# Hugo Gasca-Aragon
# created: May 2009
# last update:
# Apr 2010
# The VR algorithm was updated with
# a Gauss-Newton search for the roots
# instead of the linear search
# Jun 2010
# The VR result was extended to include
# if the convergence criteria was met,
# if the reduced model is suggested
# (no evidence of random effect)
# Oct 2010
# The effective degrees of freedom
# of the variance of the mean was
# implemented using Satterthwaite approach
# Oct 2015 @ CENAM
# The trace with each iteration of the computation is
# optionally provided as part of the result instead
# of printing them out. This is included for validation
# purposes.
# When compared to Dataplot one often gets different
# results. We have no control over Dataplot criteria
# to stop the maximum likelihood search. By imposing
# stronger conditions on this algorithm (i.e.,
# max.iter=1000, tol=1e-12), the trace output should
# contain the result provided by Dataplot.
# When compared between them vr.mle and mlr.1wre provide
# distinct results. The mle.1wre fails to produce an
# estimate withint the parameter space (sigma2>0). While
# the vr.mle fails to return the true maximum, it
# continues the search until the estimated parameters
# are closer at each iteration, passing the true maximum.
# Hence a search of the maximum likelihood is included
# on the traced results and then it is returned.
.internal.mle.1wre <- function(xi, si2, ni, labi = c(1:length(xi)),
max.iter = 200, tol = .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5, trace = FALSE, = mean(xi), init.sigma2 = var(xi), lambda = 1) {
# parameters
# xi=reported sample means, si2=reported sample variances,
# ni=reported sample sizes, labi=participant labels
# require(MASS)
# sort the datapoints by labi
xi <- xi[order(labi)]
si2 <- si2[order(labi)]
ni <- ni[order(labi)]
labi <- labi[order(labi)]
# remove all datapoints with undefined si2
xi <- xi[!]
ni <- ni[!]
labi <- labi[!]
si2 <- si2[!]
p <- length(xi)
N <- sum(ni)
Theta <- matrix(-Inf, max.iter + 1, p + 3)
# set the initial values for sigma2 and sigmai2
mu <-
sigma2 <- init.sigma2
sigmai2 <- si2
t <- 1
llh <- 0
llh <- -N/2 * log(2 * pi) - sum((ni - 1)*log(sigmai2))/2 -
sum(log(sigmai2 + ni * sigma2))/2 - sum((ni - 1)*si2/sigmai2)/2 -
sum(ni*(xi - mu)^2/(sigmai2 + ni*sigma2))/2
Theta[t, ] <- c(mu, sigmai2, sigma2, llh)
cur.rel.abs.error <- Inf
while ((cur.rel.abs.error > tol) && (t < max.iter) && all(sigmai2 > 0) &&
(sigma2 > 0)) {
mu <- Theta[t,1]
sigmai2 <- Theta[t, c(2:(p + 1))]
sigma2 <- Theta[t, p + 2]
wi <- ni/(sigmai2 + ni*sigma2) <- 1/sum(wi)
llh<- -N/2*log(2*pi) - sum((ni - 1)*log(sigmai2))/2 -
sum(log(sigmai2 + ni*sigma2))/2 - sum((ni-1)*si2/sigmai2)/2 -
sum(ni*(xi - mu)^2/(sigmai2 + ni*sigma2))/2
# get the score vector
S<- c(sum((xi - mu)/(sigma2 + sigmai2/ni)),
-(ni - 1)/sigmai2/2 - 1/(ni*sigma2 + sigmai2)/2 +
(ni - 1)*si2/sigmai2^2/2 +
ni*(xi - mu)^2/(ni*sigma2 + sigmai2)^2/2,
-sum(1/(sigma2 + sigmai2/ni))/2 +
sum((xi - mu)^2/(sigma2 + sigmai2/ni)^2)/2)
# get the information matrix
I <- matrix(0, p + 2, p + 2)
I[1, 1] <- sum(1/(sigma2 + sigmai2/ni))
for (j in 1:p) {
I[j + 1, j + 1] <- (1/2)*(ni[j] - 1)/sigmai2[j]^2 +
1/(sigmai2[j] + ni[j]*sigma2)^2/2
I[j + 1, p + 2] <- ni[j]/2/(sigmai2[j]+ni[j]*sigma2)^2
I[p + 2, j + 1] <- I[j+1,p+2]
I[p + 2, p + 2] <- sum(1/(sigma2 + sigmai2/ni)^2)/2
# get the inverse of the information matrix
Iinv <- ginv(I)
# update the estimates
Theta[t + 1, 1:(p + 2)] <- Theta[t, 1:(p + 2)] + lambda*(Iinv %*% S)
Theta[t + 1, p + 3] <- llh
# if the new estimate of sigma is negative set to zero
# compute the maximum relative absolute error
# measure the relative error based on the estimates
# the values of the used weigths and sigma2 are relative, the weigths
# and sigma2 keep moving
old.theta <- Theta[t, ]
new.theta <- Theta[t+1, ]
map.old.theta <- old.theta
map.old.theta[2:(p + 1)] <- 1/(old.theta[2:(p + 1)]/ni +
old.theta[p + 2])
map.old.theta[p + 2] <- 1/sum(map.old.theta[2:(p + 1)]) <- new.theta[2:(p + 1)] <- 1/(new.theta[2:(p + 1)]/ni +
new.theta[p + 2])[p + 2] <- 1/sum([2:(p + 1)])
cur.rel.abs.error <- max(abs((map.old.theta -
t <- t + 1
mu <- Theta[t, 1]
sigmai2 <- Theta[t, c(2:(p + 1))]
sigma2 <- Theta[t, p + 2]
if ( stop("sigma2 became undefined.")
