
frailtyHL <-
function (formula, data, weights, subset, na.action, RandDist = "Normal",mord = 0, dord = 1, Maxiter = 200, 
          convergence = 10^-6, varfixed = FALSE,varinit = c(0.163),varnonneg=FALSE) 
    Call <- match.call()
    mc <- match.call()
    indx <- match(c("formula", "data", "weights", "subset", "na.action"), 
        names(Call), nomatch = 0)
    if (indx[1] == 0) 
        stop("A formula argument is required")
    temp <- Call[c(1, indx)]
    temp[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    special <- c("strata", "cluster")
    temp$formula <- terms(subbars(formula), special)
    m <- eval(temp)
    Terms <- attr(m, "terms")
    Y <- model.extract(m, "response")
    temp <- Call[c(1, indx)]
    temp[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    special <- c("strata", "cluster")
    temp$formula <- terms(formula, special)
    Terms <- temp[[2]]
    formula1 <- paste(paste(Terms[[2]][[2]], Terms[[3]], sep = "~")[[2]], 
        paste(Terms[[3]])[3], sep = "+")
    formula1 <- formula(formula1)
    fr <- FrailtyFrames(mc, formula1, contrasts)
    namesX <- names(fr$fixef)
    namesX <- namesX[-1]
    namesY <- names(fr$mf)[1]
    FL <- HGLMFactorList(formula1, fr, 0L, 0L)
    namesRE <- FL$namesRE
    if (ncol(Y)==3) leftT<-1
    if (leftT==0) y <- matrix(Y[, 1], length(fr$Y), 1)
    if (leftT==0) L0 <- matrix(0, length(fr$Y), 1)
    if (leftT==1) y <- matrix(Y[, 2], length(fr$Y), 1)
    if (leftT==1) L0 <- matrix(Y[, 1], length(fr$Y), 1)
    x <- fr$X
    z <- FL$Design
    n <- nrow(x)
    p <- ncol(x)
    x1 <- x[1:n, 2:p]
    x2 <- matrix(x1, n, p - 1)
    x <- x2
    n <- nrow(x)
    p <- ncol(x)
    nrand <- length(z)
    q <- rep(0, nrand)
    for (i in 1:nrand) q[i] <- dim(z[[i]])[2]
    del <- matrix(0, n, 1)
    if (leftT==0) del[, 1] <- censor <- Y[, 2]
    if (leftT==1) del[, 1] <- censor <- Y[, 3]
    SS <- FL$Subject
    res1 <- FrailtyMakeData(y, x, del, z, L0)
    y <- res1[1][[1]]
    x <- res1[2][[1]]
    del <- res1[3][[1]]
    z <- res1[4][[1]]
    Mi <- res1[5][[1]]
    idx2 <- res1[6][[1]]
    t2 <- res1[7][[1]]
    di <- res1[8][[1]]
    beta_h <- matrix(0, p, 1)
    qcum <- cumsum(c(0, q))
    v_h <- matrix(0, qcum[nrand + 1], 1)
    rho <- 0.5
    alpha_h <- rep(0, nrand)
    varinit1 <- rep(0.1, nrand)
    length_init <- length(varinit)
    for (i in 1:length_init) varinit1[i] <- varinit[i]
    for (i in 1:nrand) alpha_h[i] <- varinit1[i]
    Max_iter <- Maxiter
    err <- 1
    if (RandDist == "AR1") v_h <- matrix(0, n, 1)
    for (ii in 1:Max_iter) {
        if (err >= convergence) {
            if (RandDist == "AR1") {
                    nrand <- length(z)
                    qq <- length(qrep)
                    for (i in 1:qq) {
                         for (j in 1:qrep[i]) {
                             for (k in 1:qrep[i]) {
                         if (i==1) IArho<-solve(Arhotemp)
                         if (i>1) IArho<-dbind(IArho,solve(Arhotemp))
            if (RandDist == "Normal") 
                res2 <- PNfrailtyHL(x, z, y, del, Mi, idx2, t2, 
                  di, beta_h, v_h, alpha_h, mord, dord, varfixed = varfixed,varnonneg)
            if (RandDist == "AR1") {
                  res2 <- AR1frailtyHL(x, z, y, del, Mi, idx2, t2, 
                  di, beta_h, v_h, alpha_h, mord, dord, varfixed = varfixed,varnonneg,IArho,rho,qrep)
            if (RandDist == "Gamma") 
                res2 <- PGfrailtyHL(x, z, y, del, Mi, idx2, t2, 
                  di, beta_h, v_h, alpha_h, mord, dord, varfixed = varfixed,varnonneg)
            alpha_h <- res2[13][[1]]
            alpha_h1 <- res2[14][[1]]
            beta_h <- res2[11][[1]]
            beta_h1 <- res2[9][[1]]
            v_h <- res2[12][[1]]
            v_h1 <- res2[10][[1]]
            Hinv <- res2[16][[1]]
