# A R framework to plot comparison of gene stretches, a la Artemis, but
# with production-like graphics, and a static interface
# Plotting function
# plot frame, makes space for tree and legend if necessary
plot_gene_map <- function(dna_segs,
tree_width=NULL, # in inches
tree_scale=FALSE, # plot tree scale?
legend=NULL, # unimplemented
annotation_height=1, # height of annot line
annotation_cex=0.8, # size of annotations
seg_plots=NULL, # user-defined plots
seg_plot_height=3, # height of plots (in lines)
seg_plot_height_unit="lines", # unit of preceding
seg_plot_yaxis=3, # if non-null or non false, ticks
offsets=NULL, # regulates manually alignment of segs
main=NULL, # main title
main_pos="centre", # centre, left, right
dna_seg_labels=NULL, # labels on dna_segs
dna_seg_label_cex=1, # size of these
dna_seg_label_col="black", # color of these
gene_type=NULL, # if not null, resets gene_type
arrow_head_len=200, # force arrow head length
dna_seg_line=TRUE, # draw a line on each dna_seg
scale=TRUE, # scale in the bottom right
dna_seg_scale=!scale, # scale on each dna_seg
n_scale_ticks=7, # number of tick marks for these
scale_cex=0.6, # size of text on scale
global_color_scheme=c("auto", "auto",
"blue_red", 0.5),
plot_new=TRUE, # FALSE to integrate on a bigger plot
debug = 0,
# check arguments
### objects ###
# dna_segs
if (missing(dna_segs)) stop("Argument dna_segs must be provided")
if (!is.list(dna_segs) || !all(sapply(dna_segs, is.dna_seg)))
stop("Argument dna_segs must be a list of dna_seg objects")
n_dna_segs <- length(dna_segs)
n_rows <- 3*n_dna_segs-1
# comparisons
n_comparisons <- length(comparisons)
if (n_comparisons > 1){
if (!is.list(comparisons) || !all(sapply(comparisons, is.comparison)))
stop("Argument comparisons must be a list of comparison objects")
# check that there are enough comparisons compared to dna segments
if (n_comparisons > 0 && !(n_dna_segs - n_comparisons == 1))
stop("Number of comparisons not correct")
# if dna_seg is a named list, attribute names to dna_seg_labels
if (is.null(dna_seg_labels) && !is.null(dna_segs)){
dna_seg_labels <- names(dna_segs)
# check length of labels
if (!is.null(dna_seg_labels) && !(length(dna_seg_labels) == n_dna_segs))
stop("Argument dna_seg_labels doesn't have the same length as dna_segs")
# check dna_seg_label colors
if (length(dna_seg_label_col) == 1){
dna_seg_label_col <- rep(dna_seg_label_col, n_dna_segs)
else if (!length(dna_seg_label_col) == n_dna_segs){
stop("Length of argument dna_seg_label_col must be 1 or as dna_segs")
# check tree
if (!is.null(tree)){
if (!inherits(tree, "phylog"))
stop("Argument tree should be of class phylog (ade4)")
# check correspondence between names (given by names(comparison) or
# dna_seg_labels) and tree leaves
if (is.null(dna_seg_labels))
stop("If tree is given, label names should be provided via named list dna_segs or dna_seg_labels")
# check that number of leaves corresponds to number of segs
if (length(tree$leaves) != n_dna_segs)
stop("Number of leaves in the tree not equal to number of dna segs")
if (!all(dna_seg_labels %in% names(tree$leaves)))
stop("Tree leaves not corresponding to dna_seg labels")
# check whether nodes have added labels
if (is.null(tree_branch_labels_cex)){
if (length(grep("^[^I]", names(tree$nodes)))) {
tree_branch_labels_cex <- 0.8
} else {
tree_branch_labels_cex <- 0
# check seg_plots (user-defined plots)
if (!is.null(seg_plots)){
# if there is only one annotation, put it on the top
if (is.seg_plot(seg_plots)){
s_plot <- seg_plots