if (any( stop("some sigmai2 became undefined")
if ( stop("mu became undefined")
if (
stop("current relative absolute error became undefined")
} # while
if ((t == max.iter) || (cur.rel.abs.error > tol) || any(sigmai2 <= 0) ||
(sigma2 <= 0)) {
warning("Non convergence or slow convergence condition was found.")
Theta <- Theta[1:t,]
mu <- Theta[t, 1]
sigmai2 <- Theta[t, c(2:(p + 1))]
sigma2 <- Theta[t, p + 2]
wi <- ni/(sigmai2 + ni*sigma2) <- 1/sum(wi)
llh <- -N/2*log(2*pi) - sum((ni - 1)*log(sigmai2))/2 -
sum(log(sigmai2 + ni*sigma2))/2 - sum((ni - 1)*si2/sigmai2)/2 -
sum(ni*(xi - mu)^2/(sigmai2 + ni*sigma2))/2
if (!trace) Theta <-NULL
result<- list( mu = as.vector(mu), = as.vector(,
sigma2 = as.vector(sigma2),
llh = as.vector(llh),
tot.iter = as.vector(t),
max.rel.abs.error = as.vector(cur.rel.abs.error),
sigmai2 = as.vector(sigmai2),
trace = Theta
class(result)<- "summary.mle.1wre"
} # function block
.internal.newton.raphson <- function(f, fp, init.value,
max.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, trace = FALSE, range.tol = 0) {
max.iter <- 40
tol <- 1
iter <- 0
x <- init.value
if (fp(x) != 0) {
while ((iter < max.iter) & (tol > max.tol)) {
xn <- x - f(x)/fp(x)
if (trace) print( c(iter, xn, x, f(x), fp(x), tol) )
iter <- iter + 1
if (range.tol == 0) {
tol <- abs(xn - x)
} else
if (range.tol == 1) {
tol <- abs(xn - x)/abs(max(x,xn))
} else {
tol <- abs(f(xn))
x <- xn
if (trace) print( c(iter, xn, x, f(x), fp(x), tol) )
if (x > 1) x <- 1
if (x < 0) x <- 0
if (trace) print( c(iter, xn, x, f(x), fp(x), tol) )
} else {
x <- init.value
.internal.find.roots <- function(mu, sigma2, gammai, xi, si2, ni,
tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, trace = FALSE)
p <- length(xi)
N <- sum(ni)
wi <- gammai/sigma2
sigmai2 <- ni*sigma2*(1 - gammai)/gammai <- 1/sum(wi)
nroots <- rep(NA, p)
llh <- -N/2*log(2*pi) - sum((ni - 1)*log(sigmai2))/2 -
sum(log(sigmai2 + ni*sigma2))/2 - sum((ni - 1)*si2/sigmai2)/2 -
sum(ni*(xi - mu)^2/(sigmai2 + ni*sigma2))/2
if (trace) print( c(t, mu,, sigma2, sigmai2, llh) )
# evaluate the maximum likelihood function on the estimated parameters
s2 <- sigma2
# first find the solutions to the variance components
nj <-1
xj <-1
sj2 <-1
ai <- sigma2/(xi - mu)^2
bi <- si2/(ni*(xi - mu)^2)
bb <- -(ai + 2)
cc <- ((ni + 1)*ai + (ni - 1)*bi + 1)
dd <- -ni*ai
pol <- function(x) {
return( x^3 + bb*x^2 + cc*x + dd )
roots <- c(1:p)
vroots <- matrix(NA, p, 3)
