#' nuevos UI Function
#' @description A shiny Module.
#' @param id,input,output,session Internal parameters for {shiny}.
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom shiny NS tagList
#' @importFrom stats ts.union
mod_nuevos_ui <- function(id){
ns <- NS(id)
btn_s <- "width: 100%;float: right;background-color: #3c8dbc;color: white;"
btn_s_n <- "width: 100%;float: right;background-color: #3c8dbc;color: white;display: none;"
id = ns("newdf"),
title = labelInput("doccarga"), status = "primary", width = 12,
solidHeader = TRUE, collapsible = TRUE,
checkboxInput(ns('n_header'), labelInput("header"), value = T),
ns('n_sep'), labelInput("separador"), inline = T,
choiceNames = c(';', ',', 'TAB'), choiceValues = c(';', ',', '\t')
radioButtons(ns('n_dec'), labelInput("separadordec"), c(',', '.'),
inline = T),
ns('n_file'), labelInput("cargarchivo"), width = "100%",
placeholder = "", buttonLabel = labelInput("subir"),
accept = c('text/csv', '.csv', '.txt'))
actionButton(ns("prevfile"), NULL, icon = icon("eye"), style = "margin-top: 25px;")
), hr(),
actionButton(ns("n_loadButton"), labelInput("cargar"), width = "100%"),
footer = div(
style = "height: 50vh;",
type = "html", loader = "loader4"))
col_1(actionButton(ns("btn_next3"), NULL, icon("angles-right"), style = btn_s_n))
id = ns("newtsdf"), style = "display: none;",
col_1(actionButton(ns("btn_prev3"), NULL, icon("backward"), style = btn_s)),
title = labelInput("serie"), status = "primary", width = 12,
solidHeader = TRUE, collapsible = TRUE,
ns('n_colFecha'), NULL, inline = T,
choiceNames = list(labelInput('sel'), labelInput('cre')),
choiceValues = c('colum', 'nuevo')
condition = "input.n_colFecha == 'colum'", ns = ns,
selectInput(ns("sel_n_fecha"), labelInput('selfecha'), "")
condition = "input.n_colFecha == 'nuevo'", ns = ns,
selectInput(ns("n_tipofecha"), labelInput('seltipo'), NULL),
selectInput(ns("sel_n_valor"), labelInput('selvalor'), "")
numericInput(ns("num_suavizado"), labelInput('nsuav'), 5)
col_12(hr(), actionButton(ns("n_tsdfButton"), labelInput("cargar"),
width = "100%"))
footer = div(
style = "height: 46vh;",
type = "html", loader = "loader4"))
col_1(actionButton(ns("btn_next4"), NULL, icon("forward"), style = btn_s_n))
id = ns("newts"), style = "display: none;",
col_1(actionButton(ns("btn_prev4"), NULL, icon("angles-left"), style = btn_s)),
title = labelInput("serie"), status = "primary",
width = 12, solidHeader = T, collapsible = T,
selectInput(ns("sel_n_patron"), labelInput('selpatron'), ""), hr(),
actionButton(ns("n_tsButton"), labelInput("cargar"), width = "100%"),
footer = echarts4rOutput(ns('plot_n_ts'), height = "60vh")
col_1(actionButton(ns("btn_next5"), NULL, icon("angles-right"), style = btn_s_n))
id = ns("newmodel"), style = "display: none;",
col_1(actionButton(ns("btn_prev5"), NULL, icon("angles-left"), style = btn_s)),
title = labelInput("ejecutar"), status = "primary",
width = 12, solidHeader = T, collapsible = T,
col_7(selectInput(ns("sel_model"), labelInput('selmodel'), "")),
col_5(numericInput(ns('n_pred'), labelInput('n_pred'), 10, 1, step = 5))
), hr(style = "margin-top: 0;"),
condition = "input.sel_model == 'reds'", ns = ns,
numericInput(ns("n_tam"), labelInput("tamred"), 10, min = 0, step = 5),
condition = "input.sel_model == 'deep'", ns = ns,
col_4(numericInput(ns("laginput"), labelInput("llag"), 1, width = "100%")),