seg_plots <- c(list(s_plot), rep(list(NULL), n_dna_segs-1))
} else if (length(seg_plots) == n_dna_segs){
if (!all(sapply(seg_plots, function(x) is.seg_plot(x) || is.null(x))))
stop("All elements of seg_plots should be NULL or seg_plots objects")
} else stop ("seg_plots must be of same length as dna_segs")
seg_plot_h <- ifelse(sapply(seg_plots, is.null), 0, seg_plot_height)
} else {
seg_plot_h <- rep(0, n_dna_segs)
# check seg_plot_yaxis
if (is.null(seg_plot_yaxis) || !is.numeric(seg_plot_yaxis) ||
seg_plot_yaxis <- 0
# check annotation
if (!is.null(annotations)){
# if there is only one annotation, put it on the top
if (is.annotation(annotations)){
annot <- annotations
annotations <- c(list(annot), rep(list(NULL), n_dna_segs-1))
} else if (length(annotations) == n_dna_segs){
if (!all(sapply(annotations, function(x) is.annotation(x) || is.null(x))))
stop("All elements of annotations should be NULL or annotation objects")
} else stop ("annotation must be of same length as dna_segs")
annot_h <- ifelse(sapply(annotations, is.null), 0, annotation_height)
} else {
annot_h <- rep(0, n_dna_segs)
### graphical arguments ###
# check xlims
if (!is.null(xlims)){
if (!is.list(xlims))
stop("xlims must be a list")
if (length(xlims) != n_dna_segs)
stop("xlims must be of the same length as dna_segs")
if (!all(sapply(xlims, function(x) (length(x) %% 2) == 0)))
stop("All elements of xlims should have an even number of elements")
for (i in 1:length(xlims)){
xlim <- xlims[[i]]
# check numeric, replace null and inf values
rng <- range(dna_segs[[i]])
min <- rng[1] - 0.02*diff(rng)
max <- rng[2] + 0.02*diff(rng)
# replace NULL value by min-max
if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(min, max)
# replace -Inf and Inf by min max
xlim[xlim == -Inf] <- min
xlim[xlim == Inf] <- max
# check that all are numeric
if (!is.numeric(xlim)) stop("All elements of xlims should be numeric")
# transform to data.frame
xlim <- data.frame(matrix(xlim, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE))
names(xlim) <- c("x0", "x1")
# check the strand
xlim$strand <- ifelse(xlim$x0 < xlim$x1, 1, -1)
# sort x0 x1
for (j in 1:nrow(xlim)) xlim[j,1:2] <- sort(as.numeric(xlim[j,1:2]))
xlims[[i]] <- xlim
} else {
xlims <- list()
for (i in 1:n_dna_segs){
rng <- range(dna_segs[[i]])
xlims[[i]] <- data.frame(x0=rng[1] - 0.02*diff(rng),
x1=rng[2] + 0.02*diff(rng),
# check offsets
if (!is.null(offsets) && length(offsets) != n_dna_segs){
stop("Length of offsets not equal to number of dna_segs")
# check main_pos
if (main_pos == "centre"){
main_x <- 0.5
main_just <- "centre"
} else if (main_pos == "left"){
main_x <- 0
main_just <- "left"
} else if (main_pos == "right"){
main_x <- 1
main_just <- "right"
} else {
stop("main_pos should be one of centre, left, right")
# check dna_seg_line
if (is.logical(dna_seg_line)) {
dna_seg_line <- as.character(dna_seg_line)
dna_seg_line[dna_seg_line == "TRUE"] <- "black"
if (!is.character(dna_seg_line ))
stop("dna_seg_line should be eiher a logical or character giving color")
if (length(dna_seg_line) == 1){
dna_seg_line <- rep(dna_seg_line, n_dna_segs)
} else if (length(dna_seg_line) != n_dna_segs){
stop("dna_seg_line should be of length 1 or same length as dna_segs")
# check gene_type
if (!is.null(gene_type) && !(gene_type %in% gene_types()))
stop(paste("gene_type muste be one of:",
paste(gene_types(), collapse=", ")))
# check scale. Must be logical
if (is.logical(dna_seg_scale)){
# if length 1, make dna_seg_scale the same length as dna_segs
if (length(dna_seg_scale) == 1){
