#' RawPlot
#' Plot the Fst estimates along a (portion of) chromosome
#' @param Info a data.frame providing information about markers
#' @param HF a data.frame with 2 columns, Fst and Weight, as provided by the \code{HudsonFst.m} function
#' @param Coord a vector with the minimum and maximum coordinates (i.e. positions along the genome),
#' providing the range of the genomic region that will be plotted.
#' @param Title a string providing a title for the graph.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom scales unit_format
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @return a ggplot object.
#' @export
RawPlot <- function(Info,HF,Coord=NULL,Title=''){
DF <- data.frame(Info,HF) %>%
filter(.data$POS>=Coord[1] & .data$POS<=Coord[2]) %>%
dplyr::select(contains('CHR'),contains('Chr'),.data$POS,.data$Weight,.data$Fst) %>%
mutate($Weight/10) %>%
Range = range(DF$Fst)
Unit = "Mb"; Scale = 1e-6
} else {
Unit = "Kb"; Scale = 1e-3
Labs <- labs(title = Title,x=NULL,y=NULL)
GG <- ggplot() +
scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::unit_format(unit = Unit, scale = Scale)) +
scale_size(range=c(0.1,2),guide = "none") +
scale_color_manual(breaks = c("0", "1"), values=c("black","blue"),guide="none") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=45,size=12),
axis.text.y = element_text(size=10),
plot.title = element_text(size=15),
plot.margin = margin(1,2,-2,1,"mm")) +
ylim(Range) +
geom_point(data=DF, aes_string(x = 'POS',y='Fst',size='Weight_10')) +
#' Plot1Prof
#' Display the graphical representation of an Fst profile
#' @param DF a data.frame, as provided by function \code{DF4Plot1Prof}
#' @param Title a string providing a title for the graph, optional.
#' @param Range a vector with the minimum and maximum values for the y-axis
#' @return a ggplot object
#' @importFrom rlang .data
Plot1Prof <- function(DF,Title='',Range=NULL){
DF <- DF %>%
mutate(PointColor = as.character(as.numeric(.data$Detected)), LineSize=0.5) %>%
if (is.null(Range)){
Range <- range(DF$Fst)
PosRange <- range(DF$POS)
Unit = "Mb"; Scale = 1e-6
} else {
Unit = "Kb"; Scale = 1e-3
Labs <- labs(title = Title,x=NULL,y=NULL)
GG <- ggplot() +
scale_x_continuous(labels = unit_format(unit = Unit, scale = Scale)) +
scale_size(range=c(0.1,2),guide = "none") +
scale_color_manual(breaks = c("0", "1"), values=c("black","blue"),guide="none") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=45,size=12),
axis.text.y = element_text(size=10),
plot.title = element_text(size=15),
plot.margin = margin(1,2,-2,1,"mm")) +
ylim(Range) +
geom_point(data=DF, aes_string(x = 'POS',y='Fst',colour='PointColor',size='Weight_10')) +
geom_line(aes_string(x='POS',y='FstProf'),color='red',size=1.5,data=DF) +
#' ContrastGraphSummary
#' Display mean ratio and/or number of selection graphs
#' @param CS a contrast summary, as provided by function \code{ContrastSummary}
#' @param Info a data.frame providing information about markers
#' @param Ratio.thres a numeric value, regions exhibiting Fst levels whose ratio with the reference level is
#' higher than Ratio.thres will be highlighted.
#' @param Coef a scalar, controling font sizes for the graph, optional
#' @param CutNbSel a scalar, providing a y-value for an horizontal line on the NbSel graph
#' @param CutMeanRatio a scalar, providing a y-value for an horizontal line on the MeanRatio graph
#' @importFrom stats lm mad pt setNames weighted.mean
#' @return two ggplots objects, called NbSel and MeanRatio, respectively.