col_4(numericInput(ns("batinput"), labelInput("lbat"), 1, width = "100%")),
col_4(numericInput(ns("epoinput"), labelInput("lepo"), 1, width = "100%")),
col_4(selectInput(ns("losinput"), labelInput("llos"), c("mse", "mae"))),
col_4(selectInput(ns("optinput"), labelInput("lopt"), c("adam", "rmsprop", "sgd"))),
col_4(selectInput(ns("metinput"), labelInput("lmet"), c("mse", "mae", "mape"))),
ns("capa"), labelInput("lcap"), labelInput("lmod"),
size = 10, idright = ns("rcapa"),
c("rnn", "lstm", "dense", "dropout"), c()
condition = "input.sel_model == 'holt'", ns = ns,
col_4(numericInput(ns('n_alpha'), 'alpha', 1, 0, 1, 0.05)),
col_4(numericInput(ns('n_beta'), 'beta', 0, 0, 1, 0.05)),
col_4(numericInput(ns('n_gamma'), 'gamma', 0, 0, 1, 0.05))
condition = "input.sel_model == 'arim'", ns = ns,
col_4(numericInput(ns('n_p'), 'p', 0, 0, step = 0.5)),
col_4(numericInput(ns('n_d'), 'd', 0, 0, step = 0.5)),
col_4(numericInput(ns('n_q'), 'q', 0, 0, step = 0.5))
col_4(numericInput(ns('n_P'), 'P', 0, 0, step = 0.5)),
col_4(numericInput(ns('n_D'), 'D', 0, 0, step = 0.5)),
col_4(numericInput(ns('n_Q'), 'Q', 0, 0, step = 0.5))
numericInput(ns('n_periodo'), labelInput('selperi'), 0, 0, step = 0.5)
), hr(),
actionButton(ns("btn_model"), labelInput("ejecutar"), width = "100%"),
footer = div(style = "height: 40vh; overflow: scroll;",
type = "html", loader = "loader4"))
col_1(actionButton(ns("btn_next6"), NULL, icon("angles-right"), style = btn_s_n))
id = ns("newpred"), style = "display: none;",
col_1(actionButton(ns("btn_prev6"), NULL, icon("angles-left"), style = btn_s)),
title = labelInput("table_m"), status = "primary",
width = 12, solidHeader = T, collapsible = T,
type = "html", loader = "loader4")),
footer = echarts4rOutput(ns('plot_pred'), height = "40vh")
#' nuevos Server Functions
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
mod_nuevos_server <- function(input, output, session, updateData) {
ns <- session$ns
capas <- list()
vars <- rv(selcapa = NULL)
updateNew <- rv(datos = NULL, seriedf = NULL, seriets = NULL, ts_type = NULL,
modelo = NULL, pred = NULL, ini = NULL, fin = NULL)
# Idioma
observeEvent(updateData$idioma, {
lg <- updateData$idioma
fechas <- list("years", "months", "days", "workdays", "hours", "min", "sec")
names(fechas) <- tr(c('anual', 'mes', 'dia', 'dialab', 'hora', 'minuto', 'segundo'), lg)
updateSelectInput(session, "n_tipofecha", choices = fechas)
models <- list("prom", "naiv", "snai", "drif", "desc",
"reds", "deep", "holt", "arim")
names(models) <- tr(c("prom", "naiv", "snai", "drif", "desc",
"reds", "deep", "holt", "arim"), lg)
updateSelectInput(session, "sel_model", choices = models)
# Hide/Show Menu
observeEvent(input$btn_prev3, {
show(id = "newdf", anim = T, animType = "slide")
hide(id = "newtsdf", anim = T, animType = "slide")
observeEvent(input$btn_next3, {
hide(id = "newdf", anim = T, animType = "slide")
show(id = "newtsdf", anim = T, animType = "slide")
observeEvent(input$btn_prev4, {
show(id = "newtsdf", anim = T, animType = "slide")
hide(id = "newts", anim = T, animType = "slide")
observeEvent(input$btn_next4, {
hide(id = "newtsdf", anim = T, animType = "slide")
show(id = "newts", anim = T, animType = "slide")
observeEvent(input$btn_prev5, {
show(id = "newts", anim = T, animType = "slide")
hide(id = "newmodel", anim = T, animType = "slide")
