column'] |>
					 data.table::transpose(make.names = 'column'))
	} else {
		REST <- (REST[, paste0(value, collapse = sep), by='column'] |>  data.table::transpose(make.names = 'column'))

	#### RECOURCE ####
	RESOURCE <- data.table(
		node   = xml2::xml_find_all(
	(RESOURCE[, path     := xml2::xml_path(node) |> busg('/CapabilityStatement/', '')|> busg('([^]])/', '\\1[1]/')] # add missing indices
		[, value    := xml2::xml_text(node)] # get value
		[, path     := path |> busg('@.*', '')] # remove attribute from path
		[, path     := path |> busg('rest\\[([0-9]+)]/', '')] #remove rest[1] from path
		[, resource    := path |> busg('resource\\[([0-9]+)].*', '\\1') |> as.integer()] # enumerate resource
		[, spath    := path |> busg('^[^/]+/','')] # remove 'rest/resource' from paths
		[, xpath    := spath |> busg('\\[[0-9]+]*/', '/') |> busg('\\/$', '')]
		[, column   := xpath |> busg('/', '.')]
	if(use_indices) {
		RESOURCE<- (RESOURCE[, id := spath |> busg('[^0-9]+', '.') |> busg('(^\\.)|(\\.$)', '')][, paste0(bra, id, ket, value, collapse = sep), by=c('resource', 'column')] |>
					dcast(resource ~ column, value.var = 'V1'))[,-c('resource')]
	} else {
		RESOURCE <- (RESOURCE[, paste0(value, collapse = sep), by=c('resource', 'column')] |> dcast(resource ~ column, value.var = 'V1'))[,-c('resource')]

	list(Meta = META, Rest = REST, Resources = RESOURCE)

####Saving Bundles####

#' Save FHIR bundles as xml-files
#' @description Writes a list of FHIR bundles as numbered xml files into a directory.
#' @param bundles A list of xml objects representing the FHIR bundles.
#' @param directory A character vector of length one containing the path to the folder to store the data in.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #unserialize example bundle
#' bundles <- fhir_unserialize(medication_bundles)
#' #save all bundles to temporary directory
#' fhir_save(bundles, directory = tempdir())
#' #save only two bundles (the second and the third) to temporary directory
#' fhir_save(bundles[c(2,3)], directory = tempdir())

fhir_save <- function(bundles, directory) {

	w <- 1 + floor(log10(length(bundles)))

	if(!dir.exists(directory)) {

		dir.create(path = directory, recursive = TRUE)

	for(n in seq_len(length(bundles))) {

			x    = bundles[[n]],
			file = pastep(
				stringr::str_pad(n, width = w, pad = "0"),
				ext =  ".xml"

#' Load bundles from xml-files
#' @description Reads all bundles stored as xml files from a directory.
#' @param directory A character vector of length one containing the path to the folder were the files are stored.
#' @param indices A numeric vector of integers indicating which bundles from the specified directory should be loaded. Defaults to NULL meaning all bundles from the directory are loaded.
#' @param pattern A character vector of length one with a regex expression defining the naming pattern of the xml files
#' to be read. Defaults to the regex expression matching file names as produced by [fhir_save()].
#' @return A [fhir_bundle_list-class].
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #unserialize example bundle
#' bundles <- fhir_unserialize(medication_bundles)
#' length(bundles)
#' #save to temporary directory
#' dir <- tempdir()
#' fhir_save(bundles, directory = dir)
#' #load from temporary directory
#' loaded_bundles <- fhir_load(dir)
#' length(loaded_bundles)
#' #load only two, the second and the third bundle
#' loaded_bundles <- fhir_load(dir, indices = c(2,3))
#' length(loaded_bundles)

fhir_load <- function(directory, indices = NULL, pattern = '^[0-9]+\\.xml$') {

	if(!dir.exists(directory)) {

		warning("Cannot find the specified directory.")


	files <- grep(pattern, dir(directory), value = T)

	if(is.null(indices)) {

		indices <- seq_along(files)

	if(any(indices > length(files))){stop("Indices are greater than number of files available in the directory")}

	chosen.files <- files[indices]

	if(length(chosen.files) < 1) {

		warning("Cannot find any xml-files in the specified directory.")


		bundles = lapply(
			function(x) {
				xml2::read_xml(pastep(directory, x))

