
Defines functions aggregate.fixest sunab_att sunab

Documented in aggregate.fixest sunab sunab_att

# Author: Laurent Berge
# Date creation: Thu Apr 29 11:24:49 2021
# ~: DiD functions

#' Sun and Abraham interactions
#' User-level method to implement staggered difference-in-difference estimations a la Sun 
#' and Abraham (Journal of Econometrics, 2021).
#' @param cohort A vector representing the cohort. It should represent the period at 
#' which the treatment has been received (and thus be fixed for each unit).
#' @param period A vector representing the period. It can be either a relative time period 
#' (with negative values representing the before the treatment and positive values 
#' after the treatment), or a regular time period. In the latter case, the relative 
#' time period will be created from the cohort information (which represents the time at 
#' which the treatment has been received).
#' @param ref.c A vector of references for the cohort. By default the never treated 
#' cohorts are taken as reference and the always treated are excluded from the estimation. 
#' You can add more references with this argument, which means that dummies will not be 
#' created for them (but they will remain in the estimation).
#' @param ref.p A vector of references for the (relative!) period. By default the 
#' first relative period (RP) before the treatment, i.e. -1, is taken as reference. 
#' You can instead use your own references (i.e. RPs for which dummies will not be 
#' created -- but these observations remain in the sample). Please note that you will 
#' need at least two references. You can use the special variables `.F` and `.L` to 
#' access the first and the last relative periods.
#' @param att Logical, default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE`: then the total average treatment 
#' effect for the treated is computed (instead of the ATT for each relative period).
#' @param no_agg Logical, default is `FALSE`. If `TRUE`: then there is no aggregation, 
#' leading to the estimation of all `cohort x time to treatment` coefficients.
#' @param bin A list of values to be grouped, a vector, or the special value `"bin::digit"`. 
#' The binning will be applied to both the cohort and the period (to bin them separately, 
#' see `bin.c` and `bin.p`). To create a new value from old values, 
#' use `bin = list("new_value"=old_values)` with `old_values` a vector of 
#' existing values. It accepts regular expressions, but they must start with an `"@"`, 
#' like in `bin="@Aug|Dec"`. The names of the list are the new names. If the new 
#' name is missing, the first value matched becomes the new name. Feeding in a vector is 
#' like using a list without name and only a single element. If the vector is numeric, 
#' you can use the special value `"bin::digit"` to group every `digit` element. 
#' For example if `x` represent years, using `bin="bin::2"` create bins of two years. 
#' Using `"!bin::digit"` groups every digit consecutive values starting from the first value. 
#' Using `"!!bin::digit"` is the same bu starting from the last value. In both cases, 
#' `x` is not required to be numeric.
#' @param bin.rel A list or a vector defining which values to bin. Only applies to the 
#' relative periods and *not* the cohorts. Please refer to the help of the argument 
#' `bin` to understand the different ways to do the binning (or look at the help 
#' of [`bin`]).
#' @param bin.c A list or a vector defining which values to bin. Only applies to the cohort. 
#' Please refer to the help of the argument `bin` to understand the different ways to 
#' do the binning (or look at the help of [`bin`]).
#' @param bin.p A list or a vector defining which values to bin. Only applies to the period. 
#' Please refer to the help of the argument `bin` to understand the different ways to 
#' do the binning (or look at the help of [`bin`]).
#' @details
#' This function creates a matrix of `cohort x relative_period` interactions, and if used within 
#' a `fixest` estimation, the coefficients will automatically be aggregated to obtain the ATT 
