# Set of functions for computing
# Predictions and associated Statistics ####
#' @include
#' stats.R
#' labelling.R
#' calibrating.R
#' validating_loo.R
#' validating_jack.R
# Functions for computing statistics ####
#' @title Statistics of model goodness-of-fit
#' @description Taks a matrix of calibrations, a matrix of predictions,
#' the vector of observed performances,
#' the number of observed assembly motifs,
#' and return a matrix of statistics for model goodness-of-fit.
#' @usage compute_fit_stats(mCal, mPrd, fobs, xpr, nbK)
#' @inheritParams validate_ftree
#' @param mCal a numeric matrix.
#' This matrix is the matrix of performances predicted by the tree model.
#' @param mPrd a numeric matrix.
#' This matrix is the matrix of performances predicted by cross-validation.
#' @param nbK an integer.
#' This integer corresponds to the number of observed assembly motifs.
#' @details Be careful, the matrix order is not ramdon.
#' The first argument \code{mCal} is matrix of modelled values.
#' The second argument \code{mPrd} is matrix of values
#' predicted by cross-validation.
#' The third argument \code{fobs} is the vector of observed values.
#' @return Return statistics of model goodness-of-fit.
#' @keywords internal
compute_fit_stats <- function(mCal, mPrd, fobs, xpr, nbK) {
nbClu <- dim(mCal)[1]
ntmp <- c("missing", "R2cal", "R2prd", "AIC", "AICc")
mStats <- matrix(0, nrow = nbClu, ncol = length(ntmp),
dimnames = list(seq_len(nbClu), ntmp))
setXpr <- unique(names(xpr))
wmp <- numeric(length(setXpr))
tmp <- matrix(0, nrow = length(setXpr), ncol = length(ntmp),
dimnames = list(setXpr, ntmp))
for (nbcl in seq_len(nbClu)) {
mStats[nbcl, "missing"] <- sum([nbcl, ])) / length(mCal[nbcl, ])
mStats[nbcl, "R2cal"] <- R2mse(mCal[nbcl, ], fobs)
mStats[nbcl, "R2prd"] <- R2mse(mPrd[nbcl, ], fobs)
# Calculation of AIC as the median of AIC of each performance.
# Because each performance is a pseudoreplication
for (ipr in seq_along(setXpr)) {
index <- which(names(xpr) == setXpr[ipr])
wmp[ipr] <- unique(xpr[index])
tmp[ipr, "AIC"] <- AIC_( mCal[nbcl, index], fobs[index], nbK[nbcl])
tmp[ipr, "AICc"] <- AICc( mCal[nbcl, index], fobs[index], nbK[nbcl])
mStats[nbcl, "AIC"] <- median(tmp[ , "AIC"], each = wmp)
mStats[nbcl, "AICc"] <- median(tmp[ , "AICc"], each = wmp)
#' @title Valid hierarchical tree and Statistics of model goodness-of-fit
#' @description Take a matrix of calibrations, a matrix of predictions,
#' the vector of observed performances,
#' the number of observed assembly motifs,
#' and return a matrix of statistics for model goodness-of-fit.
#' @usage compute_ftree_stats(mCal, mPrd, mStats, fobs, xpr, nbK)
#' @inheritParams validate_ftree
#' @param mCal a numeric matrix.
#' This matrix is the matrix of performances predicted by the model.
#' @param mPrd a numeric matrix.
#' This matrix is the matrix of performances predicted by cross-validation.
#' @param mStats a numeric matrix.
#' This matrix is the matrix of statistics of model goodness-of-fit.
#' @param fobs a numeric vector.
#' This vector is the vector of observed performances.
#' @param nbK an integer.
#' This integer corresponds to the number of observed assembly motifs.
#' @details Be careful, the matrix order is not ramdon.
#' The first argument \code{mCal} is matrix of modelled values.
#' The second argument \code{mPrd} is matrix of values
#' predicted by cross-validation.
