
Defines functions .toC.int .matrix.to.list .get.ordering .get.children .branching.depth .branching.heights .root.p.calc .rootfunc.mkn .initial.tip.bm.pruning .constrain.parse .constrain is.constrained .dt.tips.ordered .root.bm.direct .make.ode.deSolve .make.pij.mkn .make.pars.mkn .make.info.mkn .make.cache.mkn .make.info.bm .make.cache.bm .make.cache .check.loaded.symbol .check.info.ode .check.scalar .check.control.ode .check.pars.nonnegative .check.control.mkn .check.tree .check.integer .check.states.quasse .check.states .default.argn.bm .format.levels.print .default.argn.mkn .default.argn.mk2 argn.bm `argn<-` argn .drop.tip

Documented in argn argn.bm is.constrained

## FUNCTIONS from diversitree 0.9-4: commit ec08b1d2bd from 06-22-2012 @ 'https://github.com/richfitz/diversitree'

.drop.tip=function(phy, tip, trim.internal = TRUE, subtree = FALSE, root.edge = 0, rooted = is.rooted(phy)){
  if(missing(tip)) return(phy)
  if (is.character(tip)) tip <- which(phy$tip.label %in% tip)
  if(!length(tip)) return(phy)
  Ntip <- length(phy$tip.label)
  if(!length(tip)) return(phy)

  phy <- reorder(phy)
  NEWROOT <- ROOT <- Ntip + 1
  Nnode <- phy$Nnode
  Nedge <- nrow(phy$edge)

  wbl <- !is.null(phy$edge.length)
  edge1 <- phy$edge[, 1]
  edge2 <- phy$edge[, 2]
  keep <- !(edge2 %in% tip)  

  ints <- edge2 > Ntip
  repeat {
    sel <- !(edge2 %in% edge1[keep]) & ints & keep
    if (!sum(sel)) 
    keep[sel] <- FALSE

  phy2 <- phy
  phy2$edge <- phy2$edge[keep, ]
  if (wbl) 
    phy2$edge.length <- phy2$edge.length[keep]
  TERMS <- !(phy2$edge[, 2] %in% phy2$edge[, 1])
  oldNo.ofNewTips <- phy2$edge[TERMS, 2]
  n <- length(oldNo.ofNewTips)
  idx.old <- phy2$edge[TERMS, 2]
  phy2$edge[TERMS, 2] <- rank(phy2$edge[TERMS, 2])
  phy2$tip.label <- phy2$tip.label[-tip]
  if (!is.null(phy2$node.label))
    phy2$node.label <-
      phy2$node.label[sort(unique(phy2$edge[, 1])) - Ntip]
  phy2$Nnode <- nrow(phy2$edge) - n + 1L
  i <- phy2$edge > n
  phy2$edge[i] <- match(phy2$edge[i], sort(unique(phy2$edge[i]))) + n
  storage.mode(phy2$edge) <- "integer"

argn <- function(x, ...)

`argn<-` <- function(x, value)

argn.bm <-
function(x, ...) {
	ret <- attr(x, "argn")
	if ( is.null(ret) )
    "beta" # Harmon

.default.argn.mk2 <- function() c("q01", "q10")

.default.argn.mkn <- function(k) {
	base <- ceiling(log10(k + .5))
	fmt <- sprintf("q%%0%dd%%0%dd", base, base)
	sprintf(fmt, rep(1:k, each=k-1),
			unlist(lapply(1:k, function(i) (1:k)[-i])))

    base <- ceiling(log10(levels + .5))
	fmt <- sprintf("%%0%dd", base)

.default.argn.bm <- function() "sigsq"