if (s2 == 0) {
# the polynomial reduces to a monomial and we have straight solutions.
roots <- (xi - mu)^2 + (ni - 1)*si2/ni
} else {
delta <- roots
delta.w <- roots
if (trace) print( "list of positive roots" )
for (i in 1:p) {
# print( c("searching for component variance ", i) )
nj <- ni[i]
xj <- xi[i]
sj2 <- si2[i]
aj <- sigma2/(xj - mu)^2
bj <- sj2/(nj*(xj - mu)^2)
# let's find how many roots the polynomial has.
a <- (2*nj - 1)*s2 - (xj - mu)^2 - (nj - 1)*sj2/nj
b <- (nj - 1)*s2*(nj*s2 - 2*sj2)
c <- -(nj - 1)*nj*sj2*(s2^2)
delta[i] <- -4*a^3*c + a^2*b^2 - 4*b^3 + 18*a*b*c - 27*c^2
bb <- -(aj + 2)
cc <- ((nj + 1)*aj+(nj - 1)*bj + 1)
dd <- -nj*aj
delta.w[i] <- -18*bb*cc*dd + 4*bb^3*dd + bb^2*cc^2 - 4*cc^3 +
if (delta.w[i] < 0) {
# there is one single real positive root
# print("looking for one root")
j <- 1
root <- rep(0, j)
root[1] <- uniroot( pol, interval=c(0, 1), tol = tol )$root
if (trace) print( c(i, root) )
vroots[i, 1] <- root[1]
nroots[i] <- 1
if (root[1] <= 0) {
stop( c("single negative root was found for dataset ", i) )
pllh <- rep(0, nroots[i])
for (j in 1:nroots[i])
pllh[j] <- -nj/2*log(2*pi) - (nj - 1)*log(root[j])/2 -
log(root[j] + nj*s2)/2 - (nj - 1)*sj2/root[j]/2 -
nj*(xj - mu)^2/(root[j] + nj*s2)/2
if (trace) print( c(i, pllh) )
if (trace) print( c(i, roots[i]) )
} else if (delta[i] == 0) {
# there are at most 2 different real roots
# finding all the real roots
# first obtain the local maximum and local minimum of the polynomial
# by finding the roots of the derivate of the polynomial
# then look for the roots in the partition formed by (0, root1, root2, Inf)
# finally choose the root that maximize the likelihood function
lim.root1 <- (-2*a + sqrt(4*a^2 - 12*b))/6
lim.root2 <- (-2*a - sqrt(4*a^2 - 12*b))/6
lim <- c(1:4)
lim[1] <- min(lim.root1, lim.root2)
lim[2] <- max(lim.root1, lim.root2)
if (lim[1] > 0) {
j <- 0
lim[3] <- lim[1] - 1
while (pol(lim[3] - 10^j) > 0) j <- j + 1
lim[3] <- lim[3] - 10^j
} else {
lim[3] <- 0
j <-0
lim[4] <- lim[2] + 1
while (pol(lim[4] + 10^j) < 0) j <- j + 1
lim[4] <- lim[4] + 10^j
lim<- sort(lim)
if (lim[1] == lim[2]) lim <- lim[-1]
root <- c(1:2)
root[1] <- uniroot( pol, interval = c(lim[1], lim[2]),
root[2] <- uniroot( pol, interval = c(lim[2], lim[3]),
if (trace) print( c(i, root) )
# there are 2 roots but some roots can be negative
if (root[1] <= 0) {
root <- root[2]
if (trace) print( c(i, root) )
nroots[i] <- length(root)
pllh <- rep(0, nroots[i])
for (j in 1:nroots[i])
pllh[j] <- -nj/2*log(2*pi) - (nj - 1)*log(root[j])/2 -
log(root[j] + nj*s2)/2 - (nj - 1)*sj2/root[j]/2 -
nj*(xj - mu)^2/(root[j] + nj*s2)/2
if (any( {
print(c(N, mu, s2, root, xj, sj2, nj))
stop("Abnormal condition found")
for (j in 1:nroots[i])
if (pllh[j] == max(pllh)) roots[i] <- root[j]
if (trace) print( c(i, pllh) )
if (trace) print( c(i, roots[i]) )
} else {
# finding all the real roots
# first obtain the local maximum and local minimum of the polynomial
# by finding the roots of the derivate of the polynomial
# then look for the roots in the partition formed by (0, root1, root2, Inf)
# finally choose the root that maximize the likelihood function
lim.root1 <- (-2*a + sqrt(4*a^2 - 12*b))/6
lim.root2 <- (-2*a - sqrt(4*a^2 - 12*b))/6
lim <- c(1:4)
lim[1] <- min(lim.root1, lim.root2)
lim[2] <- max(lim.root1, lim.root2)
j <-0
lim[3] <- lim[1] - 1
