
Defines functions gcFit

Documented in gcFit

gcFit <-
function(time, data, control=grofit.control())

# /// check input parameters
if (is(control)!="grofit.control") stop("control must be of class grofit.control!")

# /// check number of datasets
if ( (dim(time)[1])!=(dim(data)[1]) ) stop("gcFit: Different number of datasets in data and time")

# /// check fitting options
if (!is.element(control$fit.opt, c("s","m","b"))){
    warning("fit.opt must be set to 's', 'm' or 'b'. Changed to 'b'!")

# /// Initialize some parameters
out.table       <- NULL
used.model      <- NULL
fitpara.all     <- list()
fitnonpara.all  <- list()
boot.all        <- list()
fitted.param    <- NULL
fitted.nonparam <- NULL
bootstrap.param <- NULL

# /// loop over all wells
for (i in 1:dim(data)[1]){
	# /// conversion, to handle even data.frame inputs
	acttime    <- as.numeric(as.matrix(time[i,]))
	actwell <- as.numeric(as.matrix((data[i,-1:-3])))
	gcID    <- as.matrix(data[i,1:3])

	if ((control$suppress.messages==FALSE)){
		cat(paste("= ", as.character(i), ". growth curve =================================\n", sep=""))

	# /// Parametric fit
	if ((control$fit.opt=="m") || (control$fit.opt=="b")){
		fitpara          <- gcFitModel(acttime, actwell, gcID, control)
		fitpara.all[[i]] <- fitpara
	# /// generate empty object
		fitpara          <- list(raw.x = acttime, raw.y = actwell, gcID = gcID, fit.x = NA, fit.y = NA, parameters = list(A=NA, mu=NA, lambda=NA, integral=NA),
					  model = NA, nls = NA, reliable=NULL, fitFlag=FALSE, control = control)
		class(fitpara)   <- "gcFitModel"
		fitpara.all[[i]] <- fitpara
	# /// Non parametric fit
	if ((control$fit.opt=="s") || (control$fit.opt=="b")){
		nonpara             <- gcFitSpline(acttime, actwell, gcID, control)
		fitnonpara.all[[i]] <- nonpara
	# /// generate empty object
		nonpara             <- list(raw.x = acttime, raw.y = actwell, gcID = gcID, fit.x = NA, fit.y = NA, parameters = list(A= NA, mu=NA, lambda=NA, integral=NA),
					    parametersLowess=list(A= NA, mu=NA, lambda=NA), spline = NA, reliable=NULL, fitFlag=FALSE, control = control)
		class(nonpara)      <- "gcFitSpline"
		fitnonpara.all[[i]] <- nonpara
	# /// plotting stuff
	wellname <- paste(as.character(data[i,1]), as.character(data[i,2]),as.character(data[i,3]), sep="-")
	if ((control$interactive==TRUE)){
		if (fitpara$fitFlag==TRUE){
			plot(fitpara,colData=1, colModel=1, cex=1.5)
			plot(nonpara,add=TRUE, raw=FALSE, colData=0, colSpline=2 , cex=1.5)
			plot(nonpara,add=FALSE, raw=TRUE, colData=1, colSpline=2 , cex=1.5)
		# /// add legend and title
		if (control$fit.opt=="m") legend(x="bottomright", legend=fitpara$model, col="black", lty=1)
		if (control$fit.opt=="s") legend(x="bottomright", legend="spline fit", col="red", lty=1)
		if (control$fit.opt=="b") legend(x="bottomright", legend=c(fitpara$model,"spline fit"), col=c("black","red"), lty=c(1,1))

	# /// here a manual reliability tag is set in the interactive mode
		answer <- readline("Are you satisfied (y/n)?")
		if (substr(answer, 1, 1) == "n"){
			cat("\n Tagged this well as unreliable !\n\n")
			reliability_tag              <- FALSE
			fitpara.all[[i]]$reliable    <- FALSE
			fitnonpara.all[[i]]$reliable <- FALSE
			reliability_tag              <- TRUE
			fitpara.all[[i]]$reliable    <- TRUE
			fitnonpara.all[[i]]$reliable <- TRUE
			cat("Well was (more ore less) o.k.\n")
		}# of if (substr(answer, 1, 1) == "n")
	}# of if(control$interactive==TRUE){
	reliability_tag <- TRUE

	if (control$interactive==TRUE) graphics.off()

	# /// Beginn Bootstrap
	if ((control$nboot.gc > 0) && (reliability_tag==TRUE)){
		bt            <- gcBootSpline(acttime, actwell, gcID, control)
		boot.all[[i]] <- bt	
	} # /// end of if (control$nboot.gc ...)
        # /// create empty gcBootSpline  object
        	bt            <- list(raw.x=acttime, raw.y=actwell, gcID =gcID, boot.x=NA, boot.y=NA, boot.gcSpline=NA,
				   lambda=NA, mu=NA, A=NA, integral=NA, bootFlag=FALSE, control=control)
		class(bt)     <- "gcBootSpline"
		boot.all[[i]] <- bt	

	# create output table
	description     <- data.frame(TestId=data[i,1], AddId=data[i,2],concentration=data[i,3], reliability=reliability_tag, used.model=fitpara$model, log.x=control$log.x.gc, log.y=control$log.y.gc, nboot.gc=control$nboot.gc)

	fitted          <- cbind(description, summary(fitpara), summary(nonpara), summary(bt))
	out.table       <- rbind(out.table, fitted)

} # /// of for (i in 1:dim(y)[1])

gcFit           <- list(raw.time = time, raw.data = data, gcTable = out.table, gcFittedModels = fitpara.all, gcFittedSplines = fitnonpara.all, gcBootSplines = boot.all, control=control)

class(gcFit)    <- "gcFit"

} # /// end of function

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grofit documentation built on May 30, 2017, 4:08 a.m.