ROOT.OBS   <- 3
ROOT.MAX   <- 6

.check.states <- function(phy, dat, strict.vals=NULL) {
	if ( is.matrix(states) ) {
## Multistate characters (experimental).  This will not work with
## clade trees, but they are only interesting for BiSSE, which has
## NA values for multistate (even weight).
		if ( inherits(tree, "clade.tree") )
		stop("Clade trees won't work with multistate tips yet")
		n <- rowSums(states > 0)
		if ( any(n == 0) )
		stop(sprintf("No state found for taxa: %s",
					 paste(names(tmp)[n == 0], collapse=", ")))
		i.mono <- which(n == 1)
		i.mult <- which(n >  1)
		tmp <- .matrix.to.list(states)
		names(tmp) <- rownames(states)
		states.mult <- lapply(tmp[i.mult], as.numeric)
		states <- rep(NA, length(tmp))
		names(states) <- names(tmp)
		states[i.mono] <- sapply(tmp[i.mono], function(x) which(x != 0))
		attr(states, "multistate") <- list(i=i.mult, states=states.mult)
	if ( is.null(names(states)) ) {
		if ( allow.unnamed ) {
			if ( length(states) == length(tree$tip.label) ) {
				names(states) <- tree$tip.label
				warning("Assuming states are in tree$tip.label order")
			} else {
				stop(sprintf("Invalid states length (expected %s)", length(tree$tip.label)))
		} else {
			stop("The states vector must contain names")
	if ( !all(tree$tip.label %in% names(states)) )
    stop("Not all species have state information")
	## TODO: When multistate characters are present, this may fail even
	## for cases where it should not.
	if ( !is.null(strict.vals) ) {
		if ( strict ) {
			if ( !isTRUE(all.equal(sort(strict.vals),
								   sort(unique(na.omit(states))))) )
			stop("Because strict state checking requested, all (and only) ",
				 sprintf("states in %s are allowed", paste(strict.vals, collapse=", ")))
		} else {
			extra <- setdiff(sort(unique(na.omit(states))), strict.vals)
			if ( length(extra) > 0 )
			stop(sprintf("Unknown states %s not allowed in states vector", paste(extra, collapse=", ")))
	if ( inherits(tree, "clade.tree") ) {
		spp.clades <- unlist(tree$clades)
		if ( !all(spp.clades %in% names(states)) )
		stop("Species in 'clades' do not have states information")
		states[union(tree$tip.label, spp.clades)]
	} else {
		ret <- states[tree$tip.label]
	## Ugly hack...
		attr(ret, "multistate") <- attr(states, "multistate")

.check.states.quasse <- function(tree, states, states.sd) {
	states <- .check.states(tree, states)
	if ( length(states.sd) == 1 )
		states.sd <- structure(rep(states.sd, length(states)), names=names(states))
		states.sd <- .check.states(tree, states.sd)
	list(states=states, states.sd=states.sd)

## Check that a number can reasonably be considered an integer.
.check.integer <- function(x) {
	if ( is.null(x) )
    stop("NULL argument for ", deparse(substitute(x)))
	nna <- !is.na(x)
	if ( length(x) > 0 && !any(nna) )
    stop("No non-NA values for ", deparse(substitute(x)))
	if ( length(x) && max(abs(x[nna] - round(x[nna]))) > 1e-8 )
    stop("Non-integer argument for ", deparse(substitute(x)))
	storage.mode(x) <- "integer"

.check.tree <- function(tree, ultrametric=TRUE, bifurcating=TRUE, node.labels=FALSE) {
	if ( !inherits(tree, "phylo") )
    stop("'tree' must be a valid phylo tree")
	if ( ultrametric && !is.ultrametric(tree) )
    stop("'tree' must be ultrametric")
	if ( any(tree$edge.length < 0) )
    stop("Negative branch lengths in tree")
	## ape is.binary.phylo() can let a few nasties through - for
	## e.g. each tritomy, an unbranched node and this gets through.
	## This expression is a little stricter, even if a touch slower.
	if ( bifurcating && (!is.binary.phylo(tree) ||
						 any(tabulate(tree$edge[, 1]) == 1)) )
    stop("'tree must be bifurcating (no polytomies or unbranched nodes)'")
	if ( any(duplicated(tree$tip.label)) )
    stop("Tree contains duplicated tip labels")
	if ( node.labels ) {
		if ( is.null(tree$node.label) )
		tree$node.label <- sprintf("nd%d", seq_len(tree$Nnode))
		else if ( any(duplicated(tree$node.label)) )
		stop("Tree contains duplicated node labels")

