#' @include utilities.R utils_stat_test_label.R
#'Add Anova Test P-values to a GGPlot
#'@description Adds automatically one-way and two-way ANOVA test p-values to a
#' ggplot, such as box blots, dot plots and stripcharts.
#'@inheritParams ggplot2::layer
#'@inheritParams stat_pvalue_manual
#'@param method ANOVA test methods. Possible values are one of
#' \code{c("one_way", "one_way_repeated", "two_way", "two_way_repeated",
#' "two_way_mixed")}.
#'@param wid (factor) column name containing individuals/subjects identifier.
#' Should be unique per individual. Required only for repeated measure tests
#' (\code{"one_way_repeated", "two_way_repeated", "friedman_test", etc}).
#'@param (optional) character vector specifying the grouping variable;
#' it should be used only for grouped plots. Possible values are : \itemize{
#' \item \code{"x.var"}: Group by the x-axis variable and perform the test
#' between legend groups. In other words, the p-value is compute between legend
#' groups at each x position \item \code{"legend.var"}: Group by the legend
#' variable and perform the test between x-axis groups. In other words, the
#' test is performed between the x-groups for each legend level. }
#'@param type the type of sums of squares for ANOVA. Allowed values are either
#' 1, 2 or 3. \code{type = 2} is the default because this will yield identical
#' ANOVA results as type = 1 when data are balanced but type = 2 will
#' additionally yield various assumption tests where appropriate. When the data
#' are unbalanced the \code{type = 3} is used by popular commercial softwares
#' including SPSS.
#'@param effect.size the effect size to compute and to show in the ANOVA
#' results. Allowed values can be either "ges" (generalized eta squared) or
#' "pes" (partial eta squared) or both. Default is "ges".
#'@param error (optional) for a linear model, an lm model object from which the
#' overall error sum of squares and degrees of freedom are to be calculated.
#' Read more in \code{\link[car]{Anova}()} documentation.
#'@param correction character. Used only in repeated measures ANOVA test to
#' specify which correction of the degrees of freedom should be reported for
#' the within-subject factors. Possible values are: \itemize{ \item{"GG"}:
#' applies Greenhouse-Geisser correction to all within-subjects factors even if
#' the assumption of sphericity is met (i.e., Mauchly's test is not
#' significant, p > 0.05). \item{"HF"}: applies Hyunh-Feldt correction to all
#' within-subjects factors even if the assumption of sphericity is met,
#' \item{"none"}: returns the ANOVA table without any correction and
#' \item{"auto"}: apply automatically GG correction to only within-subjects
#' factors violating the sphericity assumption (i.e., Mauchly's test p-value is
#' significant, p <= 0.05). }
#'@param p.adjust.method method for adjusting p values (see
#' \code{\link[stats]{p.adjust}}). Has impact only in a situation, where
#' multiple pairwise tests are performed; or when there are multiple grouping
#' variables. Allowed values include "holm", "hochberg", "hommel",
#' "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none". If you don't want to adjust the p
#' value (not recommended), use p.adjust.method = "none".
#'@param significance a list of arguments specifying the signifcance cutpoints
#' and symbols. For example, \code{significance <- list(cutpoints = c(0,
#' 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, Inf), symbols = c("****", "***", "**", "*",
#' "ns"))}.
#' In other words, we use the following convention for symbols indicating
#' statistical significance: \itemize{ \item \code{ns}: p > 0.05 \item
#' \code{*}: p <= 0.05 \item \code{**}: p <= 0.01 \item \code{***}: p <= 0.001
#' \item \code{****}: p <= 0.0001 }
#'@param label character string specifying label. Can be: \itemize{ \item the
#' column containing the label (e.g.: \code{label = "p"} or \code{label =
#' "p.adj"}), where \code{p} is the p-value. Other possible values are
#' \code{"p.signif", "p.adj.signif", "p.format", "p.adj.format"}. \item an
#' expression that can be formatted by the \code{\link[glue]{glue}()} package.
