## those are the extra functions needed for gamlss
## print.gamlss()
## family() family.default()
## refit() refit.gamlss()
## fitted.gamlss() coef.gamlss() residuals.gamlss() deviance.gamlss() predict.gamlss()
## formula.gamlss() is.gamlss()
## lp(), model.frame.gamlss()
## IC(), AIC(), GAIC() : general information criterion
## weighted.mean() !out
## checklink()
# refit
#refit <- function (object,...)# MS Friday, June 6, 2003 at 11:43
#refit.gamlss <- function (object, ...)
refit <- function (object, ...)
if (!is.gamlss(object)) stop(paste("This is not a gamlss object", "\n", ""))
call <- object$call
if (is.null(call))
stop("need an object with call component")
call <- object$call
extras <- = FALSE)$...
new.cycle <- 2*object$control$n.cyc
# itercontrol <- list(iter=object$iter, n.cyc=new.cycle)# taken out Monday, March 17, 2008
extras <- list(start.from=$object, iter=object$iter, n.cyc=new.cycle)
existing <- !, names(call)))
for (a in names(extras)[existing]) call[[a]] <- extras[[a]]
if (any(!existing))
call <- c(as.list(call), extras[!existing])
call <-
a <- eval(call, parent.frame())
# rm(itercontrol,envir=sys.frame(sys.parent()))# taken out Monday, March 17, 2008
# fitted.gamlss
fitted.gamlss<-function (object, what = c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"), parameter= NULL, ... )
what <- if (!is.null(parameter)) {
match.arg(parameter, choices=c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"))} else match.arg(what)
if (!what%in%object$par) stop(paste(what,"is not a parameter in the gamlss object","\n"))
x <- if (is.null(object$na.action)) object[[paste(what,"fv",sep=".")]]
else napredict(object$na.action, object[[paste(what,"fv",sep=".")]])
# coef.gamlss
coef.gamlss<-function (object, what = c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"), parameter= NULL, ... )
what <- if (!is.null(parameter)) {
match.arg(parameter, choices=c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"))} else match.arg(what)
if (!what%in%object$par) stop(paste(what,"is not a parameter in the object","\n"))
x <- object[[paste(what,"coefficients",sep=".")]]
# this probably shoulf go in the main gamlss
coefAll <- function(obj, deviance=FALSE, ...)
out <- list()
if ("mu" %in% obj$par) #
out$mu <- coef(obj, "mu")
if ("sigma" %in% obj$par)
out$sigma <- coef(obj, "sigma")
if ("nu" %in% obj$par)
out$nu <- coef(obj, "nu")
if ("tau" %in% obj$par)
out$tau <- coef(obj, "tau")
if (deviance) out$deviance <- deviance(obj)
# residual or resid.gamlss
residuals.gamlss<-function (object, what = c("z-scores", "mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"),
type=c("simple","weighted","partial"), terms = NULL, ...)
## Possible residuals
## I) z-scores i) simpe or weighted
## simple just take the original: object$residuals
## ii) weighted
## a) "zero ones" or "frequencies"
## a1) Continuous rep(object$residuals, w)
## a2) discrete
## b) other warning + object$residuals
## II) "simple", "weighted", "partial"
## if what mu sigma nu tau (the question here is whether w is needed)
## type simple
## weighted
## partial
type <- match.arg(type)
what <- match.arg(what)
w <- object$weights
if(what=="z-scores") # if z-scores (I)
if (all(w==1)) x <- object$residuals # i) simpe or weighted
# ii) weighted
else if (all(trunc(w)==w)) # a) "zero ones" or "frequencies"
{ if (object$type== "Continuous") x <- rep(object$residuals, w) # a1 continuous
else{ # a2 discrete case
y <- rep(object$y, w)
if ("mu"%in%object$parameters) mu <- rep(fitted(object, "mu"),w)
if ("sigma"%in%object$parameters) sigma <- rep(fitted(object,"sigma"),w)
if ("nu"%in%object$parameters) nu <- rep(fitted(object,"nu"),w)
if ("tau"%in%object$parameters) tau <- rep(fitted(object,"tau"),w)
if(any(object${ bd <- rep(object$bd,w)} # MS Wednesday, July 23, 2003 at 12:03
x <- eval(object$rqres)
} # now weights NOT "zero ones" or "frequencies"
else { warning("weights which are not frequencies are used: residuals remain unweighted")
x <- object$residuals
} # naresid(object$na.action, object$residuals)
} # if not z-scores
else # II) If not z-scores
if (!what%in%object$par) stop(paste(what,"is not a parameter in the object","\n"))
wv <- object[[paste(what, "wv", sep=".")]]
