
#Tests for the trait wrapper functions

cat("#### Test traitSmooth with small example\n")
test_that("exampleData_traitSmooth", {
  testthat::expect_true(all(abs(longi.dat$sPSA[1:3] - c(51.18456,  87.67343, 107.68232)) < 1e-03))
  testthat::expect_true(all(abs(longi.dat$sPSA.AGR[2:4] - c(18.24443, 20.00889, 22.13115)) < 1e-03))

  vline <- list(ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept=29, linetype="longdash", linewidth=1))
  trt.facets <- c("Smarthouse", "Treatment.1")
  #Get a chosen smooth - can set an option without worrying about the other option in traitSmooth
    smth.dat <- traitSmooth(data = longi.dat, 
                            response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                            individuals = "Snapshot.ID.Tag", times = "DAP", 
                            keep.columns = trt.facets, 
                            profile.plot.args = 
                              args4profile_plot(facet.y = trt.facets, 
                                                include.raw = "no",
                                                breaks.spacing.x = -2, 
                                                addMediansWhiskers = TRUE, #used  whenever plotLongitudinal is used
                                                ggplotFuncs = vline),
                            chosen.plot.args = 
                              args4chosen_plot(facet.y = trt.facets), 
                            mergedata = longi.dat), 
    regexp = "containing missing values \\(\\`geom_vline\\(\\)\\`\\)")
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(smth.dat), 280)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(smth.dat), 37)
  testthat::expect_true(all(names(longi.dat) %in% names(smth.dat)))
  testthat::expect_true(all(longi.dat$Snapshot.ID.Tag == smth.dat$Snapshot.ID.Tag))
                              "sPSA","sPSA.AGR","sPSA.RGR") %in% names(smth.dat)))
  #Get the full set of smooths
  smth.dat <- traitSmooth(data = longi.dat, 
                          response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                          individuals = "Snapshot.ID.Tag",times = "DAP", 
                          keep.columns = trt.facets, 
                          chosen.smooth.args = NULL, 
                          which.plots = "profile", 
                          profile.plot.args = 
                            args4profile_plot(facet.y = trt.facets, 
                                              include.raw = "no",
                                              collapse.facets.x = FALSE,
                                              breaks.spacing.x = -2, 
                                              ggplotFuncs = vline))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(smth.dat), 1960)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(smth.dat), 16)
  #Supply smth.dat and do just the profile plots
  tmp.dat <- traitSmooth(data = smth.dat, 
                         response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                         individuals = "Snapshot.ID.Tag",times = "DAP", 
                         chosen.smooth.args = NULL, 
                         which.plots = "profile", 
                         profile.plot.args = 
                           args4profile_plot(facet.y = trt.facets, 
                                             include.raw = "facet.x",
                                             collapse.facets.x = FALSE,
                                             breaks.spacing.x = -2, 
                                             ggplotFuncs = vline))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(smth.dat), 1960)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(smth.dat), 16)
  #Supply smth.dat and do just the chosen plots
  tmp.dat <- traitSmooth(data = smth.dat, 
                         response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                         individuals = "Snapshot.ID.Tag",times = "DAP", 
                         which.plots = "none", 
                         chosen.smooth.args = 
                           args4chosen_smooth(lambda = 3.162), 
                         chosen.plot.args = 
                           args4chosen_plot(facet.y = trt.facets, 
                                            ggplotFuncs = vline), 
                         mergedata = longi.dat)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(tmp.dat), 280)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(tmp.dat), 37)
  testthat::expect_true(all(names(longi.dat) %in% names(tmp.dat)))
  testthat::expect_true(all(longi.dat$Snapshot.ID.Tag == tmp.dat$Snapshot.ID.Tag))
                            %in% names(tmp.dat)))
  testthat::expect_true(all(abs(tmp.dat$sPSA[1:3] - c(58.6448,  87.0271, 105.4621)) < 1e-03))
  testthat::expect_true(all(abs(tmp.dat$sPSA.AGR[2:4] - c(14.19115, 18.43499, 21.57451)) < 1e-03))

  #Extract a single.smooth
  tmp.dat <- traitSmooth(data = smth.dat, 
                         response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                         individuals = "Snapshot.ID.Tag",times = "DAP", 
                         smoothing.args =  
                           args4smoothing(spline.types = "PS", 
                                          df = NULL, lambdas = 3.162), 
                         which.plots = "none", chosen.smooth.args = NULL, 
                         chosen.plot.args = NULL)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(tmp.dat), 280)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(tmp.dat), 11)
  #Produce a single smooth
    smth.dat <- traitSmooth(data = longi.dat, 
                            response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                            individuals = "Snapshot.ID.Tag",times = "DAP", 
                            keep.columns = trt.facets, 
                            smoothing.args =  
                              args4smoothing(spline.types = "PS", 
                                             df = NULL, lambdas = 3.162), 
                            chosen.smooth.args = NULL, 
                            which.plots = "profile",
                            profile.plot.args = 
                              args4profile_plot(plots.by = "Type", 
                                                facet.x = trt.facets, facet.y = "Tuning", 
                                                include.raw = "facet.y", 
                                                collapse.facets.x = FALSE,
                                                facet.scales = "free_y", 
                                                breaks.spacing.x = -2, angle.x = 90, 
                                                ggplotFuncs = vline)),
    regexp = "Removed 4 rows containing missing values \\(\\`geom_vline\\(\\)\\`\\)")
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(smth.dat), 280)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(smth.dat), 37)
  #Test plotting raw in yfacet when yfacet is "."
