
Defines functions rlattice rqmvnorm

Documented in rqmvnorm

#' Random sample from the multivariate normal distribution
#' Draw a quasi or pseudo random sample from the MVN distribution. For details
#' on the implemented lattice rule for quasi-random numbers see Cools et al.
#' (2006).
#' @param n Number of samples, when type = "quasirandom" is used this number is
#' rounded up to the next power of 2 (e.g. 1000 to 1024=2^10) and at least
#' 1024.
#' @param mean Mean vector
#' @param sigma Covariance matrix
#' @param type What type of random numbers to use. \code{quasirandom} uses a
#' randomized Lattice rule, and should be more efficient than
#' \code{pseudorandom} that uses ordinary (pseudo) random numbers.
#' @return Matrix of simulated values
#' @author We thank Dr. Frances Kuo for the permission to use
#' the generating vectors (order 2 lattice rule) obtained from her website
#' \url{https://web.maths.unsw.edu.au/~fkuo/lattice/}.
#' @references Cools, R., Kuo, F. Y., and Nuyens, D. (2006) Constructing
#' embedded lattice rules for multivariate integration. SIAM Journal of
#' Scientific Computing, 28, 2162-2188.
#' @keywords distribution
#' @examples
#' sims <- rqmvnorm(100, mean = 1:2, sigma = diag(2))
#' plot(sims)
#' @export rqmvnorm
rqmvnorm <- function(n, mean = rep(0, nrow(sigma)), sigma = diag(length(mean)),
                     type = c("quasirandom", "pseudorandom")){
  if (!isSymmetric(sigma, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))) {
    stop("Sigma must be a symmetric matrix.")
  if (length(mean) != nrow(sigma)) {
    stop("Mean and sigma have non-conforming size.")
  type <- match.arg(type)
  dm <- length(mean)
  sigsvd <- svd(sigma)
  if(!all(sigsvd$d >= -sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) * abs(sigsvd$d[1]))) stop("Sigma has negative eigen values.") # Condition copied from mvtnorm::rmvnorm for compatibility.
  retval <- t(sigsvd$v %*% (t(sigsvd$u) * sqrt(sigsvd$d)))
  if(type == "quasirandom"){
    ## random shift parameter
    u <- runif(dm)
    sims <- rlattice(n, dim = dm, u = u)
    sims <- qnorm(sims)
  if(type == "pseudorandom"){
    sims <- matrix(rnorm(n*dm), nrow = n)
  sims <- sims%*%retval
  sims <- sweep(sims, 2, mean, "+")
    colnames(sims) <- names(mean)

## ## Skript to download generating vectors from Frances Kuo's website
## # first extensible lattice rule
## gen <- read.table("http://web.maths.unsw.edu.au/~fkuo/lattice/lattice-32001-1024-1048576.3600")
## dput(gen[1:100,2])
## past0 <- "http://web.maths.unsw.edu.au/~fkuo/lattice/lattice-22001-"
## past1 <- ".3600"
## rr <- matrix(nrow = 11, ncol = 30)
## for(i in 1:11){
##   past <- paste(past0, 2^(9+i), past1, sep="")
##   dd <- read.table(past)
##   rr[i,] <- dd[1:30,2]
## }
## dput(rr)

rlattice <- function(n, dim = 1, z = NULL, u = rep(0, dim)){
  ## Implements rank-1 lattice point sets
  ## n - number of lattice points to generate
  ## dim - dimensionality of the produced lattice points
  ##       when z = NULL, 1 <= dim <= 30 possible,
  ##       otherwise a larger generating vector needs to be
  ##       supplied
  ## z - generating vector of the lattice point set
  ## u - random shift parameter (in [0,1]^dim)