dna_seg_scale <- rep(dna_seg_scale, n_dna_segs)
# if a different length, must be of the same length as n_dna_segs
else if (length(dna_seg_scale) != n_dna_segs){
stop("dna_seg_scale must be the same length dna_segs")
else {
stop("dna_seg_scale must be logical")
# check global_color_scheme
if (length(global_color_scheme) != 4)
stop ("global_color_scheme should be length 4")
# accepted values for second value
glob_col_sch_2_vals <- c("increasing", "decreasing", "auto")
if (length(grep(global_color_scheme[2], glob_col_sch_2_vals)) != 1){
stop(paste("Second argument to global_color_scheme should be one of",
paste(glob_col_sch_2_vals, collapse=", ")))
} else {
global_color_scheme[2] <- grep(global_color_scheme[2],
glob_col_sch_2_vals, value=TRUE)
# plotting options
# dna_seg lines height. 1 line for the dna_seg, 0.5 in addition for
# the dna_seg_scale, if needed. 1 null in between for comparisons
# to rewrite sometimes
h <- rep(1, n_rows)
h[seq(2, n_rows, by=3)] <- 1 + scale_cex*dna_seg_scale + annot_h
h[seq(1, n_rows, by=3)] <- seg_plot_h
dna_seg_heights <- unit(h, c(rep(c(seg_plot_height_unit, "lines", "null"),
n_dna_segs), "lines"))
# deal with resetting symbols
if (!is.null(gene_type)){
if (gene_type == "auto"){
n_genes <- sapply(dna_segs, nrow)
gene_type <- auto_gene_type(n_genes)
for (i in 1:n_dna_segs){
dna_segs[[i]]$gene_type <- gene_type
# deal with global color scheme: if no color defined or if override is
# set, try to find a common numerical column in all comparisons
if ((!any("col" %in% unlist(lapply(comparisons, names)))
|| override_color_schemes) && !is.null(comparisons)){
# collect numerical columns
num_cols <- lapply(comparisons, function(x) names(x)[sapply(x, is.numeric)])
shared_num_cols <-
names(which(table(unlist(num_cols)) == length(num_cols)))
shared_num_cols <- shared_num_cols[!shared_num_cols %in%
c("start1", "start2", "end1", "end2")]
# global_color_scheme[1]: take color from?
# take per_id if present, if not, evalue, else the first found in the
# first comp
if (global_color_scheme[1] == "auto"){
names_comp_1 <- names(comparisons[[1]])
global_color_scheme[1] <- if ("per_id" %in% shared_num_cols){
} else if ("e_value" %in% shared_num_cols) {
} else {
names_comp_1[names_comp_1 %in% shared_num_cols][1]
} else if (! global_color_scheme[1] %in% shared_num_cols){
stop("One or all columns don't have the indicated column for global color scheme")
# global_color_scheme[1]: incr/decr. Turn it to decreasing
if (global_color_scheme[2] == "auto"){
global_color_scheme[2] <-
if (global_color_scheme[1] %in% c("mism", "gaps", "e_value"))
} else if (global_color_scheme[2] == "decreasing"){
global_color_scheme[2] <- TRUE
} else if (global_color_scheme[2] == "increasing"){
global_color_scheme[2] <- FALSE
} else {
stop("Invalid value for global_color_scheme[2]")
# gather range of values from all comparisons
range_col_from <- c(Inf, -Inf)
for (i in 1:n_comparisons){
if (nrow(comparisons[[i]]) > 0){
range_col_from[1] <- min(c(range_col_from[1],
range_col_from[2] <- max(c(range_col_from[2],
# perform apply_color_scheme
for (i in 1:n_comparisons){
comparisons[[i]]$col <-
# prepare plotting frame & filter objects
# further calculations on xlims & gaps
for (i in 1:n_dna_segs){
xlims[[i]]$length <- xlims[[i]]$x1 - xlims[[i]]$x0
# default gap_length is a 20th of the max length
def_gap_length <- max(sapply(xlims, function(x) sum(x$length)))*
unpadded_lengths <- sapply(xlims, function(x)
sum(x$length) + (nrow(x)-1)*def_gap_length)