    smth.dat <- traitSmooth(data = longi.dat, 
                            response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                            individuals = "Snapshot.ID.Tag",times = "DAP", 
                            keep.columns = trt.facets, 
                            smoothing.args =  
                              args4smoothing(spline.types = "PS", 
                                             df = NULL, lambdas = 3.162), 
                            chosen.smooth.args = NULL, 
                            which.plots = "profile",
                            profile.plot.args = 
                              args4profile_plot(plots.by = c("Type","Method","Tuning"), 
                                                facet.x = trt.facets, facet.y = ".", 
                                                include.raw = "facet.y", 
                                                collapse.facets.x = FALSE,
                                                facet.scales = "free_y", 
                                                breaks.spacing.x = -2, angle.x = 90, 
                                                ggplotFuncs = vline)),
    regexp = "Removed 4 rows containing missing values \\(\\`geom_vline\\(\\)\\`\\)")
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(smth.dat), 280)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(smth.dat), 37)
  #Test plotting raw in xfacet when xfacet is "."
    smth.dat <- traitSmooth(data = longi.dat, 
                            response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                            individuals = "Snapshot.ID.Tag",times = "DAP", 
                            keep.columns = trt.facets, 
                            smoothing.args =  
                              args4smoothing(spline.types = "PS", 
                                             df = NULL, lambdas = 3.162), 
                            chosen.smooth.args = NULL, 
                            which.plots = "profile",
                            profile.plot.args = 
                              args4profile_plot(plots.by = c("Type","Method","Tuning"), 
                                                facet.x = ".", facet.y = trt.facets, 
                                                include.raw = "facet.x", 
                                                collapse.facets.x = FALSE,
                                                facet.scales = "free_y", 
                                                breaks.spacing.x = -2, angle.x = 90, 
                                                ggplotFuncs = vline)),
    regexp = "Removed 4 rows containing missing values \\(\\`geom_vline\\(\\)\\`\\)")
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(smth.dat), 280)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(smth.dat), 37)
  #Test scales.pf
  #Supply smth.dat and do just the profile plots
  smth.dat <- traitSmooth(data = longi.dat, 
                          response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA",
                          individuals = "Snapshot.ID.Tag",times = "DAP", 
                          keep.columns = trt.facets, 
                          chosen.smooth = NULL, 
                          which.plots = "profile",
                          profile.plot.args = 
                            args4profile_plot(plots.by = "Type", 
                                              facet.x = trt.facets, facet.y = "Tuning", 
                                              include.raw = "facet.y", 
                                              collapse.facets.x = FALSE,
                                              facet.scales = "free_y", 
                                              breaks.spacing.x = -2, angle.x = 90, 
                                              ggplotFuncs = vline))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(smth.dat), 1960)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(smth.dat), 16)

cat("#### Test traitExtractFeatures with tomato example\n")
test_that("tomato_traitExtractFeatures", {
  DAP.endpts   <- c(18,22,27,33,39,43,51)
  nDAP.endpts <- length(DAP.endpts)
  DAP.starts <- DAP.endpts[-nDAP.endpts]
  DAP.stops   <- DAP.endpts[-1]
  DAP.mids <- (DAP.starts + DAP.stops)/2
  DAP.segs <- list(c(DAP.endpts[1]-1, 39), 
                   c(40, DAP.endpts[nDAP.endpts]))
  #Add PSA rates and smooth PSA, also producing sPSA rates
  tom.dat <- byIndv4Times_SplinesGRs(data = tomato.dat, 
                                 response = "PSA", response.smoothed = "sPSA", 
                                 times = "DAP", rates.method = "differences", 
                                 smoothing.method = "log", 
                                 spline.type = "PS", lambda = 1, 
                                 smoothing.segments = DAP.segs)
  #Smooth WU
  tom.dat <- byIndv4Times_SplinesGRs(data = tom.dat, 
