#' Inclusion power for missing person cases
#' This function simulates the LR distribution for the true missing person in a
#' reference family. The output contains both the total and marker-wise LR of
#' each simulation, as well as various summary statistics. If a specific LR
#' threshold is given, the _inclusion power_ is computed as the probability that
#' LR exceeds the threshold.
#' @inheritParams missingPersonEP
#' @param nsim A positive integer: the number of simulations
#' @param threshold A numeric vector with one or more positive numbers used as
#' the likelihood ratio thresholds for inclusion
#' @param seed An integer seed for the random number generator (optional).
#' @return A `mpIP` object, which is essentially a list with the following
#' entries:
#' * `LRperSim`: A numeric vector of length `nsim` containing the total LR for
#' each simulation.
#' * `meanLRperMarker`: The mean LR per marker, over all simulations.
#' * `meanLR`: The mean total LR over all simulations.
#' * `meanLogLR`: The mean total `log10(LR)` over all simulations.
#' * `IP`: A named numeric of the same length as `threshold`. For each element
#' of `threshold`, the fraction of simulations resulting in a LR exceeding the
#' given number.
#' * `time`: The total computation time.
#' * `params`: A list containing the input parameters `missing`, `markers`,
#' `nsim`, `threshold` and `disableMutations`
#' @examples
#' # Four siblings; the fourth is missing
#' x = nuclearPed(4)
#' # Remaining sibs typed with 5 triallelic markers
#' x = markerSim(x, N = 5, ids = 3:5, alleles = 1:3, seed = 123, verbose = FALSE)
#' # Compute inclusion power statistics
#' ip = missingPersonIP(x, missing = 6, nsim = 5, threshold = c(10, 100))
#' ip
#' # LRs from each simulation
#' ip$LRperSim
#' @importFrom pedprobr likelihood
#' @export
missingPersonIP = function(reference, missing, markers, nsim = 1, threshold = NULL,
disableMutations = NA, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
st = Sys.time()
stop2("Expecting a connected pedigree as H1")
nmark = nMarkers(reference)
if(nmark == 0)
stop2("No markers attached to the input reference")
if(missing(markers)) {
message("Using all ", nmark, " attached markers")
markers = name(reference, 1:nmark)
markers = 1:nmark
# Do any of the markers model mutatinos?
hasMut = allowsMutations(reference, markers)
# For which marker should mutations be disabled?
disALL = any(hasMut) && isTRUE(disableMutations)
disGOOD = any(hasMut) && length(disableMutations) == 1 &&
disSELECT = any(hasMut) && !isFALSE(disableMutations) && !is.null(disableMutations)
disable = markers[hasMut]
else if(disGOOD) { # disable only if consistent
refNoMut = reference
mutmod(refNoMut, markers[hasMut]) = NULL
liksNoMut = likelihood(refNoMut, markers = markers[hasMut])
disable = markers[hasMut][liksNoMut > 0]
else if(disSELECT)
disable = whichMarkers(reference, disableMutations)
disable = NULL
# Disable mutations in the chosen cases
if(length(disable) > 0) {
if(verbose) message("Disabling mutations for marker ", toString(disable))
mutmod(reference, disable) = NULL
poiLabel = "_POI_"
# Extract markers and set up pedigrees
midx = whichMarkers(reference, markers)
relatedPed = relabel(reference, old = missing, new = poiLabel)
unrelatedPed = list(reference, singleton(poiLabel, sex = getSex(reference, missing)))
# Raise error if impossible markers
liks = likelihood(reference, markers = midx)
if(any(liks == 0))
stop2("Marker incompatible with reference pedigree: ", markers[liks == 0],
"\nThis makes conditional simulations impossible. Exclude the marker from the computation or add a mutation model")
# Set seed once
# Simulate nsim complete profiles of relatedPed
message(sprintf("Simulating %d profile%s ...\n", nsim, pluralise(nsim)), appendLF = FALSE)
allsims = profileSim(relatedPed, ids = "_POI_", N = nsim, markers = midx, simplify1 = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
message("done\nComputing likelihood ratios ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
# Compute LR of each marker
lrs = vapply(allsims, function(s) {
unrelSim = transferMarkers(from = s, to = unrelatedPed)
lr = kinshipLR(list(s, unrelSim), ref = 2)
lr$LRperMarker[, 1]
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(length(markers)))
# Ensure matrix
if(length(markers) == 1)
lrs = rbind(lrs, deparse.level = 0)
rownames(lrs) = markers
# Results
LRperSim = apply(lrs, 2, prod)
meanLRperMarker = apply(lrs, 1, mean)
meanLR = mean(LRperSim)
meanLogLR = mean(log10(LRperSim))
IP = sapply(threshold, function(thr) mean(LRperSim >= thr))
names(IP) = threshold
# Timing
time = Sys.time() - st # included in output
message("Total time used: ", format(time, digits = 3))
# List of input parameters
params = list(missing = missing, markers = markers,
nsim = nsim, threshold = threshold, seed = seed,
disableMutations = disableMutations)
structure(list(LRperSim = LRperSim, meanLRperMarker = meanLRperMarker,
meanLR = meanLR, meanLogLR = meanLogLR, IP = IP,
time = time, params = params), class = "LRpowerResult")
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