#' for each relative period. In practice, the coefficients are aggregated with the 
#' [`aggregate.fixest`] function whose argument `agg` is automatically set to the appropriate 
#' value.
#' The SA method requires relative periods (negative/positive for before/after the treatment). 
#' Either the user can compute the RP (relative periods) by his/her own, either the RPs 
#' are computed on the fly from the periods and the cohorts (which then should represent 
#' the treatment period).
#' The never treated, which are the cohorts displaying only negative RPs are used as references 
#' (i.e. no dummy will be constructed for them). On the other hand, the always treated are 
#' removed from the estimation, by means of adding NAs for each of their observations.
#' If the RPs have to be constructed on the fly, any cohort that is not present in the 
#' period is considered as never treated. This means that if the period ranges from 
#' 1995 to 2005, `cohort = 1994` will be considered as never treated, although it 
#' should be considered as always treated: so be careful.
#' If you construct your own relative periods, the controls cohorts should have only negative RPs.
#' @section Binning:
#' You can bin periods with the arguments `bin`, `bin.c`, `bin.p` and/or `bin.rel`.
#' The argument `bin` applies both to the original periods and cohorts (the cohorts will also 
#' be binned!). This argument only works when the `period` represent "calendar" periods 
#' (not relative ones!).
#' Alternatively you can bin the periods with `bin.p` (either "calendar" or relative); or 
#' the cohorts with `bin.c`.
#' The argument `bin.rel` applies only to the relative periods (hence not to the cohorts) once 
#' they have been created.
#' To understand how binning works, please have a look at the help and examples of the 
#' function [`bin`].
#' Binning can be done in many different ways: just remember that it is not because it is 
#' possible that it does makes sense!
#' @author
#' Laurent Berge
#' @return
#' If not used within a `fixest` estimation, this function will return a matrix of 
#' interacted coefficients.
#' @examples
#' # Simple DiD example
#' data(base_stagg)
#' head(base_stagg)
#' # Note that the year_treated is set to 1000 for the never treated
#' table(base_stagg$year_treated)
#' table(base_stagg$time_to_treatment)
#' # The DiD estimation
#' res_sunab = feols(y ~ x1 + sunab(year_treated, year) | id + year, base_stagg)
#' etable(res_sunab)
#' # By default the reference periods are the first year and the year before the treatment
#' # i.e. ref.p = c(-1, .F); where .F is a shortcut for the first period.
#' # Say you want to set as references the first three periods on top of -1
#' res_sunab_3ref = feols(y ~ x1 + sunab(year_treated, year, ref.p = c(.F + 0:2, -1)) |
#'                          id + year, base_stagg)
#' # Display the two results
#' iplot(list(res_sunab, res_sunab_3ref))
#' # ... + show all refs
#' iplot(list(res_sunab, res_sunab_3ref), ref = "all")
#' #
#' # ATT
#' #
#' # To get the total ATT, you can use summary with the agg argument:
#' summary(res_sunab, agg = "ATT")
#' # You can also look at the total effect per cohort
#' summary(res_sunab, agg = "cohort")
#' #
#' # Binning
#' #
#' # Binning can be done in many different ways
#' # binning the cohort
#' est_bin.c   = feols(y ~ x1 + sunab(year_treated, year, bin.c = 3:2) | id + year, base_stagg)
#' # binning the period
#' est_bin.p   = feols(y ~ x1 + sunab(year_treated, year, bin.p = 3:1) | id + year, base_stagg)
#' # binning both the cohort and the period
#' est_bin     = feols(y ~ x1 + sunab(year_treated, year, bin = 3:1) | id + year, base_stagg)
#' # binning the relative period, grouping every two years
#' est_bin.rel = feols(y ~ x1 + sunab(year_treated, year, bin.rel = "bin::2") | id + year, base_stagg)
#' etable(est_bin.c, est_bin.p, est_bin, est_bin.rel, keep = "year")
sunab = function(cohort, period, ref.c = NULL, ref.p = -1, bin, bin.rel, 
                 bin.c, bin.p, att = FALSE, no_agg = FALSE){
  # LATER:
  # - add id or indiv argument, just to remove always treated
  # - add argument bin.p