longest_seg <- which.max(unpadded_lengths)
max_length <- unpadded_lengths[longest_seg]
scale_unit <- diff(pretty(c(0, max_length), n=n_scale_ticks+2)[1:2])
### trim dna_segs & seg_plot ###
# initiate new object: create subsegments by trimming original dna_seg
seg_subplots <- list()
dna_subsegs <- list()
for (i in 1:n_dna_segs){
n_subsegs <- nrow(xlims[[i]])
dna_subsegs[[i]] <- list()
seg_subplots[[i]] <- list()
for (j in 1:n_subsegs){
dna_subsegs[[i]][[j]] <- trim.dna_seg(dna_segs[[i]], c(xlims[[i]]$x0[j],
if (seg_plot_h[[i]] > 0){
seg_subplots[[i]][[j]] <- trim.seg_plot(seg_plots[[i]],
### trim comparisons ###
if (n_comparisons > 0){
for (i in 1:n_comparisons){
# concatenate all possible combinations
comp1 <- comparisons[[i]][0,]
for (j in 1:nrow(xlims[[i]])){
for (k in 1:nrow(xlims[[i+1]])){
comp1 <-
c("x0", "x1")]),
c("x0", "x1")])))
comparisons[[i]] <- comp1
## # Trim from above first
## comp1 <- comparisons[[i]][0,]
## for (j in 1:nrow(xlims[[i]])){
## comp1 <- rbind(comp1, trim.comparison(comparisons[[i]],
## xlim1=as.numeric(xlims[[i]][j,
## c("x0", "x1")])))
## }
## # trim from below then: trim from the previously obtained comp
## comp2 <- comparisons[[i]][0,]
## for (j in 1:nrow(xlims[[i+1]])){
## comp2 <- rbind(comp2, trim.comparison(comp1,
## xlim2=as.numeric(xlims[[i+1]][j,
## c("x0", "x1")])))
## }
## comparisons[[i]] <- comp2
### calculate offsets ###
if (is.null(offsets)){
prel_offsets <- lapply(xlims, function(x)
c(0, rep(def_gap_length, nrow(x)-1)))
offsets <- minimize_comps(comparisons, xlims, unpadded_lengths,
prel_offsets, fixed_gap_length)
} else {
offsets <- as.list(offsets)
for (i in 1:n_dna_segs){
if (length(offsets[[i]]) == 1){
offsets[[i]] <- c(offsets[[i]], rep(def_gap_length, nrow(xlims[[i]])-1))
} else if (length(offsets[[i]]) != nrow(xlims[[i]])){
stop("The length of each element of offsets should be either one or equal to the number of subsegments in the corresponding segment.")
# check if total length doesn't exceed max length
if (limit_to_longest_dna_seg){
for (i in 1:n_dna_segs){
tot_length <- sum(c(xlims[[i]]$length, offsets[[i]]))
if (tot_length > max_length){
excess <- tot_length - max_length
# reduce offsets from the end
for (j in length(offsets[[i]]):1){
# decrease offsets or set them to min_gap
if ((offsets[[i]][j] - excess) < def_gap_length){
excess <- excess - offsets[[i]][j] + def_gap_length
offsets[[i]][j] <- def_gap_length
} else {
offsets[[i]][j] <- offsets[[i]][j] - excess
} else {
# recalculate lengths
padded_lengths <- sapply(xlims, function(x) sum(x$length)) +
sapply(offsets, sum)
max_length <- max(padded_lengths)
# recalculate comps coordinates
if (n_comparisons > 0){
for (i in 1:n_comparisons){
comparisons[[i]] <- calc_comp_coor(offsets[[i]], xlims[[i]],
comparisons[[i]], side=1)
comparisons[[i]] <- calc_comp_coor(offsets[[i+1]], xlims[[i+1]],
comparisons[[i]], side=2)
# recalculate lengths
padded_lengths <- sapply(xlims, function(x) sum(x$length)) +
sapply(offsets, sum)
max_length <- max(padded_lengths)
longest_segment <- which.max(padded_lengths)
# collect grobs
### collect dna_seg, dna_seg_scale & seg_plot grobs ###
dna_seg_grobs <- list()
dna_seg_scale_grobs <- list()
for (i in 1:n_dna_segs){
dna_seg_grobs[[i]] <- list()
dna_seg_scale_grobs[[i]] <- list()
for (j in 1:length(dna_subsegs[[i]])){
# debug
if (debug > 0 && debug < nrow(dna_subsegs[[i]][[j]]))
dna_subsegs[[i]][[j]] <- dna_subsegs[[i]][[j]][1:debug,]
# end debug
dna_seg_grobs[[i]][[j]] <- dna_seg_grob(dna_subsegs[[i]][[j]],
arrow_head_len, i, ...)