while (pol(lim[3] - 10^j)>0) j <- j + 1
lim[3] <- lim[3] - 10^j
j <-0
lim[4] <- lim[2] + 1
while (pol(lim[4] + 10^j)<0) j <- j + 1
lim[4] <- lim[4] + 10^j
lim <- sort(lim)
root <- c(1:3)
root[1] <- uniroot( pol, interval = c(lim[1],lim[2]),
tol = tol)$root
root[2] <- uniroot( pol, interval = c(lim[2],lim[3]),
tol = tol)$root
root[3] <- uniroot( pol, interval = c(lim[3],lim[4]),
tol = tol)$root
if (trace) print( c(i, root) )
# there are 3 roots but some roots can be negative
if (root[1] <= 0) {
root <- root[2:3]
if (root[1] <= 0) {
root <- root[2]
if (trace) print( c(i, root) )
nroots[i] <- length(root)
pllh <- rep(0, nroots[i])
for (j in 1:nroots[i])
pllh[j] <- -nj/2*log(2*pi) - (nj - 1)*log(root[j])/2 -
log(root[j] + nj*s2)/2 - (nj - 1)*sj2/root[j]/2 -
nj*(xj - mu)^2/(root[j] + nj*s2)/2
if (any( {
print(c(N, mu, s2, root, xj, sj2, nj))
stop("Abnormal condition found")
for (j in 1:nroots[i])
if (pllh[j] == max(pllh, na.rm = TRUE)) roots[i] <- root[j]
if (trace) print( c(i, pllh) )
if (trace) print( c(i, roots[i]) )
} # for i in 1:p
} # look for the roots that maximize the log likelihood function
return( c(roots, nroots) )
vr.mle <- function(xi, si2, ni, labi = c(1:length(xi)), max.iter = 1000,
tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, = mean(xi), init.sigma2 = var(xi),
trace = FALSE, alpha = 0.05)
# parameters
# xi=reported sample means, si2=reported sample variances, ni=reported sample sizes, labi=participant labels
# sort the datapoints by labi
xi <- xi[order(labi)]
si2 <- si2[order(labi)]
ni <- ni[order(labi)]
labi <- labi[order(labi)]
# remove all datapoints with undefined si2
xi <- xi[!]
ni <- ni[!]
labi <- labi[!]
si2 <- si2[!]
p <- length(xi)
if (p <= 1) { stop("vr.mle requires 2 or more sources of information.") }
N <- sum(ni)
Theta <- matrix(-Inf, max.iter + 1, p + 3)
Delta.theta <- matrix(0, max.iter + 1, p)
# set the initial values for sigma2, sigmai2 and gammai
mu <-
sigma2 <- init.sigma2
sigmai2 <- si2
gammai <- sigma2/(sigma2 + sigmai2/ni)
t <- 1 <- sigma2/sum(gammai)
llh <- -N/2*log(2*pi) - sum(ni*log(ni))/2+sum(ni*log(gammai/sigma2))/2 -
sum((ni - 1)*log(1-gammai))/2 - sum(gammai*((xi - mu)^2 +
(ni - 1)*si2/ni/(1 - gammai)))/sigma2/2
Theta[t, ] <- c(mu, gammai, sigma2, llh)
cur.rel.abs.error <- Inf
while ((cur.rel.abs.error > tol) && (t < max.iter) && all(gammai > 0) &&
(sigma2 > 0)) {
mu <- Theta[t, 1]
gammai <- Theta[t, c(2:(p + 1))]
sigma2 <- Theta[t, p + 2] <- sigma2/sum(gammai)
llh <- -N/2*log(2*pi) - sum(ni*log(ni))/2 +
sum(ni*log(gammai/sigma2))/2 - sum((ni - 1)*log(1 - gammai))/2 -
sum(gammai*((xi - mu)^2 + (ni - 1)*si2/ni/(1 - gammai)))/sigma2/2
# Iterative update
ai <- sigma2/(xi - mu)^2
bi <- si2/ni/(xi - mu)^2
aa <- rep(1, p)
bb <- -(ai + 2)
cc <- ((ni + 1)*ai + (ni - 1)*bi + 1)
dd <- -ni*ai
Delta <- -(18*aa*bb*cc*dd - 4*bb^3*dd + bb^2*cc^2 - 4*aa*cc^3 -
Delta.theta[t, ] <- Delta
ss <- Delta.theta[t,] <= 0
if (any(ss)) {
# there are 3 positive roots
# search for the extreme points as the roots of p'=3*aa*x^2+2*bb*x+cc
sss <- (bb^2 - 3*cc)[ss] >= 0
if (any(sss)) {
# there are real roots hence there are two local extreme points
# and we can find their location as
gamma.lim <- matrix(NA, sum(sss), 2)
for(iii in c(1:length(sss))[sss]) {
gamma.lim[iii, ] <- sort((-bb[ss][sss][iii] +
c(-1,1)*sqrt( (bb^2 - 3*cc)[ss][sss][iii] ))/3)
