read_weighting_area: Download spatial data of Census Weighting Areas (area de...

View source: R/read_weighting_area.R

read_weighting_areaR Documentation

Download spatial data of Census Weighting Areas (area de ponderacao) of the Brazilian Population Census


Only 2010 data is currently available.


  code_weighting = "all",
  year = 2010,
  simplified = TRUE,
  showProgress = TRUE,
  cache = TRUE



The 7-digit code of a Municipality. If the two-digit code or a two-letter uppercase abbreviation of a state is passed, (e.g. 33 or "RJ") the function will load all weighting areas of that state. If code_weighting="all", all weighting areas of the country are loaded.


Numeric. Year of the data. Defaults to 2010.


Logic FALSE or TRUE, indicating whether the function should return the data set with 'original' spatial resolution or a data set with 'simplified' geometry. Defaults to TRUE. For spatial analysis and statistics users should set simplified = FALSE. Borders have been simplified by removing vertices of borders using ⁠st_simplify{sf}⁠ preserving topology with a dTolerance of 100.


Logical. Defaults to TRUE display progress bar.


Logical. Whether the function should read the data cached locally, which is faster. Defaults to cache = TRUE. By default, geobr stores data files in a temporary directory that exists only within each R session. If cache = FALSE, the function will download the data again and overwrite the local file.


An ⁠"sf" "data.frame"⁠ object

See Also

Other area functions: read_amazon(), read_biomes(), read_capitals(), read_comparable_areas(), read_country(), read_disaster_risk_area(), read_health_facilities(), read_health_region(), read_immediate_region(), read_indigenous_land(), read_intermediate_region(), read_meso_region(), read_metro_area(), read_micro_region(), read_municipal_seat(), read_municipality(), read_neighborhood(), read_pop_arrangements(), read_region(), read_schools(), read_semiarid(), read_state(), read_statistical_grid(), read_urban_area(), read_urban_concentrations()


# Read specific weighting area at a given year
w <- read_weighting_area(code_weighting=5201108005004, year=2010)

# Read all weighting areas of a state at a given year
w <- read_weighting_area(code_weighting=53, year=2010) # or
w <- read_weighting_area(code_weighting="DF", year=2010)

# Read all weighting areas of a municipality at a given year
w <- read_weighting_area(code_weighting=5201108, year=2010)

# Read all weighting areas of the country at a given year
w <- read_weighting_area(code_weighting="all", year=2010)

geobr documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:58 p.m.