
Defines functions evaluate_expr

Documented in evaluate_expr

#' Evaluate an R Expression
#' @param expr An expression
#' @param envir The environment where tests are run.
#' @param local Should tests be evaluated in a local environment or not.
#' @param output Specifies whether standard output, standard error, or both should be captured or not.
#' @param timeout Maximum time allowed for evaluation before a timeout error is produced.
#' @return Value of test expression and benchmark information.
#' @export
evaluate_expr <- function(expr, envir = parent.frame(), local = TRUE, output = c("stdout+stderr", "stdout", "none"), timeout = +Inf) {
  stopifnot(is.logical(local), length(local) == 1L, !is.na(local))
  output <- match.arg(output)
  stopifnot(is.numeric(timeout), length(timeout) == 1L, timeout > 0)
  ## WORKAROUND: To avoid 'R CMD check' NOTE on:
  ## * checking R code for possible problems (4.2s)
  ##   evaluate_expr: Error while checking: no local variable entry
  ## due to a bug in codetools::checkUsage(), cf.
  ## https://gitlab.com/luke-tierney/codetools/-/issues/7
  local <- local
  res <- list(
    expr = expr,
    local = local,
    timeout = timeout,
    error = NULL,
    value = NULL,
    visible = NA,
    output = NULL,
    time = Sys.time()
  ## Evaluate test in a local environment?
  if (local) envir <- new.env(parent = envir)

  ## Record in-going state
  old <- list(
    options = options(),
    envvars = Sys.getenv(),
    seed    = globalenv()$.Random.seed,
    rngkind = RNGkind()

  if ("options" %in% getOption("future.tests.undo")) {
      ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      ## 1. Undo options
      ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      skip <- NULL

      ## (a) Remove added options
      added <- setdiff(names(options()), names(old$options))

      ## SPECIAL CASE: Do not remove options specific to the 'ff' package, cf.
      ## https://github.com/truecluster/ff/issues/14
      skip <- c(skip, grep("^ff[[:alpha:]]+$", added, value = TRUE))
      skip <- c(skip, grep("^datatable[.][[:alpha:]]+$", added, value = TRUE))

      added <- setdiff(added, skip)
      opts <- structure(vector("list", length = length(added)), names = added)

      ## (b) Add back removed options
      removed <- setdiff(names(old$options), names(options()))
      opts <- old$options[removed]

      ## (c) Undo modified options
      old_names <- setdiff(names(old$options), skip)

      ## (d) Assert correctness
      names <- setdiff(names(options()), skip)
	identical(names, old_names),
	identical(options()[names], old$options[names])
    }), add = TRUE)
  } ## if ("options" %in% ...)

  if ("envvars" %in% getOption("future.tests.undo")) {
      ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      ## 2. Undo environment variables
      ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      ## (a) Remove added env vars
      added <- setdiff(names(Sys.getenv()), names(old$envvars))
      for (name in added) Sys.unsetenv(name)

      ## (b) Add back removed env vars
      missing <- setdiff(names(old$envvars), names(Sys.getenv()))
      if (length(missing) > 0) do.call(Sys.setenv, as.list(old$envvars[missing]))

      ## (c) Undo modified env vars
      envs <- Sys.getenv()
      for (name in intersect(names(envs), names(old$envvars))) {
	## WORKAROUND: On Linux Wine, base::Sys.getenv() may
	## return elements with empty names. /HB 2016-10-06
	if (nchar(name) == 0L) next
	if (!identical(envs[[name]], old$envvars[[name]])) {
	  do.call(Sys.setenv, as.list(old$envvars[name]))