#' The fourth argument \code{fobs} is the vector of observed values.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{tCal}: a matrix of the valid part of hierarchical tree,
#' that is the part of tree that increases predictive ability of model,\cr
#' \item \code{tCal} and \code{tPrd}: the valid part of hierarchical tree,
#' that is the part of tree that increases predictive ability of model,\cr
#' \item \code{tStats}: statistics of tree model goodness-of-fit,\cr
#' \item \code{tNbcl}: the number of clusters used or
#' computing each performance.
#' @keywords internal
compute_ftree_stats <- function(mCal, mPrd, mStats, fobs, xpr, nbK) {
nbClu <- dim(mCal)[1]
nbAss <- dim(mCal)[2]
tCal <- tPrd <- tNbcl <-
matrix(NA, nrow = nbClu, ncol = nbAss,
dimnames = list(seq_len(nbClu), names(fobs)))
for (nbcl in seq_len(nbClu)) {
for (ass in seq_len(nbAss)) {
last <- min(sum(![1:nbcl, ass])),
sum(![1:nbcl, "R2prd"])),
index <- first_argmax(mStats[1:last, "R2prd"])
tCal[nbcl, ass] <- mCal[index, ass]
tPrd[nbcl, ass] <- mPrd[index, ass]
tNbcl[nbcl, ass] <- index
tStats <- compute_fit_stats(tCal, tPrd, fobs, xpr, nbK)
if (dim(tStats)[1] > 1)
for (nbcl in 2:nbClu)
if (tStats[nbcl, "R2prd"] <= tStats[nbcl - 1, "R2prd"]) {
tCal[nbcl, ] <- tCal[nbcl - 1, ]
tPrd[nbcl, ] <- tPrd[nbcl - 1, ]
tNbcl[nbcl, ] <- tNbcl[nbcl - 1, ]
tStats <- compute_fit_stats(tCal, tPrd, fobs, xpr, nbK)
res <- list(tCal, tPrd, tStats, tNbcl)
names(res) <- c("tCal", "tPrd", "tStats", "tNbcl")
#' @title Statistics of assembly motifs
#' @description Take a matrix of tree calibrations,
#' a matrix of tree predictions,
#' a matrix of assembly motifs,
#' and return statistics of each observed assembly motif.
#' @usage compute_motif_stats(tCal, tPrd, mMotifs)
#' @param tCal a numeric matrix.
#' This matrix is the matrix of performances predicted by the valid tree model.
#' @param tPrd a numeric matrix.
#' This matrix is the matrix of performances predicted by cross-validation.
#' @param mMotifs a numeric matrix.
#' This matrix is the matrix of assembly motifs.
#' @details The different assembly motifs have different length:
#' the motif set can be treated as a list.
#' Each assembly motif is separately analysed.
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{uTab}: the assemblages that belong to the assembly motif,
#' \item \code{uMean}: the arithmetic mean of motif performances,
#' \item \code{uSd}: the standard deviation of motif performances,
#' \item \code{uRmse}: the Root Mean Square Error of motif performances,
#' \item \code{uR2}: the Coefficient of determination of motif performances,
#' \item \code{uSlope}:
#' the slope of linear regression with motif performances.
#' @return Returns the statistics for each assembly motif.