observeEvent(input$btn_next5, {
hide(id = "newts", anim = T, animType = "slide")
show(id = "newmodel", anim = T, animType = "slide")
observeEvent(input$btn_prev6, {
show(id = "newmodel", anim = T, animType = "slide")
hide(id = "newpred", anim = T, animType = "slide")
observeEvent(input$btn_next6, {
hide(id = "newmodel", anim = T, animType = "slide")
show(id = "newpred", anim = T, animType = "slide")
############################# Carga de datos ################################
# Previsualizar archivo
observeEvent(input$prevfile, {
ruta <- isolate(input$n_file)
if(is.null(ruta)) {
showNotification("ERROR 00005: Debe cargar un archivo.",
type = "error")
} else {
con = file(ruta$datapath, "r")
prev <- ""
for (i in 1:10) {
line = readLines(con, n = 1)
if ( length(line) == 0 ) {
prev <- paste0(prev, line, "<br>")
HTML(prev), style = "overflow: auto;", easyClose = TRUE,
title = tr("vfil", updateData$idioma), footer = NULL, size = "xl"
# Función del botón n_loadButton
observeEvent(input$n_loadButton, {
updateNew$modelo <- NULL
updateNew$datos <- NULL
updateNew$seriedf <- NULL
updateNew$seriets <- NULL
updateNew$ts_type <- NULL
updateData$codenew <- NULL
ruta <- isolate(input$n_file)
sep <- isolate(input$n_sep)
dec <- isolate(input$n_dec)
encabezado <- isolate(input$n_header)
updateNew$datos <- carga.datos(ruta$datapath, sep, dec, encabezado)
if(ncol(var.numericas(updateNew$datos)) <= 0) {
updateNew$datos <- NULL
showNotification("ERROR 00020: Check Separators", type = "error")
cod <- code.carga(ruta$name, sep, dec, encabezado)
updateData$codenew <- list(doccarga = cod)
}, error = function(e) {
updateNew$datos <- NULL
showNotification(paste0("ERROR 00010: ", e), type = "error")
# Actualizar tabla al cargar los datos
output$n_tabladatos <- DT::renderDataTable({
datos <- updateNew$datos
nombre <- str_remove(isolate(input$n_file$name), '\\..[^\\.]*$')
tipos <- tr(c("numerico", "categorico"), isolate(updateData$idioma))
nombre.columnas <- c("ID", colnames(datos))
tipo.columnas <- sapply(colnames(datos), function(i)
ifelse(class(datos[,i]) %in% c("numeric", "integer"),
paste0("<span data-id='numerico'>", tipos[1], "</span>"),
paste0("<span data-id='categorico'>", tipos[2], "</span>")))
sketch = htmltools::withTags(table(
tags$tr(tags$th(), lapply(tipo.columnas, function(i)
datos, selection = 'none', editable = TRUE, container = sketch,
extensions = 'Buttons', options = list(
dom = 'Bfrtip', scrollY = "30vh",
buttons = list(list(extend = 'csv', filename = nombre,
text = '<i class="fa fa-download"></i>'))),
}, error = function(e) {
showNotification(paste0("ERROR 00030: ", e), type = "error")
}, server = T)
# Actualiza opciones al cargar tabla de datos
observeEvent(updateNew$datos, {
datos <- updateNew$datos
numericos <- var.numericas(datos)
if(is.null(datos)) {
hide(id = "btn_next3", anim = T, animType = "fade")
} else {
show(id = "btn_next3", anim = T, animType = "fade")
updateSelectInput(session, "sel_n_valor", choices = colnames(numericos))
updateSelectInput(session, "sel_n_fecha", choices = colnames(datos))
}, ignoreNULL = FALSE)
############################# Carga Serie DF ################################
# Generar input de fechas
output$n_uifechas <- renderUI({
w <- F
if(input$n_tipofecha == "years") {
f <- 'YYYY-01-01 00:00:00'
} else if(input$n_tipofecha == "months") {
f <- 'YYYY-MM-01 00:00:00'
