MOSS.GWAS.main <-
function (alpha, c, cPrime, q, replicates, maxVars, data, dimens, k) {

  # To prevent the warning from the glm function when fitting a log-linear model for a contigency table 
  # with non-integer values (i.e. the posterior and prior tables) 
  options(warn = -1)
  formatted_data <- array (0, c(dim(data)[1], dim(data)[2]))
  for (j in 1:(dim(data)[2]-1)) {
    v <- as.factor(data[,j])
    if (length(levels(v)) > dimens[j]) {
      stop(paste("dimens[",j,"] must be increased to at least ", length(levels(v)), sep = ""))
    formatted_data[,j] <- as.double(v) - 1

  v <- as.factor(data[,dim(data)[2]])
  if (length(levels(v)) != 2)
    stop ("response must be binary")
  formatted_data[,dim(data)[2]] <- as.double(v) - 1

  formatted_data <- as.data.frame(formatted_data)
  colnames(formatted_data) <- colnames(data)
  data <- formatted_data
  tData <- t(data)

  nPotVars <- dim(data)[2]
  potVars <- rep(1:nPotVars)
  varNames <- colnames(data)
  masterList <- c()
  modelsInMasterList <- c() 
  cat ("\nsearching for top regression models...\n")

  for (r in 1:replicates) {
    # generate a random starting point

    randomModel <- c(nPotVars, sample(nPotVars-1, sample (maxVars-1, size = 1)))
    nVars <- length(randomModel)
    models <- matrix (nrow = 1, ncol = maxVars)
    models[1,] <- c(randomModel, rep(NA, maxVars - nVars))
    models[1,] <- sort(models[1,], na.last = T)
    prettyFormulas <- prettyFormula (models[1,], varNames)
    logMargLik <- findLogMargLik(models[1,], tData, dimens, alpha)
    explored <- 0
    iteration <- 1
    cat ("\n")

    while(1) {

      numUnExploredModels <- sum(1 - explored)
      outputMessage1 <- paste ("replicate [", r, "], ", "iteration [", iteration, "].", sep = "")
      outputMessage2 <- paste ("models in list [", length(prettyFormulas), "], ", "not studied [", numUnExploredModels, "].", sep = "")
      cat(outputMessage1, "\n", outputMessage2, "\n\n", sep = "")

      if (numUnExploredModels == 0) {
        currentList <- data.frame(formula = prettyFormulas, logMargLik = logMargLik, stringsAsFactors = F)
        toKeep <- logMargLik >= log(c) + max(logMargLik)
        currentList <- currentList [toKeep,,drop = F]
        models <- models[toKeep,,drop = F]
        masterList <- rbind(masterList, currentList) 
        modelsInMasterList <- rbind(modelsInMasterList, models)

      unExploredModels <- which(explored == 0)   
      # choose a model

      if (length(unExploredModels) == 1) {
        m <- unExploredModels  
      else {
        unExploredmargLik <- logMargLik[explored == 0]
        unExploredmargLik <- unExploredmargLik - max(unExploredmargLik)
        unExploredmargLik <- exp(unExploredmargLik)
        m <- sample (x = unExploredModels, size = 1, prob = unExploredmargLik)

      explored[m] <- 1
      neighbourList <- findNeighbours (models[m,], potVars, maxVars)   

      # visit all neighbouring models

      toKeep <- vector (mode = "logical", dim(neighbourList)[1])
      currentPrettyFormulas <- vector (mode = "character", dim(neighbourList)[1])

      for (i in 1:dim(neighbourList)[1]) {
        currentPrettyFormulas[i] <- prettyFormula (neighbourList[i,], varNames) 
        toKeep[i] <- !(currentPrettyFormulas[i] %in% prettyFormulas)
      neighbourList <- neighbourList[toKeep,,drop = F]
      if (dim(neighbourList)[1] > 0) {
        prettyFormulas <- c(prettyFormulas, currentPrettyFormulas[toKeep])             
        currentLogMargLik <- vector (mode = "numeric", dim(neighbourList)[1]) 
        models <- rbind (models, neighbourList)

        for (i in 1:dim(neighbourList)[1]) 
          currentLogMargLik[i] <- findLogMargLik (neighbourList[i,], tData, dimens, alpha) 

        logMargLik <- c(logMargLik, currentLogMargLik)
        explored <- c(explored, array (0,dim(neighbourList)[1]))                     

      criteria1 <- logMargLik >= log(cPrime) + max(logMargLik)
      criteria2 <- ifelse(logMargLik >= log(c) + max(logMargLik), 1, rbinom(1,1,1-q)) 
      toKeep <- criteria1 & criteria2
      models <- models[toKeep,,drop = F]        
      prettyFormulas <- prettyFormulas[toKeep]
      logMargLik <- logMargLik[toKeep]   
      explored <- explored[toKeep]
      iteration <- iteration + 1


  masterList <- unique(masterList)
  modelsInMasterList <- unique(modelsInMasterList)

  postProb <- masterList$logMargLik - max(masterList$logMargLik)
  postProb <- exp(postProb)
  postProb <- postProb / sum(postProb)
  masterList$postProb <- postProb
  vars <- unique(sort(modelsInMasterList))
  vars <- vars[-length(vars)]
  nVars <- length(vars)
  postIncProb <- array(0, c(nVars))

  m <- 1
  for (i in vars) {
    toSum <- ceiling(which(t(modelsInMasterList) == i) / maxVars)
    postIncProb[m] <- sum(masterList$postProb[toSum])
    m <- m + 1

  postIncProbList <- data.frame(variable = varNames[vars], postIncProb = postIncProb, stringsAsFactors = F)

  order <- order(masterList$postProb, decreasing = T)
  masterList <- masterList[order,,drop = F]
  modelsInMasterList <- modelsInMasterList[order,,drop = F]
  postIncProbList <- postIncProbList[order(postIncProbList$postIncProb, decreasing = T),,drop = F]
  rownames(masterList) <- rep(1:dim(masterList)[1])
  rownames(modelsInMasterList) <- rep(1:dim(modelsInMasterList)[1])
  rownames(postIncProbList) <- rep(1:dim(postIncProbList)[1])
  interactionModels <- c()
  cat ("searching for top hierarchical log-linear models...\n")

  for (i in 1:dim(modelsInMasterList)[1]) {
    margData <- data[,na.omit(modelsInMasterList[i,]),drop = F]
    for (j in 1:dim(margData)[2])
      margData[,j] <- factor(margData[,j], levels = rep(0:(dimens[modelsInMasterList[i,j]]-1)))
    margData <- as.data.frame.table(table(margData))
    colnames(margData)[dim(margData)[2]] <- "freq"
    interactionModels <- rbind(interactionModels, MOSS.Hierarchical (alpha = alpha, c = 0.1, cPrime = cPrime, q = q, replicates = 5, data = margData))  

  if (is.null(k)) {
    interactionModels$V2 = NULL
    colnames(interactionModels) <- c("formula", "logMargLik")
    x <- list(topRegressions = masterList, postIncProbs = postIncProbList, interactionModels = interactionModels)  
  else {
    cat("performing cross validation...\n")
    avgConfusionMatrix <- cvFunc (data, dimens, interactionModels, modelsInMasterList, masterList$postProb, k, alpha)
    interactionModels$V2 = NULL
    colnames(interactionModels) <- c("formula", "logMargLik")
    x <- list(topRegressions = masterList, postIncProbs = postIncProbList, interactionModels = interactionModels, crossValidation = avgConfusionMatrix)
  options (warn = 0)



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genMOSSplus documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:31 p.m.