dna_seg_scale_grobs[[i]][[j]] <-
if (dna_seg_scale[[i]])
cex=scale_cex, unit=scale_unit, i=i, j=j)
else NULL
### collect seg_plot_grobs & ylims
seg_plot_grobs <- list()
seg_plot_ylims <- list()
for (i in 1:n_dna_segs){
seg_plot_grobs[[i]] <- list()
xl_sg <- c(Inf, -Inf)
for (j in 1:length(dna_subsegs[[i]])){
if (length(seg_plots[[i]]) > 0){
grb <-[[i]][[j]]$func, seg_subplots[[i]][[j]]$args)
rng <- nice_ylim.seg_plot(seg_subplots[[i]][[j]])
xl_sg[1] <- min(xl_sg[1], rng[1])
xl_sg[2] <- max(xl_sg[2], rng[2])
seg_plot_grobs[[i]][[j]] <- grb
else {
seg_plot_grobs[[i]] <- NULL
seg_plot_ylims[[i]] <- if (is.null(seg_plots[[i]]$ylim))
xl_sg else seg_plots[[i]]$ylim
### collect seg_plot_yaxis_grobs
seg_plot_yaxis_grobs <- list()
for (i in 1:n_dna_segs){
seg_plot_yaxis_grobs[[i]] <-
if (length(seg_plots[[i]]) > 0 && seg_plot_yaxis > 0)
yaxis_grob(seg_plot_ylims[[i]], cex=seg_plot_yaxis_cex,
n=seg_plot_yaxis, i)
else NULL
### collect comparison grobs ###
comparison_grobs <- list()
if (n_comparisons > 0){
for (i in 1:n_comparisons){
# debug
if (debug > 0 && debug < nrow(comparisons[[i]]))
comparisons[[i]] <- comparisons[[i]][1:debug,]
# end debug
comparison_grobs[[i]] <- comparison_grob(comparisons[[i]], i)
### annotations ###
if (!is.null(annotations)){
annotation_grobs <- list()
for (i in 1:n_dna_segs){
if (is.null(annotations[[i]])){
annotation_grobs[[i]] <- list(NULL)
} else {
annotation_grobs[[i]] <- list()
for (j in 1:length(dna_subsegs[[i]])){
annot <- trim.annotation(annotations[[i]],
xlims[[i]][j, c("x0", "x1")])
annotation_grobs[[i]][[j]] <- annotation_grob(annot,
### scale ###
if (scale){
scale_grob <- scale_grob(max_length)
scale_h <- 1
} else {
scale_h <- 0
### main title ###
if (!is.null(main)){
main_grob <- textGrob(x=main_x, label=main,
gp=gpar(cex=1.2), just=main_just)
main_h <- 1.8
} else {
main_h <- 0
### tree ###
if (!is.null(tree)){
# tree
#phylog <- newick2phylog(tree)
# check that a nice permutation is OK, return ys
y <- permute_tree(tree, dna_seg_labels)
# feed tree grob with permutation transformed as y coords
tree_grob <- phylog_grob(tree, 1-((y-1)/(n_dna_segs-1)),
#tree_w <- unit(0.20, "npc")
tree_w <- unit(0.1, "npc") + tree_grob$width
} else if(!is.null(dna_seg_labels)){
# just labels
tree_grob <- dna_seg_label_grob(dna_seg_labels, cex=dna_seg_label_cex,
tree_w <- tree_grob$width
} else {
# nothing
tree_grob <- NULL
tree_w <- unit(0, "npc")
if (!is.null(tree_width)) tree_w <- unit(tree_width, "inches")
# reset scale_h if tree_scale is true
if (tree_scale) scale_h <- 1
# plotting
# overall frame
if (plot_new) grid.newpage()
pushViewport(viewport(width=unit(1, "npc")-unit(1, "lines"),
height=unit(1, "npc")-unit(1, "lines"),
viewport(layout=grid.layout(2, 1,
heights=unit(c(main_h, 1),
c("lines", "null"))),
# main title
if (!is.null(main)) {
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row=1, name="main"))
# frame: columns=tree,maps,legend rows=maps+tree+legend,scale
seg_plot_yaxis_w <- if (seg_plot_yaxis > 0 &&
unit(3, "grobwidth", data=seg_plot_yaxis_grobs[[longest_segment]])
else unit(0, "null")
layout=grid.layout(2, 3,
heights=unit(c(1, scale_h), c("null", "lines")),
widths=unit.c(tree_w, unit(1, "null"),
# scale
if (scale) {
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row=2, layout.pos.col=2,
xscale=c(0, max_length), name="scale"))
# tree or labels. Height is 1-3 lines because margin is 2 in plotarea,
# and 1 to center to the middle of each dna_seg (1/2 line top and bottom)
if (!is.null(tree_grob)){
# extra margin if there is an annotation in the first dna_seg
annot_margin <- unit(if (is.null(annotations[[1]])) 0 else
annotation_height, "lines")
# extra margin is there is a seg_plot in the first dna_seg
seg_plot_margin <- unit(if (is.null(seg_plot_grobs[[1]][[1]])) 0 else
seg_plot_height, seg_plot_height_unit)