l.p <- object[[paste(what, "lp", sep=".")]]
wt <- object[[paste(what, "wt", sep=".")]]
os <- object[[paste(what, "offset", sep=".")]]# offset is added 9-12-14 MS
x <- if (type == "simple") wv - l.p + os
else if (type == "weighted") sqrt(wt)*(wv-l.p + os)
else (wv-l.p + os) +lpred(object, what = what, type = "terms", terms =terms)
# deviance.gamlss
deviance.gamlss<-function(object, what = c("G", "P"), ...)
what <- match.arg(what)
if (what=="G") x <- object$G.deviance
else if (what=="P") x <- object$P.deviance
else stop("put G for Global or P for Penalized deviance")
# lp
## lm see also lpred()
lp <-function (obj, what = c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"), parameter= NULL, ... )
what <- if (!is.null(parameter)) {
match.arg(parameter, choices=c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"))} else match.arg(what)
if (!what%in%obj$par) stop(paste(what,"is not a parameter in the object","\n"))
x <- obj[[paste(what,"lp",sep=".")]]
# fv
## fv see also fitted and lpred()
fv <-function (obj, what = c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"), parameter= NULL, ... )
what <- if (!is.null(parameter)) {
match.arg(parameter, choices=c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"))} else match.arg(what)
if (!what%in%obj$par) stop(paste(what,"is not a parameter in the object","\n"))
x <- obj[[paste(what,"fv",sep=".")]]
# model.frame.gamlss
# new MS Thursday, June 24, 2004 at 13:45
model.frame.gamlss <-function (formula, what = c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"), parameter= NULL, ...)
object <- formula
dots <- list(...)
what <- if (!is.null(parameter)) {
match.arg(parameter, choices=c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"))} else match.arg(what)
Call <- object$call
parform <- formula(object, what)
#parform <- object[[paste(what, "formula", sep=".")]]
data <- if (!is.null(Call$data)) eval(Call$data, environment(formula$mu.terms))# MS 11-318 after suggestion in
else environment(formula$terms)
Terms <- terms(parform)
mf <- model.frame(Terms, data, xlev = object[[paste(what,"xlevels",sep=".")]])
# terms.gamlss
terms.gamlss <- function (x, what = c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"), parameter= NULL, ...)
what <- if (!is.null(parameter)) {
match.arg(parameter, choices=c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"))} else match.arg(what)
if (!what%in%x$par) stop(paste(what,"is not a parameter in the object","\n"))
v <- x[[paste(what,"terms",sep=".")]]
if (is.null(v))
stop("no terms component")
# model.matrix
model.matrix.gamlss <- function (object, what = c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"), parameter= NULL, ...)
what <- if (!is.null(parameter)) {
match.arg(parameter, choices=c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"))} else match.arg(what)
if (!what%in%object$par) stop(paste(what,"is not a parameter in the object","\n"))
v <- object[[paste(what,"x",sep=".")]]
if (is.null(v))
stop("no terms component")
# formula.gamlss
# formula.gamlss<-function (x, what = c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"), parameter= NULL, ... )
# {
# what <- if (!is.null(parameter)) {
# match.arg(parameter, choices=c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"))} else match.arg(what)
# if (!what%in%x$par) stop(paste(what,"is not a parameter in the object","\n"))
# fo <- x[[paste(what,"formula",sep=".")]]
# ## the problem is when "." is in the formula, if true get formula from terms
# if (length(fo)==2 && "."%in%strsplit(as.character(fo),split="")[[2]])# no resp
# fo <- formula(x[[paste(what,"terms",sep=".")]])
# if (length(fo)==3 && "."%in%strsplit(as.character(fo), split = "")[[3]])# "."%in%strsplit(as.character(fo), split = "")[[3]]
# fo <- formula(x[[paste(what,"terms",sep=".")]])
# fo
# }
formula.gamlss<-function (x, what = c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"), parameter= NULL, ... )
what <- if (!is.null(parameter)) {
match.arg(parameter, choices=c("mu", "sigma", "nu", "tau"))} else match.arg(what)
if (!what%in%x$par) stop(paste(what,"is not a parameter in the object","\n"))
fo <- x[[paste(what,"formula",sep=".")]]
