
Defines functions calc_bin sde0f get_family

Documented in calc_bin get_family sde0f

#' Subset a ggs object to get only the parameters with a given regular expression.
#' Internal function used by the graphical functions to get only some of the parameters that follow a given regular expression.
#' @param D Data frame with the data arranged and ready to be used by the rest of the ggmcmc functions. The dataframe has four columns, namely: Iteration, Parameter, value and Chain, and six attributes: nChains, nParameters, nIterations, nBurnin, nThin and description.
#' @param family Name of the family of parameters to plot, as given by a character vector or a regular expression. A family of parameters is considered to be any group of parameters with the same name but different numerical value between square brackets (as beta[1], beta[2], etc).
#' @return D Data frame that is a subset of the given D dataset.
get_family <- function(D, family=NA) {
  if (!is.character(family) | length(family)!=1) {
    stop("family must be a character vector with a single element")
  # Select only the family paramaters
  family.id.parameters <- grep(family, D$Parameter)
  D.sub <- D[family.id.parameters,]
  D.sub$Parameter <- droplevels(D.sub$Parameter)
  # Copy the same attributes to the new object, except the number of
  # parameters
  # Probably there's a cleaner way to do it
  attr(D.sub, "nChains") <- attributes(D)$nChains
  attr(D.sub, "nParameters") <- length(unique(D.sub$Parameter))
  attr(D.sub, "nIterations") <- attributes(D)$nIterations
  attr(D.sub, "nBurnin") <- attributes(D)$nBurnin
  attr(D.sub, "nThin") <- attributes(D)$nThin
  attr(D.sub, "description") <- attributes(D)$description

#' Spectral Density Estimate at Zero Frequency.
#' Compute the Spectral Density Estimate at Zero Frequency for a given chain.
#' Internal function to compute the Spectral Density Estimate at Zero Frequency for a given chain used by \code{\link{ggs_geweke}}.
#' @param x A time series
#' @return A vector with the spectral density estimate at zero frequency
#' @export
sde0f <- function(x) {
  # In case of series not varying, set v0 to 0
  # if (length(unique(x))>1) {
  if (0 != var(if (is.factor(x)) as.integer(x) else x)) {
    m.ar <- ar(x)
    v0 <- m.ar$var.pred / (1-sum(m.ar$ar))^2
  } else {
    v0 <- 0

#' Calculate binwidths by parameter, based on the total number of bins.
#' Compute the minimal elements to recreate a histogram manually by defining the total number of bins.
#' Internal function to compute the minimal elements to recreate a histogram manually by defining the total number of bins, used by \code{\link{ggs_histogram}} \code{\link{ggs_ppmean}} and \code{\link{ggs_ppsd}}.
#' @param x any vector or variable
#' @param bins the number of requested bins
#' @return A data frame with the x location, the width of the bars and the number of observations at each x location.
#' @export
calc_bin <- function(x, bins=bins) {
  mn <- min(x)
  mx <- max(x)
  bw <- (mx-mn)/bins
  z <- seq(mn, mx, by=bw)
  if (length(z)==1) { # no variation on the parameter, manual table
    return(data.frame(x=c(mn-1, mn, mn+1), width=rep(1, 3), count=c(0, length(x), 0)))
  } else {
    count <- as.vector(table(cut(x, breaks=z)))
    return(data.frame(x=z[-length(z)], width=bw, count=count))

#' Generate a factor with unequal number of repetitions.
#' Generate a factor with levels of unequal length.
#' Internal function to generate a factor with levels of unequal length, used by \code{\link{ggs_histogram}}.
#' @param n number of levels
#' @param k number of repetitions
#' @param labels optional vector of labels
#' @return A factor
#' @export
gl_unq <- function (n, k, labels=1:n) {
  x <- NULL
  for (i in 1:n) {
    x <- append(x, rep(i, length.out=k[i]))
  x <- factor(x, levels=1:n, labels=labels)

