
Defines functions physignal

Documented in physignal

#' Assessing phylogenetic signal in Procrustes shape variables
#' Function calculates the degree of phylogenetic signal from Procrustes shape variables
#' The function estimates the degree of phylogenetic signal present in Procrustes shape variables for a given phylogeny. 
#' It is assumed that the landmarks have previously been aligned 
#'   using Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA) [e.g., with \code{\link{gpagen}}].  
#'   The degree of phylogenetic signal in data is estimated using the multivariate version of the K-statistic 
#'   (Kmult: Adams 2014). This value evaluates the degree of phylogenetic signal
#'   in a dataset relative to what is expected under a Brownian motion model of evolution. For geometric
#'   morphometric data, the approach is a mathematical generalization of the Kappa statistic (Blomberg et al. 
#'   2003) appropriate for highly multivariate data (see Adams 2014). Significance testing 
#'   is found by permuting the shape data among the tips of the phylogeny. And effect size can be estimated
#'   based on likelihood method that finds and optimal scaling of the tree; see  \code{\link{physignal.z}}.
#' This function can also be used with univariate data (i.e. centroid size) if imported as matrix with rownames
#' giving the taxa names. In this case, the estimate of phylogenetic signal is identical to that found using the 
#' standard kappa statistic (Blomberg et al. 2003).
#'  The generic functions, \code{\link{print}}, \code{\link{summary}}, and \code{\link{plot}} all work with \code{\link{physignal}}.
#'  The generic function, \code{\link{plot}}, produces a histogram of random K statistics, associated with the resampling procedure.
#'  \subsection{Notes for geomorph 4.0}{ 
#' Starting with version 4.0.2, this function no longer reports an effect size.  Effect sizes for phylogenetic signal
#' can be calculated with physignal.z, based on likelihood.
#' }
#'  \subsection{Notes for geomorph 3.0}{ 
#' Compared to older versions of geomorph, the order of input variables has changed, so that it is consistent with other functions
#' in the program. Additionally, users should note that the function physignal no longer contains
#' multiple methods. Only Kmult is used. Thus, for older scripts method="" should be removed from the function call.
#' }
#' @param phy A phylogenetic tree of class = "phylo" - see \code{\link[ape]{read.tree}} in library ape
#' @param A A matrix (n x [p x k]) or 3D array (p x k x n) containing Procrustes shape variables for a set of specimens
#' @param iter Number of iterations for significance testing
#' @param seed An optional argument for setting the seed for random permutations of the resampling procedure.  
#' If left NULL (the default), the exact same P-values will be found for repeated runs of the analysis (with the same number of iterations).
#' If seed = "random", a random seed will be used, and P-values will vary.  One can also specify an integer for specific seed values,
#' which might be of interest for advanced users.
#' @param print.progress A logical value to indicate whether a progress bar should be printed to the screen.  
#' This is helpful for long-running analyses.
#' @keywords analysis
#' @author Dean Adams and Michael Collyer
#' @seealso \code{\link{gm.prcomp}}, \code{\link{physignal.z}}
#' @export
#' @return Function returns a list with the following components: 
#'   \item{phy.signal}{The estimate of phylogenetic signal.}
#'   \item{pvalue}{The significance level of the observed signal.}
#'   \item{random.K}{Each random K-statistic from random permutations.}
#'   \item{permutations}{The number of random permutations used in the resampling procedure.}
#'   \item{PACA}{A phylogenetically aligned component analysis, based on OLS residuals.}
#'   \item{K.by.p}{The phylogenetic signal in 1, 1:2, 1:3, ..., 1:p dimensions, for the 
#'   p components from PACA.}
#'   \item{call}{The matched call}
#' @references Blomberg SP, Garland T, Ives AR. 2003. Testing for phylogenetic signal in comparative 