.check.control.mkn <- function(control, k) {
	control <- modifyList(list(method="exp"), control)
	if ( control$method == "mk2" && k != 2 )
    stop("Method 'mk2' only valid when k=2")
	methods <- c("exp", "mk2", "ode")
	if ( !(control$method %in% methods) )
    stop(sprintf("control$method must be in %s",
                 paste(methods, collapse=", ")))

.check.pars.nonnegative <- function(pars, npar) {
	if ( length(pars) != npar )
    stop(sprintf("Incorrect parameter length: expected %d, got %d",
                 npar, length(pars)))
	if ( any(!is.finite(pars)) || any(pars < 0) )
    stop("Parameters must be non-negative and finite")

.check.control.ode <- function(control=list()) {
	defaults <- list(safe=FALSE, tol=1e-8, eps=0, backend="deSolve", unsafe=FALSE)
	control <- modifyList(defaults, control)
#	backends <- c("deSolve", "cvodes", "CVODES")
	backends <- "deSolve"
	if ( length(control$backend) != 1 ) stop("'backend' must be a single element")
	control$backend <- backends[pmatch(control$backend, backends)]
	if ( is.na(control$backend) ) stop("Invalid backend selected")
#	if ( tolower(control$backend) == "cvodes" ) check.cvodes(error=TRUE)
	control$tol <- .check.scalar(control$tol)
	control$eps <- .check.scalar(control$eps)
	control$safe <- .check.scalar(control$safe)
	if ( !is.numeric(control$tol) )
    stop("control$tol must be numeric")
	if ( !is.numeric(control$eps) )
    stop("control$eps must be numeric")
	if ( !is.logical(control$safe) )
    stop("control$eps must be logical")

.check.scalar <- function(x) {
	if ( length(x) != 1 )
    stop(deparse(substitute(x)), " must be a scalar")

.check.info.ode <- function(info, control=NULL) {
	model <- if (is.null(info$name.ode)) info$name else info$name.ode
	if ( !(is.character(model) && length(model) == 1) )
    stop("'model' must be a single string")
	info$name.ode <- model
	info$ny    <- .check.integer(.check.scalar(info$ny))
	info$np    <- .check.integer(.check.scalar(info$np))
	info$idx.d <- .check.integer(info$idx.d)
	if ( is.null(info$dll) )
    info$dll <- "geiger"
	else if ( !(is.character(info$dll) && length(info$dll)) == 1 )
    stop("dll must be a single string")
	dll <- info$dll
	if ( is.null(info$banded) )
    info$banded <- FALSE
	else if ( length(info$banded) != 1 || !is.logical(info$banded) )
    stop("Invalid value for banded")
	if ( !is.null(control) ) {
		backend <- control$backend
		if ( is.function(info$derivs) ) {
			backend <- "R" # no effect.
		} else if ( backend == "deSolve" ) {
			.check.loaded.symbol(sprintf("initmod_%s", model), dll)
			.check.loaded.symbol(sprintf("derivs_%s", model),  dll)
		} else if ( backend == "cvodes" ) {
			.check.loaded.symbol(sprintf("derivs_%s_cvode", model), dll)
		} else if ( backend == "CVODES" ) {
			.check.loaded.symbol(sprintf("derivs_%s_cvode", model),       dll)
			.check.loaded.symbol(sprintf("initial_conditions_%s", model), dll)

.check.loaded.symbol <- function(symbol, dll="") {
	if ( !is.loaded(symbol, dll) ) {
		msg <- sprintf("Cannot locate C function %s", symbol)
		if ( dll != "" )
		sprintf("%s in shared library %s", msg, dll)