            rho_h1 <- rho
            rho_h <- rho
            se_rho_h <- 0.000
            if (RandDist == "AR1") {
                   rho_h <- res2[24][[1]]
                   se_rho_h <- res2[25][[1]]
            temp4 <- sum(abs(alpha_h - alpha_h1)) + sum(abs(v_h - 
                v_h1)) + sum(abs(beta_h - beta_h1)) +sum(abs(rho_h-rho_h1))
            rho <- rho_h
            err <- temp4
            alpha_h <- alpha_h1
            se_beta <- res2[20][[1]]
            u_h <- NULL
            Hinv_u <- NULL
            if (RandDist == "Gamma") {
            print_err <- err
            print_i <- ii
    names(print_i) <- "iteration : "
    names(print_err) <- "convergence : "
    if (err < convergence) 
    if (err > convergence) 
        print("did not converge")
    result <- list(0)
    names(result)[1] <- "Model"
    sum_init <- sum(abs(varinit))
    if (varfixed == TRUE && sum_init < 1e-05) {
        print("Results from the Cox model")
        result$Model <- "Cox model"
    else {
        if (RandDist == "Gamma") {
            print("Results from the gamma frailty model")
            result$Model <- "gamma frailty model"
        if (RandDist == "Normal") {
            print("Results from the log-normal frailty model")
            result$Model <- "log-normal frailty model"
        if (RandDist == "AR1") {
            print("Results from the log-normal frailty model with AR(1)")
            result$Model <- "log-normal frailty model with AR(1)"
    nevent <- sum(censor)
    print("Number of data : ")
    print("Number of event : ")
    print("Model for conditional hazard : ")
    result$formula <- formula
    if (mord == 0 && dord == 1) {
        print("Method : HL(0,1)")
        result$Method <- "HL(0,1)"
    if (mord == 0 && dord == 2) {
        print("Method : HL(0,2)")
        result$Method <- "HL(0,2)"
    if (mord == 1 && dord == 1) {
        print("Method : HL(1,1)")
        result$Method <- "HL(1,1)"
    if (mord == 1 && dord == 2) {
        print("Method : HL(1,2)")
        result$Method <- "HL(1,2)"
    print("Estimates from the mean model")
    z_beta <- beta_h/se_beta
    pval <- 2 * pnorm(abs(z_beta), lower.tail = FALSE)
    beta_coeff <- cbind(beta_h, se_beta, z_beta, pval)
    colnames(beta_coeff) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t-value", 
    rownames(beta_coeff) <- namesX
    result$FixCoef <- beta_coeff
    print(beta_coeff, 4)
    if (RandDist == "Normal") 
        res3 <- PNFrailty_SE.h(res2, nrand, q, qcum, dord, varfixed = varfixed)
    if (RandDist == "AR1") {
            n <- nrow(x)
            zz1 <- diag(1,n,n)
            nrand1 <- 1
            qq1 <- rep(0, nrand1)
            for (i in 1:nrand1) qq1[i] <- dim(zz1)[2]
            qcum1 <- cumsum(c(0, qq1))
            res3 <- AR1Frailty_SE.h(res2, nrand1, qq1, qcum1, dord, varfixed = varfixed, IArho)
    if (RandDist == "Gamma") 
        res3 <- PGFrailty_SE.h(res2, nrand, q, qcum, dord, varfixed = varfixed)
    print("Estimates from the dispersion model")
    se_alpha_h <- res3[1][[1]]
    hlike <- -2 * res3[2][[1]]
    p1 <- -2 * res3[3][[1]]
    p2 <- -2 * res3[4][[1]]
    p3 <- -2 * res3[5][[1]]
    p0 <- -2 * res3[6][[1]]
    p4 <- p3 - (p1 - p2)
    df1 <- res3[7][[1]]
    if (varfixed == FALSE & RandDist != "AR1") 
        z_lam <- alpha_h/se_alpha_h
    for (i in 1:nrand) {
        if (alpha_h[i] < 1e-05) 
            alpha_h[i] <- 0
    lam_coeff <- cbind(alpha_h, se_alpha_h)
    colnames(lam_coeff) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error")
      if (RandDist=="AR1") {
      lam_coeff <- cbind(alpha_h)
      colnames(lam_coeff) <- c("Estimate")
    rownames(lam_coeff) <- namesRE
    print(lam_coeff, 4)
    result$RandCoef <- lam_coeff
    result$rho <- 0.000
    if (RandDist == "AR1") {
        rho_coeff <- cbind(rho_h)

