mf.flux <-
function(x, var.par, method = "r2", time.unit = "S", all.through = TRUE, iv = 1, wndw = 0.1, pdk = 0.5, min.dp = 20, nrmse.lim = 0.1, r2.qual = 0.9, range.lim = 5, out.unit = "auto", elementar = FALSE, hardflag = list(range = TRUE), consecutive = FALSE){
## which method to use
METHODS <- c("r2", "rmse", "AIC")
method <- pmatch(method, METHODS)
## prepare input
n <- nrow(x)
# function vp that realises the compilation of dat for further use
vp <- function(x, sel){
if(is.character(sel)){out <- x[,sel]}
else{out <- rep(sel, n)}
# using vp to extract variables from x and combine with fixed parameters
dat <- data.frame(sapply(var.par, function(y) vp(x, y)))
## prepare and organize handthrough via all.through
x.out <- x[ , -match(unlist(var.par)[c("ghg", "time")], names(x))]
do.means <- vector(length = ncol(x.out))
for(i in c(1:ncol(x.out))){
do.means[i] <- is.numeric(x.out[,i])
dat.out <- lapply(which(!do.means), function(x) as.character(x.out[1,x]))
dat.out <- c(dat.out, lapply(which(do.means), function(x) mean(x.out[,x], na.rm=TRUE)))
names(dat.out) <- c(names(x.out)[!do.means], names(x.out)[do.means])
## prepare and organize handthrough via var.par (ATTENTION there seems to be a problem here)
stv <- match(c("ghg", "time", "area", "volume"), names(dat))
handthrough <- names(which(sapply(var.par[-stv], is.character)))
dat.out <- lapply(c("area", "volume", handthrough), function(y) mean(dat[,y], na.rm=TRUE))
names(dat.out) <- paste("htd", names(dat.out), sep=".")
## extract variables from x(dat) for flux calculation
x <- dat[,c("ghg", "time", "area", "volume", "t.air", "p.air")]
# prepare time entries
x$time <- as.vector(x$time - min(x$time))
x <- x[order(x$time),]
# if time follows a fixed interval, create times
x$time <- seq(length(x$time))*iv
## other preparations
# put original data aside for later reporting
inn <- x
# get original ghg.range
ghg.range <- range(x$ghg, na.rm=TRUE)
## consecutive approach
ghg.n <- x$ghg-min(x$ghg)+1
ghg.n <- ghg.n/max(ghg.n)
time.n <- seq(n)
wndw.n <- n*wndw
indizes <- embed(time.n, wndw.n)
sel <- which(runsd(apply(indizes, 1, function(y) coef(lm(ghg.n[y] ~ time.n[y]))[2]), wndw.n) < 0.005)
sel <- c(sel, max(sel)+seq(floor(wndw.n)))
lm4flux <- lm(ghg ~ time, data=x[sel,])
## check for high frequency strong fluctuations and remove data points
# first check for unbalanced concentration measurements
# in this case hff is defined all which is not the prevailing value
xghg.fac <- as.factor(x$ghg)
unik <- summary(xghg.fac, maxsum=length(levels(xghg.fac)))
if(max(unik)/length(x$ghg) > pdk){
conz <- as.numeric(names(sort(unik, decreasing=TRUE)))[1]
x$hff <- x$ghg!=conz
# if there is no prevailing value check hff according to running sd compared to range
# but only when range.lim <= ghg.range
if(diff(ghg.range) > range.lim){
rsd <- runsd(x$ghg, ceiling(n*wndw))/diff(ghg.range)
x$hff <- rsd >= wndw
x$hff <- FALSE
x <- x[!x$hff,]
## check range limit and do shortcut if range of concentrations is below range.lim
if(hardflag$range & (diff(ghg.range) <= range.lim)){
flux <- 0
x$ghg <- rep(mean(x$ghg), length(x$ghg))
lm4flux <- lm(ghg ~ time, data = x)
if(out.unit == "auto"){ out.unit <- "g" }
r2 <- 1
range.m <- diff(ghg.range)
nrmse <- 0
n.inn <- length(inn[,1])
n.out <- n.inn
podpu <- 1
## getting the best linear part
# derive minimum number of measurements
n <- nrow(x)
ndk <- ifelse((n*pdk) >= min.dp, ceiling(n*pdk), min.dp)
# with moving windows of various lengths
if(ndk >= n){
ndk <- n-1
warning("Number of entries <= min.dp and min.dp has been automatically adjusted to n-1")