#' Serialize a [fhir_bundle-class], [fhir_bundle_list-class] or [fhir_resource-class]
#' @description Serializes FHIR bundles or resources to allow for saving in .rda or .RData format without losing integrity of pointers
#' i.e. it turns a [fhir_bundle_xml-class]/[fhir_resource_xml-class] object into an [fhir_bundle_serialized-class]/[fhir_resource_serialized-class] object.
#' @param bundles A [fhir_bundle-class], [fhir_bundle_list-class] or [fhir_resource-class] object.
#' @return A  [fhir_bundle_xml-class], [fhir_bundle_list-class] or [fhir_resource_xml-class]  object.
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname fhir_serialize-methods
#' @examples
#' #example bundles are serialized, unserialize like this:
#' bundles <- fhir_unserialize(medication_bundles)
#' #Serialize like this:
#' bundles_for_saving <- fhir_serialize(bundles)
#' #works also on single bundles
#' fhir_serialize(bundles[[1]])

	name = "fhir_serialize",
	def = function(bundles) {

#' @rdname fhir_serialize-methods
#' @aliases fhir_serialize,fhir_bundle_xml-method
	f = "fhir_serialize",
	signature = c(bundles = "fhir_bundle_xml"),
	definition = function(bundles) {
		fhir_bundle_serialized(bundle = xml2::xml_serialize(object = bundles, connection = NULL))

#' @rdname fhir_serialize-methods
#' @aliases fhir_serialize,fhir_bundle_serialized-method
	f = "fhir_serialize",
	signature = c(bundles = "fhir_bundle_serialized"),
	definition = function(bundles) {

#' @rdname fhir_serialize-methods
#' @aliases fhir_serialize,fhir_bundle_list-method
	f = "fhir_serialize",
	signature = c(bundles = "fhir_bundle_list"),
	definition = function(bundles) {
		if(is(bundles[[1]], "fhir_bundle_xml")) {
					connection = NULL
		} else {

#' @rdname fhir_serialize-methods
#' @aliases fhir_serialize,fhir_resource_xml-method
	f = "fhir_serialize",
	signature = c(bundles = "fhir_resource_xml"),
	definition = function(bundles) {
		fhir_resource_serialized(resource = xml2::xml_serialize(object = bundles, connection = NULL))

#' @rdname fhir_serialize-methods
#' @aliases fhir_serialize,fhir_resource_serialized-method
	f = "fhir_serialize",
	signature = c(bundles = "fhir_resource_serialized"),
	definition = function(bundles) {

#' Unserialize a [fhir_bundle-class], [fhir_bundle_list-class] or [fhir_resource-class]
#' @description Unserializes FHIR resources or bundles that have been serialized to allow for saving in .rda or .RData format,
#' i.e. it turns a [fhir_bundle_serialized-class]/[fhir_resource_serialized-class] object into an [fhir_bundle_xml-class]/[fhir_resource_xml-class] object.
#' @param bundles A [fhir_bundle-class], [fhir_bundle_list-class] or [fhir_resource-class] object.
#' @return A  [fhir_bundle_serialized-class], [fhir_bundle_list-class] or [fhir_resource_serialized-class]object.
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname fhir_unserialize-methods
#' @examples
#' #unserialize bundle list
#' fhir_unserialize(patient_bundles)
#' #unserialize single bundle
#' fhir_unserialize(patient_bundles[[1]])
#' @include fhir_bundle.R fhir_bundle_list.R

	name = "fhir_unserialize",
	def = function(bundles) {
#		standardGeneric(f = "fhir_unserialize")

#' @rdname fhir_unserialize-methods
#' @aliases fhir_unserialize,fhir_bundle_xml-method
	f = "fhir_unserialize",
	signature = c(bundles = "fhir_bundle_xml"),
	definition = function(bundles) {

#' @rdname fhir_unserialize-methods
#' @aliases fhir_unserialize,fhir_bundle_serialized-method
	f = "fhir_unserialize",
	signature = c(bundles = "fhir_bundle_serialized"),
	definition = function(bundles) {
		b <- xml2::xml_unserialize(connection = bundles)
		fhir_bundle_xml(bundle = b)

#' @rdname fhir_unserialize-methods
#' @aliases fhir_unserialize,fhir_resource_xml-method
	f = "fhir_unserialize",
	signature = c(bundles = "fhir_resource_xml"),
	definition = function(bundles) {

#' @rdname fhir_unserialize-methods
#' @aliases fhir_unserialize,fhir_resource_serialized-method
	f = "fhir_unserialize",
	signature = c(bundles = "fhir_resource_serialized"),
	definition = function(bundles) {
		b <- xml2::xml_unserialize(connection = bundles)