# Making it not a "formula" to prevent incompatibility with when using as.character()
class(fo) = "formula_"
## the problem is when "." is in the formula, if true get formula from terms
if ((length(fo)==2 && "."%in%strsplit(as.character(fo),split="")[[2]]) || (length(fo)==3 && "."%in%strsplit(as.character(fo), split = "")[[3]]))
fo <- formula(x[[paste(what,"terms",sep=".")]])
class(fo) = "formula"
# is.gamlss
is.gamlss <- function (x)
inherits(x, "gamlss")
#is.formula <- function (x)
# IC
IC <- function(object, k=2)
if (is.gamlss(object)) object$$*k
else stop(paste("this is not a gamlss object"))
# AIC.gamlss
AIC.gamlss <- function (object, ..., k = 2, c = FALSE)
if (length(list(...)))
object <- list(object, ...)
isgamlss <- unlist(lapply(object, is.gamlss))
if (!any(isgamlss)) stop("some of the objects are not gamlss")
df <- as.numeric(lapply(object, function(x) x$
N <- as.numeric(lapply(object, function(x) x$N))
Cor <- if ((k == 2)&&(c==TRUE)) (2*df*(df+1))/(N-df-1) else rep(0, length(object))
AIC <- as.numeric(lapply(object, function(x) x$$*k ))+Cor
val <-,AIC))
Call <-
Call$k <- NULL
Call$c <- NULL
row.names(val) <- as.character(Call[-1])
val <- val[order(AIC),]
{ val <- if (is.gamlss(object)) object$$*k
else stop(paste("this is not a gamlss object"))
if ((k == 2)&&(c==TRUE)) val <- val + (2*object$*(object$$N-object$
GAIC <- function(object,..., k = 2, c = FALSE ) #UseMethod("AIC")
if (length(list(...)))
object <- list(object, ...)
isgamlss <- unlist(lapply(object, is.gamlss))
if (!any(isgamlss)) stop("some of the objects are not gamlss")
df <- as.numeric(lapply(object, function(x) x$
N <- as.numeric(lapply(object, function(x) x$N))
Cor <- if ((k == 2)&&(c==TRUE)) (2*df*(df+1))/(N-df-1) else rep(0, length(object))
AIC <- as.numeric(lapply(object, function(x) x$$*k ))+Cor
val <-,AIC))
Call <-
Call$k <- NULL
Call$c <- NULL
row.names(val) <- as.character(Call[-1])
val <- val[order(AIC),]
{ val <- if (is.gamlss(object)) object$$*k
else stop(paste("this is not a gamlss object"))
if ((k == 2)&&(c==TRUE)) val <- val + (2*object$*(object$$N-object$
GAIC.table <- function(object,...,
k = c(2, 3.84, round(log(length(object$y)),2)),
objects <- list(object, ...)
norow <- length(objects)
lk <- length(k)
MM <- matrix(0, nrow=norow, ncol=lk+1)
isgamlss <- unlist(lapply(objects, is.gamlss))
if (!any(isgamlss)) stop("some of the objects are not gamlss")
MM[,1] <- unlist(lapply(objects, function(x) x$
N <- as.numeric(lapply(objects, function(x) x$N))
for (j in 1:lk)
MM[,1+j] <- unlist(lapply(objects, function(x) x$$*k[j] ))
val <-
Call <-
Call$k <- NULL
row.names(val) <- if (is.null( as.character(Call[-1])
names(val) <- c("df", paste("k=",as.character(k), sep=""))
for (i in 1:length(k)) cat("minimum GAIC(k=",k[i],") model:",
row.names(val)[which.min(unclass(val[1+i][[1]]))], "\n")
# Creating AIC weights
# the weights can be interpreted as posterior probabilities
# i.e prob(model/data)
# but more like as evidence on how the diffrent models
# compared with each other
# should be a function of the sample size
GAIC.scaled <- function(object,...,
k = 2, # which column
c = FALSE, # whether corrected GAIC
plot = TRUE, #
text.cex = 0.7, # the model/distribution text size
which = 1, # for families which GAIC = 1000, = NULL,
col = NULL, # color for the bars
horiz = FALSE) # verical or horizontal
if (is.matrix(object))
fnas <- ![,which])
dm <- dim(object)
# object
wmin <- which.min(object[,which]) #apply(object, 2, which.min)
dAIC <- (object[,which]-object[wmin,which])
dAIC <- ifelse( dAIC >, NA, dAIC)
# which.max(dAIC)
oAIC <- 1-dAIC/dAIC[which.max(dAIC)] #
# }
if (plot)
{ <- !