#' For example, when specifying \code{label = "Anova, p = \{p\}"}, the
#' expression \{p\} will be replaced by its value. \item a combination of
#' plotmath expressions and glue expressions. You may want some of the
#' statistical parameter in italic; for example:\code{label = "Anova, italic(p)
#' = {p}"}. \item a constant: \code{label = "as_italic"}: display statistical
#' parameters in italic; \code{label = "as_detailed"}: detailed plain text;
#' \code{label = "as_detailed_expression"} or \code{label =
#' "as_detailed_italic"}: detailed plotmath expression. Statistical parameters
#' will be displayed in italic.}.
#'@param label.x.npc,label.y.npc can be \code{numeric} or \code{character}
#' vector of the same length as the number of groups and/or panels. If too
#' short they will be recycled. \itemize{ \item If \code{numeric}, value should
#' be between 0 and 1. Coordinates to be used for positioning the label,
#' expressed in "normalized parent coordinates". \item If \code{character},
#' allowed values include: i) one of c('right', 'left', 'center', 'centre',
#' 'middle') for x-axis; ii) and one of c( 'bottom', 'top', 'center', 'centre',
#' 'middle') for y-axis.}
#'@param parse If TRUE, the labels will be parsed into expressions and displayed
#' as described in \code{?plotmath}.
#'@param label.x,label.y \code{numeric} Coordinates (in data units) to be used
#' for absolute positioning of the label. If too short they will be recycled.
#'@param step.increase numeric value in with the increase in fraction of total
#' height for every additional comparison to minimize overlap. The step value
#' can be negative to reverse the order of groups.
#'@param ... other arguments to pass to
#' \code{\link[ggplot2:geom_text]{geom_text}}, such as:\itemize{ \item
#' \code{hjust}: horizontal justification of the text. Move the text left or
#' right and \item \code{vjust}: vertical justification of the text. Move the
#' text up or down. }
#'@param na.rm If FALSE (the default), removes missing values with a warning. If
#' TRUE silently removes missing values.
#'@section Computed variables: \itemize{ \item{DFn}: Degrees of Freedom in the
#' numerator (i.e. DF effect). \item{DFd}: Degrees of Freedom in the
#' denominator (i.e., DF error). \item{ges}: Generalized Eta-Squared measure of
#' effect size. Computed only when the option \code{effect.size = "ges"}.
#' \item{pes}: Partial Eta-Squared measure of effect size. Computed only when
#' the option \code{effect.size = "pes"}. \item{F}: F-value. \item{p}: p-value.
#' \item{p.adj}: Adjusted p-values. \item{p.signif}: P-value significance.
#' \item{p.adj.signif}: Adjusted p-value significance. \item{p.format}:
#' Formated p-value. \item{p.adj.format}: Formated adjusted p-value. \item{n}:
#' number of samples. }
#' @examples
#' # Data preparation
#' #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
#' # Transform `dose` into factor variable
#' df <- ToothGrowth
#' df$dose <- as.factor(df$dose)
#' # Add individuals id
#' df$id <- rep(1:10, 6)
#' # Add a random grouping variable
#' set.seed(123)
#' df$group <- sample(factor(rep(c("grp1", "grp2", "grp3"), 20)))
#' df$len <- ifelse(df$group == "grp2", df$len+2, df$len)
#' df$len <- ifelse(df$group == "grp3", df$len+7, df$len)
#' head(df, 3)
#' # Basic boxplot
#' #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
#' # Create a basic boxplot
#' # Add 5% and 10% space to the plot bottom and the top, respectively
#' bxp <- ggboxplot(df, x = "dose", y = "len") +
#' scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.05, 0.1)))
#' # Add the p-value to the boxplot
#' bxp + stat_anova_test()
#' # Change the label position
#' # Using coordinates in data units
#' bxp + stat_anova_test(label.x = "1", label.y = 10, hjust = 0)
#' }