  check_arg(cohort, "mbt vector")
  check_arg(period, "mbt vector len(data)", .data = cohort)
  check_arg(ref.c, "NULL vector no na")
  check_arg(att, no_agg, "logical scalar")
  check_arg(bin, bin.c, bin.p, bin.rel, "NULL list | vector")

  cohort_name = deparse_long(substitute(cohort))
  period_name = deparse_long(substitute(period))
  period_name = gsub("^[[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]_\\.]*\\$", "", period_name)

  # Finding out what kind of data that is

  is_bin = !missnull(bin)
  is_bin.c = !missnull(bin.c)
  is_bin.p = !missnull(bin.p)

  if(is_bin && (is_bin.c || is_bin.p)){
    stop("You cannot have the argument 'bin' with the arguments 'bin.p' or 'bin.c' at the same time. Use only the latter.")

  # NAness (big perf hit)
  n_origin = length(cohort)
  IS_NA = which(is.na(cohort) | is.na(period))
  ANY_NA = length(IS_NA) > 0
    cohort = cohort[-IS_NA]
    period = period[-IS_NA]

  n = length(cohort)

  # Case 1
  # cohort: typically the year of treatment
  # period: relative period
  # we don't need to do anything

  # Case 2
  # cohort: year of treatment
  # period: the year
  # => we compute the relative period, we exclude the never/always treated

  # We find out the never/always treated with:
  #  absence of variance in the relative time

  period_unik = unique(period)
  cohort_unik = unique(cohort)

    cohort = bin_factor(bin.c, cohort, cohort_name)
    cohort_unik = unique(cohort)

    period = bin_factor(bin.p, period, period_name)
    period_unik = unique(period)

  # CASE 1
  is_CASE_1 = FALSE
  if(is.numeric(period) && 0 %in% period_unik && min(period_unik) < 0 && max(period_unik) > 0){
    # Case 1 => we don't need to do anything
    is_CASE_1 = TRUE

      stop("You cannot use 'bin' when the argument 'period' contains relative periods. To use 'bin', 'period' should represent \"calendar\" periods.")

  } else {

      period = bin_factor(bin, period, period_name)
      cohort = bin_factor(bin, cohort, cohort_name, no_error = TRUE)

      period_unik = unique(period)
      cohort_unik = unique(cohort)

    # CASE 2 => construction of the relative period
    refs = setdiff(cohort_unik, period_unik)

    if(length(refs) == length(cohort_unik)){
      stop("Problem in the creation of the relative time periods. We expected the cohort to be the treated period, yet not a single 'cohort' value was found in 'period'.")

    qui_keep = which(!cohort %in% refs)
    cohort_valid = cohort[qui_keep]
    period_valid = period[qui_keep]

    if(is.numeric(period_valid) || is.numeric(cohort_valid)){

      # simplest case
      if(!is.numeric(cohort_valid)) cohort_valid = as.numeric(cohort_valid)
      if(!is.numeric(period_valid)) period_valid = as.numeric(period_valid)

      rel_period = period_valid - cohort_valid
    } else {
      # difficult case
      sunik_period = sort(unique(period_valid))
      dict_period = seq_along(sunik_period)
      names(dict_period) = sunik_period

      period_valid = dict_period[as.character(period_valid)]
      cohort_valid = dict_period[as.character(cohort_valid)]

      rel_period = period_valid - cohort_valid

    # I put a negative number so that they are not considered as always treated
    new_period = rep(-1, n)
    new_period[qui_keep] = rel_period

    period = new_period

  # Now the reference expressed in relative periods
  .F = period_min = min(period)
  .L = period_max = max(period)
  period_list = list(.F = period_min, .L = period_max)
  check_set_arg(ref.p, "evalset integer vector no na", .data = period_list)
  if(missing(ref.p)) ref.p = ref.p # One of the oddest line of code I ever wrote ;-)

  #  we find out the never/always treated

  cohort_int = quickUnclassFactor(cohort)
  c_order = order(cohort_int)
  info = cpp_find_never_always_treated(cohort_int[c_order], period[c_order])

    qui_drop = which(cohort_int %in% info$ref | period %in% ref.p | cohort %in% ref.c)
  } else {
    qui_drop = which(cohort_int %in% info$ref | period %in% ref.p)
  qui_NA = info$always_treated

  # All references have been removed => pure i() without ref
  cohort = cohort[-qui_drop]
  period = period[-qui_drop]

    # we bin on the relative period
    period = bin_factor(bin.rel, period, "relative period")

  res_raw = i(factor_var = period, f2 = cohort, f_name = period_name)

  # We extend the matrix

    # We DON'T remove the references from the estimation
    res = matrix(NA_real_, nrow = n_origin, ncol = ncol(res_raw), 
                 dimnames = list(NULL, colnames(res_raw)))
    res[-IS_NA, ][qui_drop, ] = 0
    res[-IS_NA, ][-qui_drop, ] = res_raw
    if(length(qui_NA) > 0){
      res[-IS_NA, ][qui_NA, ] = NA_real_
  } else {
    res = matrix(0, nrow = n_origin, ncol = ncol(res_raw), 
                 dimnames = list(NULL, colnames(res_raw)))
    res[-qui_drop, ] = res_raw
    if(length(qui_NA) > 0){
      res[qui_NA, ] = NA_real_