} else if(input$n_tipofecha == "days") {
f <- 'YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00'
} else if(input$n_tipofecha == "workdays") {
f <- 'YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00'
w <- T
} else if(input$n_tipofecha == "hours") {
f <- 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:00:00'
} else if(input$n_tipofecha == "min") {
f <- 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:00'
} else {
f <- 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:SS'
texto <- tr("hasta", updateData$idioma)
col_5(datetimeInput(ns("n_startdate"), f, w)),
col_2(h4(texto, style = "text-align: center;")),
col_5(datetimeInput(ns("n_enddate"), f, w))
# Actualizar fecha final
observeEvent(input$n_startdate, {
tipofecha <- isolate(input$n_tipofecha)
n <- nrow(isolate(updateNew$datos)) - 1
ini <- ymd_hms(input$n_startdate)
if(tipofecha == "months") {
fin <- ini + months(n)
} else if(tipofecha == "workdays") {
aux <- ini + duration(n + (n/5 * 2) + 2, units = "days")
aux <- seq(ini, aux, by = "days")
aux <- aux[wday(aux) %in% c(2, 3, 4, 5, 6)]
fin <- aux[n+1]
} else {
fin <- ini + duration(n, units = tipofecha)
"$('#nuevos_ui_1-n_enddate').find('input').val('", fin, "');"))
updateNew$ini <- ini
updateNew$fin <- fin
}, error = function(e) {})
# Actualizar fecha inicial
observeEvent(input$n_enddate, {
tipofecha <- isolate(input$n_tipofecha)
n <- nrow(isolate(updateNew$datos)) - 1
fin <- ymd_hms(input$n_enddate)
if(tipofecha == "months") {
ini <- fin - months(n)
} else if(tipofecha == "workdays") {
fechas <- c()
fecha <- as.Date(fin)
while(length(fechas) <= n) {
if(wday(fecha) %in% c(2, 3, 4, 5, 6)) {
fechas <- c(fechas, fecha)
fecha <- fecha - days(1)
ini <- as.Date(fechas[length(fechas)], origin = "1970-01-01")
} else {
ini <- fin - duration(n, units = tipofecha)
"$('#nuevos_ui_1-n_startdate').find('input').val('", ini, "');"))
updateNew$ini <- ini
updateNew$fin <- fin
}, error = function(e) {})
# Función del botón tsdfButton
observeEvent(input$n_tsdfButton, {
updateNew$seriedf <- NULL
updateNew$seriets <- NULL
updateNew$ts_type <- NULL
datos <- isolate(updateNew$datos)
if(input$n_colFecha == "nuevo") {
ini <- isolate(updateNew$ini)
fin <- isolate(updateNew$fin)
if(isolate(input$n_tipofecha) == "workdays") {
fechas <- seq(as.Date(ini), as.Date(fin), by = "days")
fechas <- fechas[wday(fechas) %in% c(2, 3, 4, 5, 6)]
cod <- code.tsdf(input$sel_n_valor, ini, fin, "days")
} else {
fechas <- seq(ini, fin, by = isolate(input$n_tipofecha))
cod <- code.tsdf(input$sel_n_valor, ini, fin, isolate(input$n_tipofecha))
updateNew$seriedf <- data.frame(
fechas = fechas, valor = datos[[input$sel_n_valor]])
updateNew$ts_type <- isolate(input$n_tipofecha)
updateData$codenew <- list(doccarga = updateData$codenew$doccarga,
doctsdf = cod)
} else {
fechas <- text_toDate(datos[[input$sel_n_fecha]])
df <- data.frame(fechas = fechas[[1]],
valor = datos[[input$sel_n_valor]])
if(fechas[[2]] == "workdays") {
total.fechas <- seq(df$fechas[1], df$fechas[length(df$fechas)],
by = "days")
faltan.fechas <- total.fechas[!total.fechas %in% df$fechas]
faltan.fechas <- faltan.fechas[!wday(faltan.fechas) %in% c(1, 7)]
} else {
total.fechas <- seq(df$fechas[1], df$fechas[length(df$fechas)],
by = fechas[[2]])
faltan.fechas <- total.fechas[!total.fechas %in% df$fechas]
if(length(faltan.fechas) > 0) {
