.test_predictions_ggeffects <- function(object,
by = NULL,
test = "pairwise",
equivalence = NULL,
scale = "response",
p_adjust = NULL,
df = NULL,
ci_level = 0.95,
collapse_levels = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE,
...) {
# sanity check for certain arguments that are not (yet) supported
if (!is.null(equivalence)) {
insight::format_error("Equivalence testing is currently not supported for `engine = \"ggeffects\"`.")
if (!is.null(scale) && scale != "response") {
insight::format_error("Only `scale = \"response\"` is supported for `engine = \"ggeffects\"`.")
# check test-argument
if (is.null(test)) {
test <- "contrasts"
test <- match.arg(test, c("contrasts", "pairwise", "interaction"))
# we convert the ggeffects object to a data frame, using the original
# names of the focal terms as column names
predictions <- datagrid <-, terms_to_colnames = TRUE)
# some attributes we need
focal_terms <- attributes(object)$terms
original_terms <- attributes(object)$original.terms
at_list <- attributes(object)$at.list
type <- attributes(object)$type
margin <- attributes(object)$margin
std_erros <- attributes(object)$standard_error
dof <- attributes(object)$df
is_latent <- !is.null(attributes(object)$latent_thresholds)
# warn for very long at-list
values_at_lengths <- lengths(at_list)
if (any(values_at_lengths > 20) && verbose) {
"The number of levels to compare is very high for the following terms: ",
toString(names(values_at_lengths)[values_at_lengths > 20]),
". This may lead to a large number of pairwise comparisons."
), call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
# vcov matrix, for adjusting se
vcov_matrix <- .safe(stats::vcov(object, verbose = FALSE, ...))
# we now need to get the model object
object <- .get_model_object(object)
minfo <- insight::model_info(object)
pred_type <- "response"
# set defaults
if (is.null(df) || {
if (is.null(dof)) {
df <- .get_df(object)
} else {
df <- dof
if (is.null(ci_level) || {
ci_level <- 0.95
crit_factor <- (1 + ci_level) / 2
## TODO: For Bayesian models, we always use the returned standard errors
# need to check whether scale is always correct
# for non-Gaussian models, we need to adjust the standard errors
if (!minfo$is_linear && !minfo$is_bayesian && !is_latent) {
# zero-inflated models? If so, we need to find the correct prediction type
# since we allow predictions / comparisons for the different model parts
if (minfo$is_zero_inflated) {
pred_type <- .get_zi_prediction_type(object, type)
# for zi_prob, we need to set margin to "mean_reference",
# else we get wrong confidence intervals
if (type == "zi_prob") {
margin <- "mean_reference"
se_from_predictions <- tryCatch(
data_grid <- data_grid(object, original_terms)
# arguments for predict(), to get SE on response scale
# for non-Gaussian models
my_args <- list(
newdata = data_grid,
type = pred_type, = TRUE
# for mixed models, need to set re.form to NULL or NA
if (insight::is_mixed_model(object)) {
if (identical(type, "random") && !identical(margin, "empirical")) {
my_args$re.form <- NULL
} else {
my_args$re.form <- NA
}, my_args)
error = function(e) {
# check if everything worked as expected
if (inherits(se_from_predictions, "error")) {
"This model (family) is probably not supported. The error that occured was:",
# check if we have standard errors
if (is.null(se_from_predictions$ {
insight::format_error("Could not extract standard errors from predictions.")
preds_with_se <- merge(
cbind(data_grid, se_prob = se_from_predictions$,
sort = FALSE,
all = TRUE
predictions$std.error <- preds_with_se$se_prob
} else {
# for linear models, we don't need adjustment of standard errors
vcov_matrix <- NULL
# check for valid by-variable
by <- .validate_by_argument(by, predictions)
# compute contrasts or comparisons
out <- switch(
contrasts = .compute_contrasts(predictions, df),
pairwise = .compute_comparisons(predictions, df, vcov_matrix, at_list, focal_terms, crit_factor),
interaction = .compute_interactions(predictions, df, vcov_matrix, at_list, focal_terms, crit_factor)
# for pairwise comparisons, we may have comparisons inside one level when we
# have multiple focal terms, like "1-1" and "a-b". In this case, the comparison
# of 1 to 1 ("1-1") is just the contrast for the level "1", we therefore can
# collpase that string
if (isTRUE(collapse_levels)) {
out <- .collapse_levels(out, predictions, focal_terms, by)