.make.cache <- function(tree) {
	## This works around some ape bugs with class inheritance.
	if (inherits(tree, "phylo")) class(tree) <- "phylo"
	edge <- tree$edge
	edge.length <- tree$edge.length
	idx <- seq_len(max(edge))
	n.tip <- length(tree$tip.label)
	tips <- seq_len(n.tip)
	root <- n.tip + 1
	is.tip <- idx <= n.tip
	children <- .get.children(edge, n.tip)
	parent <- edge[match(idx, edge[,2]),1]
	order <- .get.ordering(children, is.tip, root)
	len <- edge.length[match(idx, edge[,2])]
	## This is a bit of a hack, but this is to ensure that we can really
	## compute the depths accurately - this is a problem when there
	## joins (under split models) that occur right around nodes.
	height <- .branching.heights(tree)
	depth <- max(height) - height
	depth2 <- .branching.depth(len, children, order, tips)
	i <- abs(depth - depth2) < 1e-8
	depth[i] <- depth2[i]
	if ( is.ultrametric(tree) )
	## It is possible that an ultrametric tree will not quite have the
	## tips around zero.  This ensures it, which is is required for
	## dt.tips.grouped to work at present.
    depth[tips] <- 0
	## TODO: I do not need this ancestor thing for much - drop it here
	## and move it to the asr code that actually uses it (this takes a
	## lot of time, and is only used by the ASR code).
	## The only place that this is used at all is do.asr.marginal(); it
	## would be possible to make this as needed when making an
	## asr.marginal() function.
#	anc <- vector("list", max(order))
#	for ( i in c(rev(order[-length(order)]), tips) )
#   anc[[i]] <- c(parent[i], anc[[parent[i]]])
	ans <- list(tip.label=tree$tip.label,
#				ancestors=anc,

.make.cache.bm <- function(tree, states, states.sd, control) {
	method <- control$method
	tree <- .check.tree(tree, ultrametric=FALSE)
	cache <- .make.cache(tree)
	if ( is.null(states.sd) || all(states.sd == 0) ) {
		cache$states <- .check.states(tree, states)
		cache$states.sd <- rep(0, cache$n.tip)
	} else {
		tmp <- .check.states.quasse(tree, states, states.sd)
		cache$states    <- tmp$states
		cache$states.sd <- tmp$states.sd
	if ( method == "vcv" )
    cache$vcv <- vcv.phylo(tree)
    cache$y <- .initial.tip.bm.pruning(cache)
	cache$info <- .make.info.bm(tree)

.make.info.bm <- function(phy) {
		 name.pretty="Brownian motion",
## Parameters:
## Variables:
## Phylogeny:
## Inference:
## These are optional
			"Felsenstein, J. 1973. Maximum-likelihood estimation of evolutionary trees from continuous characters. American Journal of Human Genetics 25:471-492.")

.make.cache.mkn <- function(tree, states, k, strict, control, ...) {
	method <- control$method
	method=match.arg(method, "exp")
	tree <- .check.tree(tree, ...)
	if ( !is.null(states) ) # for multitrait
    states <- .check.states(tree, states, strict.vals=1:k)
	cache <- .make.cache(tree)
#	if ( method == "mk2" )
#   cache$info <- .make.info.mk2(tree)
#	else
    cache$info <- .make.info.mkn(k, tree)
	cache$states  <- states
#	if ( method == "ode" ) {
#		cache$y <- initial.tip.mkn.ode(cache)
#		cache$info$name.ode <- "mknode"
#	}

.make.info.mkn <- function(k, phy) {
	## Parameters:
		 np=as.integer(k * k),
	## Variables:
		 ny=as.integer(k), # TODO/NEW: only for ode version...
	## Phylogeny:
	## Inference:
	## These are optional
					 "Pagel (1994)",
					 "Lewis (2001)"))

.make.pars.mkn <- function(k) {
	qmat <- matrix(0, k, k)
	idx <- cbind(rep(1:k, each=k-1),
				 unlist(lapply(1:k, function(i) (1:k)[-i])))
	npar <- k*(k-1)
	function(pars) {
		.check.pars.nonnegative(pars, npar)
		qmat[idx] <- pars
		diag(qmat) <- -rowSums(qmat)

