Man pages for functClust
Functional Clustering of Redundant Components of a System

add_ass_namesAdd assemblage names on a plot
affect_motifsLabel assemblages by assembly motif
agglomerative_ftreeHierarchical agglomerative clustering of components
AIC_AIC of two numeric vectors
AICcAICc of two numeric vectors
ameanArithmetic mean
amean_byeltArithmetic mean by components occurring within an assembly...
amean_byelt_jackArithmetic mean by elements occurring within assembly motif...
amean_byelt_LOOPredicting the performances by elements occurring within...
amean_bymot_jackArithmetic mean of performances by assembly motif using...
amean_bymot_LOOArithmetic mean by assembly motif using leave-one-out method
argchrIndex of different instances of a given char in a string
argmaxIndex of the maximum values of a vector
argminIndex of the minimum values of a vector
asdArithmetic standard deviation
binary_to_logicalConvert a binary into logical matrix
build_random_matrixBuild a matrix of missing indices
calibrate_amean_byeltModelling of performances by components occurring within an...
calibrate_amean_byelt_xprModelling of performances by components occurring within an...
calibrate_amean_bymotModelling of performances by assembly motif
calibrate_amean_bymot_xprModelling of performances by assembly motif over several...
calibrate_byminrssModelling of performances of assemblages
calibrate_gmean_byeltModelling the performances by components occurring within an...
calibrate_gmean_byelt_xprModelling the performances by components occurring within an...
calibrate_gmean_bymotModelling of performances by assembly motif
calibrate_gmean_bymot_xprModelling of performances by assembly motif over several...
CedarCreek.2004.2006.boot.assemblagesEvaluate by bootstrapping the robustness of species...
CedarCreek.2004.2006.boot.performancesEvaluate by bootstrapping the robustness of species...
CedarCreek.2004.2006.datData of Cedar Creek experiment for the years 2004, 2005 and...
CedarCreek.2004.2006.resFunctional clustering of species used in Cedar Creek...
CedarCreek.2004.2006.test.assemblagesTest of significance of species assemblages (plots) used in...
CedarCreek.2004.2006.test.componentsTest of significance of components (species) used in Cedar...
CedarCreek.2004.2006.test.performancesTest of significance of different performances (yearly...
CedarCreek.2004.resFunctional clustering of species used in Cedar Creek...
char_to_intConvert a character into integer vector
check_foptionCheck an option
check_ftreeCheck a matrix of component affectation to functional groups
check_plot_optionsCheck options
check_repeatCheck for identical assemblages
compact_indexCompact a vector of indices
complete_ftreeHierarchical clustering of components from an _a priori_...
compute_fit_statsStatistics of model goodness-of-fit
compute_ftree_statsValid hierarchical tree and Statistics of model...
compute_motif_statsStatistics of assembly motifs
concat_by_lineConcat a list of strings segmented by line
cut_ftreeCut a tree at a given level
delstr_beginDelete the beginning of a string
delstr_endDelete the end of a string
divisive_ftreeHierarchical divisive clustering of components
extend_lettersExtends a vector of letters
extend_vectorExtends a vector
fbootEvaluate the robustness of a functional clustering by...
fboot_assemblagesEvaluate the robustness of a functional clustering to...
fboot_one_pointEvaluate the robustness of a functional clustering to...
fboot_performancesEvaluate the robustness of a functional clustering to...
fboot_plotPlot the robustness of a functional clustering evaluated by...
fboot_readRead the robustness of a functional clustering evaluated by...
fboot_read_one_pointRead a test of significance of functional clustering
fboot_writeRecord the robustness of a functional clustering evaluated by...
fboot_write_one_pointRecord a test of significance of functional clustering
fclustBuild a functional clustering for one or more performances
fclust_plotPlot various graphs of a functional clustering for one or...
fclust_readRead a functional clustering for one or several performances
fclust_writeRecord a functional clustering for one or several...
fcoloursSeries of colours used in 'functClust'
fepsilonValue of epsilon used in 'functClust'
first_argchrIndex of a first instance of char in a string
first_argmaxIndex of the first maximum value of a vector
first_argminIndex of the first minimum value of a vector
fit_ftreeClustering of components for the performances of assemblages
flettersSeries of letters used in 'functClust'
fnbdigitsNumber of digits kept when writing in a file
format_fclustFormat a raw dataset for a functional clustering
fpvalueStandard p-value used in the package functClust
fstd_colourStandard colour used in the package functClust
fsymbolsSeries of symbols used in 'functClust'
ftestTest the significance of different variables of a functional...
ftest_assemblagesEvaluate the weight of each assemblage on functional...
ftest_componentsEvaluate the weight of each component on functional...
ftest_performancesEvaluate the weight of each performance on functional...
ftest_plotPlot the significance of different variables of a functional...
ftest_plot_assemblagesPlot the evaluation of weight of each assemblage on...
ftest_plot_componentsPlot test of the weight of each component on functional...
ftest_plot_performancesPlot the evaluation of weight of each performance on...
ftest_readRead the significance of different variables of a functional...
ftest_writeRecord the significance of different variables of a...
functClust-packageFunctional Clustering of Redundant Components of a System
fwindowStandard number of components to plot in the package...
gmeanGeometric mean
gmean_byeltGeometric mean by components occurring within an assembly...