winds <- c(ndk:n)
indizes <- lapply(winds, function(y) lapply(c(1:n), function(x) seq(x,(x+y)))[1:(n-y)])
indizes <- unlist(indizes, recursive=FALSE)
rs <- sapply(indizes, function(y) summary(lm(ghg ~ time, data=x[y,]))$r.squared)
sel <- indizes[[order(rs, decreasing = TRUE)[1]]]
lms <- lapply(indizes, function(y) lm(ghg ~ time, data=x[y,]))
rmse <- unlist(lapply(lms, function(x) sqrt(sum(residuals(x)^2)/summary(x)$df[2])))
sel <- indizes[[order(rmse)[1]]]
AIC <- sapply(indizes, function(y) AIC(lm(ghg ~ time, data=x[y,])))
sel <- indizes[[order(AIC)[1]]]
# actually get the best model
lm4flux <- lm(ghg ~ time, data = x[sel,])
## flux calculation
# prepare
time.range <- range(lm4flux$model[,2])
dc <- diff(predict(lm4flux, newdata = data.frame(time = time.range)))
m <- 44.01
T <- mean(x$t.air, na.rm=TRUE)
V <- x$volume[1]
A <- x$area[1]
t <- diff(time.range)
t <- switch(time.unit, S = t/60/60, M = t/60, H = t)
p <- mean(x$p.air, na.rm=TRUE)
# do calculation
flux <- gflux(ct=dc, T=T, V=V, A=A, M=m, t=t, p=p)
flux <- flux/1e+6
## according to the output.unit the unit is changed
## per default the function tries to guess a unit that best reflects the actual value
fluxes <- unlist(list(fg = flux*1e+15, pg = flux*1e+12, ng = flux*1e+9, mug = flux*1e+6, mg = flux*1e+3, g = flux, kg = flux/1e+3))
if(out.unit == "auto"){
flux <- fluxes[(abs(fluxes) < 10) & (abs(fluxes) >= 0.01)]
out.unit <- names(flux)
flux <- fluxes[out.unit]
## extract model parameters for flagging and output
# extract model r2.adj, range, and nrmse
r2 <- summary(lm4flux)$r.squared
range.m <- diff(range(lm4flux$model[,1], na.rm=TRUE))
if(range.m == 0){ range.m <- 0.001 }
nrmse <- sqrt(sum(residuals(lm4flux)^2)/summary(lm4flux)$df[2])/range.m
# extract model n, original n, and percentage of data points used
n.out <- length(lm4flux$model[,1])
n.inn <- length(inn[,1])
podpu <- n.out/n.inn
## flagging
# set the r2-quality flag and hardflag flux (set to NA) if set so
r2.f <- ifelse(r2 >= r2.qual, TRUE, FALSE)
if(exists("r2", hardflag)){
flux <- ifelse(r2.f, flux, NA)
# set the range-quality flag and hardflag (set to 0) flux if set so
if({range.lim <- 0}
range.f <- ifelse(diff(ghg.range) >= range.lim, TRUE, FALSE)
flux <- ifelse(range.f, flux, 0)
# set the nrmse-quality flag
nrmse.f <- ifelse(nrmse <= nrmse.lim, TRUE, FALSE)
if(exists("nrmse", hardflag)){
flux <- ifelse(nrmse.f, flux, NA)
# check nomba
# ambient values from Mace Head Ireland and global average (CO2)
# via as of August 1st, 2011
ghg <- var.par$ghg
ambient <- switch(ghg, CH4 = 1870, N2O = 323, CO2 = 388.5)
nomba <- sum(dat[,1] <= ambient)
if(exists("nomba", hardflag)){
flux <- ifelse(nomba > hardflag$nomba, NA, flux)
# give back as element value
flux <- switch(ghg, CO2 = flux*12/44, CH4 = flux*12/16, N2O = flux*28/44)
ghg <- paste(ghg, switch(ghg, CO2 = "C", CH4 = "C", N2O = "N"), sep="-")
## prepare output
fluss <- list(ghg = ghg, flux = flux, r2 = r2, nrmse = nrmse, r2.f = r2.f, range.f = range.f, nrmse.f = nrmse.f, nomba.f = nomba, unit = out.unit, podpu = podpu)
# changing names to reflect on hardflags (somehwat ugly)
hf <- pmatch(names(hardflag)[sapply(hardflag, is.logical)], names(fluss)[5:8])
nms <- sapply(strsplit(names(fluss), split="\\."), function(x) x[1])
nms[5:8][hf] <- paste(nms[5:8][hf], ".hf", sep="")
nms[5:8][-hf] <- paste(nms[5:8][-hf], ".f", sep="")
names(fluss) <- nms
# put output together
res <- list(fluss = fluss, mod = lm4flux, out = dat.out, inn = inn)
class(res) <- "fluxx"
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