df <- merge(df, data.frame(fechas = faltan.fechas), all = TRUE)
df <- df[order(df$fechas), ]
df.suavizado <- smoothing(df$valor, input$num_suavizado)
df$valor[which($valor))] <- df.suavizado[which($valor))]
updateNew$seriedf <- df
updateNew$ts_type <- fechas[[2]]
cod <- code.tsdf(input$sel_n_valor, cold = input$sel_n_fecha)
updateData$codenew <- list(doccarga = updateData$codenew$doccarga,
doctsdf = cod)
}, error = function(e) {
updateNew$seriedf <- NULL
updateNew$ts_type <- NULL
showNotification(paste0("ERROR 00040: ", e), type = "error")
# Actualizar la tabla al cargar la serie de datos df
output$n_seriedatos <- DT::renderDataTable({
datos <- updateNew$seriedf
idioma <- isolate(updateData$idioma)
nombre <- paste0(str_remove(isolate(input$n_file$name), '\\..[^\\.]*$'), "_ts")
if(!is.null(datos)) {
datos$fechas <- as.character(datos$fechas)
colnames(datos) <- c(tr("fecha", idioma), tr("valor", idioma))
datos, selection = 'none', rownames = F, extensions = 'Buttons',
options = list(dom = 'Bfrtip', scrollY = "30vh", buttons = list(list(
extend = 'csv', filename = nombre,
text = '<i class="fa fa-download"></i>')))
}, error = function(e) {
showNotification(paste0("ERROR 00050: ", e), type = "error")
}, server = F)
# Actualiza las opciones al cargar tabla de datos
observeEvent(updateNew$seriedf, {
if(is.null(updateNew$seriedf)) {
hide(id = "btn_next4", anim = T, animType = "fade")
} else {
show(id = "btn_next4", anim = T, animType = "fade")
}, ignoreNULL = FALSE)
############################# Carga Serie ts ################################
# Actualizar al obtener la serie o cambiar el idioma
observeEvent(c(updateNew$ts_type, updateData$idioma), {
lg <- updateData$idioma
tipo <- updateNew$ts_type
if(!is.null(tipo)) {
if(tipo == "years") {
fechas <- list(1)
names(fechas) <- c(tr("anual", lg))
} else if(tipo == "months") {
fechas <- list(12)
names(fechas) <- c(tr("anual", lg))
} else if(tipo == "days") {
fechas <- list(365, 30, 7)
names(fechas) <- c(tr("anual", lg), tr("mes", lg), tr("semanal", lg))
} else if(tipo == "workdays") {
fechas <- list(260, 5)
names(fechas) <- c(tr("anual", lg), tr("semanal", lg))
} else if(tipo == "hours") {
fechas <- list(8760, 720, 24)
names(fechas) <- c(tr("anual", lg), tr("mes", lg), tr("dia", lg))
} else if(tipo == "min") {
fechas <- list(525600, 43200, 1440, 60)
names(fechas) <- tr(c('anual', 'mes', 'dia', 'hora'), lg)
} else if(tipo == "sec") {
fechas <- list(31536000, 2592000, 86400, 3600, 60)
names(fechas) <- tr(c('anual', 'mes', 'dia', 'hora', 'minuto'), lg)
updateSelectInput("sel_n_patron", session = session, choices = fechas)
observeEvent(input$n_tsButton, {
updateNew$seriets <- NULL
datos <- isolate(updateNew$seriedf)
tipo <- isolate(updateNew$ts_type)
f <- as.numeric(isolate(input$sel_n_patron))
s <- get_start(datos[[1]][1], tipo, f)
serie <- ts(datos[[2]], start = s, frequency = f)
updateNew$seriets <- serie
cod <-, f)
updateData$codenew <- list(
doccarga = updateData$codenew$doccarga,
doctsdf = updateData$codenew$doctsdf, docts = cod)
}, error = function(e) {
updateNew$seriets <- NULL
showNotification(paste0("ERROR 00060: ", e), type = "error")
# Grafico serie de tiempo
output$plot_n_ts <- renderEcharts4r({
seriets <- updateNew$seriets
serie <- isolate(updateNew$seriedf)
if(is.null(serie) | is.null(seriets)) {
opts <- list(
xAxis = list(