# filter by-variables?
if (!is.null(by)) {
for (by_factor in by) {
# values in "by" are character vectors, which are saved as "level-level".
# we now extract the unique values, and filter the data frame
unique_values <- unique(predictions[[by_factor]])
by_levels <- paste0(unique_values, "-", unique_values)
keep_rows <- out[[by_factor]] %in% c(by_levels, unique_values)
# filter final data frame
out <- out[keep_rows, , drop = FALSE]
# finally, replace "level-level" just by "level"
for (i in seq_along(by_levels)) {
out[[by_factor]] <- gsub(
fixed = TRUE
# remove by-terms from focal terms
focal_terms <- focal_terms[!focal_terms %in% by]
# re-arrange columns, so it matches output from "emmeans" (by comes after focal)
out <- datawizard::data_relocate(out, select = focal_terms, before = by)
# p-value adjustment?
if (!is.null(p_adjust)) {
out <- .p_adjust(out, p_adjust, predictions, focal_terms, out$statistic, df, verbose)
# arrange data, but where possible, restore original data type before
out <- .restore_focal_types(out, focal = c(by, focal_terms), model_data = predictions)
out <- suppressWarnings(datawizard::data_arrange(out, c(by, focal_terms), safe = TRUE))
class(out) <- c("ggcomparisons", "data.frame")
attr(out, "ci_level") <- ci_level
attr(out, "test") <- test
attr(out, "p_adjust") <- p_adjust
attr(out, "df") <- df
attr(out, "verbose") <- verbose
attr(out, "scale") <- "response"
attr(out, "engine") <- "ggeffects"
attr(out, "by_factor") <- by
attr(out, "datagrid") <- datagrid
attr(out, "scale_label") <- .scale_label(minfo, pred_type)
attr(out, "standard_error") <- out$std.error
attr(out, "link_inverse") <- insight::link_inverse(object)
attr(out, "link_function") <- insight::link_function(object)
attr(out, "linear_model") <- minfo$is_linear
attr(out, "estimate_name") <- "Contrast"
attr(out, "msg_intervals") <- FALSE
# remove unused variables
out$std.error <- NULL
out$statistic <- NULL
# contrasts ---------------------------------------------------------------
.compute_contrasts <- function(predictions, df) {
# contrasts means we simply add the p-value to the predictions
out <- predictions
out$statistic <- out$predicted / out$std.error
out$p.value <- 2 * stats::pt(abs(out$statistic), df = df, lower.tail = FALSE)
# pairwise comparisons ----------------------------------------------------
.compute_comparisons <- function(predictions, df, vcov_matrix, at_list, focal_terms, crit_factor) {
