
Defines functions event_prediction_prior fit_tte_data_prior create_tte_prior event_prediction fit_tte_data fit_KM

Documented in create_tte_prior event_prediction event_prediction_prior fit_KM fit_tte_data fit_tte_data_prior

if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1")  utils::globalVariables(c("Ialphafunction", "Ibetafunction","Dfunction","Cfunction","IalphaNARfunction","IbetaNARfunction","Ilambdafunction","IlambdaNARfunction"))

#'Fit Weibull, Log-Normal or Exponential survival curves to Kaplan Meier estimates
#' This is a function to fit Weibull and log-normal curves to Survival data in life-table form using non-linear regression.\cr
#' By default it fits both, then picks the best fit based on the lowest (un)weighted residual sum of squares.\cr
#' Alternatively, just one shape may be fitted, by changing the 'type' argument to either "Weibull" or "Lognormal".
#' Weighted or unweighted fitting are possible. In general, weighted fitting using the number at risk as the weights seems to work best.\cr
#' This function is primarily used by event_prediction function, but also useful for general KM curve fitting.\cr
#' One useful aspect of this is for fitting the 'inverse KM', where drop-outs are events, while events and 'time-outs' are censored.
#'    This allows for finding a suitable parameterisation for the censoring curve.\cr
#' Primary advantage over likelihood-based methods is ability to use aggregated, rather than patient-level data.
#' Primary disadvantage is that the covariance matrix is unusable due to strong correlation between the input data points going into the regression.
#' @param KMcurve The dataframe object containing the survival data in lifetable form
#' @param Survival The column name for the survival function (i.e. the probabilities). Default is "Survival"
#' @param Time The column name for the times. Default is "Time"
#' @param type Type of event curve to fit.Default is "Automatic", fitting both Weibull and Log-normal curves.
#'     Alternatively accepts "Weibull", "Lognormal" or "Exponential" to force the type.
#' @param weighting Boolean for whether to use weighting. Default=TRUE as it greatly improves curve fitting.
#' @param Weights Name of Weights column. Default="Weights". Optional if weighting=FALSE. Recommended to use number at risk or remaining.
#' @param Weight_power Power to raise the weights to. Useful in large trials to give added weight to later points where numbers may still be high. Default=1 (Use weights as specified)
#' @param startbeta Starting value for the Weibull beta (shape) parameter to be used in the non-linear regression. Default=1 (exponential).
#' @param startsigma Starting value for the Lognormal sigma (sd) parameter to be used in the non-linear regression. Default=1.
#' @return Returns a 3-item list providing information needed to define a Curve object:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{"Item 1"}{The type of Curve object fitted.}
#'  \item{"Item 2"}{A list of fitted parameters for the curve type.}
#'  \item{"Item 3"}{A placeholder vector of NAs where the covariance-matrix parameters should be.}
#'  \item{"Item 4"}{A data frame containing the goodness of fit metrics for each curve type.}
#' }
#' @author James Bell
#' @examples recruit <- PieceR(matrix(c(rep(1,12),10,15,25,30,45,60,55,50,65,60,55,30),ncol=2),1)
#' example_data_short <- simulate_trials(active_ecurve=Weibull(50,0.8),
#' control_ecurve=Weibull(50,0.8), rcurve=recruit,assess=10,iterations=1,seed=12345,
#' detailed_output=TRUE)
#' library(survival)
#' temp1  <- summary(survfit(Surv(example_data_short[,"Time"],1-example_data_short[,"Censored"])~ 1,
#' error="greenwood"))
#' out1 <- cbind(temp1$time,temp1$n.risk,temp1$surv,temp1$std.err)
#' out1 <- rbind(c(0,out1[1,2],1,0),out1)
#' colnames(out1) <- c("Time","NAR","Survival","Std.Err")
#' x1 <- ceiling(max(out1[,"Time"]))
#' example_lifetable <- out1[findInterval(0:x1,out1[,"Time"]),]
#' example_lifetable[,"Time"] <- 0:x1
#' fit_KM(KMcurve=example_lifetable,Survival="Survival",Time="Time",Weights="NAR",type="automatic")
#' @export
fit_KM <- function(KMcurve,Survival="Survival",Time="Time",type=c("automatic","Weibull","Lognormal","Exponential"),weighting=TRUE,Weights="Weights",Weight_power=1,startbeta=1,startsigma=1){
  #Multiple choice
  type <- match.arg(type)

  if(missing(KMcurve))stop("Please specify the life-table using the 'KMcurve' argument.")

  if(!(Time %in% colnames(KMcurve)))stop("Error: Specified name of Time column does not exist.")
  if(!(Survival %in% colnames(KMcurve)))stop("Error: Specified name of Survival column does not exist.")

  if(!is.logical(weighting))stop("Error: weighting argument must be boolean: default=TRUE (weighting is to be used).")
    if(!(Weights %in% colnames(KMcurve)))stop("Error: Weighting specified, but name of Weights column does not exist.")
    if(!is.numeric(Weight_power))stop("Error: Weight_power argument must be numerical. default=1.")
  if(!is.numeric(startbeta))stop("Error: startbeta argument must be numerical. default=1.")
  if(!is.numeric(startsigma))stop("Error: startbeta argument must be numerical. default=1.")

  # Y is the Survival function
  Y <- KMcurve[,Survival]
  # T is the time variable
  T <- KMcurve[,Time]

  # If Weibull or automatic fitting specified, do a Weibull fit
  # Automatic start function based upon startbeta and the final time point
      median <- min(T[Y==0.5])
      startalpha <- median /((log(2)^(1/startbeta)))
    } else if(min(Y)<0.5){
      Y2 <- max(Y[Y < 0.5])
      Y1 <- min(Y[Y > 0.5])
      T2 <- min(T[Y < 0.5])
      T1 <- max(T[Y > 0.5])
      median <- T2*(0.5-Y2)/((Y1-0.5)+(0.5-Y2))+T1*(Y1-0.5)/((Y1-0.5)+(0.5-Y2))
      startalpha <- median /((log(2)^(1/startbeta)))
    } else{
      startalpha= max(T)/(-log(min(Y)))^(1/startbeta)
  #Perform a weighted or unweighted Weibull curve fit. If no weighting, you should only supply point with sufficient patients  at risk
  # If weighting, recommended to start with the number of patients at risk as weighting
    fitW <- Inf
      #weights are labelled W
      W <- (KMcurve[,Weights])^Weight_power

      tryCatch(fitW <- nls(Y ~ 1-pweibull(q=T,scale=alpha,shape=beta),weights=W, start=list(alpha=startalpha,beta=startbeta))
        ,error=function(e){warning("Non-linear regression unable to fit Weibull curve\n")})

    } else{
      tryCatch(fitW <- nls(Y ~ 1-pweibull(q=T,scale=alpha,shape=beta),start=list(alpha=startalpha,beta=startbeta))
        ,error=function(e){warning("Non-linear regression unable to fit Weibull curve\n")})

    WSS <- tryCatch(deviance(fitW),error=function(e){return(Inf)})
  # If Lognormal or automatic fitting specified, do a Lognormal fit
  # Automatic start function based upon startbeta and the final time point
      startmu <- log(min(T[Y==0.5]))
    } else if(min(Y)<0.5){
      Y2 <- max(Y[Y < 0.5])
      Y1 <- min(Y[Y > 0.5])
      T2 <- min(T[Y < 0.5])
      T1 <- max(T[Y > 0.5])
      startmu<- log(T2*(0.5-Y2)/((Y1-0.5)+(0.5-Y2))+T1*(Y1-0.5)/((Y1-0.5)+(0.5-Y2)))
    } else{
      startmu= log(-0.5*max(T)/(min(Y)-1))

  #Perform a weighted or unweighted Lognormal curve fit. If no weighting, you should only supply point with sufficient patients  at risk
  # If weighting, recommended to start with the number of patients at risk as weighting
    fitLN <- Inf
      #weights are labelled W
      W <- (KMcurve[,Weights])^Weight_power
      tryCatch(fitLN <- nls(Y ~ 1-plnorm(T,mu,sigma),weights=W, start=list(mu=startmu,sigma=startsigma))
        ,error=function(e){warning("Non-linear regression unable to fit Lognormal curve\n")})
    } else{
      tryCatch(fitLN <- nls(Y ~ 1-plnorm(T,mu,sigma), start=list(mu=startmu,sigma=startsigma))
        ,error=function(e){warning("Non-linear regression unable to fit Lognormal curve\n")})
    LNSS <- tryCatch(deviance(fitLN),error=function(e){return(Inf)})

  # If Exponential fitting specified, do an Exponential fit
  # Automatic start function based upon final time point
      median <- min(T[Y==0.5])
      startlambda <- median /log(2)
    } else if(min(Y)<0.5){
      Y2 <- max(Y[Y < 0.5])
      Y1 <- min(Y[Y > 0.5])
      T2 <- min(T[Y < 0.5])
      T1 <- max(T[Y > 0.5])
      median <- T2*(0.5-Y2)/((Y1-0.5)+(0.5-Y2))+T1*(Y1-0.5)/((Y1-0.5)+(0.5-Y2))
      startlambda <- median /log(2)
    } else{
      startlambda= -max(T)/log(min(Y))
  #Perform a weighted or unweighted Exponential curve fit. If no weighting, you should only supply point with sufficient patients  at risk
  # If weighting, recommended to start with the number of patients at risk as weighting
    fitE <- Inf
      #weights are labelled W
      W <- (KMcurve[,Weights])^Weight_power

      tryCatch(fitE <- nls(Y ~ 1-pexp(q=T,rate=lambda),weights=W, start=list(lambda=startlambda))
        ,error=function(e){warning("Non-linear regression unable to fit Exponential curve\n")})

    } else{
      tryCatch(fitE <- nls(Y ~ 1-pexp(q=T,rate=lambda),start=list(lambda=startlambda))
        ,error=function(e){warning("Non-linear regression unable to fit Exponential curve\n")})

    ESS <- tryCatch(deviance(fitE),error=function(e){return(Inf)})

  metric <- ifelse(weighting,"Weighted Sum of Squares", "Sum of Squares")
    curve <- "Weibull"
    stats <- WSS
  } else if (type=="Lognormal"){
    curve <- "Lognormal"
    stats <- LNSS
  } else if (type=="Exponential"){
    curve <- "Exponential"
    stats <- ESS
  } else if(type=="automatic"){
    curve <- c("Weibull","Lognormal")
    metric <- rep(metric,2)
    stats <- c(WSS,LNSS)
    if(WSS == LNSS && LNSS == Inf)stop("Unable to fit KM curve using any method. More data points probably needed.")
    if(WSS < LNSS){
    } else{