.make.pij.mkn <- function(info, control) {
	method=match.arg(control$method, "exp")
	control <- .check.control.ode(control)
	## TODO/NEW: cvodes should be easy too.
	if ( control$backend != "deSolve" )
    stop("Only deSolve backend is available")
	k <- info$k
	info <- list(name="mkn_pij",ny=k*k, np=k*k, idx.d=integer(0))
	info <- .check.info.ode(info, control)
	pij.ode <- .make.ode.deSolve(info, control)
	yi <- diag(k) # initial conditions always same.
	function(len, pars)
    pij.ode(yi, c(0, len), pars)

.make.ode.deSolve <- function(info, control) {
	model  <- info$name.ode
	np     <- info$np  
	ny     <- info$ny
	dll    <- info$dll
	banded <- info$banded
	safe   <- control$safe
	unsafe <- control$unsafe
	atol   <- rtol <- as.numeric(control$tol)
	initfunc <- sprintf("initmod_%s", model)
	derivs <- sprintf("derivs_%s", model)
    safe=TRUE # to eliminate foreign-function call for CRAN check ## JME 03.27.2013
	if ( safe ) {
		function(vars, times, pars) {
			ret <- t(lsoda(vars, times, pars, rtol=rtol, atol=atol,
						   initfunc=initfunc, func=derivs,
			dimnames(ret) <- NULL
	} else {
## Temporary fix so that I can work on the cluster.  This will be
## removed and DESCRIPTION updated to require R 2.12.0 or greater.
		if ( getRversion() >= package_version("2.12.0") )
		vers <-  packageVersion("deSolve")
		vers <- package_version(packageDescription("deSolve",
		max.deSolve <- package_version("1.10-4")
		if ( !unsafe && vers > max.deSolve ) {
			str <- paste(sQuote("geiger"), "is not known to work with deSolve >",
						 max.deSolve, "\n\tfalling back on slow version")
			control$safe <- TRUE
			return(.make.ode.deSolve(info, control))
		initfunc  <- getNativeSymbolInfo(initfunc, PACKAGE=dll)$address
		derivs    <- getNativeSymbolInfo(derivs,   PACKAGE=dll)$address
		jacfunc <- NULL
## Magic numbers from deSolve:lsoda.R
		jactype <- if ( banded ) 5L else 2L
		maxordn <- 12
		maxords <- 5
		lrw <- as.integer(max(20 + ny * (maxordn + 1) + 3 * ny,
							  20 + ny * (maxords + 1) + 3 * ny + ny^2 + 2))
		liw <- as.integer(20 + ny)
		iwork <- vector("integer", 20)
		iwork[1] <- as.integer(1)    # banddown
		iwork[2] <- as.integer(1)    # bandup
		iwork[6] <- as.integer(5000) # maxsteps
		rwork <- vector("double", 20)
		rwork[5] <- 0                     # hini
		rwork[6] <- 10                    # hmax (consider 0)
		rwork[7] <- 0                     # hmin
		INTONE <- 1L
		INTTWO <- 2L
		flist <- list(fmat=0, tmat=0, imat=0, ModelForc=NULL)
		elag <- list(islag=0L)
##----- eliminated foreign-function call for CRAN check ## JME 03.27.2013
#		sol <- function(vars, times, pars) {
#			if ( length(vars) != ny )
#			stop("Incorrect variable length")
#			if ( length(times) <= 1 )
#			stop("Need >= 2 times")
#			storage.mode(vars) <- storage.mode(times) <- "numeric"