#' @keywords internal
compute_motif_stats <- function(tCal, tPrd, mMotifs) {
nbClu <- dim(tCal)[1]
# build the general structure of motif_stats
uTab <- list()
for (nbcl in 1:nbClu) uTab[[nbcl]] <- table(mMotifs[nbcl, ])
# compute the values of motif_Stats
uMean <- uSd <- uRmse <- uR2 <- uSlope <- uTab
for (nbcl in 1:nbClu) {
for (motif in names(uTab[[nbcl]])) {
index <- which(mMotifs[nbcl, ] == motif, arr.ind = TRUE)
uMean[[nbcl]][motif] <- amean(tPrd[nbcl, index])
if (length(index) > 1) {
uSd[[nbcl]][motif] <- asd(tPrd[nbcl, index])
uRmse[[nbcl]][motif] <- rmse(tPrd[nbcl, index], tCal[nbcl, index])
uR2[[nbcl]][motif] <- R2mse(tPrd[nbcl, index], tCal[nbcl, index])
# if (length(![nbcl, index])) > 1) {
# uSlope[[nbcl]][motif] <-
# stats::lm(tPrd[nbcl, index] ~ tCal[nbcl, index])$coef[2]
## } else {
#" uSlope[[nbcl]][motif] <- uSlope[[nbcl - 1]][oldMotif]
# }
} else {
oldMotif <- mMotifs[nbcl - 1, index]
# uSd[[nbcl]][motif] <- uSd[[nbcl - 1]][oldMotif]
# uRmse[[nbcl]][motif] <- uRmse[[nbcl - 1]][oldMotif]
# uR2[[nbcl]][motif] <- uR2[[nbcl - 1]][oldMotif]
# uSlope[[nbcl]][motif] <- uSlope[[nbcl - 1]][oldMotif]
res <- list(uTab, uMean, uSd, uRmse, uR2, uSlope)
names(res) <- c("uTab", "uMean", "uSd", "uRmse", "uR2", "uSlope")
# Main functions ####
#' @title Predictions of assembly performances
#' using a species clustering tree
#' @description Take a hierarchical tree of species clustering,
#' a matrix of occurrency and the corresponding vector of performances,
#' and return the predictions, statistics and other informations.
#' @usage
#' validate_ftree(tree.I, fobs, mOccur,
#' xpr = stats::setNames(rep(1, length(fobs)),
#' rep("a", length(fobs))),
#' opt.method = "divisive", opt.mean = "amean",
#' opt.model = "byelt",
#' opt.jack = FALSE,
#' jack = as.integer(c(3, 4)),
#' opt.nbMax = dim(mOccur)[2])
#' @param tree.I an integer square-matrix.
#' The matrix represents a hierarchical tree of species clustering.
#' @param fobs a numeric vector. The vector \code{fobs} contains the
#' quantitative performances of assemblages.
#' @param mOccur a matrix of occurrence (occurrence of elements).
#' Its first dimension equals to \code{length(fobs)}. Its second dimension
#' equals to the number of elements.
#' @param xpr a vector of numerics of \code{length(fobs)}.
#' The vector \code{xpr} contains the weight of each experiment,
#' and the labels (in \code{names(xpr)}) of different experiments.
#' The weigth of each experiment is used
#' in the computation of the Residual Sum of Squares
#' in the function \code{rss_clustering}.
#' The used formula is \code{rss}
#' if each experiment has the same weight.
#' The used formula is \code{wrss}
#' (barycenter of RSS for each experiment)
#' if each experiment has different weights.
#' All assemblages that belong to a given experiment
#' should then have a same weigth.
#' Each experiment is identified by its names (\code{names(xpr)})
#' and the RSS of each experiment is weighted by values of \code{xpr}.
#' The vector \code{xpr} is generated
#' by the function \code{stats::setNames}.
#' @param opt.method a string that specifies the method to use.
#' \code{opt.method = c("sort", "divisive", "agglomerative", "cluster")}.
#' The three first methods generate hierarchical trees.
#' Each tree is complete, running from a unique trunk
#' to as many leaves as components.
#' The last method generates, at each level of the tree,
#' a clustering of components into a given, predefined number of clusters.
#' Because it is repeated from the trunk until to leaves,
#' by increasing the number of clusters,
#' the method generates a non-hierarchical tree. \cr
#' If \code{opt.method = "sort"}, the components are sorted
#' by their effect of assemblage performances. \cr
#' If \code{opt.method = "divisive"}, the components are clustered
#' according to a hierarchical process
#' by using a divisive method,
#' from the trivial cluster where all components are together,
#' towards the clustering where each component is a cluster. \cr
#' If \code{opt.method = "agglomerative"}, the components are clustered
#' according to a hierarchical process
#' by using an agglomerative method,
#' from the trivial clustering where each component is a clsuter,
#' towards the cluster where all components are together.