# pairwise comparisons are a bit more complicated, as we need to create
# pairwise combinations of the levels of the focal terms.
# since we split at "." later, we need to replace "." in all levels
# with a unique character combination
at_list <- lapply(at_list, function(i) {
gsub(".", "#_#", as.character(i), fixed = TRUE)
# create pairwise combinations
level_pairs <- interaction(expand.grid(at_list))
# using the matrix and then removing the lower triangle, we get all
# pairwise combinations, except the ones that are the same
M <- matrix(
nrow = length(level_pairs),
ncol = length(level_pairs),
dimnames = list(level_pairs, level_pairs)
M[!upper.tri(M)] <- NA
# table() works fine to create variables of this pairwise combinations
pairs_data <- stats::na.omit(
pairs_data$Freq <- NULL
pairs_data <- lapply(pairs_data, as.character)
# the levels are combined by ".", we need to split them and then create
# a list of data frames, where each data frames contains the levels of
# the focal terms as variables
pairs_data <- lapply(pairs_data, function(i) {
# split at ".", which is the separator char for levels
pair <- strsplit(i, ".", fixed = TRUE)
# since we replaced "." with "#_#" in original levels,
# we need to replace it back here
pair <- lapply(pair, gsub, pattern = "#_#", replacement = ".", fixed = TRUE)
# now we iterate over all pairs and try to find the corresponding predictions
out <-, lapply(seq_len(nrow(pairs_data[[1]])), function(i) {
pos1 <- predictions[[focal_terms[1]]] == pairs_data[[1]][i, 1]
pos2 <- predictions[[focal_terms[1]]] == pairs_data[[2]][i, 1]
if (length(focal_terms) > 1) {
pos1 <- pos1 & predictions[[focal_terms[2]]] == pairs_data[[1]][i, 2]
pos2 <- pos2 & predictions[[focal_terms[2]]] == pairs_data[[2]][i, 2]
if (length(focal_terms) > 2) {
pos1 <- pos1 & predictions[[focal_terms[3]]] == pairs_data[[1]][i, 3]
pos2 <- pos2 & predictions[[focal_terms[3]]] == pairs_data[[2]][i, 3]
# once we have found the correct rows for the pairs, we can calculate
# the contrast. We need the predicted values first
predicted1 <- predictions$predicted[pos1]
predicted2 <- predictions$predicted[pos2]
# we then create labels for the pairs. "result" is a data frame with
# the labels (of the pairwise contrasts) as columns.
result <-, lapply(seq_along(focal_terms), function(j) {
paste(pairs_data[[1]][i, j], pairs_data[[2]][i, j], sep = "-")
colnames(result) <- focal_terms
# we then add the contrast and the standard error. for linear models, the
# SE is sqrt(se1^2 + se2^2).
result$Contrast <- predicted1 - predicted2
# sum of squared standard errors
sum_se_squared <- predictions$std.error[pos1]^2 + predictions$std.error[pos2]^2
# for non-Gaussian models, we subtract the covariance of the two predictions
# but only if the vcov_matrix is not NULL and has the correct dimensions
correct_row_dims <- nrow(vcov_matrix) > 0 && all(nrow(vcov_matrix) >= which(pos1))
correct_col_dims <- ncol(vcov_matrix) > 0 && all(ncol(vcov_matrix) >= which(pos2))
if (is.null(vcov_matrix) || !correct_row_dims || !correct_col_dims) {
vcov_sub <- 0
} else {
vcov_sub <- vcov_matrix[which(pos1), which(pos2)]^2
# Avoid negative values in sqrt()
if (vcov_sub >= sum_se_squared) {
result$std.error <- sqrt(sum_se_squared)
} else {
result$std.error <- sqrt(sum_se_squared - vcov_sub)
# add CI and p-values
out$conf.low <- out$Contrast - stats::qt(crit_factor, df = df) * out$std.error
out$conf.high <- out$Contrast + stats::qt(crit_factor, df = df) * out$std.error
out$statistic <- out$Contrast / out$std.error
out$p.value <- 2 * stats::pt(abs(out$statistic), df = df, lower.tail = FALSE)
# interaction contrasts ----------------------------------------------------
.compute_interactions <- function(predictions, df, vcov_matrix, at_list, focal_terms, crit_factor) {
## TODO: interaction contrasts currently only work for two focal terms
if (length(focal_terms) != 2) {
msg <- "Interaction contrasts currently only work for two focal terms."