#			ret <- 
#			.Call("call_lsoda", vars, times, derivs, pars,
#				  rtol, atol,
#				  NULL,      # rho: environment
#				  NULL,      # tcrit: critical times
#				  jacfunc,
#				  initfunc,
#				  NULL,      # eventfunc [New in 1.6]
#				  INTZERO,   # verbose (false)
#				  INTONE,    # itask
#				  rwork,
#				  iwork,
#				  jactype,   # Jacobian type (2=full, 5=banded [1 up and down])
#				  INTZERO,   # nOut (no global variables)
#				  lrw,       # size of workspace (real)
#				  liw,       # size of workspace (int)
#				  INTONE,    # Solver
#				  NULL,      # rootfunc
#				  INTZERO,   # nRoot
#				  0,         # rpar: no extra real parameters
#				  INTZERO,   # ipar: no extra integer parameters
#				  INTZERO,   # Type
#				  flist,     # [New in 1.5]
#				  list(),    # elist [New in 1.6]
#				  elag,      # [New in 1.7]
#				  PACKAGE="deSolve")
#			if ( max(abs(ret[1,] - times)) > 1e-6 )
#			stop("Integration error: integration stopped prematurely")
#			ret[-1,-1,drop=FALSE]
#		}
    stop("unsupported call")

.root.bm.direct <- function(vars, log.comp, root, root.x) {
	if ( root == "max" ) {
## This treats a prior on the root as a delta function centred at
## the ML root state.
## The first term can be more intuitively written as:
##   dnorm(vars[1], vars[1], sqrt(vars[2]), TRUE)
##   dnorm(0, 0, sqrt(vars[2]), TRUE)
		- log(2 * pi * vars[[2]]) / 2 + vars[[3]] + sum(log.comp)
	} else if ( root == "flat" ) {
## Flat prior (by this point, function integrates to vars[[3]])
		vars[[3]] + sum(log.comp)
	} else if ( root == "obs" ) {
## Observed weighting (integrate norm norm wrt x from -inf to inf
## gives 1 / (2 sqrt(pi s2))).
		-log(2 * sqrt(pi * vars[[2]])) + vars[[3]] + sum(log.comp)
	} else if ( root == "given" ) {
		dnorm(root.x, vars[1], sqrt(vars[2]), TRUE) + vars[[3]] +
	} else {
		stop("Invalid root mode")

.dt.tips.ordered <- function(y, tips, t) {
	i <- order(t)
	if ( is.list(y) ) {
		if ( length(y) != length(tips) )
		stop("y must be same length as tips")
		if ( length(y) != length(t) )
		stop("y must be the same length as t")
	} else if ( is.matrix(y) ) {
		if ( ncol(y) != length(tips) )
		stop("y must be same length as tips")
		if ( ncol(y) != length(t) )
		stop("y must be the same length as t")
			 y=y[,i], type="ORDERED")
	} else {
		stop("y must be a list or matrix")

is.constrained <- function(x) inherits(x, "constrained")

## First up, consider the one-shot case: do not worry about incremental
## updates.
## For the first case, everything is OK on the lhs and rhs
## For subsequent cases:
##   lhs cannot contain things that are
##      - constrained things (already lhs anywhere)
##      - things constrained to (things on the rhs anywhere)
##   rhs cannot contain things that are
##      - constrained things (already lhs anywhere)
## It is possibly worth pulling out all the numerical constants and
## the "paired" parameters here to avoid using eval where
## unnecessary.  However, this makes the function substantially uglier
## for a very minor speedup.
.constrain <- function(f, ..., formulae=NULL, names=argn(f), extra=NULL) {
	if ( is.constrained(f) ) {
        stop("'f' appears already constrained")
		formulae <- c(attr(f, "formulae"), formulae)
		f <- attr(f, "func")
    levels=attr(f, "levels")
	formulae <- c(formulae, list(...))
	names.lhs <- names.rhs <- names
	rels <- list()
	for ( formula in formulae ) {
		res <- .constrain.parse(formula, names.lhs, names.rhs, extra)
		if ( attr(res, "lhs.is.target") ) {
			i <- which(sapply(rels, function(x) identical(x, res[[1]])))
			rels[i] <- res[[2]]
## This will not work with *expressions* involving the LHS; that
## would require rewriting the expressions themselves (which
## would not be too hard to do).  But for now let us just cause
## an error...
			lhs.txt <- as.character(res[[1]])
			if ( any(sapply(rels, function(x) lhs.txt %in% all.vars(x))) )
			stop(sprintf("lhs (%s) is in an expression and can't be constrained",
		names.lhs <- setdiff(names.lhs, unlist(lapply(res, all.vars)))
		names.rhs <- setdiff(names.rhs, as.character(res[[1]]))
		rels <- c(rels, structure(res[2], names=as.character(res[[1]])))
	i <- match(unique(sapply(rels, as.character)), extra)
	final <- c(extra[sort(i[!is.na(i)])], names.rhs)
	npar <- length(final)
## "free" are the parameters that have nothing special on their RHS
## and are therefore passed directly through
	free <- setdiff(names.rhs, names(rels))
	free.i <- match(free, names) # index in full variables
	free.j <- match(free, final) # index in given variables.
## Targets are processed in the same order as given by formulae. 
	target.i <- match(names(rels), names)
	pars.out <- rep(NA, length(names))
	names(pars.out) <- names
	g <- function(pars, ..., pars.only=FALSE) {
		if ( length(pars) != npar )
		stop(sprintf("Incorrect parameter length: expected %d, got %d",
					 npar, length(pars)))
		pars.out[free.i] <- pars[free.j]
		e <- structure(as.list(pars), names=final)
		pars.out[target.i] <- unlist(lapply(rels, eval, e))
		if ( pars.only )
		f(pars.out, ...)
	class(g) <- c("constrained", class(f))
	attr(g, "argn") <- final
	attr(g, "formulae") <- formulae
	attr(g, "extra") <- extra
	attr(g, "func") <- f
    attr(g, "levels") <- levels ## JME

