
Defines functions promaxQ

Documented in promaxQ

#' Conduct an Oblique Promax Rotation
#' This function is an extension of the \code{\link[stats]{promax}} function. 
#' This function will extract the unrotated factor loadings (with three algorithm 
#' options, see \code{\link{faX}}) if they are not provided. The factor 
#' intercorrelations (Phi) are also computed within this function.
#' @param R (Matrix) A correlation matrix.
#' @param numFactors (Scalar) The number of factors to extract if the lambda 
#' matrix is not provided.
#' @param power (Scalar) The power with which to raise factor loadings for 
#' minimizing trivial loadings. The default value is 4.
#' @param standardize (Character) Which standardization routine is applied to the 
#' unrotated factor structure. The three options are "none", "Kaiser", and "CM". 
#' The default option is "Kaiser" as is recommended by Kaiser and others. See 
#' \code{\link{faStandardize}} for more details. 
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{"none"}: Do \emph{not} rotate the normalized factor structure 
#'   matrix.
#'   \item \strong{"Kaiser"}: Use a factor structure matrix that has been normed 
#'   by Kaiser's method (i.e., normalize all rows to have a unit length).
#'   \item \strong{"CM"}: Use a factor structure matrix that has been normed by 
#'   the Cureton-Mulaik method.
#' }
#' @param epsilon (Scalar) The convergence criterion used for evaluating the 
#' varimax rotation. The default value is 1e-4 (i.e., .0001).
#' @param maxItr (Scalar) The maximum number of iterations allowed for computing 
#' the varimax rotation. The default value is 15,000 iterations.
#' @inheritParams faMain
#' @details
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{Varimax Standardization}: When conducting the varimax 
#'   rotation, it is recommended to standardize the factor loadings using 
#'   Kaiser's normalization (i.e., rescaling the factor indicators [rows] so 
#'   that the vectors have unit length). The standardization/normalization 
#'   occurs by pre-multiplying the unrotated factor structure, \strong{A}, by 
#'   the inverse of \strong{H}, where \strong{H}^2 is a diagonal matrix with the 
#'   communality estimates on the diagonal. A varimax rotation is then applied 
#'   to the normalized, unrotated factor structure. Then, the varimax-rotated 
#'   factor structure is rescaled to its original metric by pre-multiplying the 
#'   varimax factor structure by \strong{H}. For details, see Mulaik (2009).
#'   \item \strong{Oblique Procrustes Rotation of the Varimax Solution}: 
#'   According to Hendrickson & White (1964), an unrestricted (i.e., oblique) 
#'   Procrustes rotation is applied to the orthogonal varimax solution. 
#'   Specifically, a target matrix is generated by raising the varimax factor 
#'   loadings to the user-specified power (typically, power = 4) (must retain 
#'   the signs of the original factor loadings). This should quickly diminish 
#'   trivial factor loadings while retaining larger factor loadings. The 
#'   Procrustes rotation takes the varimax solution and rotates it toward the 
#'   promax-generated target matrix. For a modern description of this approach, 
#'   see Mulaik (2009, ch. 12, p. 342-343).
#'   \item \strong{Choice of a Power}: Changing the power in which varimax factor 
#'   loadings are raised will change the target matrix in the oblique Procrustes 
#'   rotation. After raising factor loadings to some power, there will be a 
#'   larger discrepancy between high and low loadings than before (e.g., squaring 
#'   factor loadings of .6 and .7 yields loadings of .36 and .49 and cubing 
#'   yields loadings of .216 and .343). Furthermore, increasing the power will 
#'   increase the number of near-zero loadings, resulting in larger factor 
#'   intercorrelations. Many (cf. Gorsuch, 1983; Hendrickson & White, 1964; 
#'   Mulaik, 2009) advocate for raising varimax loadings to the fourth power 
#'   (the default) but some (e.g., Gorsuch) advocate for trying power = 2 and 
#'   power = 6 to see if there is an improvement in the simple structure without 
#'   overly inflating factor correlations.
#' }
#' @return A list of the following elements are produced:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{loadings}: (Matrix) The oblique, promax-rotated, 
#'   factor-pattern matrix.
#'   \item \strong{vmaxLoadings}: (Matrix) The orthogonal, varimax-rotated, 
#'   factor-structure matrix used as the input matrix for the promax rotation.