  ## preliminary data
  ## generating vector (order 2 lattice rule) obtained from Frances Kuos
  ## website, file lattice-32001-X-1048576.3600 (where X =
  ## 1024,2048,...) only the first 30 dimensions are used here
  genMat <- structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 275L, 
                        857L, 1557L, 2431L, 6229L, 12543L, 19463L, 38399L, 100135L, 154805L, 
                        443165L, 451L, 543L, 1799L, 3607L, 5019L, 9677L, 25345L, 38937L, 
                        49655L, 216675L, 472787L, 245L, 845L, 1727L, 1901L, 6955L, 8709L, 
                        17615L, 54883L, 68725L, 147813L, 474123L, 215L, 625L, 621L, 2171L, 
                        7629L, 10047L, 29365L, 37849L, 110795L, 219289L, 203169L, 367L, 
                        867L, 1963L, 1955L, 7659L, 9495L, 11173L, 48705L, 110575L, 118735L, 
                        430825L, 247L, 467L, 1859L, 3453L, 1459L, 5073L, 18445L, 59273L, 
                        56479L, 150979L, 200955L, 363L, 495L, 1991L, 1255L, 6725L, 12349L, 
                        28907L, 38255L, 96353L, 234383L, 108137L, 491L, 849L, 887L, 721L, 
                        7113L, 15569L, 25041L, 53323L, 123811L, 195783L, 126913L, 143L, 
                        965L, 707L, 2435L, 6915L, 2645L, 12013L, 31161L, 121757L, 144075L, 
                        245463L, 269L, 313L, 275L, 3759L, 3399L, 1813L, 17721L, 25541L, 
                        54889L, 46109L, 443109L, 359L, 555L, 889L, 1907L, 7487L, 13177L, 
                        18801L, 12539L, 81523L, 156241L, 101215L, 397L, 659L, 1685L, 
                        3877L, 6919L, 11601L, 17567L, 15203L, 97333L, 32521L, 377083L, 
                        187L, 755L, 1343L, 3477L, 6017L, 12311L, 30463L, 48929L, 125755L, 
                        240077L, 371503L, 497L, 765L, 1769L, 1183L, 925L, 12185L, 9723L, 
                        31191L, 56243L, 67719L, 366593L, 221L, 921L, 445L, 849L, 7087L, 
                        5507L, 15899L, 20365L, 99705L, 132405L, 118569L, 225L, 829L, 
                        643L, 1245L, 3691L, 4805L, 30727L, 22131L, 72375L, 139571L, 109499L, 
                        393L, 955L, 1715L, 3525L, 8045L, 4437L, 18889L, 50251L, 42169L, 
                        156883L, 356863L, 91L, 159L, 1409L, 2205L, 3693L, 1995L, 15463L, 
                        20761L, 10501L, 195787L, 498479L, 185L, 643L, 679L, 2677L, 7105L, 
                        8473L, 16727L, 56303L, 81209L, 250557L, 193985L, 395L, 713L, 
                        545L, 3579L, 4967L, 14281L, 16273L, 17777L, 78095L, 134175L, 
                        109153L, 87L, 947L, 1973L, 3999L, 6795L, 13261L, 24389L, 4619L, 
                        25187L, 147265L, 194809L, 335L, 775L, 227L, 327L, 6997L, 10043L, 
                        25771L, 20757L, 50041L, 165421L, 303507L, 179L, 695L, 1121L, 
                        2201L, 2573L, 3439L, 16755L, 29219L, 106239L, 53881L, 93487L, 
                        299L, 995L, 1795L, 2831L, 5077L, 2711L, 7173L, 17081L, 19577L, 
                        213877L, 481217L, 125L, 559L, 1845L, 1775L, 3771L, 2573L, 7511L, 
                        41045L, 56299L, 26421L, 332381L, 193L, 1015L, 815L, 3797L, 3717L, 
                        3561L, 28653L, 6821L, 19891L, 92099L, 423617L, 457L, 275L, 795L, 
                        1275L, 2603L, 14503L, 19459L, 33483L, 53311L, 160925L, 246253L, 
                        419L, 475L, 2009L, 1179L, 6701L, 11639L, 5091L, 13305L, 49493L, 
                        140871L, 92587L, 353L, 335L, 153L, 729L, 6435L, 13523L, 8847L, 
                        32485L, 63801L, 212023L, 397525L), .Dim = c(11L, 30L))
  ## generating vector (order 2 extensible lattice rule) obtained from
  ## Frances Kuos website, file lattice-32001-1024-1048576.3600 only the
  ## first 100 dimensions are used here
  extGen <- c(1L, 182667L, 469891L, 498753L, 110745L, 446247L, 250185L, 118627L, 
              245333L, 283199L, 408519L, 391023L, 246327L, 126539L, 399185L, 
              461527L, 300343L, 69681L, 516695L, 436179L, 106383L, 238523L, 
              413283L, 70841L, 47719L, 300129L, 113029L, 123925L, 410745L, 
              211325L, 17489L, 511893L, 40767L, 186077L, 519471L, 255369L, 
              101819L, 243573L, 66189L, 152143L, 503455L, 113217L, 132603L, 
              463967L, 297717L, 157383L, 224015L, 502917L, 36237L, 94049L, 
              170665L, 79397L, 123963L, 223451L, 323871L, 303633L, 98567L, 
              318855L, 494245L, 477137L, 177975L, 64483L, 26695L, 88779L, 94497L, 
              239429L, 381007L, 110205L, 339157L, 73397L, 407559L, 181791L, 
              442675L, 301397L, 32569L, 147737L, 189949L, 138655L, 350241L, 
              63371L, 511925L, 515861L, 434045L, 383435L, 249187L, 492723L, 
              479195L, 84589L, 99703L, 239831L, 269423L, 182241L, 61063L, 130789L, 
              143095L, 471209L, 139019L, 172565L, 487045L, 304803L)
  ## function to return fractional part of a number
  frac <- function(x){

  ## original code starts here
  if(length(u) != dim)
    stop("u needs to have length dim")
  log2n <- max(ceiling(log2(n)), 10) # take the smallest power of 2 larger than n (at least 1024)
  if(log2n > 20)
    stop("lattices larger than 2^20 currently unsupported")
  n <- 2^log2n
  if(dim > 100){
    stop("only up to dim < 101 available per default, specify larger z manually!")
    if(dim > 30){
      ## use extensible lattice rule
      z <- extGen
    } else {
      ## use fixed lattice rule 
      z <- genMat[log2n-9,]      
  if(dim > length(z)){
    stop("dim and z do not match")
  } else {
    zz <- z[1:dim]
  i <- 0:(n-1)
  U <- matrix(u, byrow = TRUE, nrow = n, ncol = dim)

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