## Parsing constraints:
## The LHS of a formula must be a single variable name that exists in
## "names.lhs"
## The RHS can be one of
##   - numeric value
##   - expression
## If it is an expression, then all variable names must be found in
## names.rhs (or perhaps in the containing environment - check in the
## future?)

## I might eventually allow formulae of the form
##   lambda | lambda1 ~ lambda0
## to allow renaming?

## How do I use this to allow recasting to alternative bases?
## Forward definitions for just the diversification rate are
##   foo(f, r0 ~ lambda0 - mu0, r1 ~ lambda1 - mu1)
## and for both diversification and relative extinction    
##   foo(f,
##       r0 ~ lambda0 - mu0, r1 ~ lambda1 - mu1,
##       e0 ~ mu0 / lambda0, e1 ~ mu1 / lambda1)
## Backward definitions (leaving mu unchanged)
##   foo(f, lambda0 ~ r0 + mu0, lambda1 ~ r1 + mu1)
## both:
##   foo(f, lambda0 ~ r0/(1 - e0), lambda1 ~ r1/(1 - e1),
##       r0 * e0 / (1 - e0), r1 * e1 / (1 - e1))
.constrain.parse <- function(formula, names.lhs, names.rhs, extra=NULL) {
	formula <- as.formula(formula)
	if ( length(formula) != 3L )
    stop("Invalid formula")
	lhs <- formula[[2]]
	rhs <- formula[[3]]
## Checking the lhs is easy: is the lhs in the list of allowable
## names and of length 1?  Anything that does not match this is
## invalid.
	if ( !is.name(lhs) )
    stop("Invalid target on LHS of formula" )
	lhs.is.target <- is.na(match(as.character(lhs), names.lhs))
## Checking the rhs is more difficult.  We are OK if any of the
## following is met:
##   Numeric values (checked at the end)
##   If all vars in rhs are in names.rhs
##   There is a single var and it is in extra
## Failing that, if the rhs is a single variable that does exist in
## the calling environment.
	if ( is.language(rhs) ) {
		vars <- all.vars(rhs)
		ok <- (all(vars %in% names.rhs) ||
			   length(vars) == 1 && vars %in% extra)
		if ( !ok && length(vars) == 1 ) {
			e <- parent.frame()
			if ( exists(vars, e) ) {
				rhs <- get(vars, e)
				ok <- TRUE
		if ( !ok )
		stop("Invalid RHS of formula:\n\t", as.character(rhs))
		if ( as.character(lhs) %in% vars )
		stop("LHS cannot appear in RHS")
	} else if ( !is.numeric(rhs) ) {
		stop("RHS must be expression, variable or number")
	res <- list(lhs, rhs)
	attr(res, "lhs.is.target") <- lhs.is.target