  # We add the agg argument to GLOBAL_fixest_mm_info
    for(where in 1:min(8, sys.nframe())){
      if(exists("GLOBAL_fixest_mm_info", parent.frame(where))){
        GLOBAL_fixest_mm_info = get("GLOBAL_fixest_mm_info", parent.frame(where))
        is_GLOBAL = TRUE

      agg_att = c("ATT" = paste0("\\Q", period_name, "\\E::[[:digit:]]+:cohort"))
      agg_period = paste0("(\\Q", period_name, "\\E)::(-?[[:digit:]]+):cohort")

        agg = agg_att
      } else {
        agg = agg_period

        # We add the attribute containing the appropriate model_matrix_info
        info = list()
        period_unik = sort(unique(c(period, ref.p)))
        info$coef_names_full = paste0(period_name, "::", period_unik)
        info$items = period_unik

        if(length(ref.p) > 0){
          info$ref_id = c(which(info$items %in% ref.p[1]), which(info$items %in% ref.p[-1]))
          info$ref = info$items[info$ref_id]

        info$f_name = period_name

        info$is_num = TRUE
        info$is_inter_num = info$is_inter_fact = FALSE

        attr(agg, "model_matrix_info") = info

      GLOBAL_fixest_mm_info$sunab = list(agg = agg, agg_att = agg_att, 
                                         agg_period = agg_period, ref.p = ref.p)
      # re assignment
      assign("GLOBAL_fixest_mm_info", GLOBAL_fixest_mm_info, parent.frame(where))


#' @rdname sunab
sunab_att = function(cohort, period, ref.c = NULL, ref.p = -1){
  sunab(cohort, period, ref.c, ref.p, att = TRUE)

#' Aggregates the values of DiD coefficients a la Sun and Abraham
#' Simple tool that aggregates the value of CATT coefficients in staggered 
#' difference-in-difference setups (see details).
#' @param x A `fixest` object.
#' @param agg A character scalar describing the variable names to be aggregated, 
#' it is pattern-based. For [`sunab`] estimations, the following keywords work: "att", 
#' "period", "cohort" and `FALSE` (to have full disaggregation). All variables that 
#' match the pattern will be aggregated. It must be of the form `"(root)"`, the parentheses 
#' must be there and the resulting variable name will be `"root"`. You can add another 
#' root with parentheses: `"(root1)regex(root2)"`, in which case the resulting 
#' name is `"root1::root2"`. To name the resulting variable differently you can pass 
#' a named vector: `c("name" = "pattern")` or `c("name" = "pattern(root2)")`. It's a 
#' bit intricate sorry, please see the examples.
#' @param full Logical scalar, defaults to `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, then all coefficients 
#' are returned, not only the aggregated coefficients.
#' @param use_weights Logical, default is `TRUE`. If the estimation was weighted, 
#' whether the aggregation should take into account the weights. Basically if the 
#' weights reflected frequency it should be `TRUE`.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to [`summary.fixest`].
#' @details
#' This is a function helping to replicate the estimator from Sun and Abraham (2021). 
#' You first need to perform an estimation with cohort and relative periods dummies 
#' (typically using the function [`i`]), this leads to estimators of the cohort 
#' average treatment effect on the treated (CATT). Then you can use this function to 
#' retrieve the average treatment effect on each relative period, or for any other way 
#' you wish to aggregate the CATT.
#' Note that contrary to the SA article, here the cohort share in the sample is 
#' considered to be a perfect measure for the cohort share in the population.
#' @return
#' It returns a matrix representing a table of coefficients.
#' @references
#' Liyang Sun and Sarah Abraham, 2021, "Estimating Dynamic Treatment Effects in 
#' Event Studies with Heterogeneous Treatment Effects". Journal of Econometrics.
#' @author
#' Laurent Berge
#' @examples
#' #
#' # DiD example
#' #
#' data(base_stagg)
#' # 2 kind of estimations:
#' # - regular TWFE model
#' # - estimation with cohort x time_to_treatment interactions, later aggregated
#' # Note: the never treated have a time_to_treatment equal to -1000
#' # Now we perform the estimation
#' res_twfe = feols(y ~ x1 + i(time_to_treatment, treated,
#'                             ref = c(-1, -1000)) | id + year, base_stagg)
#' # we use the "i." prefix to force year_treated to be considered as a factor
#' res_cohort = feols(y ~ x1 + i(time_to_treatment, i.year_treated,
#'                               ref = c(-1, -1000)) | id + year, base_stagg)
#' # Displaying the results
#' iplot(res_twfe, ylim = c(-6, 8))
#' att_true = tapply(base_stagg$treatment_effect_true,
#'                   base_stagg$time_to_treatment, mean)[-1]
#' points(-9:8 + 0.15, att_true, pch = 15, col = 2)
#' # The aggregate effect for each period
#' agg_coef = aggregate(res_cohort, "(ti.*nt)::(-?[[:digit:]]+)")
#' x = c(-9:-2, 0:8) + .35
#' points(x, agg_coef[, 1], pch = 17, col = 4)
#' ci_low = agg_coef[, 1] - 1.96 * agg_coef[, 2]
#' ci_up = agg_coef[, 1] + 1.96 * agg_coef[, 2]
#' segments(x0 = x, y0 = ci_low, x1 = x, y1 = ci_up, col = 4)
#' legend("topleft", col = c(1, 2, 4), pch = c(20, 15, 17),
#'        legend = c("TWFE", "True", "Sun & Abraham"))
#' # The ATT
#' aggregate(res_cohort, c("ATT" = "treatment::[^-]"))
#' with(base_stagg, mean(treatment_effect_true[time_to_treatment >= 0]))
#' # The total effect for each cohort
#' aggregate(res_cohort, c("cohort" = "::[^-].*year_treated::([[:digit:]]+)"))
aggregate.fixest = function(x, agg, full = FALSE, use_weights = TRUE, ...){
  # Aggregates the value of coefficients