if (min(gamma.lim[iii, ]) > 1) {
# there is nothing to do in addition, the solution is out of the parameter space
} else {
# there is at least one additional point to evaluate the MLE
# we need to evaluate the MLE for each combination of these values
# and select the combination that maximized the response.
warning(paste("There are additional points ",
"where the MLE was not evaluated."))
# solve for weights gammai, this just looks for the closer root, it does not evaluate the three posible solutions
for (i in 1:p) {
# this just looks for the closer solution.
nlm.res <- .internal.newton.raphson(function(x) {
x^3 - (ai[i] + 2)*x^2 +
((ni[i] + 1)*ai[i] + (ni[i] - 1)*bi[i] + 1)*x -
function(x) {3*x^2 - 2*(ai[i] + 2)*x + (ni[i] + 1)*ai[i] +
(ni[i] - 1)*bi[i] + 1},
init.value = Theta[t, 1 + i], max.tol = tol)
# we must look at all the possible solutions.
# we need to find all the roots of each parameter, then evaluate the combination that leads to the maximum log likelihood.
gammai[i] <- nlm.res #$estimate
if (gammai[i] > 1) stop("gamma[", i, "]>1")
if (gammai[i] < 0) stop("gamma[", i, "]<0")
## increased accuracy, reducing error due to rounding and double underflow effects
mu <- sum(gammai/sum(gammai)*xi)
sigma2 <- sum(gammai/sum(gammai)*gammai*(xi - mu)^2)
Theta[t+1, ] <- c(mu, gammai, sigma2, llh)
# compute the maximum relative absolute error
# measure the relative error based on the estimates
# the values of the used weigths and sigma2 are relative, the weigths and sigma2 keep moving
old.theta <- Theta[t, ]
new.theta <- Theta[t + 1, ]
map.old.theta <- old.theta
map.old.theta[2:(p + 1)] <- old.theta[2:(p + 1)]/
sum(old.theta[2:(p + 1)])
map.old.theta[p + 2] <- old.theta[p + 2]/sum(old.theta[2:(p + 1)]) <- new.theta[2:(p + 1)] <- new.theta[2:(p + 1)]/
sum(new.theta[2:(p + 1)])[p + 2] <- new.theta[p + 2]/sum(new.theta[2:(p + 1)])
cur.rel.abs.error<- max(abs((map.old.theta -
t <- t + 1
mu <- Theta[t, 1]
gammai <- Theta[t, c(2:(p + 1))]
sigma2 <- Theta[t, p + 2]
if ( stop("sigma2 became undefined.")