                                 response = "WU", response.smoothed = "sWU",
                                 rates.method = "none", 
                                 times = "DAP", 
                                 smoothing.method = "direct", 
                                 spline.type = "PS", lambda = 10^(-0.5), 
                                 smoothing.segments = DAP.segs)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(tom.dat), 1120)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(tom.dat), 20)
  ### Omit responses for the outlier plant
  omit <- with(tom.dat, Zn==90 & AMF=="+" & Block ==4)
  responses.all <- names(tom.dat)[match("Weight.After", names(tom.dat)):length(tom.dat)]
  tom.dat[responses.all] <- lapply(tom.dat[responses.all], 
                                   function(kcol, omit) 
                                     kcol[omit] <- NA
                                   }, omit = omit)
  #Set up for individual traits
  indv.cols <- c("Snapshot.ID.Tag", "Lane", "Position", "Block", "Cart", "AMF", "Zn")
  indv.ini <- subset(tom.dat, subset = DAP == DAP.endpts[1], 
                     select = indv.cols)

  #'## Extract single-valued smoothed traits for each individual
  indv.dat <- traitExtractFeatures(data = tom.dat, 
                                   starts.intvl = DAP.starts, stops.intvl = DAP.stops, 
                                   responses4intvl.rates = "sPSA", growth.rates = c("AGR", "RGR"), 
                                   water.use4intvl.traits = "sWU", 
                                   responses4water = "sPSA", 
                                   responses4singletimes = "sPSA", 
                                   responses4overall.total = "sWU",
                                   responses4overall.max = "sPSA.AGR",
                                   mergedata = indv.ini)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(indv.dat), 32)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(indv.dat), 47)

  #'## Extract single-valued unsmoothed and smoothed traits in parallel for each individual
  indv.dat <- traitExtractFeatures(data = tom.dat, times = "DAP", 
                                   starts.intvl = DAP.starts, stops.intvl = DAP.stops, 
                                   responses4intvl.rates = c("PSA", "sPSA"), growth.rates = c("AGR", "RGR"), 
                                   water.use4intvl.traits = c("WU","sWU"), 
                                   responses4water = c("PSA","sPSA"),
                                   responses4singletimes = c("PSA", "sPSA"), 
                                   responses4overall.rates = c("PSA", "sPSA"),
                                   water.use4overall.water = c("WU","sWU"), 
                                   responses4overall.water = c("PSA","sPSA"),
                                   intvl.overall = c(18,51),
                                   mergedata = indv.ini)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(indv.dat), 32)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(indv.dat), 7 + (2*7) + (4*6) + (6*6) + 4 + 6) #91
  suffs <- paste(DAP.starts, DAP.stops, sep = "to")
  testthat::expect_true(all(names(indv.dat)[-(1:7)] == c(as.vector(outer(c("PSA","sPSA"), DAP.endpts, paste, sep = ".")),
                                                         as.vector(outer(c("PSA.AGR","PSA.RGR"), suffs, paste, sep = ".")),
                                                         as.vector(outer(c("sPSA.AGR","sPSA.RGR"), suffs, paste, sep = ".")),
                                                         as.vector(outer(c("WU","WUR","PSA.WUI"), suffs, paste, sep = ".")),
                                                         as.vector(outer(c("sWU","sWUR","sPSA.sWUI"), suffs, paste, sep = ".")),

  #'## Extract single-valued unsmoothed and smoothed traits in parallel for each individual with "_" separator
  indv.dat <- traitExtractFeatures(data = tom.dat, times = "DAP", 
                                   starts.intvl = DAP.starts, stops.intvl = DAP.stops, 
                                   responses4intvl.rates = c("PSA", "sPSA"), growth.rates = c("AGR", "RGR"), 
                                   water.use4intvl.traits = c("WU","sWU"), 
                                   responses4water = c("PSA","sPSA"), 
                                   responses4singletimes = c("PSA", "sPSA"), 
                                   responses4overall.rates = c("PSA", "sPSA"),
                                   water.use4overall.water = c("WU","sWU"), 
                                   responses4overall.water = c("PSA","sPSA"),
                                   intvl.overall = c(18,51),
                                   sep.growth.rates = "_", sep.water.traits = "_", 
                                   sep.suffix.times = "_", sep.times.intvl = "_", 
                                   mergedata = indv.ini)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(indv.dat), 32)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(indv.dat), 7 + (2*7) + (4*6) + (6*6) + 4 + 6) #91