#' # Format the p-value differently
#' custom_p_format <- function(p) {
#' rstatix::p_format(p, accuracy = 0.0001, digits = 3, = FALSE)
#' }
#' bxp + stat_anova_test(
#' label = "Anova, italic(p) = {custom_p_format(p)}{p.signif}"
#' )
#' # Show a detailed label in italic
#' bxp + stat_anova_test(label = "as_detailed_italic")
#' # Faceted plots
#' #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
#' # Create a ggplot facet
#' bxp <- ggboxplot(df, x = "dose", y = "len", = "supp") +
#' scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0.05, 0.1)))
#' # Add p-values
#' bxp + stat_anova_test()
#' # Grouped plots
#' #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
#' bxp2 <- ggboxplot(df, x = "group", y = "len", color = "dose", palette = "npg")
#' # For each x-position, computes tests between legend groups
#' bxp2 + stat_anova_test(aes(group = dose), label = "p = {p.format}{p.signif}")
#' # For each legend group, computes tests between x variable groups
#' bxp2 + stat_anova_test(aes(group = dose, color = dose), = "legend.var")
#' # Two-way ANOVA: Independent measures
#' #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
#' # Visualization: box plots with p-values
#' # Two-way interaction p-values between x and legend (group) variables
#' bxp3 <- ggboxplot(
#' df, x = "supp", y = "len",
#' color = "dose", palette = "jco"
#' )
#' bxp3 + stat_anova_test(aes(group = dose), method = "two_way")
#' # One-way repeatead measures ANOVA
#' #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
#' df$id <- as.factor(c(rep(1:10, 3), rep(11:20, 3)))
#' ggboxplot(df, x = "dose", y = "len") +
#' stat_anova_test(method = "one_way_repeated", wid = "id")
#' # Two-way repeatead measures ANOVA
#' #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
#' df$id <- as.factor(rep(1:10, 6))
#' ggboxplot(df, x = "dose", y = "len", color = "supp", palette = "jco") +
#' stat_anova_test(aes(group = supp), method = "two_way_repeated", wid = "id")
#' # Grouped one-way repeated measures ANOVA
#' ggboxplot(df, x = "dose", y = "len", color = "supp", palette = "jco") +
#' stat_anova_test(aes(group = supp, color = supp),
#' method = "one_way_repeated", wid = "id", = "legend.var")
#' }
stat_anova_test <- function(mapping = NULL, data = NULL,
method = c("one_way", "one_way_repeated", "two_way", "two_way_repeated", "two_way_mixed"),
wid = NULL, = NULL,
type = NULL, effect.size = "ges", error = NULL,
correction = c("auto", "GG", "HF", "none"),
label = "{method}, p = {p.format}",
label.x.npc = "left", label.y.npc = "top",
label.x = NULL, label.y = NULL, step.increase = 0.1,
p.adjust.method = "holm", significance = list(),
geom = "text", position = "identity", na.rm = FALSE, show.legend = FALSE,
inherit.aes = TRUE, parse = FALSE, ...) {
label <- get_anova_test_label_template(label)
if(effect.size == "pes"){
label <- gsub(pattern = "ges", replacement = "pes", x = label, fixed = TRUE)
label <- gsub(pattern = "eta2[g]", replacement = "eta2[p]", x = label, fixed = TRUE)
if(missing(parse) & is_plotmath_expression(label)){
parse <- TRUE
correction <- match.arg(correction)
method <- match.arg(method)
if(!is.null(mapping)) mapping$wid <-
else mapping <- create_aes(list(wid = wid))
stat = StatCompareMultipleMeans, data = data, mapping = mapping, geom = geom,
position = position, show.legend = show.legend, inherit.aes = inherit.aes,
params = list(
method = method,
method.args = list(type = type, effect.size = effect.size, error = error), =,
correction = correction,
na.rm = na.rm, stat.label = label,
label.x.npc = label.x.npc , label.y.npc = label.y.npc,
label.x = label.x, label.y = label.y, parse = parse, = is_group_aes_specified(mapping),
step.increase = step.increase, p.adjust.method = p.adjust.method,
significance = fortify_signif_symbols_encoding(significance), ...