#'   \item \strong{rotMatrix}: (Matrix) The (rescaled) transformation matrix 
#'   used in an attempt to minimize the Euclidean distance between the varimax 
#'   loadings and the generated promax target matrix (cf. Hendrickson & White, 
#'   1964; Mulaik, 2009, p. 342-343, eqn. 12.44).
#'   \item \strong{Phi}: (Matrix) The factor correlation matrix associated with 
#'   the promax solution. Phi is found by taking the inverse of the inner 
#'   product of the (rescaled) rotation matrix (rotMatrix) with itself (i.e., 
#'   \eqn{solve(T' T)}, where T is the (rescaled) rotation matrix).
#'   \item \strong{vmaxDiscrepancy}: (Scalar) The value of the minimized varimax 
#'   discrepancy function. promax does not have a rotational criterion but the 
#'   varimax rotation does.
#'   \item \strong{convergence}: (Logical) Whether the varimax rotation
#'   congerged.
#'   \item \strong{Table}: (Matrix) The table returned from \code{\link{GPForth}} 
#'   from the \code{GPArotation} package.
#'   \item \strong{rotateControl}: (List) A list containing (a) the power 
#'   parameter used, (b) whether the varimax rotation used Kaiser normalization, 
#'   (c) the varimax epsilon convergence criterion, and (d) the maximum number 
#'   of iterations specified.
#'   \itemize{
#'     \item \strong{power}: The power in which the varimax-rotated factor 
#'     loadings are raised.
#'     \item \strong{standardize}: Which standardization routine was used.
#'     \item \strong{epsilon}: The convergence criterion set for the varimax rotation.
#'     \item \strong{maxItr}: The maximum number of iterations allowed for 
#'     reaching convergence in the varimax rotation.
#'   }
#' }
#' @family Factor Analysis Routines
#' @references Gorsuch, R. L. (1983). \emph{Factor Analysis}, 2nd. Hillsdale, 
#' NJ: LEA.
#' @references Hendrickson, A. E., & White, P. O. (1964). Promax: A quick 
#' method for rotation to oblique simple structure. \emph{British Journal of 
#' Statistical Psychology, 17}(1), 65-70.
#' @references Mulaik, S. A. (2009). \emph{Foundations of Factor Analysis}. 
#' Chapman and Hall/CRC.
#' @author
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Casey Giordano (Giord023@umn.edu)
#'   \item Niels G. Waller (nwaller@umn.edu)
#' @import stats
#' @examples
#' ## Generate an orthgonal factor model
#' lambda <- matrix(c(.41, .00, .00,
#'                    .45, .00, .00,
#'                    .53, .00, .00,
#'                    .00, .66, .00,
#'                    .00, .38, .00,
#'                    .00, .66, .00,
#'                    .00, .00, .68,
#'                    .00, .00, .56,
#'                    .00, .00, .55),
#'                  nrow = 9, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)
#' ## Model-implied correlation (covariance) matrix
#' R <- lambda %*% t(lambda)
#' ## Unit diagonal elements
#' diag(R) <- 1
#' ## Start from just a correlation matrix
#' Out1 <- promaxQ(R           = R,
#'                 facMethod   = "fals",
#'                 numFactors  = 3,
#'                 power       = 4,
#'                 standardize = "Kaiser")$loadings
#' ## Iterate the promaxQ rotation using the rotate function
#' Out2 <- faMain(R             = R,
#'                facMethod     = "fals",
#'                numFactors    = 3,
#'                rotate        = "promaxQ",
#'                rotateControl = list(power       = 4,
#'                                     standardize = "Kaiser"))$loadings
#' ## Align the factors to have the same orientation
#' Out1 <- faAlign(F1 = Out2,
#'                 F2 = Out1)$F2
#' ## Show the equivalence of factor solutions from promaxQ and rotate
#' all.equal(Out1, Out2, check.attributes = FALSE)
#' @export

promaxQ <- function(R           = NULL,
                    urLoadings  = NULL,
                    facMethod   = "fals",
                    numFactors  = NULL,
                    power       = 4,
                    standardize = "Kaiser",
                    epsilon     = 1e-4,
                    maxItr      = 15000,
                    faControl   = NULL) {
  ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##
  #### Error Checking ####
  ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##
  ## Must give corr mat or unrotated factor loadings matrix
  if ( is.null(R) & is.null(urLoadings) ) {
    stop("Either the 'R' or 'urLoadings' arguments must be specified.")