  suffs <- paste(DAP.starts, DAP.stops, sep = "_")
  testthat::expect_true(all(names(indv.dat)[-(1:7)] == c(as.vector(outer(c("PSA","sPSA"), DAP.endpts, paste, sep = "_")),
                                                         as.vector(outer(c("PSA_AGR","PSA_RGR"), suffs, paste, sep = "_")),
                                                         as.vector(outer(c("sPSA_AGR","sPSA_RGR"), suffs, paste, sep = "_")),
                                                         as.vector(outer(c("WU","WU_R","PSA_WU_I"), suffs, paste, sep = "_")),
                                                         as.vector(outer(c("sWU","sWU_R","sPSA_sWU_I"), suffs, paste, sep = "_")),
  #Check the overall values
  testthat::expect_true(all((indv.dat[1, c("PSA_AGR","PSA_RGR","sPSA_AGR","sPSA_RGR","WU","WU_R","PSA_WU_I",
                                           "sWU","sWU_R","sPSA_sWU_I")] - 
                               c( 4.899273,0.08852807,4.897457,0.08655332,932,28.24242,0.1734721,
                                  921.4677,27.92326,0.1753898)) < 1e-04))
  #'## Extract single-valued unsmoothed and smoothed traits in parallel for each individual with no separator
  indv.dat <- traitExtractFeatures(data = tom.dat, times = "DAP", 
                                   starts.intvl = DAP.starts, stops.intvl = DAP.stops, 
                                   responses4intvl.rates = c("PSA", "sPSA"), growth.rates = c("AGR", "RGR"), 
                                   water.use4intvl.traits = c("WU","sWU"), 
                                   responses4water = c("PSA","sPSA"), 
                                   responses4singletimes = c("PSA", "sPSA"), 
                                   responses4overall.rates = c("PSA", "sPSA"),
                                   water.use4overall.water = c("WU","sWU"), 
                                   responses4overall.water = c("PSA","sPSA"),
                                   intvl.overall = c(18,51),
                                   sep.growth.rates = "", sep.water.traits = "", 
                                   sep.suffix.times = "", sep.times.intvl = "",
                                   mergedata = indv.ini)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(indv.dat), 32)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(indv.dat), 7 + (2*7) + (4*6) + (6*6) + 4 + 6) #91
  suffs <- paste(DAP.starts, DAP.stops, sep = "")
  testthat::expect_true(all(names(indv.dat)[-(1:7)] == c(as.vector(outer(c("PSA","sPSA"), DAP.endpts, paste, sep = "")),
                                                         as.vector(outer(c("PSAAGR","PSARGR"), suffs, paste, sep = "")),
                                                         as.vector(outer(c("sPSAAGR","sPSARGR"), suffs, paste, sep = "")),
                                                         as.vector(outer(c("WU","WUR","PSAWUI"), suffs, paste, sep = "")),
                                                         as.vector(outer(c("sWU","sWUR","sPSAsWUI"), suffs, paste, sep = "")),
  #one AGR for sPSA and its overall AGR
  indv.dat <- traitExtractFeatures(data = tom.dat, times = "DAP", 
                                   starts.intvl = DAP.starts, stops.intvl = DAP.stops, 
                                   responses4intvl.rates = "sPSA",
                                   growth.rates = "AGR", 
                                   responses4overall.rates = "sPSA",
                                   intvl.overall = c(18,51),
                                   mergedata = indv.ini)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(indv.dat), 32)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(indv.dat), 14)
  #Overall values only for both unsmoothed and smoothed traits in parallel
  indv.dat <- traitExtractFeatures(data = tom.dat, times = "DAP", 
                                   growth.rates = c("AGR", "RGR"), 
                                   responses4overall.rates = c("PSA", "sPSA"),
                                   water.use4overall.water = c("WU","sWU"), 
                                   responses4overall.water = c("PSA","sPSA"),
                                   intvl.overall = c(18,51),
                                   mergedata = indv.ini)
  #Check the overall values
  testthat::expect_true(all((indv.dat[1, c("PSA.AGR","PSA.RGR","sPSA.AGR","sPSA.RGR","WU","WUR","PSA.WUI",
                                           "sWU","sWUR","sPSA.sWUI")] - 
                               c( 4.899273,0.08852807,4.897457,0.08655332,932,28.24242,0.1734721,
                                  921.4677,27.92326,0.1753898)) < 1e-04))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(indv.dat), 32)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(indv.dat), 17)
  #Overall values only for smoothed traits
  testthat::expect_error(indv.diff.dat <- traitExtractFeatures(data = tom.dat, times = "DAP", 