type = "category", data = format(serie$fechas, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")),
yAxis = list(show = TRUE, scale = T),
series = list(list(type = "line", data = serie$valor))
e_charts() |> e_list(opts) |> e_datazoom() |>
e_tooltip(trigger = 'axis') |> e_show_loading()
}, error = function(e) {
showNotification(paste0("ERROR 00070: ", e), type = "error")
# Actualiza las opciones la serie de tiempo
observeEvent(updateNew$seriets, {
if(is.null(updateNew$seriets)) {
hide(id = "btn_next5", anim = T, animType = "fade")
} else {
show(id = "btn_next5", anim = T, animType = "fade")
}, ignoreNULL = FALSE)
############################# Generar Modelo ################################
observeEvent(input$capa, {
agregar <- input$capa$right[!input$capa$right %in% names(capas)]
eliminar <- names(capas)[!names(capas) %in% input$capa$right]
lags <- input$laginput
if(length(agregar) == 1) {
if(str_detect(agregar, "lstm")) {
capas[[agregar]] <<- list(
layer = "lstm", units = 10, activation = "tanh")
} else if(str_detect(agregar, "rnn")) {
capas[[agregar]] <<- list(
layer = "rnn", units = 10, activation = "tanh")
} else if(str_detect(agregar, "dense")) {
capas[[agregar]] <<- list(
layer = "dense", units = 10, activation = "linear")
} else if(str_detect(agregar, "dropout")) {
capas[[agregar]] <<- list(layer = "dropout", rate = 0.5)
vars$selcapa <- agregar
} else if(length(eliminar) == 1) {
capas[[eliminar]] <<- NULL
vars$selcapa <- NULL
observeEvent(input$rcapa, {
vars$selcapa <- input$rcapa
output$capaopts <- renderUI({
nombre_capa <- vars$selcapa
if(is.null(nombre_capa)) {
opts <- capas[[nombre_capa]]
res <- NULL
if(str_detect(opts$layer, "lstm|rnn|dense")) {
res <- tags$div(
numericInput(ns("units"), "Cantidad de unidades", opts$units),
ns("activation"), "Activacion",
choices = c("linear", "tanh", "relu", "sigmoid", "softmax"),
} else if(str_detect(opts$layer, "dropout")) {
res <- tags$div(
sliderInput(ns("rate"), "Ratio", 0, 100, opts$rate * 100, 1, post = "%")
observeEvent(input$units, {
units <- ifelse($units), 1, input$units)
capas[[vars$selcapa]][["units"]] <<- units
observeEvent(input$activation, {
capas[[vars$selcapa]][["activation"]] <<- input$activation
observeEvent(input$rate, {
rate <- input$rate / 100
capas[[vars$selcapa]][["rate"]] <<- rate
output$text_model <- renderPrint({
btn <- input$btn_model
isolate(updateNew$modelo <- NULL)
isolate(updateNew$pred <- NULL)
if(btn == 0) {
serie <- isolate(updateNew$seriets)
n_pred <- isolate(input$n_pred)
sel_model <- isolate(input$sel_model)
if(sel_model == 'prom') {
modelo <- meanf(serie, h = n_pred)
cod <- paste0("pred <- meanf(seriets, h = ", n_pred, ")")
} else if(sel_model == 'naiv') {
modelo <- naive(serie, h = n_pred)
cod <- paste0("pred <- naive(seriets, h = ", n_pred, ")")
} else if(sel_model == 'snai') {
modelo <- snaive(serie, h = n_pred)
cod <- paste0("pred <- snaive(seriets, h = ", n_pred, ")")
} else if(sel_model == 'drif') {
modelo <- rwf(serie, drift = T, h = n_pred)
cod <- paste0("pred <- rwf(seriets, drift = T, h = ", n_pred, ")")
} else if(sel_model == 'desc') {
modelo <- stl(serie, s.window = "periodic")
cod <- paste0("model <- stl(seriets, s.window = 'periodic')\n",
"pred <- forecast(model, h = ", n_pred, ")")
} else if(sel_model == 'reds') {
tam <- isolate(input$n_tam)
modelo <- nnetar(serie, size = tam)
cod <- paste0("model <- nnetar(seriets, size = ", tam, ")\n",