namesDist <- rownames(object)[]
scaled <- oAIC[]
names(scaled) <- ""
ind <- c(1:sum(
if (horiz)
BP <- barplot(scaled, xlim=c(-0.25, 1.1), horiz=TRUE, col=col )
points(scaled, BP, pch=20)
abline(v=0, col="black")
abline(v=1, col="gray")
text(-0.01, BP, namesDist, srt = 0, cex=text.cex, adj=1)
BP <- barplot(scaled, ylim=c(-0.25, 1.1), col=col)
points(BP, scaled, pch=20)
abline(h=0, col="gray")
abline(h=1, col="gray")
text(BP,-0.01, namesDist, srt = 90, cex=text.cex, adj=1)
} else
if (length(list(...)))
object <- list(object, ...)
isgamlss <- unlist(lapply(object, is.gamlss))
if (!any(isgamlss)) stop("some of the objects are not gamlss")
df <- as.numeric(lapply(object, function(x) x$
N <- as.numeric(lapply(object, function(x) x$N))
Cor <- if ((k == 2)&&(c==TRUE)) (2*df*(df+1))/(N-df-1) else rep(0, length(object))
AIC <- as.numeric(lapply(object, function(x) x$$*k ))+Cor
dAIC <- (AIC-AIC[which.min(AIC)])
oAIC <- 1-dAIC/dAIC[which.max(dAIC)]
val <-,AIC, delta=round(dAIC,5), scaled=round(oAIC,4)))
Call <-
Call$k <- Call$c <- Call$plot <- Call$text.cex <- Call$which <- Call$ <- Call$horiz <- NULL
row.names(val) <- if (is.null( as.character(Call[-1])
if (plot)
ind <- 1:length(AIC)
if (horiz)
BP <- barplot(oAIC, xlim=c(-0.25, 1.1), horiz=TRUE, col=col )
points(oAIC,BP, pch=20)
abline(v=0, col="black")
abline(v=1, col="gray")
text(-0.01, BP, rownames(val), srt = 0, cex=text.cex, adj=1)
} else
BP <- barplot(oAIC, ylim=c(-0.25, 1.1), col=col)
points(BP, oAIC, pch=20)
abline(h=0, col="gray")
abline(h=1, col="gray")
text(BP,-0.01, rownames(val), srt = 90, cex=text.cex, adj=1)
val <- val[,]
{ val <- if (is.gamlss(object)) object$$*k
else stop(paste("this is not a gamlss object"))