# make a supplementary margin if there is a scale in the last
# dna_seg to get labels facing the text. Hack.
hli <- unit(0.5, "lines")
dna_scale_margin <- unit(scale_cex * dna_seg_scale[[n_dna_segs]], "lines")
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row=1, layout.pos.col=1,
layout=grid.layout(6, 1,
heights=unit.c(seg_plot_margin, annot_margin, hli,
unit(n_dna_segs*(1+seg_plot_height), "null"),
hli, dna_scale_margin)),
width=unit(1, "npc")-unit(1, "lines"),
just=c("centre", "bottom"),
upViewport(2) # up tree & tree_outer vp
# plotting area
pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.row=1, layout.pos.col=2,
name="plotarea_outer", clip="on"),
viewport(width=unit(1, "npc")-unit(1, "lines"),
height=unit(1, "npc")-unit(0, "lines"),
name="plotarea", clip="off"))
# map grid
pushViewport(viewport(layout=grid.layout(n_rows, 1,
heights=dna_seg_heights), name="map"))
### comparisons ###
if (n_comparisons > 0){
for (i in 1:n_comparisons){
xscale=c(0, max_length),
name = paste("comparison", i, sep=".")))
# draw comparison grobs
upViewport() # pop comparisons[[i]] vp
### seg_plots, dna_segs, annotations, scales ###
for (i in 1:n_dna_segs){
n_dna_subsegs <- length(dna_subsegs[[i]])
n_cols <- n_dna_subsegs*2+1
widths <- numeric(n_cols)
widths[1:n_dna_subsegs*2] <- xlims[[i]]$length
widths[1:n_dna_subsegs*2-1] <- offsets[[i]]
widths_units <- unit(widths, rep("native", n_cols))
heights <- unit(c(annot_h[i], 1, scale_cex*dna_seg_scale[i]),
c("lines", "null", "lines"))
# push seg_plot grid
layout=grid.layout(1, n_cols,
just=c("left", "centre")),
name=paste("seg_plot", i, sep=".")))
for (j in 1:n_dna_subsegs){
idx <- if (xlims[[i]]$strand[j] == 1) c("x0", "x1") else c("x1", "x0")
xscale <- as.numeric(xlims[[i]][j,idx])
if (!is.null(seg_plots[[i]])){
just=c("left", "centre"),
name=paste("seg_subplot", i, j, sep=".")))
upViewport() # up seg_subplot vp
## Draw y axis
if (!is.null(seg_plots[[i]]) && seg_plot_yaxis > 0){
width=unit(1, "grobwidth",
just=c("left", "centre"),
name=paste("seg_plot_yaxis", i, sep=".")))
upViewport() # up seg plot yaxis
upViewport() # up seg_plot vp
# push dna_seg grid (subsegments in cols, annotations, genes and
# scales in rows)
layout=grid.layout(3, n_cols,
just=c("left", "centre")),
name=paste("scale_and_dna_seg", i, sep=".")))
for (j in 1:n_dna_subsegs){
# calculate xscale
idx <- if (xlims[[i]]$strand[j] == 1) c("x0", "x1") else c("x1", "x0")
xscale <- as.numeric(xlims[[i]][j,idx])
# annotation
if (!is.null(annotations[[i]])){
just=c("left", "centre"),
name=paste("annotation", i, j, sep=".")))
upViewport() # up annotation vp
# dna_seg_scale
if (dna_seg_scale[i]){
just=c("left", "centre"),
name=paste("dna_seg_scale", i, j, sep=".")))
upViewport() # up dna_seg_scale vp
# dna_seg itself
just=c("left", "centre"),
name = paste("dna_seg", i, j, sep=".")))
# draw segment line
if (!dna_seg_line[i]=="FALSE"){
grid.segments(x0=unit(xlims[[i]]$x0[j], "native"),
y0=unit(0.5, "native"),
x1=unit(xlims[[i]]$x1[j], "native"),
y1=unit(0.5, "native"),
name=paste("dna_seg_line", i, j, sep="."),
# draw dna_seg grobs
upViewport() # up dna_seg
# draw gap, but not at pos 1
if (j > 1){
xscale=c(0, widths[2*j-1]),
just=c("centre", "centre"),
name=paste("gap", i, j, sep=".")))
grid.draw(gap_grob(w=def_gap_length, m=widths[2*j-1]/2, i, j))
upViewport() # up gap vp
upViewport() # up scale_and_dna_seg vp
upViewport(2) # pop map viewports
upViewport(2) # pop plotarea viewport
upViewport(2) # pop frame+oma viewport
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