"pred <- forecast(model, h = ", n_pred, ", PI = T)")
} else if(sel_model == 'deep') {
laginput <- isolate(input$laginput)
batinput <- isolate(input$batinput)
epoinput <- isolate(input$epoinput)
losinput <- isolate(input$losinput)
optinput <- isolate(input$optinput)
metinput <- isolate(input$metinput)
modelo <- keras_model_sequential()
cod <- "model <- keras_keras_model_sequential()"
for (capa in capas) {
if(capa$layer == "lstm") {
modelo <- modelo %>% layer_lstm(
units = capa$units, activation = capa$activation,
batch_input_shape = c(1, laginput, 1),
return_sequences = TRUE, stateful = TRUE)
cod <- paste0(cod, " %>% layer_lstm(
units = ", capa$units, ", activation = '", capa$activation, "',
batch_input_shape = c(1, ", laginput, ", 1),
return_sequences = TRUE, stateful = TRUE)")
} else if(capa$layer == "rnn") {
modelo <- modelo %>% layer_simple_rnn(
units = capa$units, activation = capa$activation,
batch_input_shape = c(1, laginput, 1),
return_sequences = TRUE, stateful = TRUE)
cod <- paste0(cod, " %>% layer_simple_rnn(
units = ", capa$units, ", activation = '", capa$activation, "',
batch_input_shape = c(1, ", laginput, ", 1),
return_sequences = TRUE, stateful = TRUE)")
} else if(capa$layer == "dense") {
modelo <- modelo %>% layer_dense(
units = capa$units, activation = capa$activation,
batch_input_shape = c(1, laginput, 1))
cod <- paste0(cod, " %>% layer_dense(
units = ", capa$units, ", activation = '", capa$activation, "',
batch_input_shape = c(1, ", laginput, ", 1))")
} else if(capa$layer == "dropout") {
modelo <- modelo %>% layer_dropout(rate = capa$rate)
cod <- paste0(cod, " %>% layer_dropout(rate = ", capa$rate, ")")
modelo <- modelo %>% layer_dense(units = 1) %>%
compile(loss = losinput, optimizer = optinput, metrics = metinput)
cod <- paste0(cod, " %>% layer_dense(units = 1) %>%\n",
"compile(loss = '", losinput, "', optimizer = '", optinput,
"', metrics = '", metinput, "')")
modelo <- tskeras(serie, modelo, laginput, batinput, epoinput)
cod <- paste0(
cod, "\n\n", "model <- tskeras(seriets, model, lag = ", laginput, ")\n",
"pred <- forecast(model, h = ", n_pred, ")")
} else if(sel_model == 'holt') {
alpha <- isolate(input$n_alpha)
beta <- isolate(input$n_beta)
gamma <- isolate(input$n_gamma)
modelo <- HoltWinters(serie, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, gamma = gamma)
cod <- paste0("model <- HoltWinters(seriets, alpha = ", alpha,
", beta = ", beta, ", gamma = ", gamma, ")\n",
"pred <- forecast(model, h = ", n_pred, ")")
} else if(sel_model == 'arim') {
p <- isolate(input$n_p)
d <- isolate(input$n_d)
q <- isolate(input$n_q)
P <- isolate(input$n_P)
D <- isolate(input$n_D)
Q <- isolate(input$n_Q)
periodo <- isolate(input$n_periodo)
modelo <- arima(serie, order = c(p, d, q),
seasonal = list(order = c(P, D, Q), period = periodo))
cod <- paste0("model <- arima(seriets, order = c(", p, ", ", d, ", ", q,
"),\n seasonal = list(order = c(", P, ", ",
D, ", ", Q, "), period = ", periodo, "))\n",
"pred <- forecast(model, h = ", n_pred, ")")
isolate(updateNew$modelo <- modelo)
if (sel_model == 'deep') {
isolate(updateNew$pred <- pred.tskeras(modelo, h = n_pred))
} else if(sel_model %in% c('arim', 'desc')) {
isolate(updateNew$pred <- forecast(modelo, h = n_pred))
} else {
isolate(updateNew$pred <- forecast(modelo, h = n_pred, PI = T))
isolate(updateData$codenew <- list(