#' @rdname fhir_unserialize-methods
#' @aliases fhir_unserialize,fhir_bundle_list-method
	f = "fhir_unserialize",
	signature = c(bundles = "fhir_bundle_list"),
	definition = function(bundles) {
		if(is(bundles[[1]], "fhir_bundle_xml")){
		} else {
			fhir_bundle_list(lapply(bundles, xml2::xml_unserialize))

#' Create token for Authentication
#' @description
#' This function is a wrapper to create an [httr::Token] object for authentication with OAuth2/OpenID Connect.
#' Internally, it calls [httr::oauth_app()], [httr::oauth_endpoint()] and [httr::oauth2.0_token()] to create a token that can
#' then be used in [fhir_search].
#' @param key Consumer key, also called client ID.
#' For Keycloak this would for instance be the Keycloak client, e.g. "postman".
#' @param secret The consumer/client secret, belonging to `key`.
#' @param base_url The URL the user will be redirected to after authorization is complete.
#' This will usually be the base url of you FHIR server.
#' @param authorize The url to send the client for authorization.
#' @param access The url used to exchange unauthenticated for authenticated token.
#' This can be identical to `authorize`.
#' @param query_authorize_extra A named list holding query parameters to append to initial auth page query.
#' Could hold info about user identity and scope for keycloak like this:
#' ```
#' list(scope = "openid",
#'      grant_type = "password",
#'      username = "fhir-user",
#'      password = "fhirtest")
#' ```
#' @export

fhir_authenticate <- function(
	query_authorize_extra = list()) {

	#Initialize app
	app <- httr::oauth_app(
		appname = key,#could be any name
		key = key,
		secret = secret,
		redirect_uri = base_url
	#set endpoint
	endpoint <- httr::oauth_endpoint(access = access, authorize = authorize)
	#Create Token
	t_ <- httr::oauth2.0_token(
		endpoint = endpoint,
		app = app,
		client_credentials = TRUE,
		cache = FALSE,
		query_authorize_extra = query_authorize_extra
	if(names(t_$credentials)[1] == "error") {
			"The token could not be created.\n\n",
			"Error code: ", t_$credentials$error, "\n",
			"Error description: ", t_$credentials$error_description, "\n")



#' Download single FHIR bundle
#' @description Download a single FHIR bundle via FHIR search request and return it as a xml object.
#' @param request An object of class [fhir_search_url-class] or character vector of length one containing the full FHIR search request.
#' @param username A character vector of length one containing the username for basic authentication. Defaults to NULL, meaning no authentication.
#' @param password A character vector of length one containing the password for basic authentication. Defaults to NULL, meaning no authentication.
#' @param token The token for token based auth, either a string or a httr token object
#' @param add_headers A named character vector of custom headers to add to the HTTP request, e.g. `c(myHeader = "somevalue")` or
#' `c(firstHeader = "value1", secondHeader = "value2")`.
#' @param max_attempts Deprecated. The number of maximal attempts is determined by the length of `delay_between_attempts`
#' @param verbose An integer scalar. If > 1,  Downloading progress is printed. Defaults to 2.
#' @param delay_between_attempts A numeric vector specifying the delay in seconds between attempts of reaching the server
#' that `fhir_search()` will make. The length of this vector determines the number of attempts that will be made before stopping with an error.
#' Defaults to `c(1,3,9,27,81)`.
#' @param log_errors Either `NULL` or a character vector of length one indicating the name of a file in which to save the http errors.
#' `NULL` means no error logging. When a file name is provided, the errors are saved in the specified file. Defaults to `NULL`
#' @return The downloaded bundle as an [fhir_bundle_xml-class].
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' #' #the try({}, silent = TRUE) statement is only there to catch errors when the server is down
#' #you can skip it when the server is reachable
#' try({
#' bundle<-fhircrackr:::get_bundle(request = "https://hapi.fhir.org/baseR4/Patient?")
#' }, silent = TRUE)
#' }

get_bundle <- function(
	body = NULL,
	username = NULL,
	password = NULL,
	token = NULL,
	add_headers = NULL,
	verbose = 2,
	max_attempts = NULL,
	delay_between_attempts = c(1,3,9,27,81),
	log_errors = NULL,
	rm_tag = "div") {

	#download response
	for(n in seq_along(delay_between_attempts)) {
		if(1 < verbose) {message("(", n, "): ", request)}

		auth <- auth_helper(username = username, password = password, token = token)

