
Defines functions plotEnrichAdv

Documented in plotEnrichAdv

#' Advanced Plot for  gene enrichment analysis of ORA method
#' Over-representation analysis (ORA) is a simple method for objectively deciding whether a set of variables of
#' known or suspected biological relevance, such as a gene set or pathway, is more prevalent in a set of variables
#' of interest than we expect by chance.
#' Both up and down regulated pathways could be plotted in one figure as two-side barplot
#' @param up_enrich_df Enrichment analysis `data.frame` for up-regulated genes.
#' @param down_enrich_df Enrichment analysis `data.frame` for down-regulated genes.
#' @param plot_type Choose from "one" and "two". "One" represents both up and down pathways are plotted
#' together; "two" represents up and down are plotted seperately.
#' @param term_metric Pathway term metric from one of 'GeneRatio','Count','FoldEnrich' and
#' 'RichFactor'.
#' @param stats_metric Statistic metric from one of "pvalue", "p.adjust", "qvalue".
#' @param wrap_length Numeric, wrap text if longer than this length. Default is NULL.
#' @param xlim_left X-axis left limit
#' @param xlim_right X-axis right limit
#' @param color Plot colors.
#' @param ... other arguments from `plot_theme` function
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot scale_y_discrete scale_x_reverse theme element_blank geom_bar aes
#' scale_fill_manual coord_flip ylim scale_x_discrete scale_y_continuous element_blank ylab guides guide_legend
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange mutate group_by top_n ungroup select case_when distinct rename pull
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom stringr str_wrap str_replace
#' @return A ggplot object
#' @export
plotEnrichAdv <- function(up_enrich_df,
                          plot_type = c("one", "two"),
                          term_metric = c("FoldEnrich", "GeneRatio", "Count", "RichFactor"),
                          stats_metric = c("p.adjust", "pvalue", "qvalue"),
                          wrap_length = NULL,
                          xlim_left = NULL,
                          xlim_right = NULL,
                          ...) {
  #--- args ---#
  lst <- list(...) # store outside arguments in list
    "The input enrichment analysis is not data frame!" =
      is.data.frame(up_enrich_df) | is.data.frame(down_enrich_df)
  plot_type <- match.arg(plot_type)
  if(any(grepl("nes",colnames(up_enrich_df),ignore.case = T))) term_metric <- "Count"
  if(any(grepl("nes",colnames(down_enrich_df),ignore.case = T))) term_metric <- "Count"

  #--- codes ---#
      up_enrich_df$Description <- stringr::str_replace(up_enrich_df$Description, "^\\w{1}", toupper)
      down_enrich_df$Description <- stringr::str_replace(down_enrich_df$Description, "^\\w{1}", toupper)
    error = function(e) {
        "We need the 'Description' column which means pathway detailed description", "\n",
        "Maybe you should rename the column name..."

  x_label <- ifelse(stats_metric == "pvalue", "-log10(Pvalue)",
    ifelse(stats_metric == "p.adjust", "-log10(P.adjust)", "-log10(FDR)")

  #--- plot ---#
  if (plot_type == "two") {
    if (missing(color)) color <- c("#a32a31", "#f7dcca", "#3665a6", "#d5e4ef")
    left <- suppressMessages(plotEnrich(up_enrich_df,
      plot_type = "bar",
      term_metric = term_metric,
      stats_metric = stats_metric,
      up_color = color[1], down_color = color[2], ...
    ) +
      scale_y_discrete(limits = rev) +
      scale_x_reverse() +
        axis.title.y = element_blank(),
        legend.position = c(0.2, 0.8)

    right <- suppressMessages(plotEnrich(down_enrich_df,
      plot_type = "bar",
      term_metric = term_metric,
      stats_metric = stats_metric,
      up_color = color[3], down_color = color[4], ...
    ) +
      scale_y_discrete(position = "right") +
        axis.title.y = element_blank(),
        legend.position = c(0.8, 0.2)

    p <- cowplot::plot_grid(left, right, ncol = 2)
  } else {
    if (missing(color)) color <- c("#3665a6", "#a32a31")
    if (!"main_text_size" %in% names(lst)) lst$main_text_size <- 8

    up_go <- dplyr::mutate(up_enrich_df, change = "up")
    down_go <- dplyr::mutate(down_enrich_df, change = "down")
    df <- rbind(up_go, down_go) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(new_x = ifelse(change == "up", -log10(eval(parse(text = stats_metric))), log10(eval(parse(text = stats_metric))))) %>%
      dplyr::arrange(change, new_x) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(Description = factor(Description,
        levels = unique(Description),
        ordered = TRUE

    if (is.null(xlim_left) & is.null(xlim_right)) {
      tmp <- with(df, labeling::extended(range(new_x)[1], range(new_x)[2], m = 5))
      lm <- tmp[c(1, length(tmp))]
      lm <- c(floor(min(df$new_x)), ceiling(max(df$new_x)))
    } else {
      if (is.null(xlim_left)) xlim_left <- abs(floor(min(df$new_x)) + 1)
      if (is.null(xlim_right)) xlim_right <- 15
      tmp <- seq(-abs(xlim_left), xlim_right, 10)
      lm <- c(-abs(xlim_left), xlim_right)

    p <- suppressMessages(ggplot(df, aes(x = Description, y = new_x, fill = change)) +
      geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 0.8) +
        values = color,
        name = "change",
        labels = c("Down-regulated pathways", "Up-regulated pathways")
      ) +
      guides(fill = guide_legend(reverse = TRUE)) +
      scale_x_discrete(expand = expansion(add = .5)) +
      coord_flip() +
        breaks = tmp, labels = abs(tmp),
        limits = lm
      ) +
        data = subset(df, change == "up"),
        aes(x = Description, y = 0, label = paste0(Description, "  "), color = change),
        size = lst$main_text_size / 3.6,
        hjust = "inward", show.legend = FALSE
      ) +
        data = subset(df, change == "down"),
        aes(x = Description, y = 0, label = paste0("  ", Description), color = change),
        size = lst$main_text_size / 3.6, hjust = "outward", show.legend = FALSE
      ) +
      scale_colour_manual(values = c("black", "black")) +
      labs(x = "", y = x_label) +
      plot_theme(remove_grid = T, remove_legend = F, ...) +
        axis.text.y = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
        legend.title = element_blank()

  # wrap long text
  if (!is.null(wrap_length) & is.numeric(wrap_length)) {
    p <- p + scale_y_discrete(labels = text_wraper(wrap_length))


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genekitr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:24 a.m.