if ((k == 2)&&(c==TRUE)) val <- val + (2*object$*(object$$N-object$
# GAIC.weights <- function(object, ...,
# k = 2, # whic gAIC
# c = FALSE, # whether corrected GAIC
# plot = TRUE, #
# text.cex = 0.7, # the model/distribution text size
# which = 1, # for families which GAIC
# = 1000) # if difference i GD more that 1000 do not print
# {
# if (is.matrix(object))
# {
# fnas <- !
# dm <- dim(object)
# # object
# wmin <- apply(object, 2, which.min)
# dAIC <- wAIC <- matrix(0,nrow=dm[1], ncol=dm[2] )
# for (i in 1:dm[2]){
# dAIC[,i] <- (object[,i]-object[wmin[i],i])[fnas[i]]
# dAIC[,i] <- ifelse( dAIC[,i]>, NA, dAIC[,i])
# dAIC <- 2*scale(dAIC) # this is rather abritary
# wAIC[,i] <- exp(-0.5*dAIC[,i])/sum(exp(-0.5*dAIC[,i]), na.rm=TRUE)
# }
# if (plot)
# {
# <- ![,which])
# namesDist <- rownames(object)[]
# Weights <- wAIC[,which]
# ind <- c(1:length(namesDist))
# plot(Weights~ind, type="h", ylim=c(-0.22, max(Weights)+.05), xlab="families")
# points(Weights, pch=20)
# abline(h=0)
# text(ind,-0.01, namesDist, srt = 90, cex=text.cex, adj=1) #
# }
# } else if (length(list(...)))
# {
# object <- list(object, ...)
# isgamlss <- unlist(lapply(object, is.gamlss))
# if (!any(isgamlss)) stop("some of the objects are not gamlss")
# df <- as.numeric(lapply(object, function(x) x$
# N <- as.numeric(lapply(object, function(x) x$N))
# Cor <- if ((k == 2)&&(c==TRUE)) (2*df*(df+1))/(N-df-1) else rep(0, length(object))
# AIC <- as.numeric(lapply(object, function(x) x$$*k ))+Cor
# dAIC <- (AIC-AIC[which.min(AIC)])
# #dAIC <- ifelse( dAIC >, NA, dAIC)
# sAIC <- 2*scale(dAIC) # this is rather abritary
# wAIC <- exp(-0.5*sAIC)/sum(exp(-0.5*sAIC))
# val <-, AIC, delta=round(dAIC,5), weights=round(wAIC,4)))
# Call <-
# Call$k <- Call$c <- NULL
# row.names(val) <- as.character(Call[-1])
# if (plot)
# {
# ind <- 1:length(AIC)
# plot(ind, wAIC , ylab="weights", xlab="models",
# type="h", col="black", ylim=c(-0.1, max(wAIC)+0.1))
# points(1:length(AIC), wAIC, pch=20)
# abline(h=0)
# text(ind,-0.01, rownames(val), srt = 90, cex=text.cex, adj=1)
# }
# val
# }
# else
# { val <- if (is.gamlss(object)) object$$*k
# else stop(paste("this is not a gamlss object"))
# if ((k == 2)&&(c==TRUE)) val <- val + (2*object$*(object$$N-object$
# val
# }
# }
## a small utility function to get the hat matrix from a weighted regression
## used in cs() and other additive terms
## MS Tuesday, June 22, 2004 at 21:26
.hat.WX<-function (w,x)
p <- length(x)
X <- if (!is.matrix(x)) matrix(cbind(1,x), ncol=2)
else x
k <- length(w)
p <- dim(X)[1]
if (p != k)
stop("`w' and 'x' are not having the same length")
Is <- sqrt(w)
if (any(!is.finite(Is)))
warning("diagonal weights has non-finite entries")
WX <- X
WX[] <- Is * X
# the generalised R-squared funtion
# This should work now with Binomial
Rsq <- function(object, type = c("Cox Snell","Cragg Uhler","both"))
type <- match.arg(type)
if (!is.gamlss(object)) stop("this is design for gamlss objects only")
# m0 <- update(object, formula=~1, sigma.formula=~1, nu.formula=~1, tau.formula=~1, trace=F)
Y <- if (object$family[1] cbind(object$y, object$bd-object$y) else object$y
suppressWarnings(m0 <- gamlssML(Y, family=object$family[1]))
rsq1 <- 1-exp((2/object$N)*(logLik(m0)[1]-logLik(object)[1]))
rsq2 <- rsq1/(1-exp((2/object$N)*logLik(m0)[1]))
if (type=="Cox Snell") return(rsq1)
if (type=="Cragg Uhler") return(rsq2)
if (type=="both") return(list(CoxSnell=rsq1, CraggUhler=rsq2))
# the function is in a new file now
# this intoducing the shifted log and logit links
# MS Sunday, February 20, 2005
# this will replace the used for GLM's and GAM's
# the add link functions are
# (1) lofshifted needing one parameters the left shift
# (2)logitshift.5 needing two parameters the left and rirght shift
#<-function (link, par = 1)