  Fit <- cbind(curve,metric,stats)
  colnames(Fit) <- c("Distribution","Metric","Value")

    if(WSS == Inf)stop("Unable to fit KM curve using specified Weibull method. Try Lognormal; otherwise more data points probably needed.")
  # Extract the Weibull coefficients; note that the variances are unreliable and hence set to NA
    coefs <- coef(summary(fitW))[,1]
    VCov <- rep(NA,3)
    names(coefs) <- c("Alpha","Beta")
    names(VCov) <- c("Alpha_Var","Beta_Var","Covariance")
  }else if(type=="Exponential"){
    if(ESS == Inf)stop("Unable to fit KM curve using specified Exponential method. Try Weibull or Lognormal; otherwise more data points probably needed.")
  # Extract the Exponential coefficients; note that the variances are unreliable and hence set to NA
    coefs <- coef(summary(fitE))[,1]
    VCov <- NA
    names(coefs) <- c("Lambda")
    names(VCov) <- c("Lambda_Var")
  }else if(type=="Lognormal"){
    if(LNSS == Inf)stop("Unable to fit KM curve using specified Lognormal method. Try Weibull; otherwise more data points probably needed.")
  # Extract the Lognormal coefficients; note that the variances are unreliable and hence set to NA
    coefs <- coef(summary(fitLN))[,1]
    VCov <- rep(NA,3)
    names(coefs) <- c("Mu","Sigma")
    names(VCov) <- c("Mu_Var","Sigma_Var","Covariance")
  output <- list(Curvetype=type,Parameters=coefs,VCov=VCov,Fit=Fit)

#'Fit Weibull, Log-Normal or Exponential survival curves to patient-level time-to-event data
#' This is a function to fit Weibull and log-normal curves to patient-level Survival data using maximum likelihood estimation.\cr
#' By default it fits both, then picks the best fit based on the log-likelihood (and implicitly the AIC).\cr
#' Alternatively, just one shape may be fitted, by changing the 'type' argument to either "Weibull" or "Lognormal".
#' This function is primarily used by event_prediction_data function, but also useful for general Survival function curve fitting.\cr
#' One useful aspect of this is for fitting the 'inverse KM', where drop-outs are events, while events and 'time-outs' are censored.
#'    This allows for finding a suitable parameterisation for the censoring curve.\cr
#' Where patient-level data is available, this function will typically perform substantially better than fit_KM, with lower variability of point estimates (and more accurate quantification of it).
#' @param data The dataframe object containing the patient-level survival data
#' @param Time The column name for the times. Default is "Time"
#' @param Event The column name for the events column (i.e. the binary variable denoting events vs censorings). Default is "Event"
#' @param censoringOne Specify whether censoring is denoted in the Event column by a one (TRUE) or zero (FALSE). Default=FALSE (censorings denoted by 0, events by 1)
#' @param type Type of event curve to fit. Default is "Automatic", fitting both Weibull and Log-normal curves.
#'     Alternatively accepts "Weibull" or "Lognormal" to force the type.
#' @param init Vector of starting values for parameter values; useful if survreg experiences convergence issues. Default=NULL (no values specified)
#' @return Returns a 3-item list providing information needed to define a Curve object:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{"Item 1"}{The type of Curve object fitted.}
#'  \item{"Item 2"}{A list of fitted parameters for the curve type.}
#'  \item{"Item 3"}{A vector containing the covariance-matrix parameters for the curve type.}
#'  \item{"Item 4"}{A data frame containing the goodness of fit metrics for each curve type.}
#' }
#' @author James Bell
#' @examples recruit <- PieceR(matrix(c(rep(1,12),10,15,25,30,45,60,55,50,65,60,55,30),ncol=2),1)
#' example_data <- simulate_trials(active_ecurve=Weibull(50,0.8),control_ecurve=Weibull(50,0.8),
#' rcurve=recruit, assess=10,iterations=1,seed=12345,detailed_output=TRUE)
#' fit_tte_data(data=example_data,Time="Time",Event="Censored",censoringOne=TRUE,type="automatic")
#' @export
fit_tte_data <- function(data,Time="Time",Event="Event",censoringOne=FALSE,type=c("automatic","Weibull","Lognormal","Exponential"),init=NULL){
   #Multiple choice
  type <- match.arg(type)

  if(missing(data))stop("Error: Please specify the data using the 'data' argument.")

  #Strings / column names
  if(!is.character(Event))stop("'Event' argument must be a string")
  if(!is.character(Time))stop("'Time' argument must be a string")

  if(!(Time %in% colnames(data)))stop("Error: Specified name of Time column does not exist.")
  if(!(Event %in% colnames(data)))stop("Error: Specified name of Event column does not exist.")

  if(!is.logical(censoringOne))stop("Error: censoringOne argument must be boolean: default=FALSE (0 is censored, 1 is event).")

  if(!is.null(init) && (!is.numeric(init) || min(init < 0)))stop("Error: 'init' argument must be NULL or a vector of positive numbers corresponding to the initiation values for the MLE. This should only be specified if there are numerical convergence issues. default=NULL (automatic starting values used).")

  # T is the time variable
  T <- data[,Time]
  E <- data[,Event]
  if(censoringOne){E <- 1-E}

    fitLN <- survreg(Surv(T,E)~1,dist="lognormal",init=init)
    LNLL <- fitLN$loglik[1]
    fitW <- survreg(Surv(T,E)~1,dist="weibull",init=init)
    WLL <- fitW$loglik[1]
    fitE <- survreg(Surv(T,E)~1,dist="exponential",init=init)
    ELL <- fitE$loglik[1]

  metric <- "Log-Likelihood"
    curve <- "Weibull"
    stats <- WLL
  } else if (type=="Lognormal"){
    curve <- "Lognormal"
    stats <- LNLL
  } else if (type=="Exponential"){
    curve <- "Exponential"
    stats <- ELL
  } else if(type=="automatic"){
    curve <- c("Weibull","Lognormal")
    metric <- rep(metric,2)
    stats <- c(WLL,LNLL)
    if(WLL >= LNLL){
    } else{

  Fit <- cbind(curve,metric,stats)
  colnames(Fit) <- c("Distribution","Metric","Value")

  # Extract the Weibull coefficients
    rawcoefs <- fitW$icoef
    coefs <-c(exp(rawcoefs[1]),1/exp(rawcoefs[2]))
    VCov <- c(fitW$var[1,1]*coefs[1]^2,fitW$var[2,2]*coefs[2]^2,fitW$var[1,2]*-coefs[1]*coefs[2])
    names(coefs) <- c("Alpha","Beta")
    names(VCov) <- c("Alpha_Var","Beta_Var","Covariance")
  }else if(type=="Exponential"){
  # Extract the Exponential coefficients
    rawcoefs <- fitE$icoef
    coefs <- exp(-rawcoefs[1])
    VCov <- fitE$var[1,1]*coefs^2
    names(coefs) <- c("Lambda")
    names(VCov) <- c("Lambda_Var")
  }else if(type=="Lognormal"){
  # Extract the Lognormal coefficients
    rawcoefs <- fitLN$icoef
    coefs <- c(rawcoefs[1],exp(rawcoefs[2]))
    VCov <- c(fitLN$var[1,1],fitLN$var[2,2]*coefs[2]^2,fitLN$var[1,2]*coefs[2])
    names(coefs) <- c("Mu","Sigma")
    names(VCov) <- c("Mu_Var","Sigma_Var","Covariance")
  output <- list(Curvetype=type,Parameters=coefs,VCov=VCov,Fit=Fit)

