read_disaster_risk_area: Download spatial data of disaster risk areas

View source: R/read_disaster_risk_area.R

read_disaster_risk_areaR Documentation

Download spatial data of disaster risk areas


This function reads the the official data of disaster risk areas in Brazil (currently only available for 2010). It specifically focuses on geodynamic and hydro-meteorological disasters capable of triggering landslides and floods. The data set covers the whole country. Each risk area polygon (known as 'BATER') has unique code id (column 'geo_bater'). The data set brings information on the extent to which the risk area polygons overlap with census tracts and block faces (column "acuracia") and number of ris areas within each risk area (column 'num'). Original data were generated by IBGE and CEMADEN. For more information about the methodology, see deails at


read_disaster_risk_area(year = 2010, simplified = TRUE, showProgress = TRUE)



Numeric. Year of the data in YYYY format. Defaults to 2010.


Logic FALSE or TRUE, indicating whether the function should return the data set with 'original' spatial resolution or a data set with 'simplified' geometry. Defaults to TRUE. For spatial analysis and statistics users should set simplified = FALSE. Borders have been simplified by removing vertices of borders using ⁠st_simplify{sf}⁠ preserving topology with a dTolerance of 100.


Logical. Defaults to TRUE display progress bar.


An ⁠"sf" "data.frame"⁠ object

See Also

Other area functions: read_amazon(), read_biomes(), read_capitals(), read_comparable_areas(), read_country(), read_health_facilities(), read_health_region(), read_immediate_region(), read_indigenous_land(), read_intermediate_region(), read_meso_region(), read_metro_area(), read_micro_region(), read_municipal_seat(), read_municipality(), read_neighborhood(), read_pop_arrangements(), read_region(), read_schools(), read_semiarid(), read_state(), read_statistical_grid(), read_urban_area(), read_urban_concentrations(), read_weighting_area()


# Read all disaster risk areas in an specific year
d <- read_disaster_risk_area(year=2010)

geobr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:27 a.m.