#' Calculate Credible Intervals (wide and narrow).
#' Generate a data frame with the limits of two credible intervals. Function used by \code{\link{ggs_caterpillar}}. "low" and "high" refer to the wide interval, whereas "Low" and "High" refer to the narrow interval. "median" is self-explanatory and is used to draw a dot in caterpillar plots. The data frame generated is of wide format, suitable for ggplot2::geom_segment().
#' @param D Data frame whith the simulations.
#' @param thick_ci Vector of length 2 with the quantiles of the thick band for the credible interval
#' @param thin_ci Vector of length 2 with the quantiles of the thin band for the credible interval
#' @return A data frame tibble with the Parameter names and 5 variables with the limits of the credibal intervals (thin and thick), ready to be used to produce caterpillar plots.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(linear)
#' ci(ggs(s))
ci <- function (D, thick_ci=c(0.05, 0.95), thin_ci=c(0.025, 0.975)) {
  # Ready for dplyr >= 1.0
  #X <- D %>%
  #  dplyr::group_by(Parameter) %>%
  #  dplyr::summarize(qs = c("low", "Low", "median", "High", "high"),
  #                   q = quantile(value, prob = c(thin_ci[1], thick_ci[1], 0.5, thick_ci[2], thin_ci[2]))) %>%
  #  tidyr::spread(qs, q) %>%
  #  dplyr::select(Parameter, low, Low, median, High, high)
  # See ggs_autocorrelation.R
  # No way to make the following use summarize(), as of dplyr 0.3
  # https://github.com/hadley/dplyr/issues/154
  # Temporary workaround using dplyr 0.2 and do()
  q <- data.frame(
    qs=c("low", "Low", "median", "High", "high"),
    q=c(thin_ci[1], thick_ci[1], 0.5, thick_ci[2], thin_ci[2]))
  X <- suppressMessages(D %>%
    dplyr::group_by(Parameter) %>%
    dplyr::do(data.frame(qs=q$qs, q=quantile(.$value, prob=q$q))) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    tidyr::spread(qs, q) %>%
    dplyr::select(Parameter, low, Low, median, High, high))
  # Recover the rest of the variables that can come with the par_labels
  if (dim(D)[2] > 4) {
    X <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::left_join(X, dplyr::distinct(dplyr::select(D, -Iteration, -Chain, -value)), by="Parameter"))

#' Generate a data frame suitable for matching parameter names with their labels
#' Generate a data frame with at least columns for Parameter and Labels. This function is intended to work as a shortcut for the matching data frame necessary to pass the argument "par_labels" to ggs() calls for transforming the parameter names.
#' @param parameter.name A character vector of length one with the name of the variable (family) without subscripts. Usually, it refers to a Greek letter.
#' @param match A named list with the variable labels and the values of the factor corresponding to the dimension they map to. The order of the list matters, as ggmcmc assumes that the first dimension corresponds to the first element in the list, and so on.
#' @param subscripts An optional character with the letters that correspond to each of the dimensions of the family of parameters. By default it uses not very informative names "dim.1", "dim.2", etc... It usually corresponds to the "i", "j", ... subscripts in classical textbooks, but is recommended to be closer to the subscripts given in the sampling software.
#' @return A data frame tibble with the Parameter names and its match with meaningful variable Labels. Also the intermediate variables are passed to make it easier to work with the samples using meaningful variable names.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(radon)
#' L.radon <- plab("alpha", match = list(County = radon$counties$County))
#' # Generates a data frame suitable for matching with the generated samples
#' # through the "par_labels" function:
#' ggs_caterpillar(ggs(radon$s.radon, par_labels = L.radon, family = "^alpha"))
plab <- function (parameter.name, match, subscripts = NULL) {
  # If no subscripts are passed, use generic ones
  if (is.null(subscripts)) {
    ss <- paste("dim", 1:length(match), sep = ".")
  } else {
    ss <- subscripts
  # Generate the texts to be evaluated
  # There must be a more efficient way to do this, I am sure
  # Divide the text between the expand grid, the parameter, the variables and the labels
  eg.text <- "expand.grid("
  par.text <- paste0("Parameter = paste('", parameter.name, "[', ")
  var.text <- ""
  if (length(match) > 1) {
    lab.text <- "Label = paste("
  } else {
    lab.text <- "Label = "
  for (m in 1:length(match)) {
    if (m > 1) {
      eg.text <- paste0(eg.text, ", ")
      par.text <- paste0(par.text, ", ',', ")
      lab.text <- paste0(lab.text, ", ")
    eg.text <- paste0(eg.text, ss[m], " = 1:", length(match[[m]]))
    par.text <- paste0(par.text, ss[m])
    var.text <- paste0(var.text, " %>% dplyr::mutate(", names(match)[m], " = factor(", ss[m], ", label = ", match[m], "))")
    lab.text <- paste0(lab.text, names(match)[m])
  eg.text <- paste0(eg.text, ")")
  par.text <- paste0(par.text, ", ']', sep = '')")
  if (length(match) > 1) {
    lab.text <- paste0(lab.text, ", sep = ' : ')")

  # Paste the final text together
  full.text <- eg.text
  full.text <- paste0(full.text, " %>% dplyr::mutate(", par.text, ")")
  full.text <- paste0(full.text, var.text)
  full.text <- paste0(full.text, " %>% dplyr::mutate(", lab.text, ")")
  full.text <- paste0(full.text, " %>% dplyr::as_tibble()")
  full.text <- paste0(full.text, " %>% dplyr::mutate(Parameter = factor(Parameter))")
  full.text <- paste0(full.text, " %>% dplyr::mutate(Label = factor(Label))")

  # Evaluate the text and generate the data frame
  PL <- eval(parse(text = full.text))

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ggmcmc documentation built on Feb. 10, 2021, 5:10 p.m.