#' The method that gives the best result is \code{opt.method = "divisive"}. \cr
#' If \code{opt.method = "cluster"}, the components are clustered
#' according to a non-hierarchical process
#' by using the method of McNaughton-Smith et al., 1964.
#' In this case, one must specify the number of wished clusters.
#' Recall that, if \code{affectElt} is specified,
#' the option \code{opt.method} does not need to be filled out.
#' \code{affectElt} determines a level of component clustering,
#' and a tree is built:
#' \emph{(i)} by using \code{opt.method = "divisive"}
#' from the defined level in tree towards as many leaves as components;
#' \emph{(ii)} by using \code{opt.method = "agglomerative"}
#' from the defined level in tree towards the trunk of tree.
#' @param opt.mean a character equals to \code{"amean"} or \code{"gmean"}.
#' Switch to arithmetic formula if \code{opt.mean = "amean"}.
#' Switch to geometric formula if \code{opt.mean = "gmean"}.
#' @param opt.model a character equals to \code{"bymot"} or \code{"byelt"}.
#' Switch to simple mean by assembly motif if \code{opt.model = "bymot"}.
#' Switch to linear model with assembly motif if \code{opt.model = "byelt"}.
#' @param opt.jack a logical,
#' that switchs towards cross-validation method.
#' If \code{opt.jack = FALSE}, a "leave-one-out" is used:
#' predicted performances are computed
#' as the mean of performances of assemblages
#' that share a same assembly motif,
#' experiment by experiment,
#' except the only assemblage to predict. \cr
#' If \code{opt.jack = TRUE}, a jackknife method is used:
#' the set of assemblages belonging to a same assembly motif is divided
#' into \code{jack[2]} subsets of \code{jack[1]} assemblages.
#' Predicted performances are computed,
#' experiment by experiment,
#' by excluding \code{jack[1]} assemblages,
#' including the assemblage to predict.
#' If the total number of assemblages belonging
#' to the assembly motif is lower than \code{jack[1]*jack[2]},
#' predictions are computed by Leave-One-Out method.
#' @param jack an integer vector of length \code{2}.
#' The vector specifies the parameters for jackknife method.
#' The first integer \code{jack[1]} specifies the size of subset,
#' the second integer \code{jack[2]} specifies the number of subsets.
#' @param opt.nbMax an integer, that indicates the maximum number
#' of tree levels to cluster.
#' By default, \code{opt.nbMax = nbElt} for clustering components
#' all along the tree, from the trunc to the leaves, to be able to determine
#' the optimum number of component functional groups.
#' However, in \code{ftest_*} and \code{fboot_*} functions,
#' there is no point in cluster the components
#' beyond the optimum number of functional groups. In these functions,
#' \code{opt.nbMax = } optimum number of functional groups, by default.
#' @details None.
#' @return Return a list containing predictions of assembly performances
#' and statistics computed by using a species clustering tree.