#'Event prediction using patient-level survival data and a recruitment RCurve
#' This is a function to perform event prediction\cr
#' It uses the fit_KM_tte_data function to perform MLE regression of Weibull and log-normal curves to the provided survival data.\cr
#' It creates an event Curve object from this, and combines it with a recruitment RCurve and an optional dropout(censoring) Curve.\cr
#' Using the same numerical integration approach as nph_curve_trajectories it performs an unconditional event prediction.\cr
#' If a conditioning time and event number (preferably also a number at risk) are provided, a conditional event prediction is also calculated.\cr
#' Analytic standard errors for conditional and unconditional event numbers are provided for the whole trajectory.\cr
#' SEs calculated by propagating parameter estimate errors through the integrals by the delta method and then invoking a beta-binomial distribution.\cr\cr
#' For event prediction, conditional predictions with the Conditional SE of Prediction are most accurate and appropriate.\cr
#' Unconditional predictions should be close to conditional ones but technically relate to predictions if the trial were rerun, rather than this specific instance.
#' Point estimates are usually very close to the unconditional ones, but the prediction intervals are typically much wider than necessary.
#' The conditional and unconditional SEs of fitting relate to the accuracy of the estimated mean event number at a given time, rather than the spread of future observations.
#' The conditional and unconditional SEs of prediction relate to the accuracy of prediction of future observations, and should therefore be used for event prediction.
#' Note that the Prediction SEs are wider than the Fitting SEs as they also take into account the binomial uncertainty of events occurring (beta-binomial model).
#' As of version 1.4.0, the 'CI' argument has been renamed 'PI', and the 'condition' argument has been removed entirely (conditioning automatically occurs if cond_Event specified).
#' @param data The dataframe object containing the patient-level survival data
#' @param Time The column name for the times. Default is "Time"
#' @param Event The column name for the events column (i.e. the binary variable denoting events vs censorings). Default is "Event"
#' @param censoringOne Specify whether censoring is denoted in the Event column by a one (TRUE) or zero (FALSE). Default=FALSE (censorings denoted by 0, events by 1)
#' @param type Type of event curve to fit. Default is "Automatic", fitting both Weibull and Log-normal curves.
#'     Alternatively accepts "Weibull", "Lognormal" or "Exponential" to force the type.
#' @param rcurve Observed and/or expected recruitment distribution as an RCurve object. This should typically be of PieceR type (piecewise linear recruitment).
#' @param max_time Maximum time to predict events up to.
#' @param dcurve Dropout/censoring distribution as a Curve object. This is Blank() by default, i.e. no dropout.
#' @param CI DEPRECATED As of version 1.4.0 this argument has been renamed to 'PI'.
#' @param PI Number between 0 and 1 for the size of prediction interval to calculate. As of 1.4.0 this replaces the 'CI' argument. Default is 0.95 (95 percent prediction interval).
#' @param condition DEPRECATED This argument has been removed as of version 1.4.0. Specifying a value for 'cond_Events' will now enable conditioned predictions.
#' @param cond_Events Number of observed events at the conditioning time to condition on. If NULL, no conditioned event prediction will be performed. Default=NULL (no conditioning).
#'     Note that if the discountHR option is used to predict adjusted event numbers, it would be possible to condition on either observed or adjusted events, but the observed number is required by this function.
#' @param cond_NatRisk Number of patients at risk to condition on. Default=NULL.
#'     By default, the program will estimate the number at risk assuming no censoring. It is highly recommended to specify this if conditioning.
#' @param cond_Time Time, in months, to condition on. A non-negative integer less than max_time is required if conditioning is requested, i.e. cond_Events is non-NULL. Not required otherwise.
#' @param units Units that the KM-curve is specified in. Accepts "Days", "Months". Default="Days". Note: gestate assumes conversion factor of 365.25/12.
#' @param init Vector of starting values for parameter values; useful if survreg experiences convergence issues. Default=NULL (no values specified)
#' @param discountHR Hazard ratio for discounting events e.g. used to predict adjudicated events from unadjudicated data where patients remain 'at risk' after an event is adjudicated not to have occurred.
#'     Values below 1 indicate fewer events will occur than predicted by the curve-fitting.
#'     When a discountHR is user-specified (i.e. not 1), conditioning event numbers need to be specified in terms of observed values, and not adjusted ones.
#'     Note that changing this argument is only allowed if type="Weibull" since log-normal curves are not compatible with proportional hazards.
#'     If patients become not at risk following a failed adjudication (i.e. removed from study), do not use this argument and instead adjust the output event numbers by the required factor.
#'     Default=1 (No discounting for adjudication)
#' @return Returns a list object with the prediction ecurve (after adjustments for unit, discountHR), dcurve, rcurve, required PI, original fitted ecurve parameters (before adjustments)
#'     and a summary table with one row per month up to max_time containing the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{"Assessment_Time"}{Time of assessment.}
#'  \item{"Patients"}{Number of patients recruited by the assessment time.}
#'  \item{"Predicted_Events"}{Number of events unconditionally predicted at the assessment time.}
#'  \item{"SE_Fitting"}{SE of the estimate of the fitted mean. Note that this corresponds to the accuracy of the estimate of the underlying parameter, not future observed event numbers.}
#'  \item{"SE_Prediction"}{SE of event prediction.}
#'  \item{"Prediction_Lower"}{Lower bound of X percent interval of unconditional event prediction, where X is the 'PI' argument. This PI is based on the quantiles of the beta-binomial distribution and so is discrete and asymmetric.}
#'  \item{"Prediction_Upper"}{Upper bound of X percent interval of unconditional event prediction, where X is the 'PI' argument. This PI is based on the quantiles of the beta-binomial distribution and so is discrete and asymmetric.}
#'  \item{"Conditioned_Events"}{Number of events conditionally predicted at the assessment time (Column present only if conditioning specified).}
#'  \item{"Cond_SE_Fitting"}{SE of the estimate of the fitted conditional mean. Note that this corresponds to the accuracy of the estimate of the underlying parameter, not future observed event numbers (Column present only if conditioning specified).}
#'  \item{"Cond_SE_Prediction"}{SE of the conditional event prediction (Column present only if conditioning specified).}
#'  \item{"Cond_Prediction_Lower"}{Lower bound of X percent interval of conditional event prediction, where X is the 'PI' argument. This PI is based on the quantiles of the beta-binomial distribution and so is discrete and asymmetric.}
#'  \item{"Cond_Prediction_Upper"}{Upper bound of X percent interval of conditional event prediction, where X is the 'PI' argument. This PI is based on the quantiles of the beta-binomial distribution and so is discrete and asymmetric.}
#' }
#' @author James Bell
#' @references Bell J, "Are we nearly there yet?" Quantifying uncertainty in event prediction, 2019, presentation at PSI Conference.
#' @examples recruit <- PieceR(matrix(c(rep(1,12),10,15,25,30,45,60,55,50,65,60,55,30),ncol=2),1)
#' trial_short <- simulate_trials(active_ecurve=Weibull(50,0.8),control_ecurve=Weibull(50,0.8),
#' rcurve=recruit, assess=10,iterations=1,seed=12345,detailed_output=TRUE)
#' predictions <- event_prediction(data=trial_short, Event="Censored", censoringOne=TRUE,
#' type="Weibull", rcurve=recruit, max_time=60, cond_Events=49, cond_NatRisk=451,
#' cond_Time=10, units="Months")
#' @export
event_prediction <- function(data, Time="Time", Event="Event", censoringOne=FALSE, type=c("automatic","Exponential","Weibull","Lognormal"), rcurve, max_time=100, dcurve=Blank(), CI=NULL, PI=0.95, condition=NULL, cond_Events=NULL, cond_NatRisk=NULL, cond_Time=NULL, units=c("Days","Months"), init=NULL, discountHR=1){
# Input checks to ensure valid inputs
# Firstly check for missing variables
  if(missing(data))stop("Please supply the name of the event dataset using the 'data' argument")
  if(missing(rcurve))stop("Please specify the recruitment distribution using the 'rcurve' argument. Please note that this should be an RCurve object. For event prediction, this is typically piecewise-linear (using the PieceR function).")
# Secondly, check arguments are all of the correct type
  #Multiple choices
  type <- match.arg(type)
  units <- match.arg(units)

  #Strings / column names
  if(!is.character(Event))stop("'Event' argument must be a string")
  if(!is.character(Time))stop("'Time' argument must be a string")
  if(!(Time %in% colnames(data)))stop("Error: Specified name of Time column does not exist.")
  if(!(Event %in% colnames(data)))stop("Error: Specified name of Event column does not exist.")

  if(class(rcurve)[1]!= "RCurve") stop("Argument 'rcurve' must be an RCurve object in order to define a recruitment distribution. Create one using an RCurve constructor function, e.g. rcurve <- LinearR(rlength=10,Nactive=100,Ncontrol=100)")
  if(class(dcurve)[1]!= "Curve") stop("Argument 'dcurve' must be a Curve object in order to define the censoring curve. By default, no censoring is specified.")

  if(!is.logical(censoringOne))stop("Error: censoringOne argument must be boolean: default=FALSE (0 is censored, 1 is event).")

  if(!is.numeric(max_time) || max_time%%1!=0 || max_time < 1 ) stop("Error: Please specify a positive integer for the maximum time to predict events up to, using the 'max_time' argument")
  if(!is.numeric(discountHR) || discountHR < 0 ) stop("Error: Please specify a positive number for the 'discountHR'. Default = 1 (no discounting)")
  if(!is.numeric(PI) || !(PI > 0) || !(PI < 1)) stop("Error: Please specify a value between 0 and 1 (exclusive) for the prediction interval. Default = 0.95 (95% PI)")
  if(!is.null(CI)) stop("Error: The 'CI' argument has been replaced by 'PI' as of version 1.4.0. Please use this instead.")

  if(!is.null(init) && (!is.numeric(init) || min(init < 0)))stop("Error: 'init' argument must be NULL or a vector of positive numbers corresponding to the initiation values for the MLE. This should only be specified if there are numerical convergence issues. default=NULL (automatic starting values used).")
  if(!(discountHR ==1) && !(type=="Weibull")&& !(type=="Exponential") )stop("Error: 'DiscountHR' may only be set when Weibull or Exponential fitting requested:Discounting of events is only possible for distributions compatible with proportional hazards.")

  if(!is.null(condition)) stop("Error: The 'condition' argument has been removed in version 1.4.0: Conditioning will now automatically be performed if the 'cond_Events' argument is specified.")
  condition <- ifelse(is.null(cond_Events),FALSE,TRUE)
    if(!is.numeric(cond_Events) || cond_Events%%1!=0 || cond_Events < 0 || cond_Events > getN(rcurve))stop("Error: 'cond_Events' argument must be NULL (no conditioning), or a non-negative integer no greater than the number of patients. default=NULL (no conditioning).")
    if(is.null(cond_Time) || !is.numeric(cond_Time) || cond_Time%%1!=0 || cond_Time < 0 || cond_Time >= max_time)stop("Error: When conditioning is requested by the 'cond_Events' argument, the 'cond_Time' argument must be a positive integer smaller than max_time.")
    if(!is.null(cond_NatRisk) && (!is.numeric(cond_NatRisk) || cond_NatRisk%%1!=0 || cond_NatRisk < 0 || cond_NatRisk > getN(rcurve)))stop("Error: When conditioning is requested by the 'cond_Events' argument, the 'cond_NatRisk' argument must be NULL or a positive integer no greater than the number of patients. default=NULL (conditioning on expected number at risk).")
    if(discountHR != 1)message("NOTE: Conditioning has been specified when a discount HR is being applied. Please note that the supplied conditioned event number should correspond to the observed event number (i.e. before discounting) rather than the discounted event number.")

### Warnings and notes

    if(cond_Events == 0){
      message("NOTE: Conditional event prediction with 0 observed events has been specified - please check that this is as intended.\n")
      message("NOTE: No number at risk at the time of conditioning has been specified. The program by default estimates this as the predicted number minus the difference between the observed and predicted events at the time of conditioning. This will be accurate only if the predicted censoring distribution is also accurate. It is strongly recommended to supply the observed number at risk at the time of conditioning.\n")
    if(cond_Time == 0){
      message("NOTE: Conditional event prediction from time 0 has been specified - please check that this is intended.\n")
  if(type == "Exponential"){
    message("NOTE: Fitting of an exponential distribution requested. It is recommended to use fit a Weibull distribution instead.\n")

# Required functions

  qbb2 <- function(p,mu,sigma2,n){
    alpha <- max(0,((1-mu)/sigma2 - 1/mu)*mu^2)
    beta <- alpha*(1/mu - 1)
    range <- 0:n
    x <- cumsum(exp(lbeta(range+alpha, n-range+beta) - lbeta(alpha, beta) + lchoose(n, range)))
    a <- which.max(x > p)
    a <- ifelse(length(a)==0,NA,a)

# Function for finding quantiles of beta-binomial distribution
  qbetabin <- Vectorize(qbb2)

# Function for calculating variance of a beta-binomial distribution
  betabinomialVar <- function(mu,sigma2,n){
    alpha <- ((1-mu)/sigma2 - 1/mu)*mu^2
    beta <- alpha*(1/mu - 1)
    var <- sigma2*n*(alpha+beta+n)

# Set of functions for Weibull event prediction PIs
  Weibull_d_alpha <- function(x,alpha,beta){
    y <- (x/alpha)^beta
    d_alpha <- exp(-y)*y*(y-1)*(beta^2)/(x*alpha)

  Weibull_d_beta <- function(x,alpha,beta){
    y <- (x/alpha)^beta
    d_beta <- (exp(-y)*y/x)*(1+log(y)-y*log(y))

  Weibull_ST_d_alpha <- function(x,alpha,beta){
    y <- (x/alpha)^beta
    CDFd_alpha <- exp(-y)*y*beta/alpha

  Weibull_ST_d_beta <- function(x,alpha,beta){
    y <- (x/alpha)^beta
    CDFd_beta <- -exp(-y)*log(y)*y/beta

# Set of functions for Lognormal event prediction PIs
  LN_d_mu <- function(x,mu,sigma){
    y <- (log(x)-mu)/(sigma*sqrt(2))
    d_mu <- y*exp(-(y^2))/(x*sqrt(pi)*sigma^2)

  LN_d_sigma <- function(x,mu,sigma){
    y <- (log(x)-mu)/(sigma*sqrt(2))
    d_sigma <- (2*y^2-1)*exp(-(y^2))/(x*sqrt(2*pi)*sigma^2)