if (length(focal_terms) > 2) {
cleaned_f3 <- .clean_terms(focal_terms[3])
s1 <- "pr <- predict_response(\n model,"
s2 <- paste0("terms = c(", datawizard::text_concatenate(focal_terms[1:2], enclose = "\"", sep = ", ", last = ", "), "),") # nolint
s3 <- paste0("condition = c(", cleaned_f3, " = \"", at_list[[cleaned_f3]][1], "\")")
s4 <- ")"
msg <- c(
"You can try to fix remaining focal terms to specific values, using the `condition` argument, e.g.:.",
paste0("\n ", insight::color_text(s1, "cyan")),
paste0(" ", insight::color_text(s2, "cyan")),
paste0(" ", insight::color_text(s3, "cyan")),
paste0(insight::color_text(s4, "cyan")),
insight::color_text("test_predictions(pr, engine = \"ggeffects\")", "cyan")
# create pairwise combinations of first focal term
level_pairs <- at_list[[1]]
M <- matrix(
nrow = length(level_pairs),
ncol = length(level_pairs),
dimnames = list(level_pairs, level_pairs)
M[!upper.tri(M)] <- NA
# table() works fine to create variables of this pairwise combinations
pairs_focal1 <- stats::na.omit(
pairs_focal1$Freq <- NULL
# create pairwise combinations of second focal term
level_pairs <- at_list[[2]]
M <- matrix(
nrow = length(level_pairs),
ncol = length(level_pairs),
dimnames = list(level_pairs, level_pairs)
M[!upper.tri(M)] <- NA
# table() works fine to create variables of this pairwise combinations
pairs_focal2 <- stats::na.omit(
pairs_focal2$Freq <- NULL
# now we iterate over all pairs and try to find the corresponding predictions
out <-, lapply(seq_len(nrow(pairs_focal1)), function(i) {
# differences between levels of first focal term
pos1 <- predictions[[focal_terms[1]]] == pairs_focal1[i, 1]
pos2 <- predictions[[focal_terms[1]]] == pairs_focal1[i, 2], lapply(seq_len(nrow(pairs_focal2)), function(j) {
# difference between levels of first focal term, *within* first
# level of second focal term
pos_1a <- pos1 & predictions[[focal_terms[2]]] == pairs_focal2[j, 1]
pos_1b <- pos2 & predictions[[focal_terms[2]]] == pairs_focal2[j, 1]
# difference between levels of first focal term, *within* second
# level of second focal term
pos_2a <- pos1 & predictions[[focal_terms[2]]] == pairs_focal2[j, 2]
pos_2b <- pos2 & predictions[[focal_terms[2]]] == pairs_focal2[j, 2]
# once we have found the correct rows for the pairs, we can calculate
# the contrast. We need the predicted values first
predicted1 <- predictions$predicted[pos_1a] - predictions$predicted[pos_1b]
predicted2 <- predictions$predicted[pos_2a] - predictions$predicted[pos_2b]
# we then create labels for the pairs. "result" is a data frame with
# the labels (of the pairwise contrasts) as columns.
result <- data.frame(
a = paste(pairs_focal1[i, 1], pairs_focal1[i, 2], sep = "-"),
b = paste(pairs_focal2[j, 1], pairs_focal2[j, 2], sep = " and "),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
colnames(result) <- focal_terms
# we then add the contrast and the standard error. for linear models, the
# SE is sqrt(se1^2 + se2^2)
result$Contrast <- predicted1 - predicted2
sum_se_squared <- sum(
predictions$std.error[pos_1a]^2, predictions$std.error[pos_1b]^2,
predictions$std.error[pos_2a]^2, predictions$std.error[pos_2b]^2
# for non-Gaussian models, we subtract the covariance of the two predictions
# but only if the vcov_matrix is not NULL and has the correct dimensions
correct_row_dims <- nrow(vcov_matrix) > 0 && all(nrow(vcov_matrix) >= which(pos_1a)) && all(nrow(vcov_matrix) >= which(pos_2a)) # nolint
correct_col_dims <- ncol(vcov_matrix) > 0 && all(ncol(vcov_matrix) >= which(pos_1b)) && all(ncol(vcov_matrix) >= which(pos_2b)) # nolint
if (is.null(vcov_matrix) || !correct_row_dims || !correct_col_dims) {
vcov_sub <- 0
} else {
vcov_sub <- sum(
vcov_matrix[which(pos_1a), which(pos_1b)]^2,
vcov_matrix[which(pos_2a), which(pos_2b)]^2
# Avoid negative values in sqrt()
if (vcov_sub >= sum_se_squared) {
result$std.error <- sqrt(sum_se_squared)
} else {
result$std.error <- sqrt(sum_se_squared - vcov_sub)
# add CI and p-values
out$conf.low <- out$Contrast - stats::qt(crit_factor, df = df) * out$std.error
out$conf.high <- out$Contrast + stats::qt(crit_factor, df = df) * out$std.error
out$statistic <- out$Contrast / out$std.error
out$p.value <- 2 * stats::pt(abs(out$statistic), df = df, lower.tail = FALSE)
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