
Defines functions xaxis_biased xaxis_labels

# Author: Laurent Berge
# Date creation: Sun Mar 22 09:04:17 2020
# ~: Only edit in fplot

# Input of line.min / line.max => the default bottom margin goes from 0 to 4 (5 lines)
# Starts at 0!
# Beware: we return line => but in the axis sense! (input 0 is output -1)
xaxis_labels = function(at, labels, line.min = 0, line.max = 2, minCex = 0.8, 
                        add_ticks = FALSE, trunc = 20, trunc.method = "auto", 
                        only.params = FALSE, ...){
  # This function automates the placement of labels into the axis 1
  # It first put the cex to the appropritate level to insert the 1st
  # label into the frame, then
  # It uses the vertical placement to fit all the labels
  # if only.params => nothing is plotted

  labels = as.character(labels)

  # only 1 value => we do nothing
  if(length(at) == 1){
      res = list(cex = 1, line = line.min - 1)
    axis(1, at=at, labels = labels, tick = add_ticks, line = line.min - 1)

  # To send into a function: myat & lab
  myOrder = order(at)
  myLabels = labels[myOrder]
  myAt = at[myOrder]

  n = length(myAt)

  # # Truncation of the items
  # myLabels = substr(myLabels, 1, trunc)
  # # we replace the trucated element with dots to show that there is more
  # qui = nchar(myLabels) == trunc & nchar(labels[myOrder]) > trunc
  # myLabels[qui] = gsub("..$", "\\.\\.", myLabels[qui])
  if(!"call" %in% class(myLabels)){
    if(any(nchar(myLabels) > trunc)){
      # myLabels = truncate_string(myLabels, trunc, method = trunc.method)

  } else {
    myLabels = gsub(" *phantom\\([\\)]*\\) *", "", deparse(myLabels))

  # We compute the space that is left to display the label
  # 1st into the plot
  largeur = diff(par("usr")[1:2])
  half_plotSpace_in = (myAt[1] - par("usr")[1]) / largeur * par("pin")[1]
  # 2nd using the margin
  total_half_space = half_plotSpace_in + min(par("mai")[c(2,4)])

  # If it is too large, we reduce it:
  myCex = 1
  while(myCex > minCex && strwidth(myLabels[1], units = "in", cex = myCex)/2 > total_half_space){
    myCex = myCex * 0.95

  if(myCex < minCex) myCex = minCex

  # Now we order the vertical space where the labels will appear
  # line_step = max(strheight(myLabels, units = "in", cex = myCex)) / max(strheight(myLabels, units = "in"))
  # we use the fact that:
  # 1) smaller characters can be more stacked vertically
  # 2) a line height is almost equivalent to character height

  # all_lines = -1:line.max
  ok = FALSE
  failed = FALSE
    ok = TRUE # if !ok there's a problem, we need to reduce cex

    all_width = strwidth(myLabels, units = "in", cex = myCex)

    # there can be more lines than expected depending on cex
    line_step = max(strheight(myLabels, units = "in", cex = myCex)) / max(strheight(myLabels, units = "in"))
    all_lines = seq(line.min, line.max, by = line_step)

    myLine = current_Line = line.min
    for(i in 2:n){
      # for each element, we find out the line where to write it
      for(line_index in all_lines){
        # we get the closest index with that Line level
        if(line_index %in% myLine){
          index = max(which(myLine == line_index))
          # we look at the distance between the two elements
          at_first = myAt[index]
          at_second = myAt[i]
          # the distance in inches between the two 'at' + the space of one letter
          dist_in = (at_second - at_first) * par("pin")[1] / largeur - strwidth("O", units = "in", cex = 1)
          # the half sizes of the two strings
          half_sums_in = (all_width[index] + all_width[i]) / 2
          if(half_sums_in > dist_in){
            # we go to the next line_index
          } else {
            myLine = c(myLine, line_index)
        } else {
          # this line item has not been used already
          myLine = c(myLine, line_index)

        if(line_index == max(all_lines)) {
          # Means it does not fit => we need to reduce cex
          if(myCex <= minCex){
            # already at the minimum, we keep going then
            myLine = c(myLine, line_index)
            failed = TRUE
          } else {
            # we get out totally and reduce the cex
            ok = FALSE
            myCex = myCex * 0.95

        # This means we've been into a non solvable situation

    # we substract 1 to make it "axis compatible"
    res = list(cex = myCex, line = myLine - 1 + 0.2, failed = failed)
    line_height = par("mai")[1] / par("mar")[1]
    res$height_in = (max(myLine) + 1.2) * line_height
    res$height_line = max(myLine) + 1.2

  # We draw the ticks
    # 1) drawing them
    for(line in unique(myLine)){
      qui = which(myLine == line)
      axis(1, at = myAt[qui], labels = NA, tcl = -1-line, lwd = 0, lwd.ticks = 1)