  LN_ST_d_mu <- function(x,mu,sigma){
    y <- (log(x)-mu)/(sigma*sqrt(2))
    CDFd_mu <- -sqrt(2)*exp(-(y^2))/(sqrt(pi)*sigma)

  LN_ST_d_sigma <- function(x,mu,sigma){
    y <- (log(x)-mu)/(sigma*sqrt(2))
    CDFd_sigma <- -2*y*exp(-(y^2))/(sqrt(pi)*sigma)

# Set of functions for Exponential event prediction PIs
  E_d_lambda <- function(x,lambda){
    d_lambda <- (1-lambda*x)*exp(-lambda*x)

  E_ST_d_lambda <- function(x,lambda){
    CDFd_lambda <- -x*exp(-lambda*x)


  #Fit chosen distribution(s) to patient-level.
  Fitted <- fitted <- fit_tte_data(data=data,Time=Time,Event=Event,censoringOne=censoringOne,type=type,init=init)

    conversion_factor <- 365.25/12
  } else if(units=="Months"){
    conversion_factor <- 1
  } else {
    warning("Unrecognised unit specified for units:",units, "\nPlease specify either \"Days\" or \"Months\".Assuming units of days by default.\n")
    conversion_factor <- 365.25/12
    discount <- discountHR^(1/fitted[[2]][2])
    fitted[[2]][1] <- fitted[[2]][1]/(conversion_factor*discount)
    fitted[[3]][1] <- fitted[[3]][1]/((conversion_factor*discount)^2)
    fitted[[3]][3] <- fitted[[3]][3]/(conversion_factor*discount)
    ecurve <- Weibull(alpha=fitted[[2]][1],beta=fitted[[2]][2])
  } else if(fitted[[1]]=="Exponential") {
    fitted[[2]][1] <- fitted[[2]][1]*(conversion_factor*discountHR)
    fitted[[3]][1] <- fitted[[3]][1]*(conversion_factor*discountHR)^2
    ecurve <- Exponential(lambda=fitted[[2]][1])
  } else if(fitted[[1]]=="Lognormal") {
    if(discountHR !=1){warning("A discount HR for event occurrence has been specified but a log-normal curve has been fitted - no discounting will be applied due to incompatibility.\n")}
    fitted[[2]][1] <- fitted[[2]][1]-log(conversion_factor)
    ecurve <- Lognormal(mu=fitted[[2]][1],sigma=fitted[[2]][2])

  N <- getN(rcurve)

# Self-modifying R code! These 2 statements create the two required functions tailored specifically to the combinations of events, censoring and recruitment
# found within each arm to calculate the events and number at risk. Relatively fast as only needs to do this once per run, and allows code to adapt to all sorts of input.

    "Dfunction <- function(tim,assess){",

# Write function for numbers at risk in the control arm
    "Cfunction <- function(tim,assess){",

# Set up variance integrals

# More self-modifying R code! These statements create the required functions tailored specifically to the combinations of events, censoring and recruitment
# found within each arm to calculate the events and number at risk. Relatively fast as only needs to do this once per run, and allows code to adapt to all sorts of input.

      "Ialphafunction <- function(tim,assess){",

      "Ibetafunction <- function(tim,assess){",

      "IalphaNARfunction <- function(tim,assess){",

      "IbetaNARfunction <- function(tim,assess){",

  } else if(fitted[[1]]=="Exponential") {
      "Ilambdafunction <- function(tim,assess){",

      "IlambdaNARfunction <- function(tim,assess){",

  } else if(fitted[[1]]=="Lognormal") {
      "Ialphafunction <- function(tim,assess){",

      "Ibetafunction <- function(tim,assess){",

      "IalphaNARfunction <- function(tim,assess){",

      "IbetaNARfunction <- function(tim,assess){",

# Set up list to store output, and a 'single line' temporary storage vector
  output_storage <- vector("list", max_time)
  temp_storage <- data.frame(t(rep(NA,7)))
  colnames(temp_storage) <- c(

# One parameter distributions


    Ilambda <- rep(NA,max_time)

    #SE_fitting is the variance associated with the curve fitting only
    for(i in 1:max_time){
      Ilambda[i] <- tryCatch(integrate(Ilambdafunction,lower=0,upper=i,assess=i)$value,error=function(e){return(Inf)})

    for(i in 1:max_time){
      temp_storage$Time <- i
      temp_storage$Patients <- getPatients(rcurve,i)
      temp_storage$Predicted_Events <- integrate(Dfunction,lower=0,upper=i,assess=i)$value
      temp_storage$SE_Fitting <- tryCatch(N*pmin(sqrt(Ilambda[i]^2*fitted[[3]][1]),1/sqrt(12)),error=function(e){return(N/sqrt(12))})
      output_storage[[i]] <- temp_storage
  } else {

# Two parameter distributions
    Ialpha <- rep(NA,max_time)
    Ibeta <- rep(NA,max_time)

    #SE_fitting is the variance associated with the curve fitting only
    for(i in 1:max_time){
      Ialpha[i] <- tryCatch(integrate(Ialphafunction,lower=0,upper=i,assess=i)$value,error=function(e){return(Inf)})
      Ibeta[i]  <- tryCatch(integrate(Ibetafunction ,lower=0,upper=i,assess=i,abs.tol=1e-30)$value,error=function(e){return(Inf)})

    isBetaInf <- is.infinite(Ibeta)
      for(i in c(1:max_time)[isBetaInf]){
        below <- c(1:max_time) < i
        above <- c(1:max_time) > i
        lower <- Ibeta[!isBetaInf & below]
        upper <- Ibeta[!isBetaInf & above]
        if(length(upper)>=1 & length(lower)>=1){
          Ibeta[i] <- max(lower[length(lower)],upper[1])

    for(i in 1:max_time){
      temp_storage$Time <- i
      temp_storage$Patients <- getPatients(rcurve,i)
      temp_storage$Predicted_Events <- integrate(Dfunction,lower=0,upper=i,assess=i)$value
      temp_storage$SE_Fitting <- tryCatch(N*pmin(sqrt(Ialpha[i]^2*fitted[[3]][1]+Ibeta[i]^2*fitted[[3]][2]+2*Ialpha[i]*Ibeta[i]*fitted[[3]][3]),1/sqrt(12)),error=function(e){return(N/sqrt(12))})
      output_storage[[i]] <- temp_storage

  output <- do.call("rbind",output_storage)
  # SE_prediction is the variance of the actually observed event numbers: it includes both the curve fitting error, and the binomial error associated with the random 'sampling'
  # It is based on a beta-binomial model with size corresponding to the number of patients recruited to date
  output[,"SE_Prediction"] <- sqrt(betabinomialVar(mu=output[,"Predicted_Events"]/output[,"Patients"],sigma2=(output[,"SE_Fitting"]/output[,"Patients"])^2,n=output[,"Patients"]))
  output[,"Prediction_Lower"] <- qbetabin(p=(1-PI)/2,mu=output[,"Predicted_Events"]/output[,"Patients"],sigma2=(output[,"SE_Fitting"]/output[,"Patients"])^2,n=output[,"Patients"])
  output[,"Prediction_Upper"] <- pmin(qbetabin(p=1-((1-PI)/2),mu=output[,"Predicted_Events"]/output[,"Patients"],sigma2=(output[,"SE_Fitting"]/output[,"Patients"])^2,n=output[,"Patients"]),output[,"Patients"])

# Perform conditioned event prediction if conditioning required
    if(cond_Time <= 0){
      NatRisk <- N
      est_events_at_condition <- 0
    } else {
      NatRisk <- (N-(integrate(Dfunction,lower=0,upper=cond_Time,assess=cond_Time)$value+integrate(Cfunction,lower=0,upper=cond_Time,assess=cond_Time)$value))
      est_events_at_condition <- integrate(Dfunction,lower=0,upper=cond_Time,assess=cond_Time)$value
    cond_Events_discounted <- max(cond_Events*discountHR,0)
      cond_NatRisk <- NatRisk+est_events_at_condition-cond_Events_discounted
    } else{
      cond_NatRisk <- cond_NatRisk+(1-discountHR)*cond_Events
    atRiskRatio <- cond_NatRisk/NatRisk

# Create conditioning output
    Conditioned_Events <- Cond_SE_Fitting <- Cond_SE_Prediction <- Cond_Prediction_Lower <- Cond_Prediction_Upper <- rep(NA,nrow(output))
    if(cond_Time < 1){
      Conditioned_Events <- output[,"Predicted_Events"]
      Cond_SE_Fitting <- output[,"SE_Fitting"]
      Cond_SE_Prediction <- output[,"SE_Prediction"]
      Cond_Prediction_Lower <- output[,"Prediction_Lower"]
      Cond_Prediction_Upper <- output[,"Prediction_Upper"]
    # Events exactly known at time of conditioning
      Cond_Prediction_Lower[cond_Time] <- Cond_Prediction_Upper[cond_Time] <- Conditioned_Events[cond_Time] <- cond_Events_discounted
      Cond_SE_Fitting[cond_Time] <- Cond_SE_Prediction[cond_Time] <-  0

    # Calculate values at time of conditioning
      Econd <- est_events_at_condition/N
      NARcond <- NatRisk/N
    # Conditioned number of events is observed number + differences in predictions at the time and the conditioning time, multiplied by the at-risk-ratio to reflect the relative number of patients known to be at risk
    # mu is then the proportion of the patients known to be at risk when conditioned that went on to have an event by that time
      Conditioned_Events <- cond_Events_discounted + (output[,"Predicted_Events"]-est_events_at_condition)*atRiskRatio
      if(cond_Time>1){Conditioned_Events[1:(cond_Time-1)] <- NA}
      after_cond <- (cond_Time+1):length(Cond_SE_Fitting)