StatCompareMultipleMeans <- ggproto("StatCompareMultipleMeans", Stat,
required_aes = c("x", "y"),
default_aes = aes(wid = NULL),
setup_params = function(data, params){
# Initialize parameters
methods_for_repeated_measures <- c(
"one_way_repeated", "two_way_repeated", "two_way_mixed",
if(params$method %in% methods_for_repeated_measures){
"The argument `wid` (sample id) is required for repeated measures tests.\n",
"Specify it using wid = 'id_col_name', where id_col_name is the column containing ids.",
call. = FALSE
compute_panel = function(data, scales, method, method.args,,
correction, p.adjust.method,
stat.label, label.x.npc, label.y.npc, label.x, label.y,
significance,, step.increase){
p <- p.adj <- x <- NULL
if(method %in% c("one_way_repeated", "friedman_test")){
# One-way repeated measures ANOVA
if(! data$group <- data$x
df <- data
is.grouped.plots <- contains_multiple_grouping_vars(df)
# Statistical test parameters
# test_args <- get_test_args(data, between, within)
test_args <- get_test_args(data, method = method, =
wid <- test_args$wid
between <- test_args$between
within <- test_args$within
group <- test_args$group
nb_vars <- unique(c(between, within)) %>% length()
is_two_way <- nb_vars >= 2
# label group id. Used to shift coordinates to avoid overlaps. <- <- 1
# Run statistical tests
df <- df %>% rstatix::convert_as_factor(vars = c(between, within))
df <- df %>% rstatix::df_group_by(vars = group)
anova_methods <- c("one_way", "one_way_repeated", "two_way", "two_way_repeated", "two_way_mixed")
if(method %in% anova_methods){
method.args <- method.args %>%
.add_item(data = df, dv = "y", between = between, within = within, wid = wid)
stat.test <-, method.args) %>%
rstatix::get_anova_table(correction = correction) <- "Anova"
else if(method == "kruskal_test"){
.formula <- paste0("y ~", between) %>% as.formula() <- "Kruskal-Wallis"
stat.test <- rstatix::kruskal_test(df, .formula)
stat.test$statistic <- round(stat.test$statistic, 2)
else if(method == "welch_anova_test"){
.formula <- paste0("y ~", between) %>% as.formula() <- "Welch Anova"
stat.test <- rstatix::welch_anova_test(df, .formula)
stat.test$statistic <- round(stat.test$statistic, 2)
else if(method == "friedman_test"){
if(is.null(within)) stop("The argument 'within' is required.")
if(is.null(wid)) stop("The argument 'wid' is required.")
.formula <- paste0("y ~", within, " | ", wid) %>% as.formula() <- "Friedman test"
stat.test <- rstatix::friedman_test(df, .formula)
stat.test$statistic <- round(stat.test$statistic, 2)
else stop("Don't support the method: ", method, call. = FALSE)
# Prepare the output for visualization
stat.test <- get_interaction_row(stat.test)
# Grouped tests
else if(!is.null(group)){
# When data is grouped by x variable and
# stat test computed between legend groups at each x position
# labels group ids are x
if(group == "x"){ <- stat.test$x
if(is.null(label.x) & length(label.x.npc) == 1)
label.x <- stat.test$x
# When data is grouped by legend variable and
# stat test is computed between x variable groups
# labels are stacked on y-axis. labels group ids are group (legend var)
else if(group == "group"){
if("colour" %in% colnames(df)) stat.test$colour <- .levels(df$colour) <- stat.test$group
sy <- significance
stat.test <- stat.test %>%
rstatix::adjust_pvalue(method = p.adjust.method) %>%
rstatix::add_significance(p.col = "p", cutpoints = sy$cutpoints, symbols = sy$symbols) %>%
rstatix::add_significance(p.col = "p.adj", cutpoints = sy$cutpoints, symbols = sy$symbols) %>%
rstatix::p_format(p, p.adj, new.col = TRUE, accuracy = 1e-4) %>%
add_stat_n() %>%
keep_only_tbl_df_classes() %>%
mutate(method = %>%
add_stat_label(label = stat.label)
stat.test$x <- get_coord(
data.ranges = scales$x$dimension(),
coord = label.x, npc = label.x.npc,