if (any( stop("some gammai became undefined")
if ( stop("mu became undefined")
if (
stop("current relative absolute error became undefined")
} # while
ccm<- TRUE
if ((t == max.iter)||(cur.rel.abs.error > tol)|| any(gammai <= 0) ||
(sigma2 <= 0)) {
# convergence condition is not met
ccm <- FALSE
Theta <- Theta[1:t,]
t <- max(c(1:t)[Theta[, p + 3] == max(Theta[, p + 3])])
Theta <- Theta[1:t, ]
Delta.theta <- Delta.theta[1:t, ]
mu <- Theta[t, 1]
gammai <- Theta[t, c(2:(p + 1))]
sigma2 <- Theta[t, p + 2] <- sigma2/sum(gammai)
old.theta <- Theta[t - 1, ]
new.theta <- Theta[t, ]
map.old.theta <- old.theta
map.old.theta[2:(p + 1)] <- old.theta[2:(p + 1)]/sum(old.theta[2:(p + 1)])
map.old.theta[p + 2] <- old.theta[p + 2]/sum(old.theta[2:(p + 1)]) <- new.theta[2:(p + 1)] <- new.theta[2:(p + 1)]/sum(new.theta[2:(p + 1)])[p + 2] <- new.theta[p + 2]/sum(new.theta[2:(p + 1)])
cur.rel.abs.error <- max(abs((map.old.theta -
# iterative reweighted mean if sigma2==0
if (sigma2 <= 0) {
sigma2 <- 0
si <- sqrt(si2)
sigmai <- si
iter <- 0
tol <- 1
mu <- mean(xi)
max.tol <- .Machine$double.eps^0.5
while ((iter < 100) & (tol > max.tol)) {
mu.n <- sum(xi/sigmai^2)/sum(1/sigmai^2)
sigmai.n <- sqrt(ni*(xi - mu)^2 + (ni - 1)*si^2)/ni
tol <- abs(mu.n - mu)
mu <- mu.n
sigmai <- sigmai.n
iter <- iter + 1
wi <- 1/sigmai^2 <- 1/sqrt(sum(wi))
N <- sum(ni)
llh <- -N*log(2*pi)/2 - sum(log(sigmai^2))/2 -
sum((ni*(xi - mu)^2 + (ni - 1)*si^2)/(2*sigmai^2)) <-^2
gammai <- wi
} else {
# likelihood evaluated at the estimated parameters
wi <- gammai/sigma2
llh <- -N/2*log(2*pi) - sum(ni*log(ni))/2 +
sum(ni*log(gammai/sigma2))/2 - sum((ni - 1)*log(1-gammai))/2 -
sum(gammai*((xi - mu)^2 + (ni - 1)*si2/ni/(1 - gammai)))/sigma2/2
if (sigma2 > 0) {
# Welch-Satterthwaite equation for the One-Way Random Effects Model for the mean MSA/nT
v <- sum(wi)^2/sum(wi^2/(ni - 1))
# Welch-Satterthwaite equation for the One-Way Random Effects Model for the within variance MSE
sigma2.wi <- (1/gammai - 1)*sigma2*ni
v.w <- sum((ni - 1)*sigma2.wi)^2/sum((ni - 1)*sigma2.wi^2)
var.w <- (sum(gammai)^2* - sum(gammai^2)*sigma2)/sum(gammai^2/ni)
v.w <- (sum(ni)* - var.w)/sigma2 - 1
} else {
v <- N - 1
v.w <- v
var.w <- (sum(gammai)^2*^2/ni)
v.w <- var.w/*sum(gammai^2)/sum(gammai)^2
if (!trace) {
Theta<- NULL
result <- list( mu = as.vector(mu), = as.vector(sqrt(, = as.vector(mu + qnorm(alpha/2, 1 - alpha/2)*sqrt(, = as.vector(,
var.b = as.vector(sigma2),
var.w = as.vector(var.w),
dof.w = v.w,
llh = as.vector(llh),
tot.iter = as.vector(t),
max.rel.abs.error = as.vector(cur.rel.abs.error),
gammai = as.vector(gammai),
ccm = ccm,
reduced.model = (sigma2 == 0),
dof = v,
trace = Theta,
discriminant = Delta.theta
class(result) <- "summary.vr.mle"
} # function block
.internal.vr.mle.fixed <- function(xi, si2, ni, labi = c(1:length(xi)),
max.iter = 1000, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, = mean(xi),
init.sigma2 = var(xi), trace = FALSE, alpha = 0.05)
# parameters
# xi=reported sample means, si2=reported sample variances, ni=reported sample sizes, labi=participant labels
# sort the datapoints by labi
xi <- xi[order(labi)]
si2 <- si2[order(labi)]
ni <- ni[order(labi)]
labi <- labi[order(labi)]
# remove all datapoints with undefined si2
xi <- xi[!]
ni <- ni[!]
labi <- labi[!]
si2 <- si2[!]
p <- length(xi)
if (p <= 1) stop("vr.mle requires 2 or more sources of information.")