    # One parameter distributions
        Ilambdacond <- tryCatch(integrate(Ilambdafunction,lower=0,upper=cond_Time,assess=cond_Time)$value,error=function(e){return(Inf)})
        IlambdaNARcond <- -Ilambdacond-tryCatch(integrate(IlambdaNARfunction,lower=0,upper=cond_Time,assess=cond_Time)$value,error=function(e){return(Inf)})
        LAMBDA <- ((Ilambda-Ilambdacond)*NARcond-IlambdaNARcond*(output[,"Predicted_Events"]/N-Econd))/(NARcond)^2
        Cond_SE_Fitting[after_cond] <- cond_NatRisk*sqrt(LAMBDA^2*fitted[[3]][1])[after_cond]
      } else{
    # Two parameter distributions
        Ialphacond <- tryCatch(integrate(Ialphafunction,lower=0,upper=cond_Time,assess=cond_Time)$value,error=function(e){return(Inf)})
        Ibetacond <- tryCatch(integrate(Ibetafunction,lower=0,upper=cond_Time,assess=cond_Time)$value,error=function(e){return(Inf)})
        IalphaNARcond <- -Ialphacond-tryCatch(integrate(IalphaNARfunction,lower=0,upper=cond_Time,assess=cond_Time)$value,error=function(e){return(Inf)})
        IbetaNARcond <- -Ibetacond-tryCatch(integrate(IbetaNARfunction,lower=0,upper=cond_Time,assess=cond_Time)$value,error=function(e){return(-Inf)})
        ALPHA <- ((Ialpha-Ialphacond)*NARcond-IalphaNARcond*(output[,"Predicted_Events"]/N-Econd))/(NARcond)^2
        BETA <- ((Ibeta-Ibetacond)*NARcond-IbetaNARcond*(output[,"Predicted_Events"]/N-Econd))/(NARcond)^2
        Cond_SE_Fitting[after_cond] <- cond_NatRisk*sqrt(ALPHA^2*fitted[[3]][1]+BETA^2*fitted[[3]][2]+2*ALPHA*BETA*fitted[[3]][3])[after_cond]

      mu <- (Conditioned_Events-cond_Events_discounted)/cond_NatRisk
      sigma2 <- (Cond_SE_Fitting/cond_NatRisk)^2
      Cond_SE_Prediction[after_cond] <- sqrt(betabinomialVar(mu=mu,sigma2=sigma2,n=cond_NatRisk))[after_cond]
      Cond_Prediction_Lower[after_cond] <- cond_Events_discounted + qbetabin(p=(1-PI)/2,mu=mu,sigma2=sigma2,n=cond_NatRisk)[after_cond]
      Cond_Prediction_Upper[after_cond] <- cond_Events_discounted + pmin(cond_NatRisk,qbetabin(p=1-((1-PI)/2),mu=mu,sigma2=sigma2,n=cond_NatRisk)[after_cond])
    output <- cbind(output,Conditioned_Events,Cond_SE_Fitting,Cond_SE_Prediction,Cond_Prediction_Lower,Cond_Prediction_Upper)
    output[,"Conditioned_Events"] <- round(output[,"Conditioned_Events"],3)
    output[,"Cond_SE_Fitting"] <- round(output[,"Cond_SE_Fitting"],4)
    output[,"Cond_SE_Prediction"] <- round(output[,"Cond_SE_Prediction"],4)

  output[,"Predicted_Events"] <- round(output[,"Predicted_Events"],3)
  output[,"SE_Fitting"] <- round(output[,"SE_Fitting"],4)
  output[,"SE_Prediction"] <- round(output[,"SE_Prediction"],4)

  outputlist <- list(ecurve=ecurve,dcurve=dcurve,rcurve=rcurve,PI=PI,Fitted=Fitted,Summary=output)
  # Return condensed trajectory output

#'Create an arbitrary prior data set from a specified Curve object
#' This is a function to create a patient-level prior data set from a specified Curve.\cr
#' It can be used to create a prior data set where only summary parameters are known.
#' It requires a 'curve' object containing the desired distribution, the 'time' over which events occur and the number of 'events'.
#' Designed to be used in conjunction with event prediction methods.
#' Note that the output has no noise, so that when the output is used for curve-fitting it may result in over-precision.
#' Note also that when a low number of events is specified, the data may drift slightly from the desired parameters.
#' To minimise this effect, it may better to derive the prior data set using a different distribution to the one later used for fitting or specifying down-weighting.
#' @param curve Curve object with the desired prior distribution
#' @param duration The positive number for the time over which events should occur. This controls data maturity.
#'        When used as a prior, the longer the time, the more information is provided.
#' @param events The positive integer for the number of events that should occur. The more events, the more information contained when used as a prior.
#' @param Time The output column name for the times. Default is "Time"
#' @param Event The output column name for the events column (i.e. the binary variable denoting events vs censorings). Default is "Event"
#' @param censoringOne Specify whether output censoring is denoted in the Event column by a one (TRUE) or zero (FALSE). Default=FALSE (censorings denoted by 0, events by 1)
#' @return A two-column data frame containing times in the first column and an event/censoring indicator in the second.
#' @author James Bell
#' @examples example_prior <- create_tte_prior(curve=Weibull(100,0.8),duration=20,events=50)
#' @export
create_tte_prior <- function(curve,duration,events,Time="Time",Event="Event",censoringOne=FALSE){
  if(class(curve)[1]!= "Curve") stop("Argument 'curve' must be a Curve object in order to define the prior distribution.")
  if(curve@inverse=="NULL")stop("The specified Curve type (",getType(curve),") is not supported by create_tte_prior: No inverse-CDF function available")

  if(length(duration) > 1 || !is.numeric(duration) || !(duration > 0))stop("Error: 'duration' argument must be a single number > 0.")
  if(length(events) > 1 || !is.numeric(events) || events%%1!=0 || events < 1)stop("Error: 'events' argument must be a positive integer.")
  if(!is.character(Event))stop("'Event' argument must be a string")
  if(!is.character(Time))stop("'Time' argument must be a string")
  if(!is.logical(censoringOne))stop("Error: censoringOne argument must be boolean: default=FALSE (0 is censored, 1 is event).")

  target <- evaluateCDFfunction(curve,duration)
  total <- ceiling(events/target)
  values <- (1:events)/total
  times <- evaluateInvfunction(curve,values)
  times <- times-0.5*diff(c(0,times))
  censorings <- rep(ceiling(max(times)),ceiling(total-events))
  indicators <- c(rep(1-censoringOne,length(times)),rep(1*censoringOne,length(censorings)))
  output <- cbind(c(times,censorings),indicators)
  colnames(output) <- c(Time,Event)

#'Fit Weibull survival curves to patient-level time-to-event data by including patient-level weighted prior data
#' This is a function to fit Weibull curves to patient-level Survival data integrating (weighted) prior data.\cr
#' Where relevant prior data is available, this function can increase the precision of curve fitting, particularly in cases where there is low data maturity.\cr
#' This function is primarily used by the event_prediction_prior function, but also useful for Weibull curve fitting across two patient-level data sets.\cr
#' If a patient-level prior data set is not available, use the create_tte_prior function to create an artificial one from a distribution.
#' Note that this may cause a small amount of over-precision; this may be minimised by deriving the prior data using a different distribution or specifying down-weighting.\cr
#' @param data The dataframe object containing the patient-level survival data
#' @param Time The column name for the times. Default is "Time"
#' @param Event The column name for the events column (i.e. the binary variable denoting events vs censorings). Default is "Event"
#' @param censoringOne Specify whether censoring is denoted in the Event column by a one (TRUE) or zero (FALSE). Default=FALSE (censorings denoted by 0, events by 1)
#' @param type Type of event curve to fit. Default is "Weibull", the only type currently accepted
#' @param priordata The dataframe object containing a patient-level prior dataset.
#'     Where a patient-level prior data set is not readily available, the function create_tte_prior can be used to create one from summary parameters.
#'     Naming and format of time and event columns should match that of 'data'. Default=NULL (no prior data)
#' @param priorTime The column name for the prior times. Default is the same value as Time
#' @param priorEvent The column name for the prior events (i.e. the binary variable denoting events vs censorings). Default is the same value as Event
#' @param priorcensoringOne Specify whether censoring is denoted in the prior Event column by a one (TRUE) or zero (FALSE). Default is the same as censoringOne
#' @param priorweight The weight to assign the prior data; a non-negative number, where 0 corresponds to no weight, i.e. ignore prior data, and 1 corresponds to equal
#'     weighting of prior and observed data.
#'     The prior weight should typically not be greater than 1. Default=1 (prior patients weighted equivalently to observed data)
#' @param init Vector of starting values for parameter values; useful if survreg experiences convergence issues. Default=NULL (no values specified)
#' @return Returns a 3-item list providing information needed to define a Curve object:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{"Item 1"}{The type of Curve object fitted.}
#'  \item{"Item 2"}{A list of fitted parameters for the curve type.}
#'  \item{"Item 3"}{A vector containing the covariance-matrix parameters for the curve type.}
#'  \item{"Item 4"}{A data frame containing the goodness of fit metrics for each curve type.}
#' }
#' @author James Bell
#' @references Bell J, unpublished work.
#' D Fink, A Compendium of Conjugate Priors, 1997
#' @examples recruit <- PieceR(matrix(c(rep(1,12),10,15,25,30,45,60,55,50,65,60,55,30),ncol=2),1)
#' example_data <- simulate_trials(active_ecurve=Weibull(50,0.8),control_ecurve=Weibull(50,0.8),
#' rcurve=recruit, assess=10,iterations=1,seed=12345,detailed_output=TRUE,Event="Event",
#' censoringOne=FALSE)
#' example_prior <- create_tte_prior(curve=Weibull(alpha=100,beta=0.8),duration=20,events=50)
#' fit_tte_data_prior(data=example_data,priordata=example_prior,priorweight=0.5)
#' @export
fit_tte_data_prior <- function(data,Time="Time",Event="Event",censoringOne=FALSE,type=c("Weibull"),priordata,priorTime=Time,priorEvent=Event,priorcensoringOne=censoringOne,priorweight=1,init=NULL){
  #Multiple choice
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if(missing(data))stop("Error: Please specify the data using the 'data' argument.")
  if(missing(priordata))stop("Error: Please specify the prior data using the 'priordata' argument. If no prior data is available, create a prior data set using the 'create_tte_prior' function.")

  #Strings / column names
  if(!is.character(Event))stop("'Event' argument must be a string")
  if(!is.character(Time))stop("'Time' argument must be a string")
  if(!is.character(priorEvent))stop("'priorEvent' argument must be a string")
  if(!is.character(priorTime))stop("'priorTime' argument must be a string")

  if(!(Time %in% colnames(data)))stop("Error: Specified name of Time column does not exist in the data set.")
  if(!(Event %in% colnames(data)))stop("Error: Specified name of Event column does not exist in the data set.")
  if(!(priorTime %in% colnames(priordata)))stop("Error: Specified name of priorTime column does not exist in the prior data set.")
  if(!(priorEvent %in% colnames(priordata)))stop("Error: Specified name of priorEvent column does not exist in the prior data set.")

  if(!is.logical(censoringOne))stop("Error: censoringOne argument must be boolean: default=FALSE (0 is censored, 1 is event).")
  if(!is.logical(priorcensoringOne))stop("Error: priorcensoringOne argument must be boolean: default=censoringOne value.")

  if(!is.null(init) && (!is.numeric(init) || min(init < 0)))stop("Error: 'init' argument must be NULL or a vector of two positive numbers corresponding to the initiation values for the MLE. This should only be specified if there are numerical convergence issues. default=NULL (automatic starting values used).")
  if(length(priorweight) > 1 || !is.numeric(priorweight) || priorweight < 0)stop("Error: 'priorweight' argument must be a single number >= 0.")