margin.npc = 0, group =
stat.test$y <- get_coord(
data.ranges = scales$y$dimension(),
coord = label.y, npc = label.y.npc,
margin.npc = 0, group =,
step = -step.increase
# set label horizontal and vertical justification
stat.test <- set_label_hvjust(stat.test, data = df, group)
# Returns arguments for the tests
# data: layer data
get_test_args <- function(data, method = "one_way", = NULL){
# Sample within id (considered for repeated measures)
wid <- between <- within <- group <- NULL
if("wid" %in% colnames(data)) wid <- "wid"
# Grouped or not grouped plots
is_grouped_plots <- data %>% contains_multiple_grouping_vars()
if(method %in% c("one_way", "kruskal_test", "welch_anova_test")){
between <- "x"
if(is.null( = "x.var"
# Group by x axis variable and compute test between legend variable groups
if( == "x.var") {
group <- "x"
between <-"group"
# Group by legend variable and compute test between x axis groups
else if ( == "legend.var") {
group <- "group"
between <- "x"
else if(method %in% c("one_way_repeated", "friedman_test")){
within <- "x"
if(is.null( = "x.var"
# Group by x axis variable and compute test between legend variable groups
if( == "x.var") {
group <- "x"
within <-"group"
# Group by legend variable and compute test between x axis groups
else if ( == "legend.var") {
group <- "group"
within <- "x"
else if(method == "two_way"){
between <- c("x", "group")
else if(method == "two_way_repeated"){
within <- c("x", "group")
else if(method == "two_way_mixed"){
# Auto-detect between- and within-subjects variables
# ID should be unique for one of the grouping variable
# It's unique for the within-ss variable when data is in a wide format <- data %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$group) %>%
dplyr::count(.data$wid) %>%
dplyr::pull(.data$n) %>%
wid.freq.x <- data %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$x) %>%
dplyr::count(.data$wid) %>%
dplyr::pull(.data$n) %>%
if(!(all( == 1) | all(wid.freq.x == 1))){
stop("This is not a mixed design. Check your data.", call. = FALSE)
if(all( == 1)){
within <- "group"
between <- "x"
else if(all(wid.freq.x == 1)){
within <- "x"
between <- "group"
} # end two-way-mixed
list(dv = "y", between = between, within = within, wid = wid, group = group)
# Take the last row of the ANOVA table
# Corresponds to the interaction in the two-way model.
# In one-way: there is only one row
get_interaction_row <- function(stat.test){
utils::tail(stat.test, 1)
get_anova_test_label_template <- function(label){
as_italic = "{method}, italic(p) = {p.format}",
as_detailed = "{method}, F({DFn}, {DFd}) = {F}, eta2[g] = {ges}, p = {p.format}, n = {n}",
as_detailed_italic = "{method}, italic(F)({DFn}, {DFd}) = {F}, eta2[g] = {ges}, italic(p) = {p.format}, italic(n) = {n}",
as_detailed_expression = "{method}, italic(F)({DFn}, {DFd}) = {F}, eta2[g] = {ges}, italic(p) = {p.format}, italic(n) = {n}",
# set label horizontal and vertical justification
# group: grouping variable; either "x" or "group"
set_label_hvjust <- function(stat.test, data, group){
# Adapt hjust and x position for grouped plots
hjust <- 0.2
vjust <- 0
if(group == "x"){
# Center label at each x position
hjust <- 0.5
else if(group == "group"){
n <- length(stat.test$group)
dodge <- 0.8
if(all(stat.test$x == 1)){
# Move labels to the left
stat.test$x <- round(((dodge - dodge*n) / (2*n)) + stat.test$x, 2)
# Two-way anova: move label to the left
else if("Effect" %in% colnames(stat.test)){
if(all(stat.test$Effect == "x:group") & all(stat.test$x == 1)){
n <- length(unique(data$group))
dodge <- 0.8
stat.test$x <- round(((dodge - dodge*n) / (2*n)) + stat.test$x, 2)
stat.test <- stat.test %>% tibble::add_column(hjust = hjust, vjust = vjust)
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