      #rho_coeff <- cbind(rho_h, se_rho_h)      

        print("Estimates for rho in the AR(1) model")
    if (mord == 0 && dord == 1) 
        like_value <- cbind(p0, hlike, p1)
    if (mord == 0 && dord == 1) 
        colnames(like_value) <- c("-2h0", "-2*hp", "-2*p_b,v(hp)")
    if (mord == 0 && dord == 2) 
        like_value <- cbind(p0, hlike, p1, p3)
    if (mord == 0 && dord == 2) 
        colnames(like_value) <- c("-2h0", "-2*hp", "-2*p_b,v(hp)", 
    if (mord == 1 && dord == 1) 
        like_value <- cbind(p0, hlike, p2, p1)
    if (mord == 1 && dord == 1) 
        colnames(like_value) <- c("-2h0", "-2*hp", "-2*p_v(hp)", 
    if (mord == 1 && dord == 2) 
        like_value <- cbind(p0, hlike, p2, p4, p1, p3)
    if (mord == 1 && dord == 2) 
        colnames(like_value) <- c("-2h0", "-2*hp", "-2*p_v(hp)", 
            "-2*s_v(hp)", "-2*p_b,v(hp)", "-2*s_b,v(hp)")
    result$likelihood <- like_value
    result$iter <- print_i
    if (print_err < convergence) 
        result$convergence <- "converged"
    if (print_err > convergence) 
        result$convergence <- "did not converge"
    names(result$convergence) <- "convergence : "
    print(like_value, 5)
    res4 <- list(res2, res3)
    caic <- p0 + 2*df1
    n_lam <- nrow(lam_coeff)
    if (varfixed == TRUE)  {
     n_lam <- 0
      maic <- hlike + 2*nrow(beta_coeff) + 2 * n_lam
     } else {
     maic <- p2 + 2*nrow(beta_coeff) + 2 * n_lam
     raic <- p1 + 2*n_lam

   disp_coeff <- cbind(alpha_h,rho_h)  
   n_disp<- ncol(disp_coeff)  
   if (RandDist == "AR1"){   
   maic <- p2 + 2*nrow(beta_coeff) + 2*n_disp
   raic <- p1 + 2*n_disp

    if (RandDist == "Gamma" && mord == 1 && dord == 2) 
        maic <- p4 + 2 * nrow(beta_coeff) + 2 * n_lam
    if (RandDist == "Gamma" && mord == 1 && dord == 2) 
        raic <- p3 + 2 * n_lam

    aic <- cbind(caic, maic, raic)
    colnames(aic) <- c("cAIC", "pAIC", "rAIC")
    #colnames(aic) <- c("cAIC", "mAIC", "rAIC")

    print(aic, 5)
    result$aic <- aic
    result$v_h <- v_h
    result$Hinv <- Hinv
    result$p <- p
    result$q <- q
    if (RandDist=="Gamma") result$u_h<-u_h
    if (RandDist=="Gamma") result$Hinv_u<-Hinv_u

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frailtyHL documentation built on Dec. 1, 2019, 1:25 a.m.