  #Required functions
  fit_prior_weibull <- function(data,priordata,Time="Time",Event="Event",censoringOne=FALSE,priorTime=Time,priorEvent=Event,priorcensoringOne=censoringOne,priorweight=1,init=NULL){

  # Required subfunctions
    fit_function <- function(pars=c(1,1),times,censortimes=0,priortimes=1,priorcensortimes,weight){
      alpha <- pars[1]
      beta  <- pars[2]
      n <- length(times)+length(priortimes)*weight
      sigmalogx <- sum(log(times),log(priortimes)*weight)
      blob <- sum(times^beta,censortimes^beta,(priortimes^beta)*weight,(priorcensortimes^beta)*weight)/(alpha^beta)
      return(-1*(n*log(beta) - beta*n*log(alpha) + beta*sigmalogx - blob))

    covm <- function(alphahat,betahat,times,censortimes,priortimes=1,priorcensortimes=NULL,weight){
      n <- length(times) + length(priortimes)*weight
      obsT <- c(times,censortimes)
      priorT <- c(priortimes,priorcensortimes)

      sigmaxbeta      <- sum(obsT^betahat,             priorT^betahat*weight)
      sigmaxbetalogx  <- sum(obsT^betahat*log(obsT),   priorT^betahat*log(priorT)*weight)
      sigmaxbetalog2x <- sum(obsT^betahat*log(obsT)^2, priorT^betahat*log(priorT)^2*weight)

      alpha2 <- betahat*n/alphahat^2 - betahat*(betahat+1)*sigmaxbeta/alphahat^(betahat+2)
      beta2 <- -n/betahat^2 - (sigmaxbeta*log(alphahat)^2 - 2*sigmaxbetalogx*log(alphahat) + sigmaxbetalog2x)/alphahat^betahat
      betaalpha <- -n/alphahat + (sigmaxbeta+betahat*sigmaxbetalogx-betahat*sigmaxbeta*log(alphahat))/alphahat^(betahat+1)

      Fisher <- -matrix(c(alpha2,betaalpha,betaalpha,beta2),nrow=2)
      vcov <- solve(Fisher)

    data_events <- data[data[,Event]==(1-censoringOne),Time]
    prior_events <- priordata[priordata[,priorEvent]==(1-priorcensoringOne),priorTime]
    data_censorings <- data[data[,Event]==censoringOne,Time]
    prior_censorings <- priordata[priordata[,priorEvent]==priorcensoringOne,priorTime]

    start <- init
    start <- if(is.null(start)){c(max(data_events),1)}

    #The run code to find the estimates and covariance
    pars <- optim(start,fit_function,times=data_events,censortimes=data_censorings,priortimes=prior_events,priorcensortimes=prior_censorings,weight=priorweight,method="L-BFGS-B",lower=c(0.0001,0.0001))$par
    vcov <- covm(pars[1],pars[2],data_events,data_censorings,prior_events,prior_censorings,weight=priorweight)


  # T is the time variable
  T <- data[,Time]
  E <- data[,Event]
  if(censoringOne){E <- 1-E}

    fitW <- fit_prior_weibull(data,priordata,Time=Time,Event=Event,censoringOne=censoringOne,priorweight=priorweight,init=init)
    WLL <- NA

  metric <- "Prior"
    curve <- "Weibull"
    stats <- WLL

  Fit <- cbind(curve,metric,stats)
  colnames(Fit) <- c("Distribution","Metric","Value")

  # Extract the Weibull coefficients
    coefs <- fitW$icoef
    VCov  <- c(fitW$var[1,1],fitW$var[2,2],fitW$var[1,2])
    names(coefs) <- c("Alpha","Beta")
    names(VCov)  <- c("Alpha_Var","Beta_Var","Covariance")

  output <- list(Curvetype=type,Parameters=coefs,VCov=VCov,Fit=Fit)

#'Event prediction using patient-level survival data, prior data and a recruitment RCurve
#' This performs event prediction with a Weibull distribution integrating (weighted) prior data .\cr
#' Where relevant prior data is available, this function can increase the precision of curve fitting, particularly in cases where there is low data maturity.\cr
#' This function uses the fit_tte_data_prior function to fit a Weibull distribution to the provided survival data by including weighted prior patient-level data.\cr
#' An event Curve object is created, which is then used in the same way as that from the frequentist approach in event_prediction.\cr
#' It consequently operates very similarly to event_prediction in terms of inputs, outputs and methods. Consult its documentation for aspects unrelated to the prior approach.\cr
#' If a patient-level prior data set is not available, use the create_tte_prior function to create an artificial one from a distribution.
#' Note that this may cause a small amount of over-precision; this may be minimised by deriving the prior data using a different distribution or specifying down-weighting.\cr
#' Prior data can be down-weighted using the priorweight variable. Some degree of down-weighting is generally recommended to reflect differences with prior trials.\cr
#' Column names and the censoring parity in the prior data set are by default the same as those specified for the main data set, but may be manually changed to be different.\cr
#' @param data The dataframe object containing the patient-level survival data
#' @param Time The column name for the times in the 'data' set. Default is "Time"
#' @param Event The column name for the events column (i.e. the binary variable denoting events vs censorings) in the 'data' set. Default is "Event"
#' @param censoringOne Specify whether in the 'data' set censoring is denoted by a one (TRUE) or zero (FALSE). Default=FALSE (censorings denoted by 0, events by 1)
#' @param priordata The dataframe object containing the patient-level survival data for the prior
#' @param priorTime The column name for the times in the 'priordata' set. Default= Value specified for Time
#' @param priorEvent The column name for the events column (i.e. the binary variable denoting events vs censorings) in the 'priordata' set. Default= Value specified for Event
#' @param priorcensoringOne Specify whether in the 'priordata' set censoring is denoted by a one (TRUE) or zero (FALSE). Default= Value specified for censoringOne
#' @param priorweight The weight that should be allocated to each patient's data in the prior data, typically between 0 and 1. 0 implies prior data is ignored, 1 that prior patient data is given full weight, i.e. prior patients are exchangeable with observed patients. Default = 1
#' @param type Type of event curve to fit. Default is "Automatic", fitting both Weibull and Log-normal curves.
#'     Alternatively accepts "Weibull", "Lognormal" or "Exponential" to force the type.
#' @param rcurve Observed and/or expected recruitment distribution as an RCurve object. This should typically be of PieceR type (piecewise linear recruitment).
#' @param max_time Maximum time to predict events up to.
#' @param dcurve Dropout/censoring distribution as a Curve object. This is Blank() by default, i.e. no dropout.
#' @param CI DEPRECATED As of version 1.4.0 this argument has been renamed to 'PI'.
#' @param PI Number between 0 and 1 for the size of prediction interval to calculate. As of 1.4.0 this replaces the 'CI' argument. Default is 0.95 (95 percent prediction interval).
#' @param condition DEPRECATED This argument has been removed as of version 1.4.0. Specifying a value for 'cond_Events' will now enable conditioned predictions.
#' @param cond_Events Number of observed events at the conditioning time to condition on. If NULL, no conditioned event prediction will be performed. Default=NULL (no conditioning).
#'     Note that if the discountHR option is used to predict adjusted event numbers, it would be possible to condition on either observed or adjusted events, but the observed number is required by this function.
#' @param cond_NatRisk Number of patients at risk to condition on. Default=NULL.
#'     By default, the program will estimate the number at risk assuming no censoring. It is highly recommended to specify this if conditioning.
#' @param cond_Time Time, in months, to condition on. A non-negative integer less than max_time is required if conditioning is requested, i.e. cond_Events is non-NULL. Not required otherwise.
#' @param units Units that the KM-curve is specified in. Accepts "Days", "Months". Default="Days".
#' @param init Vector of starting values for parameter values; useful if survreg experiences convergence issues. Default=NULL (no values specified)
#' @param discountHR Hazard ratio for discounting events e.g. used to predict adjudicated events from unadjudicated data where patients remain 'at risk' after an event is adjudicated not to have occurred.
#'     Values below 1 indicate fewer events will occur than predicted by the curve-fitting.
#'     When a discountHR is user-specified (i.e. not 1), conditioning event numbers need to be specified in terms of observed values, and not adjusted ones.
#'     Note that changing this argument is only allowed if type="Weibull" since log-normal curves are not compatible with proportional hazards.
#'     If patients become not at risk following a failed adjudication (i.e. removed from study), do not use this argument and instead adjust the output event numbers by the required factor.
#'     Default=1 (No discounting for adjudication)
#' @return Returns a list object with the prediction ecurve (after adjustments for unit, discountHR), dcurve, rcurve, required PI, original fitted ecurve parameters (before adjustments)
#'     and a summary table with one row per month up to max_time containing the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{"Assessment_Time"}{Time of assessment.}
#'  \item{"Patients"}{Number of patients recruited by the assessment time.}
#'  \item{"Predicted_Events"}{Number of events unconditionally predicted at the assessment time.}
#'  \item{"SE_Fitting"}{SE of the estimate of the fitted mean. Note that this corresponds to the accuracy of the estimate of the underlying parameter, not future observed event numbers.}
#'  \item{"SE_Prediction"}{SE of event prediction.}
#'  \item{"Prediction_Lower"}{Lower bound of X percent interval of unconditional event prediction, where X is the 'PI' argument. This PI is based on the quantiles of the beta-binomial distribution and so is discrete and asymmetric.}
#'  \item{"Prediction_Upper"}{Upper bound of X percent interval of unconditional event prediction, where X is the 'PI' argument. This PI is based on the quantiles of the beta-binomial distribution and so is discrete and asymmetric.}
#'  \item{"Conditioned_Events"}{Number of events conditionally predicted at the assessment time (Column present only if conditioning specified).}
#'  \item{"Cond_SE_Fitting"}{SE of the estimate of the fitted conditional mean. Note that this corresponds to the accuracy of the estimate of the underlying parameter, not future observed event numbers (Column present only if conditioning specified).}
#'  \item{"Cond_SE_Prediction"}{SE of the conditional event prediction (Column present only if conditioning specified).}
#'  \item{"Cond_Prediction_Lower"}{Lower bound of X percent interval of conditional event prediction, where X is the 'PI' argument. This PI is based on the quantiles of the beta-binomial distribution and so is discrete and asymmetric.}
#'  \item{"Cond_Prediction_Upper"}{Upper bound of X percent interval of conditional event prediction, where X is the 'PI' argument. This PI is based on the quantiles of the beta-binomial distribution and so is discrete and asymmetric.}
#' }
#' @author James Bell
#' @references Bell J, unpublished work.
#' @examples recruit <- PieceR(matrix(c(rep(1,12),10,15,25,30,45,60,55,50,65,60,55,30),ncol=2),1)
#' trial_short <- simulate_trials(active_ecurve=Weibull(50,0.8),control_ecurve=Weibull(50,0.8),
#' rcurve=recruit, assess=10,iterations=1,seed=12345,detailed_output=TRUE,Event="Event",
#' censoringOne=FALSE)
#' example_prior <- create_tte_prior(curve=Weibull(alpha=100,beta=0.8),duration=20,events=50)
#' predictions <- event_prediction_prior(data=trial_short, priordata=example_prior,
#' type="Weibull", rcurve=recruit, max_time=60, cond_Events=49, cond_NatRisk=451,
#' cond_Time=10, units="Months")
#' @export
event_prediction_prior <- function(data, Time="Time", Event="Event", censoringOne=FALSE, priordata, priorTime=Time, priorEvent=Event, priorcensoringOne=censoringOne, priorweight=1, type=c("Weibull"), rcurve, max_time=100, dcurve=Blank(), CI=NULL, PI=0.95, condition=NULL, cond_Events=NULL, cond_NatRisk=NULL, cond_Time=NULL, units=c("Days","Months"), init=NULL, discountHR=1){

# Input checks to ensure valid inputs
# Firstly check for missing variables
  if(missing(data))stop("Please supply the name of the event dataset using the 'data' argument")
  if(missing(rcurve))stop("Please specify the recruitment distribution using the 'rcurve' argument. Please note that this should be an RCurve object. For event prediction, this is typically piecewise-linear (using the PieceR function).")