N <- sum(ni)
Theta <- matrix(-Inf, max.iter + 1, p + 2)
Delta.theta <- matrix(0, max.iter + 1, p)
# set the initial values for sigma2, sigmai2 and gammai
mu <-
sigma2 <- init.sigma2
sigmai2 <- si2
gammai <- sigma2/(sigma2 + sigmai2/ni)
t <- 1 <- sigma2/sum(gammai)
llh <- -N/2*log(2*pi) - sum(ni*log(ni))/2 + sum(ni*log(gammai/sigma2))/2 -
sum((ni - 1)*log(1 - gammai))/2 -
sum(gammai*((xi - mu)^2 + (ni - 1)*si2/ni/(1 - gammai)))/sigma2/2
Theta[t, ] <- c(gammai, sigma2, llh)
cur.rel.abs.error <- Inf
while ((cur.rel.abs.error > tol) && (t < max.iter) && all(gammai > 0) &&
(sigma2 > 0)) {
gammai <- Theta[t, c(1:p)]
sigma2 <- Theta[t, p + 1] <- sigma2/sum(gammai)
llh <- -N/2*log(2*pi) - sum(ni*log(ni))/2 + sum(ni*log(gammai/sigma2))/2 -
sum((ni - 1)*log(1 - gammai))/2 -
sum(gammai*((xi - mu)^2 + (ni - 1)*si2/ni/(1 - gammai)))/sigma2/2
# Iterative update
ai <- sigma2/(xi - mu)^2
bi <- si2/ni/(xi - mu)^2
aa <- rep(1, p)
bb <- -(ai + 2)
cc <- ((ni + 1)*ai + (ni - 1)*bi + 1)
dd <- -ni*ai
Delta <- -(18*aa*bb*cc*dd - 4*bb^3*dd + bb^2*cc^2 - 4*aa*cc^3 -
Delta.theta[t, ] <- Delta
ss <- Delta.theta[t, ] <= 0
if (any(ss)) {
# there are 3 positive roots
# search for the extreme points as the roots of p'=3*aa*x^2+2*bb*x+cc
sss <- (bb^2 - 3*cc)[ss] >= 0
if (any(sss)) {
# there are real roots hence there are two local extreme points
# and we can find their location as
gamma.lim <- matrix(NA, sum(sss), 2)
for(iii in c(1:length(sss))[sss]) {
gamma.lim[iii, ] <- sort((-bb[ss][sss][iii] +
c(-1, 1)*sqrt( (bb^2 - 3*cc)[ss][sss][iii] ))/3)
if (min(gamma.lim[iii, ]) > 1) {
# there is nothing to do in addition, the solution is out of the parameter space
} else {
# there is at least one additional point to evaluate the MLE
# we need to evaluate the MLE for each combination of these values
# and select the combination that maximized the response.
warning(paste("There are additional points where ",
"the MLE was not evaluated."))
# solve for weights gammai, this just looks for the closer root, it does not evaluate the three posible solutions
for (i in 1:p) {
# this just looks for the closer solution.
nlm.res <- .internal.newton.raphson(function(x) {x^3 -
(ai[i] + 2)*x^2 +
((ni[i] + 1)*ai[i] + (ni[i] - 1)*bi[i] + 1)*x -
function(x) {3*x^2 - 2*(ai[i] + 2)*x +
(ni[i] + 1)*ai[i] + (ni[i] - 1)*bi[i] + 1},
init.value = Theta[t, 1 + i], max.tol = tol)
# we must look at all the possible solutions.
# we need to find all the roots of each parameter, then evaluate the combination that leads to the maximum log likelihood.
# nlm(f=function(x) {x^4/4-(ai[i]+2)*x^3/3+((ni[i]+1)*ai[i]+(ni[i]-1)*bi[i]+1)*x^2/2-ni[i]*ai[i]*x}, p=c(Theta[t,1+i]), steptol=tol)
gammai[i] <- nlm.res #$estimate
if (gammai[i] > 1) stop("gamma[",i,"]>1")
if (gammai[i] < 0) stop("gamma[",i,"]<0")
## increased accuracy, reducing error due to rounding and double underflow effects
# mu<- sum(gammai/sum(gammai)*xi)
sigma2 <- sum(gammai/sum(gammai)*gammai*(xi - mu)^2)
Theta[t+1, ] <- c(gammai, sigma2, llh)
# compute the maximum relative absolute error
# measure the relative error based on the estimates
# the values of the used weigths and sigma2 are relative, the weigths and sigma2 keep moving
old.theta <- Theta[t, ]
new.theta <- Theta[t + 1, ]
map.old.theta <- old.theta
map.old.theta[1:p] <- old.theta[1:p]/sum(old.theta[1:p])
map.old.theta[p + 1] <- old.theta[p + 1]/sum(old.theta[1:p]) <- new.theta[1:p] <- new.theta[1:p]/sum(new.theta[1:p])[p + 1] <- new.theta[p + 1]/sum(new.theta[1:p])
cur.rel.abs.error <- max(abs((map.old.theta -
t <- t + 1
gammai <- Theta[t, c(1:p)]
sigma2 <- Theta[t, p + 1]
if ( stop("sigma2 became undefined.")