  } # END if (is.null(R) & is.null(urLoadings)) {
  if ( is.null(urLoadings) & is.null(numFactors) ) {
    stop("An unrotated factor matrix is not provided, please specify the number of factors to extract to generate this loadings matrix.")
  } # END if ( is.null(urLoadings) & is.null(numFactors) )
  ## Check faControl
  ## If faControl is not specified, give it the defaults (used for func output)
  if ( is.null(faControl) ) {
    ## Set the default values of all control arguments
    cnFA <- list(treatHeywood   = TRUE,
                 nStart         = 10,
                 maxCommunality = .995,
                 epsilon        = 1e-4,
                 communality    = "SMC",
                 maxItr         = 15000)
    ## Used as func output, if it is NULL, need to specify
    ## Full error checking takes place in faX()
    faControl <- cnFA
  } # END if ( is.null(faControl) )
  ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##
  #### Begin function ####
  ## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ##
  ## Find unrotated factor loadings if matrix is not provided
  if ( is.null(urLoadings) ) {
    ## Extract the unrotated factor structure matrix
    faOut <- faX(R          = R,
                 numFactors = numFactors,
                 facMethod  = facMethod,
                 faControl  = faControl)
    ## Save the factor loadings
    urLoadings <- faOut$loadings[]
  } # END if ( is.null(urLoadings) )
  ## ------- Standardize -------- ##
  ## Standardize using either none, Kaiser, or Cureton-Mulaik
  stnd <- faStandardize(method = standardize,
                        lambda = urLoadings)
  ## Update urLoadings to be standardized urLoadings
  lambda <- stnd$lambda
  ## Start with a varimax rotation
  VarimaxOutput <-
                         normalize = FALSE,
                         eps       = epsilon,
                         maxit     = maxItr)
  ## Did varimax converge?
  convergence <- VarimaxOutput$convergence
  ## Unstandardize the varimax solution for promax
  VarimaxOutput$loadings[] <- stnd$DvInv %*% VarimaxOutput$loadings[]
  ## Retain the value of the minimized varimax discrepancy function
  VMaxDisc <- min( VarimaxOutput$Table[, 2] )
  ## Extract the factor loadings
  VMaxLoadings <- Loadings <- VarimaxOutput$loadings[]
  ## Find the approximated oblique target via eqn 12.42 in Mulaik (2009, p. 342)
  signTarget <- sign(Loadings)
  ## Find the approximated oblique target via eqn 12.42 in Mulaik (2009, p. 342)
  ObliqueTarg <- abs(Loadings)^power * signTarget
  ## Defunct creation of Oblique target (taken from Mulaik, see above instead)
  # ObliqueTarg <- (abs(Loadings)^(power+1)) / Loadings
  ## Find the transformation matrix to minimize the distance between Loadings and Target
  TMatrix <- solve( t(Loadings) %*% Loadings ) %*% t(Loadings) %*% ObliqueTarg
  ## If the varimax has not been un-normalized, must rescale T to correct metric
  ## Find the diagonal matrix to rescale the TMatrix
  D2 <- diag( solve( t(TMatrix) %*% TMatrix ) )
  ## Used for rescaling
  Dmat <- diag(sqrt(D2))
  ## Rescale the TMatrix using the sqrt of D2
  rescaledTMatrix <- TMatrix %*% Dmat
  ## Transform the varimax loadings into the promax solution
  PromaxLoadings <- Loadings %*% rescaledTMatrix
  ## From the transformation matrix, find the factor correlations (Phi)
  Phi <- solve( t(rescaledTMatrix) %*% rescaledTMatrix )
  ## Order the factors
  facOrder <- orderFactors(Lambda  = PromaxLoadings,
                           PhiMat  = Phi,
                           salient = .25,
                           reflect = TRUE)
  ## Overwrite non-ordered solutions
  PromaxLoadings <- facOrder$Lambda
  Phi <- facOrder$PhiMat
  ## Return a list with all the output
  list(loadings        = PromaxLoadings,
       vmaxLoadings    = VMaxLoadings,  
       rotMatrix       = rescaledTMatrix,
       Phi             = Phi,           
       vmaxDiscrepancy = VMaxDisc,      
       convergence     = convergence,
       Table           = VarimaxOutput$Table,
       rotateControl   = list(power       = power,
                              standardize = standardize,
                              epsilon     = epsilon,
                              maxItr      = maxItr))
} # END promaxQ

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