# Secondly, check arguments are all of the correct type
  #Multiple choices
  type <- match.arg(type)
  units <- match.arg(units)

  #Strings / column names
  if(!is.character(Event))stop("'Event' argument must be a string")
  if(!is.character(Time))stop("'Time' argument must be a string")
  if(!is.character(priorEvent))stop("'priorEvent' argument must be a string")
  if(!is.character(priorTime))stop("'priorTime' argument must be a string")

  if(!(Time %in% colnames(data)))stop("Error: Specified name of Time column does not exist.")
  if(!(Event %in% colnames(data)))stop("Error: Specified name of Event column does not exist.")
  if(!(priorTime %in% colnames(priordata)))stop("Error: Specified name of priorTime column does not exist in prior data.")
  if(!(priorEvent %in% colnames(priordata)))stop("Error: Specified name of priorEvent column does not exist in prior data.")

  if(class(rcurve)[1]!= "RCurve") stop("Argument 'rcurve' must be an RCurve object in order to define a recruitment distribution. Create one using an RCurve constructor function, e.g. rcurve <- LinearR(rlength=10,Nactive=100,Ncontrol=100)")
  if(class(dcurve)[1]!= "Curve") stop("Argument 'dcurve' must be a Curve object in order to define the censoring curve. By default, no censoring is specified.")

  if(!is.logical(censoringOne))stop("Error: censoringOne argument must be boolean: default=FALSE (0 is censored, 1 is event).")
  if(!is.logical(priorcensoringOne))stop("Error: priorcensoringOne argument must be boolean: default=censoringOne value.")

  if(!is.numeric(max_time) || max_time%%1!=0 || max_time < 1 ) stop("Error: Please specify a positive integer for the maximum time to predict events up to, using the 'max_time' argument")
  if(!is.numeric(discountHR) || discountHR < 0 ) stop("Error: Please specify a positive number for the 'discountHR'. Default = 1 (no discounting)")
  if(!is.numeric(PI) || !(PI > 0) || !(PI < 1)) stop("Error: Please specify a value between 0 and 1 (exclusive) for the prediction interval. Default = 0.95 (95% PI)")
  if(!is.null(CI)) stop("Error: The 'CI' argument has been replaced by 'PI' as of version 1.4.0. Please use this instead.")
  if(length(priorweight) > 1 || !is.numeric(priorweight) || priorweight < 0)stop("Error: 'priorweight' argument must be a single number >= 0.")

  if(!is.null(init) && (!is.numeric(init) || min(init < 0)))stop("Error: 'init' argument must be NULL or a vector of positive numbers corresponding to the initiation values for the MLE. This should only be specified if there are numerical convergence issues. default=NULL (automatic starting values used).")
  if(!(discountHR ==1) && !(type=="Weibull")&& !(type=="Exponential") )stop("Error: 'DiscountHR' may only be set when Weibull or Exponential fitting requested:Discounting of events is only possible for distributions compatible with proportional hazards.")

  if(!is.null(condition)) stop("Error: The 'condition' argument has been removed in version 1.4.0: Conditioning will now automatically be performed if the 'cond_Events' argument is specified.")
  condition <- ifelse(is.null(cond_Events),FALSE,TRUE)
    if(!is.numeric(cond_Events) || cond_Events%%1!=0 || cond_Events < 0 || cond_Events > getN(rcurve))stop("Error: 'cond_Events' argument must be NULL (no conditioning), or a non-negative integer no greater than the number of patients. default=NULL (no conditioning).")
    if(is.null(cond_Time) || !is.numeric(cond_Time) || cond_Time%%1!=0 || cond_Time < 0 || cond_Time >= max_time)stop("Error: When conditioning is requested by the 'cond_Events' argument, the 'cond_Time' argument must be a positive integer smaller than max_time.")
    if(!is.null(cond_NatRisk) && (!is.numeric(cond_NatRisk) || cond_NatRisk%%1!=0 || cond_NatRisk < 0 || cond_NatRisk > getN(rcurve)))stop("Error: When conditioning is requested by the 'cond_Events' argument, the 'cond_NatRisk' argument must be NULL or a positive integer no greater than the number of patients. default=NULL (conditioning on expected number at risk).")
    if(discountHR != 1)message("NOTE: Conditioning has been specified when a discount HR is being applied. Please note that the supplied conditioned event number should correspond to the observed event number (i.e. before discounting) rather than the discounted event number.")

### Warnings and notes

    if(cond_Events == 0){
      message("NOTE: Conditional event prediction with 0 observed events has been specified - please check that this is as intended.\n")
      message("NOTE: No number at risk at the time of conditioning has been specified. The program by default estimates this as the predicted number minus the difference between the observed and predicted events at the time of conditioning. This will be accurate only if the predicted censoring distribution is also accurate. It is strongly recommended to supply the observed number at risk at the time of conditioning.\n")
    if(cond_Time == 0){
      message("NOTE: Conditional event prediction from time 0 has been specified - please check that this is as intended.\n")
  if(type == "Exponential"){
    message("NOTE: Fitting of an exponential distribution requested. It is recommended to use fit a Weibull distribution instead.\n")

# Required functions

  qbb2 <- function(p,mu,sigma2,n){
    alpha <- max(0,((1-mu)/sigma2 - 1/mu)*mu^2)
    beta <- alpha*(1/mu - 1)
    range <- 0:n
    x <- cumsum(exp(lbeta(range+alpha, n-range+beta) - lbeta(alpha, beta) + lchoose(n, range)))
    a <- which.max(x > p)
    a <- ifelse(length(a)==0,NA,a)

# Function for finding quantiles of beta-binomial distribution
  qbetabin <- Vectorize(qbb2)

# Function for calculating variance of a beta-binomial distribution
  betabinomialVar <- function(mu,sigma2,n){
    alpha <- ((1-mu)/sigma2 - 1/mu)*mu^2
    beta <- alpha*(1/mu - 1)
    var <- sigma2*n*(alpha+beta+n)

# Set of functions for Weibull event prediction PIs
  Weibull_d_alpha <- function(x,alpha,beta){
    y <- (x/alpha)^beta
    d_alpha <- exp(-y)*y*(y-1)*(beta^2)/(x*alpha)

  Weibull_d_beta <- function(x,alpha,beta){
    y <- (x/alpha)^beta
    d_beta <- (exp(-y)*y/x)*(1+log(y)-y*log(y))

  Weibull_ST_d_alpha <- function(x,alpha,beta){
    y <- (x/alpha)^beta
    CDFd_alpha <- exp(-y)*y*beta/alpha

  Weibull_ST_d_beta <- function(x,alpha,beta){
    y <- (x/alpha)^beta
    CDFd_beta <- -exp(-y)*log(y)*y/beta

# Set of functions for Lognormal event prediction PIs
  LN_d_mu <- function(x,mu,sigma){
    y <- (log(x)-mu)/(sigma*sqrt(2))
    d_mu <- y*exp(-(y^2))/(x*sqrt(pi)*sigma^2)

  LN_d_sigma <- function(x,mu,sigma){
    y <- (log(x)-mu)/(sigma*sqrt(2))
    d_sigma <- (2*y^2-1)*exp(-(y^2))/(x*sqrt(2*pi)*sigma^2)

  LN_ST_d_mu <- function(x,mu,sigma){
    y <- (log(x)-mu)/(sigma*sqrt(2))
    CDFd_mu <- -sqrt(2)*exp(-(y^2))/(sqrt(pi)*sigma)

  LN_ST_d_sigma <- function(x,mu,sigma){
    y <- (log(x)-mu)/(sigma*sqrt(2))
    CDFd_sigma <- -2*y*exp(-(y^2))/(sqrt(pi)*sigma)

# Set of functions for Exponential event prediction PIs
  E_d_lambda <- function(x,lambda){
    d_lambda <- (1-lambda*x)*exp(-lambda*x)

  E_ST_d_lambda <- function(x,lambda){
    CDFd_lambda <- -x*exp(-lambda*x)


  #Fit chosen distribution(s) to patient-level.
  Fitted <- fitted <- fit_tte_data_prior(data=data,Time=Time,Event=Event,censoringOne=censoringOne,type=type,priordata=priordata,priorTime=priorTime,priorEvent=priorEvent,priorcensoringOne=priorcensoringOne,priorweight=priorweight,init=init)

    conversion_factor <- 365.25/12
  } else if(units=="Months"){
    conversion_factor <- 1
  } else {
    warning("Unrecognised unit specified for units:",units, "\nPlease specify either \"Days\" or \"Months\".Assuming units of days by default.\n")
    conversion_factor <- 365.25/12
    discount <- discountHR^(1/fitted[[2]][2])
    fitted[[2]][1] <- fitted[[2]][1]/(conversion_factor*discount)
    fitted[[3]][1] <- fitted[[3]][1]/((conversion_factor*discount)^2)
    fitted[[3]][3] <- fitted[[3]][3]/(conversion_factor*discount)
    ecurve <- Weibull(alpha=fitted[[2]][1],beta=fitted[[2]][2])
  } else if(fitted[[1]]=="Exponential") {
    fitted[[2]][1] <- fitted[[2]][1]*conversion_factor*discountHR
    ecurve <- Exponential(lambda=fitted[[2]][1])
  } else if(fitted[[1]]=="Lognormal") {
    if(discountHR !=1){warning("A discount HR for event occurrence has been specified but a log-normal curve has been fitted - no discounting will be applied due to incompatibility.\n")}
    fitted[[2]][1] <- fitted[[2]][1]-log(conversion_factor)
    ecurve <- Lognormal(mu=fitted[[2]][1],sigma=fitted[[2]][2])

  N <- getN(rcurve)

# Self-modifying R code! These 2 statements create the two required functions tailored specifically to the combinations of events, censoring and recruitment
# found within each arm to calculate the events and number at risk. Relatively fast as only needs to do this once per run, and allows code to adapt to all sorts of input.