#' @export
ContrastGraphSummary <- function (CS, Info, Ratio.thres, Coef = 1, CutNbSel = NULL, CutMeanRatio = NULL){
TH <- theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, size = 12),
axis.title = element_text(size = 15), axis.text.y = element_text(size = 10),
plot.title = element_text(size = 15), plot.margin = margin(1,
2, -2, 1, "mm"))
Tmp <- bind_cols(Info, CS)
PosRange <- range(Tmp$POS)
if ((PosRange[2] - PosRange[1])/(1e+06) > 2) {
Unit = "Mb"
Scale = 1e-06
} else {
Unit = "Kb"
Scale = 0.001
GG.NbSel <- ggplot(Tmp, aes_string(x = 'POS', y = 'NbSel')) +
scale_x_continuous(labels = unit_format(unit = Unit, scale = Scale)) +
scale_size(range = c(0.1, 2), guide = "none") +
scale_color_manual(breaks = c("0", "1"),
values = c("black", "blue"), guide = "none") +
geom_line() + ylab(paste0("Nb prof. > ", Ratio.thres)) +
xlab("") + TH + ggtitle("")
if (!is.null(CutNbSel)) {
GG.NbSel <- GG.NbSel + geom_hline(yintercept = CutNbSel,
color = "red", size = 1.2)
GG.MeanRatio <- ggplot(Tmp, aes_string(x = 'POS', y = 'MeanRatio')) +
scale_x_continuous(labels = unit_format(unit = Unit, scale = Scale)) +
scale_size(range = c(0.1, 2), guide = "none") +
scale_color_manual(breaks = c("0", "1"),
values = c("black", "blue"), guide = "none") +
geom_line() + ylab("Mean Ratio") +
xlab("") + TH + ggtitle("")
if (!is.null(CutMeanRatio)) {
GG.MeanRatio <- GG.MeanRatio + geom_hline(yintercept = CutMeanRatio,
color = "red", size = 1.2)
return(list(NbSel = GG.NbSel, MeanRatio = GG.MeanRatio))
#' HeatMap
#' Make a frequency heatmap
#' @param Min the starting position value of the region
#' @param Max the end position value of the region
#' @param chr a string providing the chromosome name, optional
#' @param Info a data.frame providing information about markers
#' @param FreqNbG a list of data.frames (one per population) with two columns: Freq and NbGamete
#' @param Dir a string providing the name of the directory where the graph should be saved, optional
#' @param Weights a vector of weights associated with each marker, optional
#' @param Weight.thres a numeric value. Markers with weights lower than this threshold
#' will be discarded from the graphical representation. Optional.
#' @param NbAdjM an integer providing the number of markers before and after the highlighted regions
#' that should be added to the graphical representation, optional.
#' @param Subsets a list of character vectors with the population names, optional.
#' @return A heatmap where rows correspond to markers, and columns to populations.
#' @import gplots ggplot2
#' @importFrom grDevices png
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## The full example execution takes a few seconds.
#' # data(Freq);data(NbGamete)
#' # FreqNbG <- BuildFreqNbG(Freq,NbGamete)
#' # HFst.m <- HudsonFst.m(FreqNbG)
#' ## Two sets of populations to contrast
#' # Contrast <- list(America=c("Colombian","Maya"),Europe=c("Tuscan","Italian"))
#' # Profiles <-,Contrast=Contrast)
#' # PS <- ProfilingSummary(Profiles,Info)
#' # RefLevel <- rapply(Profiles,median,classes = "numeric",how='list')
#' # Ratio.thres <- 3
#' # NbSnp.min <- 1
#' # CS <- ContrastSummary(PS, RefLevel,
#' # Ratio.thres=Ratio.thres,
#' # NbSnp.min=NbSnp.min)
#' # NbSel.thres <- 2
#' # TopRegions <- ContrastTopRegions(CS = CS,Crit = 'NbSel',Info = Info,
#' # Thres = NbSel.thres, Simplify=TRUE)
#' # HeatMap(Min = TopRegions[1,]$Start,
#' # Max = TopRegions[1,]$End,
#' # chr = TopRegions[1,]$Chromosome,
#' # Info = Info,
#' # FreqNbG = FreqNbG,
#' # Subsets = Contrast)
HeatMap <- function(Min,Max,chr=NULL,Info,FreqNbG,Dir=NULL,Weights=NULL,Weight.thres=0.05,NbAdjM=0,Subsets=NULL){
## Get the markers of interest
Cand <- which((Info$POS>=Min) & (Info$POS<=Max))
Cand <- Weights[Cand] %>%
`>`(Weight.thres) %>%
which %>%
## Add some adjacent markers if required
RSC <- rep(c("white", "black","white"), times =
Cand <- c((min(Cand)-NbAdjM):(min(Cand)-1),
} else {
RSC <- rep("white",length(Cand))
## Reshape the frequency dataset
freq <- FreqNbG %>% map(~.x$Freq) %>% bind_cols() %>% as.matrix
#If subsets are specified
} else {
Subsets.all <- Subsets %>% Reduce('c',.)