doccarga = updateData$codenew$doccarga,
doctsdf = updateData$codenew$doctsdf,
docts = updateData$codenew$docts,
docmodel = cod))
# Actualiza las opciones al cargar tabla de datos
observeEvent(updateNew$pred, {
if(is.null(updateNew$pred)) {
hide(id = "btn_next6", anim = T, animType = "fade")
} else {
show(id = "btn_next6", anim = T, animType = "fade")
}, ignoreNULL = FALSE)
########################### Generar Predicción ##############################
listpred <- reactive({
sel_model <- isolate(input$sel_model)
seriedf <- isolate(updateNew$seriedf)
serie <- isolate(updateNew$seriets)
pred <- updateNew$pred
datos <- NULL
if (sel_model == 'deep') {
n_pred <- length(pred)
datos <- ts.union(pred, NA, NA)
datos <- ts.union(serie, datos)
datos <- data.frame(datos)
names(datos) <- c("s", "table_m", "linf", "lsup")
} else {
n_pred <- length(pred$mean)
datos <- ts.union(pred$mean, pred$lower[, 2], pred$upper[, 2])
datos <- ts.union(serie, datos)
datos <- data.frame(datos)
names(datos) <- c("s", "table_m", "linf", "lsup")
ts_type <- isolate(updateNew$ts_type)
if(ts_type == "workdays") {
aux <- vector(mode = "character", nrow(datos))
fini <- seriedf[[1]][1]
for (i in 1:length(aux)) {
while (wday(fini) %in% c(1, 7)) {
fini <- fini + days(1)
aux[i] <- as.character(fini)
fini <- fini + days(1)
datos$date <- as.Date(aux)
} else {
datos$date <- seq(from = seriedf[[1]][1], by = ts_type, length.out = nrow(datos))
datos$date <- format(datos$date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
dfpred <- tail(datos, n_pred)
dfpred <- dfpred[, c("date", "table_m", "linf", "lsup")]
return(list(df = datos, dfpred = dfpred))
output$df_new <- DT::renderDataTable({
datos <- listpred()$dfpred
noms <- tr(colnames(datos), updateData$idioma)
colnames(datos) <- paste('<span style="color: white">', noms, '</span>')
nombre <- str_remove(isolate(input$n_file$name), '\\..[^\\.]*$')
datos, selection = 'none', rownames = FALSE,
extensions = 'Buttons', escape = FALSE,
options = list(
dom = 'Bfrtip', scrollY = "20vh", pageLength = 5,
buttons = list(list(
extend = 'csv', filename = paste0(nombre, "_pred"),
text = '<i class="fa fa-download" style="color: white;"></i>')))
) %>% DT::formatStyle(columns = names(datos), color="white")
}, error = function(e) {
showNotification(paste0("ERROR 00080: ", e), type = "error")
}, server = F)
output$plot_pred <- renderEcharts4r({
datos <- listpred()$df
ts_type <- isolate(updateNew$ts_type)
noms <- tr(c("serie", "table_m"), updateData$idioma)
cod <- code.plotnew(ts_type, noms)
isolate(updateData$codenew <- list(
doccarga = updateData$codenew$doccarga,
doctsdf = updateData$codenew$doctsdf,
docts = updateData$codenew$docts,
docmodel = updateData$codenew$docmodel,
docpred = cod))
aux <- datos |> e_charts(date) |> e_line(s, name = noms[1]) |>
e_line(table_m, name = noms[2]) |> e_datazoom() |> e_legend() |>
e_band2(linf, lsup, color = "lightblue", itemStyle = list(borderWidth = 0)) |>
e_y_axis(scale = TRUE) |> e_tooltip(trigger = 'axis') |> e_show_loading()
aux$x$opts$legend$data[[3]] <- NULL
aux$x$opts$series[[3]]$tooltip <- list(show = F)
}, error = function(e) {
showNotification(paste0("ERROR 00090: ", e), type = "error")
## To be copied in the UI
# mod_nuevos_ui("nuevos_ui_1")
## To be copied in the server
# mod_nuevos_server("nuevos_ui_1")
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