#' Recall of inputs:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{nbElt, nbAss}{: the numbers of components, of assemblages}
#' \item \code{opt.method}{: the method used to cluster components,}
#' \item \code{opt.mean}{: the option for mean values computing,}
#' \item \code{opt.model}{: the option for prediction modelling,}
#' \item \code{opt.jack}{: the option for method of cross-validation,}
#' \item \code{jack}{: the parameters for jackknife,}
#' \item \code{fobs}{: the vector of observed performances of assemblages,}
#' \item \code{mOccur}{: the matrix of component occurrence,}
#' \item \code{xpr}{: the vector of labels of different experiments.}
#' }
#' Primary and secondary trees of element clustering:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{tree.I}{: the primary tree of component clustering,}
#' \item \code{tree.II}{: the validated secondary
#' tree of component clustering,}
#' \item \code{nbOpt}{: the optimum number of clusters,}
#' }
#' Matrices of calibration and prediction using tree.I
#' and associated statistics:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{mCal}{: the matrix of modelled values,}
#' \item \code{mPrd}{: the matrix of values predicted by cross-validation,}
#' \item \code{mMotifs}{: the matrix of labels of assembly motifs,}
#' \item \code{mStats}{: the matrix of associated statistics.}
#' }
#' Matrices of calibaration and prediction using tree.II
#' and associated statistics:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{tCal}{: the matrix of values modelled
#' using the valid part of tree,}
#' \item \code{tPrd}{: the matrix of values predicted
#' using the valid part of tree,}
#' \item \code{tStats}{: statistics of valid tree model goodness-of-fit,}
#' \item \code{tNbcl}{: the number of clusters used
#' or computing each performance.}
#' }
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @keywords internal
validate_ftree <- function(tree.I, fobs, mOccur,
xpr = stats::setNames(rep(1, length(fobs)),
rep("a", length(fobs))),
opt.method = "divisive",
opt.mean = "amean",
opt.model = "byelt",
opt.jack = FALSE,
jack = as.integer(c(3, 4)),
opt.nbMax = dim(mOccur)[2]) {
# Main computations of Cal, Prd, R2cal and R2prd
if (getOption("verbose") == TRUE)
cat("\rPruning of primary tree => validated secondary tree\n")
nbElt <- nbClu <- as.integer(dim(mOccur)[2])
nbAss <- as.integer(length(unique(rownames(mOccur))))
nbXpr <- as.integer(length(unique(names(xpr))))
# Compute the predictions by cross-validation
nbK <- integer(nbClu)
mCal <- mPrd <- mMot <-
matrix(NA, nrow = nbClu, ncol = nbXpr * nbAss,
dimnames = list(seq_len(nbClu), rownames(mOccur)))
storage.mode(mMot) <- "integer"
nbcl <- 1
for (nbcl in seq_len(opt.nbMax)) {
mMot[nbcl, ] <- affect_motifs(tree.I$aff[nbcl, ], mOccur)
nbK[nbcl] <- length(unique(mMot[nbcl, ]))
mCal[nbcl, ] <- calibrate_byminrss(fobs, mMot[nbcl, ], mOccur, xpr,
opt.mean, opt.model)
mPrd[nbcl, ] <- validate_using_cross_validation(fobs, mMot[nbcl, ],
mOccur, xpr,
opt.mean, opt.model,
opt.jack, jack)
if (opt.nbMax < nbClu)
for (nbcl in (opt.nbMax + 1):nbClu) {
mMot[nbcl, ] <- mMot[opt.nbMax, ]
nbK[nbcl] <- nbK[opt.nbMax]
mCal[nbcl, ] <- mCal[opt.nbMax, ]
mPrd[nbcl, ] <- mPrd[opt.nbMax, ]
# Compute the associated statistiques: 1. of primary, fitted tree
# 2. of secondary, validated tree
# 3. for each assembly motif
mStats <- compute_fit_stats(mCal, mPrd, fobs, xpr, nbK)
res.prd <- compute_ftree_stats(mCal, mPrd, mStats, fobs, xpr, nbK)
nbOpt <- as.integer(first_argmin(res.prd$tStats[ , "AICc"]))
tree.II <- tree.I
tree.II$cor <- res.prd$tStats[ , "R2cal"]
# Outputs
res <- list(nbElt, nbAss, nbXpr,
opt.method, opt.mean, opt.model, opt.jack, jack,
fobs, mOccur, xpr,
tree.I, tree.II, nbOpt,
mCal, mPrd, mMot, mStats,
res.prd$tCal, res.prd$tPrd, res.prd$tNbcl, res.prd$tStats)
names(res) <- c("nbElt", "nbAss", "nbXpr",
"opt.method", "opt.mean", "opt.model", "opt.jack", "jack",
"fobs", "mOccur", "xpr",
"tree.I", "tree.II", "nbOpt",
"mCal", "mPrd", "mMotifs", "mStats",
"tCal", "tPrd", "tNbcl", "tStats")
# End of file ####
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