NbPerSub <- map_int(Subsets,length)
#Check that all pops are present
if (any(!(Subsets.all %in% colnames(freq)))) {
stop('Some pops in Subsets are not described in Freq')
freq <- map(Subsets, ~ freq %>% %>% select(one_of(.x))) %>% bind_cols()
row.names(freq) <- Info$MARKER
## If require build the .png file name
FN <- paste0('Heatmap_',Min,'to',Max)
} else {
FN <- paste0('HeatmapChr',chr,'_',Min,'to',Max)
FN <- paste0(FN,'_weighted')
## Make the heatmap
freq[Cand,] %>%
as.matrix %>%
heatmap.2(., col=greenred(75),
Rowv = NULL,Colv = NULL,
trace = 'none',
dendrogram = 'none',
# keysize = 0.9,
key.par = list(cex=0.8),
key.title = '',
key.xlab = '',
key.ylab = '',"none",
cexCol = 2,
RowSideColors = RSC)
## Close file (if needed)
# Dir=NULL
# Weights=NULL
# Weight.thres=0.05
# NbAdjM=0
# Min = TopRegions[1]$Start
# Max = TopRegions[1]$End
# chr = TopRegions[1]$Chromosome
# Info = Info
# FreqNbG = FreqNbG
# Subsets = Contrast
#' Plot Fst values along chromosomes
#' @param Info a data.frame providing information about markers
#' @param HFst.m a data.frame with 2 columns, Fst and Weight, as provided by the \code{HudsonFst.m} function
#' @param a data.frame corresponding to one item of the output of the \code{} function
#' @param Coord a vector with the minimum and maximum coordinates (i.e. positions along the genome)
#' providing the range of the genomic region that will be plotted.
#' @param Ref a value to plot a reference line
#' @param Threshold a value to plot a threshold line
#' @return a ggplot object
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## The full example execution takes a few seconds.
#' data(Freq);data(NbGamete)
#' FreqNbG <- BuildFreqNbG(Freq,NbGamete)
#' HFst.m <- HudsonFst.m(FreqNbG)
#' TwoPops <- list(First="Colombian",Second="Tuscan")
#' <-,Contrast=TwoPops)
#' ## Plot the raw data
#' \donttest{
#' HudsonFst.plot(Info,HFst.m$Colombian_Tuscan)
#' }
#' ## Plot the raw data and the segmentation
#' \donttest{
#' HudsonFst.plot(Info,HFst.m$Colombian_Tuscan,$Colombian_Tuscan)
#' }
#' ## Add a background/reference level
#' \donttest{
#' RefLevel <- median($Colombian_Tuscan)
#' HudsonFst.plot(Info,HFst.m$Colombian_Tuscan,$Colombian_Tuscan,
#' Ref=RefLevel)
#' }
#' ## Add a threshold
#' \donttest{
#' Threshold <- 3*RefLevel
#' HudsonFst.plot(Info,HFst.m$Colombian_Tuscan,$Colombian_Tuscan,
#' Ref=RefLevel,Threshold = Threshold)
#' }
HudsonFst.plot <- function(Info,HFst.m,,Coord=NULL,Ref=NULL,Threshold=NULL){
## Plot the per marker Fst estimates
GG <- RawPlot(Info,HFst.m)
} else{
## Plot marker estimates + profiles
GG <- DF4Plot1Prof(Info = Info, HF = HFst.m, FstProf = %>%
if (!is.null(Ref)){
## Add a reference line
GG <- GG + geom_hline(yintercept = Ref,col='green',size=1.5)
if (!is.null(Ref)){
## Add a threshold line
GG <- GG + geom_hline(yintercept = Threshold,col='blue',size=1.5)
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