# if (is.character(link) && length(grep("^power", link) > 0))
# return(eval(parse(text = link)))
# else if (!is.character(link) && ! <- as.numeric(link))) {
# linkfun <- function(mu) mu^lambda
# linkinv <- function(eta) pmax(.Machine$double.eps, eta^(1/lambda))
# mu.eta <- function(eta) pmax(.Machine$double.eps, (1/lambda) *
# eta^(1/lambda - 1))
# valideta <- function(eta) all(eta > 0)
# }
# else switch(link, logit = {
# linkfun <- function(mu) log(mu/(1 - mu))
# linkinv <- function(eta)
# {
# thresh <- -log(.Machine$double.eps)
# eta <- pmin(thresh, pmax(eta, -thresh))
# exp(eta)/(1 + exp(eta))
# }
# mu.eta <- function(eta)
# {
# thresh <- -log(.Machine$double.eps)
# res <- rep(.Machine$double.eps, length(eta))
# res[abs(eta) < thresh] <- (exp(eta)/(1 + exp(eta))^2)[abs(eta) <
# thresh]
# res
# }
# valideta <- function(eta) TRUE
# }, probit = {
# linkfun <- function(mu) qnorm(mu)
# linkinv <- function(eta)
# {
# thresh <- -qnorm(.Machine$double.eps)
# eta <- pmin(thresh, pmax(eta, -thresh))
# pnorm(eta)
# }
# mu.eta <- function(eta) pmax(dnorm(eta), .Machine$double.eps)
# valideta <- function(eta) TRUE
# }, cloglog = {
# linkfun <- function(mu) log(-log(1 - mu))
# linkinv <- function(eta) pmax(.Machine$double.eps, pmin(1 -
# .Machine$double.eps, -expm1(-exp(eta))))
# mu.eta <- function(eta)
# {
# eta <- pmin(eta, 700)
# pmax(.Machine$double.eps, exp(eta) * exp(-exp(eta)))
# }
# valideta <- function(eta) TRUE
# }, identity = {
# linkfun <- function(mu) mu
# linkinv <- function(eta) eta
# mu.eta <- function(eta) rep(1, length(eta))
# valideta <- function(eta) TRUE
# }, log = {
# linkfun <- function(mu) log(mu)
# linkinv <- function(eta) pmax(.Machine$double.eps, exp(eta))
# mu.eta <- function(eta) pmax(.Machine$double.eps, exp(eta))
# valideta <- function(eta) TRUE
# }, sqrt = {
# linkfun <- function(mu) mu^0.5
# linkinv <- function(eta) eta^2
# mu.eta <- function(eta) 2 * eta
# valideta <- function(eta) all(eta > 0)
# }, "1/mu^2" = {
# linkfun <- function(mu) 1/mu^2
# linkinv <- function(eta) 1/eta^0.5
# mu.eta <- function(eta) -1/(2 * eta^1.5)
# valideta <- function(eta) all(eta > 0)
# }, logshiftto1 = { # MS Saturday, February 19, 2005
# linkfun <- function(mu, shift = par, delta = .00001 )
# log(mu-shift+delta)
# linkinv <- function(eta, shift = par) shift+pmax(.Machine$double.eps, exp(eta))
# mu.eta <- function(eta, shift = par, delta = .00001) pmax(.Machine$double.eps, exp(eta))
# valideta <- function(eta) TRUE
# },logitshift.5 = { # MS Saturday, February 19, 2005
# linkfun <- function(mu, shift = par )
# log((mu-shift[1])/(shift[2]-mu))
# linkinv <- function(eta, shift = par)
# {
# thresh <- -log(.Machine$double.eps)
# eta <- pmin(thresh, pmax(eta, -thresh))
# shift[2]-(shift[2]-shift[1])/(1 + exp(eta))
# }
# mu.eta <- function(eta, shift = par )
# {
# thresh <- -log(.Machine$double.eps)
# res <- rep(.Machine$double.eps, length(eta))
# res[abs(eta) < thresh] <- ((shift[2]-shift[1])*exp(eta)/(1 + exp(eta))^2)[abs(eta) < thresh]
# res
# }
# valideta <- function(eta) TRUE
# }, inverse = {
# linkfun <- function(mu) 1/mu
# linkinv <- function(eta) 1/eta
# mu.eta <- function(eta) -1/(eta^2)
# valideta <- function(eta) all(eta != 0)
# }, stop(paste(link, "link not recognised")))
# list(linkfun = linkfun, linkinv = linkinv, mu.eta = mu.eta,
# valideta = valideta)
# numerical derivatives
# taken from the Writing R Extensions p 48
# modified to have a varied delta
numeric.deriv <- function(expr, theta, delta = NULL, rho=sys.frame(sys.parent()))
eps <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
ans <- eval(substitute(expr), rho)
grad <- matrix(,length(ans), length(theta), dimnames=list(NULL, theta))
for (i in seq(along=theta))
old <- get(theta[i], envir=rho)
delta <- if (is.null(delta)) eps * min(1, abs(old)) else delta
assign(theta[i], old+delta, envir=rho)
ans1 <- eval(substitute(expr), rho)
assign(theta[i], old, envir=rho)
grad[,i] <- (ans1 - ans)/delta
attr(ans, "gradient") <- grad
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