gmean_byelt_jackGeometric mean by elements occurring within assembly motif...
gmean_byelt_LOOGeometric mean by elements occurring within assembly motif...
gmean_bymot_jackGeometric mean by assembly motif using jackknife method
gmean_bymot_LOOGeometric mean by assembly motif using leave-one-out method
gsdGeometric standard deviation
index_inturnReverse an indexation
is_binaryTest if a vector is binary
list_in_quoteConcat a list of strings
logical_to_binaryConvert a logical into binary matrix
maffect_motifsLabelling of a whole tree of component clustering by assembly...
make_fclustMake the formatted result from a functional clustering
mark_stringMathematical mark of an ordered string vector
mean_fctSwitch mean function.
mseMean Square Error (MSE).
name_clustersLabelling (by lowercase letters) of components by cluster
name_motifsLabelling (by lowercase letters) of assemblages by assembly...
nb_testsMaximal number of clustering models to test
notify_fclustMessage for following functional clustering computation
plot_by_pagePlot a list of strings on several pages
plot_clusters_contentWrite the components belonging to each functional group
plot_components_boxPlot mean performances of assemblages that contain a given...
plot_components_contentWrite the components belonging to each functional group
plot_fassPlot performances of some given assemblages
plot_fcompPlot mean performances of assemblages containing a given...
plot_fmotifPlot as boxplot mean performances of assemblages sorted by...
plot_fperfPlot modelled and predicted performances resulting from...
plot_ftreePlot a hierarchical tree
plot_ftreesPlot trees resulting from functional clustering
plot_motifs_boxPlot performances of assembly motifs
plot_motifs_contentWrite the assemblages belonging to each assembly motif
plot_motifs_histoPlot histogram of assemblage performances by assembly motif
plot_motifs_infosPlot reference graphs for checking that plot of sorted data...
plot_prediction_LOOPlot Simulated and Predicted _vs_ Observed performances
plot_prediction_simplePlot Simulated or Predicted _vs_ Observed performances
plot_statsPlot statistics of combinatorial analysis
pmseProbability associated with the Coefficient of determination...
points_sdPlot a point with x- and y-error bars
predict_amean_byeltPrediction of supplementary assemblages computed
predict_amean_bymotPrediction of supplementary assemblages by motif
predict_gmean_byeltPrediction of supplementary assemblages computed gmean = by...
predict_gmean_bymotPrediction of supplementary assemblages
predict_performancePredicting performances of assemblages by only knowing their...
pvalue_dependent_R2mseTest for the dependence of two R2
R2Pearson' R2.
R2mseCoefficient of Determination ('R2')
read_finputsRead the file containing initial data of occurrence and...
read_fmatricesRead the file containing the Matrices resulting from a...
read_foptionsRead the file containing options for a functional clustering
read_fstatsRead the file containing the statistics of a functional...
read_ftreesRead the file containing the trees resulting from a...
remove_componentsRemove components from dataset
reverse_tableReverse a table along its first dimension
rmseRoot Mean Square Error ('RMSE')
rssResidual Sum of Squares ('RSS').
rss_clusteringResidual Sum of Squares of a given clustering model
rss_totalTotal Residual Sum of Squares of observed performances
shift_affectEltRenumber a vector of component affectation
simplify_ftreeSimplify a tree by keeping only significant components
sort_componentsSort assembly centroids by decreasing or increasing mean...
sort_ftreeSort the resulting file of tree
sort_matrixsort a matrix
sort_motifsSort assembly motifs
stirlingNumber of Stirling of second kind
test_dependent_R2Test for the dependence of two Pearson' R2
test_dependent_R2mseTest for the dependence of two Coefficients of Determination...
test_posthocTest posthoc of variance analysis
validate_amean_byelt_jackPredicting the performances by elements occurring within...
validate_amean_byelt_jack_xprPredicting the performances by elements occurring within...
validate_amean_byelt_LOOPredicting the performances by elements occurring within...
validate_amean_byelt_LOO_xprPredicting the performances by elements occurring within...
validate_amean_bymot_jackPredicting the performances by assembly motif using jackknife...
validate_amean_bymot_jack_xprPredicting the performances by assembly motif using jackknife...
validate_amean_bymot_LOOPredicting the performances by assembly motif using...
validate_amean_bymot_LOO_xprPredicting the performances by assembly motif using...
validate_ftreePredictions of assembly performances using a species...
validate_gmean_byelt_jackPredicting the performances by elements occurring within...
validate_gmean_byelt_jack_xprPredicting the performances by elements occurring within...
validate_gmean_byelt_LOOGeometric mean by elements occurring within assembly motif...
validate_gmean_byelt_LOO_xprGeometric mean by elements occurring within assembly motif...
validate_gmean_bymot_jackPredicting the performances by assembly motif using jackknife...
validate_gmean_bymot_jack_xprPredicting the performances by assembly motif using jackknife...
validate_gmean_bymot_LOOPredicting the performances by assembly motif using...
validate_gmean_bymot_LOO_xprPredicting the performances by assembly motif using...
validate_using_cross_validationPredicting by cross-validation of assembly performances
wameanWeighted arithmetical mean
wasdWeighted arithmetic standard deviation
wgmeanWeighted geometric mean
wgsdWeighted geometric standard deviation
functClust documentation built on Dec. 2, 2020, 5:06 p.m.