      ## (d) Assert correctness
      if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
	## Note: On MS Windows, one cannot unset environment variables,
	## only set them to an empty value, i.e. Sys.unsetenv("FOO")
	## is the same as Sys.setenv(FOO = "") on MS Windows. So, if
	## a new environment variable is added during a test, it will
	## remain afterwards with an empty value.
	## (a) We can only assert that environment variables common
	##     before and after are set:
	common <- intersect(names(Sys.getenv()), names(old$envvars))
	stopifnot(identical(Sys.getenv()[common], old$envvars[common]))
	## (b) Everything else
	all <- union(names(Sys.getenv()), names(old$envvars))
	left <- setdiff(all, common)
      } else {
	stopifnot(identical(Sys.getenv(), old$envvars))
    }), add = TRUE)
  } ## if ("envvars" %in% ...)
  if ("rng" %in% getOption("future.tests.undo")) {
      ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      ## 3. Undo RNG state
      ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      ## (b) Undo RNG kind
      args <- as.list(old$rngkind)
      names(args) <- names(formals(RNGkind))
      do.call(RNGkind, args = args)

      ## (a) Undo .Random.seed
      if (is.null(old$seed)) {
	rm(list = ".Random.seed", envir = globalenv())
      } else {
	assign(".Random.seed", value = old$seed, envir = globalenv())

      ## (c) Assert correctness
      stopifnot(identical(globalenv()$.Random.seed, old$seed))
      stopifnot(identical(RNGkind()[1:2], old$rngkind[1:2]))
    }), add = TRUE)
  } ## if ("rng" %in% ...)
  if (output == "stdout") {
    output_con <- rawConnection(raw(), open = "w")
    sink(output_con, type = "output")
      if (inherits(output_con, "connection")) {
        sink(type = "output")
      rm(list = "output_con")
    }, add = TRUE)
  } else if (output == "stdout+stderr") {
    output_con <- rawConnection(raw(), open = "w")
    sink(output_con, type = "output")
    ## IMPORTANT: Note that capturing standard error (stderr) as done here will
    ## work throughout the full evaluation of the expression 'expr' if no code
    ## used by that expression also captures/sink the stderr.  If it does, then
    ## the capturing done here will stop working in that same moment.  See
    ## https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/Wishlist-for-R/issues/55 for details.
    ## REAL EXAMPLE: 'clustermq' uses capture.output(type = "message")
    ## internally that breaks the sinking of stderr done here.
    ## WORKAROUND: Because of this, we use a suppressMessages() when running
    ## the tests.  It was specifically introduced due to 'future.clustermq'.
    sink(output_con, type = "message")
      if (inherits(output_con, "connection")) {
        sink(type = "output")
        sink(type = "message")
      rm(list = "output_con")
    }, add = TRUE)

  if (timeout < Inf) {
    setTimeLimit(cpu = timeout, elapsed = timeout, transient = TRUE)
      setTimeLimit(cpu = Inf, elapsed = Inf, transient = FALSE)
    }, add = TRUE)

  suppress_messages <- getOption("future.tests.suppress_messages", TRUE)
  result <- tryCatch({
    if (suppress_messages) {
        withVisible(eval(expr, envir = envir))
    } else {
      withVisible(eval(expr, envir = envir))
  }, error = function(ex) {
    ex$traceback <- sys.calls()

    ## A timeout?
    if (timeout < Inf) {
      pattern <- sprintf("reached %s time limit", c("elapsed", "CPU"))
      pattern <- gettext(pattern, domain = "R")
      pattern <- paste(pattern, collapse = "|")
      if (grepl(pattern, conditionMessage(ex))) {
        attr(ex, "timeout") <- timeout
        class(ex) <- c("TimeoutError", class(ex))
  }, TestSkipped = function(cond) {

  if (output != "none") {
    sink(type = "output")
    if (output == "stdout+stderr") sink(type = "message")
    res$output <- rawToChar(rawConnectionValue(output_con))
    output_con <- close(output_con)

  if (inherits(result, "error")) {
    res$error <- result
  } else if (inherits(result, "TestSkipped")) {
    res$skipped <- result
  } else {
    res["value"] <- list(result$value)
    res$visible <- result$visible
  res$time <- c(res$time, Sys.time())


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future.tests documentation built on May 31, 2023, 9:28 p.m.