
Defines functions create_directories stack_landscapes get_habitable_mask get_local_distances compile_landscapes create_input_landscape

Documented in create_input_landscape

# Copyright (c) 2020, ETH Zurich

#' create an landscape input from a named list of rasters or raster files
#' @details This function creates the input landscapes files needed by the run_simulation function. 
#' It uses as input the dynamic landscape rasters and user defined geodesimal corrections as well as rules to define the connection costs between sites
#' @param landscapes list of named list(s) of raster(s) or raster file(s) name(s). Starting from the present towards the past.
#' NOTE: the list names are important since these are the environmental names
#' @param cost_function function that returns a cost value between a pair of sites (neighbors) that should have the following signature:
#'  \code{cost_function <- 
#'  function(src, src_habitable, dest, dest_habitable){
#'  rules for environmental factors to be considered (e.g. elevation)
#'  return(cost value)
#' }}
#' where: **src** is a vector of environmental conditions for the origin sites, 
#' **src_habitable** (TRUE or FALSE) for habitable condition of the origin sites, 
#' **dest** is a vector of environmental conditions for the destination site, dest_habitable  (TRUE or FALSE) for habitable condition of the destination cell
#' @param directions 4, 8 or 16 neighbors, dictates the connection of cell neighbors on adjacency matrix (see gistance package)
#' @param output_directory path for storing the gen3sis ready landscape (i.e. landscape.rds, metadata.txt and full- and/or local_distance folders) 
#' @param timesteps vector of names for every time-step to represent the time-step at gen3sis ready landscape. 
#' If timesteps=NULL (default), time-steps are sequentially numbered from 0 to the latest time-step.
#' @param calculate_full_distance_matrices should a full distance matrix be calculated? TRUE or FALSE? 
#' If TRUE calculates the entire distance matrix for every time-step and between all habitable cells 
#' (faster CPU time, higher storage required). 
#' If FALSE (default), only local distances are calculated (slower CPU time when simulating but smaller gen3sis landscape size)
#' @param crs the coordinate reference system in crs format (see raster::crs)
#' @param overwrite_output TRUE or FALSE
#' @param verbose print distance calculation progress (default: FALSE)
#' @return no return object. This function saves the landscape input files for gen3sis at the output_directory
#' @importFrom gdistance transition costDistance
#' @example inst/examples/create_input_landscape_help.R
#' @seealso \code{\link{run_simulation}} 
#' @export

create_input_landscape <- function( landscapes,
                          timesteps = NULL,
                          calculate_full_distance_matrices = FALSE,
                          crs = NULL,
                          overwrite_output = FALSE,
                          verbose = FALSE) {
  # # in case outpu_directory is NULL, use the same directory as the input
  # if (is.null(output_directory)){
  #   output_directory <- dirname(path)
  # }
  # habitability masks removed for now.. assumin NA's from input data as non-habitable (applies if only one env. variable has NA in the cell)!
  habitability_masks = NULL
  # @param habitability_masks either (1) a list of files or rasters starting from the present indicating the habitability of cell at that timestep.
  # #' or (2) NULL, every cell with at least one NA as envvalue(s) will be considered inhabitable 
  # prepare directories
  create_directories(output_directory, overwrite_output, calculate_full_distance_matrices)

    timesteps <- 0:(length(landscapes[[1]]) - 1)

  # prepare and save landscapes (formerly all_go_hab)
  compiled_landscapes <- compile_landscapes(landscapes,
  saveRDS(compiled_landscapes, file.path(output_directory, "landscapes.rds"))
  # save METADATA.txt a empty landscape template @skeleteon_landscape_metadata.R
  write.table(skeleton_landscape_metadata, file = file.path(output_directory, "METADATA.txt"), 
              sep="\t", col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

  # create local distances
  # iterate over times-teps
  for( step in 1:length(timesteps) ) {
    if (verbose){
      cat(paste("starting distance calculations for timestep", step, '\n'))
    landscape_stack <- stack_landscapes(landscapes, step)
    habitable_mask <- get_habitable_mask(habitability_masks, landscape_stack, step)

    distance_local <- get_local_distances(landscape_stack, habitable_mask, cost_function, directions, crs)

    file_name <- paste0("distances_local_", as.character(step-1), ".rds")
    saveRDS(distance_local, file = file.path(output_directory, "distances_local", file_name))

      # transpose to preserve src/dest relation for efficent local traversal in get_distance_matrices function
      distance_local <- t(distance_local)

      habitable_cells <- which(habitable_mask[])

      dist_matrix <- get_distance_matrix(habitable_cells,
      file_name <- paste0("distances_full_", as.character(step-1), ".rds")
      saveRDS(dist_matrix, file = file.path(output_directory, "distances_full", file_name))

#' compile the landscapes for storing
#' @param landscapes full list of landscape over all time-steps
#' @param timesteps given names / identifiers for time-steps
#' @param habitabiliy_masks full list of habitability masks (if available)
#' @return a list of compiled landscapes ready to be saved
#' @noRd
compile_landscapes <-  function(landscapes, timesteps, habitability_masks) {
  compiled <- list()
  landscape_stack <- stack_landscapes(landscapes, 1)

  # setup coordinates
  coords <- as.data.frame(landscape_stack, xy=TRUE)[,c("x", "y")]
  rownames(coords) <- 1:nrow(coords)
  for (name in names(landscapes)) {
    compiled <- append(compiled, list(coords))
  names(compiled) <- names(landscapes)

  # collect environments for every time-step
  for (i in 1:length(timesteps)) {
    # collect landscapes
    landscape_stack <- stack_landscapes(landscapes, i)
    landscape_df <- as.data.frame(landscape_stack)