    "Dfunction <- function(tim,assess){",

# Write function for numbers at risk in the control arm
    "Cfunction <- function(tim,assess){",

# Set up variance integrals

# More self-modifying R code! These statements create the required functions tailored specifically to the combinations of events, censoring and recruitment
# found within each arm to calculate the events and number at risk. Relatively fast as only needs to do this once per run, and allows code to adapt to all sorts of input.

      "Ialphafunction <- function(tim,assess){",

      "Ibetafunction <- function(tim,assess){",

      "IalphaNARfunction <- function(tim,assess){",

      "IbetaNARfunction <- function(tim,assess){",

  } else if(fitted[[1]]=="Exponential") {
      "Ilambdafunction <- function(tim,assess){",

      "IlambdaNARfunction <- function(tim,assess){",

  } else if(fitted[[1]]=="Lognormal") {
      "Ialphafunction <- function(tim,assess){",

      "Ibetafunction <- function(tim,assess){",

      "IalphaNARfunction <- function(tim,assess){",

      "IbetaNARfunction <- function(tim,assess){",

# Set up list to store output, and a 'single line' temporary storage vector
  output_storage <- vector("list", max_time)
  temp_storage <- data.frame(t(rep(NA,7)))
  colnames(temp_storage) <- c(

# One parameter distributions


    Ilambda <- rep(NA,max_time)

    #SE_fitting is the variance associated with the curve fitting only
    for(i in 1:max_time){
      Ilambda[i] <- tryCatch(integrate(Ilambdafunction,lower=0,upper=i,assess=i)$value,error=function(e){return(Inf)})

    for(i in 1:max_time){
      temp_storage$Time <- i
      temp_storage$Patients <- getPatients(rcurve,i)
      temp_storage$Predicted_Events <- integrate(Dfunction,lower=0,upper=i,assess=i)$value
      temp_storage$SE_Fitting <- tryCatch(N*pmin(sqrt(Ilambda[i]^2*fitted[[3]][1]),1/sqrt(12)),error=function(e){return(N/sqrt(12))})
      output_storage[[i]] <- temp_storage
  } else {

# Two parameter distributions
    Ialpha <- rep(NA,max_time)
    Ibeta <- rep(NA,max_time)

    #SE_fitting is the variance associated with the curve fitting only
    for(i in 1:max_time){
      Ialpha[i] <- tryCatch(integrate(Ialphafunction,lower=0,upper=i,assess=i)$value,error=function(e){return(Inf)})
      Ibeta[i]  <- tryCatch(integrate(Ibetafunction ,lower=0,upper=i,assess=i,abs.tol=1e-30)$value,error=function(e){return(Inf)})

    isBetaInf <- is.infinite(Ibeta)
      for(i in c(1:max_time)[isBetaInf]){
        below <- c(1:max_time) < i
        above <- c(1:max_time) > i
        lower <- Ibeta[!isBetaInf & below]
        upper <- Ibeta[!isBetaInf & above]
        if(length(upper)>=1 & length(lower)>=1){
          Ibeta[i] <- max(lower[length(lower)],upper[1])

    for(i in 1:max_time){
      temp_storage$Time <- i
      temp_storage$Patients <- getPatients(rcurve,i)
      temp_storage$Predicted_Events <- integrate(Dfunction,lower=0,upper=i,assess=i)$value
      temp_storage$SE_Fitting <- tryCatch(N*pmin(sqrt(Ialpha[i]^2*fitted[[3]][1]+Ibeta[i]^2*fitted[[3]][2]+2*Ialpha[i]*Ibeta[i]*fitted[[3]][3]),1/sqrt(12)),error=function(e){return(N/sqrt(12))})
      output_storage[[i]] <- temp_storage

  output <- do.call("rbind",output_storage)
  # SE_prediction is the variance of the actually observed event numbers: it includes both the curve fitting error, and the binomial error associated with the random 'sampling'
  # It is based on a beta-binomial model with size corresponding to the number of patients recruited to date
  output[,"SE_Prediction"] <- sqrt(betabinomialVar(mu=output[,"Predicted_Events"]/output[,"Patients"],sigma2=(output[,"SE_Fitting"]/output[,"Patients"])^2,n=output[,"Patients"]))
  output[,"Prediction_Lower"] <- qbetabin(p=(1-PI)/2,mu=output[,"Predicted_Events"]/output[,"Patients"],sigma2=(output[,"SE_Fitting"]/output[,"Patients"])^2,n=output[,"Patients"])
  output[,"Prediction_Upper"] <- pmin(qbetabin(p=1-((1-PI)/2),mu=output[,"Predicted_Events"]/output[,"Patients"],sigma2=(output[,"SE_Fitting"]/output[,"Patients"])^2,n=output[,"Patients"]),output[,"Patients"])

# Perform conditioned event prediction if conditioning required
    if(cond_Time <= 0){
      NatRisk <- N
      est_events_at_condition <- 0
    } else {
      NatRisk <- (N-(integrate(Dfunction,lower=0,upper=cond_Time,assess=cond_Time)$value+integrate(Cfunction,lower=0,upper=cond_Time,assess=cond_Time)$value))
      est_events_at_condition <- integrate(Dfunction,lower=0,upper=cond_Time,assess=cond_Time)$value
    cond_Events_discounted <- max(cond_Events*discountHR,0)
      cond_NatRisk <- NatRisk+est_events_at_condition-cond_Events_discounted
    } else{
      cond_NatRisk <- cond_NatRisk+(1-discountHR)*cond_Events
    atRiskRatio <- cond_NatRisk/NatRisk

# Create conditioning output
    Conditioned_Events <- Cond_SE_Fitting <- Cond_SE_Prediction <- Cond_Prediction_Lower <- Cond_Prediction_Upper <- rep(NA,nrow(output))
    if(cond_Time < 1){
      Conditioned_Events <- output[,"Predicted_Events"]
      Cond_SE_Fitting <- output[,"SE_Fitting"]
      Cond_SE_Prediction <- output[,"SE_Prediction"]
      Cond_Prediction_Lower <- output[,"Prediction_Lower"]
      Cond_Prediction_Upper <- output[,"Prediction_Upper"]
    # Events exactly known at time of conditioning
      Cond_Prediction_Lower[cond_Time] <- Cond_Prediction_Upper[cond_Time] <- Conditioned_Events[cond_Time] <- cond_Events_discounted
      Cond_SE_Fitting[cond_Time] <- Cond_SE_Prediction[cond_Time] <-  0

    # Calculate values at time of conditioning
      Econd <- est_events_at_condition/N
      NARcond <- NatRisk/N
    # Conditioned number of events is observed number + differences in predictions at the time and the conditioning time, multiplied by the at-risk-ratio to reflect the relative number of patients known to be at risk
    # mu is then the proportion of the patients known to be at risk when conditioned that went on to have an event by that time
      Conditioned_Events <- cond_Events_discounted + (output[,"Predicted_Events"]-est_events_at_condition)*atRiskRatio
      if(cond_Time>1){Conditioned_Events[1:(cond_Time-1)] <- NA}
      after_cond <- (cond_Time+1):length(Cond_SE_Fitting)

    # One parameter distributions
        Ilambdacond <- tryCatch(integrate(Ilambdafunction,lower=0,upper=cond_Time,assess=cond_Time)$value,error=function(e){return(Inf)})
        IlambdaNARcond <- -Ilambdacond-tryCatch(integrate(IlambdaNARfunction,lower=0,upper=cond_Time,assess=cond_Time)$value,error=function(e){return(Inf)})
        LAMBDA <- ((Ilambda-Ilambdacond)*NARcond-IlambdaNARcond*(output[,"Predicted_Events"]/N-Econd))/(NARcond)^2
        Cond_SE_Fitting[after_cond] <- cond_NatRisk*sqrt(LAMBDA^2*fitted[[3]][1])[after_cond]
      } else{
    # Two parameter distributions
        Ialphacond <- tryCatch(integrate(Ialphafunction,lower=0,upper=cond_Time,assess=cond_Time)$value,error=function(e){return(Inf)})
        Ibetacond <- tryCatch(integrate(Ibetafunction,lower=0,upper=cond_Time,assess=cond_Time)$value,error=function(e){return(Inf)})
        IalphaNARcond <- -Ialphacond-tryCatch(integrate(IalphaNARfunction,lower=0,upper=cond_Time,assess=cond_Time)$value,error=function(e){return(Inf)})
        IbetaNARcond <- -Ibetacond-tryCatch(integrate(IbetaNARfunction,lower=0,upper=cond_Time,assess=cond_Time)$value,error=function(e){return(-Inf)})
        ALPHA <- ((Ialpha-Ialphacond)*NARcond-IalphaNARcond*(output[,"Predicted_Events"]/N-Econd))/(NARcond)^2
        BETA <- ((Ibeta-Ibetacond)*NARcond-IbetaNARcond*(output[,"Predicted_Events"]/N-Econd))/(NARcond)^2
        Cond_SE_Fitting[after_cond] <- cond_NatRisk*sqrt(ALPHA^2*fitted[[3]][1]+BETA^2*fitted[[3]][2]+2*ALPHA*BETA*fitted[[3]][3])[after_cond]

      mu <- (Conditioned_Events-cond_Events_discounted)/cond_NatRisk
      sigma2 <- (Cond_SE_Fitting/cond_NatRisk)^2
      Cond_SE_Prediction[after_cond] <- sqrt(betabinomialVar(mu=mu,sigma2=sigma2,n=cond_NatRisk))[after_cond]
      Cond_Prediction_Lower[after_cond] <- cond_Events_discounted + qbetabin(p=(1-PI)/2,mu=mu,sigma2=sigma2,n=cond_NatRisk)[after_cond]
      Cond_Prediction_Upper[after_cond] <- cond_Events_discounted + pmin(cond_NatRisk,qbetabin(p=1-((1-PI)/2),mu=mu,sigma2=sigma2,n=cond_NatRisk)[after_cond])
    output <- cbind(output,Conditioned_Events,Cond_SE_Fitting,Cond_SE_Prediction,Cond_Prediction_Lower,Cond_Prediction_Upper)
    output[,"Conditioned_Events"] <- round(output[,"Conditioned_Events"],3)
    output[,"Cond_SE_Fitting"] <- round(output[,"Cond_SE_Fitting"],4)
    output[,"Cond_SE_Prediction"] <- round(output[,"Cond_SE_Prediction"],4)

  output[,"Predicted_Events"] <- round(output[,"Predicted_Events"],3)
  output[,"SE_Fitting"] <- round(output[,"SE_Fitting"],4)
  output[,"SE_Prediction"] <- round(output[,"SE_Prediction"],4)

  outputlist <- list(ecurve=ecurve,dcurve=dcurve,rcurve=rcurve,PI=PI,Fitted=Fitted,Summary=output)
  # Return condensed trajectory output

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gestate documentation built on April 26, 2023, 5:10 p.m.