    # 2) "Cleaning" them
    n = length(myLabels)
    mid_width = strwidth(myLabels, units = "user") / 2

    # ceux qui 'debordent' a droite
    qui = which(mid_width[-n] > diff(myAt))
    if(length(qui) > 0){
      for(i in qui){
        # axis(1, at = myAt[i+1], labels = NA, lwd = 0, col = "white", line = myLine[i], lwd.ticks = 1.5)
        axis(1, at = myAt[i+1], labels = "|", lwd = 0, col.axis = "white", cex.axis = 1.5, line = myLine[i], lwd.ticks = 0)

    # ceux qui 'debordent' a gauche
    qui = which(mid_width[-1] > diff(myAt))
    if(length(qui) > 0){
      for(i in qui){
        # axis(1, at = myAt[i+1], labels = NA, lwd = 0, col = "white", line = myLine[i], lwd.ticks = 1.5)
        axis(1, at = myAt[i], labels = "|", lwd = 0, col.axis = "white", cex.axis = 1.5, line = myLine[i+1], lwd.ticks = 0)


  # We draw the labels
  myLine = myLine + 0.2 - 1 # -1 to make it axis compatible
  for(line in unique(myLine)){
    qui = which(myLine == line)
    # the labels
    axis(1, at = myAt[qui], labels = myLabels[qui], line = line, cex.axis = myCex, lwd = 0, gap.axis = 0.01)


  res = list(cex = myCex, line = myLine)
  line_height = par("mai")[1] / par("mar")[1]
  res$height_in = (max(myLine) + 2) * line_height
  res$height_line = max(myLine) + 2


# line: goes from 0 to 4 in a standard plot
xaxis_biased = function(at, labels, angle, cex, line.min = 0, line.max = 2, yadj = 0.5, trunc = 20, trunc.method = "auto", only.params = FALSE, ...){

  check_arg(angle, "null numeric vector no na")
  check_arg(cex, "null numeric vector no na")

  if(line.max < line.min){
    message("xaxis_biased: line.max < line.min (i.e. ", line.max, " < ", line.min, ") line.max set to ", line.min, ".")
    line.max = line.min

  dots = list(...)
  dots$x = at

  if(!"call" %in% class(labels)){
    if(any(nchar(labels) > trunc)){
      # labels_trunc = truncate_string(labels, trunc = trunc, method = trunc.method)
      labels_trunc = labels
    } else {
      labels_trunc = labels
  } else {
    labels_trunc = gsub(" *phantom\\([\\)]*\\) *", "", deparse(labels))

  dots$labels = labels_trunc

  # setting automatically the cex and angle
    angle2check = c(45, 40, 35)
  } else {
    angle2check = angle
    DO_ALGO = length(angle) > 1

    cex2check = c(1, 0.9, 0.8)
  } else {
    cex2check = cex
    DO_ALGO = length(cex) > 1

  line_height = par("mai")[1] / par("mar")[1]

    lab_max = labels_trunc[which.max(strwidth(labels_trunc))]
    n_angle = length(angle2check)
    w_all = rep(sapply(cex2check, function(x) strwidth(lab_max, "in", cex = x)), n_angle)*1.05
    SH_all = rep(sapply(cex2check, function(x) strheight("W", "in", cex = x)), n_angle)
    angle_all = rep(angle2check, each = length(cex2check))
    h_all = SH_all / cos(angle_all / 360 * 2 * pi)
    longueur_cote = sin(angle_all / 360 * 2 * pi) * w_all + h_all

    total_height = line_height * (line.max - line.min + 1 - yadj)

    qui = longueur_cote <= total_height
      i = which.max(qui)
      angle = angle_all[i]
      cex = rep(cex2check, n_angle)[i]
      height_in = longueur_cote[i]
    } else {
      # message("xaxis_biased: Labels could not fit.")
      angle = tail(angle_all, 1)
      cex = tail(cex2check, 1)
      height_in = tail(longueur_cote, 1)

  } else if(only.params) {
    lab_max = labels_trunc[which.max(strwidth(labels_trunc))]
    n_angle = length(angle2check)
    w_all = rep(sapply(cex2check, function(x) strwidth(lab_max, "in", cex = x)), n_angle)*1.05
    SH_all = rep(sapply(cex2check, function(x) strheight("W", "in", cex = x)), n_angle)
    angle_all = rep(angle2check, each = length(cex2check))
    h_all = SH_all / cos(angle_all / 360 * 2 * pi)
    longueur_cote = sin(angle_all / 360 * 2 * pi) * w_all + h_all

    height_in = longueur_cote

  line_height_usr = line_height / par("pin")[2] * diff(par("usr")[3:4])

    res = list(cex = cex, angle = angle, height_in = height_in + strheight("W", units = "in", cex = cex))
    res$height_usr = height_in / par("pin")[2] * diff(par("usr")[3:4])
    res$height_line = height_in / line_height

  dots$cex = cex
  SH = strheight("WWW", units = "user")
  dots$y = par("usr")[3] - yadj*SH - (line.min) * line_height_usr
  dots$srt = angle
  dots$xpd = TRUE
  dots$adj = 1

  do.call("text", dots)

  return(invisible(list(cex=cex, angle=angle)))

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