.initial.tip.bm.pruning <- function(cache) {
	y <- mapply(function(mean, sd) c(mean, sd*sd, 0),
				cache$states, cache$states.sd, SIMPLIFY=TRUE)
	.dt.tips.ordered(y, cache$tips, cache$len[cache$tips])

.rootfunc.mkn <- function(res, pars, root, root.p, intermediates) {
	d.root <- res$vals
	lq <- res$lq
	k <- length(d.root)
	root.p <- .root.p.calc(d.root, pars, root, root.p, NULL)
	if ( root == "all" )
    loglik <- log(d.root) + sum(lq)
    loglik <- log(sum(root.p * d.root)) + sum(lq)
	if ( intermediates ) {
		res$root.p <- root.p
		attr(loglik, "intermediates") <- res
		attr(loglik, "vals") <- d.root

.root.p.calc <- function(vals, pars, root, root.p=NULL, root.equi=NULL) {
	if ( !is.null(root.p) && root != "given" )
    warning("Ignoring specified root state")
	k <- length(vals)
	if ( root == "flat" ) {
		p <- 1/k
	} else if ( root == "equi" ) {
		if ( is.null(root.equi) )
		stop("Equilibrium root probability not possible with this method")
		p <- root.equi(pars)
	} else if ( root == "obs") {
		p <- vals / sum(vals)
	} else if ( root == "given" ) {
		if ( length(root.p) != length(vals) )
		stop("Invalid length for root.p")
		p <- root.p
	} else if ( root == "all" ) {
		p <- rep(1, k)
	} else {
		stop("Invalid root mode")

.branching.heights <- function(phy) {
	if (!inherits(phy, "phylo"))
    stop('object "phy" is not of class "phylo"')
	edge <- phy$edge
	n.node <- phy$Nnode
	n.tip <- length(phy$tip.label)
	ht <- numeric(n.node + n.tip) # zero
	for (i in seq_len(nrow(edge)) )
    ht[edge[i, 2]] <- ht[edge[i, 1]] + phy$edge.length[i]
## Ugly, but fairly compatible with branching.times()
	names.node <- phy$node.label
	if (is.null(names.node))
    names.node <- (n.tip + 1):(n.tip + n.node)
	names(ht) <- c(phy$tip.label, names.node)

.branching.depth <- function(len, children, order, tips) {
	depth <- numeric(nrow(children))
	depth[tips] <- 0
	for ( i in order )
    depth[i] <- depth[children[i,1]] + len[children[i,1]]

.get.children <- function(edge, n.tip) {
## To construct the children vector, this is what I used to do:
##   lapply(idx[!is.tip], function(x) edge[edge[,1] == x,2])
## But this is slow for large trees.  This is faster:
## children <- split(edge[,2], edge[,1])
## Surprisingly, most of the time is in coercing edge[,1] into a
## factor.
	x <- as.integer(edge[,1])
	levels <- as.integer((n.tip+1):max(edge[,1]))
	f <- match(x, levels)
	levels(f) <- as.character(levels)
	class(f) <- "factor"
	children <- split(edge[,2], f)
	names(children) <- NULL
## In most cases, this will have been checked by .check.tree()
## This is currently the time sink here.
	if ( !all(unlist(lapply(children, length)) == 2) )
    stop("Multifircations/unbranched nodes in tree - best get rid of them")
	rbind(matrix(NA, n.tip, 2), t(matrix(unlist(children), 2)))

.get.ordering <- function(children, is.tip, root) {
	todo <- list(root)
	i <- root
	repeat {
		kids <- children[i,]
		i <- kids[!is.tip[kids]]
		if ( length(i) > 0 )
		todo <- c(todo, list(i))

.matrix.to.list <- function(m) {
	n <- nrow(m)
	out <- vector("list", n)
	for ( i in seq_len(n) )
    out[[i]] <- m[i,]

.toC.int <- function(x) {
	x <- x - 1
	storage.mode(x) <- "integer"

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