#' data: behavioral traits are more labile. Evolution, 57:717-745.
#' @references Adams, D.C. 2014. A generalized K statistic for estimating phylogenetic signal from shape and 
#' other high-dimensional multivariate data. Systematic Biology.  63:685-697.
#' @references Adams, D.C. and M.L. Collyer. 2019. Comparing the strength of modular signal, and evaluating 
#' alternative modular hypotheses, using covariance ratio effect sizes with morphometric data. 
#' Evolution. 73:2352-2367.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(plethspecies) 
#' Y.gpa <- gpagen(plethspecies$land)    #GPA-alignment    
#' #Test for phylogenetic signal in shape
#' PS.shape <- physignal(A = Y.gpa$coords, phy = plethspecies$phy)
#' summary(PS.shape)
#' plot(PS.shape)
#' plot(PS.shape$PACA, phylo = TRUE)
#' PS.shape$K.by.p # Phylogenetic signal profile
#' #Test for phylogenetic signal in size
#' PS.size <- physignal(A = Y.gpa$Csize, phy = plethspecies$phy)
#' summary(PS.size)
#' plot(PS.size)
#' }
physignal <- function(A, phy, iter = 999, seed = NULL, print.progress = FALSE){
    stop("Data matrix contains missing values. Estimate these first (see 'estimate.missing').\n",
         call. = FALSE)  
  if (length(dim(A)) == 3){ 
      stop("Data array does not include taxa names as dimnames for 3rd dimension.\n", call. = FALSE)  
    x <- two.d.array(A)
  if (length(dim(A))==2){ 
    if(is.null(rownames(A))) stop("Data matrix does not include taxa names as dimnames for rows.\n", 
        call. = FALSE)  
    x <- A 
  if (is.vector(A)){ 
    if(is.null(names(A))) stop("Data vector does not include taxa names as names.\n", call. = FALSE)  
    x <- as.matrix(A) 
  if (!inherits(phy, "phylo"))
    stop("tree must be of class 'phylo.'\n", call. = FALSE)
  N <- length(phy$tip.label)
  if(N != dim(x)[1]) 
    stop("Number of taxa in data matrix and tree are not not equal.\n", call. = FALSE)  
  if(length(match(rownames(x), phy$tip.label)) != N) 
    stop("Data matrix missing some taxa present on the tree.\n", call. = FALSE)
  if(length(match(phy$tip.label,rownames(x))) != N) 
    stop("Tree missing some taxa in the data matrix.\n", call. = FALSE)
  if (any(is.na(match(sort(phy$tip.label), sort(rownames(x)))))) 
    stop("Names do not match between tree and data matrix.\n", call. = FALSE) 
  #  x<-x[phy$tip.label,]
  if(is.null(dim(x))) x <- matrix(x, dimnames = list(names(x))) 
  phy.parts <- phylo.mat(x, phy)
  invC <- phy.parts$invC
  D.mat <- phy.parts$D.mat
  C <- phy.parts$C
  ones <- matrix(1,N,1) 
  a.adj <- ones %*% crossprod(ones, invC)/sum(invC)
  Kmult <- function(x, invC, D.mat, ones, a.adj){
    x.c <- x - a.adj%*%x
    MSEobs.d <- sum(x.c^2)  
    x.a <- D.mat%*%x.c
    MSE.d <- sum(x.a^2)  
    K.denom <- (sum(diag(C))- N/sum(invC))/(N-1)
    (MSEobs.d/MSE.d) / K.denom
  ind <- perm.index(nrow(x), iter, seed=seed)
  x.rand <- Map(function(i) x[i,], ind)
  K.args <- list(x = x.rand[[1]], invC = invC, D.mat = D.mat, ones = ones, a.adj = a.adj)
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = iter+1, initial = 0, style=3) 
  K.rand <- sapply(1:(iter+1), function(j) {
    if(print.progress) setTxtProgressBar(pb,j)
    K.args$x <- x.rand[[j]]
    do.call(Kmult, K.args)
  if(print.progress) close(pb)

  p.val <- pval(K.rand)
  # Kmult by paca
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  p <- NCOL(x)
  if(p > 1) {
    PaCA <- ordinate(x, A = C, newdata = anc.BM(phy, x))
    class(PaCA) <- c("gm.prcomp", class(PaCA))
    PaCA$phy <- phy
    names(PaCA)[[which(names(PaCA) == "xn")]] <- "anc.x"
    P <- PaCA$x
    K.by.p <- sapply(1:ncol(P), function(j) {
      K.args$x <- as.matrix(P[, 1:j])
      do.call(Kmult, K.args)

  } else {
    PaCA <- P <- K.by.p <- NULL
  out <- list(phy.signal = K.rand[[1]], pvalue = p.val, random.K = K.rand, 
              permutations = iter+1, 
              PACA = PaCA, K.by.p = K.by.p, call=match.call())
  class(out) <- "physignal"

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geomorph documentation built on June 24, 2024, 5:07 p.m.