    # remove inconsistencies between different landscapes
    habitability <- get_habitable_mask(habitability_masks, landscape_stack, i)[]
    landscape_df[!habitability, ] <- NA

    for (name in colnames(landscape_df)) {
      old_names <- colnames(compiled[[name]])
      compiled[[name]] <- cbind(compiled[[name]], landscape_df[, name])
      colnames(compiled[[name]]) <- c(old_names, timesteps[i])
  landscapes <- compiled

#' get_local_distances creates the cost adjecency matrix with
#' the local cost calculated by the user provided cost_function
#' @param landscape_stack a raster stack with the environments for the current step
#' @param cost_function the user provided cost function
#' @param directions the number and layout of the direct local to consider, 4,8,16 or adj according to the gdistance package
#' @return an adjecency matrix with the local distances
#' @importFrom gdistance geoCorrection transition
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @noRd
get_local_distances <- function(landscape_stack, habitable_mask, cost_function, directions, crs) {
  ext <- extent(landscape_stack)
  rs <- res(landscape_stack)

  if(!is.null(crs)) {
    crs(landscape_stack) <- crs

  # the reference raster is used to get all local relations, filling it with the cell ids can be used for debugging
  # -> important in case of asymmetrical distances
  ref_raster <- raster(ext = ext, resolution = rs, crs = crs(landscape_stack), vals = 1:prod(dim(landscape_stack)[1:2]))
  transition_index <- gdistance::transition(ref_raster,
                                            transitionFunction = function(x){x[1]},
                                            directions = directions,
                                            symm = FALSE)

  # calculate the correction for distortions and keep separate to apply after the users cost function
  correction <- gdistance::geoCorrection(transition_index, type = "c", multpl=TRUE)
  correction@transitionMatrix@x <- 1 / correction@transitionMatrix@x

  transition_matrix <- transition_index@transitionMatrix
  transition_cells <- summary(transition_matrix)

  tmp_cost <- numeric(nrow(transition_cells))

  habitable_mask <- as.logical(as.vector(habitable_mask))
  landscape_stack <- as.matrix(landscape_stack)

  for( k in 1:nrow(transition_cells)){
    ind_i <- transition_cells[k, "i"]
    ind_j <- transition_cells[k, "j"]

    cell_i <- landscape_stack[ind_i,]
    cell_j <- landscape_stack[ind_j,]

    habitable_i <- habitable_mask[ind_i]
    habitable_j <- habitable_mask[ind_j]

    # We want efficient iterations over sparse matrices
    # sparse matrices are column compressed, We therefore flip the indices and local distances are
    # indexed as local_distance[dest, src].
    cost <- cost_function(cell_j, as.logical(habitable_j), cell_i, as.logical(habitable_i))
    if(cost == Inf){
      cost <- 0
    tmp_cost[k] <- cost

  transition_matrix <- sparseMatrix(i = transition_cells[, "i"],
                                    j = transition_cells[, "j"],
                                    x = tmp_cost)
  transition_matrix <- drop0(transition_matrix) * correction@transitionMatrix

  rownames(transition_matrix) <- 1:dim(landscape_stack)[1]
  colnames(transition_matrix) <- 1:dim(landscape_stack)[1]

#' get_habitable_mask either extracts or computes the habitability mask.
#' @details if no mask is given it will be calculated from the landscapes. Every cell that has at
#' least on environmental value missing (set to NA) will be considere uninhabitable
#' @param habitability_masks null, or a list of rasters or paths to raster files
#' @param landscape_stack the current stack of landscapes
#' @param i index into the masks if needed
#' @return returns a logical raster indicating which cells are habitable
#' @noRd
get_habitable_mask <- function(habitability_masks, landscape_stack, i) {
  if(is.null(habitability_masks)) {
    habitable_mask <- calc(landscape_stack, fun = function(x, na.rm) { !any(is.na(x)) } )
  } else if( is.character(habitability_masks[[i]])){
    habitable_mask <- raster(habitability_masks[[i]])
  } else if( "RasterLayer" %in% class(habitability_masks[[i]])) {
    habitable_mask <- habitability_masks[[i]]
  } else {
    stop("unknown habitability_mask; it has to be null, a list of rasters, or paths to raster files")
  habitable_mask <- as.logical(habitable_mask)

#' stack_landscapes creates the i-th stack of landscape rasters from the provided sources
#' @param landscapes the full landscapes, a named list of lists of raster files or rasters
#' @param i the index into the landscapes parameter
#' @return a raster stack containing the i-th landscapes
#' @noRd
stack_landscapes <- function(landscapes, i) {
  all_names <- names(landscapes)
  new_stack <- stack()
  for( landscape in landscapes){
    if(is.character(landscape[i])) {
      ras <- raster(landscape[i])
    } else if( "RasterLayer" %in% class(landscape[[i]])) {
      ras <- landscape[i]
    } else {
      stop("unknown landscapes; it has to be a named list of list of either rasters or raster files")
    new_stack <- addLayer(new_stack, ras)
  new_brick <- as(new_stack, "RasterBrick")
  names(new_brick) <- all_names

#' creates the directories to store the results in
#' @param directory the target directory
#' @param overwrite logical, overwrite existing files?
#' @param full_matrices logical, calculate the full distnace matrices
#' @noRd
create_directories <- function(directory, overwrite, full_matrices) {
  # check directory
  if(file.exists(directory) && !overwrite) {
    stop("output directory already exists")
  } else if(file.exists(directory) && overwrite) {
    unlink(directory, recursive=TRUE)
  # create directories
  dir.create(file.path(directory), recursive=TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
  dir.create(file.path(directory, "distances_local"), recursive=TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
  if(full_matrices) {
    dir.create(file.path(directory, "distances_full"), recursive=TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)

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gen3sis documentation built on Nov. 22, 2023, 5:07 p.m.