  check_arg(x, "class(fixest) mbt")
    check_arg(agg, "scalar(character, logical)")
  } else {
    check_arg(agg, "character scalar")

  check_arg(full, "logical scalar")
  # => later => extend it to more than one set of vars to agg

  dots = list(...)
  from_summary = isTRUE(dots$from_summary)

  no_agg = FALSE
  agg_rm = NULL
  check_set_value(agg, "match(att, period, cohort, TRUE) | scalar")
  if(agg %in% c("att", "period", "cohort", "TRUE")){
      agg_name = names(agg)
      if(agg == "att"){
        agg = x$model_matrix_info$sunab$agg_att
        # we also remove the previous vars
        agg_rm = gsub("E::", "E::-?", agg, fixed = TRUE)
      } else if(agg == "cohort"){
        agg = c("cohort" = "::[^-].*:cohort::(.+)")
        agg_rm = gsub("E::", "E::-?", x$model_matrix_info$sunab$agg_att, fixed = TRUE)
      } else {
        agg = x$model_matrix_info$sunab$agg_period
      if(!is.null(agg_name)) names(agg) = agg_name
  } else if(isFALSE(agg)){
    agg = c("nothing to remove" = "we want all the coefficients")

  is_name = !is.null(names(agg))

  if(!is_name && !grepl("(", agg, fixed = TRUE)){
    stop("Argument 'agg' must be a character in which the pattern to match must be in between parentheses. So far there are no parenthesis: please have a look at the examples.")

  coef = x$coefficients
  cname = names(coef)

  qui = grepl(agg, cname, perl = TRUE)
      # We make it silent when aggregate is used in summary
      # => this way we can pool calls to agg even for models that don't have it
      # ==> useful in etable eg
      return(list(coeftable = x$coeftable, model_matrix_info = x$model_matrix_info))
    } else if(no_agg){
      x = summary(x, agg = FALSE, ...)
    } else {
      stop("The argument 'agg' does not match any variable.")

    x = summary(x, ...)

  cname_select = cname[qui]
    root = rep(names(agg), length(cname_select))
    val = gsub(paste0(".*", agg, ".*"), "\\1", cname_select, perl = TRUE)
  } else {
    root = gsub(paste0(".*", agg, ".*"), "\\1", cname_select, perl = TRUE)
    val = gsub(paste0(".*", agg, ".*"), "\\2", cname_select, perl = TRUE)