                                                               responses4overall.rates = "sPSA",
                                                               water.use4overall.water = "sWU", 
                                                               responses4overall.water = "sPSA",
                                                               intvl.overall = c(18,51),
                                                               mergedata = indv.ini),
                         regexp = "growth.rates needs to be set for responses4overall.rates")
  indv.diff.dat <- traitExtractFeatures(data = tom.dat, times = "DAP", 
                                        growth.rates = "AGR", 
                                        responses4overall.rates = "sPSA",
                                        water.use4overall.water = "sWU", 
                                        responses4overall.water = "sPSA",
                                        intvl.overall = c(18,51),
                                        mergedata = indv.ini)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(indv.diff.dat), 32)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(indv.diff.dat), 11)
  #only overall water traits
  indv.diff.dat <- traitExtractFeatures(data = tom.dat, times = "DAP", 
                                        water.use4overall.water = "sWU", 
                                        responses4overall.water = "sPSA",
                                        intvl.overall = c(18,51),
                                        mergedata = indv.ini)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(indv.diff.dat), 32)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(indv.diff.dat), 10)
  #Overall values only for unsmoothed and smoothed traits in parallel using ratesaverage
    indv.dat <- traitExtractFeatures(data = tom.dat, times = "DAP", 
                                     growth.rates = c("AGR", "RGR"), rates.method = "ratesaverage",
                                     responses4overall.rates = c("PSA", "sPSA"),
                                     water.use4overall.water = c("WU","sWU"), 
                                     responses4overall.water = c("PSA","sPSA"),
                                     intvl.overall = c(18,51),
                                     mergedata = indv.ini))
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(indv.dat), 32)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(indv.dat), 17)
  #Overall values only for smoothed traits using ratesaverage
  indv.dat <- traitExtractFeatures(data = tom.dat, times = "DAP", 
                                   starts.intvl = DAP.starts, stops.intvl = DAP.stops, 
                                   responses4intvl.rates = "sPSA",
                                   growth.rates = "AGR", rates.method = "ratesaverage",
                                   responses4overall.rates = "sPSA",
                                   water.use4overall.water = "sWU", 
                                   responses4overall.water = "sPSA",
                                   intvl.overall = c(18,51),
                                   mergedata = indv.ini)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(indv.dat), 32)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(indv.dat), 17)
  #Check the overall values
  indv.dat <- traitExtractFeatures(data = tom.dat, times = "DAP", 
                                   growth.rates = c("AGR", "RGR"), rates.method = "ratesaverage",
                                   responses4overall.rates = c("PSA","sPSA"),
                                   water.use4overall.water = c("WU","sWU"), 
                                   responses4overall.water = c("PSA","sPSA"),
                                   intvl.overall = c(18,51),
                                   mergedata = indv.ini)
  testthat::expect_true(all((indv.dat[1, c("PSA.AGR","PSA.RGR","sPSA.AGR","sPSA.RGR","WU","WUR","PSA.WUI",
                                           "sWU","sWUR","sPSA.sWUI")] - 
                               c( 4.899273,0.08852807,4.897457,0.08655332,932,28.24242,0.1734721,
                                  921.4677,27.92326,0.1753898)) < 1e-04))
  #Only singletimes
  #'## Extract single-valued unsmoothed and smoothed traits in parallel for each individual with no separator
  indv.dat <- traitExtractFeatures(data = tom.dat, times = "DAP", 
                                   responses4singletimes = c("PSA", "sPSA"), 
                                   times.single = DAP.endpts,
                                   mergedata = indv.ini)
  testthat::expect_equal(nrow(indv.dat), 32)
  testthat::expect_equal(ncol(indv.dat), 21)
  suffs <- paste(DAP.starts, DAP.stops, sep = "")
  testthat::expect_true(all(names(indv.dat)[-(1:7)] == as.vector(outer(c("PSA","sPSA"), DAP.endpts, paste, sep = "."))))

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