
Defines functions digit.fixed

Documented in digit.fixed

#' Digitize 3D landmarks on mesh3d object
#' An interactive function to digitize three-dimensional (3D) landmarks.
#' Input for the function is either a matrix of vertex coordinates defining a 3D surface object
#' or a mesh3d object as obtained from \code{\link{read.ply}}. 
#' Function for digitizing fixed three-dimensional landmarks. The user can later designate some 
#' as curve sliding semilandmarks, using the function \code{\link{define.sliders}} or through
#' a semilandmark definition matrix. 
#' To digitize 3D surface sliding semilandmarks the function \code{\link{digitsurface}} should be used instead.
#' For details on the full procedure for digitizing fixed 3D landmarks and surface
#' sliding semilandmarks, see the relevant vignette by running \code{vignette("geomorph.digitize3D")}.
#'  NOTE: The function centers the mesh before digitizing by default (center = TRUE). If one chooses not to center,
#'  specimen may be difficult to manipulate in rgl window.
#' \subsection{Digitizing}{ 
#' Digitizing is interactive. Once a point is selected, the user is asked if the system should keep or discard the 
#' selection (y/n). If "y", the user is asked to continue to select the next landmark. If "n" the removes the last chosen
#' landmark, and the user is asked to select it again. This can be repeated until the user is comfortable with the 
#' landmark chosen. 
#' To digitize with a standard 3-button mouse (PC):
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item the RIGHT mouse button (primary) to select points to be digitized,
#'  \item the LEFT mouse button (secondary) is used to rotate mesh, 
#'  \item the mouse SCROLLER (third/middle) is used to zoom in and out.
#' }
#' NOTE: Digitizing functions on MACINTOSH computers using a standard 3-button mice works as specified. Macs using platform 
#' specific single button mice, XQuartz must be configured: go to Preferences > Input > tick "Emulate three button mouse":
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item press button to rotate 3D mesh,
#'  \item press button while pressing COMMAND key to select vertex to be used as a landmark,
#'  \item press button while pressing OPTION key to adjust mesh perspective.
#'  \item the mouse SCROLLER or trackpad two finger scroll is used to zoom in an out.
#'  }
#' NOTE: there is no pan (translate) functionality in rgl library for all platforms at this time.
#' }
#' @param spec An object of class shape3d/mesh3d, or matrix of 3D vertex coordinates
#' @param fixed The number of landmarks to be digitized (fixed, and curve sliders if desired)
#' @param index Whether selected landmark addresses should be returned (internal use only)
#' @param ptsize Size of mesh points (vertices), e.g. 0.1 for dense meshes, 3 for sparse meshes 
#' @param center Should the object 'spec' be centered prior to digitizing?
#' @return Function returns (if assigned to an object) and writes to the working directory an NTS
#'  file, containing the landmark coordinates. The file name corresponds to the name of the specimen.
#' If index=FALSE function returns to the console an n x 3 matrix containing the x,y,z coordinates of the digitized landmarks.  
#' If index=TRUE, function returns a list:
#'  \item{selected}{a matrix containing the x,y,z coordinates of the digitized landmarks} 
#'  \item{fix}{a matrix of addresses for landmarks that are "fixed" (for internal use)}
#' @seealso \code{\link{read.ply}} 
#' @export
#' @keywords digitizing
#' @author Erik Otarola-Castillo & Emma Sherratt
#' @seealso  \code{\link[rgl]{rgl-package}} (used in 3D plotting)
digit.fixed <- function(spec, 
                        ptsize = 1, 
                        center = TRUE){
  mesh <- NULL
  if (inherits(spec, "shape3d") == TRUE || inherits(spec, "mesh3d") == TRUE){
    if (center == TRUE){
      specimen <- scale(as.matrix(t(spec$vb)[,-4]), scale = FALSE)
      spec$vb <- rbind(t(specimen), 1)
    if (center == FALSE){specimen <- as.matrix(t(spec$vb)[,-4])}
    mesh <- spec 
    if (is.null(mesh$material)) mesh$material$color <- "gray" 
    if (is.null(mesh$material$color)) mesh$material$color <- "gray" 
  } else if (inherits(spec, "matrix") == FALSE) {
    stop ("File is not a shape3d/mesh3d object or xyz matrix")
  } else if (inherits(spec, "matrix") == TRUE && dim(spec)[2]==3) {
    if (center == TRUE){ specimen <- scale(spec, scale = FALSE) }
    if (center == FALSE){ specimen <- spec }
  } else { stop ("File is not matrix in form: vertices by xyz")} 
  clear3d(); ids <- plot3d(specimen[,1],specimen[,2],specimen[,3],size=ptsize,aspect=FALSE)
  if (!is.null(mesh)) { shade3d(mesh, meshColor="legacy", add=TRUE) }
  for (i in 1:fixed)      {
    keep <- selectpoints3d(ids["data"], value= FALSE, button = "right")[2]
    cat(paste("Keep Landmark ",i,"(y/n)?"),"\n")
    if(ans=="y" & length(fix)!=fixed) {
      cat("Select Landmark ",i+1,"\n")
      rgl.bringtotop(stay = FALSE)
    if(ans=="n" ) {
      cat(paste("Select Landmark ",i," Again"),"\n")
    while(ans=="n") {
      rgl.bringtotop(stay = FALSE)
      clear3d();ids <- plot3d(specimen[,1],specimen[,2],specimen[,3],size=ptsize,aspect=FALSE)
      if (!is.null(mesh)) { shade3d(mesh, meshColor="legacy",add=TRUE) }
      keep <- selectpoints3d(ids["data"], value= FALSE, button = "right")[2]
      cat(paste("Keep Landmark ",i,"(y/n)?"),"\n")
      if(ans=="y" & length(fix)!=fixed) {
        cat("Select Landmark ",i+1,"\n")
      if(ans=="n") {
        cat(paste("Select Landmark ",i," Again"),"\n")
    writeland.nts(selected, spec.name, comment=NULL)

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geomorph documentation built on June 24, 2024, 5:07 p.m.