  V = x$cov.scaled

  mm = model.matrix(x)

  name_df = unique(data.frame(root, val, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

  c_all = c()
  se_all = c()
  for(i in 1:nrow(name_df)){
    r = name_df[i, 1]
    v = name_df[i, 2]
    v_names = cname_select[root == r & val == v]

    if(use_weights && !is.null(x$weights)){
      shares = colSums(x$weights * sign(mm[, v_names, drop = FALSE]))
    } else {
      shares = colSums(sign(mm[, v_names, drop = FALSE]))

    shares = shares / sum(shares)

    # The coef
    c_value = sum(shares * coef[v_names])

    # The variance
    n = length(v_names)
    s1 = matrix(shares, n, n)
    s2 = matrix(shares, n, n, byrow = TRUE)

    var_value = sum(s1 * s2 * V[v_names, v_names])
    se_value = sqrt(var_value)

    c_all[length(c_all) + 1] = c_value
    se_all[length(se_all) + 1] = se_value

  # th z & p values
  zvalue = c_all/se_all
  pvalue = fixest_pvalue(x, zvalue, V)

  res = cbind(c_all, se_all, zvalue, pvalue)
  if(max(nchar(val)) == 0){
    rownames(res) = name_df[[1]]
  } else {
    rownames(res) = apply(name_df, 1, paste, collapse = "::")

  colnames(res) = c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)")

      qui = grepl(agg_rm, cname, perl = TRUE)

    table_origin = x$coeftable
    i_min = min(which(qui)) - 1
    before = if(i_min > 0) table_origin[1:i_min, , drop = FALSE] else NULL

    i_after = (1:nrow(table_origin)) > i_min & !qui
    after = if(any(i_after)) table_origin[i_after, , drop = FALSE] else NULL

    res = rbind(before, res, after)

    attr(res, "type") = attr(table_origin, "type")

    # We add the model_matrix_info needed in iplot()
    mm_info = x$model_matrix_info
    mm_info_agg = attr(agg, "model_matrix_info")
      tmp = list(mm_info_agg)
      for(i in seq_along(mm_info)){
        my_name = names(mm_info)[i]
        if(my_name != ""){
          tmp[[my_name]] = mm_info[[i]]
        } else {
          tmp[[1 + i]] = mm_info[[i]]

      mm_info = tmp

    res = list(coeftable = res, model_matrix_info = mm_info)


#### DATASETS ####

#' Sample data for difference in difference
#' This data has been generated to illustrate the use of difference in difference functions in 
#' package \pkg{fixest}. This is a balanced panel of 104 individuals and 10 periods. 
#' About half the individuals are treated, the treatment having a positive effect on 
#' the dependent variable `y` after the 5th period. The effect of the treatment on `y` is gradual.
#' @usage
#' data(base_did)
#' @format
#' `base_did` is a data frame with 1,040 observations and 6 variables named 
#' `y`, `x1`, `id`, `period`, `post` and `treat`.
#' \describe{
#' \item{y}{The dependent variable affected by the treatment.}
#' \item{x1}{ An explanatory variable.}
#' \item{id}{ Identifier of the individual.}
#' \item{period}{ From 1 to 10}
#' \item{post}{ Indicator taking value 1 if the period is strictly greater than 5, 0 otherwise.}
#' \item{treat}{ Indicator taking value 1 if the individual is treated, 0 otherwise.}
#' }
#' @source
#' This data has been generated from \pkg{R}.

#' Sample data for staggered difference in difference
#' This data has been generated to illustrate the Sun and Abraham (Journal of Econometrics, 2021) method for staggered difference-in-difference. This is a balanced panel of 95 individuals and 10 periods. Half the individuals are treated. For those treated, the treatment date can vary from the second to the last period. The effect of the treatment depends on the time since the treatment: it is first negative and then increasing.
#' @usage
#' data(base_stagg)
#' @format
#' `base_stagg` is a data frame with 950 observations and 7 variables:
#' * id: panel identifier.
#' * year: from 1 to 10.
#' * year_treated: the period at which the individual is treated.
#' * time_to_treatment: different between the year and the treatment year.
#' * treated: indicator taking value 1 if the individual is treated, 0 otherwise.
#' * treatment_effect_true: true effect of the treatment.
#' * x1: explanatory variable, correlated with the period.
#' * y: the dependent variable affected by the treatment.
#' @source
#' This data has been generated from \pkg{R}.

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