if (any( stop("some gammai became undefined")
if ( stop("mu became undefined")
if (
stop("current relative absolute error became undefined")
} # while
ccm <- TRUE
if ((t == max.iter) && (cur.rel.abs.error > tol)) {
# convergence condition is not met
ccm <- FALSE
Theta <- Theta[1:t, ]
t <- max(c(1:t)[Theta[, p + 2] == max(Theta[, p + 2])])
Theta <- as.matrix(Theta[1:t, ], t, p + 2)
Delta.theta <- Delta.theta[1:t, ]
gammai <- Theta[t, c(1:p)]
sigma2 <- Theta[t, p + 1] <- sigma2/sum(gammai)
old.theta <- Theta[t - 1, ]
new.theta <- Theta[t, ]
map.old.theta <- old.theta
map.old.theta[1:p] <- old.theta[1:p]/sum(old.theta[1:p])
map.old.theta[p + 1] <- old.theta[p + 1]/sum(old.theta[1:p]) <- new.theta[1:p] <- new.theta[1:p]/sum(new.theta[1:p])[p + 1] <- new.theta[p + 1]/sum(new.theta[1:p])
cur.rel.abs.error <- max(abs((map.old.theta -
# iterative reweighted mean if sigma2==0
if (sigma2 == 0) {
sigma2 <- 0
si <- sqrt(si2)
sigmai <- si
iter <- 0
tol <- 1
mu <- mean(xi)
max.tol <- .Machine$double.eps^0.5
while ((iter < 100) & (tol > max.tol)) {
mu.n <- sum(xi/sigmai^2)/sum(1/sigmai^2)
sigmai.n <- sqrt(ni*(xi - mu)^2 + (ni - 1)*si^2)/ni
tol <- abs(mu.n - mu)
mu <- mu.n
sigmai <- sigmai.n
iter <- iter + 1
wi <- 1/sigmai^2 <- 1/sqrt(sum(wi))
N <- sum(ni)
llh <- -N*log(2*pi)/2 - sum(log(sigmai^2))/2 -
sum((ni*(xi - mu)^2 + (ni - 1)*si^2)/(2*sigmai^2)) <-^2
gammai <- wi
} else {
# likelihood evaluated at the estimated parameters
wi <- gammai/sigma2
llh <- -N/2*log(2*pi) - sum(ni*log(ni))/2 +
sum(ni*log(gammai/sigma2))/2 - sum((ni - 1)*log(1 - gammai))/2 -
sum(gammai*((xi - mu)^2 + (ni - 1)*si2/ni/(1 - gammai)))/sigma2/2
if (sigma2 > 0) {
# Welch-Satterthwaite equation for the One-Way Random Effects Model for the mean MSA/nT
v <- sum(wi)^2/sum(wi^2/(ni - 1))
# Welch-Satterthwaite equation for the One-Way Random Effects Model for the within variance MSE
sigma2.wi <- (1/gammai - 1)*sigma2*ni
v.w <- sum((ni - 1)*sigma2.wi)^2/sum((ni - 1)*sigma2.wi^2)
var.w <- (sum(gammai)^2* - sum(gammai^2)*sigma2)/sum(gammai^2/ni)
v.w <- (sum(ni)* - var.w)/sigma2 - 1
} else {
v <- N - 1
v.w <- v
var.w <- (sum(gammai)^2*^2/ni)
v.w <- var.w/*sum(gammai^2)/sum(gammai)^2
if (!trace) {
Theta <- NULL
result <- list( mu = as.vector(mu), = as.vector(sqrt(, = as.vector(mu + qnorm(alpha/2, 1 - alpha/2)*sqrt(, = as.vector(,
var.b = as.vector(sigma2),
var.w = as.vector(var.w),
dof.w = v.w,
llh = as.vector(llh),
tot.iter = as.vector(t),
max.rel.abs.error = as.vector(cur.rel.abs.error),
gammai = as.vector(gammai),
ccm = ccm,
reduced.model = (sigma2 == 0),
dof = v,
trace = Theta,
discriminant = Delta.theta
class(result) <- "summary.vr.mle.fixed"
} # function block
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