		#paging is implemented differently for Hapi/Vonk When initial request is POST
		#VonK: Next-Links have to be POSTed, Hapi: Next-Links have to be GETed
		#search via POST
		if(grepl("_search", request)) {
			if(grepl("_search\\?.+", request)){#when the next link has parameters (e.g. _count), move them to body
				params <- paste0("&",stringr::str_match(request, "(?<=\\?).+")[1])
				request <- stringr::str_remove(request,"\\?.*")
				params <- NULL
			response <- try(httr::POST(
				url = request,
				config = httr::add_headers(
					Accept = "application/fhir+xml",
					Authorization = auth$token,
					.headers = add_headers
				httr::content_type(type = body@type),
				body = paste(unique(strsplit(paste0(body@content, params), "&")[[1]]), collapse = "&") #gets rid of double params
			), silent = TRUE)

		} else {#search via GET
			response <- try(httr::GET(
				url = request,
				config = httr::add_headers(
					Accept = "application/fhir+xml",
					Authorization = auth$token,
					.headers = add_headers
			), silent = TRUE)
		#check for errors
		check_response(response = response, log_errors = log_errors)

		#extract payload
		payload <- try(httr::content(x = response, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8"), silent = TRUE)
		if(class(payload)[1] != "try-error") {
			xml <- try(xml2::read_xml(x = payload), silent = TRUE)
			if(class(xml)[1] != "try-error") {
				bundle <- fhir_bundle_xml(bundle = xml)
				if(!is.null(rm_tag)){bundle <- fhir_rm_tag(x = bundle, tag = rm_tag)}

#'log the error message of a http response
#' @param response A http response
#' @param log_errors A character vector of length one indicating the name of a file in which to save the http errors.
#' @param append Append to existing file?
#' @noRd
error_to_file <- function(response, log_errors, append) {
	payload <- httr::content(x = response, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
	write(x = payload, file = log_errors, append = append)
#' Check http response
#' Checks the http response and issues an error or warning if necessary
#' @param response A http response
#' @param log_errors Either `NULL` or a character vector of length one indicating the name of a file in which to save the http errors.
#' `NULL` means no error logging. When a file name is provided, the errors are saved in the specified file.
#' @param append Append message to existing file? Defaults to FALSE
#' @noRd
check_response <- function(response, log_errors, append = FALSE) {

	#Error in curl
	if(is(response, "try-error")){
			write(x = response, file = log_errors)
			stop("The server could not be reached:\n", response, ".\n",
				 "This has been logged in the generated error file.")
			stop("The server could not be reached:\n", response, ".\n")

	#http error
	code <- response$status_code
	if(code >= 400){
		fhircrackr_env$recent_http_error <- httr::content(x = response, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
	if(code >= 400 && !is.null(log_errors)) {
		error_to_file(response = response, log_errors = log_errors, append = append)
	if(code == 400) {
		if (!is.null(log_errors)) {
				"HTTP code 400 - This can be caused by an invalid request or a server issue. ",
				"For more information see the generated error file."
		} else {
				"HTTP code 400 - This can be caused by an invalid request or a server issue. ",
				"To print more detailed error information, run fhir_recent_http_error() or set argument log_errors to a filename and rerun you request."
	if(code == 401) {
		if(!is.null(log_errors)) {
			stop("HTTP code 401 - Authentication needed. For more information see the generated error file.")
		} else {
				"HTTP code 401 - Authentication needed. To print more detailed error information,",
				"run fhir_recent_http_error() or set argument log_errors to a filename and rerun you request."
	if(code == 404) {
		if(!is.null(log_errors)) {
			stop("HTTP code 404 - Not found. Did you misspell the resource? For more information see the generated error file.")
		} else {
				"HTTP code 404 - Not found. Did you misspell the resource? To print more detailed error information, ",
				"run fhir_recent_http_error() or set argument log_errors to a filename and rerun you request."
	if(300 <= code && code < 400) {
		if(!is.null(log_errors)) {
				"Your request generated a HTTP code ",
				". For more information see the generated error file ."
		} else {
				"Your request generated a HTTP code ",
				". To print more detailed error information, run fhir_recent_http_error() or set argument log_errors to a filename and rerun you request.")
	if(400 <= code && code < 500) {
		if(!is.null(log_errors)) {
				"Your request generated a client error, HTTP code ",
				". For more information see the generated error file."
		} else {
				"Your request generated a client error, HTTP code ",
				". To print more detailed error information, run fhir_recent_http_error() or set argument log_errors to a filename and rerun you request."
	if(500 <= code && code < 600) {
		if(!is.null(log_errors)) {
				"Your request generated a server error, HTTP code ",
				". For more information see the generated error file."
		} else {
				"Your request generated a server error, HTTP code ",
				". To print more detailed error information, run fhir_recent_http_error() or set argument log_errors to a filename and rerun you request."

Try the fhircrackr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

fhircrackr documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 8:33 p.m.